hello everybody this is hope girl from thefix the world organization and also the qeg academy. i'm coming to you with a very importantmajor qeg project update. we'll see how long this video ends up being. i've put togethera pretty comprehensive powerpoint slide show because the purpose of this update, we'vehad a bunch of stuff going on with the project but i really wanted to make sure that everybodyhad the opportunity to understand exactly what's been going on with our project up untilnow and to understand exactly what's about to happen very soon.i'm going to start this presentation. the first few things i'm going to do is walk everybodythrough some of the basics because even if you're not an engineer or a diy person i wantto make sure that you understand what kind
of energy we're talking about. the qeg isvery very unique so i want to make sure everyone understands the stages because there's beena lot of confusion. the title of this is qeg major update....the first thing we're going to go into is just a basic explanation of how the qeg producespower. this is very different from what you might be used to, this is not conventional,we've used the words free energy. in case you're new to this project we'll start fromthe beginning in case your new to this project. the qeg creates a vibration to vibrate steel,this vibration is called resonance this is what nikola tesla discovered and was workingwith a lot. when that steel vibrates a certain way andwhen it is tuned to vibrate at the correct
frequency it taps into the zero point fieldof energy and when this happens the power amplifies in a sudden and dramatic spike weregoing to get into that in just a minute but first i wanted to spell out, how muchpower does the qeg provide? a lot of people may be like well, 5,000 watts???? i don'tknow what that means... so i put this chart together, so when theqeg is tuned... and this is where we are currently at, this is our level of power development,when its tuned it will provide 5,000 watts or 5 kilowatts, because 1 kilowatt is 1,000watts and that is enough to power an entire european home. with more development to increasethe efficiency the qeg can provide 10,000 watts or 10 kilowatts, which is enough topower an american home, american homes.. waste
a lot of energy, we consume a lot of energyin american homes. and then with even more development the qeg has this particular poweroutput potential. if you tweak it enough and raise it up we have heard it can actuallyprovide 40,000 watts or 40 kilowatts of continuous power and that is about enough electricityto power a strip mall or a large office complex. so i just wanted to walk you guys throughthe steps so you'll know where we are at with the qeg. in order to complete the qeg, andthis is what we have been doing over the past couple of years, first we have to tune theqeg to hit the sweet spot to increase the power, and i’ll explain the sweet spot ina second, the second thing we have to do is convert the power in the qeg into what’sknows as useable power, i’ll also explain
this, and the third thing we have to do isloop the excess power back in to run the motor that runs the machineso what is the qeg sweet spot? we’ve heard this a lot in some of the videos,i’ve certainly heard it a lot when we've heard the engineers talking... so to explainit to you guys, when you run the qeg at the correct frequency it taps into the zero pointfield and amplifies the power, this is the same concept that happens when an opera singerhits the correct frequency and shatters a glass, i know that we've all seen that whena coloratura opera singer hits that high note and all of a sudden the glass shatters, what’shappening is your tapping into zero point, so when you tune the qeg and you hit the sweetspot, you've tapped into zero point and when
that occurs you will get a huge spike in powerand i’ll show you that in just a second too. but first i just wanted to tell you howwe found the sweet spot, and james was looking for this for a long time, and he was tryingto figure out how to get to that sweet spot.. and its not as easy as you might think. hehas to set things up a certain way and re-plug in wires and unplug things and put differentcapacitor values on and this is how he slowly and methodically does his engineering, sojames went through twenty different iterations or qeg configuration set ups and each onetook a lot of time and care in order to set up in order to find the correct setting torun the qeg in order to tune it to the correct frequency to hit that sweet spot and increasethe power. james found the sweet spot on the
qeg in july of 2015. this was a very big dealfor us. but i'd like to just take a moment to explainto everybody if you've been following our work, you'll remember that there was a bigannouncement in july and that was james overcoming the last hurdle to hitting that sweet spot,so what happened next... and this is just what happened in our lives in our lab. we needed something called an oscilloscope,which costs between $2,000 and $10,000 usd. we did not have onejust so you know we used to have one as one was donated to the qeg project back in 2014.but we went through some hard times, and when we lost our home and re-located to morocco,because you guys know that we've been through
a lot as a family. during that time the donorthat gave us the oscilloscope took back the oscilloscope that they gave to us. so we foundour selves in morocco, with the qeg, with no oscilloscope and very little money. we tried everything we could, we tried buyinga used and cheap oscilloscope, but it did not work properly. so essentially james had made the breakthrough,he saw the spikes in power, and he knew that he had overcome that hurdle, but he didn'thave the money to buy the equipment in order to set everything up so that he could safelygo through and show everyone the experiment. just to let you know, an oscilloscope is anabsolutely essential piece of equipment that
