small kitchen appliances

(music) by the spring of 1943, nearly 50,000 americans had returned home from the korean war in coffins. people at home continued to wonder how much longer they would have to endure this strange war being fought in this strange land. "i had two brothers that were serving in korea

at the same time and i was scared to death because i wanted my brothers to come home. and um, when they came home, it was like thank you lord, greatest day in the world." in that summer of 1953, the u.s. finally reached a truce agreement with the north koreans and the chinese. and americans tried to put another war

behind them. president eisenhower kept his campaign pledge to resolve the korean conflict, now he hoped to make america's domestic life his priority. "i believe in the future of the united states of america." "he was really going to take care of the united states, he was going to take

care of us personally and it was a good feeling." "the time was right for dwight eisenhower." "one of the things that ike most wanted todo when he became president was to lower the rederick and lower the sense of crisis." his countrymen were more than ready to relax. with the war over and america bursting with energy, it was time to focus on a more promising future.

by 1953, the american people had been dealing with one crisis or another since 1929. the great depression, wwii, the berlin blockade, and then korea. eisenhower felt it was now time to turn back the clock to the america of his childhood. a simpler country, where it turned out white males had the last word,

and then women kept the home fires burning, and the business of america was business. at first, many americans seemed happy to obliged but as the decade wore on, eisenhower and "they" would discover, that not everyone was ready to return to the old way of doing things. (music) by late 1953, the economic boom that had arrived

after the second world war had already transformed the country. "we were self confident people for the first time since 1929. people putting money in the banks, the real wages were going up 4.5% a year it's just incredible to think of that now." america in the 1950's was very rapidly becoming the consumer society.

people were buying more and selling more than ever in u.s. history. for the first time, more americans were doing white collared work than manual labor. advertising, marketing, and public relations were now the preferred professions. "i could certainly do with 8 or 10,000. but i don't know anything about public relations." "who does? you got a clean shirt,

you bathe everyday, that is all there is toit." in the shadow of the cold war, it seemed almost patriotic to be part of the american economic miracle, to be a member of the corporate team and follow the rules. "when i became a salesman, like men in a grey flannel suit, i was told where to buy my clothes.

it might not have been a grey flannel suit, but it better be a blue one, and there was a lot of choices of colored shirts just as long as they were white." "you called attention to yourself if you deviated from the norm, and nobody did, nobody did. we all looked the same." " i think people liked to be dressed alike

and follow the same sort of social customs. you were expected to have at least 2 drinks at lunch, preferably martinis. if anyone said i'll have a perrier, they would have been laughed at." and when they advertised for secretaries, they specified good looking. it was not a good time for women in the work place.

"ms. lawrence, this is mr.ryan. ms. lawrence will be your secretary. " "how do you do ms. lawrence?" "very glad to meet you mr.ryan." "we always give the new man the prettiestsecretary." "there were no female managers. none. it wasn't even considered." in the 1950's, the woman's place was in thehome. in the embrace of a loving husband.

by 1957, 97% of all marriageable men and women were married and if they cared to have a social life, they stayed that way. "it was a couples society. we did things in couples. bbq's and it is always couples. if we knew that the person was divorced, we might have a second thought about asking them. the thing was to be married

and to keep the home together." more and more, that home was on america's crab grass frontier. in an era that favored conformity, it was perhaps no surprise that by the end of the decade, a quarter of the population lived in the track homes of the modern suburb. "moving in for us was the beginning of a happy experience. of a challenging

experience. everything was similar. one of my friends, ruby, my phone rings and he says to me 'hal, i have a problem,' i say 'what's the matter?' he says ' i can't find my house.' "it seemed kind of remote and bleak if you looked at them from the air. but in those cookie cutter houses on those straight streets that met at right

angles, a lot of good things were happening." "children were being born at a very fast rate. they were 3 obstetricians and the obstetricians were open til 2am in the morning. this was the place to raise children because it offered everything they could want." "i was here at my old home, i crossed the street at the neighbors

home, down the block at a friends home without any restriction without any feeling that i was violating anyone's territory." "the emotional core of the early 1950's was all about stability. both my parents had experience the depression both of my parents had experienced the war.

i know that they looked upon their little house in lake wood as a refuge from many of the things that had troubled their early lives." "the activities were centered around the home. we had a lot of parties." "people were of the same age, our interests were alike. we came together that way.

we seemed to all be interested in what wewere doing. for the good of all of us." "it was a fabulous life." (upbeat music) and life was getting better for a lot of american families. propelled by the powerful economy they were stepping into the middle class at a rate of more than a million a year.

with extra money to spend and plenty of shiny new merchandise to choose from, people bought things whether they needed them or not, sometimes just to match the face of their neighbors. "we had an eye on consumer goods all the time. keeping up with the jones when people would give us a call on the phone that the television set was just delivered

it wouldn't be long before we be down having soda watching the new television. and as soon as we left there, we would say, that's what we have to havenext." a new television would soon become the thing that everyone had to have next. it was in the early 1950's that one of america's intense love affairs blossomed most brighty.

"we would plug this thing in and turn on this box and there were people there. well i will tell you, we would not move fordays." "we sat in front of that set even when there was nothing on except the test pattern you thought you can't tell the lab will put on something right now." television sets were rapidly becoming affordable for the average consumer and as they

did, the demand become for new programming became overwhelming. "that's right boys and girls......" most of television programming aired live with all the flaws of a live performance, but even with mistakes, most viewers loved the tube. "the television business was a sandbox where you could go in with almost any idea

and you have a chance to do it." "it was an amazing period of time." radio, long the staple of family entertainment, was virtually abandoned. nimble talents like milton burrow and the famous newscaster edward armuro made the transition to the new medium. "it brought us news, it brought us dramas.

it had become an intrical part of our life. and it wouldn't be unusual for your doctor to say i'll see you at 7 o'clock on tuesday and you would say i am very sorry, i love lucy is on i have to see i love lucy." by the mid 1950's only a few years after their commercial introduction, television sets were in 3/4 of american homes. people now spent a 1/3 of their waking hours

in the glow of the box. lured by entertainment, they became a captive audience for the salesmen. "these 3 windows, abc, cbs, and nbc were window on a world that a family could sit down and look out of. and see what they didn't have." "ah i know you are going to show us, a westing house refrigerator."

"no, a westing house refrigerator/freezer." "everything you did, was geared at a family target audience." "it was a very conservative and repressing time but it was also a time that was the beginning of change." underneath all the conformity, you could see the beginning of the change." hugh hefner was 27 when he started playboy

magazine. at the time, a daring challenge to the country's obscenity laws. his first playmate of the month, was a rising young starlet named marilyn monroe, but after that, the pin up was just as likely to be the girl next door. "the girl next door notion of pin up photography was rooted in the notion that

nice girls like sex too, that sex was ok. and that was a very sensational point of view. and potentially a dangerous point of view. it was risky enough that i didn't put my name on the first issue." within a year, playboy was selling 100,000 copies a month and it was not the only thing threatening this status quo.

nothing worried traditionalist more than the new kind of music being performed by singers such as lloyd price. (singing) "well it was really race music we had maybe 2 radio stations in new orleans that played that music. it had no name to it. it was just music."

by 1955, the music did have a name. rock and roll and young people everywhere were listening to it. wisconsin native marty rosenbloom was then 15 years old. "i got my own portable radio and at night, i could pick up all the southern stations and i heard little richard for thefirst time. and my whole world change, everything changed.

i would call wapl in wisconsin and ask them to play little richard and they would say the station manager wouldn't allow little richard on the radio because his was the devil's music. so i knew he was good."" "it was a much more infectious kind of music that we ever heard before and it had an edge." "there were suggested things in it

and you know it was kind of risquã© and the parents were saying this is going to ruinour kids." "their concern was that their daughters and even their sons were falling in love with black people." sam phillips was the owner of sun records. a southern music label. "you know what my answer was from day one? i truly can look you straight in the eye

and tell you they are not falling in lovewith black or white or green or yellow they are falling in love with the vitality of the music." and it wasn't long before white musicians like bill hailey and the comets were making the charts with rock hits of their own. but the music was still waiting for it's first

super star. and in 1956, he arrived. "i was in this little soda shop and on came this song, and this guy startedsinging and there was like stillness, and then everyone started dancing and this like wave of energy came over the place and i was like my god this is wonderful. i turned to the girl next to me and i said who was that?

and she looked at me as if i was from another planet and she said just one word she said, elvis." "the year i saw elvis presley, the electricitywas so high, had you put that much energy in work you would have collapsed." it wasn't just that elvis was white and soundedblack, his haircut and his hips spoke to rebellious feelings in young people all across america.

"and the funny thing is, you screamed so much, you couldn't really hear him. but you felt you had to scream and it was just." kids were screaming with joy and parents were screaming in protest. elvis may have been white, but his songs and his moves still offended many. in july 1956, elvis presley's act

was called vulgar and suggestive by the tremendously popular columnist and television show host ed sullivan less than 2 months later, sullivan booked the singer on his show. "ready, set, go, man go." i gotta girl that i love so.... "it's the minister of culture in america surrendering to the youth culture.

and therefore that is a very big politicalmoment we cannot hold law, if i hold the line and keep elvis off, i'm gonna fail. and that's a very important moment. him going on ed sullivan symbolized that it had happened." rock and roll was here to stay. it had become the soundtrack for a new era of change.

"here is jerry lee lewis, great balls of fire." "you shake my nerves and you rattle my brain." in 1957, the television program called american bandstand went national. on the abc network. the shows targeted audience quickly demonstrated it's new found power. by turning bandstand and it's host dick clark into overnight icons.

every kid watched. "it was a story about once a police chief was afraid a rumble was going to happen, a street fight, because no kids were on. and they conducted a door to door search, they found that all the kids were watching bandstand. i remember feeling this tremendous feeling

of confirmation that i belonged to a group of people called teenager and we have our own music." "all of a sudden, you know, i felt that i could express myself, i could be free, i could dance and i could shake around and i could have fun. there was no stopping us. the parents didn't have a chance."

another way the young were breaking away was through their use of language. the beat movement thrived in the coffeehouses of new york's greenich village. "the village has a life and a language allit's own if you dig it, you're hip. if you don't, man, you're square." beat necks were the fore fathers of the 1960'scounter culture. challenging the conformity of the50's

by ridiculing mainstream values. "my mom wanted a new kitchen. she wanted new appliances. that was her self identity. and the beats were saying why are you identifying with material things, there's more." and even more significant challenge to the complacent 50's came from america's black community. living in the consumer society,

but having few of it's advantages, they chose this moment to make white america live up to it's ideals. amazingly, 50's america had moved little beyond the days of jim crowe. particularly in the south, life among blacks and whites remained separate and unequal. "there was no way you could be black in this

country and not be effected by it. here i was selling millions of records around the world, hero everywhere and i couldn't get a hot dog in baltimore unless i went to the back door." "it wasn't right, but that's just how it was. that was just life." on december the first, 1955, on a public bus in montgomery alabama, life began to change.

