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we listen to your concerns. national counseling session! it is 2016. we expect today's four guests to be active in 2016. he shows promise? it's a bit strange, but there are expectations. an oriental face with african lips. niel of teen top!

charismatic female rapper. yezi of fiestar! he's enjoying a second golden age. yun jeongsu! (he's promising) the suji of the comedy world. the more you see her, the more charming she is. lee suji! hello.

i enjoy watching you and kim suk. it's really hot. they're really going to get married if the viewer ratings are over 7%. what if it's really over7% are you really going to get married? will you keep your promise? don't pressure me too much. give me some time to discuss it with my family.

you said 7%. i don't want to lose the show, but i could quit if it reaches 6.9%. what did your mother say? nothing much. you're so neat. i'm sitting next to him. there's a nice fragrance. i'm surprised. he smells like soap. come on!

niel, what are you like? i'm a celebrity on stage, so i make an effort to look cool. off stage, i'm really messy. he said he's really messy. six of us live together. if one person doesn't clean up, then the others don't clean up either. you released a new song.

show us! ("warning sign" / teen top) (a powerful and beautiful dance) (perfect moves and fancy steps) (niel's unique pose fills the stage) (we'll have high expectations for teen top) yezi gave a strong impression on "unpretty rapstar". i was surprised to see her in person today.

she looks so innocent. you were mean on that show. she wasn't mean. she was just strong. i didn't think i had a strong personality. i only say what i have to. that's being strong. it is? (that's right)

suji is like psy. the female version of psy. she did psy's dance at the entertainment awards. show us. (she transforms into psy!) (yeongja gets excited as soon as she starts) (it's a dance party!) (it would make psy cry) (she took off her sock)

(a sharp finish) (they really got into it) i felt my body float a bit. we felt the vibration. 'man who doesn't budge' won a second time last week. how were things after the show? it's much better. my husband changed a lot.

he even changes the charcoal briquettes. the charcoal briquettes. thank you. i wish everyone good fortune this year. i'm changing. my life is changing. i always thought i lived life well. i never made a mistake to anyone. but i was a bad person to my family. i'm going to make a huge effort to have

a happy family. i want to keep coming on the show! really! (that's nice) let's see if that concern wins a third time. what about the winner? the winner receives a prize worth $1,000. show us today's concerns. 'my husband's dangerous private life'.

'way too easy woman'. 'who are you?' a wife is concerned because of her husband's dangerous private life. hello, my husband sneaks out every saturday. he comes home late on sunday night a total wreck. it's because of fishing. many guests who like to fish appeared on the show. i wouldn't be writing if that was all.

every time he goes fishing, he takes a rubber boat weighing over 100kg. he takes it out to sea himself. he almost dies every time. "honey, i'm back." oh, look at you. "it's no big deal. i went out on the boat." "there was so much fog. i couldn't see." "i rowed for my life."

"i arrived at a deserted island." "i barely escaped." "do you know what happened?" he was a total mess and talked as if he was robinson crusoe. he wasn't happy with the rubber boat. you know what a kayak is, right? he bought a kayak, too. oh, what happened?

"it's no big deal. i went fishing on the kayak." "a huge cruiseliner passed by me." "the kayak flipped over." he really puts his life on the line. he told the story as if nothing happened. in the end, "hello? this is the coast guard." "please stop going out on your boat." even the coast guard called. honey, i'm going to become a widow.

can you stop now? (it's pretty serious) jeongsu, does suk have any strange hobbies? why do i have to talk about her hobbies? your marriage isn't real, but is there anything that's dangerous? she tries to reform the appliances or furniture a bit excessively. she changed the color of our sofa to gold.

it was around 7 in the morning. i thought the house was on fire. the gold color shone in the sun. i was surprised because i thought there was a fire. that's dangerous. yezi, what about you? i have a friend who goes snowboarding. he spun to do a stunt. he fell and got a concussion.

he went right away. he went right away? - yes, right away. / - where? the emergency room. be careful what you say. you surprised me. i thought he died. she's worried about her husband because he fishes in a dangerous manner.

come on out! (who is suffering because her husband is like robinson crusoe?) (jeong eunhye) (welcome) we had many concerns regarding fishing. i'm sure you saw that. i wouldn't have come if it was just about fishing. - it's a different level? / - yes.

he goes out to sea on a rubber boat. a rubber boat? one you have to blow up? (this is it) it has a motor. that's not enough. he has two kayaks. (one isn't good enough) he goes out to sea on that? a kayak? yes. it would flip over easily.

that's really dangerous. (it's like a leaf) every time he comes back, he tells it like an adventure story. i came back alive! it's really upsetting. it must scare you. does he catch a lot of fish? no.