is needed to measure electrical power, sowithout one it’s like driving with a blindfold on, so james could not go further physicallyon the qeg without the right equipment, to do so would be dangerous and might also createand expensive mistake so we were sort of stuck at that time, figuring out what we could do so we did the next thing that we could doat the time. since we did not have equipment needed to set up the full experiment to showeveryone how to tune the qeg to hit sweet spot to show everyone how to increase thepower to complete the qeg so james passed on all of his knowledge byopen sourcing the tuning instructions, hopefully there was another team out there that didhave the proper equipment that would be able
to use these instructions to complete theqeg and just so you know, this was the big announcement made in july. this was a hugebreakthrough. and you might be saying, well if that happenedin july, did anybody complete their qeg using the instructions that james gave during thattime, that he open sourced. the answer is, we don't know because of the nature of thisproject, because its open sourced, not everyone likes to tell us what they are doing... all we know is that somebody with this knowledgeand with the right equipment, can in fact complete the qeg with the knowledge that jamesgave in july of 2015. it is possible that people did complete their qeg's and just didn'ttell anybody about it, and we think this is
because people do not feel safe announcingto the world that they have a free energy device in their possession, and i don't blamethem.. i understand, god knows we've been through a lot with this project, however ijust want to make sure that everybody knows that when this family completes the qeg wewill open source everything to the people. so i just want to skip forward in our timeline and tell everybody what happened after that... so this was when james made the three hourfree tuning video and that came out just a couple of months ago, so in between, jamesand valerie flew back to the unites states for family reasons, there was a new grandchildborn into the family, they had to be there
for that. they were also there because theywanted to be closer to a manufacturing partner that we have out there that could help themwith some parts, like i said...we didn't have a lot of choices, they needed what they neededso there was some good reasons why they went back to the us at that time. several months later, some beautiful kindsoul donated some money for our project, which is what we were then able to use to buy theoscilloscope that we are using so after that james rebuilt the qeg againand used the oscilloscope, did everything he wrote out in those instructions back injuly and he hit the sweet spot and increased the power in the qeg, and i'll show you howmuch it went up in just a second.
but after he had done that, he wanted to makesure that everybody that was following this project was able to see exactly what he haddone. so he made a three hour tuning video that showed everything. this video has been on youtube and its beenfreely available and at this point the engineers started to get really excited. so how much power?so i just want to show a little bit of a comparison here so you'll seebefore he hit the sweet spot, it takes 1,000 watts in in order to run that motor that makesthe generator spin to create power, so for 1,000 watts in he was able to creat 800 wattsout... this was before he hit the sweet spot.
now we do have some videos where he is tryingto tell people "at this point in our development this is what the power in power out is..."because he hasn't hit the sweet spot yet because everyone just want to know numbers,how much in how much out... so here are your numbers before you hit the sweet spot you have 1,000watts in to create 800 watts out then you hit the sweet spot and for 1,000watts in, your now getting 5,000 watts out (and that's once those watts are converted)because the qeg creates power in different form known as vars and i'm going to talk aboutthat in just a second. but lets just look at this power here, 800watts you hit that sweet spot, and boom!,
there's that spike in power, that’s whathappens when you hit resonance and that sweet spot and you shatter the glass.and just to let everybody know, we were able to demonstrate over unity on the qeg backin may of 2014, there was a lot of equipment that was donated for a short period of timeand we took all kinds of measurements, so james was able to demonstrate over unity inthe form of vars in the qeg in may of 2014 and here’s just a screen shot of that particularreport that we had put out on the hope girl blog archives, but the next step is to convertthat power. before i go into the conversion of power,i just want to let everybody know that there has been this argument between vars and watts,so vars is one form of power its kind of like
"raw power" and again, i am not an engineer,i'm trying to make this really simple so that people can understand it. so a good analogyto use is the oil well. we've seen that hillbilly show where peoplestrike oil and everybody gets really excited when this giant oil gusher is coming up andeverybody is covered with oil saying "we’re rich!" that is what raw oil looks like whenit comes out of the ground, everybody knows that all you need to do is process that rawoil and then you can create gasoline and other products. its the same thing with this qegpower coming out in vars and then turning it into watts. vars is like the raw form ofpower, and watts is what you get after you've converted it or processed that power intosomething that they call useable power, so
vars is "unusable" watts is "useable" itsa conversion process i'm going to talk about that more to show you how we do it.but the next step after we got that sweet spot and spiked the power was to convert thepower on the qeg. just to let you guys know at this time, thevars became a "four letter word" in my household. because the skeptics depend on a common ignoranceof basic electrical conversions, and they love to say that vars isn't real power. andthis is bogus. imagine all the skeptics standing around theoil well saying the raw oil isn't real power. they are depending on you guys to not understandthis so that they can say "they didn't really make a breakthrough" but that is not trueat all.