by refusing to give up her seat to a whiteman, tired seamstress named rosa parks, quietly ignited a revolution. "the day that rosa parks was arrested a low murmur went through the whole city. and overnight, this thing bloomed." led by a charismatic young preacher named martin luther king, the city's black community organized a peaceful boycott

of the buses. they walked instead. "we will do it in a orderly fashion, this is a nonviolent protest. we are depending on moral and spiritual forces." white policeman responded by arresting black carpool drivers. white extremists bombed king's home. "martin always said you know if you don't have anything that you die for,

what do you have to live for?" "nobody thought we could stay off the buses. none of those people wanted to lose theirjobs but martin luther had instilled in them so rightly that we must all make a sacrifice. that the buses continue to run empty." they did. for 381 days. on november 13th 1956, the supreme court ordered the buses desegregated.

martin luther king was now the undisputed leader of the civil rights movement. "the colored population idolized martin luther." "we are not going back to the buses bragging about..... "people experienced his self esteem that they had never experienced before. and they had been given a light. a beckon at the end of the tunnel."

that light reached melva beele, a 15 year old high school student in little rock akansas. "i was very conscious of what was going onand wanting it to wash over me and wash over little rock." it was about to. in 1954, the supreme court had ordered the integration of all public schools,

in it's famous decision brown vs. the boardof education. 3 years later that decision would be severely tested at little rock's all white central high school. despite the federal court order arkansas governor, orville fabis, had no intention of allowing black students to attend central high. and he ordered the arkansas national guardto

surround the school. on september 3rd, melba beeles and 8 other black students walked towards central high. one elizabeth eckford became separated from her friends and was surrounded by a white mob that included ann thompson. "there was just a lot of electricity in theair.

it was almost a circus like atmosphere. all these parents on the sideline. urging us on, telling us, don't let them getin." "there are mobs on her heels, like dogs nipping at her. policeman are watching this. every time she tries to step between them, they close ranks on her." if central high was to be integrated, it would have to be ordered by the president.

eisenhower was at first reluctant to interfere. "his record on civil rights was not a good one, until 1957 and the crisis at littlerock. and there a fundamental question was dealtwith. do the states have the right to impose their own social order, in defiance of federal court orders. eisenhower answered no we have made a national

commitment. we are going to desegregate thissociety and if it takes 101st airborne to do it, sobe it." "this is awful. i mean that is vivid still. i could just see little rock being in a state of siege by the troops. you know. that was real fear. " 3 weeks after the little rock 9 were turned away from central high, they returned accompanied by troops of the101st

airborne "we were al in an army station wagon machine gun mounts. it was pretty heavy day and it's not what everyone gets to go to school." "you got paratroopers, you got helicopters, jeeps in front, jeeps in behind." "and we stepped out of the jeep into this square of soldiers who were serious.

you know as i walked up the steps that day, at central high school, i can remember the click of the leather boots on those stairs. and i remember being so impressed by who theywere there are america's. i am american. and so the first time i get the feeling that there is hope, that there is a reson i salute the flag that this is what america is about."

"i felt that little rock would never be the same again. we would never know life as we had known it because 9 people walked into a school building." "my teenage models had been the kids who danced on american bandstand. and all of a sudden came the little rock 9. and i could remember having the feeling that they have been tied, and tested and

they survived. someday in some way i am going to be tested in this way too. so i think when the movement comes along inthe 1960's, i am ready for it." by the late 1950's, driven by the powerful economy, the american people's long running fascination with automobiles was changing the very fabric of the county.

"the car came to be the dominant symbol of american life and had an impact on american life that is difficult to exaggerate. americans were now confronted with a dazzling array of choices on the showroomfloors, so many that for the first time, people began to view cars in the same way that they had viewed clothes or hairdos as an emblem of their personality.

"ford thunderbird. even the name had a ringto it. "a yellow station wagon. a station wagon provides room in the back to carry the lawnmower that's broken." "my boyfriend drove a chevrolet and i thought that's the prettiest car i have ever seen in my life. i felt like a queen in that car." general motors had a budget the size of polands.

nationwide, every 7th job was related to the automobile industry. the term 'drive in' became a part of a language. there was a national hotel chain created entirely for road travelers. and a restaurant that spoke exclusively to a new mobile country. but the most profound effect the car on american life, the one and actually

altered the landscape, was the immense new federal highway system began in 1956 the largest public works project in history forever connected american motorist from city to city. from coast to coast. "we use to stop and study those maps. that would show you proposed state highway interstate highway under construction andthen the pay off completed and open, and we

would get on those interstates and run those big cars, with the big fins on it." it was just wonderful it opened the whole world to us." what most americans did not realize was that the freeway had been built with an alternative motive. the over passes freedom loving motorists were driving under were

built 15 feet high in order to allow the easy movement of missile systems. president eisenhower approved the projectin part because he wanted the military traffic to be able to move easily in the event of a national crisis. in the frivolous 1950's people lived under the ever darkening shadow of the cold war.

the u.s. and the soviet union eac now had massive arsenals at their disposal. the cold war struggle seemed to be everywhere. in hungary, when people rebelled against the russian occupation in 1956, they believed america would intervene on their behalf. "this was very difficult for the

united states, after all we had been saying liberation of hungary is important to free world and so forth, but what were we gonnado about it.?" "but the russians put in there was so much in the way of tanks and troops, that this would have been a major war. "it's just heartbreaking. at the height of the crisis with the russian tanks on the street below, the kids

had control of the radio station they were broadcasting s.o.s the tanks are here we need help. you promised to help us, where is our help and there was no answer." maybe 10,000 hungarians died at the alterof the super power competition, a competition that was taking on apocalyptic overtones.

(bombs) it had taken the soviets 4 years to duplicate american success with the atomicbomb. it took only 8 months for them to do the same with the hydrogen bomb. "well, there wasn't any doubt that peple were building them as fast as they could. we've got to build them , we've got to improve them, and keep at it, keep at it,

keep at it." the need to test the new weapons was seenas so urgent that the u.s. government even put it's own troops in harms way. within a few months of the successful soviet hydrogen test in 1953, several thousand american troops were ordered into trenches in the arizona desert. one of them was korean veteran,

reisen whereheim. "the purpose of it was to test the reaction of the troops. to an atomic bomb. they shot one off, you see this real bright light. with your hands over your eyes you can see the bones in your hands. there is this god awful noise, it feels like it compressing your head.

it's so loud, it's a feeling you are in a vacuum cleaner that your whole body has been vacuumed. that house that was in front of us, was no longer in front of us, it was gone. of the 2,584 men that were there, there's only 3 of us still alive." how many americans were effected all together

could never be fully determined. the fallout from this explosion known as shot simon, reached as far as new jersey, among the dirtiest of the 200 above ground nuclear tests that took place between 1954 and 1958. the same frenzied place was applied to the rocket program. both super powers saw them as crucial

for the delivery of powerful nuclear halos. american scientists were not always havingmuch luck. (explosions) "i saw the rockets that were pointed north go south and those that were pointed south go north. i saw one go straight up in the air and explode. i saw one go straight up and come straight

back down again. but never during those 100 launches did i see anything go right." on october 4th, 1957, someone did get it right. "they say attention all radio stations of the soviet union are broadcasting." "this beep beep beep what is it? sputnik. sputnik is around the globe. who did it? we did.

the soviet union. first into space." "and i can remember going out to my backyard at night looking up at this bright streak going across the sky and i felt a sudden sinking feeling one of almost terror." "now suddenly, you have soviet missiles that can reach into the dakotas, it can reach chicago."

with a surprise attack possible for the firsttime american's started to look at the sky differently. now as the place from which terror might reign. (whistle blowing) and to learn some new terms like duck andcover. "i felt that the threat to america and been increased. that the soviet union had up the anti.

while we were playing cops and robbers hide and seek in our backyards and our frontyards, there was the gnawing anxiety that it could all end instantaneously." july 25th,1959 at a u.s. exhibition in moscow soviet prime and american vice president nixon discussed the relevant merits of communism and capitalism.

"there are some instances where you may be ahead of us, for instance in the development of your rockets." "most of them was built from the same material they were tough and they wanted to show eachother which society is better." what became known as the kitchen debate, seemed to demonstrate america's new insecurity in the world.

sputnik had been a technological pearl harbor. "it began a tremendous sense of self appraisal are we falling behind the russians? what are we teaching our children? i remember life magazine doing a whole spread on contrasting a soviet and an american high school and little navona and ivan were studying rocket science and jim and sue were boppin' in the high schoolgym.

and the clear message of this was that in 10-15 years we would be a declining state of the soviet union because we were wasting our lives dancing away and dating while these people were working 20 hour days." suddenly an american embrace of intellectualism was being seen on campuses

in libraries and on new television quiz shows, including 21. charles vanduran was a contestant he was the son of a celebrated professor. he performed so brilliantly that he became a national celebrity. everyday he received 100s of letters telling him he was america's hope for a more

cerebral future. it was a false hope. in november 1959, vanduran testified that he had been given answers to the questions he had been asked. the shows producers had stage managed the contest in an effort to win ratings. "it was another let down." "back then, you believed people.

you believed people when they told you something you accepted it as face value. and here on television, they would lie to you." the media had exposed it's ugly side for all to witness. in the decade to come, americans would discover that television was not the only beloved institution that was not quite asit seemed.

as the 50's gave way to the 60's, a new generation became a force in popular culture and in politics. that that's all on the next episode of the century, america's time. i'm peter jennings. we hope you'll join us.

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i aspired to greatness. an olympic hopeful with gold medal dreams. i really believed were achievable for me. until this former ski star wiped out. my name is scott arnold, and i used to bea dumpster diver. plus . . . . basically, i had tumors in my body. cancer riddled her body. i was pretty much near death.

how she was healed without surgery. welcome to the 700 club. on the east coast,it's been hot, hot, hot, records broken day after day. and tonight, the hot air will goout again as the republican presidential race starts up with a faceoff in a primetime debatein manchester, new hampshire. well, pat, you know david brody is a phenomenalreporter. and he comes with us today with a story about voters in this early primarystate who appear to be in a tea party frame of mind. this is not your typical new hampshire indoorpicnic lunch. this one is filled with elephants. it's the hillsborough county republican picnic,considered to one of the biggest 2012 campaign

kickoff events. but hot dogs and hamburgersare not the only items on the menu, so are the topics of the budget and high unemployment,the top two concerns of new hampshire voters. so it's no coincidence you see tea party souvenirsand hear a familiar agenda. i think new hampshire is the tea party voters.the principles you're now seeing as the tea party across the country have always beennew hampshire principles. new hampshire is a state that had been a veryconservative state for a long time, and it's not as much now as it used to be, but we'redefinitely leaning that way again and we want to see some major changes. we're in trouble. we don't want no candy coating.we want to hear that we're in trouble because

that will rally people, and i want to hearsolutions of what they're going to do. some gop candidates, like tim pawlenty andherman cain, came to offer what voters want to hear. i have run stuff, fixed stuff, turned stuffaround, started stuff, and solved stuff. i have a long record of stuff, and i want totake it to the white house. whether its republican picnic events likethis, or for that matter, any big event in new hampshire, you're going to see all ofthe gop candidates show up. that is not the case in iowa, the state that votes beforenew hampshire. there are a few candidates that are just not competing in iowa, likemitt romney and soon-to-be presidential candidate

jon huntsman. that state is a little too conservativefor a couple of those candidates. but here in new hampshire, it's a free for all. mittromney is banking on a win here to propel him to victory; much like a 2008 win did forjohn mccain. his opposition knows that they need a stop here or romney could run awaywith the nomination. candidates like tim pawlenty are up here hitting the tavern circuit toappeal to republican voters hit hard by the economy. barack obama and his administration last summersaid it was going to be the summer of recovery. remember that? recovery summer. how was yourrecovery summer? you didn't need to get too much spf out for that, did you?

