small cooking appliances

this is john kohler with i have another exciting episode for you, and this is definitely going to be afun one. i know it's one you guys have been waiting for a long time, especially if yousaw an infomercial on tv for this little guy right here. it's called the nutribullet. whatwe're going to do today is actually compare the nutribullet to the good old-fashionedvitamix turbo blend vs. so, you know, many people may wonder, how is the nutribullet?is it really as good as they say? is it really not a juicer? is it really not a blender?is it really a nutrition extractor, which is what they repeat several times during theinfomercial? well, you know what? in this video, i'm going to explain more about, let's get right into it. so, in the infomercial,

the infomercial sales person tries to convinceyou that this is like the most revolutionary thing since sliced bread, and is it? well,i don't know if it's the most revolutionary thing, but i'm glad they got the infomercialrunning, because it lets you guys know that the way to health, according to the infomercial,is by eating some of the natural foods, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables, that you cangrind up in your own nutribullet to make your own superfoods at home, because most americansare eating far too much processed foods, animal foods, and things out of packages, bottles,and jars. we need to get back to eating the foods found in nature. so, if that got youto this video, that's great. we're going to take it one step further in this video. so,anyways thy explain that the nutribullet is

not a juicer, and i definitely agree withthat because a juicer is something that basically separates the juice form the fiber, and it'sthe juice form the fiber that feeds you, at least according to what the juice (unclear)says, and i have plenty of videos on juicers, so refer to those videos if you're interestedin juicing, because that's a totally different process. if you're interested in learninghow a juicer differs from a blender, please check my videos out. several good videos thatexplain the differences in detail. we're not going to get into that today. now, also theinfomercial they say the nutribullet is not a blender. well, the definition of a blenderis one that blends an electric appliance for mixing or grinding, and you know what? that'swhat this does. in some commercials, they

say the vitamix is not a blender. now, whywould they do this? they want to convince you that this appliance or this applianceis something totally different than your standard household blender, and on that case, i wouldactually have to say that they're correct. i mean, this is a standard household blenderthat you might own already, but this is in a league of its own compared to these 2 guys.this guy, you know, runs at about 450 watts. this guy's actually at about 600 watts, oh,and start it up, and this guy's actually 1380 watts. so, you know, this guy's more powerfulthan this guy, but this guy, guess what? this is the big daddy. he's really powerful. so,as you can see it really is blender because it's the blender that mixes everything's up,it blends it up, it just grinds it up at the

same time, and that's what the nutribulletdoes. so, don't be mislead by the infomercial that gets you to buy this. another thing theinfomercial says is that this is the only machine in the world that has the patentedextractor blade right inside here that's going to do the exact same job as this. well, that'sprobably true. this is probably the only appliance that has the blade itself, but, you know,there's other blades in other machines that are just as effective, or in my opinion, evenmore effective than the blade in this machine here. now, i want you guys to remember thatthe nutribullet is made by the same company that makes the magic bullet, the baby bullet,and even the party bullet, and they're just another company making housewares that areimported from china. actually, vitamix is

made in the good old usa. so, they just wantto sell you more products. while i think this product is definitely really good, you know,i think supporting americans and american jobs is a lot more important. so, in any case,as we found out, this is still just a blender, and in a minute we're going to test it in2 different tests that i'd like to share with you guys to show the capabilities of thismachine, compared to the vitamix. the firs things i want to do is actually go over someof the specifications of the nutribullet compared to the vitamix. so, the nutribullet, as imentioned earlier, is made in china. the vitamix is made in the good old usa. now, the nutribulletis probably about, you know, â¼ the cost of the vitamix. now, yes, granted, you get whatyou pay for people. you know, this is less

money, it's going to do a pretty good jobbut not as good as the vitamix, but once again, let's take a look at the warranty. i wantyou guys to purchase an appliance that you're going to use every day, day in day out, forthe rest of your life, so that you will make the investment in the most important thingyou got. what is that? do you know? not all the money in the bank, silly. the most importantthings you got in your life is your health, because guess what? without your health, you'renot here. if you're not here, you cant' enjoy the money in your bank, you can't enjoy yoursports car, you can't enjoy your house, you can't enjoy your wife, you can't enjoy yourkids, you can't enjoy anything in life without your health. so, you know, think about it.if you make a one-time investment in the vitamix,

