online home appliances shopping

alright! this is john kohler with,today we have another exciting episode for you, and this one’s actually very importantto me, actually i’ve been thinking about doing a video like this for a while, and ifinally just figured “hey, today is the day.” i’m going to make you guys a videoto talk about juicer reviews and what you need to know about juicer reviews that areappearing online. so if you go to your favorite web search and you then type in “juicerreviews,” you’re going to find a whole bunch of websites that have juicer reviews,and you know i’ve gone to some of them, i’ve read some of the reviews, and unfortunatelyto me, a lot of the information in my opinion is misinformation. and one of the things thati want to put out there is that i want to

stop the spread of misinformation in thismarketing age, right? i just want people to have the truth so that they can make up theirown decisions when purchasing a juicer or making any decision in their lives. you know,we’re not given the truth in so many situations in our lives in these days, and my missionas the owner of is bring you guys the truth about juicers, and notonly just to bring you and tell you what my opinion is, but i back up my words with showingit to you, which i can’t make up showing you stuff when i’m juicing in my in any case, let’s get into some of the top things that you want to look for and beaware of when you’re reading, or even watching some videos on juicer reviews, okay?number one, one of the things i’ve noticed

is that many juicer reviews are quite oldand outdated. imagine if you’re searching for an iphone and this is currently the year2015, and you’re searching for “best iphone,” and you go to a website and they’re talkingabout “the iphone 4 man it’s the best iphone out there,” and all this stuff. butyou don’t see the date that it was written. well, we know the iphone 4 is outdated man,they got the iphone 5 and the iphone 6, and now the iphone 7’s coming out. so in manyjuicer reviews, online websites, there’s a lot of old information, and as new iphoneor new cell phones come out, they get better and better, as do the juicers, right? so thebest way to stay on top of the new juicers coming out in my opinion, because i haven’treally seen it anywhere else is to subscribe

to these youtube channels you guys are watching.i go to different trade shows every year and cover the latest and greatest new productscoming out, and as soon as they’re out or even before they’re out, i get samples thati get to do testing and share with you guys the results so you guys will know all thenew stuff coming out so you’re always up to date on what is happening in the juicerindustry, right? very important. so another challenge i see with many onlinereviews is that they have a limited scope, right? so if you have an iphone you couldcheck out just one or two of the apps, but there’s a whole ios operating system withmany different apps that can be reviewed, and an overall picture of how the iphone orcell phone works, and the same thing with

juicers, you know, you would think “oh yeah,juicers are pretty easy you just take some produce, put it in there and the juice comesout.” but there’s a lot of little intricate things that you may need to know about juicers,and that if you know or don’t know, you can get very different results, so for examplemany of these juicers on the table, if you follow certain procedures when juicing inthese juicers, they’re going to work great for you, right? and if you don’t do someof these procedures, then the juicer’s going to be the biggest pain in the ass that you’veever experienced, and unfortunately i haven’t seen many other reviewers talk about gettinginto fine specifics or into detail with some of the reviews. they might try to sum up theirreview of a juicer in one paragraph, and for

those of you guys that already watch me, youguys know i can’t do that because life is not simple, right? life simply not takingthe purple pill to get it up or to whatever to have the magic cure, the magic pill right?life is much more complex and as is the juicers. and i don’t just want to give you “ohbuy this juicer it’s the best,” because that would be negligent on my part, and unfortunatelythat’s what many places do, right? everybody has different needs and different wants, differentdesires, different things they’re going to juice when they buy a juicer, and my goalis to fit you guys with the right juicer much like when i was a kid we’d go into the shoestore, and the shoe salesman would actually fit me with a shoe he’d feel my foot andtell me to walk around and all this kind of

stuff, measure my foot, and he’d fit mewith the right shoe, i’m going to fit you guys with the right juicer. unfortunatelymany websites just want to tell you a juicer right? it’s much more important to me thatyou guys get the right juicer that you guys will stick to and live on a healthy juicinglifestyle, than me just selling you a juicer. that being said, if you do like my work anddo want to support the work that i’m doing making these videos, i would encourage youguys to support me and make your purchase at, because that letsme continue to do the work, and if people stop purchasing juicers from me then i’llno longer be able to make these videos to share with you guys how the juicer works andsome of the best ones out there at this time