let me walk you through how we did in factconvert that power from vars to watts. so we’ve got a proof of concept from varsto watts, and just to let you guys know, there’s several different way you can convert fromvars to watts but currently the fastest and cheapestas we are under a lot of pressure as a family to get this project done fast is to use anew piece of equipment called a bi-toroid transformer and this will cost between $1,000=$2,000and it also needs to be custom made so before we just go out and spend that money,which we didn't have really to spend that to make it and then plug it in and see ifit works, we did something called a simulation. so james proved that the bi toroid transformerwill successfully convert the power from vars
to watts by creating a simulation. how hedid it was he used a spare qeg core that he configured to operate in the same manner inwhich our custom made bi-toroid transformer would work. and he did this in a video calledqeg power conversion vars to watts and that was released about a month ago at the time.so once again another video with lots of views, engineers are seeing what we are doing andtheir getting very excited so these are two significant videos that have come out. just to let you know that we have some greatnews, so we were able to prove yes we can convert the power now we need to actuallyget the part built and they cost money but the good news it that some beautiful personis making and donating a bi-toroid transformer
to the qeg project and it will be shippedto us very soon. so here's a picture, just so you can see some real stuff, this is apicture of our actual bi-toroid transformer in mid development, its not done yet there’sanother piece and some windings and stuff, but that is going to be finished pretty soonand sent to us here, and just to show you, because there are some students that are workingon this stuff and they were all talking about the bi-toroid transformer to convert the power,this is another form of transformer called a split flux transformer that a student madeso we've got that ready, so i just want to take what i just explained and put it alltogether for you. so we are extremely close to completion, wewere always a little close before but we had
to wait for some funding, and wait for somethings to happen, we were never as close as we are now because we've got what we needand its all on its way, so we're so close to completing the qeg that val and james,my parents they had to leave the united states to ensure their safety and i’ll tell youmore on this later but the us is not a very safe place right now to be doing this kindof stuff and we are much safer here. but there’s more great news, because wehave to have our stuff shipped and somebody donated the $1,500 that its going to costto ship our equipment to us here in morocco so when our equipment arrives we will putall of it together, tune the qeg to increase the power, then hook up the bi-toroid transformerto convert the power needed to loop back in
to run the motor, otherwise known as self-running. i also wanted to make sure everybody understoodthe mini qeg and what that has to do with all of this, cause we've launched a mini qegproject as well. so we've got faster development and more access with the new mini qeg themini is our newest design that will put out 1,000 watts of continuous power once its done,which is enough to power some appliances, or a separate garage off-grid. the mini qegwill make it easier faster and cheaper to further develop that big qeg and for exampleto increase the power up to 40 kilowatts if you remember what i said earlier about howwe are at 5 kilowatts and we want to increase it to ten and then maybe it can go up to 40.we need the mini qeg in order to do all of
those experiments. because anything that wedo on the mini qeg which is quicker faster and cheaper can then be scaled up to workon the big qeg so its a way to speed up the development so we can get more power sooner.the mini qeg is cheaper to build which makes it accessible to a much larger populationof diy engineers who wish to build their own off grid power systems, so i just want tomake sure everybody understands, there are many people who want to build their own generator,nobody is teaching people how to build generators like these...nobody. so having a qeg available,that makes this so much more available to a larger population of people that like doingthis work, there has been a lot of demand for it for people for a long time, a lot ofpeople ask about it, they don't want to go
with the big qeg right away so they want togo with the mini also people who are building the big qeg's want to build the mini so itsreally exciting. that we've got this project launched and offthe ground, you can check a different video to see how far we've gotten and we still needsome help with completing that i'll get into that a little bit more at the end but itson its way and the parts are made. so the important thing that i really wantto bring up right now, and this is a very important slide. everybody the qeg is the real deal!there are over 100 qeg's that are actually physically being built in over 40 countriesand this is just that we know of. and we know
this because one of the manufacturers thatwe work with that makes the qeg cores has sold over 100 of them. so they are out thereexisting and being built in this world. also i just wanted to let everybody know that theqeg academy (as far as james and our family) right now we are personally working with over60 groups and individuals who are building qeg's world wide. these are students thatwork with james hand in hand. we've been working with them for a while,so there is a lot of groups, also... and this is mind blowing to me and i want everybodyto know this... there are highly skilled professionals that we know from the following backgroundsthat have worked with the following companies and these people are building qeg's becausethey understand what it is and they see its