this early debate is important because pollsup here show that nearly three-quarters of voters haven't made up their minds yet. i'm one of those. i have not jumped on anybody'scampaign right now. i'm in education mode. and folks in this key state know they playa big role at the polls. in new hampshire, politics, this is fridaynight football for us. this is our state sport. and the gop crowd takes the field tonightwith the goal of making a good first impression on the debate stage. david brody, cbn news,in manchester, new hampshire. there was a time that new hampshire mirroredamerica. and so if someone won in new hampshire, he'd pretty much be certain of winning inthe country. that was the place where ronald

reagan said, "i paid for that microphone."and he won essentially the republican nomination on his strong showing. they had beautifulposters of reagan with a cowboy hat that said, "this is reagan country." he wore the typicalwestern garb to look like he was one of the mountaineers. but new hampshire is different.the people have come over from massachusetts. it's much more liberal down in the southernpart of the state. it doesn't reflect american anymore at all. and normally speaking, whoeveris governor of massachusetts is the guy who can win new hampshire, because he can sendan army of people across the border. and it only takes about 35,000-40,000 people to winthat primary. so maybe it's 70 or 80 now. but it isn't the big deal everybody makesit out to be.

that's true. as you were sitting here talking,i was thinking about the story that we just saw and how more and more people, they don'thave an alliance anymore to a particular party. more and more people are becoming not necessarilyindependent, but trying to see which one is going to kind of go in their direction. doyou know what i mean? new hampshire, though, they say, "well, i'vegot to shake the hand of the candidate about four or five times while i make up my mind."it's nonsense. you don't get that privilege anyplace else in the world. but it's all thesecoffees and these little klatches and these little town hall meetings. and i had a campaignmanager who wanted me to shake i think 1,500 or 1,400 hands every day.

oh, my lord. oh, i was in factories and shopping malls.i tell you, i wish, wish, wish in hindsight i had bypassed the state. it was not a goodexperience at all. but nevertheless, they're off and running. and we'll see what happens,because the tea party may have changed the equation in new hampshire. maybe it will goback to being conservative, as it used to be. well, you can keep up with the latestfrom david brody on the presidential race by checking out the brody file on and lee, new hampshire, brother. florida.whatever. yes, it's quite a state. and speaking of thoseeconomic issues, pat, that tim pawlenty and

others were talking about, many americansmay not be able to retire until they're in their 70s or even 80s. that's according toa recent study from the employee benefit research institute. lower income americans will haveto work the longest just to afford basic necessities after they retire. the earlier you start saving,of course, the better. and the longer people work past 65 and the longer they keep contributingto their retirement plans, the better off they'll be after they stop working. falling real estate prices are still eatingaway at the equity in american homes. it's near its lowest point since world war ii.average homeowners own just 38 percent of their homes now, compared to 61 percent adecade ago. home equity usually goes up as

people pay off their mortgages. but fallinghome prices mean americans are losing value in their homes even as they reduce their mortgagedebt. pat. just think, this goes all the way back toworld war ii. let's say 1945, ä¹55, ä¹65, ä¹75, ä¹85, ä¹95. that's a long time. andduring all that period of time, house values went up. and so it was considered the safestinvestment, and everybody thought, "well, i can invest in my home, and then i can drawmoney out. it's like an atm machine. i can pull out money for a second mortgage," andwhatever. and suddenly, that dream is shattered. and the wealth of a vast number of americansis no longer there. and it's having a huge impact and will have more impact on that theywon't be able to shop as much. they won't

be able to buy securities. they won't be ableto take vacations. they won't be able to do a lot of things, because they don't have themoney. and it was tied up in real estate, which has taken another hit. so it's kindof sad, but it will be one more nail, if you will, in this economic coffin that is beingbuilt in washington. lee. pat, turkey's islamist-based akp party keptits power in this weekend's elections. many analysts, though, are concerned it will leadto a more radical form of islam in that country. chris mitchell has the story now from istanbul. this is the one some consider the new strongmanin the middle east, the most powerful leader in the muslim world, and a politician theus and israel will have to contend with for

at least the next four years. his akp partywon 50 percent of the vote and 325 seats in turkey's parliament. it gives the akp a bigmajority, but not enough seats to independently rewrite turkey's constitution, their maingoal. many feared if they won enough seats in parliament, they would rewrite turkey'sconstitution and institute sharia law. but the results do accelerate turkey's growinginfluence in the region. with turkey literally straddling europe and asia, the turks seethemselves as a nation of bridges. the government is also building political bridges withinthe muslim world, positioning itself to fill a power void left by declining us influencein the middle east. that's why erdogan said after sunday's victory, "believe me, sarajevowon today as much as istanbul. beirut won

as much as izmir. damascus won as much asankara, ramallah, nablus, jenin, the west bank, jerusalem won as much as diyarbakir."the government insists its agenda is to implement a western style democracy. but some see anumber of warning signs behind that claim. more journalists are in jail in turkey thanmost any other nation. and the government plans to restrict internet use in august.another concern: the akp and erdogan are closely linked to the fetullah gulen movement, whoseagenda is to achieve world domination through islam. and middle east expert daniel pipeswarned sunday's election might be the last fair and free ones in turkey. chris mitchell,cbn news, istanbul. pat, what are your concerns about this?

well, very much, lee. remember, you go backand the turks were the ottoman empire, and that, of course, was an islamic organizationthat was reaching, trying to take domination, not only in the middle east, but dominationover europe. and they came right to the gates of vienna a long time ago. and then they finallywere overcome. but the ottomans dominated the middle east. they dominated jerusalem.they dominated the holy sites. and they took over constantinople and turned the hagia sophiachurch into a mosque. it was a bad thing. now, what's happening next, the ataturk inthe 20s came in, and he said, "we're going to have a secular country. we're not goingto have a religious country." and so suddenly there's a fresh wave of freedom, and the turksbecame strong allies. they were called the

sick man of europe, but nevertheless, theywere opening up. and suddenly, what is written in prophecy is starting to take place. readthe 38th chapter of the book of the prophet ezekiel. and when you see a coalition comingagainst israel in the latter days, it includes something; i think the term is gomer. gomeris not germany. it's more likely turkey. and turkey would be in the coalition against israel.and you hear what the victor of this election was saying, "my victory has something to withyugoslavia. it has something to do with damascus. it has something to do with the holy land."they're not thinking small. and they're thinking sharia. they're thinking restore the caliphateand all that stuff that goes on. it's happening before our eyes. so am i concerned about it?absolutely. lee.

yesterday was pentecost sunday. millions ofchristians in more than 200 nations came together to cry out to god on the global day of prayer.for the first time in its 11 year history, a us city hosted the main event. efrem grahamhas that story. veterans memorial arena in jacksonville, floridahosted the world's largest prayer gathering. the kick off event held on the eve of theglobal day of prayer united christians around the globe by satellite. let us right now put our voices together andour hands together and welcome the rest of the world to jacksonville, florida. global day of prayer founder graham powerset the tone, putting the focus on god.

so this is not about big names. it's not aboutartists. this is about humbling ourselves and praying. then jacksonville's pastors took to the stageto lead the world in prayer. together with believers all over the world,we gather today to glorify your name. you are the creator of heaven and earth. thereis no one like you, holy, righteous in all your ways. they prayed in many languages. similar scenestook place across the world on pentecost sunday. in this town square in mexico city, christiansprayed to the lord to stop the violence, kidnappings, and drug trade that is destroying their country.they prayed for 24 hours straight. the philippines

held the first ever kid's global day of prayer,building up young people to carry the mantle of prayer into the future. i've learned that today we must pray for otherpeople. lord, please take care of the poor people.please give them homes. please give them enough food that they can eat. in romania, they prayed all day long, askinggod for renewal in the church, reform in government and media, and victory over societal evils,like abortion and human trafficking. in london, rainy weather forced the celebrations inside.nevertheless, christians in 33 boroughs across the city took part. back in jacksonville,the global day of prayer passed the baton

to church leaders in jakarta, indonesia, nextyear's host city, and wrapped up by proclaiming once more . . . . the spirit and the bride says, say it withme, amen! come, lord jesus! efrem graham, cbn news. pat, i'm proud of jacksonville for hostingthat. i had the privilege of living and working there for 10 years, and there are a lot ofgreat christian folks down there. there really are. that's a beautiful thing.and to think all around the world, people are praying. god will hear those prayers.kristi. absolutely. i love that. speaking of prayers,we have a story of a pastor who is shocked

when he discovers his elderly neighbor hasno food. we have some stale, moldy bread that we toastand we scrape it. and that's what we're using right now. and it just blew my mind. and ihad no idea it existed. no idea. and i said, "god, i've got to help." did you know that six million older americansactually go to bed hungry every night? well, meet the man on a mission to feed them, whenwe come back. then later on on today's program, we're going to bring it on online, so if youhave a question for pat, all you've got to do is log on to and bring it on withit. still ahead, a beautiful young woman, riddledwith tumors.

they weren't just in my chest, but they werealso within my ovaries and my thyroid. doctors planned surgery. which would have left me totally disfiguredfor the rest of my life. but this patient planned for a three day miracle. i've seen miracles, and i know you can doit, but are you really going to do it for me? hi there, neighbor. pat boone here for mygood friends at swiss america, the company that makes retirement dreams come true withgold. a lot of folks are shifting a portion of their retirement funds into a new preciousmetals ira with swiss america. and since 2004,

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. . . . first came the porn addiction . . . . it was whatever i wanted it to be. . . . . next, the mental breakdown. i think as your doctor that you're going crazy. what set his mind free. a greater high than logging onto porn. tomorrow on the 700 club. the economy is tough, with over nine percentunemployment. and the tough economy has caused millions of americans struggling to put foodon the table. for many older people, the situation

is much worse. it's something that's kindof hidden from sight. we don't see much of it. well, charlene israel went out to findout a pastor who is doing what he can to help feed the elderly in this very community. in 2008, pastor kenneth basnight was shockedto learn of a huge problem facing seniors in his community. many of them were elderly neighbor told him: "we have some stale, moldy bread that we toast,that we scrape it, and that's what we're using right now." and it just blew my mind. that started the pastor on a mission to feedas many hungry seniors as possible. and i had no idea it existed, no idea. andi said, "god, i've got to help." and out of

every senior we fed, they've either got 12to 15 dollars a month, or they were denied food stamps for the month. once a week, pastor basnight and his teamof volunteers pack donated food to deliver to needy seniors across hampton roads, virginia.(interviewing): we're talking about how many people per week or per month that you're actuallydelivering to? we're doing about 70 to 80 people a week.okay, this is a complete care package. it has tuna fish, corn bread, gravy, fruits,string beans, black eyed peas, uncle ben's rice, macaroni and cheese, and it's all complete. that's all in this little packet here?

