style bath and kitchen

we want to welcome you back foranother episode of the village home show. this show isour opportunity to not onlytell you of projects going onin our area, but now we can show you theentire process from start tofinish. but now we can show you theentire process from start tofinish. on the village homeshow you can expect to see projects ofvarious sizes, budgets, andstyles and we know there'ssomething for everyone to take away from every story we tellhere on the show. away from every story we tellhere on the show. the team atvillage home stores gets towork on so many incredible home s andremodeled spaces, and now someof our customers have welcomedyou viewers into their homes to see thefinished spaces. in thisepisode of the village home show

we'll be sharing the before andafter story of a remodeledkitchen in rock island illinoisthat includes a stunning glass backsplash and a richwood finish you will love. inthis episode we'll also betaking a trip over to epic stone to get afull tour and see some of themany options you have for natural stone, our lighting expert willstop by to tell us all aboutthe led system of lighting used in somany of our featured kitchensincluding this set. before we take a trip over toepic stone lets take a look atthe before story of our firstfeatured kitchen remodel. the before photos of thiskitchen look like so manyexisting kitchens in the quad city area. smooth slabstyle cabinetry original to thehome and laminate countertops are all ready foran update. the refrigerator andrange both sat on

the window wall of the originalkitchen and the sink wascentered along the back. a small peninsula divided the kitchenfrom the front dining area ofthe home. wall cabinets above blocked the view into and outfrom the kitchen. while thisoriginal kitchen layout offers more cabinetry then some thespace is a bit cramped and withthe kitchen being your firstview as you enter this home the newowner wanted it updated beforethey even moved in. having us completely managethis project for them made thathappen. now lets take a look at the new kitchen put togetherby a designer at village homestores. the front dining area actuallybecome larger. our crews willextend about 4 to 5 extra feetto the front of the home. this will give more space for anew table and chairs and keepthe new kitchen feeling open.

a peninsula extending out intothe kitchen with wall cabinetssuspended from the ceiling blocked the view into the oldkitchen. the new layout willinstead leave an open spaceabove and offer an overhang below forcounter-height seating. theback of that peninsula will beyour first look into the new kitchen. a beaded back paneland two furniture legs willgive a solid furnitureappearance and help anchor the look of thenew cabinetry. now with a clearview into the new kitchen the apron front farm sink willbe the most eye catchingelement of the new design. a glass tile backsplashilluminated with our our diodeled lighting system will helpdraw attention to this focal wall. the rangewill stay near it's originallocation, but now will be surrounded by usablecounterspace and cabinetry onboth sides. the refrigeratorwill

move to the wall behind and atall pantry cabinet will beinstalled for added storage. no wall cabinets above the newpeninsula will allow for a moreopen look. this new kitchen will look updated andsophisticated. we will take youon a full tour of this new kitchen later in thisepisode. the kitchen is the hub of yourhome. it's where you start your day,and get ready for the next.what happens in between are memories made, andtraditions created. someimportant life moments will happen right here at thiscounter. is your kitchen ready? let village home stores showyou what your dream kitchen canlook like.

appliances, cabinetry, andfloor covering. from start tofinish, village home stores,downtown geneseo. quality, it's the result of shared values. the joy foundin an honest days work. respectfor true american craftsmanship andthe need not the want to getthings right. it's the result of rememberingyour roots. being foreverhumbled by how far you'vetraveled and forever hungry to push onfurther. quality is a result. quality is who we are. cambria,family owned american made. maytag knowsthat not everyone is a memberof the clean plate club. broccolinubs, gristle bits, onionslivers,

mayta...maytag's not going tolet these kind of meal scrapsgum up the works. with a 4 blade stainless steelchopper and the most powerfulmotor on market, if you don't need ityou can be sure that maytagwill chew it up for you. maytag...found at village homestores and you have a number of materials to choose from when it comes toa countertop for your kitchenor bath. a number of man-made options like thesequartz tops by cambria can be agreat choice, but today we want to focus on a fewof the options that occurnaturally. natural materials can be agreat investment because theyoffer a story and a history

along with them. this sectionof countertop is a granitecalled earth glitter. i hand selected this topbecause of the unique patternsthat occur and of course because of it'ssparkle. to think that thisoccurs naturally and can be mined from the earththen installed right here to beenjoyed well, that's why i love naturalstone. marbles, granites, andsoapstones all fall into this category ofcountertop. natural stone topscan come in many finishes as well.polished like this top in thestudio or some have a dull look wheninstalled like the soapstonecountertop shown here. but lets not spend time in theset kitchen when we could beshowing you