he doesn't catch any? he goes for two days. he catches one or two the size of your hand. he's going to ride the boat. a couple fish must get caught because they feel sorry for him. let's meet the husband. the husband who fishes for his life. he doesn't look it.

he doesn't. (he looks so neat and proper) do people fish on kayaks? kayaks can flip, so more people use boats. is that why you can't catch many fish? fishing isn't about catching a lot of fish. if one fish is caught in the vast ocean, you should appreciate that.

fish have clear and pretty eyes. i think i was a white shark in my former life. a white shark? he's a bit strange. (a white shark, hee hee) there's a picture of him fishing on a kayak. let's see. (ahem) it does look pretty cool.

it could easily flip if there were waves. it's dangerous. you should sit calmly and fish. why do you go on a kayak or rubber boat? the rubber boat is really fast. there's a thrill to it. it relieves all my suppressed desires. what about the kayak? that has a passive charm.

(the things he does) the rubber boat is dynamic. the kayak is passive. it's like going through a forest of reeds listening to music. what is your occupation? you talk a lot, right? are you an academy instructor? i'm a math teacher. i thought it would be english or math.

i was right. (no wonder) i'm always working indoors. i lack a lot of vitamin c. my complexion is too fair. you mean vitamin d. oh, is it vitamin d? i teach math, so i'm not good with english. d is english, too.

i go to the ocean every week to supplement that. there must be dangerous moments. she said it flipped over. there were a lot of dangerous moments, right? that's all practice. what? i flip it over on purpose to practice. kayakers call it self rescue. you flip it over on purpose?

yes. it's to practice getting the kayak back to the way it was. you didn't flip over after that? i did. (why do you practice?) when a large vessel passes, there's a wake. sure. i flipped over and got water up my nose. it's really sour.

- it's salty. / - of course. did you think it would be sweet? i get hypothermia. i think it could be really dangerous. so why do you keep doing that? i realize i could have died, but i want to go again in 3 days. i experienced it, so i know what to do now. you even experienced dangerous moments.

you don't have to tell your wife. why do you tell her as if it was fun? i need someone to hear my stories. yeah? he's so bright about it. there's nobody else to tell them to. don't you think she would be worried? i regret it when she gets mad. i realize i shouldn't have told her.

that charm must be what you fell for. he enjoys telling the story, but i don't. i worry because he's like that. (don't worry) (gee…) their pretty daughter is sitting next to him. - hello. / - hello. i'm in class 6-3 at aram elementary school. - you're in elementary school? / - the 6th grade?

(she looks really mature for a 13-year-old) kids grow fast these days. did you ever go fishing with him? i went a lot until the 5th grade. i'll be going to middle school soon. it's a bit of a pain now. what about the stories? it's a pain to go out. i don't go much now.

don't you get worried when he goes fishing? when he gets restless at home, i wish he would go. but if he has an accident, i worry. she said he has accidents. he goes out to sea. your daughter is a bit young to know. was there a time you were really scared? he had a close call about three times.

- three times? / - yes. that's just the really serious ones. first was when he just got his license for the boat. he said he would give us a ride. we went to hangang with my sister's family. the boat stopped on the way back. why did it stop? was there a problem with the engine?

i don't know. - about 20-30 minutes? / - no, over an hour. it was summer and the sun was really hot. why did the boat stop? i thought there was a problem with the fuel, so i looked and there wasn't any. (all i had was passion) you should have called the insurance company. (he was too motivated)

- that's the sister who was there? / - yes. how was it? i can't swim. the kids were there. i was worried and scared. the kids were there, too? yes, i was nervous. a large boat came and towed us. we weren't towed quietly. we were towed with a siren blasting.

the people who live by the river and the people driving along the river. i said i was never riding a boat again. do you think he's immature? a lot. what was the second one? i don't even want to think about that. he took my brother and son to the west coast. they didn't come back in the evening.

i wondered what happened. it rained at night. i called. he said he was creating a nice memory and having fun at sea. (that's fishy) he said they were having fun and told me not to worry. he came back the next morning a total wreck. he was all muddy. he was scratched and bloody.

he looked terrible. he was soaking wet, too. tell us what happened. i got greedy. i wanted to catch a huge flatfish. i thought it would make up for the former incident. i didn't check the weather and didn't get the time right for the tides. after a little while,

the boat was sitting on the tidal flat. the tide was out. there is a high tide and a low tide. i didn't know what to do. i looked around. there was a deserted island. i thought we should go there and have fun. (ooh!) i jumped out and sunk in up to my waist. that's how the tidal flat is in the west coast.

it's really dangerous. i went like i was training in the marines. i crawled for an hour. my brother-in-law got scraped by oyster shells. when we arrived, there were twigs. it was nice for a campfire. were you happy? we decided to start a fire. there were topshells on rocks, too.

