quality kitchen cabinets

>> it's kind of like the ruth story. >> reporter: the princess who brought peace. >> please save my people, because i want to save yours, too. the united states has been

blessed because of that. >> reporter: our series on pocahontas concludes. >> she is coming from two different worlds, and she joins those two worlds together. >> reporter: on today's "the 700 club."

* >> pat: well, welcome, folks, to this edition of wendy, if you were going to plan the party for an inauguration of a president, what would you do? >> wendy: well, my gosh.

wow! well, i've been to one of the inaugural balls -- >> pat: i have, too, of course. >> wendy: and they're just magnificent. they're amazing. what would i do?

i see a picture right here -- >> pat: mr. trump is calling on the casino owners, he is getting sheldon davison and others who own casinos -- they're his buddies. he said, give me a show.

when john kennedy went in, he had frank sinatra and marilyn monroe, the brat pack, all of these people. can you imagine an inauguration for a president that looks like this? i don't know if you can

get vegas showgirls into washington -- >> wendy: is that just a rumor? >> pat: no. he is definitely asking them to help hi wit him with the parties. i don't know if they're

going to have the showgirls. >>> you've been in west virginia, bay th by the way. >> wendy: the new governor-elect, jim justice, who owns the greenbriar -- we had such a good time.

even though he is a democrat, he is a very conservative democrat. he is west virginia's only billionaire. he is a billionaire businessman. he is not a politician. this is his first time

running, so he has that in common with donald trump,, and he has a record of creating jobs, and he is a coal guy. that helped him win the election. >> pat: just like donald trump, he has defied all

of the expectations of anybody. a brilliant businessman. and yet he coaches girls' basketball -- >> wendy: and boys, yeah. and yesterday morning, before we did the

interview, he had been out bow hunting. it is deer season in west virginia. he is a real mountain man. yet he really felt this call. he is a strong believer. he said, i don't need to

be the governor. i've got a full life. but we'll have the full interview next week, the day before thanksgiving. >> pat: the new governor of west virginia. i was born in lexington, virginia, right near the

border of west virginia, and wendy is a west virginian. donald trump is denying reports that his transition team is in disarray. obviously with steve wynn, they know what they're

doing in term of the inaugural ball, but they're looking to make the members of cabinet. mike pence is purging lobbyists from the team. >> wendy: and democrats are trying to figure out their future.

dale hurd has the teenage. >> reporter: while donald trump has been out of the public eye, he posted on twitter, very organized process taking place as i decide on cabinet and many other positions.

>> what did you publish today? >> reporter: one of the first moves by the leader of the transition team, mike pence, was to purge any lobbyists from official roles, making good on a campaign

promise. and gone is advisor and former congressman mike rogers, al although he simply said his work was done. he has been replaced by former reagan official ben gaffney. and ben carson turned down

a cabinet position, saying he would prefer to work outside of the government. and there are reports trump is consider ted cruz for attorney-general. the two met on tuesday. one pick being picked at by the media and the

democrats is stephen bannon, former head of breitbart.com. accused by the left of catering to white nationalists. >> people didn't vote for donald trump so he could bring a white supremacist

into the white house. >> reporter: breitbart not only disagrees with that label, the hill reports breitbart plans to see an unnamed media organization over it. on capitol hill, where many republican lawmakers

spent the past year avoiding trump, they're now rushing to get on the trump train. >> welcome to the dawn of a new unified republican government. democrats, now with greatly reduced political

power in washington, are surveying the wreckage from the recent election and trying to plot a new they postponed their leadership election and could oust nancy pelosi as minority leader. but congressional

republicans, with a lot of wind in their sails and an ambitious agenda, are getting ready to hit the ground running when trump takes office. taking on obamacare, and promising, among many other things, the most

ambitious overhaul of the tax code in three decades. dale hurd, cbn news. >> pat: i just hope they take power and make it happen for the people and fulfill their promises. i understand mike rogers is a terrific guy, but

they think he wasn't tough enough on the benghazi hearings, and he closed them down without bringing something against hillary. my feeling on this is you're conflicted. what would you do? you know the woman has

broken the law repeatedly. and there are generals who have been convicted of crimes that weren't nearly as bad as what hillary clinton did. at the same time, you don't want to start a tit-for-tat indictment of

