great kitchen sinks

alright! this is john kohler with we have another exciting episode for you. and what i’m going to do in this episodeis share with you guys the best way to get more vegetables in you. so congratulationsif you clicked on this video you probably don’t like vegetables or don’t like themtoo much and maybe even hate them. but you know that they are beneficial and that youshould be getting more into you. so before i share with you guys the best wayto get more vegetables in you, i want to first share with you guys why they’re importantand why you should get them into you. maybe this will motivate you a little bit to, youknow, power on through and start eating more vegetables. number two, i want to share withyou guys some ways that are not so good at

getting more vegetables into you and why.and then three, and finally share with you guys the best and my favorite way to get morevegetables personally into me, even if you don’t like them, right. it’s very simpleand i have some really good strategies to do this. anyways, without further ado, let’s getinto the 10 reasons why it’s important to eat your vegetables. i mean, the governmenttells us this, our teachers tell us this, everybody tells us this. but let’s get intomy top 10 reasons why it’s super important. okay, number one, you’re going to lose weightwhen you eat more vegetables. why is this? well, vegetables as you guys could see i haveplenty of vegetables on display here today,

but vegetables are very high in phytonutrients,phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals and consequently they’re also very low in calories.most of what you guys have been eating to this point probably are high calorie foodsand low nutrient foods. these are standard foods in the american diet. fast foods, junkfoods, animal products, you know, things in packages, bottles and jars, cookies, candy,cakes. they all have a lot of calories but low nutrients. so your body suffers. whenyou could have some of these high nutrient foods but low calorie foods, they tend tofill you up faster, give your body the nutrients they need, and you’ll be able to easilyshed the weight. there’s, i have friends that have gone on juice fasts for a periodof time just drink juice for nothing but 3

days or 7 days or 14 days or even 30 days,and they lose a lot of weight. if you want to be motivated check out a film on netflix,maybe it’s available on youtube these days called fat sick and nearly dead. this guybasically went on a juice fast and he lost tons of weight, but more importantly got healthier. the second reason why you want to eat yourfruits and vegetables or specially the vegetables, is you will have more energy. you know, besidesfruits and vegetables having nutrients, they also have healthy sources of carbohydrates,which are going to fuel your body and give you clean fuel. it’s like if you take yourcar to the gas station and, you know, they left the top off the gas storage tank andwater got in there. and so when you fill up

your water with gas and water, it wouldn’trun too well, it’s not the right fuel. the right fuel for us, we were designed, if youtake a look at our digestive system and our teeth and everything, we’re designed toeats fruits and vegetables. and so you’re going to have more energy because of it. number three, you’re going to be more focused,right. the reason why i say this is because this is from my personal experience. i’mmuch more focused when i eat healthy food. you all know that. you’ve had times whenyou maybe eat healthier, you’re like wow man i could think better, my thoughts aremore clear, i’m more focused, i could get better work done. whatever you want to doin life you’ll be more focused if you feed

your body the right nutrition. and that iscontained in the vegetables as well as the fruits. number four reason is the fruits and vegetablesthey are anti-aging and you will look younger. i know a lot of you guys out there are vain,checking your hair, brushing it every 5 minutes, you know, putting your makeup on if you’rea lady and all this stuff. you want to look good, right? one of the easiest ways to lookgood, get rid of your acne and all this kind of stuff is get on a fruit and vegetablescentered diet, you know, specially the vegetables that are high in phytonutrients and phytochemicals.what are these things? these are special plant compounds. like today we have you know, cherrytomatoes from my garden. these contain lycopene,

right. the carrots over here have beta carotene.these are all very powerful anti-oxidants that prevent free radical damage that happento us every day we’re breathing, living and all this stuff. and when you eat junkfoods, processed foods, chips and candy and fast foods and animal products, you know,they basically age you. they cause the free radical damage to occur at a much faster rate.whereas, you know, fruits and vegetables are like putting water in the fire. it squelchesout that fire, it squelches out that free radical damage so that you could look younger.i mean, people commonly say that i look about 10 years younger than i actually am and that’sbecause i’ve been living on this diet now for the last 21 years. and just because youhaven’t started eating fruits and vegetables

or specially the vegetables yet, it’s nevertoo late. if you’re still breathing, there is time for you to make change, right. a lotof friends i know, they don’t start making changes until they’re in their 40s and 50s.and this is where when it’s very important to start making changes because speciallyif you’ve been living not the right way, not the healthiest way, your body starts tobreak down. you can get through maybe your teens and twenties, maybe even your thirties,in fairly good health eating junk food. but at a certain point your body is going to beat that ticking point, right. you’re going to be at a teeter totter, and your body isgoing to be like alright man i’ve put up with all this junk food and fast food andall this stuff for so long and now i can’t

handle anymore. and that’s when your healthreally starts to go downhill. and then you really got to get serious about this, right.i want to encourage you guys to start you know, including more vegetables before yourhealth starts degrading. and if you guys health is degrading, you know, i want to encourageyou without further ado, get into eating, you know, vegetables specifically and evenmore fruits. they’re definitely some of the healthiest foods on the planet. number five of course, you’re going to behealthier because you’re eating more fruits and vegetables. as i mentioned earlier, youknow, the fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals and more importantly, the phytochemicals.and i want you guys to eat a phytochemical

rich diet. yeah you could take vitamin supplementsand get your vitamins and take mineral supplements to get your minerals, but these phytonutrientsare very delicate and fragile and they’re, they are a gift that’s given to us in foods.i mean, beets, beets have anthocyanins in them and betalains, and that makes up theirdeep rich color, you know. this little radish right here that i grew in my garden, you know,it has isothiocyanates, and these are anti-cancer, right. so you’re going to be healthy, you’regoing to be basically protecting yourself from disease by eating these valuable plantcompounds. and let me tell you like even in the swiss chard, the swiss chard that i grew,it’s green so it’s got the chlorophyll in there. it also has the lutein and zeaxanthin,it’s good for your eyes. it also has red

pigments because the stalk is red. and allthese different pigments do something different in the body . and that’s why it’s veryimportant to eat a wide spectrum of the fruits and vegetables. and yeah just eating moreof these guys, you’re just going to be healthier because of it. number six reason why you should eat yourvegetables specifically is because you’ll have a better quality of life, right. my brotherhe’s about like 2 years younger than me and he, you know, has recently pulled musclesin his arm and, you know, gets back pains and all this kind of stuff. and i live painfree! so you know, i know a lot of you guys may be waking up with pain each and everyday and all this stuff, and taking, you know,