we picked them. we ate them and ate ramen, too. but it suddenly started to rain. where did you take shelter? there was lightning and it was windy. i got hypothermia again. i looked around. there was a rock that kind of looked like a cave. i went under that.

it's like a movie. there were twigs. i saw bear grylls. i think it's a good memory. that's not a good memory. he's really immature. did your son like it, too? he's a bit picky about food. after starving for about two days, he eats everything well now.

he eats two bowls of rice with stale kimchi now. i think it had a good effect. you must have worried since you couldn't reach him. it was a nightmare for me. i didn't get any sleep. i kept calling. (she imagined the worst) (it was fun) you were helped by the coast guard again. what about the third?

i'm scared now. i thought i was really going to become a widow. he said he was going kayaking to a lake with members of his kayak club. i got a call from a number i didn't know. the person asked if i was jang jigwon's wife. that's a strange call. i had a strange feeling. i said i was.

i was told he crashed into a 5-ton fishing boat. a 5-ton fishing boat? - didn't he go to a lake? / - where? he went to jukdo, the ocean. he told me he was going to a lake. husband. what happened? why did you say you were going to a lake and go to jukdo?

she wouldn't have let me go. he's such a little boy. i had to go, so i lied. the tide was just right. i heard something. it was close. i looked to see and… a really fast boat hit me right in the front. you could have died.

i became unconscious. you became unconscious? when i woke up and looked up, i could see the surface. - were you happy? / - yes. (what is he talking about?) did you have a head injury? the sun was shining. it was like a movie. i thought it looked nice.

i was wearing a life vest, so i suddenly went up. the water was salty. i got a lot in my mouth. - did you think it would be sweet? / - it was sour. two coast guards took me to the hospital. i got a ct and received treatment. he's very lucky. i went to the emergency room crying. he had a bandage over his head.

he smiled when he saw me. with that expression. he should be beaten up. i hate seeing that expression. it must have been so spiteful. he said he caught a lot of webfoot octopus. the coast guard told me he could have died. you drown and die. i was told he was really lucky.

he didn't go again for a while, did he? he did. he went again in 2-3 weeks. that's the problem. the coast guard should arrest him. he has to be locked up. you should be grateful to the coast guard. i am. i'm very grateful to the coast guard for

keeping me alive. say something to them. thank you for giving me all your clothes when i was cold. i'll be safe and make sure it doesn't happen again. tell them you won't ride again. no comment. listen. what if she went to sea on a kayak?

she can't! why not? you do. why can't she? because it's dangerous? she's a mom. you're a dad! (who are you?) she's not strong enough. it's dangerous. i'll stop her no matter what.

why do you do it? it's a hobby for me. it's too much. i'm going to be mad. how spiteful. do you have a hobby? - you don't? / - no. how do you relieve stress? my husband went to enjoy his hobby

every weekend for 20 years. i had to take care of the kids. i didn't have time for a hobby. what about before you got married? - i had a hobby then. / - what? i liked aerobics. when i was most upset was when our daughter had to have eye surgery. she was really young at the time.

he said he couldn't go. he had to go fishing. that must have been really upsetting. you only cared about yourself. i felt so sorry to my daughter. there was a golden tide that only occurs about once or twice a year. that expression… you can catch a lot of fish at that time.

i'm the leader of our club. i'm the leader of the southern region. the leader had to go. i had no choice. (he's digging a grave) but… that's not all. i made breakfast for her for 10 years. i didn't know that. this is why people need a lawyer.

you have to hear both sides. is your hobby sleeping in? i tend to sleep in. my husband is a morning person. you have to go early to catch fish. i get her everything she needs for school. i go to work in the afternoon, so i clean the house in the morning. what do you do?

come over here. you have a concern. it seems like the wife has the time to go fishing. i work, too. - you do? / - yes. i'm not home that much. i have to help. he helps out during the week. he wants the weekend to himself. that's right!

(i don't get any rest) say what you want to your husband. you're the head of a family. you're not immortal. every time, you get help from the coast guard, i get really worried. i'll ask my husband boldly. quit kayaking. i'm really afraid i'll become a widow.

your wife is really sincere. (dart / gulp) the wife is making a request. (honey, please) that's impossible. that's my only hobby. i don't drink or smoke. everyone says that. just drink and smoke a bit.

just do it! (this isn't good) i have plans for this year and next. you have plans she doesn't know about? i have to go kayaking to jirisan. (that's a scary thought) in 2-3 years, dokdo and ulleungdo. - kayaking? / - yes, with the korean flag. with a formation of kayaks.