your enemies. that is really bad. it's happened before, where the party gets into power and begins to bring legal action against their enemies. we just don't want that. but i know that are some

congressional democrats that are going to move for some kind of action. but probably -- i don't know if he is going to be able to pardon her. that most likely would be the best course, to say, okay, we're going to put

all of this aside. i've got to run the country and turn over a new leaf. we'll see. not only did hillary clinton run against donald trump, it seemed at times like the news media was

campaigning against him. but a new poll shows the public wasn't fooled at all. john jessup has that story. >> john: that's right, pat. the public believes that

the reporting was tilted in favor of the democrat candidate according to the poll. 78% of voters said coverage of the campaign was bias. with 59% saying that the media was bias for

clinton. even a third of clinton's supporters believe the media was pro-clinton. but 97% of the voters say they didn't let the media bias influence their vote. >> pat: they obviously didn't.

that self-serving thing, seltzbuger was an ex-marine and he is quite a nice guy. i don't know if he died or retired or whatever, but his son took over. the statement he made was, we're going to be fair and

balanced. and we're still going to be great purveyors of the news. but it was disgraceful. they lost credibility. they were the official standard of american journalism, no question

about it. but they lost that during this campaign. and i don't think, frankly, they're ever going to get it back. we'll have to see. but in terms of the "washington post" and "the

"new york times" and other media, they are so bias. among the reporters and producers of the news, it is 96% made contributions to the democrats and not to the republicans. so there is no doubt there is a bias.

whether they all sit around in rooms and decide, how are we going to get the guy -- that is probably unlikely. but, nevertheless, there is an incredible bias. and this election showed that they were not in sync

with the american people. john? >> john: a hollywood giant, disney, is leading a legal battle against a streaming service that allows families to filter the entertainment they watch in their own homes.

they are seeking a preliminary injunction against vid angel, essentially asking to shut down the organization before the case goes to trial. efrem graham is following this story.

>> efrem: the men and women in this room are affectionately called angels. they're the engine behind vid angel, the family-friendly streaming service that let's costumers block

objectionable material from entertainment. >> having young children and wanting the product for own families, that's what drove it. because the product didn't exist. >> efrem: neil harmon is

a husband and father of young children, and one of the creators of the service. >> you buy a movie, a favorite popular movie or tv show, and once you own it, you can legally set filters.

you can filter it for racial slurs, for sexual language, for violence, nofor nudity, according to whatever your preferences are. and you can watch the movie according to your specifications in your

home. >> efrem: and users can then sell that selection back to vid angel for credit towards another. making it possible to watch a movie for $1 to $ 2. >> we've been testing it

for some time. we officially launched in august of 2015. >> efrem: vid angel was born here in provo, utah. and the filtering service company was slapped way a lawsuit from hollywood studios less than a year

after starting. >> so far as we can tell, they want to put vid angel out of business. >> efrem: david quinnto is vid angel's attorney. he is quite familiar with the industry. he spent nearly 30 years

working for hollywood studios before signing on with vid angel. >> we've called the court's attention to the fact that 40,000 people voluntarily donated money to vid angel's legal defense fund without

getting anything in return. >> efrem: vid angel's supporters have invested $20 millio10 million for its legal defense, writing more than 16,000 e-mails. >> do you think it loses punch there?

>> efrem: the company's creative team is also hard at work, on fun ways to make their case even clearer to those costumers. >> there is a feeling in the air and a sense among the people who use vid

angel that justice is on our side, ultimately. we just need to get there. >> efrem: efrem graham, cbn news, provo, utah. >> monday's hearing is the first for this case. the full trial may not come for another year.

pat, back to you. parm >> pat: i would think the supreme court is very much on the side of freedom of expression and the first amendment. the idea of trying to shut down a competitors appalling.

and these film companies -- it looks like just a bunch of bullies trying to beat up on a little bunch in utah who are trying to have clean films in their home. i think they're going to lose.

if this were a trial by jury, vid angel would win 100% of the case. it is going to be tried by a judge. they can probably ask for a jury. i don't know the legal technicalities.

but if they had a jury of their, quote,"peers," the peers would say we don't like bullies. >> john: in the last several days, cities across the country have moved to impose taxes on sodas.