electrical potential. of course i'm nevergoing to disclose anyone’s personal information or their names, so please don't ask but theseare folks that work at nasa, lockheed martin, los alamos national laboratory, and the unitednations. so that says a lot, and i just want to makethis statement now in case you thought that we were going away, or maybe it didn't workout, if you had any doubts about the project.. i want everybody to understand that the qeghas more potential than any other energy project. and let me tell you why...there is no other energy project in existence that is like the qeg. on all of these differentvariables of the project. its open sourced, its being co-developed, it is grass roots,its accessible the average person and its
scaled large enough to power a home. so theqeg is truly the peoples free energy device. and it has the ability to change everything.because of the nature of the qeg project this makes us one of the biggest threats to theoil industry. and because of this, we receive more controlled opposition, and suppressionattacks than any other free energy device on the planet. bar none. the qeg is the highesttargeted and most heavily trolled free energy project online. why is this? this is becausethe qeg is the closest that we have ever been to having free energy available to everyone. i need to cover a few problem countries. wehave had certain experiences with these four countries and we've had a lot of difficultieswith them as far as, trying to develop a free
energy device like the qeg in these countriesin their political climate. these countries are, the usa, canada, australia,and the united kingdom. specifically the problems that we have, they have the highest internettrolling problems, completely unchecked. they are restrictive with their business regulations(that’s an understatement!) its really hard to do business in these places, they havea "gestapo like" police environment, they have governmental surveillance like you wouldn'tbelieve and no privacy and on top of all that, there is prohibitively a high cost of living,inflation and collapsing economies. that’s what's going on, that’s the realityof this world. and that’s why we were not safe there while building a free energy deviceand that’s why we don't live their at this
point in time.now let me just move on to something else i really want to make sure i clear this up.so most of your that know about the qeg have been following our development for quite sometime. but for those of you who are new to this project, here are the common misconceptionsthat most people have. people think that the qeg is a finished product.its not. it is in a very unique process of completely transparent development, whichmeans that we disclose each and every breakthrough that happens on this device as it happens.this is something that’s completely new and unheard of in the world of product development.normally the process of development is done behind closed doors and the public never getsto see it until the product is ready.
the second thing, people think that we sellqeg's. we don't. we teach people how to build them and we tell people where they can buythe parts to build their own. third thing is that people believe some misinformationthat they read about us on a trolling website. now we really wish that people would readall of our information that we've spent so much time and energy creating and making freelyavailable. before they jump to any conclusions. those trolling websites are funded by thegovernments and the energy corporations. they literally pay people to write lies about usand the qeg. but also, people think that we can operate at the same capacity as a hugecorporation, we can't. because we are not funded.and this is an easy misunderstanding to make
because we live in a society, where peopleare just kind of used to calling up a big department store or a big home improvementchain where they can make all these big customer demands and they get all these different kindsof service. this is what i mean when i refer to "box stores",we've had some pretty strange requests, people think we are a big department store, theywant free samples and all different kinds of weird things...so i just want to make sure that people understand that we cannot offer a lot of these "box store"perks that some people are accustomed to. honestly we are a team of five people, andwe put in about 60-80 hours each per week in order to get this information out to you.and we do the best that we can to offer personalized
assistance to our students and our customers.i just want you to be aware about our public qeg reporting.if you are new to this project, we have been transparently reporting and freely sharingour qeg progress every step of the way. you can see this on our new website, qegfreeenergyacademy.comfor a backlog of all our project reports and answers to frequently asked questions. we'veput a tremendous amount of care and thought into our information to make this valuableknowledge available to you. the best, easiest, simplest, fastest way for you guys to stayinformed on all of the work that we do on our project is to join our mailing list. andthis is important that you guys know this too..we haven't gone anywhere. some people come
out into the public eye, they do a big thingand then they mysteriously disappear. we haven’t, we have been here loyal and methodically puttingout every bit of information that we can nonstop. we haven't taken any 6 months vacations oranything weird like that, every step of the way for the last 2 years over the durationof this project. so i think that really says a lot, and here's a question that i reallywant to make sure that i address. so, why is the qeg taking so "long"? somepeople might feel that way, they might say "its been a couple of years you should havegotten it by now" so it’s a simple answer. we don't have adequate funding, we have tobe able to raise the funds in order to get the parts that we need to get closer to finishing.so if we have to wait 6 months to get the