ibuprofen or drugs or whatever you’re takingfor it, medicinal herbs, whatever you guys are on. and, you know, that’s not necessarilya solution to the problem. like if your check engine light on your car comes on, check engine,you don’t just like put a piece of tape over it and ignore it and that fixes the problem.well that in my opinion is what you’re doing when you’re doing drugs and other thingsto, you know, solve your back issues. the, the main things is that the, that our bodiesare amazing healing machines, right. our bodies can heal themselves. we’re gifted with allthe knowledge we need to heal ourselves. but the problem is is that you’re not puttingthe right fuel or giving your body the right nutrients so it has all the building’s like you’re trying to build a skyscraper

and you’re, you have like hay bales, right.that’s not going to work. that’s not the right building blocks to build a need rebar, you need concrete, you need, you know, all the steel, you need all thatstuff, right, to build a skyscraper, you know, really tall. got to have the right buildingblocks. and the vegetables specially are the right building blocks so you could have ahigher quality life. so that you’ll live free of pain. i mean, i don’t, i barelyever get stomach aches, i barely ever get sick, right, anymore after eating a fruitand vegetable dominated diet. reason number seven to eat your vegetablesis because you will live longer. and if you have a higher quality of life so you’rein good shape and being able to still keep

up with people, you know, twenty years youngerthan you, like we talked about earlier, you’re going to live longer and you’re going tohave a higher quality of life and live longer and be able to enjoy the gift of life formuch longer. and even in your, you know, more mature years, you’re going to have the vitality,the vibrancy of somebody young, you know. and this doesn’t happen in this day andage. when you think of people getting old, you think of somebody old and decrepit ina nursing home. this does not have to be if you eat the right foods, you know. we aremade, you are what you eat, or you are what you in and absorb. and by eating speciallythe vegetables, you will be healthier. and studies have shown you will live longer becauseof it.

alright, number eight reason to eat your vegetablesis because you will be more attractive. whether you already have a mate, husband or wife orgirlfriend or boyfriend, whatever, you will be more attractive to them if you eat yourhighly pigmented vegetables. they have studies on this. you could search it all on differentwebsites. but there’s studies that show the more colors you eat in your food, themore attractive you are. you could have like a natural kind of suntan or you know tannedlook because of the fruit and vegetables that you eat. i mean, people go to tanning salonsand that’s a waste of money in my opinion. you need to eat more fruits and vegetables,right. if you, if some people they eat too many carrots you have an orange tinge to you.and you know, it’s not harmful or anything

like that. but nonetheless, eating all thesehighly pigmented foods will basically pigment your skin because, you know, if you eat somethinglike blueberries, for example, they’re highly pigmented, right. you eat blueberries, yourpee doesn’t come out, you know, purple, right. where do all those pigments go? ourbody sucks those up and it goes into every cell of our body. so you could have a nice,you know, deeply richly pigmented skin. some people call it a raw glow or vegetable glow,right. you could get that if you eat the vegetables, specially the highly pigmented ones. so bemore attractive, specially to help you guys out if you guys are, are single out there.and maybe even spice up your love life if you’re not. alright.

so reason number nine to eat your vegetables,this is important to me, i almost lost my life when i was in my twenties, almost didnot make it out of the hospital alive, number nine is disease prevention. vegetables arethe most important food on the entire planet, if you want to disease proof yourself. ifyour, you know, if your mom had breast cancer, your dad had prostrate cancer, somebody inyour family you know had a different kind of cancer, colon cancer, right, why did theyget that? well i’m not a doctor, i couldn’t tell you. but all i could tell you is thatthere are studies that show the more fruits and vegetables that you eat, there are protectivebenefits in there like i talked about earlier, you know. there’s protective benefits ofthe little radish here, right. it’s anti

cancerous. same thing with this cruciferousvegetable, these collard greens that i grew in my garden, they have anti-cancer propertiesthat every different vegetable, whether they’re you know different kinds of peppers that havehigh vitamin c content, actually more than oranges, or the carrots with the beta carotene.actually carrots even have anti-cancer properties due to some studies. these are anti-diseasefoods. and most people unfortunately eat disease promoting foods. if al qaeda made a diet,and they wanted to wipe out everybody, they’d feed everybody american food because thesefoods will put you 6 feet under faster than anything else because they have low phytonutrients,right, and high calories instead of high phytonutrients and low calories.

so reason number ten to eat your vegetablesis because they are the most nutritious foods in the world. we talked about this a littlebit earlier. but you just don’t understand that, you know, even a small amount of vegetablesis like, is worth a large amount of just like enriched cereals for examples, alright. theyhave more phytonutrients and phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals, and more importantlylife giving water, right. all the, all the fruits and vegetables you guys see here arefull of water. we are full of water, we’re 70% water, right. people are mostly eatingdehydrated foods, things that have been cooked, you cook the water out of them, you know,packaged foods, dried foods, you know, cookies and candies, these are all dried foods. theydehydrate you, right. the vegetables and the

fruits, you know, have a high water contentand high vitamin and mineral content. they’re the best nutrition in the whole planet. thisis why supplements were created, right. supplements and vitamin supplements and things were createdfor people to supplement their inadequate diet. and if you’re eating fast foods, junkfoods and processed foods and things, you know, out of the grocery store that are notfruits and vegetables and whole real plant foods, right, you will likely be deficient.but if you eat a good quantity and variety of plant foods, you will not need, be deficientand you will not need supplements, you know. the vegetables, specially, some of the bestnutrition on the planet. so hopefully after listening to these tenreasons why you should include some of these

vegetables in your diet, we’re going tonext get into some of the ways that people normally include them in their diet if theyhate them. so some of the common ways that people sayyou should get your vegetables in if you hate them are like number one, douse them in saltand oil and fry them up or put them in the oven and bake them or saut㩠them right. ohyeah, you’ll definitely like them then because we love things that are fat, fatty and salty,right. we have receptors that really light us up that make things taste good. now asmuch as getting some, you know, baked, i don’t know, beets with salt and oil are better foryou than maybe like some nut or butter cookies, right. that’s not the best because you’renot really going to be able to maximize the

nutrients you’re getting. plus if you’recooking any of the vegetables, you lose some of the valuable you know, vitamins and mineralsand mostly you lose the phytochemicals, which are the most important active ingredientsof the vegetables and they are delicate and can be damaged, you know, through heat andoxidation, specially high heat. that’s actually the worst, because also at high heat you maybe creating toxic compounds that you’ll also be eating. another way people say you should get yourvegetables in is by something like this guy right here. and this is known as the nutribullet.and there’s a popular informercial on tv now, whether it’s nutribullet, the magicbullet,the nutrininja, i mean, whatever it is, they

recommend, oh yeah man, blending! that’sa really good way to get your vegetables in. now definitely blending in my opinion is betterthan frying them up or baking your vegetables to get them in. but the problem with thisis that they still leave a nice really gritty texture. and i know some of you guys don’tlike your vegetables because when you chew your vegetables, whether it’s a beet ora carrot or radish or celery, that texture and all that fibre that gets in there, youjust, i don’t know, you just hate it and you can’t deal with it, right? so this maynot be the best way. plus, you know, when just like when you bake or cook your vegetablesyou lose some of the valuable phytonutrients, when you blend the vegetables up you alsolose phytonutrients even though there’s