based on my another challenge i see with many juicer reviews online is that they are made throughand derived solely from affiliate links, so many of the different review sites basicallywill rate their juicers based on that they’re going to get a kickback from selling the juiceror referring you to a different website that sells the juicer, right? you can’t trustthese in my opinion because the person that owns the website wants you to buy the juicerthat they’re telling you so that they get their kickback and they make some money fromyou right? that’s not necessarily the best thing to follow in my opinion, and that’swhy i sell all major brands of juicers, and i constantly go out and seek new and bettervarieties of juicers, and i only sell certain

brands, i don’t sell all the ones in theworld because i know some of those are just sub-par, and i’m not going to waste my timeselling sub-par garbage. i mean if you want sub-par garbage you can go to some of thoseother big box sites and get some cheap inexpensive juicer that’s going to work for 30, 90 daysand then the warranty’s going to run out and it’s going to break down on you right?i’m into the juicing business and for juicing for the long haul. i’ve been living thislifestyle where i juice practically almost every day for the last 20 years. so i reallytruly live this lifestyle, and i know that if you live this lifestyle like i do, youwill feel better, you will lose weight, and you’ll get healthier because of it. becausei’ve proven that to myself already.

another challenge i see with online juicerreviews is that there’s a lot of inaccurate information. this kind of bothers me a lot,just inaccurate information. i always try to bring truth to advertising and manufacturerswill say a lot of stuff and the word “best” is often overused. “our juicer is the best,”“this is the best juicer,” and every manufacturer will always try to sell their juicer. andi can’t really blame them for doing that because that’s their job. they want to selltheir juicer, right? my job is to sell you the best juicer that’s going to be the bestfor you, and i don’t care if it comes from tribest, i don’t care if it comes from omega,i don’t care if it comes from champion, right? i want you guys to be fit with theright juicer that you’re going to use and

get results from from a consistent basis.and the information that i show in my videos is based on my real-world experience of usingjuicers almost every day of my life for juicing many different things, right? a lot of juicerreviews, i don’t know how much experience they have writing reviews or using juicers,but to me it’s evident that many people writing juicer reviews don’t have a lotof experience because they’re missing some key components and they’re kind of justrepeating another website or other reviews that are out there. so this also bothers mea lot. so another challenge i see with juicer reviewsis that the person making the review may not be a so-called expert or somebody that’sreally doing this on a day to day basis. now

yes, there are a handful of people that areactually making good juicer reviews and i would consider myself one of them and maybeleading the pack. but there’s also many other people that think that they could justmake a juicer review and they know it all because they own two juicers and all thiskind of stuff. and while i respect everybody’s opinion on things out there, i really tryto get into the nitty gritty bones of the detail and besides just doing things likeyield i also try to talk about customer service, on how the backend customer service are onsome of the companies. i take surveys all the time of my customers on how tribest istreating you, how kuvings is treating you, how omega is treating you out there, so ihave feedback on a lot of different levels,

not only yield, not only performance, notonly durability, but also from customer service aspects and a whole bunch of different levelsthat are very important to ensure you’re going to get a finely-tuned juicer that’sgoing to work well for a long period of time. so it really takes an expert to know thisand be engrained in this and not just a reporter that is reporting on juicers. there are manyreporters that have interviewed me, and in my opinion have made poor reviews that theywrite up that i then later see, although there was one reporter that actually did a phenomenaljob, and so i commend him on his work. but for the most part, most reporters get it wrong.and i think that’s quite sad to say, but then also then people read these reports orreviews, and then they’ll get misinformation

and then they’ll end up with a juicer thatdoes not serve them the best, which in the end makes me kind of sad.another challenge i see with many online reviews is that they’re based not on actual testingof the machine personally by the person doing the review, but they can be based on popularopinion. popular opinion is sometimes good, but it’s also bad. i mean, if you have onlyexperience with the breville and you’ve never experienced the other machines and knowhow they work to compare that to the breville, that’s a very limited scope, so you mightthink the breville’s great, but you’ve never used any of the other juicers on thetable, right? i can guarantee you that i’ve probably used more juicers than anybody onthe planet, i mean i’m looking at a shelf

full of 20 juicers, i have over 30 juicersin the house. so i really try to bring you guys the depth of knowledge and my full experienceand expertise about the juicers in the videos. so this is a lot more than just the popularopinion on if certain customers thought the juicer was good or not. yes i take that intoconsideration too based on customer feedback which i do get a lot of, i want to thank everybodyfor giving me the customer feedback, because i know which juicer is the best based on mycustomers, but then also i have my own opinions that i’ve formed as those are some of my opinions on some of the things you should look out for when readingor watching online juicer reviews, now i want to get into some facts about me and my juiceruse and my company and all this kind of stuff.