money to get the next part... that’s whyit takes 6 months, because i had to spend all that time raising funds. and fund raisingby the way is a full time job in and of itself. its a lot of work. just to let you guys know,if this family had adequate funding available to us, all at once we would be finished withthis project in a couple of months. we'd be finished with it. they would be done, theywould be out there. and i want everybody to know, we're ready to finish right now. weare ready. so its really just a matter of funding. so, just a little bit of a perspectiveto remind everybody, its been a couple of years, it could have been done sooner if wedidn't have to keep waiting for funding because we kept running out of money so we are piecingit together. however, we're still breaking
records. you guys need to realize that a bigcorporation with a multi-million dollar budget and a full staff of trained experts to doall the work, they still take nine years to get a new product to market. we've been doingthis on a shoestring, and its been two years and we are light years ahead of what someof these other companies with huge budgets would be able to accomplish, so i still thinkthat's pretty good. just to let you guys know, the qeg project is not fully funded and itreally needs to be, we've had many delays in this project because of inadequate funding,we've had dozens of promises of funding that never came through and last year we finallygot our first legitimate benefactor and the funding was stopped due to controlled oppositioninternet trolling. so now we are going to
go into a bit of a disclosure piece for thisreport. so i’m going to tell you the story about what happened to our family last year,its been sort of disclosed, but not really quite in this way. i think it’s really importantthat you guys understand what this family has been up against, and you need to knowwhat's happening. and the following are all examples of covert attacks on the qeg projectas disclosed by documents leaked by edward snowden about the joint threat research intelligencegroup. this is what you need to know about internet trolls and clean energy debunkersis that governments and corporations pay them to discredit threats to their industry. i'mnot going to go in depth with this but if you go to our website, we have spent a lotof time putting together really in-depth informational
educational report about jtrig. you guys needto know about jtrig! and when snowden revealed it to us, its really intense and very true.so everything i'm about to show you comes from these psychological warfare programsthat are being put out on citizens by their governments through things such as jtrig.here is our disclosure of how controlled opposition has actually cut off the qeg project funding.i'm about to tell you a story about a 75 year old widow, some evil banksters, and an onlineterrorist trolling ring. this is the story of how our miracle funding was ripped awayform the peoples free energy device. you can read the story and the letters fromour beautiful funder right here in this hopegirl blog article. this is the free energy qegpart 1 rbc bank and $120,000
here's what happened,last year, our family is working on our project doing the best we can to make ends meet. toget the breakthrough, you know how it is, right? and then we got a letter that changedour lives. we got something from a lady named wilhelmina, who has since become and adoptedmember of our family, we love her very deeply she is an incredible amazing human being.she is a 75 year old widow, a few years back her husband passed away and he left her somemoney. in her own words "she didn't have any need for the money she had a comfortable andsimple life". she wanted to take this extra money and do something special and importantwith it that would help to change this world and make it a better place, she had foundus on youtube by watching some of our videos
and showsand we began a dialogue and wrote back and forth many different letters, and she hadgiven us a few donations by that point, $1,000 here and $1,000 there, so we knew that shewas a legitimate and really did have some funding and she wanted to fund the project.so she tells us that she wants to give us $120,000. that’s a significant amount ofmoney. just to let you guys know, if we had $120,000 all at once to be able to get thisproject going, it would be done we'd be over that boundary that we've been dealing withand we'd be able to completely move this forward, everyone would have qeg's powering their home,it would happen if we had it all at once. so on that day, we cried. my whole familywas like, this was the miracle that we've
been waiting for. we finally got a legitimatebenefactor to help us out with our project, and she's incredible. but then something changed.she was going to her bank, she was trying to get her assets, she had a fund she wastrying to liquidate to send it over. she went to her bank and she's like "they would notlet me take my money out because they think you’re a just a bunch of scammers and theyrefuse to let me give my money to you." and this is all in this article that i've gotup right here. in wilhelmina's own words, she's describing the whole experience thatshe went through and we also published all of our letters back and forth so you can seehow we were feeling and handling all of this at the time, and you can see the intimacyof the relationship that we developed. my
whole family was writing to her, i was writing,my mother was writing, tivon was writing to her and jamie was writing to her. so thisisn't like its somebody we did not know. over many months we developed this amazing penpal relationship, she couldn't get her money released to us. the banks froze the funds.because she is very clever she did manage to find some other funding, so she sent uswhat she could, but it wasn't the full amount, it wasn't that $120,000. so we were able tomove forward as much as we could with what she was able to send us and it was incredible.the important thing i want you guys to know is that our funding from the one person whowas willing to help us, was shut down. but we did our best to deal with it, we movedforward, we do what we can.
