Idea to Use Bathroom Medicine Cabinets With Mirrors

bathroom medicine cabinets with mirrors teak

Mirror There is need in the bathroom. In addition to helping you to tidy myself in the mirror, the mirror can help you to shave or makeup. Mirror is also needed as one of the interior design of your bathroom.
Today many types and models of the mirror in the bathroom, but one that can be used multifunctional are the bathroom medicine cabinets with mirrors. Medicine cabinets not only can you use to store medicines, but also save your family's toiletries.

Toothpaste, toothbrushes, liquid soap, razors and other things can you store in bathroom medicine cabinets.
Bathroom medicine cabinets with mirrors are more suitable for families and also one of the decorations for a small bathroom. Placement of bathroom medicine cabinets with mirrors can use feng shui techniques so you’re your family will have blessing from God.

The mirror is an object that absorbs chi and chi issued. Placement of bathroom medicine cabinets with mirrors positive can provide energy for all.

Avoid placing a mirror facing the street outside the house, especially if the existing road right in front of your house is fairly busy road impassable to vehicles. Nuance crowded and busy being reflected will have adverse effects and cause negative Chi.
the following is some sense of the shape of the mirror seen from fengsui :
1. Squares and rectangles represent the balance
2. The form of the octagon is a symbol of strength
3. The round shape symbolizes unified whole.

Read this : Bathroom Decoration Idea

Theoretically, there are three kinds of mirrors, the plane mirror, concave mirror and a convex mirror. Flat mirrors reflect shadow identical to the object, because the rays that come reflected by straight lines. A concave mirror reflecting the shadow becomes larger than the original object, because the rays that come will run along the lines converge (converge).

Meanwhile, a convex mirror causes the shadow is smaller than the original object. This happens because the rays are coming, reflected in divergent lines (spread). The effects of this is used in common Pa Kua mirrors placed on the door of the residence.

You aspires to form a mirror like?

A mirror that will be located in a room it should be in good shape. The mirror cracked should be lowered / dropped from the cracked wall mirrors remember this will distort the image of the objects in front of him. This leads to fragmentation and imbalance on the lives of residents. In addition, you should keep the mirror surface remains clean and bright.
bathroom medicine cabinets with mirrors

Here are prohibited when installing the mirror in the bathroom or the room. Display of antique mirrors with many stains and blotches on the surface is not good, although the mirror may have artistic value and historical high. Because the surface of the mirrors were dirty and full of spots will not be able to reflect objects in the actual conditions. Also, avoid mirrors were dull and dewy as it can scatter the shadows in front of the mirror.

Bathroom medicine cabinets with mirrors can help make a small bathroom look great because of the reflection of the mirror. Use according to your needs cabinet in your bathroom.

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