how is she supposed to feel when waiting at home? should she be looking for someone else? what is she supposed to do? she doesn't have to worry. i ride it safe. the coast guard should put you on a wanted list. (no…) niel, is it a concern? i think it's a concern. yezi?

it's totally a concern. this is a drastic example, but let's say your wife likes to do aerobics at the edge of a cliff. she feels a thrill from it. she'll lose weight quickly. she fell and injured her head. wouldn't that make you mad? yezi is good. put yourself in her position?

that's a good example. jeongsu. it's a concern. it's not a hobby if it makes someone suffer. that's a violation of human rights. suji. i think it's a concern, too. i put myself in her shoes. she must always imagine things.

she stays up all night. i couldn't live like that. it would make me lose weight. you couldn't handle that. if you sympathize with the wife, press the button! (what does the audience think?) 5. 4.

3. 2. 1. okay! a lot of people pressed the button. what do the wives of the club members say? things aren't that good at their homes either. i think that's why they come. say something to your wife.

i'm always sorry. because you stay at home, i'm able to go out like that. i'll just go a few more times. no, no. i'll make it more fun. be understanding. let's have fun. i love you. how many votes did she get?

show us the result! 'man who won't budge' got 167 votes. i think it will be close. 169 or 159. is it 169? (well?) ('my husband's dangerous private life' wins) is she the winner? (dumbfounded)

(look at the husband) 'my husband's dangerous private life' becomes the new winner. (it's a concern!) i can't believe there's such a person. this is a frustrating concern. the title is 'way too easy woman'. hello, i'm a 28-year-old woman living in seoul. there's someone who lives like an angel

in this rough world. she's my sister who is 2 years older than me. she makes me frustrated. i'm going to go crazy. if we go to a restaurant, there isn't any kimchi. i should ask for some eggs. excuse me! "just eat." what's that small voice?

she can't ask for more. "that's rude. don't ask for more." why can't you ask for more? is it rude to ask for more food? she was so considerate. i had to eat plain rice. everyone receives spam calls. "hello, is this shin suhui?" "we have a new insurance product." "well…"

"if you save $500 a month," "you'll receive huge benefits in 10 years." my sister can't say no. she subscribes to all the insurance packages. she must be exaggerating. nobody does that. she was stopped by a woman on the street. "will you buy some pills?" "it will make you look pretty." "they're really effective pills. want a set?"

"you made the right decision. it's cheap." "you can have it for $10,000." what pills cost $10,000? (what kind of pills cost $10,000?) "do you take credit cards?" she bought it? she bought pills that cost $10,000. she's thirty. shouldn't she know better? make her wake up.

i can understand not being able to say no, but buying pills for $10,000 on the street… people who have consideration for others will do so even if they end up in debt. that's right. i know that firsthand. i signed my name once because i couldn't say no. i lost a house that cost $170,000. i got a call at 8:50 asking for a signature.

i said it was no use without security. he said just sign it. he would return it in 2 days. i said hurry over, i had to sleep more. that's how i ended up here. she gets into trouble because she can't say no. let's meet the sister who sent the concern. (who is worried because her sister can't say no?) (shin eunhui) your sister can't say no?

it's in her blood. she just can't say no. people normally try on clothes before buying them. if the employee says she looks pretty, she buys it. she regrets it at home. if she gets a call from an insurance company, she subscribes to about 4 or 5. i think she lives on another planet. why don't you say something?

i do all the time. i tell her not to let people control her. but if someone asks, she can't say no. let's ask her to do us a favor. it's really frustrating. let's meet the sister. hello. she looks like such a nice person. wave both hands. stand up and say hello.

(she jumps up) she can't say no. did you come because you couldn't say no? kind of. kind of? what do you mean by that? i'm uncomfortable around a crowd. i can't talk. why didn't you refuse to come? the writer called and asked me to come. the writer…

i got two texts, too. she remembers everything. why can't you ask for more food at a restaurant? the employee didn't look too happy. you saw that. i didn't want to ask when she was in a bad mood. you can't say no to insurance companies? the person keeps explaining the product. i can't hang up, so i end up subscribing.

i pay about $1,000 a month in insurance. it was a 10-year package, so i cancelled it. that's a loss for you. i suffered about $10,000 in losses. (unbelievable) i wonder what she's like. suji, you be the caller. (trustworthy) i think it will only take 1 minute.

