pink kitchen appliances

in today's video we'll be taking a look back at eight crazy youtube challenges you do not want to try at home or at least you shouldn't including jumping on a trampoline full of thumbtacks piercing my own belly button lots of other strange activities and more things you guys dared me to do in the comment section next up you guys

asked me to get wrapped up in a ball of duct tape which is a lot easier said than done i gotta be honest a little bit worried about suffocating myself i'm afraid that if it's too tight i can't breathe it'll take too long to recall the ball and i might suffocate to death which really sucks we're gonna be really careful we

do this and i should advise you not to try this at home that being said we're gonna get this thing going chris is gonna wrap and duct tape i'll roll around so she can't even wrap my other bits should be quite an adventure and although kristin didn't know i started to get claustrophobic almost right away i'm definitely the

type of person that needs like room i mean i even get kinda freaked out just sitting on an airplane there's just something about not being able to spread out this deeply unsettling to me i imagine this is what help would be like i think that one of my deepest fears is being trapped inside of a really confined space and not being able to get

out roll you good yes doing it no more balanced know your love we're not trying to do that ready we get so for me i definitely had to overcome fears to do this but the fear is real i was seriously struggling to breathe but we didn't come all this way for nothing

i mean well we kinda did but we're seeing this through damn it looks really new potion after we were able to cut through enough duct tape i was able to re-enter the world by hatching out of my duct tape egg this was definitely a strange experience i did not take a little bit lost control hey i'm doing a really close to motivate

it's really difficult to breathe in this thing and it's starting to get worried i don't know what gets said that before so i like to put in my head but to forget this challenge this stuff so bad they're really hot work yet super hot and sweaty and cannot get out of this thing of being born again my junk food is my catching i just want cash today

yeah yeah yeah i think i survive i get a little buzz do we get out of that thank you kristen for helping me i almost died i felt like i was gonna die my future school duct-taped together but we still can breathe again that's kind of dangerous something similar on to the next air is getting me to jump on a

trampoline covered in thumbtacks which is likely because the dudesons did this challenge over a year ago so this is actually been a very requested there for quite a long time but i really didn't want to do it because it's the dumbest thing ever and it's not even a challenge and all it does is hurt you and then i'm like wait that's exactly the type of

stuff that we do on this channel so don't try this at home all his blood on the first attempt most of the thumbtacks were right into my but instead of my back which was the intended target area so i thought it'd be best if i just went again oh i guess video shot with a slingshot and i'm always getting dares to do stuff

involving cacti so i thought we would combine the two and have christmas shoot cactus at me using a giant slingshot this thing will supposedly launch water balloons 200 yards so at point-blank range anything this thing shoots at you is probably gonna hurt but only a cactus can do all of that plus put thorns in your skin and make you break out into

hives chris is going to using a giant slingshot rocker on her legs to pull my face with cactuses many yeah yeah oh good you would not believe how well that actually work but i have to film that's the problem is they look like hair stand of wow you see that yeah there we go now

i'm filming it but kind of any you sure do it oh shit are you okay oh yeah don't got a whole bunch more than me oh shit you're going to one of the big mamajamas you don't even feel all the thorns at first because you feel the impact and then just like the stinging sensation

oh hell no the whole orange thing everything is from you know oh are you lookin at you just cracking up over that we have around yeah it's dumping your singing those things in this alright this is the worst one after that we have to examine the wounds of light acne

oh my god actually bleeding out from that one are you kidding me know that seriously hurt or so i'm still pulling out all the cactus needles and i guess i've broken out into a higher now i would definitely not suggest doing this challenge because it hasn't really occurred to me that one of these things might be poison is or

maybe i'm allergic to one of them or something wanted to throw out some extra caution yeah that's where i got hit several times this was like your favorite spot to shoot me not sure how much worse it's gonna get but it's pretty bad right now the rationale was caused by the cactuses

hitting me is just got worse and worse and worse starting to get a little bit worried what you guys asked me to do the ramen and red bull challenge so i don't look that up and as it turns out that actually doesn't exist at least not as far as i can tell so what i decided to do is cook the ramen in the red bull taste it

see what it's like i'm expecting this to be a disaster because i have boiled rebel before and it didn't turn out so well i'm really just interested to see what happens though i might stink up my whole house in the process maybe run a few kitchen appliances but it's all in the quest for answers thing going cooking redbull smells so

incredibly terrible but i'm pretty sure if anyone saw what i was doing they just assume i was cooking that but unfortunately i was cooking something much worse alright so now we'll be trying out the red bull ramen noodles and they're still steaming and i'm gonna see what this tastes like kool got a barrel vault

little god is disgusting uh-oh rebel doesn't make everything taste better i don't know how to describe the smell and flavor all wrong i mean these things are not even edible at this point they were hardly edible in the first place i'm just getting actually like ramen noodles and i haven't actually come

across the playwright in light yet until this so the first few bites definitely didn't make me optimistic about finishing this and i see because that's exactly what it tastes like but i'm gonna see if i can finish the whole thing right now oh my god just about lost me there oh i don't know how you finish this is