no heat involved. and that’s because there’sair involved. so as soon as you turn this blender on, it creates a little vortex insidethe machine, much like if you live in kansas and there’s a tornado that comes down andthey could rip your houses up and streak spew it all over in a million pieces, right. wellthe blender takes the vegetables and breaks it up, which is good because we need, we doneed to break the vegetables up so that we could get optimal absorption out of them.and if you’re eating vegetables, i do encourage you guys to use your best blenders in thewhole world, you’re given free, your teeth. and chew it up into a mush. but the blenderdoes that at a high speed, creates a vortex and as it pulls everything into the vortex,it blasts open the fibrous cell walls, releases

those valuable phytonutrients and becauseof all of the air, the phytonutrients are oxidized and you lose lot of valuable, valuablephytonutrients, right. so yeah, the blending of the phytonutrients is not so essential. now before i get into actually sharing withyou guys the best way to get more vegetables into you, i want to go over real quick someof vegetables on the table that i have today. so of course we got the celery over here onboth sides. celery is really rich in electrolytes and every vegetable has it’s certain phytochemicalsand phytonutrients and a balance of vitamins and minerals that are important to you. soi don’t necessarily say always eat celery, right. i would say, you know, always rotateand include as many different varieties of

the vegetables that you guys can because eachdifferent vegetable has many researched and even unresearched nutrients in there thatare going to be good for us. i mean, yeah, so that’s the celery here. we got the swisschard over here. we got the collard greens here. we got some pumpkins, yes pumpkins,you know, they’re definitely really good specially the outer coloring of the skin reallygood to eat. we got peppers, considered vegetables, you know, orange, yellow and this cool stripedtiger pepper here. we got tomatoes, cherry tomatoes. we got the standard compari tomatoes.we got all the radish here. oh, can’t forget the carrots. carrots are an amazing root vegetablethat you guys should consume as well as, oops, the beets. you know there has been a lot ofstudies lately on beets and how important

beets are, you know, for athletic performanceand and also for helping you, you know, clear out your blood vessels if you’ve been havingchallenges like that. and then over here, you kind of wonder what these guys are, wehave these guys. these are known as armenian cucumbers. so i like the armenian cucumbersbecause they are sweeter than standard cucumbers and don’t have that bitter skin. and evenmy more favorite one are these guys. these are known as the striped armenians or snakecucumbers. alright. so anyways, now that you guys got introduced to all my vegetables,i’m going to come back and show you guys the best way to get more vegetables in you. so the best way to get more vegetables inyou is simply by juicing them. you, maybe

you’ve seen like juice infomercials in the1990s actually, that’s how i got re-introduced into juicing in the 90s, and have been juicingmyself ever since. i saw a juiceman infomercial, jay kordich, and he said something that wasvery important to me. it’s the juice of the fiber that feeds you. think about that,right. it’s all the, it’s all the nutrients that are contained within the juice that feedsus. it really feeds our body. our bodies, we cannot digest fiber, and i’m not goingto say that fiber is not important, fiber is actually important to us, but in my opinionthe phytonutrients and phytochemicals are even more important, you know. if you guys are still eating animal products,you know, dairy, eggs, chicken, fish, you

know, ice cream, milk, you know, yoghurt,all that stuff has no fiber. so don’t be saying like oh juice is not good because itdoesn’t have fiber. well you’re eating a lot of stuff that already doesn’t havefiber in it, right? but here’s the thing. the thing is that fiber is in a lot of foods,you know. a lot of processed foods don’t contain fiber but processed foods also docontain fiber. anything from a plant contains fiber. and even when you juice your vegetables,you know, you get some fiber depending on what vegetable or fruit you’re juicing.i’ll put a link down below to a video i did called juice contains more than just fiber.and in that video i reveal, you know, even something like carrot juice has approximately50% fiber in the glass of carrot juice that

you’re making. because there’s two kindsof fiber- soluble and insoluble fiber. i’m not really going to get into more of thatin this video but check that link down below if you guys want to watch that episode. but anyways, in juice you’re getting fiber.and if you want additional fiber in your juice because you believe it is an important, isafter you’re done juicing, you know, in the pulp catch bin in the back of brevillejuice fountain elite or in the side of slowstar juicer, take some of that fiber and put itback in the juice to get more fiber if that’s what you want, right. and the, the reasonwhy i don’t like the blending is because it does it at a high speed. and likewise withthe juicing, there’s many different kinds

of juicers in the market, right. just likethere’s many kinds of different cars. i mean you could buy a hummer or you could geta toyota prius, right. the prius is going to get way better gas mileage than the hummerbut they’ll both get you from a to b, point a to point b, right. and the same thing withthe juicers. all the juicers will they basically make your juice, turn your vegetables intoa liquid and also separate out the fiber. and it’s the juice that feeds you, remember,like the juice man jay kordich said. but each one does it a little bit differently. so forexample, these high speed machines that are very popular, relatively inexpensive, workvery fast, right, it’s going to make a juice for you. and i’ll always say that any juiceis better for you than not drinking the juice,

right. i want you guys to get your vegetablesin, but in the same token i want you guys to get the most nutritious vegetables in.and if you’re going to take the time to juice, you know, what’s five minutes maybein the breville to juice and clean up compared to maybe 9 or 10 minutes in the slowstar,right. that’s how long it takes me to use one of these slow juicers because there’sbenefits to using a slow extraction compared to the fast extraction. the main benefit as documented by scientificstudies, i’ll put a link down below in the description to the video where i go into thisin detail, is that they’ve done testing where they took broccoli. they put broccolithrough a, you know, blender that ran 10,000

rpms, a high speed juicer that runs at highrpms, and a slow juicer. and in that test they checked for the most important nutrientsin the vegetables. what are they? i mentioned earlier. right, polyphenols, you guys gotit. the polyphenols, the anti-oxidants, and the phytochemicals are the most importantthings. so they tested this and in the slow juicer, it created and had more availablepolyphenols and phytonutrients after, you know, they extracted it with either a slowjuicer, a fast juicer or a blender. now that’s really cool that the phytonutrients and polyphenolswere higher, but the thing is how does that affect things in your body? well, i don’tknow if they’ve done studies in your body but they’ve done studies outside your body.