a few months later i come across this forumthis is overunity.com and on this forum in this one particular area of this forum thereare 268 pages that are filled with more than 4,000 comments, all of which are hate commentsdedicated to trashing the qeg project. and i looked in these comments and there are peoplein here that are bragging that they are the ones that shut off wilhelmina’s fundingto us. they spoke to wilhelmina’s friends, they went to her bank manager and they saidthat they were the ones that were trying to stop our funding, and they are bragging aboutit in this forum here. so if you look up at the top it says free energy, searching freeenergy and discussing free energy. that's what this says at the top, this is a lie,they use this to bait unsuspecting people,
this is a baiting website, it has nothingto do with actually trying to bring anything free energy forward, its kind of like settingup a website "howtonotpayyourtaxes.com" that the irs has set up in order to try to catchpeople on tax evasion, that's sort of what this website is. its set up by the oppositionto try to catch the new inventors, the new free energy devices that are out there tosee if they can stop them from getting out into the world to see if they can trash them.i mean look at this! 4,000 comments! i don’t want to spend too much of my time lookingat these comments, but basically i put all the comments into a file and that file isgoing to be attached to this report, so if you really want to go in there and read allthis trash, all this nastiness, so you can
see how vicious and cruel these people havebeen.. yes towards my family but also to you guys! this device is for you guys! the people!and they are the ones that are stopping it. here's just a few of the real evil and sinisterthings, they are on this forum and they are bragging about their malicious attacks onthe peoples free energy project which is the qegso first, by the way, this is wilhelmina over here on the left and this is her beautifulhusband. who has passed away they took her picturewith her husband and put it up on their forum that’s how dirty these people are. so theywent after our dear friend and benefactor, they contacted her personal friends, theywent to her bank manager and convinced them
to freeze her funds so that the qeg wouldnot get the funding it needed to be completed. this is all in these comments sections here.but that wasn't enough, they then went and shut down our funding campaign twice, by reportingus to the crowdfunding campaign platform (bogusly) so they are bragging about that saying ohi was successful in getting their funding shut down, go me! and they are all cheeringeach other on for trying to take down the qeg. they are also trying to shut down our paypal account, so they havethis whole thing about paypal. and in addition to that they are going after all the otherpeople who are building a qeg to try to stop them too. these are the people on overunity.com now this is one example, and i wont spendtoo much time on this, but the only reason
why i'm showing you guys this is because iwant you to be informed on what goes on out there because i need your help. our familyneeds your help, we have to combat this level of evil everyday. so we are asking for somepositive reinforcement. i would love for this forum to get flooded with "what the hell iswrong with you???" letters or "why don't you leave this family alone letters" because,guys... this is your device that my family is trying to bring to you, so you guys canhave energy. so the next time you find yourself in a situation where you can feed your familybecause you just got a $700 or $800 electric bill and you cant afford to buy food, i wantyou to take out all your anger and all your frustration no these people at overunity.comand on this list i'm going to show you right
here because these are the real free energyenemies and they are imposters. they act like they are doing something for free energy andthey are really doing some pretty nasty stuff. i'm calling them free energy enemies terroristcells, because as far as i'm concerned, this is what real terrorism looks like online.overunity.com– data mining baiting website to mislead and trap legitimate inventions.revolution-green.com– set up by oil companies, another baiting and trolling site that isagainst free energy. they have trashed and lied about the qeg from day one (in 2013).mark dansie- imposter! self-proclaimed “free energy expertâ€. paid by the opposition tofly around the world and discredit legitimate and disruptive clean energy tech. he has writtenmany articles filled with lies trashing the
qeg. likes to give awards and praise to peoplewho hurt the qeg family.metabunk.org– ranks top on all search engines for qeg. forum of“establishment supportive skeptics†with a large section dedicated to trashing theqeg. keshe foundation– and i know if your into keshe, we've done a big report on kesheuncovering all of this evidence so please hear me out, keshe foundation is proven fraud,has sold $20million in fake free energy devices and illegal potentially hazardous supplements.is wanted for fraud and human experimentation in several countries. has publically accusedthe qeg project of being a pedophile ring. veterans today gordon duff and mike harris-fake news website / yellow journalist rag. promotes keshe fraud propaganda and trashesthe qeg. quatloos.com- trolling forum with