full examples of these over indavenport. take a look to seejeff over at epic stone. epic stone islocated right here in the quadcities in davenport iowa. they are alocally owned customer mindedstone warehouse with a giganticselection of stones to choosefrom. this is where you can handselect the material for yourown project, tag your name onit, and then it is safely deliveredto our fabricators where theycan create the countertopsbefore bringing them and installing them andinstalling them in your ownhome. joining us today to help touring epic stone isjeff. thank you for having us!thanks for being here we're glad you're able to come join us.yes how long have you guys beenhere? we opened up in

july of 2006 so we're about 9years old at this point. yeah that's wonderful and atany given time about how manyslabs do you have on hand? now a days i would say we'reprobably in the range of 1,800to 2,000 slabs in our warehouse at any that's a lot. it is a lot trust me it takes a little bitto keep track of it all, but itahh you know it's nice to haveall the different varieties.definitely, and if we have acustomer that's working withvillage home stores and they call to make aappointment to take a look at afew things, what do yourecommend that they bring with s they're looking around? well ithink the important thing withnatural stone is the slabs are so large that you can'texactly take them home withyou. so, we always encouragepeople

to bring any other finishesthey might have that are goingto influence their decisions. so, cabinet doors or drawersare helpful, pieces of flooring, paint, fabrics, all those kindsof things that they're going touse to kind of coordinate theirdesign, bring um with umbecause then they can hold themup to the slabs as they walk around and see howthings coordinate together. nowas we're looking around i notice there's labels infront of every slab. what aresome of the things we can findon those labels? well on the labels we put downthe names of the stone so aspeople are walking through they kind of know what thenames of the different colorsare ah we also put the country oforigin on there as well so thatthere aware of where they camefrom,

and then there is also a numberand that's a price group or aprice range. now we go 1 through 10 with ourprice group so 1 is the leastexpensive group and 10 is the most expensivegroup so the higher the numberthe higher the price range. okand what sort of things help determinethe price category? well withnatural stone pricing isprimarly driven by availability ofmaterial. so the more readilyavailable a color is the less expensive it tends tobe. sometimes it's driven bythe amount of material that's in the ground, sometimesit's driven by difficulties inquarring, sometimes it's driven bylocation, but all those factorswill play into where a stone is actually priced. ok,and now i'm not saying i'mweak, but i can

barely pick up a sink cutoutfrom one of these countertops.who do you move all these slabs of stone? well weactually use overhead cranes toactually move all of our material around. it makes it aneasier process it makes it asafer process and it makes it a moreefficient process. ok, now ihave to admit we wanted to come here to youinstead of have you come to thestudio because we wanted to take a look and see some stoneso could you show us around?absolutely i'd be happy too. what are some of the morepopular choices people areselecting these days? wellright now anything that is white and grayis probably the most popular.ah that's really what's very trendy at themoment. and do you havesomething that would be a goodexample of

of something universal thatmight have those whites andgrays in it can we take a look?absolutely, yeah come right thi. this is delicatus, anddelicatus is a nice white color with a little bitof cream tone in there. there'salso some nice grays and blacks that gothrough it. it gives it a niceneutral palette for people to be ableto choose lots of differentcolors for cabinets and floors to gowith it. i could see thispaired with all kinds of finishes ofcabinets if you have 2 finishesi can see it in a lot of differentapplications. we've probablyseen it with just about everycolor of cabinet you have. definitelynow were looking at all thesedifferent types

of materials. this is agranite? this is a granite yes.and where does it come from? this actually come s for india.ok and we were looking at somesoapstone earlier could you show us somesoapstone slabs? absolutelyyeah come right this way. so the soapstone is rightaround the corner here. soapstone is awonderful material because it'sso dense. it's considered to be inert. itdoesn't react with things thatare acidic or basic. traditionally you would seesoapstone used chemistry in oldhigh schools and things like that. so thisis actually what a soapstone looks like when it's untreatedso it has this natural

color. normally people willchoose to oil a soapstonecountertop. and we keep a bottle of wateron hand just kind of be able toshow you what it looks like and it gives you abetter idea what it would like when it's actually been your water recreates the look when it's installedand the customers gonna beoiling the countertop.absolutely. absolutely this give you a realgood idea of what the colorswill be and it brings out the nice tones inthe soapstone. yeah you get alot of that veining that green color comes's a real great choice forthe right project. and what are some of the basiccare and maintenance youmentioned oiling the top

so what is a customer going toexpect? soapstone is a reallyeasy to take care of.periodically you will oil your soapstonecountertops. you tend to do ita few more times when it's first installed cause youbuild up a layer of that oil onthe surface. but after a while you'll haveenough oil that you may neverliterally oil it again. ok and is the oilabsorbing into the stone at allor. no the oil actually sits on thesurface and we recommend youuse a mineral oil. it's a little bit heavier thenwater but it is food safe sothere's no concerns with that and it goeson very easily and it gives a nice finish to it and reallyhelps keep that color comingthrough.