number one, i want to say straight up, i don’tplay any favorites right? i don’t play any favorites, right? my favorites are based ona few things: number one, performance, number two, reliability; number three, things likewarranty; number four, things like service. and my favorites are the juicers that i feelare the best that have done the best for me, that’ll provide you with the least amountof headaches, because i know nobody wants headaches, nobody wants a machine that’sconstantly breaking down, right? and while i do go and have relationships with many ofthe different companies and filmed videos at their headquarters in many instances, idon’t play any favorites, right? i want you guys to get the best juicer for you andsometimes omega makes that juicer, and sometimes

tribest makes that juicer, right? and i don’treally care whose juicer you buy, i just want to make sure you get the right one, becausethe right juicer for you may not be the right one for me, but through all my videos, andi have nearly 500 videos now on this youtube channel, i go over all the different juicersthat are out there, and i don’t know anybody else in the entire world that has gone tothis level of investment in a few things like time, money, resources, and energy to do thisfor you guys, right? and all that i ask is that you get a juicer, you get the right one,you do you research, you watch some of my videos, you don’t just say “john, what’sthe best juicer to buy,” and you buy it right? get to know and learn about the juicers,and watch my videos, they’re super-important

to watch. i know some people don’t havetime in this busy day and age, but there’s no other thing that’s more important inyour life in my opinion than your health. i mean i got into juicing because i almostlost my life over 20 years ago, right? i was in the hospital, doctor said “you mightnot make it out alive,” so that’s a place i never want to be, so that’s why i gotinto juicing, so i could turn my health around and i could say it was probably the numberone thing that i have done in my life to turn my health around and i believe that everyamerican, every person on the earth should be incorporating fresh fruit and vegetablejuices in their diet to be healthier. it’s funny, one of the things i’ve known to dois actually piss off some of the manufacturers

that i represent, because i kind of, if youguys watch some of my videos, you guys know i just kind of say what’s on my mind, sometimesit’s maybe not the best thing to do in the world, but i just tell it like i see it, right?i’m not really tied to any manufacturer and i’ll say “hey, if you guys don’tmake a good juicer, i’ll show it,” right? so my goal is showing you that it’s notthe best juicer, this is to the manufacturers, it’s so that you guys can improve and notjust then badmouth me or say “john, take your video down,” like manufacturers havedone to me in the past because they don’t want it out there that they have a defectivemodel or a poor design, right? that’s not my goal. my goal is not to take the videodown, my goal is to allow them to improve

what they’re doing, right? and many manufacturersembrace me, and many manufacturers maybe don’t like me. and i don’t really care if a manufacturerlikes me or hates me, but what they do need to know is that i am quite necessary becausei am literally the voice of juicers online. i have the most juicing videos, i’ve beenwatched the most out of anybody doing this, and basically i’m glad i could fill thisrole to get juicing out to the world. i mean i want to give a hats off to jay kordich thejuice man, who got me back into juicing back in the 1990s. i saw this infomercial on tv,he’s the granddaddy of juicing because my parents got me actually into juicing wheni was a kid, but jay kordich really got me in gear and fired me up to get me on juicingtoday and now i’m glad that i could carry

the torch to bring juicing to everybody outthere watching my youtube videos, because it is so important. if you’re not goingto do anything else to better your health, start juicing, you will get healthier becauseof it. another thing that’s a fact about me isi’m independent, right? i’m not connected with any companies, i’m my own company,i’m my own person, i’m my own business where i distribute all major brands of thejuicers. so once again, i don’t play favorites, and i’m independent and not hired by anycompany. i’ve never taken money from any company to do any kind of infomercial or beenpaid off to make a video or anything like that. another fact about me that you mightwant to know is that i use juicers almost

