where to buy kitchen appliances

alright! this is john kohler of discountjuicers.com.today we have another exciting episode for you and what we're going to do today is showyou my pick for the best, all-purpose juicer for beginners. now i know a lot of you guysout there may have never juiced before and you're looking at my videos to try to figureout the best juicer for you. keep on watching because i have over 400 videos on this youtubechannel explaining and demonstrated all the different kinds of juicers and comparing themside by side so that you guys can determine the best for you. the best for you might not be the best forsomebody else. the title of this video is "this is the best, all purpose, slow juicerfor beginners". the reason why i say that

is because the slowstar juicer by tribestis an all-purpose machine. it literally juices things from hard vegetables, to fruits, toleafy greens all fairly well. a lot of juicers like high speed juicers that spin very fastmay do well at hard vegetables, not great at all at the leafy greens and so-so fruitsbut it'll leave a really wet pulp. in addition, those speed machines don't allowyou to process other healthy foods so that you can get them in you instead of buyingprocessed and packaged foods at the grocery store. you're thinking "john, what do youmean by that?" well, basically this slowstar juicer comes with this attachment here. thisattachment is called the mincing or homogenizing attachment and what this attachment allowsyou to do is take your own roasted peanuts

or raw almonds, put it through there and grindit up and if there's enough oil content in the nuts it'll congeal it together. as inroasted peanuts, it'll make a nice peanut butter. more of a crunchy style, not likea super smooth style. you can actually make your own peanut butterinstead of buying the ones at the grocery store that have monoglyceride and all kindsof preservatives and who knows what else in there. this attachment also allows you tomake things such as fruits sorbets. you can take 100% bananas with frozen strawberriesand make your own ice cream-like sorbet out of a 100% fruit. i know a lot of you guys that are lookinginto getting a juicer are doing this for one

main reason; you want to lose weight, youwant to have more energy and you want to have a greater level of health. by not only processingfruits and vegetables and leafy greens but also including more whole plant based foodssuch as nuts and frozen fruits in your diet that the slowstar will allow you to do, youcould meet your goals. now another announcement i want to make reallyquick before i get into this video is; another reason why the slowstar juicer is my favouritejuicer for beginners is because of its price point. plus if you watch this video to the end you can use one of thediscount coupons mentioned at the end of this

video for an additional discount to get theslowstar at the cheapest price ever. another reason why i think this machine isso beneficial for beginners is because this juicer will be with you through your health-changingnew lifestyle of including more fruits and vegetables. what do i mean by that? if yougo down to your local department store and just buy a juicer off the shelf, you mightget 90 days, maybe a one year warranty. but the slowstar juicer has a full 10 year warranty. what does this mean? this means if you dividethe price by 10 years, because that's how long it's guaranteed it will be operatingfor you, it's like thirty-something dollars a year. then you divide that by the month,what is that? less than three dollars a month

you can have a juicer make juicers in yourown home so you won't have to buy expensive, $10 juices at the juice bar or buy processedand canned and bottled juices at the store that don't contain the enzymes or the highlevel of nutrients that you can get out of your own fresh fruits or vegetables. whether you're buying organic or conventionalat a store or better yet even growing them yourself. the juicer to me is an investmentin the most important thing you got. it's an investment in your health because i learnedat a young age without your health you have nothing. i almost lost my life when i wasyounger and that's why i've been on a juicing program and eating a healthy fruit and vegetablebased diet now for the last 20 years.

you guys could do it too but you need to getthe appliance that is going to allow you to do this. what i want to do in this episodereally quick without it getting too long, is i want to show you guys how the slowstarjuices the vegetables such as the organic carrots, we also have some fruits. we're goingto juice some fruits to show you guys how the slowstar juices the fruits. you're like"john what kind of fruits are those?" these are pomegranate arils; the inside of a pomegranate.i've got a couple of different kinds. i've got red arils, pink arils and even some morerare white arils so we're going to juice all that in the slowstar. i'm going to show you guys how easy it isto change out or quickly clean the juicer

in between juicing so that you don't get carrotjuice mixed in with your pomegranate arils. finally, at the end of this video i'm goingto show you another versatile thing that the slowstar juicer can do which is make frozenice creams out of fruits. frozen sorbets. i'm going to make a frozen sorbet and samplethat out and show you guys how quickly and easily the slowstar all works. without further ado, let's get into this machine.i want to first go over how this machine works because it's different than other juicerson the market. this is a slow juicer; it runs at 47 rpms or revolutions per minute so that'svery slow. a lot of juicers spin at 10,000 plus rpms which is really, really fast. sobesides being really noisy and sounding like