so one of the things, you know, that seemsto me that happens a lot i just recently had a friend lose their life of cancer. and thenactually just recently my uncle was diagnosed with cancer. like i want to disease proofmyself. i don’t to get cancer. and now i’m just going to be letting myself be a sittingduck and be scared of cancer, you know. i’m going to do everything i can to disease proofor cancer proof myself. and, you know, they have studies on things like garlic and onionsand things like broccoli and cabbage and bok choy and cauliflower and you know, radishesand arugula, all these things, kale, all these things have anti-cancer compounds. and whenyou juice them, you know, juice fresh vegetables raw, put them through the juicer, you’regetting copies amounts of of these anti-cancer,

you know, compounds in there. and so whatthey did was they took the slow juice, the high speed juice and the blended broccoliand they basically took the output, put it in a petri dish with live cancer cells. andthe slow juicer overall, i think they tested like 6 different strains of cancer cells,overall the cancer did not replicate as quickly like 50% as fast as, you know, the cancerin the high speed juicer or the blender. so what does that mean? that means in a slowjuicer, you’re going to have a 50% better, you know, cancer reduction or whatever youknow they call it. so you’re going to be more disease proofed by investing a littlebit more time to make your juice. and that’s what i, i want for you guys, right. this isjust one study that shows the benefits of

slow juicing with cancer. and there’s somany different phytochemicals discovered and undiscovered. what else does a high speed oxidation do toyour juice, you know? probably doesn’t mess up the minerals too much, you know. some ofthe yields on the high speed juicer like if you’re juicing the most important vegetables,in my opinion are the leafy greens, you’re juicing leafy greens in this, you’re basicallywasting your leafy greens. leafy greens are quite expensive and when you put leafy greensthrough here, your yield will not be as good as when you use a slow machine. plus besidesthe yields being better in a slow machine, you’re also going to get higher levels ofthose phytonutrients. so that’s why i choose

the slowstar juicer, which is a slow verticalauger juicer, runs at a slow speed, so you’re going to have greater levels of phytonutrientsand phytochemicals. which means more disease proofing and more benefits for you because,you know, i want to save time and get the most benefits. and as much as this is goingto save me time, it’s not going to give me the most benefits. so why short changeyourself? and get the best benefits by using a slow juicer. so what i’d like to do for you guys nextis actually make a simple juice in the slow juicer that i believe anybody will enjoy.and then i’ll show you guys how to basically doctor up so you could eat, you know, morevegetables by simply juicing them.

so now i’m all ready to juice with the slowstarjuicer and show you guys how i’m going to basically hide my vegetables in the juiceand have the juice taste so good that easily anybody that even hates vegetables will loveit. and i’m going to share with you guys my specific tips and techniques to do that.but basically to go over really quick, why do i really like juicing to hide the vegetables,right? there’s, there’s a lot of reasons okay. so number one, it allows you to supersizethe amount of vegetables you’re going to get into you. for example, if you’re justbasically eat some carrots, right. you could eat a carrot and yeah you might not like thetexture, you might not like the flavor, you

could cook the carrots, you know, you couldsaut㩠them, you could blend them up even, that’s if you blend carrots that’s a horribletexture. but nonetheless, basically you’ll be able to eat a certain quantity of carrots,right. but if you juice the carrots, simply juice just simply one pound of carrots throughthe juicer, right, we’re getting rid of all that fibre. all that, a lot of the stuffthat you guys might not like the texture anyways and we’re concentrating down one pound ofcarrots into simply one cup. only 8 ounces of juice. and literally you’re extractingall the nutrition, virtually the majority of the nutrition, out of the carrots, puttingit into the juice so that the juice of the fiber can feed you, right. and so that’swhat the juicer does. it supersizes the vegetables.

i mean, you could eat a salad. my brothermight eat a salad of 5 ounces of spinach. that’s a pittance, in my opinion. my goaleveryday is to eat 2 pounds of the leafy greens. leafy greens are the most important food onthe entire planet. and whether that’s spinach leafy greens, arugula, kale, collard greens,bok choy, lettuce, you know, stinging nettle, ashitaba, gynura procumbens or longevity spinach.basically every different leafy green we want to be getting in a lot of that stuff. thoseare the most valuable vegetables in the vegetable kingdom. it is a vegetable kingdom. and, butliterally once again we could take a pound of spinach, right. a whole pound, like ifyou tried to eat a pound of spinach as a salad, most of you guys couldn’t make it, you couldn’tdo it, you’d be like oh this is nasty. but

if you juiced a pound of spinach, once again,it compresses down so now you could get a whole pound of spinach in you in just 8 ouncesor one cup of juice. very simple, very easy. so yeah, supersize your vegetables by other appliance in the world will allow you to do this except the juicer. it allowsyou to concentrate or supersize not the bad things like the sodas or soft drinks, youknow, the burgers, but it allows you to super size the best stuff on the planet, the vegetables. number two reason why i like juicing insteadof any other method is because it changes the texture, right. i know a lot of you guys,the reason why you don’t like vegetables, maybe even like fruits, you like fruits likeoranges that are a soft texture, they literally

almost melt in your mouth, they dissolve.they’re, they’re really soft but the carrots and leafy greens and things, they’re likea hard chewy crunch texture that you guys might not like, right. but when you juicethe vegetables as well as the fruits, right, it removes all the fiber, the majority ofthe fiber, depending on the juicer. and so it’s, it’s, the texture is much more agreeableto many people. so that’s very important, number three, you’re concentrating the nutrientslike i talked about a little bit earlier, you know, one pound of carrots now, one cupof juice, you got all the nutrients in there. another reason why i like to juice my vegetablesis because it just tastes better, you know. a good carrot juice made with, for example,bunny-luv carrots that are actually really

sweet carrots, not like carrots that tastelike dirt. i know you’ve had those before. but bunny-luv organic carrots, they actuallytaste sweet. and it’s super delicious and i really look forward to drinking straightcarrot juice! not that i’d recommend that if you guys hate vegetables. but, you know,straight carrot juices tastes amazing. so it’s going to taste better by simply juicingit. and the liberating and getting of the fiber, you know. the fiber will, will basicallyhinder and the flavors will not be as strong or as good and when you juice stuff it tastesbetter. like for example, when you juice an orange, right. you could eat an orange, yeah,okay, eating an orange is good but when you juice it and have orange juice, it tastesway better. and i know you guys love orange

juice, right, and other fruit juices i hope. so yeah, some of the reasons why i reallylike juicing, you know, mainly supersize, you know, change that texture make it muchmore agreeable, you know, high nutrition, it’s so concentrated, get that in you. andit just tastes better, alright. so next, after knowing all that, what juicerdo you buy, what juicer do you get? well, the juicer i’m using today is called theslowstar juicer. i’ll put a link down below this video for a video i made on the bestjuicer for beginners. and i recommend actually the slowstar if you are a beginner juicer,because the thing is this juicer is probably one of the most versatile juicers out will juice a variety of things. it will