7 years warranty, compared to one year, althoughyou can purchase extended warranties for the nutribullet. let's next go to the, this guy holds a scant, in my opinion, 24 ounces of liquid. this guy rated at 64ounces. so, that's over 2.5 times larger. so, if you're just paying around wit gettingmore fruits and vegetables in your diet, this might be good for starters, but let me tellyou something. a meal for me is filling up this carafe and drinking it, and that's onemeal to get as many fruits and vegetables in my diet as i'd like. my goal is to get2 pounds of leafy greens in me every day, and the vitamix ill easily put, you know,if i stuff 1 pound of greens in there wit other things, no problem all the time. now,with the nutribullet, because it is 2.5 times

smaller, you're going to have to at leastmake 2.5 batches. so, you know, that's a pain in the butt and it's going to take you longeras well. so, the carafe size is significantly different. next, let's talk about the rpms,to how fast it spins. this guys spins at 10000 rpm. so, that's actually fairly fast, butguess what? the vitamix spins 3.7 times faster, at 37000 rpms, that's a lot quicker, to assureyou you'll be done in a shorter amount of time, and its going to save you time in thekitchen. also, less blending means less oxidation i the long run. next lets go over the wattagewe talked about briefly earlier. this guy's 600 watts. this is 1380, 1 thousand 3 hundred80 watts. so, that's over twice as many watts. so, i'm sure this is a lot more powerful,especially if your putting load on it and

putting some nice hard rich mixtures in this guy can make nut butter if you push nuts down into it with the tamper, and letme tell you, this guy's going to choke. it's not going to make the nut butters to the sameexact consistency. another things on the nutribullet is that it only has one speed. so, if youlike you're car black like henry ford said, you know, you like the nutribullet becausethere's only one speed. you don't got to worry about it. with the vitamix over here, youhave variable infinite speeds. think about it. if you turned your tv on, and there'seither off or on at a high volume, right? with the vitamix, you have a little dial likethose old-fashioned volume controls on the tvs where you could turn it down all the wayor turn it up all the way. you could even

turn it up onto high which is turbo mode toget you're smoothie done especially quick. so, i like the flexibility that the vitamixhas. another thing that i talked about earlier, nice again, is the nutribullet is made andimported form china, and the vitamix is made in the goo old usa. actually, i visited thefactory in cleveland, ohio, and i'll have a video in it really soon with my factoryvisit. it's a great place. all american workers working in there, and they're doing a phenomenaljob. so, vote with your dollars, keep your dollars close by inside the united states,and then you want to go with the vitamix. we also talked about the warranty. once again,one year on the nutribullet and 7 years on the vitamix. now, to me, an appliances suchas the nutribullets or the vitamixes, one

of the tools that you can use to make a changein your life for the better, because these tools allow you to eat more fresh fruits andvegetables so that you can be healthy, because in my opinion, fruits and vegetables are thebest things on earth you could be eating, especially ones you grow yourself. so, starta garden if you're not already, because then guess what? all the greens and all the foodsyou're putting into your blender that cost you some money is going to be free, and plusthere's no better things to eat home-grown food. no better taste and no better nutritioneither. in any case, along with the blenders, they also come with some information to getyou motivated and to get you on a plant-based diet so that you can be healthier, and letme show you the differences with these. so,

the nutribullet comes with this little smalluser guide and a little booklet, but check out this one with the vitamix. i mean, thevitamix people put this together for you. i mean, this things is a serious book. it'llactually stand up on your counter. it has, you know, hundreds of recipes in here thatare plant-based, so that you can make these healthy changes so that you can get healthierto day instead of tomorrow, because tomorrow may be too late. so, i like that it comeswith a nice large book. also, the vitamix turbo blend vs comes with a dvd that'll teachyou how to prepare some delicious plant-based uncooked recipes. in addition, it comes witha hemp nut milk bag to make your own fresh nut milks, you know, like hemp milk, almondmilk, even things like brazil nut milk, are

absolutely delicious and they're excellentsubstitute to get the milk out of your diet, that's actually very high in fat and, youknow, can be an allergen for many people. so, i really like the nut milks and even betterthan the nut milks, to me, are the coconut milk. oh, that's absolutely fabulous, andyou can make it fresh in your vitamix. the turbo blend vs is the only vitamix model thatcomes with the live fresh raw vegan vegetarian recipes. if you do buy a different model vitamixit may come with a different recipe book that's not as geared towards the healthy recipesthat i want you guys to live on. other than that, for the most part, the turbo blend vsand vitamix models are all similar. they share the same the motor, and many of them sharethe same carafe. actually, while we're on