three cities in california, san francisco, oakland, and albany voted for a tax of one cent per ounce. and cook county has a one cent per ounce tax. the beverage industry has long resisted such taxes,

saying they don't really have any health benefits. but a business insider says the votes shows the increasingly negative perception sugar has in the united states. >> pat: you can imagine a 16-ounce super,

whatever, gulp, that's 32 cents a shot. that's a lot of money. >> wendy: it is. yesterday i had a little coke in a bottle. and it was a little mini glass bottle. i don't know why, but it

tastes so much better in a which has nothing to do with the taxes, but i don't think it was taxed. >> pat: i think sugar is really bad for you. and i think -- they've got some other things in soft drinks that take your bone

strength away and leaches the calcium and all of the rest of it. >> wendy: don't do what i do. >> pat: you climb a mountain to make up for it. all right, what's next --

we're going to talk, by the way, the ultimate in birth control, and wendy has got that story. >> wendy: coming up, are you putting on the pounds and you don't know why? maybe you should blame your kids.

>> what we're also seeing with parents is that you gain an average of three to five pounds every single year. >> wendy: hear how you can gain control of your health and not gain the weight.

that's next. >> pat: i know what it is like to be a young parent because we had boy girl, boy girl, real fast as young parents. young parents are often busy. they're sleep deprived,

and they're stressed out. that's the perfect storm for getting cortisol in your body, and that means you put on the pounds. as lorie johnson tells us, there are ways those parents and everyone else can get back to a healthy

but as i said, this may prove to be the ultimate birth control. wendy -- i mean lorie. >> lorie: mom jeans, the dad bod, proof that parenthood packs on the pounds. >> with men, the first

year of being a new dad, you gain 15 pounds. that's what has been shown. and what we're seeing with parents is that you gain an average of three to five pounds every single year.

>> lorie: it even happened to fitness expert mark mcdonald, who put on 35 pounds after becoming aed dad. but he reversed course and is now sharing the secret to gaining control instead of gaining weight.

>> making your health work as a busy person and busy parent doesn't mean you have to sacrifice time with your family. >> lorie: he says the key is balancing your blood sugar to avoid overeating.

doing this by eating in these, a protein, fat, and carbohydrate every three hours. >> when you go too long without eating, your blood sugar drops and it burns muscle, which slows down your metabolism.

and then you crave carbohydrates. you reach for the breadp the chipbreadand the chips when you're starving. >> if i spike my blood sugar, i feel awful. i have to lay down. people are living like

that every day but they don't realize. >> lorie: proteins are animal products, like beef and eggs. and they keep you full, and so do oils like oils and nuts. and carbs are vegetables,

fruits, and grains and sweets. mark says when eating in threes, try to eat carbs last. >> protein get digested in your stomach, and carbs in your mouth. eat your protein first,

then your fat, and then your carbs. if you're doing greek yogurt with nuts and blueberries, that would be a meal, just do it but if you want some skittles, you ca could do some yogurt and turkey

before that, and that will minimize the damage and you won't want as much. >> lorie: try to pack your food at home and take it with you. >> what i do is make a turkey sandwich, and we make turkey lettuce wraps.

>> lorie: and there is nitrate-free turkey jerky, protein bars, nuts, vegetables and fruit. if you don't pack your foods, you can still eat in threes on the go at restaurants and even fast food.

grilled chicken as your protein, lettuce as your carbohydrate and dressing as your fat. eating mexican? not a problem. >> i'll go there and say, where is my protein. i get chicken.

and then you have a choice of carbs, you can do a tortilla or rice or beans. don't do all three. and then i'll add some lettuce and a little bit of cheese as my fat. >> lorie: not get enough sleep can cause weight

gain by increasing the hormone gre ghrelin. so try to get more "z"s, and improve your sleep quality by avoiding the snooze button. >> your body works in 90-minut90-minute90-minute cycles. and then it repeats

yourself. every second of sleep after the snooze button is light sleep. so you don't enter deep sleep, which charges your body or rem sleep that charges your mind. >> lorie: instead of

setting your alarm for 6:30 and hitting the snooze until 7:00, set your alarm for 7:00 and don't hit the snooze. >> too many parents are dehydrated. so how many ounces should we be drinking?