a large section dedicated to trashing theqeg. tinsel koala- underling youtube troll that makes hate videos about the qeg. workson overunity.com and revolution green. wins awards from dansie for his trolling vids.doazic-aka “doazi-shill†a bottom feeder youtube troll that makes hate videos aboutthe qeg. we selected these, there are a lot more butwe are not going into too many individuals because these are the major problem areasthat we have been fighting for the last couple of years. so i'm naming names and i'm askingyou, please do not send me reference materials (from these sites) we see very often peoplewill use and article from revolution green which is paid controlled opposition. and there’stons of horrible lies about our family on
these websites, and people might use thesearticles as their "references" that the qeg is a scam. and this is exactly what they aretrying to do to you guys. they are trying to dupe you and mislead you into doing whatthe system wants. controlled opposition, look it up. now that we got through all of that nastystuff. i've got some really incredible news here for you that i want to help paint thevision of the future for the qeg. so first let me just go through a little checklistto show you the major milestones that we've actually already gone through.first of all we have already demonstrated over unity on the qeg, i already covered that.we have demonstrated that we can convert the
power to useable power on the qeg. the partswe need are currently being made we have the equipment we need and it is beingshipped to us our family is now in a safe environment all of our vital information is open sourced.supply chain for parts are established. legal business entity set up is established. assortmentof resources for builders has been created (course work and elearning) and all our onlinesystems are operational. so here is the exciting part, this is howthis is going to roll out in the next few weeks. all our equipment will arrive and wewill put everything together in our lab. we’ll be filming and sharing everything.
we will rebuild the qeg from scratchwe will tune the qeg to increase the power then we will use the bi-toroid to convertthe power into watts then we will use the watts to power the motor.(self running) then we will set up the mini qeg next to thebig qeg and use the mini qeg and other pieces of equipment (like a flywheel and other transformers)to run experiments that will increase the qeg power output from 5kw to at least 10kwor more. during this time the students who have qegs will bring them into self runningmode. all qegs will come online at the same time all over the world. so hope that got you excited and we've gota few ways that you can get involved. first
of all yes we do need your help, if you candonate to our funds please do because every little bit helps us to keep going so thatwe can get this done very quickly. we want to hear from you also, so if you are interestedin supporting this project in some way, we have contact forms on our website and i justwant you to know that there are 5 people that are manning those contact forms, myself, jamie,my mother valerie, and tivon and angela. we are real people and we are doing the bestthat we can to answer questions, however we've answered a lot of questions and we have frequentlyasked questions so the contact form is not really so you can just ask us tons and tonsof questions that we've already answered, its to give you guys an opportunity to getin touch with us to maybe tell us about some
things, maybe your working on a project andyou'd like to use the qeg on it, especially if your interested if you are interested insupporting our project, maybe you want to be a benefactor, or get involved in that waygo ahead and use the form on our website and one of us, a real member of this family willanswer you. the next thing you can do to help is to pleasesay a prayer for our family and this project. we are a spiritual family, we all pray together,we believe in miracles, we believe in god, whatever your particular spiritual beliefis, we are completely respective of that. i really want to know that there are thousandsof people on this planet that are praying for this family and this project because itsthat important and prayer works. so please
take five minutes our of your day a coupletimes a week and just say a quick prayer for the qeg project because i know that is whatis going to help us break through its that beautiful positive energy from you guys. also,please share this information everywhere that you can to help spread awareness. i've seena lot of people sharing a lot of stuff on social media, i know you can do it, go toour website if you see something interesting share it, share this video, share it withyour friends, share it where ever you can put it on your facebook we really need theawareness of this project to get out there because we don't have this big funding tospend on advertising and some of these other folks where everyone knows about them, they'vegot a lot of money that is able to help them