(a classy ring tone) hello? hello, this is happy happy insurance. if you subscribe, you can enjoy various benefits. there are benefits for your family, too. you can receive benefits for going to the dentist and for serious illness. you just have to pay $2,000. will you subscribe?

i don't think i can. (did she succeed in refusing?) you can pay in installments. is that so? (i knew it) it's so real. you, your family and your future spouse. $2,000 is cheap. okay then.

let me give you the bank information. seoul bank. shin dongyeop. 3578. the money will go to china. how frustrating. come on out. let's say you're at a clothing store. yezi. me? it's a scary clothing store.

the employee speaks her mind. (take your mic!) (a unique appearance) this is really pretty. it's so pretty. i think you should buy it. it's only $30. i'll give you the pants, too. all for $50. can you give me a $1 discount?

okay, $49. okay. she buys it in 10 seconds? (she bought dozens of outfits like that) it's small. you need a refund. ask for an exchange. yezi, show your normal expression. that's unpretty. i wore it once, but the size is small.

i'd like to exchange it. do you have the receipt? i didn't bring it. then you can't exchange it. i can't? can i bring it tomorrow? no, it will be past a week. you can't get an exchange after a week. you can wear it. just lose some weight.

tell her to buy diet pills. we have pills, too. it only costs $50. if you buy two, i'll give it to you for $70. it's okay. - are you sure? / - yes. you can wear it right away. $70 today. you'll lose weight tomorrow. (that's just the beginning of my concern)

(what will she do?) she went to see a used car recently. she went by herself. go with her! i'm already worried. did she buy a car without an engine? or a steering wheel? the mileage was about 160,000km. it was a 2009 suv without full options.

she paid $16,000 for it. when the mileage was 160,000km? $16,000 is expensive. i looked up another site. one with full options cost $15,000. i was frustrated when i heard. didn't you sense anything strange? i thought it was too expensive for the model year and mileage.

i thought about it a lot, but i hesitated. the employee seemed irritated. to a customer? he said he explained everything and got irritated. he helped look for a car all day. i couldn't say anything. he became the customer. i had to buy it. did you ever refuse?

you know the religious people on the street? - what? / - the religious people on the street. i just ignore them and keep walking. she doesn't say no. she ignores them. tell us about the diet pills. she was walking along the street. a woman said she could look pretty and thin. she could get a boyfriend? yes, a good looking man who works at

a giant corporation. what do pills have to do with that? is she a fortune teller? there are no such pills. she said that's how good those pills were. she took my sister to her studio and gave her a massage. she was taken to her studio. she went to her studio?

the pills cost $10,000. it drove me crazy when i heard she bought them. i would go crazy, too. she must have felt sorry because of the massage. she felt she had to buy them. she paid $10,000 for them? the precise cost was $13,500. - $13,500? / - yes. after she paid $10,000, the woman took her

to an atm and told her to deposit more. she sent $3,500 more. - that's strange. / - why did she ask for more? i don't know. maybe for the massage. shouldn't she be arrested? you really bought those pills for that money? why? she opened the packaging and put them in bottles. since they were opened?

she opened them, right? she put them in a paper bag and said it was $10,000. they couldn't be refunded since it was opened. you should have called the police. didn't you think of calling the police? my sister went with me later. there were other victims. i couldn't believe it.

did they catch her? she was caught. she said she'd let the law decide. how frustrating. you're a friend, right? it feels like she's the woman who gave the massage. it's just a feeling. what is your relationship? we met by chance. - when? / - about a year ago.

i was surprised when i heard she bought diet pills for $10,000. i was shocked. - it's shocking. / - yes. she met someone on the street and went to gangnam with her. she paid $8,000 for 10 skincare sessions. again? after being conned for $13,500?

$8,000 for 10 sessions? that's absurd. i told her she was crazy. i told her to get a refund. she said she couldn't. i said i'd pretend to be her aunt. she got her money back. let's give her a round of applause. (that was fortunate)

you were conned for $10,000. how could you pay $8,000 again? i received a free massage coupon on the street. i went with the coupon. (she walked into the tiger's den herself) she recommended something more expensive. i said it was alright at first, but the woman kept insisting. she explained for a long time.

so you said yes because you felt sorry? i gave her my credit card. the problem is she feels sorry if someone spends time explaining. right? i think so. you could just leave if it was short. what if she didn't get your money back for you? i would have had to cancel my installment savings. without getting a refund?

how much are the damages so far? about $30,000-40,000. (beyond the imagination) you wasted $30,000-40,000 on pills and what not? yes… (it's a serious problem) did you ever lend money to someone and not get paid back? my sister.