take your wealth and divide it by two. for example, if you way 120 pounds, drink 60 ounces of water a day. >> the way i know i'm drinking enough water is if the urine is closer to clear than it is to

yellow. you know you're hydrated. if you're urine is really yellow, you're not drinking enough water. >> lorie: when it comes to exercise, think of creative ways to do it mark traps on this

weighted vest to make family walks more challenging. even time in front of the tube isn't so bad if you sit on these. >> that inflatable ball, you'll burn three times more calories per hour

than if you were sitting in a chair. >> lorie: since stress can lead to weight gain, let go of the little annoyances parents face. >> when you have too many of those moments and your body can never relax, you

move into chronic stress. so it is almost impossible to lose weight and burn fat when you're in that moment. >> lorie: so to shed the weight, mark says to eat in threes to stabilize your blood sugar and avoid

also, drink enough water, try to sleep more, and avoid the snooze button. exercise together and minimize stress. lorie johnson, cbn news. >> pat: okay. now you've heard it. >> wendy: and you don't

get stressed out. >> wendy: nothing stresses you. >> pat: i don't get stressed. i give stress. >> wendy: you give stress -- that is true. >> pat: we need to be

happy. i started the university -- the center for student happiness. i really have a center for happiness. if you are happy, your health is a whole lot better.

>> wendy: amen. and plenty of sleep. >>> up next, a wannabe rock star who hit rock bottom. >> i remember laying in the middle of the street hoping cars would hit me. i was a homeless drug

addict. that's what i was. >> wendy: find out what got him off the streets, when we come back. >> pat: well, i want to tell you about a classic downward spiral. by the time michael was

14, he was raising money for ministries and mission trips. by the time he was 18, michael was raising money for drugs and booze. and before long this promising young man was living on the streets as

another dumpster-diving here is how he found his way back home. >> there was a large part of my childhood that was enveloped by a feeling of not really belonging to something. it was just a pure sense

of belonging that i really was craving. >> reporter: michael shoning was seven years old when he found out his mom's husband, the man he called dad, was not his real father. >> i remember lashing out,

running away, threatening suicide, laying in the middle of the street, just i really wasn't sure how to cope with that feeling of emptiness. the feeling of something i didn't have. >> reporter: a short

time later, a friend invited michael to church, where he prayed to become a christian. >> and at that moment, i had the creator of the universe as my father. and that was just an amazing feeling.

i just became plugged in to a huge family, and that's what i really wanted, was that feeling of being part of a big family. >> reporter: while the church gave michael a sense of family, playing

worship music brought him closer to god. >> music for me was another dimension, like another world i could enter into and worship god. nothing else mattered. everything else faded

away. >> reporter: then when michael was 18, a close friend was killed in a car accident. >> it really made me question god for the first time. how can a believer like

him just be gone, just like that. i didn't get it. i was angry at god, but i was more so really confused about why god would let something like that happen. >> reporter: the night

of the funeral, michael went to hang out with some mutual friends. >> the way that we coped at that time was basically just getting drunk. getting high, getting drunk, trying to get the numbness so that we're not

feeling the pain of our friend that just passed. that was the first time in my life that i had been stoned, that i had been drunk. >> reporter: and it wasn't the last. before long, michael left

his home and his church. he got into the local music scene where he found other family and plenty of drugs. >> i was trying to get that feeling again through drugs and alcohol, that i was when i was worshipping

but i knew in the back of my mind that it is going to wear off. the next morning i would still have a hole in my soul that i didn't fill. so i'm just going to have fun. i'm going to party and

pretend like i'm someone who i am not. >> reporter: but the party came to an end when a flood destroyed his musical equipment and set off a chain reaction. >> i lose my apartment. i lose my car.

i lose my job. all of this happened in maybe a month. i lose my friends because when i didn't have drugs and an apartment, they were just gone. felt he had nowhere to go and no one to turn to.