hairballs is such a bad idea seriously mad at whoever suggested to do this alright just a few more bites you can get this thing done i think well that took a little bit longer than i expected by the same about finished now just with that but with everything this i'm gonna go make myself puke and then cry myself to sleep

that was the worst thing that i've ever done in my life it was such a weird aftertaste in your mouth and it gives you a headache almost immediately oh i really want to vomit well i keep getting the shippers your eat something that's just so nasty feel like something's crawling up your spine that was this but i guess that's

what happens when you mix barely edible food with nearly toxic drinks and speaking of nearly toxic food we're on to the next they're always getting a lot of years to take on the world's biggest this or the largest-ever that but there's one world's biggest candy bar that i've been contemplating for a little over a year now and it's this one

solid pound of york peppermint pattie my hair still pink and we're gonna try to take down the world's biggest york peppermint pattie this thing is over 1 pound it's probably over a year old there's no expiration date on this thing so that leads me to believe only one thing it's good for ever you can always keep these things and

just eat them whenever you want and i've been putting off getting this i'm eating a whole lot of the world's biggest candy and this is the one they're really terrified me the most because i don't let your peppermint patties to begin with and not only that but it came in really terrible conditions this thing is just sloppy it's all pressed in it's

truly the most disgusting thing you can order on amazon now but it is pretty bad i've procrastinated on this thing for almost a year so it's about time to get this over with oh man it's already disgusting the cardboard is completely soaked the whole way through there's like a hand gelatin substance

and we haven't even seen that thing yeah just show you get for working with here that looks absolutely delicious it's exploded melted down solidified again and then rebuilt about 45 times this thing has been all over the place right here is the first bite it still tastes like a york peppermint pattie but that being said i've got a lot of food

here to eat so let's get started it was only after i had started eating this nasty mess that i realized was actually supposed to be two half-pound patties but somewhere along the way they must have melted together to join forces in an effort to take me down but is weird as it sounds i'm no stranger to giant candy i feel like i can really

throw up at this point oh that is way too much york peppermint pattie for me even just one normal size york peppermint pattie will make me puke and this is like 12 york peppermint pattie his full laughing makes me her al i can feel the hot mindy fire coming out of my nose they talk that way too

much of this crap in my system right now all that gives me a really sour stomach this feels absolutely terrible i wouldn't wish this upon anybody giant candy are meant for like parties of people not for individuals but i haven't eaten all day in preparation for this so i really like to get it done i'm feeling pretty full right now and

this is looking really disgusting but we'll see what i can take down so just to make this even more difficult i put out a cup of water when i told myself i'd only drink it 100% necessary that was 100% necessary but to be honest i'm really glad to have finally gone after this challenge because this oversized inner man has been sitting in the corner

of my room taunting me for quite some time i can't this is disgusting that is the most of that i can fit in my stomach i don't full after about eating like a fourth of it everything after that was just pressing the seams out on my stomach my teeth hurts so bad right now from all the sugar i could just feel the

cool mint enos all throughout my body it feels like i've got ice running through my veins right now like coming out of my nose there's so much mint enos just from breathing it i feel really sick right now i definitely think that i could vomit any minute but the way these giant candy bars are so heavy and just kind of sits in your stomach it's really like

hard to puke it back up when you're done you're done and i definitely reached my limit with this york peppermint pattie that being said i'm gonna go brush my teeth and then take a nap for about four days and then we'll be on to the next heir next up you guys asked me to pierce my belly button so i thought this

incredibly cheap get online it came with some needles alcohol wipes gloves which i forgot to use and clamp the needles have a hollow center which is used to guide the belly button jewelry through the hole but i have to say never try to pierce yourself with anything ever we take safety precautions and getting a

giant infection is not how you want to go out so this next challenge is jeremy to pierce my belly button which is a terrible idea cuz i have no idea what i'm doing but i went ahead and bought a kid anyways to be honest this challenge is really scary to be i don't like putting pointy metal foreign objects into my body

believe it or not right so after you clean the area all you do is put a clamp onto it and stabbed a needle through it how i could feel going to miss because it does not feel good o.o through i think i just made it through haha that hurts well i hope you can see that the thing actually did make it the whole way

through man it does not feel good i want to scream so bad but i told my name is nicole and complain about me i mean i'm not exactly sure how to do this thing but i know that we've got this completely step through my body through my belly button it hurts it's probably gonna get infected

i'm not into this my girlfriend is sitting over here freaking out right now i can't even look at this very now we're all having a pretty hard time getting through this i wanted to at least put some kind of jewelry on it yeah it's all day yeah oh develop oh that didn't last very long but maybe a belly button piercing just isn't the

right look for me but i'm even more worried about the aftermath from this been actually piercing through my body alright so that being said i'm gonna take this thing out disinfect the living shit out of it and hopefully i don't get gangrene by sundown that being said will be on to the next there oh that hurt so bad guesses never