every day. if i’m traveling then i’m probablynot using juicers, but at home, most of the time i juice at least once a day. like forexample this morning, i had pineapple orange juice, which was delicious. yesterday i [inaudible]juice bell peppers for my evening soup meal which was also amazing. but i use these machineson an everyday basis, so i have an intricate knowledge and know-how because basically themore experience you have with doing something the better you’re going to be, and the moreyou’re going to be knowing about it, right? if you’re an auto mechanic and you workon cars every day, you could probably fix a car with your eyes shut, but if you barelyever change your oil, you don’t really know about it, right? so my life is engrained withjuicing, unlike many other people that may

be writing reviews and doing online articlesabout juicers, and i have so many different types of juices i always like to choose thebest juicer for the task at hand for whatever i’m juicing.another fact about me is that i’ve been living a healthy lifestyle and including juicingin my life now for the last 20 years, and i want to let you guys know that it does work,so this is a long time to have experience using the juicers, right? many people thatmay write juicer reviews may have been doing it for a month or two months. they might havegot excited because they saw the movie “fat, sick, and nearly dead,” which i would recommendyou guys watch if you guys haven’t, and then they got into juicing and then they madea website to make juicer reviews, right? but

they got a couple of months or a year or twoexperience, well i think that’s great that they’re doing that, but my experience goesback 20 years right? and there’s no substitute for experience in my opinion. but yeah, soi’ve been doing this for 20 years, and all my recommendations that i make for you guysare based on my knowledge and experience of not only the juicers but also the differentthings you should juice, the recipes that you might want to put together, and that’salso what i share in my videos when i make some of the different recipes that i do.another fact about me is that i actually have visited factories that make the juicers. there’sno other person that i know on earth that makes juicer reviews that have actually visitedseveral different factories when i was over

in korea and made videos at the factoriesto check out how the juicers are made and to really learn about the juicers, not onlyhow they work but also how they’re made, and the sustainability of the companies thatare manufacturing them right? and i have videos on these topics, right? and so i really tryto know everything i can about the juicers, not just how they work, but how they’remade, the bpa free plastic that they’re made out of or not, and all this kind of stuff,right? so that’s also very important to me that it’s not just about that final endproduct and selling you something, but it’s about the whole process and hopefully thecompany is more sustainable than not, because i always in my personal life want to encourageand support more sustainable [inaudible] companies

than ones that are polluting, destroying andmessing up the beautiful earth we live on. another fact about me is that i attend tradeshows annually, several trade shows annually actually to keep up to date with all the differentjuicers and health appliances that will allow you to eat more fruits and vegetables comingout, and i do make videos, so i have videos in the past going to different trade showsand showing some of the new and latest products coming out. and there’s nobody else thatgives you the coverage on these trade shows with the scope of the juicers and other appliancesthat will allow you to eat more fruits and vegetables like i am, right? there’s nobodyelse doing this. there’s nobody else that’s staying on the cutting edge to know everythingthey can know about this topic like i am,

right? and it’s really important to me tolet you guys know what’s coming out, because this may change your purchase decision, likeif you want to hold out for the next new model coming out, right? and at present time, mostof the manufacturers actually don’t have anything significantly new and different comingout at this time, i’m happy to say. another fact about me is that i’m not onlyreviewing juicers, but i’ve also done consulting with many different manufacturers on how toimprove their products. because besides just using the products, selling the products,knowing the products inside and out, while i never went to school for engineering, ikind of have an analytical mind and very pragmatic, right? and i make many suggestions on howthe juicer can be improved and how even something

as simple as the nc 800 can be improved bymaking a few small changes to it or including some extra items with it and whatnot, andmany times the manufacturers, depending on the manufacturers, will take my suggestionsand turn them into reality, and unfortunately many times they won’t. but my opinions arehighly valued and respected by the manufacturers, and i don’t know any other juicer reviewerthat gets to basically consult with companies before products come out to maybe change thecourse and scope of the design of them to give a better customer experience. one ofthe things i told one of my manufacturers once is that, i told them straight to theirface, the president of the company, he kind of like laughed and maybe sneered at me wheni said this, i said “you know, while i don’t

necessarily like your products, and whilei don’t see myself as a juicer salesman, i see myself as a consumer advocate and idon’t play any brand favorites, and i like the juicer that’s going to work the bestthat i would choose to use in my very kitchen right?” because after all, i’m just acustomer, right? as much as you guys think i’m trying to sell juicers and show youguys the different juicers right? i use the juicers every day right? i’m my biggestfan, believe it or not, because i use the juicers so i test them all so i know whichones work the best, and then i choose the ones that i’m going to use in my kitchenbased on my testing, right? plus i do a lot of testing that never gets filmed in my kitchen.and you know, so i’m my biggest fan right,