>> i slept in the back of cars. i slept in abandoned homes. i slept wherever i could. i had done so much wrong. it was so captained. tainted. i was so dirty and filthy. god is not going to want a

tainted child back into his kingdom. >> reporter: one night michael met a youth pastor on the street, who gave him a room in the church he gave him a bible and he started reading. >> i put the bible on me,

over my heart, and i just said, god, how did i get here? i remember him saying to me that he didn't leave. even though i had tried to run away, i turned my back on him, he really let me know that he never left.

he was there the whole and he kept me alive. he never tore up that contract, that offer of salvation. agreement. he was just waiting for me to come back. i felt like i was home

again. stopped doing drugs and rediscovered god's grace and peace. he eventually became the youth pastor in the church where he had been staying. today he is married and no longer has to question

where he belongs. >> when i came back, i said, look, i've done all of this stuff, can i please just serve you? and then he puts a robe around you and puts a ring on my finger and he puts shoes on my feet.

and god just says, look, mike, i've been waiting for you to come back. you've always been my son and i've always been your father. >> pat: the story of the prodigal son. he went away and he wasted

his living -- his substance in partying. he had plenty of partying, loose women, and he got deeper and deeper until he spent all of his money. and then all of his fair-weather friends left him.

michael's story is just like the prodigal son. and he went out and hired himself out to a farmer, and the guy put him out in the pig pen to feed the pigs. and it said, he would fill his belly with the husks

that the swine didn't eat. he was eating carob husks. and then he came to himself and said, how many servants of my father are better off than i am? i will go to my father and tell him i sinned, and i ask him, make me one of

your hired hands. but the bible says, when the father saw him a long way off, he ran to him. the only time in the bible where we have a desubcriptiodescription of someone standing in for god who ran to him.

the son wasted all of his money, and here he is, a bum in a pig pen, and the father ran to him and threw his arms around him, and said, get a robe, put sandals on his feet, and let's have a party. let's feast because my son

was dead and now he is alive. that's what god says to you. don't think you're not welcome. the father runs to the prodigal son and threw his arms around him.

dirty and smelly and everything else and he threw his arms around him. clean him up and give him nice clothes and let him be part of the family. whatever you've done, i've been out partying or being adulterous -- god knows

that. you haven't been in church for years, god knows that. he knows you've done terrible things, hurt people. he knows all of that, and he still says, i want you. i love you.

if you come to me -- the question is, will you come? because i'm talking to some prodigals, just like michael was. do you want to come to the father's house? the father will run and

throw his arms around you. you won't make you repent and cry. he'll throw his arms around you. that's what the bible says. you want it? i want you to pray right

now. whoever you are, right now, male or woman, boy or girl, call right now and pray these words: jesus -- jesus, you know the life i've lived, you know the sin, you know the stuff i've done, you know i've

broken your laws. i've rebelled against you. i've done terrible things to those who love me. but, god, right now, i come to you and i say, father, let me come home. father, open your arms and take me as a sinner, and

have mercy on me. for i know you died for sinners and you died for me. so i receive you, lord, as my savior. and i make you, at this moment, the lord of my life.

from this moment on, i'll live for you and i'll serve you. thank you, lord. amen. if you prayed with me, that's the beginning of something wonderful. a whole new life.

i have something i want to give you called "a new day." because you just started a new day. and you say, well, what do i do next? well, i spent 73 very intense minutes in our

audio room some time ago, and i made a compact disc right now for you. it's called "a new day," and you pit it i put it in your c.d. player. it will tell you what it means to be born again. and there is a little

booklet in here, too, about all of the scriptures. we'll give it to you free. i want you to call in and i want you to say, i just prayed with pat and i gave my heart to the lord. 1-800-700-7000.

somebody is on the phone right now, who made the same decision you have at some point in their life, and they love you. and say, i'm that prodigal and i'm coming home to the father's house. wendy, what's next?

>>> still to come, she only lived 21 years, but her legacy has been told through the ages. >> she laid the foundation for that colony to survive. >> wendy: the life and death of the legend, poke

pocahontas, when we come back. >> one spokeswoman says the courts are linked to the rise of the islamist movement. you can always get the latest of cbn news by going to our website at

cbnnews.com. pat and wendy will be back with more of "the 700 club" right after this. >> wendy: if you look at our nation's history, without jamestown, there would be no america. and without pocahontas,

there would be no jamestown. in the easterly years of the 17th century, the young native american girl was used as a bargaining chip between two empires. and somehow through the ensuing years, she would

bring them both together. this is her story. in the final part of our series "pocahontas." >> gordon: in march of 1614, before ralph's letter was delivered, dale sailed up the virginia coast to try to exchange

pocahontas for the village gun. when dale's group arrived, they were met by two of pocahontas' half-brothers. although they were happy to see their sister unharmed, they refused to return the guns.

pocahontas responded with news of her own. >> if my father loved me, he would value me more than old swords, guns, and axes. so i will stay with the english, who have always loved me.