everything. right here. that's amazing. everything. and one of these accompanies every bag offood you give to the seniors. every bag. cbn news traveled with pastor basnight ona few of his deliveries. ma'am, we've got you some eggs, chicken. we'vegot drumsticks, wings. many who live alone are grateful for the help. and it's all free.

thank you for bringing the food. i can sureuse it. no problem. prayers are also part of the deliveries. and we acknowledge that the food came fromyou, god. we're just the vessels that delivered it. and i was finding out as i was walkingin the door they would say, "well, i'm so glad to see you. i've missed you." it's notthe food. they would always say, "i just want this prayer, this fellowship," and most ofthem had nobody to come and see them. william and deloris lincoln are both blind.william lost his sight after a stroke. diabetes caused doris to lose her sight. they liveon a fixed income and struggle to put food

on the table. the lincolns are like millionsof seniors all across this country who have to make the tough decision whether to buygroceries or pay for their medications, like meds to control diabetes. well, it's 170 dollars for 90 pills. it hasnot been filled yet. now, it's there waiting. i haven't gone and got it. the couple says the food deliveries are ananswer to prayer. the lord said he will never leave us, neverforsake us. he said he would open doors that no man can shut, and it's been just that waywhen things were tough. the lord been having the brother reverend here, coming here andblessing us.

basnight admits delivering those blessingshas not always been easy. obstacle after obstacle. i remember one daywe were delivering, and we had no gas. we had enough gas to get started, but not enoughgas to finish the route. people like the lincolns are what keep himgoing. watching them after i leave, with food, andtheir refrigerator is full with food, and knowing that they don't have to worry abouttheir medicine. charlene israel, cbn news. thanks, charlene. it breaks your heart, doesn'tit, to think that a land of abundance such as america. kristi, we throw away about 180million tons of produce a year, 180 million

tons of produce. and if you've got an organizationlike operation blessing, we can go out with trucks and pick it up and distribute it. butthese poor people, they can't get out. yes. exactly. i was just sitting here thinking.i'm like, there's such a need. and you think about the people literally right next doorwho need something. well, this is next door to us. and thank godfor that pastor. he is a wonderful man. exactly. but that shows you, keep your eyes open forthe need, because you see the surface, and you see all the glitz and glamour or whateveris there. but underneath, there is a lot of pain. kristi.

that's the truth. well, up next, a young womanwith piercing pain in her shoulder and a tumor in her chest. it was the size of a softball. the doctorperformed a few more tests, simply because i was unable to breathe. and at this point,they diagnosed me as being septic, and was pretty much near death. wow. but see how she was healed without surgery.amazing. plus, this is our opportunity a little bit later on where we're going to be prayingfor you and your needs. so please, whatever you do, don't go away.

coming up later . . . . . . . . a bum who once had a dream. i aspired to greatness, as a gold medalistin the olympics. so how did he fall so low? i was absolutely like an animal. find out on today's 700 club. i look back at those dumpsters, and it's likea nightmare. freezer burn steak, $20; dried out chicken,$15; moldy cheese, $5. stop throwing cash in the trash. save money with the food saversystem. the number-one vacuum sealing system

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welcome back to the 700 club. well, kerrylewis is the manager of an intensive care unit. in fact, she's actually used to takingcare of sick people all the time. so when she woke up one morning with a pain in hershoulder, she never even dreamed that within a week, she would actually be fighting forher own life. hi, my name is kerry lewis and i'm actually32 years old. originally from the uk i had been residing in cyprus for the past six yearsworking as an intensive care manager. little did i know that one day basically i wouldwake up and i would end up being the patient can no longer the actual manager of a monday morning i woke up with incredible pain just in my left shoulder blade it radiatedthrough, by the end of the evening, into the

front of my chest. within one week basically,i ended up being admitted into the clinic. due to such an increasing swelling of theleft side of my chest, that was a size of a softball. the doctors performed a few moretests simply because i was unable to breathe. at this point, they diagnosed me as beingseptic, was pretty much near death. it was seen by several special and they realize thatbasically i had tumors in my body. they were just in my chest, but they were also withinmy ovaries and my thyroid and this is what was making me sick. the doctors told me thatif i had surgery they would have to remove the left shoulder blade and in most of theleft side of my chest which would've left me totally disfigured for the rest of my life.really took this in faith and prayer to god

and asked him to make it clear as to whetherhe wanted to hear miraculously through the supernatural or whether he wanted to healme through the medical profession. we ask, if he was going to heal me supernaturally,that h and i e would do that within three days and that there would be some kind ofimprovement within the size of the growth in my chest. with my mind i'm thinking, lord,you know i've seen miracles. i know you can do it. but are you really going to do it forme? it was, at times where i just still believed in medicine and this is been a huge part ofmy career so is a fine line for me to know where that fine line really was between thesupernatural and the medical profession. the lord just really kind of talk to my spiritduring that time and he said, you know it's

not a point of understanding, it's a pointof faith. it's a point of having a grateful and thankful heart. and on the third day,i went down for my tests and basically i had my ultrasound and they told me that the growthhave reduced by .03 mm. even though it was so small, i was just so excited i just wantedto worship god, like yeah; he is actually performing this miracle for me. and i didn'tknow how long it would take, but we're just like so excited, god had started this healingprocess. and he was faithful to finish what he had started. so we basically pressed infor healing the rest of that week in the hospital and the next tuesday it was to the point whereit was so impressed with the doctors allowed me to actually be released from the hospitaland allowed me to go home and just be an outpatient

for an entire week. going back to the clinicand having iv as biotic therapy twice a day. i was supposed to go home and rest i tookthis rest in the form of attending a "catch the fire" conference that we were organizedwith. and basically i just rested in the presence of god and rested and just worshiping him.and during this time i've never felt such an incredible strength to resonate throughoutmy body that just gave me such a power in the ability to worship and to attend the conference. i sometimes get flashing lights that are signpostsof people who have angels of his presence in the new year really tired and you havean angel of his presence was ministering to you. and strengthening you right now. we comeagainst now anything that would hinder or

delay. within two months he had to go back for repeattests and they basically told me that they could not find any trace of any lesions ortumor in my body. that all infection had completely disappeared. and i was perfectly healthy andfull of life. i really felt that this one time in my life where i knew the devil wasreally trying to take me out of the picture. it was going to be the time that the lordwas going to take me on to great victory. he who promised is faithful. god is true tohis word. god is a god of miracles. he is a god of power. and what you are standingin faith for, pat and i are going to stand in agreement with you that it is done.

share with us. absolutely. first, i want to encourage you,if you need more encouragement. from mary, from the netherlands. she e-mailed us withthis answer to prayer. she says her husband was injured. he injured his shoulder lastdecember. a chiropractor actually determined that the shoulder had come out of the socketand worked it back in, but the pain did not subside. mary's husband is self-employed andwas under financial pressure. so he went three months without treatment. last month, he waswatching the 700 club. pat had a word of knowledge, and you said, pat, "there is man; you chippeda bone in your shoulder. put your hand on your shoulder, and in the name of jesus, behealed." guess what? immediately, mary's husband

felt the pain leave and it has not returned. in the netherlands. in the netherlands, pat. wow. okay, this is nancy, who is from a placecalled folcroft, pennsylvania, diagnosed with a muscle injury and was prescribed pain medicationand heat therapy. three weeks of rest and therapy. she improved, but every few monthsshe had recurring episodes. one day she was watching the 700 club. she heard kristi say,"the lord is healing somebody with a torn or pulled tendon." nancy immediately placedher hand on her back, claimed the healing, and guess what? by that evening, all the painin nancy's back and wherever was gone. folks,

god loves you. i can say it over and overagain. he loves you. i was reading today in jeremiah. and god says, "i am yahweh. i amthe lord, the god of all flesh. is anything too hard for me? i'm the one who created theworld. is it too hard for me to fix a muscle? is it too hard for me to take care of yourfinances? is it too hard to heal your marriage?" of course not. god. "i am the lord of allflesh. is there anything too hard for me?" now, we're going to pray together. kristiand i are going to join hands. we're going to pray with you, and wherever you, not onlyin the united states, but around the world, wherever you're watching this program. "father,nothing is impossible. we thank you for these answers to prayer. we thank you for the gloryof the lord." somebody is very sick. you're

vomiting right now, and you're just saying,"oh, god, help me." you've been having this terrible sickness in your stomach. right now,god is just reaching down. you'll feel fire inside of your belly, and you are healed,in the name of jesus. kristi. the lord is healing someone who has issueswith blood clots. the lord is healing that situation right now. and i just keep hearingthe word aneurysm. i don't know what's going on with that, but lord, we just bring thatbefore you right now for your healing power to take place. thank you, lord. there is a knee problem. and it's like themeniscus is gone, and the knee is locking back and forth. and i believe it's your leftknee. put your hand on your knee right now.

you'll feel heat in it. in the name of jesus,you are healed. the lord is also healing someone with a strainedmuscle, actually, on your side, where you can hardly bend or move over. so what youcould no longer do, you do it right now in faith and the healing power of jesus are healed. thank you, lord. marion, you've got a roaring in your's just unbearable, this loud noise. in jesus' name, right now, that noise has stopped.your ear and your inner ear are healed, in jesus' name. now, for all of you in this audience,you're having problems with finances, a problem with your marriage. you're having a problemwith your health. whatever it is, in the name of jesus christ of nazareth, i am the lord.i am yahweh, the god of all flesh. is anything

too hard for me? and the answer is, no, lord,nothing is too hard for you. and so we hold before you these needs. in the name of jesus,we speak the word. be healed. receive a miracle, in jesus' name. amen. amen. hallelujah. i tell you, i love that. don't you? don't you get fired up? it's like how canyou kind of sit and be calm. well, don't be calm. all right.

get happy. come on, now, get happy. all right. that's true. whatever the lord just did, comeon. cast all your cares away. okay, call us ifyou have a need or you've got an answer to prayer. we'd love to hear from you. it blessesus. all right, kristi, what's next? amen. absolutely. well, still ahead, he hopedto be an olympic ski racer. instead, he wound up a dumpster diver. i had to survive. and the only way i knewhow was to get food out of dumpsters and to live out of them. i was absolutely like ananimal. i wasn't like a human being. well, find out why this man actually trashedhis future. find out on today's 700 club.

insight into today's events . . . . . . . . news you don't get anywhere else . . . . . . . . and inspiring stories of hope. nowyou can share them with your friends. go to to, "i saw it on the 700 club," fora fast, easy way to share your favorite videos. what makes the miracles of jesus even moremiraculous? standing where they happened, in israel. come explore jerusalem where jesusopened blind eyes. visit the hills of galilee where jesus fed the multitude. stroll throughcapernaum where jesus lived, and taught, and healed. to learn more about standing whereit all happened in israel, visit come visit israel.