and so i see myself as consumer advocate andalways able to try to better the juicing industry as a whole right, because the fact of thematter is clear, most americans simply do not own a juicer, right? everybody owns arefrigerator for the most part, everybody owns a stove, a lot of people own microwaves,maybe even more than one, but not many people own juicers, and i think this really needsto change in our society to basically turn our society around, right? to be live froma sick care society to a preventative care society, and the juicer in my opinion is thenumber one appliance to start turning your health around faster than your microwave,for example. i think the final fact that i want to sharewith you guys about me is that i don’t just

do a lot of talking, right? my videos, andwhile some of them yes are quite long, right? i back up my talk or my words with showingyou guys, right? i’ve always been a man of action, and if a girl tells me “hey john,blah, blah, blah,” or whatever, because i had an ex-girlfriend that used to make awhole lot of erroneous things that weren’t accurate to me. talk is cheap i’ve alwayssaid, but show me, right? show me you love me instead of tell me you love me, it meansa lot more and i know some of you guys get this and some of you guys don’t, but i don’tjust tell you anything, right? i back up my words with showing you guys in a video onhow the juicer works, how it extracts the juice, some of the challenges it may have,and all this kind of stuff, and i mean you

can debate, you know, when i’m showing youguys something you can debate or, you know especially other reviews of when somebody’stelling you something. and of course i’ve only human, i’m not perfect, and i havemy personal favorite juicers for a multitude of reasons, but i want you guys to know thisthat if i do recommend a juicer for you, nine times out of ten if i have a full story onyour specific needs, your specific purpose, i will get you guys the right juicer. it’svery rare that i recommend an improper juicer or somebody. and i want to encourage and empowerthe consumers out there, if you guys are shopping for a juicer to watch my videos, because whenyou guys watch my videos you’ll become empowered to know as much as i know about juicing becausei share my knowledge about juicers in my videos,

so that you guys can make an informed purchaseof a juicer. i mean i simply wish that there were videos on every different item in theworld as in depth as my videos on juicers. you know if i’m going to go buy a routerfor my wi-fi at home, i wish they had videos breaking down every different wi-fi routerand going over the pros and cons and comparing them so that i can get the best one, right?and i do this for the juicers and maybe some blenders and some dehydrators, but not muchelse, right? but if people have more knowledge and more accurate knowledge from people thatare just trying to spread good information to make a change in the world, i think theworld would be a much better place in the end, because in this society that’s allabout marketing and selling and “this is

the best, that’s the worst,” and all thisstuff and “our product’s good, your product’s bad,” every product has its pros and cons,right? and that’s mainly my goal to show, you know? if you want to juice greens, oneof the juicers that you never want to buy for greens is the breville juice fountain,right? but many websites will rate the breville juice fountain as a top juicer, but it’srated a top juicer but you buy it for greens, and it does poorly and you’re like “thisis a terrible juicer.” well once again right, that’s what i try to show in my videos,right? i just try to show you guys real world examples of what’s going to happen whenyou use the juicers. and i mean that’s pretty much it i thinkfor this episode, i could get into how some

of these different juicers work, because ihave different ones on the table and maybe i’ll do that real quick for you guys, imean i want to encourage you guys to just check out my other videos, there’s all differentkinds of juicers on the market, and i’m going to go over them real quick. this iscalled the breville juice fountain elite, it’s a centripetal ejection style machine,it’s a very popular machine, usually rated very high on a lot of independent websites.if you’re a chef and you’re not into really knowing, in the know about juicers, you’regoing to rate this one pretty high. to me, i mean every juicer has its pros and cons,but this one has a lot of cons in my opinion. you can check some of my past videos for videosi did comparing the breville to some of these

other machines. so this works on a methodof centripetal ejection, so you put the produce in there, it’s shredded up, micro shredded,the juice is kicked out the screen comes out the front and the pulp comes out the we got the champion juicer, now this thing has been made since the 1950s, stillmade in america, one of the only juicers still made in america, and this is a masticatingjuicer. so this is a true masticating juicer, many companies will say, like omega they havemasticating juicers, but i think they’re lying to you, they don’t really have a masticatingjuicer, they just say that because they don’t really define what their juicer is. so a masticatingjuicer is like this, this is a blade with teeth that runs at a high, fast rpm, and basicallythis then chews up and grinds up the produce