>> it is kind of like the i want to be with you. your people are my people and your god is my god. and that's basically what she did. >> gordon: pocahontas returned to enricus, and the reverend baptized her

with a new name from the bible, rebecca, the mother of two nations in genesis. >> it wouldn't be a name that would be given without thought or a christian thought. so she is possibly being a person who will join the

nations -- her indian nation and the english nation. >> in an important culture, you would have a name and you'd be given other names for different things you've done in your warriors would be given

additional names based on their exploits in war. >> naming her rebecca was taking on a christian identity. >> this young lady is sharp. she knows her place in the world, in a lot more ways

than we would normally think of. she is coming from two different worlds. and she joins those two worlds together. >> i think her relationship with god was a very profound

relationship, a r very intimate relationship, and she received instructions from him and that is who she was working for. >> gordon: the name rebecca also echoed the meaning of her given name, bright stream between the

hills. >> she ended up being and emissary between two nations. and being a part of the birthing of this nation because she really laid the foundation for that relationship and for that

colony to survive. >> gordon: just a few days after her baptism, pocahontas and john ralph were married. it was the second marriage for both. >> she had already been married.

but it seems to be one of the few facts, that she was married to a man called kucum, about whom we know zero about. he was her second wife and he was her second husband. john ralph was one of the people shipped to the

bermudas, an and he had a child called bermuda, and she died, and his wife died, also. >> he, in a sense, blessed the marriage. he didn't go personally, but he did send representatives who are

there when she was so this was a pledge of peace between the two. >> and governor dale talks about her in a similar way. talking about to bind the >> gordon: america's first interracial marriage

brought the longest truce the colony had ever known. the so-called peace of pocahontas lasted eight years. >> i think everybody saw this as the perfect symbol of the coming together of these two people.

this way that there might be some kind of accommodation between the indian and the english worlds. >> the chief thought he had developed his federation largely through marriage relationships.

he would take as a wife the daughter of a chief of one of the other smaller tribes. so there is a whole cultural dimension going on here. >> i think it was very important that she

combined her culture with his culture and showed that it could be successful. >> gordon: as ralph's tobacco enter tries grew, senterprise grew,so did his family. pocahontas had a son named thomas.

the virginia company asked them to visit en glished england to cultivate new investors. so in the spring of 1616, the ralphs said good-bye to reverend whitaker and set sail for england, when pocahontas was presented to london society.

>> we know she was entertained by the mission of london. and she attended a mass by ben johnson. she was well-placed at the mass. >> gordon: while in england, the only known

portrait of her was completed. and there was an engraving done by simon venapas. >> she is indian of quite high status. and she history i has in her hand an ostrich feather, which some interpret as a sign

of royalty. >>> there is a version in which he is europeanized, which is in quite a lot of books. and even this picture, which is a piece of contemporary evidence, has been, in a sense, changed

our altered in order to make her a more european person. >> gordon: the visit to england was a resounding success. but pocahontas would never see her home again. >> someone who had never

left virginia before, she is suddenly in this huge city in london, exposed to who knows what kind of virus or something that her body had no natural defense for. [coughing] >> soon they're ready to

leave and they're back on the ship, and they begin sailing down the tens. she is so sick that they can't continue the trip. >> gordon: it is thought that pocahontas was just 21 years old when she died and was buried in graves

end england. >> it states in the register that she was buried in the council, off the parish church. a virginian lady born, rehkrebecca ralph. >> we were blown away when we went there and saw

graves end church and all of the history they ha had on her. and how she is still revered in england for saving the col lons. colony. we were taught that she betrayed her people, so

that is what we believed our whole life. first of all, we believed the lie that john smith was going to die and that she saved his life. and then we also believed that she snuck food into the colony to keep the

colonists alive. and we considered them to be our enemy. i see her now as, like, an esther. how she went before the king and said, if i die, i die, but please save my people because i want to

save yours, too. >> gordon: later that spring, her teacher, alexander whitaker, also died under tragic circumstances. he drowned in the james river, just a few miles from his home.