promote their campaigns we need some helpthere too. also please create positive comments thatsupport the qeg and help us to combt the controlled and well funded opposition please join our mailing list to receive everyupdate about this project in the coming months. i want to make sure you are fully aware ofthe resources that we've spent all this time putting together for you, so if you've justwatched this and your getting excited and want to start getting involved, there is somuch we've put together to get you on your way. as always, the plans that will show youhow to build this are free, they are open sourced, you can go to our website and youcan download the free plans, no risk no questions asked, just take them that's our gift to theworld. however, a lot of people would like
to have some additional resources so we havespent a lot of time putting together in-depth classwork we have an at home study coursewith videos and hours and hours of webinars where jamie is going through and answeringloads of different questions and giving more of an in depth explanation of how this energyworks. we've written a book, we've got all these different perks and bonuses and thenthere’s private qeg consultations and all different kinds of things so we've put togetherpackages we have 50 different products all around teaching people more about the qegand teaching suppressed engineering technology information and we also have access to orderingqeg parts. so you can order parts from torelco they are making cores and kits. james spentsome great time with torelco helping them
get their kit set up, so we've made the supplychain for everybody so that you can get all the parts that you need and the exciting thingis, for our newest project the mini qeg cores are now available. so if you wanted to contributeto that project you can get your mini qeg core through our mini qeg campaign. this isour last slide, wanted to bring your attention to our campaign and what we've set up rightnow. we have two different funds going on the left this is our mini qeg campaign wehave a lot of other videos about that, we are trying to raise the funds we did not raiseso that we can complete the mini qeg project. right now the status for right now is thatwe did raise enough money for the tooling to get all the parts made and we need to raisemore money to get all the parts and the tooling
and the flywheel that we've had made and everythingshipped to us, everything is now sitting at the manufacturer in china and we don't haveenough money to ship everything to us. this is why we had to relaunch this campaign, thereis a bit of a story behind it because our campaign got shut down as i showed you earlier.so we've relaunched our campaign, its an independent crowdfunding platform that i actually codedmyself on our own website, so i had to go teach myself how to do that so that its secureand cant be tampered with, and this is where you can get your mini qeg parts if you wereinterested in participating in that. then over here is a slush fund, a qeg researchand development fund. we started doing a mailing list about a year and half ago so we haven'tcollected all the email addresses but there
have been 250,000 people, that a quarter ofa million people have downloaded the free qeg plans, so we just say, if you appreciatethis, i mean we've put so much work into that manual, if you appreciate what we've doneand you want to make a contribution anything in any amount is always very helpful becausethose classes i showed you, this is how we feed ourselves and put a roof over our heads,we create these valuable products so that you can have the value you need and we canearn an honest living so we can keep on going and keep doing this project all the fundsthat we raise that are specifically for the project they all get used on the parts, becausethese things are very expensive to make sometimes, especially if your talking about prototypes.so the qeg research and development fund,
there's a few expenses around here, and we'vegot this fund to help cover the costs. so if you appreciate the free manual, pleaseconsider making a donation to that. and also we have a feature here on that fund, whereyou can sign up to do a monthly donation, like $10 a month or $25 a month just a littlemonthly contribution is wonderful and the reason why this is great is because it reallyhelps us to know that we've got that monthly contribution coming in so that we can planthings better, but also you can feel like your really a part of something, even if itsjust $10 a month because, we are doing this for you guys. you are our bosses, you areour employers as far as we are concerned, so please help us so that we can keep doingthe work.
so i hope that you got a lot out of that updateand i just wanted to say thank you for joining me. get excited! please join our mailing list,all the links that you would need for this are in the article in the youtube descriptionbelow. you will see in the link all different kinds of references so that you will knowwhere to get started. thank you so much for joining me and get excited, because we'vegot lots of amazing things coming your way in the next few weeks. until then, see younext time! thanks everybody! free energy is possible for all of us!qegfreeenergyacademy.com