that you’re putting into it. and basicallywhen it grinds it up, it extracts juice which comes out the bottom of the juicer, and thepulp comes out the front. so this is a true masticating juicer. now it does run at somespeed, and it does tend to oxidize some of the juice and turn it a little bit darker,plus it can get quite warm when juicing. although there are plenty of people that have champions,[inaudible] for 50 years that love them. so i’m not going to say anything about that,all i’m going to say is that juicing technology has improved greatly since the time the championcome out, and that something like the omega nc 800 i have while omega would call this a masticating juicer, i don’t think that’s completelyaccurate, and many websites will let you know

that these are masticating juicers, i wouldsay that’s incorrect because that’s a masticating juicer you guys saw the blade?there’s no blade on this, this is just a slow-running auger that runs at approximately80 revolutions per minute, and basically put the food in here and it crushes and squeezesand compresses the juice out of it so as the produce is coming in, it just literally crushedand squeezed and the juice is expelled out stage number one here the holes in the screen,and stage number two right here so it’s a much slower process. so this to me is notmasticating, it’s not extracting by chewing like the champion, it’s extracting withmore of a cold pressing method where it’s just crushing and squeezing out all the juicein the omega nc 800.

now basically one of the next revolutionsin juicers was this design, this is the tribest slowstar, one of my favorite vertical singleauger juicers, the nc 800 is horizontal single auger juicer. so this one takes a lot lesscounter space than this guy, which you can see is actually quite large. this is tallerinstead of longer, and this works pretty much the same way, we have that same auger righthere, but instead of running horizontally, it’s running vertically, so you can putproduce in here and there’s two little dual blades that help you chopping when you putthe produce in, and the produce is basically crushed and squeezed down, and the juice thencomes out the juicing screen here and has an automatic wiping blade to keep the screenclean and to extract the most yield. and it’s

this kind of juicer that i like the most becauseit’s a lot easier to use than this machine where you need to actually use the pusher.with the tribest slowstar actually you’re not supposed to use the pusher to push produceinto the machine, and then it’s just going to work fabulous for you. so yeah the verticaljuicers are my favorite juicer style on the market at this the last kind of juicer on the table right here, this is known as the green star the green star elite, that’s a totally different kind of beast right here, and thisis known as a twin gear juicer. so i like to classify juicers, there’s many ways toclassify juicers, right? i would consider these guys fast or higher speed juicers thatare over several thousand rpms, and these

are the low-speed juicers. so my personalfavorites are always the low-speed juicers. in testing i’ve seen, a low speed juicercan have up to 50 percent more cancer-fighting ability than juicers made with a high-speedjuicer, or even a blender you know? for me, i’m juicing for the health benefits specifically,because i almost lost my life, and hopefully that’s one of the reasons why you’re doingthis. i mean that’s another reason why i make these videos for you guys, to make theworld a healthier place. i don’t know what people’s motivations are for writing onlinereviews about juicers or whatever, like yeah, while i do and would like to sell you a juicerbecause i do need to be able to make a living to be able to continue to make these videosfor you, so if you are considering purchasing

a juicer, please visit me at discountjuicers.comto support my work by purchasing a juicer with me, we do have a price match policy,but my goal is to just get people juicing over all else, right? super-important. butyeah, this one works on a twin gear system, and the twin gears basically put produce inbetween here and it’s like two gears running around inside your car’s transmission. andthis extracts at a low speed, so the low speed extraction will always produce a higher qualityjuice with more nutrition than something done at a high speed, and this is just evidencedby looking at the juice once its created, so i did a recent video where i compared thebreville juice foutain elite and the slowstar juicing tomatoes, and the tomato juice thatcame out the breville juice fountain elite

looked very not good and disoriented[?] andugly, and the juice that came out of the slowstar, it really looked nice and dark red and delicious,and even more so i took the pulp out of the breville and put it back through the slowstarand the slowstar was able to extract juice out of the pulp the breville kicked out thatwas not able to extract juice from, right? i mean this is why i got into juicing formy health, this is why i share and educate people about juicing so that you guys canget healthier, because i’ve learned that money is not the most important thing in life,and i want you guys, i mean if you guys are stockbrokers and real estate people and makea lot of money, right, hopefully this has a small impact on you that you know, we needto stop living our lives on the focus of just