(her?!) hey! how much? she borrowed money to go to a makeup academy. recently, she said she was going to go on a trip to jeonju and she had to buy dinner. she asked me to send her money. she kept calling. she knows what to do.

she kept calling and asking. she owes me about $5,000. i thought you were concerned about her. how could you take money from her? i didn't know we'd be going to eat. you should have paid her back. how could you come here without paying her back? i'm going to pay her back. when? tell us.

i'm looking for a job. i'll pay her back. you borrowed money when you were unemployed? when were you most upset with her? she had a lifting procedure 5 years ago. the doctor recommended double eyelids, too. she got both procedures done. there was a side effect. her face got red and the double eyelids loosened. she received three surgeries, but didn't recover.

she cried and couldn't say anything at the hospital. i went and had a fit. i got $4,000 back. that was good. you only have to pay $1,000 back. did you send a concern because it's your money, but other people take it? (my sister's money is all mine!) other people are spending her money.

if there's a problem with plastic surgery, you should take care of it. why did you just cry? i wanted to look pretty, but i looked stranger. doesn't it make you mad? it does, but i can't get mad at strangers. you can't say no or get mad because you want them to think you're nice. i'm a bit conscientious of that.

i want people to think i'm nice. i like that attention. is that why you can't say no? i make an effort to please other people. something must have happened for you to be that way. i'm sure something happened. i grew up with my grandparents. i was conscientious of other people.

i liked it when people paid attention to me. you should know how to say no. right. you can refuse in a polite way. because you couldn't say no, you had to cancel, go to the police and make close people suffer. right? that was the result. you should look in the mirror and practice saying no.

try it. i'm busy right now. i'm going to hang up. i'm busy. i'm going to hang up. excuse me. you didn't hang up! say you're busy and hang up! i'll try it. miss, come here. i'll give you a perfect v line. i'm busy right now.

i'll come with you. i'll explain on the way. you can get a boyfriend who works at you'll lose a lot of weight. tell her to get lost! (be cold and firm!) come on. louder! get lost.

be firm like dongyeop. i'll make your eyes look normal. shut up! (so that's how it's done) we're opposite in character. i'm not good at saying no either. the division chief's daughter got married. dongyeop said he couldn't go because of a recording.

i hesitated and didn't give a clear answer. i ended up being a person who wasn't credible. you can't go if there's a recording, but she felt sorry. you turned me down when i said i liked you. i… i like you. shut up! oh, he doesn't like me. chanu seems to like me.

good. i'll give up then. (oh, boy) it's important to say no the first time. try it again. be firm. (be firm!) no, i'm not going to. that's alright. can you just give me a few minutes? i'm busy right now. i'm going to hang up.

yes, just hang up. (hang up when you get an unnecessary call) ask your sister to lend you money. try saying no to her. dinner cost $300. what should i do? you ate a lot. how could you eat without any money? please. help me just this once. i can't.

- what? / - i can't. what will i do? hurry up. - tell her she's the one who ate. / - shut up! tell her she's the one who ate. shut up. (she has a long way to go) she's like stone. she said shut up in such a shy way. how does it feel?

it feels really good. i don't think it's a concern. if it doesn't make you mad, nobody can stop you from making such decisions. but you end up being stressed. it could cause problems for other people. you learned how to say no. it's not a concern anymore. i think you'll change.

if you think this is a concern, say something to your sister. you keep changing jobs. be diligent with one. what are you talking about? don't worry about her right now. tell her what you're going to do. she has to get a job to pay her back. i'm causing you concern because i can't say no.

i'll say no and change. i really hope you'll change. i wonder how many votes she got. the last digit is 7. it looks like it's over 100. (another reversal with 177?) 137? 117. it's a lot.

(eliminated) (survives) (they're getting ready for the last concern) it's $1,000 a month at most. $8,000 is crazy. where is that place? they must be crazy. - we're starting. / - it's too much. i'm mad.

nobody charges that much. (calm down, let's continue) i'm sorry. the title is 'who are you?' hello, i'm a woman in the 20's who has a headache because of my sibling. a high school student should study, but my sibling is always putting on makeup. after washing the face in the morning,

skin toner, lotion, moisture cream and facial cream, but that's not all. sun block, bb cream and eyeliner. there is special eyeliner to look cute. eyeliner to look cute! oh, here? she pointed to her cheek. that's where i look cute. it sagged down to there?

red tint. that, too. all girls wear makeup these days. the problem is my sibling isn't a girl. my sibling isn't a girl. i have a brother. she has a brother. (the audience stirs) he's a boy? a call came from school one day.

"this is gangyong's teacher." "gangyong keeps applying makeup in school." at school? "he isn't listening. please talk to him." you know esi, right? exid! you know exid, right? he does girl group dances on the street. i can't just sit by anymore.

what are you going to become? wake up this year! did you ever feel like the opposite gender? i don't know if this is feminine or neat. i'm happy when i do the dishes. really? the more the better. what about laundry? laundry is good.

i have six drying racks at home. - drying racks? / - yes. is it a dorm? you look happy. i like it. i look like a man. i kind of look like choi museong, too, right? bonghwangdang! these days, lee jaepo.