juice, you know, leafy greens, hard vegetables,fruits. it will juice wheatgrass and sprouts if you pre-cut them and juice them with somehard vegetables. and besides that, unlike other juicers, you know, it has another featurehere, comes with a whole new attachment right here. this is known as the mincing attachmentor the blank attachment. and that this does instead of separating out the juice for you,it basically just grinds everything up into a mush. so i’ve made salsa in here, i’vemade my own nut butters in here. and most importantly what i like to make here in herethe most is frozen fruit sorbets. and i know if you guys hate vegetables and you guys aretrying to eat healthier, right, it’s way healthier to basically take some ripe bananas,you peel them, you freeze them, you put them,

you know, you put them through the machinewith this attachment and it turns it into like a frozen yoghurt consistency, like thosefrozen yoghurt machines or soft serve machines at your favorite fast food place. it’s sodelicious. and then take some of the maybe a little bit of the vegetable juice and kalejuice, mix into a little kale juice with your fruit sorbet, you’ll just taste the fruitsorbet and it will be a green colored banana sorbet! 100% bananas, no ice cream, no monodiglycerides, no you know corn syrup, none of these bad things in there for you. 100%fruit. so that’s why i like the slowstar because it allows you to do more things thanjust juice. and i’m not going to really get into that in this video, but check thelink down below, my best juicer for beginners,

i make some really cool recipes in there. but what i’ll be juicing today for you guysis a way i want to recommend you guys get your vegetables in you if you hate or dislikethem, right. you want to hide them with your fruits, right. so here’s the thing. whatwe’re going to do is we’re going to juice 5 oranges, alright. we got 5 oranges thati have peeled here. these are just the standard oranges. now the juicer could handle the orangepeel, no problem, you could put whole oranges through there. the problem is you can’ the orange peel there is a certain natural occurring chemicals or things that the orangemakes so that it deters bugs, right. maybe a property called d-limonene, which is actuallyused actually for killing ants. and that’s

so the ants don’t eat the oranges, right.and so these undigestable chemicals, if you juiced a whole orange with the skin and all,right, you’d get like some weird funky burps, you’d get gas and bloating, not fun. i mean,you know, i wouldn’t do that. but what we want to do is we want to peel the i took like a vegetable peeler, you could use a paring knife, and we just cut off allthe orange coloring but we’re leaving the most important part of the orange, it’sthat white pith. this is the where the majority of the vitamins and minerals and phytochemicalsare in the orange, not just simply that orange water. when you drink standard orange juiceout of the store, they just basically press the juice out of the orange, you’re gettingorange water. but when we juice the orange

with the white pith, it’s like a darker,richer orange juice that’s even kind of like milky and frothy and it’s not quiteas sweet because the white pith is you know, not sweet, so it balances it out. plus itgives you, you know, a lot higher levels of vitamin c and bioflavonoids, hesperidan andrutin. so that’s what we’re juicing today. we’re juicing 5 of these guys, peeled oranges. we’re also going to juice some, you know, if you don’t like carrots, a good way to get vegetables in just juice,you know, 5 oranges and i got actually 5 carrots. so that’d be a great recipe right there,just to kind of get a few carrots in you or some vegetables, right, if you absolutelyhate them. and if you hate them a lot and

you’re like, john, i don’t know if i’mgoing to like that, 5 carrots man that sounds like a lot, it’s going to like tip me overthe edge, i might hate it. alright, here’s what you do. juice one small carrot, juice5 oranges. i swear to god, you will not taste the carrot, so help me, okay. and that’sthe thing, right. when you have the juice machine yourself, you guys get to choose therecipe you want to make! you are in control, right? don’t let the store, the company,different places that are making and manufacturing things and selling it to you that are highlyprocessed and not as good as making it yourself. like buying store bought juices, even if they’rein the refrigerated section, you know, they’ve been processed. whether they’ve been heatprocessed or they’ve been processed through

high pressure, pasteurization, right. theseare processes that degrade some of the nutrients in there. and so we want to make it freshand also drink it as soon as you can after you make it, right. and once again, you know,if you start out like i’m not going to laugh at you if you juice 5 oranges and 1’re not going to taste the carrot. do this for a week, right. you’re going tobe like man, john, that’s good, i didn’t even taste the carrot! now you’ve got 5more carrots in you than you didn’t have before, right. then the next week, right,guess what? get another small carrot. next, that whole next week juice 5 oranges 2 you’ve got 2 carrots more, or ten carrots more if you did it 5 days in a row, that youdidn’t have in you. you kind of see where

i’m going with this, right. and this isimportant if you’re doing this with kids also, right. so that they don’t detect thatyou’re sneaking in the vegetables in their food. and you’re going to slowly incorporatelike the third week, add 3 carrots, right. and you’re like oh john, i’m tasting thatcarrot in there, i don’t like this so much. alright, cut it into half. then change it,two and a half carrots for the rest of the week, right. alright john i can deal withthat. then do that for like a week or even two weeks, right. and the thing is this, if you guys hate vegetables,it’s because your taste buds have no adjusted to vegetables because you guys haven’t beeneating them, right. it’s like, it’s like

when i go to like go swimming in the oceanor a pool if it’s like cold water, right. i’ll be like, i’m a wimp, man, i’llstick my foot in, it’s like oh man it’s cold! and then i’ll like go in like i’llstick keep, keep sticking my foot in and keep walking in really slowly so the water levelgoes up on me slowly, right. and by the water, by the time the water gets to my waist that’sthe most part i don’t like the most, i’ll go real slow. and my girlfriend’s like comeon john get in. and i don’t like it. but you go slow and it, you know, you work upto it, right. and the same thing when you got your own juicer, you get to work up toit and it takes a while for your taste buds to change and get used to eating some of thesethings much like it takes my body some time

to acclimate to get into cold water when i’mgoing in the swimming or going in the ocean, right. and you guys could do it! and so i want you guys to acclimate at thelevel you guys feel comfortable with and the level that your taste buds are comfortablewith, right. and so, you guys be the judge, right. if, if like 3 carrots are too much,pull back to two and keep that up for a year. that’s still better than not eating thecarrots at all, right. but i want you guys to even get more carrots in you. so anyways, the recipe i’m doing today is,i’m used to eating fruits and vegetables anyways, but i’m doing 5 oranges, 5 carrots.and then i’m going to do, you know, as a

bonus, 10 ounces of the baby spinach. nowif i was starting out, you know, i might only do like 1 thing, 5 ounces of baby spinachbecause that’s only 5 ounces, that’s not a lot, right. this is going to, 5 ounces ofbaby spinach is going to compress down like what is it, like 2 ounces of juice. it’slike insane. so you’re, it’s really not going to be that much but you’re going toget the nutrition from the spinach. now a tip for you guys if you don’t likethe vegetables, right, a lot easier than eating you know, large mature spinach leaves is toeat the baby spinach or the baby vegetables. much more agreeable, they have a more neutralflavor, they’re not like quite as strong. so i would recommend that for you guys. sowhether you guys want to go and you know get