although he only listened lived for 32 years, today he is known as the apostle of >> he was in virginia for only about six years, from the time he arrived to the time that he was drowned, but a very critical six >> he is definitely an

unsung hero of virginia. >> without whitaker, you probably would not have had the ralph marriage. without the ralph marriage, you wouldn't have necessarily have had that eight-year window to establish the colonies.

the history books have forgotten this man. without him, would we have had the same relationship that we did with people like pocahontas? she was obviously very interested in the english, very willing to deal with

them. the fact that she wanted to stay in their society after she was baptized and after she was given her name and after she was married to john ralph, it was indicative of the new person she had become.

and so i think he was a very important part of who she became. >> her lord's majesty is found. anything is possible. >> gordon: the legacy of alexander whitaker and pocahontas is still alive

today. >> i see her legacy to us as being who she was. and instrument of reconciliation. an instrument of honor. and an instrument of generosity. she never had hatred in

her heart. >> we're still intrigued that such an extraordinary person had been. >> at the end of the day, i think we can see clearly that god was working in pocahontas' life and alexander whitaker's life

and john ralph's life. >> gordon: some believe that there was a greater purpose involved. >> the covenant that was made for the land, it was made by an anglican priest. he planted seeds here for

christianity. he made a covenant with this land. he said this land would be dedicated to god, that it would be used for his glory, and that the gospel would go from here to every nation in the earth.

god is all about covenant. he is a covenant-keeper. and because she was an instrument in his hand to create a covenant, a blunt covenant between these two nations, is really powerful. it was consummated in

their marriage because that was the consummation of the blood covenant between the two of them, the two nations. i think that the united states has benefited from and been blessed because of that covenant.

>> wendy: fascinating. well, we sure hope you enjoyed our docudrama on the life of pocahontas, and alexander whitaker. if you would like to watch that series again, you can order a d.v.d. for just $10.

just call 1-800-700-7000. or you can go to cbn.com. and you can also play pocahontas trivia on our facebook page. to win a free d.v.d., go to facebook.com/the700club.

>> pat: that is amazing. she died at 21. such a brief life, but what a difference she made. one life joined together. and had it not been for the friendliness of those indians, they wouldn't

have survived. >> wendy: all of that happening an hour up the road from where we are right now. >> pat: just up the road. >> wendy: it is time to "bring it on".

i've got to get my voice back here. let's start with this question from a viewer: "my husband and i have been married for 10 years and we have a 6-year-old son. we go to church and have

been baptized together. recently i found out that my husband has been seeing another woman for all 10 years of our marriage and has a 3-year-old son with this woman. he told my pastor that this woman was stalking

him and he did not know what to do. an older married couple came to me and told me they had seen my husband wis this womawith this woman in the grocery store and getting gas more than once. i do not know how to pray.

help." >> pat: i've been stalked and i didn't know what to do so i had sex with her and we had a child -- that is absurd. he is unfaithful. he has broken the marriage vow -- it looks like it

never existed. do you want to get the marriage restored and have him repent, that's fine. god is in the business -- i hate to say business -- but he rebuild rather than destroys. but you have every ground

to divorce him. >> wendy: she has a 6-year-old son, so that's probably why she is wondering if there is any hope. >>> this one is from mike, "i can feel a bad spirit in my home, and i don't

know what o do. to do. i can only feel it at night in certain parts of my house. and there is a smell that makes me gag. kitchen cabinets slam, doors found unlocked.

i've been scared. what can i? can it cause me physical harm?" >> pat: it certainly can. there are demons, no doubt there is a demonic presence in your home.

you need somebody to come, a group of people who know the lord and cast that thing out and ask for lens cleansing of the home. or you might want to just sell it and get out. whatever, those things are real.

>>> well, we leave you with today's power minute from job: "submit to god and be at peace with him. in this way prosperity will come to you." >>> well, tomorrow, best-selling story-teller karen kingsbury opens the

pages of her latest novel. so for wendy and all of us, this is pat robertson. lord willing, we'll see you tomorrow. bye-bye.

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