the carafe, i do want to mention that boththe vitamix and the nutribullet have a bpa-free carafe if that is an important feature toyou. i guess the next thing, since we've compared them pretty much in detail now in the specifications,let's see how they work. so, the first test we're going to do is something that i liketo do a lot. it's using these guys right here. now, these guys are actually called flax seeds,if you guys can see those, and flax seeds are high in omega 3 fatty acids. basically,on some of the research that i've read, most americans are deficient in omega 3 fatty acidsbecause they're eating foods that contain far too many omega 6 fatty acids. so, a lotof the processed foods have far too many omega 6' and not enough 3's, and we want to geta good balance or a good ratio of 3:6's. so,

by eating flax seeds, you can do just that,but the problem is these flax seeds, i mean, they're literally just little seeds and ifyou just take a bunch of them in your mouth and just chew them up, you know, you're probablynot going to chew them adequately, and they're going to come out the other end whole, andthen they're not going to do you or me any good. so, for that reason, that's why i liketo take the whole flax seeds and blend them up in the blender. so, you can buy the wholeseeds at most health food stores, and they many try to sell you the milled flax seedsin the health food stores. now, i highly discourage you guys form doing that because when youbuy milled flax seeds they're actually breaking apart the cells walls and breaking open thelittle seeds and then when they're broken

open all the nutrients inside are exposedto air which causes oxidation which may cause the nutrients to degrade and also the flaxcan go rancid. so, in my opinion, the best is to buy your own flax seeds and then grindthem up just as you need them. don't grind a whole batch at the beginning of the monthand then use them through the whole month. if you want to use some flax seeds for dinnertonight, grind some tonight and use that in your dinner. if you want some tomorrow, grindsome tomorrow. that was you're going to be assured the highest quality omega 3 fattyacids in your diet. so, we have here about â¾ of a cup of flax seeds. we're going togo ahead then and put that into the vitamix here, and we're also going to go ahead andout that in the nutribullet. we're going to

have to be kind of careful pouring this. alright,right in there. so, when you are grinding flax seeds, what i want to recommend to youguys is actually you make sure your whole container is dry. make sure it's completelydry and your blade is completely dry, because if it's not completely dry then the flax seedsare going to stick to the water in the container, so we want it completely dry. now, the trickthat i'm going to have to do is, you know, i'm going to run both these blenders the sameamount of time to let you guys know the difference, because if you ran the nutribullet longer,you know, more than likely it's going to catch up to what the vitamix performance is. withoutfurther ado, let's go ahead and turns these guys on. to turn on the nutribullet, i'm justgoing to press down, and to turn on the vitamix

i'm just going to flip the switch up. ready?1,2,3. as you can see, both blenders are spinning around the mixer fairly well. the nutribulletis still spinning around, but in the vitamix, the edges are not spinning around too much.just shake this up a little bit. alright, let's stop it. alright, so, we've got it done.check it out. were going to shake that up a little bit. shake the vitamix up a littlebit. the fatty acids are released actually when you're blending this stuff up, so thatwe're going to see this. sometimes it gets stuck to the sides of the container. we'regoing to go ahead and pour this stuff out. alright, the vitamix milled flax seeds onthat side. next, let's check out the nutribullet. so, once again, this is â¾ of a cup of flaxseeds right here on the plate. wow. there's

a significant difference in color. we startedout with the same volume of flax seeds from the same container, and, man this is veryinteresting. alright, there's all the flax meal from the nutribullet. now, i don't knowif the camera can make that out here. i don't want to tip this too much, but this one'sactually a lot lighter in color and this one's a lot darker. i guess next i'm going to goahead and pick this up and check out the fineness. they're both fairly fine. after looking at this a little bit more closely,i can definitely determine that the nutribullet actually did an excellent job at grindingthe flax seeds but it's just not quite as fine as the vitamix, but, in my opinion, it'sdefinitely acceptable. so, the next test we're going to do it the liquid test, and this iswhat really counts because this is what they