some little package like this, 5 ounces orwhether you guys have like a club store membership, costco or sam’s, bj’s, they all have bulksizes of these baby vegetables that are, you know, pre-washed, that also make juicing easier.but also they are a lot more mild. so you could start getting them into you before yougraduate to the more mature vegetables that i’ll actually i’ll be doing in a second. alright, so i guess without further ado, let’sget into juicing this stuff. now the main thing to remember when juicing is that youwant to rotate the items you’re putting in the machine. don’t just put like allthe oranges, then all the carrots and then all the greens. you want to put a little bitof each at each time. so i’m just going

to go ahead and get doing this. i’m goingto turn this machine on. we’re going to go ahead and take this spinach, rip off thetop of the package. i really like that they turbo wash this stuff. and we’re just goingto go ahead and take a handful of this, these spinach leaves and drop it down in the chutethere. next we’re going to take a piece of orange, push that in there. and then we’regoing to follow that by pushing a little bit of carrot in the machine. and once you dothat, you guys could see instantly the juices start coming out. and the greens dominatecolor. once we got that in there, we’re going to go ahead and put another orange andanother handful of these spinach greens here. as you guys could see, on this side we gotthe pulp coming out. and once again, we’re

going to go ahead and push in, you know, someoranges after the spinach, and maybe follow that a little bit of the carrot in there tokind of help it push through. alright! so what i’m going to do is i’m going to goahead and just juice up the rest of this stuff and i’ll come back at you when i’m done. alright! so i’m almost done juicing. wegot the last handful of spinach going right in the machine. we’re going to go aheadand follow that by an orange, push that right in there, followed by some carrot, push itall down in there. then we’re going to go ahead and put some orange and we’re goingto finally just rotate the rest of our orange and carrots right in the machine. as you guyscould see, this created a lot of juice here.

let’s see i think we’re out of orangesnow. we got the last carrot going in there. here’s the last piece of carrot here. so as you guys could see now, we created abunch of juice here. and you might be thinking, john, that’s like a lot of oranges, man.that’s like, i mean, yeah you would be right. so this is mostly orange juice with vegetables.and because orange kind of like has a really overpowering citrus like sweetness, you’rereally not going to taste the vegetables. you’re like thinking, john, but it’s green!well, yeah that’s the spinach, because the dominant color, although it’s going to bedominated by oranges in it’s taste, the green turns it green because i guess greenis more dominant over orange. and i guess,

usually it’s the darker colors usually takeprecedence when you’re juicing, right. and this was my recipe today. not to say thatyou guys should make this recipe each and every day, but the thing is i want to teachyou guys like concepts. so the concept is you know, juice fruits like whether that isthis situation it was orange dominated with some vegetables. and i recommend for you guys,if you guys are starting out like don’t try to put like 500 different vegetables oreven 20 vegetables or even 10 vegetables in your juice, right. keep it as simple as 2, maybe 3 vegetables. like this is one of my favorite recipes, carrots, orange and greens.and you know, keep it down to 3, 2 or 3 different ingredients total, right. if you start puttingeverything under the sink, let me tell you,

you’re going to make some nasty ass stuff,you’re going to hold your nose and drink it, just so that you don’t have to pourit down the sink, right. so keep it really simple, right. so i like the fruit dominated with some vegetables.and the more mature and the more you start liking vegetables, the less fruit you couldtake. so as much as we had 5 oranges and we had like, you know, a bunch of carrots, ifyou can’t handle a lot of carrots, reduce the carrots, but once you start doing thisfor a while you’re going to get to the point where man, john, i’m up to like 5 orangesand 20 carrots! well then, maybe like you could take out a couple oranges and reducethe oranges so you have mostly carrots and

mostly vegetables and less fruit, you know.nowadays i’m actually to the point where i don’t really even need, i don’t evenneed the fruits in with my vegetables, although sometimes i like it. now besides using the oranges, you know, otherfruits you could use that really work well, even they’ve been my favorite more thanoranges, i don’t have many today, are pineapples. so one pineapple with like one beet or 5 carrots,right. and some greens. man, you’re going to taste the pineapple juice. pineapple juiceis super delicious. another thing i like to do a lot is apples or pears. apples, pearswith carrot and some greens. that’s another one that’s just like really good. applesare relatively sweet. i do like to juice the

fuji apples for the highest and sweetest apple.if you want a non-sweet apple then you would use something like the granny smith apples,right. but yeah, i probably like, those are my favorite like orange, oh and then tangerinesalso another good one i like a lot. and that’s probably it. you know, i like to do like thecitrus orange tangerine or pineapple, some of the acid fruits. or like apples or pearsor asian pears. those are some other good fruits i like to use. generally i won’tlike use other fruits because they’re kind of like, i don’t, i don’t think they actuallymix as well and they may not digest as well. like mangoes and greens, i’ve never triedthat and mangoes because of a softer texture, they don’t juice as well.

now when you are selecting fruits to juice,this is very important, you want to get nice hard firm fruits. so don’t get apples thatare soft that you’re at the store, you’re pressing them and it dents your finger in,these are last years apples because they’ve been in cold storage. and actually this timeof the year, you know, early in the year they’re not this years apples. so they are applesfrom last year or they’re being imported and they’re not the highest quality. sothat means you’re going to get more pulp in your juice when you’re juicing them. another concern you guys might have is, john,man, you juice 5 oranges, that’s a lot of sugar! alright, so yeah, i mean, in orangesnot only are is there, you know, the sugar

which consists of fructose, glucose and sucrosein varying amounts, but there’s also water, phytonutrients and phytochemicals, vitaminsand minerals. and so we’re not just extracting only the sugar. like if you guys are drinkingcoke or soda or whatever like that, that stuff is way, that has sugar but it’s worse sugarbecause it doesn’t come with, you know, natural, you know, water that’s been filteredby the plant, living source of water. it doesn’t come with the vitamins and minerals. it justcomes with the sugar! so, you know, i always want to teach you guys good, better, best.and if juicing some fruits are going to allow you to get some vegetables in you, and you,you don’t eat vegetables, that’s like way better than not getting them in you. nowyes, over time, you know, you might want to

reduce the fruits, specially if you are, youknow, sensitive to things like fruit juice. and what i’m going to do after i make thefruit juice, i’ll show you guys the recipe with only vegetables without any fruit, that’s,you know, fairly mild as well. so yeah, so once we’re done we’re goingto go ahead and put this stopper down so it doesn’t drip on your counter. and then nowyou have fresh juice here. now this juicer will put a bit of, you know, standard pulpin the juice. so that’s the insoluble fiber in the juice. once again, in the juice containsall the soluble fiber and in carrots it’s like 50%. so this, you know, juice still contains50% of the fiber overall. let’s see, a lot of you guys may like someof the fibre and some of you guys don’t