doing that again because asked me to do the hard hat challenge which is when you flip a hard hat into the air and catch it on your head so i went to home depot and picked up a hardhat and this thing is pretty head i had not looking forward to that hitting my head i've seen a lot of construction workers do this challenge but uh i still kind of have

like a soft spot here in the middle of my head i'm just getting by this is not going to be good it's a sort of challenge is definitely all about skill because you can make it on your very first try and it's really easy and it just looks cool or get yourself on the head a bunch of times and knock yourself out

i'm guessing in this case it'll likely be the ladder that being said we're gonna get this thing going i almost had it i was able to kind of get my head it but it did not stay on there that was close i think i'm just like so scared when it comes in and shake my head in it yeah it doesn't land on their

really want to land this thing i don't want to hit myself in the head i'm just wondering which one is going to happen first yeah i don't have enough brain cells to kill for this challenge oh my god that hurts ah-ha-ha i'm gonna need some ice packs after this is done

what am i still doing this for all i can feel a lot already coming up over here that's not good i can't tell them bleeding or not well i've only really being myself in the head twice and they do say that three times a charm so i'm going to try to land a few more of these things by the way if you try

this at home you will very likely hurt yourself or look really badass one of those will definitely happen i thought this challenge is interesting because it does look pretty cool if you can land it but if you're even a little bit off oh so i didn't say that three times the charm but i'm feeling a little extra hard headed today at this point i should

have definitely learned my lesson but this challenge for tough people which is what i stupidly told myself yeah well that was the painful and yet so never challenge that being said we're on the nights there i thought i was actually getting better but i might have already been a little bit punch drunk at this

point has asked me to scorpion pepper and i entirely underestimated how painful and really scary this would actually be i really had no idea what this is gonna do for the next three days have asked me to smoke the trinidad moruga scorpion pepper which is 2012 world's hottest pepper i think it has since been dethroned by

the carolina reaper but that being said it should still do the trick as far as putting on my ass especially seeing as how i'm not even gonna be eating this i'm going to be smoking it i don't think my lungs were quite built for this i don't think anyone's lungs were quite built for this there was recently a video that went

viral guy that took the ghost pepper and put into a bomb so guess i have him to thank for making this a training challenge i really don't know what to expect out of this and this is probably gonna be the spiciest way to get cancer imaginable nothing set in a trade twisting up breaking this stuff up is absolutely wretched it's really gross

to see the insides of these things really not another way to put that they just don't look like anything that you should eat they look rotten they smell absolutely terrible burns your nostrils just even be around it these peppers have been dried out so i'm guessing they're gonna smoke just fine although they do feel a little bit damp

to the touch this is really scary i think i might have bit off more than i can chew but i take this really disgusting ugly really spicy joint and try to smoke it i just barely touched it to my lips and my face is on fire right now i can't even tell you how hot my face is before i even start this challenge and like

developing a list because i can't move my lips properly i'll see what it does it is smoking okay well can breed make everything marketing and after that i immediately went into a serious panic i wasn't even looking at the cameras anymore i started trying to drink something to soothe the burning but obviously that wasn't working because my

lungs were basically on fire it really feels like i just completely scorched my lungs every breath is just extremely painful after a few minutes it's still her just as bad as before and i started to get worried and i actually almost called out for help i even thought for a second that i might have been going into cardiac arrest

however i eventually started to feel a little bit better slowly but surely and just as i was coming down i made the worst mistake possible i put my fingers in my fucking eyes my eyes are burning though oh my god that was just dumb idea and to be honest that's the sort of thing that ordinarily i can actually

overcome so i'm not really sure why it hurt this bad but i literally wanted to rip my eyeballs out luckily i still have the presence of mind to have someone filming so it's just the most extreme reactions to hot peppers i covered my life 101 the buffers at those coordinates peppers but that was the worst i've ever had

holy shit for localized needs to put the camera down that was the absolute worst reaction ever had to a pepper before and i hit the joy of scorpion pepper i thought i was going into like cardiac arrest or something i was this close to just calling out to kristen was in the other room should come and help me but i i

couldn't really breathe and i couldn't say anything and then as you guys saw when i put my hands to my eyes like it all went way downhill and it went from being bad just way worse and i don't know if you can see but like my eyes are completely bloodshot right now i've been having kristin pour milk into my eyes for like the past half an hour

my dog has been barking and stuff they think that something terrible has happened to me they don't understand what's going on and to be honest i don't think that i understood what was going on through half of that either i was not expecting this to be the scorpion pepper in the eyeball challenge i'm guessing that when i was in here

trying to rinse it out of probably making it worse because initially i thought i was going to be okay like it wasn't burning that bad when i was in there and that came in here and i tried to rent an alley just got kept getting worse and worse and worse luck the customs here to pour milk in my eyes otherwise

i really don't know what i would have done that being said will be on the next they're not always a pretty good challenge leave me there in the comments section make sure to like the video subscribe to get to have done that and as always we'll be seeing you guys in just a few days with a new video alright thanks guys

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