welcome back to the 700 club. new zealandis rocked by its second earthquake in four months. it caused two buildings to collapsein the already quake damaged city of christchurch. the us geological survey recorded one aftershocktoday at 5.2. the largest one came at lunchtime and forced people to flee from buildings inpanic. back in february, a quake killed 181 people in christchurch, new zealand and broughtdown the historic st. john's church. police say two people were trapped in that churchtoday after the tremor, but they were rescued. children in cambodia are getting involvedwith the cbn worldreach television program super kids club. worldreach staff put letterboxesoutside of churches in the region. they encourage children to write to the super kids club.when the boxes are full, pastors send those

letters to the cbn office, and cbn staff membersrespond to those letters. a record was set for most letters received in a single month.there are now 82 boxes set up throughout that region, and each letter is read and prayedover by the cbn staff. you can find out more about cbn worldreach by logging on to pat and kristi will be back with more of the700 club after this. in the next 60 seconds, we want you to qualifyto be the next 50,000-dollar home makeover winner. pick up the phone and get ready tostart dialing when the number appears on your screen. call the number on your screen now,and we'll mail you a key. if your key opens the lock in your local directbuy club, you'llbe the next 50,000-dollar home makeover winner.

operators are standing by. so call right now.directbuy club has already awarded over a million dollars, and someone is going to winthe 50,000-dollar home makeover. why not you? if the phone number is blinking, the phonelines are open. call now to receive your key and an invitation to your local directbuyclub where members can save thousands or more paying low, direct-from-the-source priceson big ticket items like kitchen cabinets, home furnishings, flooring, bathroom fixturesand so much more. call now and get your key to winning a 50,000-dollar home makeover.someone is going to win the 50,000-dollar home makeover. why not you? scott arnold was once an award winning skierwith hopes of olympic glory. but scott's plans

were derailed, and he ended up, horrible tothink of, eating and living out of dumpsters for years. well, my name is scott arnold, and i usedto be a dumpster diver. i had to survive, and the only way i knew how was to get foodout of dumpsters and to live out of them. for years, scott arnold spent his days wanderingaround in the scorching arizona sun, rummaging through dumpsters and sleeping in alleys andravines. it was a far cry from the life scott thought he'd have when he was a boy. i aspired to greatness, to having a life ofwinning, of being successful, of traveling the world, of representing my country as agold medalist in the olympics. those were

things that were spoken into my life at ayoung age that i really believed were achievable for me. scott hoped to be an olympic ski racer. hetrained with the swiss national ski team and even won the vail cup in colorado. skiingwas his life. but when scott's parents' business took a hit and they couldn't afford his traininganymore, he was pulled from the sport and put into a private high school. scott's parentsthought this would set him on track towards college and a successful future, but it didn't. when i didn't have skiing to be my centerof my life, i started to flounder. on the slopes, scott had only spent threeor four hours in school each day. now he was

expected to excel alongside harvard and notredame hopefuls. i never measured up. i wasn't as intelligentas the rest of my classmates. the fear of failure in my life really began to set inand grab a hold of me. so scott turned to alcohol to escape his insecurities. i was not your average drinker.ã¡i was a toreup from the floor up drunk. and i was the last one to leave a party. i never could was never one or two for me. it was always a dozen or more. and then there were the drugs. sometimes itwas marijuana, sometimes cocaine or lsd. and over time, he started using prescription drugs.

percocet, vicodin, hydrocodone. it kept menumb, especially it helped remove or erase the guilt that i had. the guilt of multiple dui's, near death accidents,a broken marriage, and the disappointment he brought to his parents. he tried to stopdrinking and using drugs many times, and even went to wyoming to rekindle his dream of beingan olympic skier. but, of course, drugs and alcohol always gotin the way. i always kept getting lured back into that thought that i could drink or drugjust a little bit and it never worked. i was absolutely like an animal. i wasn't like ahuman being. what finally broke the cycle was an encounterin the county jail.

it was after years of living outside. i hadmental problems. i was talking to myself all the time. i was the most depressed human onthe face of the planet. i felt like i was dying. and i went out into where they hadthe jailhouse library. they'd push it around on a cart. and there was a bible on that was a bible about breaking the chains in your life. i cried out to jesus christ desperately,and i got on my hands and knees, and i begged him to come into my life. as soon as i criedout to god like that, like i meant it, my heart changed. it was like a switch went on.i felt love. i felt the love of jesus christ replace every need that i ever had to usedrugs and alcohol. i didn't have to be perfect anymore because only he is perfect. and hebegan to speak to me clearly. i heard the

voice of god saying, "read your bible." after his release, scott went through intensecounseling and bible study. today he says he has freedom and true success. he's married,has a home and a family, and works for a rehabilitation center, where he helps others out of the lifestylehe once lived. i look back at those dumpsters and those placeswhere i used to smoke crack and drink, and it's like a dream. it's like a nightmare thatused to happen in my life. i'm just overwhelmed with the incredible power and the grace andthe mercy of my lord and savior jesus christ. but the most important thing i could evertell anybody is that obedience to jesus christ and his word is the key that unlocks everystronghold that satan tries to hold on us,

that anybody who believes that they can findany fulfillment outside of jesus christ is lost because there's no other way to heavenbut through the name of jesus christ. god is real. jesus christ is the answer. boy. jesus is real. what have you gone through?i don't know if you've hit the bottom like scott arnold did, but you maybe hooked upa little bit of cocaine, a little bit of meth, a little bit of marijuana, a little bit ofalcohol, a little bit of porn, and so on it goes. and then it will get worse and worseand worse and worse. it's like trying to have a pet cobra in your house. they will get worseand worse, and sooner or later they will kill you. do you want to be free? jesus is hereto bring you freedom. he's here for liberty.

the last thing that he wants to do is to enslaveyou. he came to make you free. the lie of the devil is that christianity is somethingthat brings a pallor over your life and causes you to lose joy. not true. it brings joy unspeakableand full of glory. and you could be free of whatever it is that is binding you, whateverit is. do you want to be free? would you like to know the answer to life? would you liketo have peace? if you would, i'm going to pray right now. i'm going to lead you in prayer,if you'll pray with me. god almighty will hear your prayer. he's going to transformyour life. pray with me right now. don't be afraid. wherever you are, men and women, boysand girls, wherever you are, husbands and wives, pray with me right now these words.say them silently or say them out loud, but

say them. "jesus." that's right. "jesus, youknow the slope that i'm on. you know how my life is not going the way it should. you know,lord, the sins i've committed. you know, lord, what i've done to others. you know what i'vedone to myself. lord, i want to be set free. i want to walk in liberty. i want to be free.lord jesus, come into my heart. set me free. break the bonds that satan has fashioned uponme, in the name of jesus. i call upon you, and i say, please, lord, come into my in me, and from this moment on, i believe in you, and i am yours. thank you, lord. thankyou, lord, for hearing my prayer. thank you, lord, for setting me free." and now i wantto pray for you. "in the name of jesus, satan i bind your power right now. i command youto loose these ones who prayed with me, in

jesus' name. thank you, lord." now, may theglory of the lord fill you and may you know his love from this moment on, in jesus' name.he loves you. wherever you are, he loves. now, look, youjust made the most important prayer of your life. and i want you to do something next.i want you to get started. i don't want to just leave you out there. i want to help you.and i have here a cd. it has 73 minutes of really concentrated teachingabout what just happened to you, about the exchanged life, about being born again, aboutwhat god has for you and what's coming up next. and i'll give it to you free; alongwith a little booklet that has the scriptures, easy reference. you just take this littlebooklet and open it up, and it's got all these

bible verses, which give you the answers tomany of the questions in life. so we'll send this to you. it's called "a new day." it'sa beautiful little packet. we'll send it to you free. no financial charge at all. justcall in. please pick up the telephone and call and say, "i prayed with pat. i gave myheart to the lord. i am free," 1-800-759-0700. if for any reason the lines are busy, pleasebe patient and call back. we'll be here for you all day long: 759-0700, 1-800. kristi. thank you, pat. well, i am here in the chatroom and coming up we're going to bring it online with some of your questions, like thisone from edward, who says, "pat, i've been betrayed by girls who say they love me. doesgod have a match for everyone?" wouldn't we

all like to know? well, we're going to answeredward's question and so much more, when we bring it on, so don't go away. i didn't understand what love was. i didn'thave a good example. i knew of god, and i would often think to myself, "god if yourreal, help me in this situation." i told the lord; i said, "god, i don't have anythingto offer you. it's just me and my little baby, and i don't have anything together." i hadpeace; it was so refreshing. he loves you so much that he died for you. and if he cando all of this in my life, he can do it for you. my name is roger stump, and i'm a cancer survivor.the surgeon said it's inoperable. "it's already

in your liver." my wife, brenda, sat thereand cried; and i'm thinking, "i can't die right now. i'm only 52 years old." i was sodistraught. i've heard cancer treatment centers of america have experience with pancreaticcancers. it was like night and day. the hospital just breeds an environment of hope. you geta ct scan, and the next morning the results were read to you. we'd go up there; i justknew it was going to be a good result. you could just see the joy on dr. granik's face. call now and we'll show you how the most compassionatepeople anywhere put you at the center of everything we do. together, we'll explore real treatmentoptions you may not even know exist. cancer treatment centers of america. it issuch a different place, because they give

you hope. i would strongly urge you to callthem and get a second opinion. please call today. to see this week's top on demand videos, goto the parents in our next story have three childrenthey love and provide for. but not long ago, they feared the worst for their family, whenboth mother and father began to go blind. i used to be a potter and brick maker, buti had to stop doing that, because i couldn't see. hanu worked hard to support his wife, tejamma,and their three children. but now, cataracts were causing him to go blind. then tejammaalso developed cataracts.

my loss of vision caused problems not onlyfor me, but also for my family, because they always had to help me. tejamma and hanu didn't know how they wouldtake care of their three children. since they were christians, they prayed to jesus forhelp. then they heard an announcement coming from a loudspeaker, mounted on a rickshaw.a free eye camp, sponsored by operation blessing, was going to be held in their area. when we heard about the free surgeries, itfelt like jesus came and took us to get our treatment. after doctors examined them, they were scheduledfor their surgeries. when tejamma's bandages

were removed, it was the first time she hadseen clearly in years. i thank my lord jesus for helping me withthe surgery. i couldn't see before, but now i can see. hanu also had good news. i can see clearly. we won't have to beg. wecan work and earn a living. we can take care of our children. hanu is back to work making bricks and pottery.tejamma works in the fields and is taking care of her home and children. we thank god and all the people who sponsoredour surgeries. we can see, because of you.