(lee jaepo's lookalike) he did a policeman show. you're the culprit, right? say that. you're the culprit, right? ooh! (100% in sync) (i agree) (you're a born comedian) let's meet the sister first.

(who is suffering because her brother loves to wear makeup?) (lee areum) welcome. he wears makeup everyday? yes, almost everyday. i think he started in the 9th grade. sometimes, he applies it in school. is he good?

he improved since he wears it all the time. it's not just the basics. eyeliner, mascara, highlighter, tint… it's full makeup. don't the other family members say anything? my grandmother does. his face is white and his lips are red. he won't listen to me or my grandmother. that worries me.

there's someone who stands out. he's good. he wore it well. is it him? what is his name? lee gangyong. call him. (who is the brother who wears full makeup?) hello, i turned 18 in 2016.

i'm lee gangyong. (look at his eyes) what is your makeup concept today? a strong eonni who can get a refund. - a strong eonni? / - makeup to get a refund. what did you focus on? i used eyeliner to bring out my eyes. i used brown eye shadow and highlights. i added liner under my eyes to look cute,

then used red for my lips. is that good to get a refund? tell the woman behind you. (do it like i did) she needs to get a lot of refunds. tell her later. did you get lessons? no, i learned on my own. what do your teachers say?

the older ones ask if i'm a girl or a boy. the younger ones ask what brand i use. teachers these days are different. (it's nothing to be proud of) are you curious what he looks like without makeup? (a picture of his bare face) how cute! (a cute face)

that looks much better. how old was he? the beginning of the 10th grade. he's cute. you're not confident of that? you don't want to see that? tell us. remove it. it's gone. you're wearing makeup.

(relief) (his smile is back) why don't you like that? my face doesn't look alive. i'm like a zombie. no zombie is that good looking. you seem to know a lot about makeup. can you show us? come on out.

that must be his makeup bag. - what is that? / - his makeup bag. his makeup bag? - my shoes… / - take them off. (his backpack is full of makeup) who needs makeup? who could look better? chanu. congratulations.

i like making cool men look feminine. he hates that. he's macho. - how about just half? / - okay. what will you do? give me the refund concept. the pouch… (a huge pouch) should he face you?

(a larger pouch) look at this. take everything out. oh, oh, oh. you carry all that around all the time? i only brought what i use. niel, didn't you wear a lot of makeup? when i go on stage. just take out what you need.

is all this yours? yes, it's all mine. (my precious cosmetics) (i'll make you look pretty) is it your dream to be a makeup artist? a beauty consultant who recommends makeup for individual faces. there isn't much of a difference right now. i use a different cushion.

it's thick, so… (huh?) (did he apply too much?) (he's fixing it) open your eyes. (he looks white) it doesn't show under lighting. you're going to do more, right? he looks like the messenger of death.

how bad is it? make him the messenger of death. if you have double eyelids… (his hand is shaking) (i'm nervous today) (he spreads the eye open) don't move your eyes. the line is here. my hand is shaking.

if it's excessive, there can be pigmentation. - really? / - yes. just a minute. it smeared. oh, no. do a good job! if you're going to do it, do a good job. be careful when using red. it could make your eyes look swelled. he talks like an expert.

you didn't learn, right? no, i didn't. isn't it too red? no. open your eyes. - no, don't open your eyes. / - it seems excessive. don't open your eyes. it smeared. he keeps saying oh, no. relax. you're confident.

(not happy) this is my favorite. - that? / - yes. it's dark red. don't shake. his lips are shaking. oh… (dark red) smack your lips.

say mom, dad. (mom, dad, i'm so scared) (i'm sorry) (sigh) it's alright. it's pretty. is it done? show me your teeth. (tint all over the teeth)

(the teeth are dyed dark red) you got it on my teeth. here is chanu's face with gangyong's makeup. (how did he transform?) (heart pounding) (makeup to get a refund) - it's pretty! / - it's pretty. it's not bad. it's pretty. how does chanu normally look?

after makeup? good job. (peek-a-boo) (i'll give you a refund, just leave) (it's so funny) introduce yourself with the makeup face. hello, i'm jeong chanu. together. (chanu sees his face for the first time)

you messed up my teeth! (scrub, scrub) don't brush your teeth on tv. we're laughing. one person is expressionless. the grandmother. - hello, grandmother. / - hello. your grandson applied makeup to chanu. what do you think? i don't like boys doing makeup.

he's a student. he goes to school by bus. women criticize him. a boy shouldn't wear lipstick. he says it's alright and leaves without eating breakfast. you should tell him to stop. he doesn't listen. why are you yelling at me?

look what he did to me. what do you think of chanu in makeup? no, it's not! you have a pretty face. you don't like your grandson wearing makeup. what about your granddaughter? she should wear makeup, but she doesn't. (wear some makeup) she thinks you need makeup.

why don't you wear makeup? it takes about 30 minutes. i have to sleep. what is your job? i'm a taekwondo instructor. a taekwondo instructor with full makeup would look strange. do you smash boards, too? i'm wearing nylons, but i could do it.

shall we see? from makeup to smashing boards? (oh!) they're real boards. they're switched. how should we hold them? one is a bit thin. i could do three. (really?)