call a nutriblast, and you want to make anutriblast, or what i would call blended salad, in your blender every single day so that youcan get more of the good stuff in you and, you know, exclude some of those junk foodsand processed foods. the more you eat the healthy stuff, the more you get an acquiredtaste for it, and the mote you're going to desire more, and the better you're going tofeel. now what we're going to do is make a blended salad recipe to see how both of thesemachines work making a blended salad or maybe if you want to call it a nutriblast or a vitamixblast or a vitablast a whatever, it doesn't matter the name. what matters is that youwant it to contain the most fruits and vegetables with a little bit of nuts and seeds as possible.that's the healthiest recipe that i can give

you. you want to use whole foods. foods thatif you want out to you're garden, you could pick up and bring them in. now, you couldn'tgo put and ick, you know, olive oil off the tree. you could pick some olives. so, i wantyou guys to use whole foods. olive oil is just, you know, extracted fat from the olive.instead of using olive oil, i'd rather you guys use whole olives, that are pitted ofcourse, in your blended salads. so, this could be a salad if i want to eat it, and normallywhat i'd do actually is i'd blend up the brazil nuts with the orange juice, and that'd makea nice dressing. i'd then pour that over my salad with some cut up tomatoes on it, butthe blender can save you some time and also allow you to get more nutrition out of thefoods because it's going to turn those cells

inside out like they do in the infomercial.what they do in those blenders is actually fractionate and turn at high speeds to literallygrind up and break open all those cell walls so that you'll get the best digestion of the things that if you ate a salad, you know, most people don't chew they're foodinto a mush, like when you were a baby and they had to feed you a baby food because youdidn't have teeth. i mean, we should be using our teeth to grind things up into mush everysingle time. like 200 chews a mouthful, but nobody has time to do that, and that's wherethe blenders can really save you time and also allow you to get more of this healthynutrition in you. so, lets go ahead and put together our blended salad recipe. first,what we have is we have the orange juice.

so, we have approximately half a pound oforange juice going into the nutribullet, and we have a half a pound of orange juice goinginto the vitamix. the next thing we have is we're going to go ahead and put our greensin. so, i have baby kale right here. this is 2.5 ounces of baby kale. this is goingto go into the vitamix, and now we're going to put that same 2.5 ounce sin the, one of the things about the nutribullet id that this carafe is particularly small,so you can't fit as much leafy greens in it as i'd like. so, if you do end up buying thenutribullet, i want you guys to make at least 2 nutriblasts in one sitting to get at leasta good amount of greens in you. you want to remember that greens should always be in yourblended concoctions that you make at home,

whether you want to call it a nutriblast,a green smoothie, or just a blended salad. so, that's the 2.5 ounces of the baby, we're going to put in 1/3 pound of organic baby tomatoes. so, we're going to go aheadand put this right in the vitamix, and we're going to go ahead and put this right in thenutribullet. now, one of the things i want you guys to remember is that when you're feedingitems in the different respective blenders, you always want to put your liquid items closestto the blade. so, in this case i put the tomatoes closest to the blade of the nutribullet, butunfortunately, i put the kale in closer to the blade in to the vitamix, but it should,be aright. finally were going to add the brazil nuts. brazil nuts are high in selenium, yetanother mineral that can be hard to find in

the average americans diet, so that's whyi like to eat brazil nuts every once in a while. just a few brazil nuts a day and you'llmeet your selenium requirement. all these fruits and vegetables have a wide varietyof different vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and antioxidants, and, for me, the most importantis the phytochemicals in there. i mean, in kale there are literally over 1000 differentnutrients, many of them yet undiscovered and, you know, we just don't even know what theydo yet, but take it from me that kale is just one of the most nutrient dense foods on theplanet, according to dr. joel ferguson, who cam up with the andi scoring system. thatstands for aggregate nutrient density index, and if you go into any whole foods marketin the country or even in the world, they're

using the andi scoring system to score thefoods sold in the whole foods, and the highest on that scoring system is 1000, and that'swhere kale lies, and on the lowest on the scale is a 1, and that's where soda, what are you eating more? are you eating kale, which is the most nutrient dense foodon the planet, or the soda, which is one of the least nutrient dense foods on the planet?i want to encourage you guys to eat the most nutrient dense foods and the foods that arehighest on that list are guess what? the leafy greens followed by the vegetables and thenby the fruits. so, by eating fruits and vegetables you're eating the highest nutrient densityfoods on the list and guess what? foods high in nutrient density are low in calories, sothose are the ones that may help you lose