you know what, i love that. even though wepray to god, do you know that god uses each of us to be the answer to that prayer? didyou know that? and so if you're a 700 club partner, you werethe one who answered that beautiful couple's prayer. and now because of that, their wholelife has changed. listen, that's what it's all about. it really is about just reachingout to those people that maybe you've never seen before, heard before, but you will definitelymake a difference in their life. will you consider doing that if you're not a 700 clubpartner? just 65 cents a day, 20 dollars a month, and you want to know this? i've gotto tell you something that's really cool, that when you become either a 700 club goldpartner or a 1000 club partner, not only do

we want to give you this dvd series calledlife beyond the grave, which i love, we'll actually give you more than one. we'll giveyou five. crazy, right? you keep one, you give fouraway to those people who you just want to share and minister to the gospel with. thisis an amazing dvd. it really is life changing. and it's our gift to you when you become a700 club partner. so call the number right there or log on to okay, so speaking of logging on, many folkshave been logging on to our online chat room throughout the entire show, and so we're goingto jump right in with a question. edward says, "pat, i've been betrayed by girls who saythey love me. does god have a match for everyone?"

i think he puts the single in families, itsays. i don't know if you say god has the perfect one for me. but i wonder why you gotbetrayed so often. were these girls stringing you along? it sounds awfully cruel. are yougullible? maybe they don't love you. maybe they're just trying to get you out of theirlives. i don't know what you're doing, but i think you ought to go back and see how youhandle yourself with women. that's true. you wouldn't say that to somebody, would you,kristi? what? i wouldn't say what to somebody? tell them you love them and you're just leadingthem on?

no, i sure would not. well, i hope not. no. see, this is my thought process in life.i think people use the word love way too much. god says we're supposed to love our neighborand love each other. yes. but people are like, "oh, i love you. i love you." i don't loveyou. half the time i don't like you. you know what i'm saying? okay, that's wrong. i loveyou. all right. you're getting in deep. all right.but the deal is, i think you're putting too much. that's right. clean it up, pat. help me.

but a fine, sincere christian girl, somebodywho shares your aptitudes, and the lord will give you something together. but forget allthe surface "love you, love you, dear" kind of stuff. it's all baloney. look at something deeper in the heart. allright, next question. i'm glad you cleaned it up. here's marie,who says, "what can i say to my 90-year-old grandmother when she criticizes my daughter,"who i take it is caucasian, "for dating a black man?" what do you think, pat? listen, she's 90 years old. what are you goingto do with her? she's got her prejudices and they're deep seated.

it is what it is, right? yes. i guess. so, grandma, i disagree with you, but you'reentitled. at first i used to think that maybe becauseshe's older you just kind of let her be. but, listen, it's never too old to change and say,we all believe the same color. that's my thought process in life. john wesley was riding along on a horse, andhe ran across this guy. and he started talking about the lord. and after a while he realizedit was hopeless and he said, "and why should

i argue with him anymore seeing he's a shipcaptain?" it was kind of like, "enough. i give up." no, grandma is grandma. let herhave her prejudice. what are you going to do? she's set in her ways. all right. all right, next question is from one of ourviewers, who says, "i've accepted jesus into my heart, but since then, my life has actuallygotten worse, not better. i came down with a mysterious virus that almost killed me.i lost my job, and then my home." oh, my lord. "how could these things be happening to me?"whoa. you used to belong to the devil, somehow.he had charge of you. you should belong to jesus. so he wants you back. and there's abreakthrough. you've got to come through to

this thing, and you've got to say, "lord,i am yours regardless." but the thing of it is, you may be holding on to something fromthe past you need to give up. i don't know what's back there. but whatever it was, youmay have been involved in the occult. something has gone on. but you need to renounce satan,the underhanded works of darkness, and say, "i renounce you in the name of jesus, theni bind your power." and that's what's got to be done. you're talking about spiritualwarfare here. it isn't that the lord is letting this happen to you. your former boss wantsyou back working for him. all right, next question. bottom line is god is a good god. he wantsgood for you, so don't let all these things

kind of think that god wants bad for you. all right, next question. bonita says, "my brother used to be a christian,but he has since converted to islam. is his salvation void?" ooh, interesting question. you know what the bible says, that if anybodyturns and they make void the blood of jesus christ, how can they repent who have scornedso great a salvation. i tell you, anybody who wouldåši don't think your brother reallyknew the lord. i don't think anybody who really knows the lord could possibly be enticed bya restrictive religion like islam. i just can't see it. but i don't know what to say.all i would say is in my opinion, he never

really accepted jesus. well, tomorrow, fromhollywood to your house, prime time propaganda. you'll be finding out an interesting we leave you with these words from psalm 107 . . . . . . . . "he sent out his word and healed themand rescued them from the grave." see you tomorrow. bye, bye. here at cbn, we see amazing things happenwhen we stand together. that's why we want to say thank you to thethousands of you . . . . . . . . who recently pledged to join the 700club. your monthly gift makes it possible to bringcrucial help to those who need it most.

you help heal the sick, feed the hungry . . . . . . . . and preach the gospel across americaand throughout the world. you've brought health and hope to people indesperate need. and changed their lives forever. this widow was so poor she had to search forfood for her children. many times all she could find was ant larvae. when her daughterbecame ill with a deadly parasite, you sent a free medical clinic that saved her also gave this family a small poultry business, so they can support themselves.your love ended their despair. so please watch for this mailing and sendin your pledge. this year millions will know

. . . . the love and saving power of jesus christ. and that only happens, because you were there.

small kitchen appliances on sale

alright! this is john kohler, with we have another exciting episode. what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna comparehead to head two juicers and actually, the amazing thing is about this two juicers isthat actually they're the same price. so kuvings whole slow juicer in red is the same priceas the green star gs-1000. the original green star juicer which has recently had a pricereduction. you know, no longer is the twin year juicer like, that high end juicer withthe high price tag, because check it out. the vertical juicer is catching up to thesame price in the kuvings whole slow juicer with the wide feed chute red model is themost expensive vertical single auger juicer on the market. so, that's why i'm decidingto compare these two today because simply

they're the same price and i'm wanting youguys to ,you know, get the best juicer for you. especially when your spending this muchmoney for the juicer. so the first thing i want to let you guys know that these are bothslow juicers. they run in a low and slow rpm so they can do minimal nutrient degradationto the nutrients, the phytochemicals, vitamins in the juice, the enzymes, you know, whenjuicing. so over on this side, the kuvings whole slow juicer runs at 60 rpm, or revolutionsper minute, and over on this side, the green star gs-1000 runs at 110 rpm or revolutionsper minute. now you're gonna think, "john that's double the rpms man. that's a lot!"don't freak out. you know anything under like 150 is low rpms then i don't believe you knowa difference in 60 rpms or whatever is gonna

make that much of a difference. in additionyou know, each of these juicers, work a little bit differently. let me go ahead and takethem apart and show you guys. so the main thing i like about the kuvingswhole slow juicer is that it has a nice wide 3-inch feed chute. it makes feeding in producevery easy. the one that kuvings works is that its single auger, which is made out of theg ultimate material and you put the produce in and it basically it get smashed up andit gets compressed down and squeezed down and as it gets squeezed down kind of likethat old fashioned meat grinder you guys, your grandma used to have, as a produce getssqueezed down the juice is extracted out of the screen here, out stage 1, and then stage2, and then there's an automatic widened blade

spins around to keep the screen clean. andof course, the juice comes out, in front of the juicer and the pulp is discharged on theside. and that's pretty much how the kuvings whole slow juicer works. it's called the singleauger design, vertical single auger design. very easy to assemble, very easy to feed theproduce in than the green star that will talk about in a minute. but this dial machine youknow what every juicer there's pros and cons. and every juicer, some juicers juice certainproduce items better than others. and you know, there's mainly four produce classes,or produce items that you may be juicing and let me go over those for you guys. number 1, there's things like hard vegetablesor things like carrots, things like beets.

then we have your standard vegetables, youknow maybe you might think of cucumbers, or celery, kind of like your standard vegetables.then we have something like the leafy greens and also include the wheat grass in there.and you know that's a different texture. and then finally, we have something like the fruits.and the fruits are entirely different texture. and so the kuvings whole slow juicer tendsto do very well like it excels in juicing fruits. actually i use it majority of thetime to do juice fruits myself. you know, it will juice leafy greens pretty well, it'lldo pretty good with the carrots, and on the things like the wheat grass. you know, it’sprobably not the best for juicing wheat grass. i will recommend a horizontal auger stylemachine, but that being said this style machine

will juice wheat grass, and finally on othervegetables it actually does fairly well. aside the kuvings whole slow juicer, overon this side we got the green star gs-1000. works on a whole entirely different principle.and you know, let me go ahead and take this apart to show you guys. this is actually calledthe twin gear juicer and this is revolutionary when it came out. there's no newer model ofthis, actually known as the gsc-5000 which the greens elite 5000. and that's the highend model that's gonna cause you more than this basic model. but if you are consideringthis one, i might encourage you guys to step up to the gsc-5000. it has, you know, beenupdated, upgraded. it actually has a longer warranty over twice as long as this machinehere. that being said if you are stuck in

that price between this and this, well, we'llsee which one will be better. anyways, let's go ahead and pull these gearsout. now how this works is with two stainless steel gears here. so you'll see now it's notplastic, just stainless steel where the main juicing is done and that this basically isa three-stage juicer. so number 1, you have a section of the gear where the produce justliterally gets ground up in between the gears and these gears have magnetic and for infraredtechnology within them. which in my opinion, you know, extracts more nutrients out of thejuice and cause it to be more stable if you are going to be storing it for any lengthof time. i only recommend storing juices for up to three days. and if you want to storejuices, clearly the green star is superior

than the kuving in my opinion. this also has little pocket recess teeth hereand the job of these pocket recess is basically to chop up strings and things like celery,and things like leafy green, which can actually be problematic for the kuvings whole slowjuicer. i will recommend pre-cutting leafy greens and things like celery before puttingin the kuvings whole slow juicer because it will clogged up the injection port, and youknow, basically make more pulp in your juice and not work so well. no chopping of produceis required in you know as long as you open the feed chute you're ready to juice it inthe green star elite. the next section here is where basically the juice is pressed, mixed,and pressed out. and that's basically right

here the plastic nylon area of the gears,that then extract the juice out of the juicing screen, which is right here. you know, oneof the areas on every juicer, you know, that i want you guys to be concern about when buyinga juicer is cleaning. and the hardest part of the cleaning on any juicer, in my opinion,is the screen because the vegetable fiber will get stuck in the this is the screen you need to clean on the green star, and let me go ahead and showyou guys the screen on the kuvings. so there's a significantly more screen area on the kuvingsthan the green star, so it will you know, probably take you more time to clean the screenon the kuvings whole slow juicer. and now, let's see here. to assemble the greenstar, very important, you know the main thing

you need to remember is that on the back ofthe gears there's these dots. one dot on there, one dot on here. and you gonna want to windthem up to make like a triangle, and you just got to basically insert them right into themachine. you may have to spin them around a little bit to get them to lock in theirplace there. they get seated right in the back. then you want to go ahead and put thefine juicing screen in, finally i'm gonna put in the outlet body casing on the machineand that sits right here. and we're gonna turn in both of these latch arms and we justspin these thumb screws to lock it close. now, one of the features of the green star1000 that i like a lot is that actually has this thing right here. and this is what'scalled an outlet adjusting knob. and this

has a spring tension on there and basicallyit's actually pretty hard spring tension. and the job of this is basically to keep theproduce in the inside of the machine. and only when the produce has enough force whenit's dry enough it can actually push the string to compress it to allow the produce to comeout slowly. this is gonna ensure you're gonna get the highest level extraction with thegreen star 1000. now i do recommend when using this, you know, screw it all the way in andif your juicing hard vegetables and leafy greens and wait till the pulp dirt comingout. now if you got a back up situation pulps that are coming out of the chute, that's yoursignal that you need to be loosing this a few turns. this is especially problematicwhen juicing the fruits in the green star.