want to have the fiber. if you guys are, youknow, don’t like that texture, try this out first and see if you like to drink itas it is. that’s great. that’d probably be the best. if you don’t like the fiber,what you’re going to do is you’re going to go ahead and take like a glass, i takethe funnel, or you could do it in a pitcher, and then the tribest slowstar comes with areally nice high quality stainless steel sieve with actually nice small holes. so thisis going to remove most of the fiber for you guys, so you could have a nice texture. sowe’re going to go ahead and pour this in there. and as you guys could see i’m justshaking this down and getting all the, all the main fiber out of it. so i’m going tohave, you know, a really clean and smooth

juice. let me go ahead and filter this outand will come back at you when i’m done. alright! so it looks like i got this finallystrained out. normally i use a sieve that actually is not quite a fine as this, becausei like a little bit of pulp in my juice. this takes out virtually all the pulp. so it canconsequently take a little bit of time to strain it out, but let me tell you, your timeinvested will be worth it. then you’re going to have a nice strained juice. and we’re going to go ahead and taste thisfor you guys. i can’t wait. mmmm! that tastes good! i taste orange and i taste the carrota little bit, and i taste virtually like no spinach, like for me personally. now thisis a little bit thicker consistency. it’s

probably due to the like the pith in the orange,it makes it kind of like a little bit frothy. mmmm! i like that a lot. so yeah, juicing, the best way you could juiceyour vegetables. now this was the recipe with fruit. next what i want to do is get set upand actually just juice a really quick recipe with a 100% vegetables to show you guys howeasy it can be and how delicious it could taste as well, if you don’t want to juicethe fruit. so now i’m going to share with you guysa vegetable juice recipe that doesn’t have as much as a sweet fruit, although it doescontain some fruit. so the fruit i’ll be using today is this guy. it’s a cucumber.this is a striped armenian cucumber. they’re

actually quite sweet, i love them a lot. youmight be thinking, john, are you like brain dead man, like cucumbers are a vegetable.well, a lot of common vegetables that we think of as vegetables are not really vegetablesat all. so now you guys instantly, if you don’t like vegetables, it’s alright tolike some vegetables that are really fruits. so cucumbers, they’re really a fruit becausethey contain seeds, right. true vegetables like celery and chard and collard greens,they are true vegetables. but things like cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes, and evenzucchini squash, they’re all botanically defined as a fruit because they contain in general, these vegetables that are really fruits are, taste a lot better than standardvegetables. so you guys could maybe, you know,

like more vegetables now that are really fruits! so yeah, so the recipe today we’re goingto juice, one striped armenian cucumber. now if you can't get striped armenian cucumberthat are quite rare, you might have to look at your farmer’s market or grow it yourself.oh and that’s another tip for you guys. if you guys don’t like vegetable, grow yourown vegetables, start your own garden. if you grow it yourself and you like, you know,grow healthy vegetables in good, nutritious soil, they’re going to taste way betterthan the stuff at the store. number one, you grew it yourself in good soil. and i teachhow to grow it yourself, if you guys want to learn, at numbertwo, you’re going to pick them fresh and

then use them. because once vegetables arepicked and shipped, they start tasting nasty. like i can barely eat kale out of the store.when you harvest and pick kale, put it a refrigerated truck and ship it across the country, i don’tblame some of you guys why you guys don’t like vegetables. the quality of the stuff,even if it’s organic, come out the store is horrible. so minimally if you can’t growit yourself, which i highly encourage you guys, shop at your local farmer’s market,and more importantly ask the farmer that you buy it from, ‘hey when did you guys harvestthis stuff?’. and you want to try to buy the stuff that was most recently i really admire the farmers that wake up at 5 in the morning, 4 in the morning, andare out there with headlamps on harvesting

their stuff so that they could bring it freshto you guys. because that stuff’s not only going to be more nutritious, it’s also goingto taste better. and of course, as i mentioned earlier, try to pick out the baby vegetables,they’re going to taste a lot more mild. so yeah, we’re going to juice the armeniancucumber. and if you can’t find this, get a standard, instead of striped armenian geta regular armenian, and if you can’t find those instead get english cucumbers. they’reby far the best tasting cucumbers, most mild you’re going to get. but yeah, these guysare actually a little bit sweet. so yeah, we got one cucumber. then we’re going tojuice 5 stalks of celery. so just this juice alone just cucumber and celery, that’s kindof cool. what number is that? but just this

recipe alone really reminds you almost drinkingwater, it’s really nice and mellow. it doesn’t taste that strong, specially if you strainit out. it’s going to taste quite delicious, right. but, you know, so this would be a goodstarter based recipe to add things to. and if you can’t do this recipe just like this,this is for people that don’t want to juice fruit, you know, you could add some fruitto this and make it even taste better. like a pineapple with like celery and cucumber,that just tastes amazing! but we’re going to like push it up the the next level a littlebit. we’re going to go ahead and juice some greens too. so, you know, once again, startout slow, specially the greens they could taste a lot stronger. we’re only juicingtwo leaves, a collard green leaf and a swiss

chard leaf along with 5 stalks of celery,one huge cucumber. so as you guys could see, this recipe is dominated by fruit, which isthis armenian cucumber. it’s getting sliced up into pieces as we speak. so let’s go ahead and turn this machineon. you always want to put the softest produce item in the machine first, which is this armeniancucumber. i like that in the slowstar juicer literally it auto feeds, so you literallyjust put the piece of produce in there. i’m going to go ahead and slice that in half,and look at that. drop that in and it just sucks it right in. and we get this reallymild looking 100% cucumber juice. this is not the same as cucumber water, sticking alittle bit of cucumber in the water, right.

you’re not getting all the nutrients outof the cucumber. and i really like to juice the cucumbers with the nice dark deep’s definitely going to be healthier for you. so now that we’re juicing the cucumber,i mean you could just juice straight cucumber juice, that’s amazing! actually that’swhat i’m doing this time of the year. i just bought 50 lbs of cucumbers, picked themmyself at the local farm, and drink cucumber juice instead of drinking water to stay hydrated.because not only does the cucumber juice have the water i need but it also has vitamins,minerals and phytochemicals. and also it’s a living structured water. this is huge, thisis important! most of you guys are not drinking living structured water. you guys are drinkingtap water, even bottled water that’s been

sitting in the plastic bottle; this is waterthat’s not alive, it doesn’t have the life force energy that fresh and vegetablejuices will contain. alright, now let’s go ahead and put in thisswiss chard. drop that in there. we’re going to go ahead and stick it in, pull it up, stickit in, pull it up, so that it doesn’t chunk off too big a piece at any one time. lookslike, looks like that’s working fairly well. now we’re just going to go ahead and shovethe rest of it in there. and we’re going to pull that up with some celery to help pushit in. now i encourage you guys when using like aslow juicer, to not use the pusher if you could at all get away with it, right. youwant to try using the fruits and vegetables