the weight as well. so, now we're going togo ahead and put these brazil nuts in. this is actually 1/8 of a pound of brazil nutsgoing into the nutribullet and 1/8 of a pound right in the vitamix. we're going to go aheadand put the lid on the vitamix, and we're going to go ahead and put the lid on the nutribullet.we're going to shake this mixture up in the nutribullet a little but to see if we canget tit mixed up pretty good and we'll do the same with the vitamix, and then now we'reall ready to blend. so, in the vitamix we may have to user the tamper because i should'veput on the bottom, or actually i should have put in the tomatoes and then i should've putin the kale and then i should've put in the brazil nuts on top. i kind of put it the waythat the nutribullet would've liked it the

most, and so that's just what it is. we'rejust going to go ahead and stick the tamper in there. now, this tamper let's you makeespecially thick mixtures in the vitamix because all blenders, they require liquid to blendproperly, except the vitamix because you've go that tamper. that means you can push tingsinto the blade if it doesn't have enough liquid in it. if something's not blending in yournutribullet then you have to add extra liquid or shake it around to try to get the bladeto come in contact with the food. in any case, let's go ahead and turn both these guys onthe exact same amount of time to see what kind of consistency we're going to get. okay.ready? 1, 2, and 3. alright, you can see the vitamix is already blending up and the nutribulletsblending up now. we're going to go ahead and

count to ten and then we're going to stop.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, stop. alright, we stopped both blenders. now, let's see whatwe got. we're going to go ahead and pull the tamper out of the vitamix, take off the top.we're going to go ahead and twist this nutribullet around, tap it down a little bit. man, thisstuff smells really good. let's go ahead and screw off the extractor blades. i'm goingto ahead and clear this flax seed out of here. i'm going to go ahead and bring in our 2 containerswith a similar, exactly similar straining device. now, i want you guys to think aboutit. when they did the test between the nutribullet and the standard blender, the infomercialperson used a strainer with actually large wholes. so, that's no fun. i'm using one withparticularly small wholes. so what we're going

to do is actually pour both these mixturesthrough the strainer to see hat's left over. so, let's go ahead and do it. 1, 2, 3. alright,we're pouring both through, and both strainers are catching actually a lot of different thingsin it. let's go ahead and pour it all out. wow, those strainers are pretty full at thispoint. alright, now we're just going to go ahead and shake this down and see fi we canget the liquid shaken down and see what we're left with. very slowly but surely there isstuff coming through the strainers. alright, man, on the play-by-play, i don't know ifyou can see this but i can. the vitamix strainer actually has about â¾ stuff left over andthe nutribullet looks like it's about completely full, and guess why that is. that's becausethe vitamix was able to get in there and really

rip those cells apart and break your fooddown even more than the overhyped nutribullet. so, let's go ahead and continue to strainmore. straining with the nutribullet and vitamix. having so much fun on the discountjuicer.comchannel. alright, we're still continuing to shake those down, same exact time, same exactchannel, same exact time, and, man, at this point now, the vitamix, there's only â¼ ofthe mixture left. the nutribullet probably has about â¾ of the mixture left. that's becauseit does not go down the strain because it didn't break it down quite enough. okay, we'restill shaking it down, still shaking it down. now, the vitamix almost everything has gonedown the same exact strainer basket and on the nutribullet, not much is actually goingdown. i think we're going to shake this down

a little bit more so that actually all thevitamix liquid, or most all the vitamix liquid is actually strained through. actually, lookslike almost all the vitamix liquid is strained through, and as you can see, we're left witha couple of chunks of nuts that didn't get blended. now, that's acceptable because maybewe should've ran it a little bit longer, pulsed a couple of times, but check this out. onthe nutribullet, even after shaking it down the same amount of time, we still got a lotmore left in the strainer basket. so, you guys saw it here first. i mean, i didn't doa taste test, because your taste buds can lie, but guess what? the exact same size strainersdon't lie. they let the same particles go through on the vitamix turbo blend vs thatdidn't on the nutribullet. so, i want you

guy to consider that, you know, when you'regoing to buy a nutribullet. i would highly encourage you guys, and i know it costs more,but i want you guys to get the appliance you can use for the rest of your life, and inmy opinion that's the vitamix. it has a seven year warranty, and as you saw it works better,you're supporting americans with american jobs because it is made right here in theus, it does a better job, it has a better capacity so that you can eat more fresh fruitsand vegetable sin your diet and get better results than people with the nutribullet.i hope you guys enjoyed this episode. once again, my name is john kohler with sure to visit for special promotional offers for youtubevisitors.

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