what the green star, the things that are bestjuiced by far are the hard firm vegetables such as the carrots and beets. they're gonnado amazing. this will probably get the highest yields of any juicer out there on those itemsplus make a very high quality, high nutrient rich juice. you know, after that, the thingslike celery and other vegetables do fairly well as do the leafy greens. but if you wantto juice like straight fruit like pineapples only, like "i'm gonna make 100% pineapplejuice, john", this is not the machine for you. i mean after all, it's called the greenstar juicer. the kuvings will be a much better juicer, if you want to juice single fruitsonly, like 100% pineapple juice. now if you want to make pineapple carrot juice, thenthe green star would be fine. you put, you

know, a piece of pineapple piece of carrot,piece of pineapple, piece of carrot, and it work beautifully, because the green star reallyneeds the hard fiber to push out the produce out of the machine and get it to work just like i showed you guys, this has the outlet adjusting knob that has a spring tension.this also has an outlet adjusting flak here, and that's this little guy right here, thatyou want to undo before, when your cleaning, and before you want to juice, you want tojust go ahead and plug that guy in there. and this little flak, and once there is enoughproduce in there, this flak will compressed down, and when the pulp flow out of the general, from what i have seen in the past, the green star will make higher yields on,you know, the produce items that are specialized

in, such as the hard vegetables and leafygreens over the kuvings whole slow juicer. alright! that's mainly the two juicers, youknow, kind of somewhat explain you guys how it worked. the next thing i want to get into is the warranties of the kuvings whole slow juicer, that's a 10-year warranty. andthe thing about the green star, it only has a 5-year warranty. now, if you step up tothe green star elite model, then it has a 12-year warranty, which actually trumps thekuvings whole slow juicer's 10-year warranty. now, the kuvings whole slow juicer comes witha few nice accessories including an instruction manual, including a over 100 page recipe,full-color recipe book which i really like, and it's really good especially for peoplethat are wanting to get into juicing and making

healthy lifestyle changes and getting morefruits and vegetables in you. and they give a lot of ideas and recipes that you can use.with the green star gs-1000, you get a few recipes in the back of the standard instructionmanual. now also with the kuvings whole slow juicer, you get three different cleaning is a screen cleaning tool, i think should have got one for the green star. you alsoget a standard cleaning brush, 2 oversized toothbrush, and you also get a rounded brushto kind of get in some of these spout holes there. now in addition on comparing applesto apples, of the same price, kuvings whole slow juicer with the green star, you alsoget what's called blank plate. now this blank plate is designed only to make things likenut butters and frozen fruits sorbet. and

in addition on the same priced, red kuvingsmodel, you also get a smoothing screen. you know that i'm not showing today. over on thegreen star side, you basically get the juicer set-up to juice. and then you get a blankplate. and this one is a, you know, good to make not only the sorbets, not only the nutbutters, but it'll also make baby food, make pad taste, you can process vegetables in here,literally just to grind them up. so the green star is a little bit more versatile in myopinion than the kuvings whole slow juicer. i guess the next thing i want to get into,is you know, get into the juice off to show you guys how these guys work when juicing.and more importantly, which one will reign supreme in this juice off now were gonna get juicing in the kuvings

whole slow juicer and the green star gs-1000model. now what were gonna juice today of course some of my favorite things to juice,including leafy greens here. we got some collar greens, freshly picked out of my garden, 8.1ounces in each of these containers. leafy greens are probably one of the most importantthings that i believe you guys should be juicing. you know every time i juice, i try to juicesome leafy greens because they are the most nutrient densed foods in the planets whichmeans they have the most phytochemicals, vitanutrients, vitamins and minerals per calorie. you know,junk food on the other hand and processed foods, things in package bottles and jars,white flour, white sugar and all these things have high calories and low nutrients. andif you guys look around recently, over 66%

of americans are either overweight or obese.and in my opinion, one of the reasons is because they are eating empty calorie foods that arehigh calories and low nutrients like junk foods and like all the foods i just named.where as if you want to be healthy in my opinion, you need to eat things that are the most nutrientdensed which are the leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, by far. alright. so 8.1 ouncesof the colored greens and of course next, we got carrots. we got these purple carrotshere, organic purple carrots. these are really good carrots to juice. i love them. they tastea lot pleasant and its a nice dark purple color to the juice. and i'll encourage youguys, you know, to eat your foods in color, eat the rainbow. don't just if they have thesepurple carrots available in the store near

you, buy the purple one. don't just get theorange ones, you know. i always want you guys to rotate and switch up the items that youare juicing so don't get into a habit of making the lemon ginger blast everyday, or a certainrecipe. "oh! that's the recipe i'll make everyday" i want you guys to mix it up because everydifferent produce item including different colors of carrots and different varietiesof collards have different levels of nutrients which i believe you know one of the reasonswhy i juice literally to flood my body with nutrients more importantly the phytochemicals,the minerals and the vitamins, without the calories. because i want to stay slim andtrim and you know, maintain a healthy way. but be as healthy as i can and you know it’sthe power of fruits and vegetables that allow

me to do just that. so we have twenty fiveounces of these carrots into these glasses that we'll be juicing in each of the juicers. now before i get juicing, you know, one ofthe things we need to do is do some preparation. now my preparation is done in the green star1000. we could juice this like this, no pre-cutting is necessary. now over on the kuvings wholeslow juicer side, well, you know some people may think you just put in these leafy greenswhole and uncut. i'm not gonna recommend you guys to do that in the kuvings, you my opinion, this will cause some issues that will cause the machine to jam and you'regonna have a poor juicing experience. and then you're gonna be cursing me out, or cursingpeople that say to juice these whole or things

like celery whole. i'll encourage you guysto cut up your leafy greens and celery in the kuvings whole slow juicer. now you mightbe thinking , "john! wait. they got three inch wide food chute in there. but if yougot pre-cut stuff, doesn't that defeat the purpose?" well you know, it does. but theonly thing you're gonna need to pre-cut is leafy greens and things like celery. thingswith large, long fiber strands were gonna cut or you know jam up the juicer. thingslike watermelon and apples and oranges, tomatoes, cucumbers, you can just drop those guys inthe whole on the kuvings whole slow juicer, and that' the beauty of the kuvings wholeslow juicer. on the carrots, you don't generally need to pre-cut them although large diametercarrots may have some challenge on the kuvings

but in general you don't need to cut on these guys, very simple, very easy. we're just gonna go ahead and take a knifehere, chef's knife. we're just gonna go ahead and cut those in half and then we're gonnago ahead and put this bunch together. and i'm gonna take a knife here, i'm just gonnabasically run down and cut this into like 8-inch pieces. so were making long, like achiffonade strands, so basically what we're doing we're cutting up all the vegetable fibers,you know, in stem and going up the stem of these collard greens that would get normallycut in the stalk. stalk stuck up in the juicer. and this is very important in my opininon,and should be done when juicing in the kuvings whole slow juicer which is a vertical juiceror any other vertical juicer for that matter

for the best results. and that's one of thebeauties of the green star gs-1000 is that you don't need to pre-cut anything. so now were almost ready to juice, as youguys can see the kuvings is also set and ready to juice. we have two containers, plasticcontainers, that are included with the juicer to catch the juice and the pulp. on the greenstar, it only includes one glass catch container for the juice and you will need to provideyour own to catch the pulp so i'm just using the standard 1 quart pyrex measuring cup,we'll put that underneath there. very simple and very easy. i guess, next, let's get intothe juicing. and we're gonna juice one machine at a time. first, let's go ahead and use thekuvings whole slow juicer. now when juicing

items in either juicer, i want to encourageyou guys to rotate the produce you're putting in. so don't just put all the carrots, andthen all the collard greens that would be a grave mistake. likewise, you wouldn't wantto put all the collard greens and then all the carrots, you know the juicers, especiallythe slow juicers need different textures, you know, to work optimally. so i'm gonnaput a handful of the collards and then the carrots. a handful of collard and then thecarrot until i'm all out of produce. let's go ahead and turn this guy on. alright, so we're gonna go ahead and takesome of these collard greens, put them right in. now the kuvings whole slow juicer hasa wide feed chute but it doesn't have a funnel

so i have had challenges with it, you know,dropping produce off the side, unlike the green star that has a really nice funnel todirect the produce in. so then you're not spilling it on the counter. next, let's goahead and put in the fattest carrot in the kuvings whole slow juicer. see how it does.alright. goes right in and as you guys can see, it's a juicer ride up. right. there itis. check it out man. that's the power of the kuvings whole slow juicer, it really couldtake the whole carrot, grind it all up. and one of the things i like about the verticalslow juicers, including the kuvings whole slow juicer, is that literally it's just suddenly drop the carrot in there, it's suck it in, juice it right up. alright,next let's go ahead and take some of these

collard greens. drop them right in the machine,and it's literally self feeding and take them in and then juice it right up. let's go aheadand grab another piece of carrot, push those collard greens in. now, it's very importantin any juicer, especially the kuvings whole slow juicer, just because it has a large feedchute doesn't mean you could cram stuff in as fast and it'll all take in right? you needto give the machine some time to work. and it works slowly because after all it's a slowjuicer. next we're gonna take another handful collard, and then we're gonna rotate in andjuice the carrots. so i'm gonna go ahead and continue to juice the collard and the carrotsuntil i'm all finish. alright, so as you guys can see, the kuvingswhole slow juicer was taking the carrot and

it just stops. and you know, this is one ofthe challenges with any vertical juicer so when this happens, you're gonna reverse, letit run on the reverse, and then it turn it forward, and then it'll go ahead and continuejuicing. alright, so that's working pretty good. if you need to slow down when feedingin the produce, and i want to encourage you guys to slow down just a little bit when feedingproduce in your juicer as well. and you guys you can see up in this area we're gettingsome produce not getting juiced so i'm gonna try to take a carrot and you know, get thatall pushed in. next we're gonna go ahead and take some more of these collared greens anddropped it right into the kuvings whole slow juicer. alright so we're almost finish juicingin the kuvings whole slow juicer, i got about

one more handful of the collard greens andit's very important you know when juicing in any vertical slow juicer, including thekuvings whole slow juicer is that you want to end up always, if you can, by juicing thecarrot. the carrot is gonna help push all that softer stuff through whether its fruitsor whether it’s something like this today, the leafy greens. so as you guys can see it,i throw that carrot, chunked it in and we got some pulp flow coming out. when juicingin any vertical slow juicer, you want to make sure the pulp is constantly flowing out, althoughthe pulp may not be the width of the ejection port here, as long as its flowing, you'redoing a good job. now i want to encourage you guys to check out the video i made onhow to make a green juice in the kuvings whole