it really enhances the color itlooks completely different whenyou you've got your water on it. absolutely it does it reallygives you a couple differentchoices of whether you oil it or whether you don't. ok well howabout something that's a littlebit darker in color do you have any reallydark granites we can take alook at? absolutely yeah letsgo this way. so here's another darker color. this is coffee brown. now inotice it's not shiny. it's not it actually has whatwe call a brushed finish. andhow does it get that finish? brushed finishes are actuallydone with another set oftooling and they sometimes look like little brushes. sowhen they actually use thetooling on the stone it digs

in a little bit and createsthat little bit of texture toit. it's a really nice look. there are just so many optionsout there and you guys have agreat selection. well thank you. thank you for letting us take alook around. absolutely. andwe'll be back right back afterthis. if your kitchen needs a littleenhancement learn how our diode led systemof under-cabinet lighting canilluminate the surfaces of your kitchen for both taskand ambient lighting. our expert staff can help youestimate and select the perfectlighting plan with theseproducts. this system has quickly becomea customer favorite and yesthey are dimmable. whether you're shopping forthat one light to change thelook of your room or an entirehome of lighting,

we're here to help! contact ourexpert lighting team for anappointment today. village home stores, downtowngeneseo. are you ready to go? every actof care counts. from the grand gestures. to the tiniest looks. the fun ones. the messy ones. the endless ones. if it comes

from care it counts. because every act of care wegive helps the people we love become who love. you are my onlysunshine. you make me happy when skies are gray. in today's episode of the village home show weretalking about some of thecountertop options you have foryour kitchen and bathroom, but why invest insuch beautiful countertops andbacksplashes if you're not

going to display and showcasethem. our diode led lightingsystem is the best way to do just thatand today we welcome back ourlighting expert keri swanberg to tell us more about itwelcome keri. thanks elizabethit's great to be back. well let me start by askingwhat does led stand for? itstands for light emitting diode. so the diode produces lightrather than the filament like astandard incandescent bulb does. great and what are some of thebenefits of an led systems? it's very extremely energyefficient, it has a long lifespan, it produces almost noheat, and it has a very low profileso it makes it easy to hide.that low profile is a really great part. could youshow us some of the componentsthat go into it? sure here

are just several examples ofdifferent led tape lightsdepending on your application. this here is what we use forour undercabinet lighting. asyou can see it's very low profile and itproduces a strong amount oflight. it does it really washes thesurface instead of spotlightingit. yep and you can feel it's cool tothe touch. yes it is. um herein this kitchen we actually have it ondisplay so lets take a look atthat. as you can see it makes a huge difference withthe lights on verses the lightsoff. it really helps to highlight your backsplashand makes a great task work area for your countertops. it's also

dimmable. oh that's great! sothat's another popular questionwe get. that's a great feature to have thedimmable lights especiallysince you can leave them on forlonger periods of time because of the powerusage. yes. and this system wementioned before that it emits a lot less heat.could you tell us more aboutthat. yes our old system used xenon light bulbs. thoseproduced an extremely a largeamount of heat. um when your in yourkitchen you have your oven onyou have your range on youdon't want that added heat from yourundercabinet lighting so theled system is a great alternative. definitely, and welove the low per usage it's ahuge plus for this program. um whatkind of wattage does this useup?