trying to make money, because it’s not aboutmoney. it’s about quality of life, number one, quality of your health because withoutyour health you can’t enjoy your life, i know plenty of rich people that are in wheelchairs that have a lot of money that are sick that have had triple bypass surgeries thatcould be at the end of their life because they did not respect their health, they didnot take time put it into their health, right? and they’re losing it all. i mean the otherthing that i’ve learned that’s super-important and that’s super-valuable in life is time.that’s one thing that’s more important than money is the time that you have on thisearth, and in my opinion by juicing and by including more fruits and vegetables, you’llincrease the amount of time and you’ll increase

the quality of time that you have, and byusing some of the slow juicers, you’re going to have the highest quality juice with themost nutrition, which is going to basically get you the most benefits. and i don’t knowof anybody else that’s really talking about all this kind of stuff. but if you’re lookingfor the juicer that gets you the most nutrients hands-down, i have seen studies on this, it’ssimply the green star elite. i’m not going to tell you it’s the best juice in the world,i mean there’s pros and cons to every machine, you can watch my videos where i do juice-offswith the green star elite, the one thing about the green star elite that it’s not so goodon is that it takes a lot to clean it. there’s a lot of nooks and crannies and stuff. butif you’re willing to go through that, in

many cases you’re going to make the highestquality juice and the highest yield juice. i did a recent test with the green star andthe slowstar, i juiced two and a little bit more, two and a quarter pounds of produce,and i got a half cup more juice, that’s eight extra ounces of juice when i used thegreen star elite than the slowstar. so that was simply amazing, and it’s these kindof facts that i uncover that you’ll never ever read about just on a website when you’rereading reviews for juicers, right? because i really get down in there and do the besti can with testing the juicers and sharing with you guys what i see as i see it, as itcomes. so i guess in the end of this video, i wantyou guys to know that the best juicer for

you is the juicer that you’re going to useevery day, right? if you don’t use the juicer every day, then i think that’s really sad,i mean i’d rather you guys get a breville as much i’m not a big fan of this and usethis every day to get some fresh juices into you, because juices are fresh fruits and freshvegetables, and that can make the biggest difference in your life. you know, even thoughit doesn’t produce the highest quality juice, even though it has 50 percent less cancer-fightingabilities, some fresh juice is better than no fresh juice. but i want you guys to investthe time in your life, and you are worth it, right? invest an extra ten minutes, 15 minutes.i could juice, you know if i’m running late out the door to hit my airplane flight, icould juice in 15 minutes, have this cleaned

up and be done and have a juice ready to gowith me. now yes, i’m a bit more efficient than most people, but easily in a half houryou could make some juice and be totally done. in most cases it takes me about 15, 20 minutesto make a juice, and we all could spare another 15 or 20 minutes to increase our health andincrease the amount of time we’ll have and increase the quality of time mostly, mostimportantly of all. so hopefully with that you guys enjoyed thisepisode, if you did please give me a thumbs up and let me know, and hopefully you’lllearn what you need to know about juicer reviews, and when buying a juicer, know above all elsei would recommend you guys check in my past episodes, i have nearly 500 episodes now onall different kinds of juicers and using them

over the last five years that i’ve beenmaking juicer reviews online. also be sure to support me and my work by making your purchaseat while i do do my videos for fun to show you guys what happens, i doneed to make a living and i do need to keep my lights on, i do need to pay my bills, allthis kind of stuff. so your purchase supports me to be able to continue to do the very importantwork i do because simply nobody else is doing it. if you purchase a juicer at a big boxstore, you’re purchasing their larger corporation goals which is probably world goal is to get people juicing more, and to be able to educate them better and to makemore videos, so that more people can get juicing and derive the health benefits from the juicersand the juicing because people simply just

unfortunately do not know about it in thisday and age. finally subscribe to my videos to be notified of upcoming episodes that i’llhave coming out. you never know when i’m going to show up at a trade show or have anotherjuice-off, i love doing juice-offs to be able to introduce a new juicer to you guys, i thinkone of the upcoming episodes i’m going to have is the green star elite versus the juicefountain elite, and that’s going to be a good head to head fight there. so once again,my name is john kohler with, be sure to visit special promotional offers for youtube visitors.

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