(a smashing demonstration) (a turning kick) like an instructor. (awesome) (wow) (can you do that?) you can do this? - did he learn? / - yes, we learned together. nobody can mess with him for wearing makeup.

i took a lot of time off. how many? just one. come on, two. she smashed three. (his eyes look different) yell like a man! with power! (slip)

(he jumps back up) (did something happen?) (i thought it was all part of the motion) (he finishes nicely!) (a bright smile) look at grandmother. (i did well, right?) does he look different now? good job. that's amazing.

he did this when he fell. if anyone teases you about makeup, just kick like that. everyone will run. or just put makeup on half his face. (like me) when can't you understand your brother? he's pretty masculine. he wears hot pants. guys wear shorts down to their knees.

(agh!) (where are his pants?) he has such pretty legs. he does the "up & down" dance wearing that? yes, something like that. - what about his shoes? / - sneakers? high heels, of course. high heels? yes, about 10cm.

he dances in heels like that. you wear hot pants and high heels? yes, to look prettier when i dance. i only wear heels when i dance. i have to change. go ahead. we'll wait. father, what do you think? i lived like thinking i was right. but it's not like that.

i don't want to stop anyone from doing anything. what if your son wore makeup like that? it doesn't matter. he's completely open-minded now. when he said that, grandmother said it's because it's not his grandson. i don't understand. what don't you understand? a boy shouldn't wear red lipstick.

grandmother. did you know he danced? i didn't see him dance. i saw him sing and shake his body at the hall. shaking his body is dancing. (grandmother, prepare yourself) gangyong, if you're ready… everyone, close your eyes. oh!

close your eyes! oh, dear. oh, oh. (pretty legs in high heels) why did you stuff your chest? is that what he does? you're her brother, right? what pretty legs. give him music!

(exid's "up & down") (how will he do the dance?) (he transforms) (here goes) (up, down, up, down) look at his curves. (i can't believe it) (a crazy wave) (in a daze)

(he looks really happy) (his family isn't so happy) (from head to toe) (he's full of fun and talent) (he dances as pretty as a girl group!) (i'm happy) (a perfect reenactment of a girl group) good job! he's really good.

look at his legs. give grandmother a kiss. (no, thanks) (grandmother is upset) you saw his chest. that underwear is mine. i saw a video of him on the street. i called and asked about his chest. i asked him where he got it.

he said he took mine. you never imagined fighting over that, right? right. he has no reason to wear one. i went to her place. i looked in her closet when she stepped out. there was a sports bra. it had cushion, too. you invaded her privacy. i wore them to perform.

the response was really good. - they mistook you as a woman? / - yes. why do you only do girl group dances? i can do dances by men, too. but even when i do, people say i look like a girl. he has a goal. it's not bad. he wants to work in that area.

he's sociable, too. can't you understand a bit? it might seem nice. he uploads his dancing on the sns. there are a lot of mean comments. for example? a boy is pretending to be a girl. it's disgusting. comments like that. it would be upsetting for him.

it's upsetting for me. (we have to try to stop him) honestly, i got depressed a lot. i couldn't even talk to my friends at school. they asked me if i liked guys. they heard i kissed a guy. i can't repeat everything they said on tv. i came to clear up the misunderstanding. i love girls.

i knew there was a reason i liked you. (i know how you feel) he knows. say what you want to him. i can understand, but tone down on the color. and remove that chest. stop wearing hot pants and study a bit more. okay. grandmother. say what you want to your grandson.

don't wear lipstick like that. i hate seeing that. - red lips? / - yes. let's start with shin suji. shin suji? hurry up and do gymnastics. i'm sorry, sujin. he has a dream. he could become a great artist.

my answer is the same. it's a concern if other people suffer. you don't have to be loved by everyone. you don't have to explain to everyone either. you know the truth. i don't think it's a concern either. with that talent, he could reach the top. if you think it's a concern, you heard your grandmother and sister.

i'm pretty masculine. think about that, too. i'll try to wear less makeup. the last digit. i don't think it will be over 100. 58. 'my husband's dangerous private life' is the new winner! she receives a prize worth $1,000.

(congratulations) until the day korea has no more concerns, "hello counselor" is here to help!

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