typically leds in general useabout 75% less wattage or energy then a regularincondescent bulb. ourundercabinet lighting system uses less then 3 wattsper foot. so you can leave themon all day or all evening and yourelectricity bill wouldn'tnotice the difference. wow that's really great and wetend to call this ourundercabinet system but i'm sure there's other waysyou can use this same system oflighting. could you give us afew examples? sure, you can use it underneathof your countertops, underneathof your toe kick, above your cabinets, and insideyour cabinets as well.especially if you have um glass doors on yourcabinets, um interior

cabinet lighting really helpsto show off those features. itdoes especially if you have theglass inside of the doors, andoutdoor lighting is this anoption that you can use? yes absolutely you caneven submerge it under water, um if you have a pond orsomething um we have an examplehere of where we've used underneath of yourcountertops and it really showsoff on his stone, um that he hasgoing on on his outdoor kitchen. what a great way to featureyour exterior work that youmight have in a patio or anoutdoor kitchenette that's reallyreally great. now if someonehas a question about eitherproject that they're thinking aboutadding lighting to or if theywant to just want to get anestimate going for their kitche.

what are some of the steps theycan take? sure they can alwaysgive our store a call if theyhave any general questions. um if theywould like a free estimate allthey need to do is measure their kitchen cabinets. maybetake some photos those arealways very helpful, and then call in or make anappointment or stop in and makean appointment to our store. that's great andif they need someone to havethem installed for them? yes we can arrange forthat. that's wonderful. well wewant to thank keri so much for stopping by andtelling more about this greatlighting option that can be a wonderful task and ambientlight source. just about everyproject we feature on this show uses this product.when we come back from a shortbreak we'll show you the

revel of this finished kitchenin rock island illinois so staytuned! village home stores is excitedto introduce a full floorcovering department. includinghardwoods, carpeting, luxuryvinyls, ceramic tile, and more to makecoordinating your entire space from floor to ceiling eveneasier. looking to cover asingle room or an entire room ourexpert sales staff can help youselect the perfect material and design for yourproject. village home storeslocated in historic downtown geneseoand online's the result of

shared values. the joy found inan honest days work. respect for true americancraftsmanship and the need notthe want to get things right. it's theresult of remembering your roots. being forever humbled byhow far you've traveled and forever hungry to push onfurther. quality is a result. quality is who we are. cambria, family owned, american made.village home stores is home to one of the mostbeautiful and versatilelighting showrooms in theregion. with hundreds of fixtures ondisplay and thousandsavailable...from vendors likeelk,

hinkley, quorum, and kichler.our expert staff can help youselect the perfect lighting plan for you. theright lighting can impact aspace like nothing else. whether you're shopping forthat one light to change thelook of your room or an entirehome of lighting we're here to help. lightingthat is on trend and fixturesthat are timeless. find them all here in ourdowntown geneseo our expert lightingteam for an appointment today. when you geta maytag washer you best settlein for the most dependable relationship of yourlife. so bring on your smellythings, your dirty things, not yourelectronic things. you're welcome. but most definitelyyour delicate things.

because with maytag all kindsof things can get the cleaning in the industry. maytag...found at village homestores and this rock island kitchen neededmore space and a lot morestyle. weather your own kitchen has 5 cabinetsor 50 there's a lot to belearned from some of the details included in this new design,and depending what your projectbudget is this kitchen also shows many greatways to give your space amagazine ready look by choosing the right materialsand details. lets begin withthe largest porion

of any kitchen projectbudget...the cabinetry. atfirst glance this new kitchen is so dramaticand stunning you notice thecabinetry right away. any guess as to what wood thesecabinets are? if you guessed cherry we can understand why.this kitchen is in fact abirchwood with a burgundy stain applied. theresult is a rich cherry look ata fraction of the cost. this same kitcheninstalled in a cherry cabinet would be gorgeous, but addaround 8 to 10 percent to thematerial cost. these full overlay cabinets ina legacy door style have amitered door construction. what this meansis that the corners of theoutside rails and styles

have an angled miter joint.this is common in styles thatinclude a lot of grooves and details in theoutside of a door. in thiskitchen a black accent glaze has been applied to thosegrooves to help the detailsstand out. there is an entire extra levelof cabinet details that are atwork here to give such a rich look to thekitchen. details like thiscrown molding and even undercabinet molding areexpected, but take a look atthe back of this kitchenpeninsula. this is the very first part ofthe kitchen you see when youwalk in the front door. a smooth back panel would alsowork here in the space, but byusing a beaded back panel now theblack accent has a place to beapplied.