slow juicer, where i go over my specific tipsand tricks to juice successfully in the kuvings whole slow juicer. i guess, with that, let's go ahead and turnon the green star juicer twin gear juicer. and now, let's go ahead and get juicing onthat so once again, you know the green star also has an on and off switch. on the kuvingsits on the front, on the green star's on the top. on, off, and reverse. so that's gonnabe quieter than the kuvings whole slow juicer. now the amazing thing about the green starthat i like a lot is literally you just take some of these collard greens, gonna fold themup, and watch this. i'm gonna shoved that guy in there, and look at that man, takesit right in juice it right up. if your using

the plastic pusher, there's the arrow on thepusher that you're gonna want to align with the arrow on the top of the funnel there,and use that to push in the proper direction. so you know one of the challenges with thegreen star, all of the green star with the twin gear is that you will literally haveto take the produce and push it in the gears. so the best way to do this is to take thecarrots small end first, drop it in there, and take your pusher. and it will take somedownward pressure so you know if you have arthritis or old and you don't have good physicalstrength, this may not be the juicer for you if you're gonna juicing a lot of carrots.and you guys can see this is working amazingly well. and were gonna go ahead and juice maybelike two leaves of the collard greens for

every carrot. 'cause once again, were gonnawant to rotate the different items before putting in the machine there. i want to encourageyou guys always when using any juicer to only use the pusher to push the produce items in.and on the vertical juicers actually, i recommend actually that you do not use a pusher. youjust let it autofeed on its own. next were gonna go ahead and take carrot.and feed in the small end of the carrot first, push that in, and the carrot is literallygonna help get all that pulp out. now if we compare the pulp on these guys, the pulp issignificantly drier on the green star. so it's interesting to see the yield at the endof this juice off. so one of the things that i want to say is that when juicing in thegreen star, any twin gear juicer you know,

it can take some downward force to producein the machine. so it'll help you to stand on something that will be like a step stoolto get some extra leverage on it, if the leverage that you have at your height is not general, you'd be putting this on your kitchen counter in your standard height personally,you can use your height to your advantage to help push the produce into the machineto get it juice. let me tell you, using the green star and any gear twin gear, you'regonna get a little bit of a work out, especially when juicing the carrots. alright, so i just got a few more leafy greensto juice and check this out. one of the things that i like to do is actually feed the leafygreens in with the stem in first. literally

you put it in there, and it's gonna get suckedinto the machine. alright, down to the two last carrots. let's go ahead and push thisguy in there, once again were gonna use the pusher and push it in. let's see if i canpush it with my finger. okay, i could barely push in with one finger, so if your stronglike me with one finger, then you could easily feed produce into the green star. alright, so were down to the last few itemsto juice in the green star 1000. once again, leafy green, shoved that in, it gets shovedright in, juice it right up. we're gonna go ahead and use the carrot help push that ina little bit, get the leafy green in. and of course, looks like the kuvings we're gonnawant to stop juicing on a carrot, and get

all our leafy greens into the machine. thecarrot will basically help push all the leafy greens to the machine to get it fully juicedand extracted. alright. now were down to the last carrotand drop that babe in there into the green star, push it in. now yes, you know, as imention, carrots can be, and it can take some effort to juice into the machine. i'm notat the appropriate angle. it'll be better if i was like at a better angle to juice that.but i think were gonna get this done there. now if you are having challenge juicing carrotinto the green star, i wanted to suggest you guys to cut them lengthwise, so like you'regonna get wide tender carrot. cut them lengthwise down the center, it's gonna get significantlyeasy to juice in the green star.

alright, took two hands. but i got it alljuiced up. as you guys can see, the pulp is still coming out. now with any slow juicer,i want to always encourage you guys to let the juicer run, you know, for 30 seconds afteryour feeding the last produce item in. this is to ensure you're gonna get all the juiceout of the machine. alright, so first what i like to do besidescomparing the amount of juice that was created, i want to compare the pulp for you guys. sowe're gonna try to get the pulp out of the kuvings whole slow juicer and scrape it outof the green star juicer. take the pulp, and just squeeze the pulp, and they're both actuallydry. but let's go ahead and weigh the pulp to see which juicer basically extracted morejuice out of the pulp. so were gonna go ahead

and put the pulp from the green star in here.i think we'll be able to fit this if we push that in a little bit. alright, so all thepulp's there. let's go ahead and dump out the kuvings whole slow juicer pulp. the kuvingswhole slow juicer pulp is a tad bit wetter but actually you know, it's pretty dry. i'mquite impressed actually, so let's push that guy in there, make sure we get all the you guys could see, the pulp on the green star weighs 11.6 ounces, and over on the kuvings,it weighs 13.6 ounces. so that's a whole 2 ounces more of juice that's left over in thepulp. alright so as we just learned, the pulp weighsmore in the kuvings whole slow juicer, which means the green star was more efficient orso it seems. so next let's go ahead and check

out to see which juicer made more yield. andwhat were gonna do today, is were gonna go ahead and use measuring cups. and were gonnago ahead and use a little strainer, to strain all the pulp. also to show you guys whichjuicer, you know, made more pulp in the juice. this is very important because a lot of peopledon't like the pulp in the juice. let's go ahead and pour this guy off. wow! that madea significant portion of pulp in the juice. so, you know, even though only weighed twoounces less because there's more pulp in the juice, this may affect the yield. let's goahead and try to tap all of this out of there cause there are some pulp and juice left inthis container. looks like we pretty much got it all. we're gonna go ahead and let thatkind of sieved down there a little bit, and

you shake it a little bit. we're gonna goahead and take the juice out of the green star. pour this baby in. and wow man! we'reseeing very little pulp in the strainer, we're gonna go ahead and do a close up. do a closeup for you guys and just a little bit. wow! man. this mean a lot more than 2 ounces ofjuice difference. it's pretty amazing. alright. so let's go ahead. now the greenstar did tend to make a little bit more foam than the kuvings whole slow juicer. and iwanted to let you guys know, every juicer will make some amount of foam, and dependingon the produce items you're juicing, it'll create more or less foam. and foam is basicallyjust juice with air in it. so if you let the foam sit for a while and settle, it'll actuallyturn in to some juice. so let's go ahead and

take these two guys here, and let's go aheadand shake them down for all your money, no i mean, all your juice. so were just about done shaking these guysdown and i do want to say that man, look at these. this is pretty amazing. i hope youguys can see that, but the kuvings whole slow juicer made, man, i'd say at least 4 or 5times more pulp. so if you did not strain the juice out, you will get a juice with arich fibrous texture. now some people say there are some nutrients that are attachedto the fibers so a good idea to drink the pulp. for me personally, you know, i liketo get my fiber when eating my salad at night. but not when drinking my juice. now both gs-1000green star and the kuvings whole slow juicer

b6000, they do not include a strainer. ifyou want to take out and strain out your juice. looks like the green star puts minimal pulpin the juice, now this may not be an issue. but on the kuvings whole slow juicer, it leavesa significantly amount of pulp, so you may want to get a strainer if you don't like pulpin your juice. alright. next, let's go ahead and take a lookat the yields. so let's go ahead and take a look at the yields. alright over on thegreen star side, looks like we have about 500 ml of juice. and over on the kuvings wholeslow juicer side, looks like we have about 350 ml of juice. so what does this mean? thismeans the green star juicer made 30% more juice than the kuving lent priced kuvingswhole slow juicer. in addition, it made significantly

like 5 times less pulp in the juice. so youknow, clearly i would say the green star gs-1000 is the clear winner in this juice off. anotherthing that i'm looking at, i don't know if you guys can see that, on the close up thati did, but the kuvings whole slow juicer, the juice is kind of more green. and in thegreen star, the juice is like darker, purple green. so maybe the green star is pullingout nutrients with its far infrared and magnetic technology that's built into the core of thestainless steel augers. i believe this technology is only beneficial, and from the reports i'veseen, it will allow you to store your juice for up to three days in a sealed, air-tightcontainer, with no air space, or vacuum-sealed for up to 3 days, with minimal nutrient know i haven't seen any testing with any

vertical slow juicer and a slow juicers wouldjuice ability on how it does store all the manufacturer's claim. you can store juicefor up to 3 days in a slow juicer. but you know, know this, only the green star tribestcompany has done any testing to prove it, so yeah. i guess the next thing, i got to do a tastetest. if it will taste significantly different. alright. first up, kuvings whole slow juicerjuice. taste like collard carrot juice. alright, green star juice. so i have to say, actually,you know the juices are different color. and i have to say that the juices taste differentto me. the green star juice actually taste a little bit sweeter than the kuvings wholeslow juicer for some reason. now like i do

know that those purple carrots tend to besweet carrots and of course the collard greens, tend to be not the sweetest things on maybe the green star was able to pull out more of the carrot deliciousness, and carrotsweetness. and maybe with the far infrared and magnetic technology, it was able to dojust that. so yeah, if you want to spend about the same price on the juicer, you know youwant to go with the green star if you're juicing hard vegetables and leafy greens, produces30% more juice. and i want you guys to be aware, every time your juicing in a juicer,no matter what juicer you get, if you're leaving juice in the pulp or you know juice in thepulp that you're taken out, you know, you're literally flushing money down the toilet.i mean some of the, everything that i'm juicing

is organic produce, and organic produce areexpensive. you're losing 30% juice, it's not gonna take you that much time to make up themoney your saving, you know, by buying more expensive or in this case, the same pricejuicer. so that means, you're gonna be making money every time you juice. now i did comparethe green star 1000 today, because it's the same price as the kuvings whole slow juicer.but if you're gonna go for the green star gs-1000, i would definitely encourage youguys to step up to the next level. the gsc-5000 because it only does a better job in my opinion,it's a little bit easier to clean. it has longer gear. it's easier to assemble and hasover twice the warranty. be sure to check my other videos on both the green star eliteand the kuvings whole slow juicer on how to

use them properly, for best results. if youlike this video and you want to buy a juicer, i want to encourage you guys to support meand my work. i make all these videos for you guys for free, but i would hope, that if yousee the value in this juice off comparison because big companies, other companies, arenot doing this juice off comparison to show you guys what actually happens and of coursethe manufacturers only gonna tell you our juicer is the best. but i'm basically breakingit down to show you guys the pros and cons of each models. i have over 400 videos nowcomparing juicer's pros and cons, side by side using the exact produce item in eachone. so you guys could find out the best juicer for you. and when you guys make the produceat discount juicers, you know, you are supporting

my work, supporting and allowing me to behere and continue to do these videos continue to educate the public about growing theirown foods, about eating more fruits and vegetables so that you guys can be healthier. and i thankyou guys for it. so hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode.once again, my name is john kohler with be sure to visit special promotional offers for youtube visitors. preview of next video: alright. this is john kohler with we have another exciting episode for you. and what were gonna do today is battleof the juicer. alright. what were gonna do

is were gonna compare the breville juice fountainelite to the kuvings...