and basically let them auto feed so that youdon’t have to use the pusher. because a lot times when you use the pusher, you’regoing to be feeding in things a little bit quicker than the juicer can allow. and whichmeans you’re going to get more pulp in the juice and maybe your yield is not going tobe as high. i think what i’m going to next is actually just juice the rest of this stuffup. i will come back at you when i’m done. alright! so i’m just about done juicingthis recipe in the slowstar juicer. once again, we’re going to go ahead and put that soft,the cucumbers and it’s actually really a fruit, a lot softer than the celery. and thenwe’re going to go ahead and finally finish off by juicing the celery. you always wantto put the hardest produce item in last, whether

that’s carrots or celery or something don’t want to ever try to like have the last ingredient that you’re puttinginto the slow juicer any way as leafy greens or fruits, it’s generally not going to workas well. so as you guys could see just like 5 stalksof celery, 2 leafy greens and one huge armenian cucumber turned into 4 cups of juice. thisis, that was a lot of produce. i don’t know if i could sit there and eat that much produce.but i could easily drink 4 cups of juice, right. that’s like thirty two ounce, actuallythat’s like a super size soda, right. now this one’s not going to taste as sweet asthe orange one i made previously. but it’s not going to really have a strong objectionableflavor. and it’s going to be really nice

and mild, specially because this recipe isdominated by cucumber. so cucumber is another ingredient that you could dominate your recipeswith, you know. if you want to use other fruits that to dominate your recipe with that arenot sweet fruits, you could use either cucumber like i did today. something like bell pepper,another great fruit to juice. tomatoes, if you’re going to be juicing tomatoes, makesure you get the small cherry tomatoes or like roma tomatoes or campari tomatoes thatare nice and hard, you know. you don’t want to get soft tomatoes, they’re not goingto juice as well. and keep in mind that tomatoes, you know, when you juice them, will kind ofget maybe more a thicker texture like nectar consistency versus a really clean thin bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, oh zucchini.

zucchini is another great one that you coulduse to like, you know, get more vegetables in you. but they’re really a fruit. thisis important. you guys want to do like, you know, don’t do this if you don’t wantto do the sweet fruits. of course, another fruit you could use, which is a fruit becauseit contains seeds although we think of it as a vegetable is pumpkin. i’ve also juicedpumpkins, you know, through the juicer and that works as well. that doesn’t make alot of juice and it’s also a really nice mild flavor. alright, so that looks like it’s done. we’regoing to go ahead and turn this off. now i want to show you guys what we are not eatingtoday. all the pulp from both the recipe i

made earlier with the oranges and the carrotsand the spinach, and from this recipe- the cucumber, 2 leaves and 5 celeries are allin here. this is all the fiber. this is what we’re not eating. now i’m not, i’m nevergoing to say fiber is not important, but what i will say is what’s more important thanthe fiber that you guys get is the phytochemicals. phytochemicals over fiber is what i say, youknow, they’re much more important, you know. we can’t digest fiber. fiber helps keepus regular. and i know a lot of you guys are not regular, which is not too good either.we’re not going to get into that. but fiber keeps you regular. so if you want some juicewith the fiber, take this stuff out and pop it and mix it back in, right. this juicerputs a nice amount of fiber already in the

juice, the, once again, the insoluble fiber.but we’re getting all the soluble fiber in there already. so let’s see, we’regoing to go ahead and pour this guy out and share with you guys what we got. look at that,that’s a nice clean consistency. there’s, i see a little bit of pulp but it’s likemostly liquid going right in there. let me go ahead and taste this for you guys. mmmm!that’s a nice mild flavor. like for some people the celery is like, you guys, if youguys hate celery, like do mostly cucumber with like one stalk of celery and one or twoleaves, right. we want to make it easy for you guys to get more vegetables in so thatyou guys get started. i mean, that’s the most important thing,you guys are serious enough to watch this

whole video, that lets me know that you guysare serious about making changes, about getting more vegetables in you. so i applaud you guysfor you, for you know, for you guys, i applaud you guys for doing that! but the next thingis you need to take the next step. watching this video is great, but you need to get ajuicer and start juicing. start experimenting, start having fun and playing in the kitchen.that’s what i do each and every day when i make one of these videos, which i have over400 videos on this channel to help you guys select the right juicer, teach you guys allabout juicing, teach you guys why fruits and vegetables are some of the most importantthing foods on the entire planet. i just have fun! and when you have a juicer, you couldstart playing in the kitchen again. start

making recipes and start including small amountsof those vegetables and slowly build up over time and build up the amount of vegetablesyou eat. and even if you, you know, still eat junk food, fast foods and processed foods,you know, i’m never going to tell you guys what you guys shouldn’t eat. but what ido want to say is what you guys should eat. i want you guys to eat more fruits and vegetablesand crowd out all the crappy foods. you know, i’ve met plenty of vegans that are veganand just because they don’t eat animals or other things products from animals doesn’tmean you’re going to be healthy. i’ve met plenty of vegans that don’t enough enoughfruits and vegetables. and the main determination of somebody being healthy or not is if theyeat enough vegetables, and of course the fruits,

but concentrating on the vegetables. you couldeat any kind of diet, you know, you could eat a fast food, junk food diet, you know.and i don’t care if you eat mcdonalds once a week, but every day you’re pounding inthe vegetables, you will be much healthier than the next guy. and that’s what i wantfor each and every one of you guys. so the next step is you guys need to get ajuicer. you want to be sure to support me and my work if you guys enjoyed this video,by visiting to make your purchase. also be sure to thumbs this videoup if you liked it. also be sure to click the subscribe button right down below to benotified of my new and upcoming episodes i have coming out about every 5 to 7 days teachingyou guys all about juicing and comparing the

different juicers. and as i mentioned before,check my past episodes. i have over 450 videos now comparing the different juicers so thatyou guys can get the right juicer for you. i guess the final thing i’d like to sayis i hope this video was valuable for you guys. you know, i make these only becausemy life has been changed by including more vegetables and fruits. i know the power ofthe vegetables and the fruits. and as much as you guys hate them, you know, you guyscould start to get to liking them. and it takes you time for your taste buds to you need to get started today so you’re up to speed later, and you could increasethe amount of fruits and vegetables and decrease the amounts of, you know, junk foods, processedfoods and animal foods in your diet, so that

you could be healthier and you could get allthe benefits that i talked about earlier in this video. so with that, be sure to checkthe links down below in the description for some of the other videos i have mentionedand referenced in this video. once again, my name is john kohler with sure to visit for special promotional offers for youtubevisitors.

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