baseboard and 2 matching postshave also been placed on theback end of this peninsula to give the overalllook of a piece of furniture inthis area. in this kitchen the posts havebeen installed flush with theback of the panel. another option would be to pullthe post over towards thecountertop overhang to look more like a table leg.when designing a new kitchenwith village home stores you have manyoptions for what you can dowith the exposed ends of yourcabinetry. this kitchen has been orderedwith the exposed ends of thewall and base cabinets to have what iscalled an applied doorconstruction. this allows for anotheropportunity to include themitered door style and thatblack

accent glaze. it's such animportant element to thiskitchen because most guests will be entering thekitchen from a view thatincludes so many exposed ends. cambria quartz countertops inthe same new key design as ourwqad set have been installed in astandard eased edge. a glass subway tile backsplashin a coordinating color withthe counters keeps the overall style of thisspace very clean andtransitional. this rock island remodel isanother fantastic example ofour diode undercabinet lighting as well. there's nobetter way to show off your newbacksplash and counters then to wash themwith the light like this. ifthe cherry wood

fake-out didn't trick you thisflooring might. even guests whovisit the new kitchen swear it'sceramic tile when it's actuallyluxury vinyl tile. this luxury vinyl tile bymannington is available atvillage home stores. luxury vinyl tile or lvt iswarmer underfoot and easier to standon for longer periods of timewhen compared to ceramic tile. lvt is easy to clean up.a simple damp mopping is all that is needed.this particular project wasinstalled grouted but you can alsoinstall luxury vinyl ungroutedas well. the grout used for lvt is aespecially formulated acrylicthat

will not scratch the tiles.another one of our favoritedetails in this remodeled space is theapron front or farm sink. this white sink grabs yourattention with it's boldcontrast to the dark cabinetry. while not a look forevery persons taste it is truly perfect in this home. the costof an upgrade like this detailreally depends on the sink that'sselected. ordering an apronfront sink base is not too much more of anup-charge from a standard sinkbase, but the sink itself may be 2 to 3 times the amountof a standard undermount option. in most cases when a farm sinkis on the top of the kitchenwish list of items

it almost makes it into thefinal plan because the look isso fantastic. this rock island kitchen wascompleted using our full project managementprogram. this entire projectwas managed by a team at village home storesfrom start to finish. we thankthe owner for letting us show you around their stylishnew kitchen. village home stores is yourlocally owned source for appliance sales and servicein the greater quad city area.we carry entire whirlpool family ofappliances which includesmaytag, amana, whirlpool, and ktichenaid. thisdiverse assortment of qualityname brands

allows us to offer somethingwithin every customers budget.our full staff of expert sales people can helpyou decide what features andbrands are perfect for your lifestyle. for 30years our store has providedquality products paired with service you cancount on. our knowledgeablesales staff undergoes extensive product training andkeeps up with current trends inthe appliance industry. at village home stores we alsoservice what we sell along with many major brands that wedon't. our staff or expertappliance technicians service all of henry, rock island,whiteside, and scott county. find us online anytime or giveus a call at

309-944-1344. village home stores...downtown geneseo the kitchen is the hub of yourhome. it's where you start yourday, and get ready for the next.what happens in between arememories made, and traditions created.some important life moments will happen righthere at this counter. is yourkitchen ready? let village home stores showyou what your dream kitchen can look like. appliances,cabinetry, lighting, and floorcovering. from start to finish...villagehome stores, downtown geneseo.

as we've seen today natural stone can be abeautiful investment for yourcountertop and selecting stone can be a fun part of yourproject. our diode led lightingsystem can be an amazing way toshowcase your new counters.whether your building or remodeling we hope you enjoyedthis episode of the villagehome show. remember that our newconstruction customers canbundle their purchasesthroughout the whole store froms to claim free lighting fortheir home. through this bundlediscount program your led lighting can end upbeing little to no cost to youif you purchase your new home materials fromvillage home stores.

your new home materials fromvillage home stores. we carryappliances, cabinetry, countertops,lighting, and floor coveringall in one location to make the selection processeasier on you whether you arebuilding or remodeling. we thank you so much forjoining us for this episode ofthe village home show. you can look forward to seeingexpert interviews, industrynews, and of course more great kitchens right here inthe quad city area. if you havequestions about anything you've seen here todayor if you want to start theconversation about your ownproject give us a call at 309-944-1344 or email us

get inspired with us online.visit where you can find links to allof our social media outletsincluding pinterest, houzz, facebook and many more.we are thrilled so far withyour response your response to this show andwe love getting feedback fromyou. if this is your first timewatching you can catch up on otherepisodes online just click on the village homeshow logo on the top of thepage and of course your always welcome to stop byand see us at our showroom indowntown geneseo. i've been your host elizabethround and i look forward toseeing you right back here nexttime for another episode of thevillage home show.

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