an aeroplane take off from your kitchen. becauseit's spinning so fast it basically bombards the produce or the juice that you're makingwith more air and it oxidizes it and lowers the nutrition. that's another reason why ithink this machine and slow juicers are best overall. in a recent test, in test tubes they actuallydid a high speed juice and a low speed juice and compared them with how much kill ratethey had against cancer cells. the slow juice had a 50% higher kill rate with cancer cellsin the petri dish or test tube. if you guys are doing this to build your health becauseyou may have a certain health condition i would want to have 50% fighting ability ofdisease by using the slow juicer instead of

high speed one. this slow juicer, as i said, is the most versatileand also fairly easy to clean and really easy to use. it's the quickest and easiest onefor me to use in my kitchen so that's why i use this style machine. the other thingi want to let you guys know is that the slowstar is a second generation, vertical, single augerjuicer. what does that mean? frankly, there's a lot of vertical, single auger juicers onthe market but there's only two of them that are in production that i'm aware of that arethe second generation. this is what i mean very simple. let's goahead and take this guy apart really quick for you guys. what i mean by that is there'sthe auger, and this is an ultem auger, eight

times harder plastic and this really getsin there and grinds up the produce a little. it just crushes and squeezes all the juiceout and it's juices squeeze between the screen here. the reason why this is second generation,if you look at the bottom of the screen there you're going to see it's just a ring. first generation machines will have a ring,but then they'll be a little hole in the bottom. if there's a hole in the bottom of the ring,that's where all the pulp has to come out of the hole and that's a major stoppage orblockage point. if you've read reviews on vertical slow juicers having problems withclogging and making excessive pulp in the juice. in my opinion that's primarily dueto the hole. all the pulp has to get forced

out of a little, tiny, itsy-bitsy hole. nolonger does that have to happen on the slowstar juicer because there's no hole in the bottom;the screen that the pulp needs to get forced through. it tends to work a lot better. another reason why i like the slowstar juiceras a beginner juicer is because, although i still do recommend pre-cutting things likeleafy greens and celeries to juice, the manufacturer has stated that you could juice things, evencelery and leafy greens without cutting in the slowstar without problems. they'd usewhole heads of celery in one shot without it clogging. try that on a juicer that's afirst generation with a hole, you're going to be pulling your hair out because it's goingclog up, it's going to jam and it's not going

to get a good yield. let's reassemble this guy. very easy, thereare some white dots on the top you need to line up. we're going to go ahead and put theauger in, drop it in there. then we're going to go ahead and put the top on, line the reddot up with the white dot. turn it and lock it into place and we're all ready to juice.another thing i like about the slowstar is that they have made improvements over theyears. they've improved some of the gaskets; they have red gasket material and they havethis little handy pulp flap that the original machine did not have. all the machines thatwe're now selling at discount juicers have this latest upgrade.

we're going to turn this machine on and we'regoing to drop in the carrots. one of the things i like about the slowstar juicer is; as youguys can see i'm not sitting there with the pusher, pushing each produce in there. thejuicer is working for me. all i got to do is take the carrot, no matter the diameteras long as it fits in the machine, drop it in and it auto feeds. this will save you guyssome time instead of having to push things in. also this ensures that you do not overfeed the juicer. a lot of people using slow juicers use pushers and it makes me cringebecause if they're using pushers to push produce in they may be feeding things in too fastwhich may cause problems; jamming, clogging and excess of pulp in the juice. because you'retrying to cram stuff through the machine faster

than it wants it. as you guys can see i'm just dropping themin and it's accepting the carrots and it's juicing them all up no problem whatsoever.right here we have about a pound of carrots and in general a pound of carrots make abouteight ounces of juice. i found the slowstar makes out that yield of juice. now we're downto the last carrot, we're just going to go ahead and drop that in there and get it alljuiced up. once you drop the last produce item in thereyou're going to want to let it run a little bit. the other thing i want to let you guysknow is that if you are doing combination juices then what you're going to want to dois rotate the items you're putting through

there. say you're doing apples, carrots andcelery; you're going to want to put in an apple, a celery and a carrot, and then anapple, celery, carrot until you're all out of produce. don't just put all the carrots,all the celery and then all the apples. that's really not going to work here becausethe juicer really needs different hardnesses of the produce. the apples really soft, thecelery is a bit firmer and the carrots are the hardest of them all and that really helpspush the pulp through. as you guys can see we easily made about a half a cup of carrotjuice. what i like to do is sometimes i tip this up to get a little bit more juice out.then what i'm going to do is close that stopper and try this fresh made carrot juice for you.that's good.

i do want to let you guys know that with theslowstar, it gives you some pulp in the juice. some people like the pulp in the juice andsome people don't like the pulp in the juice. because the slowstar gives you this pulp inthe juice automatically you can choose to have a juice with some fibre. some of thereports and studies i've seen said that some fibres in the juice actually helps keep thejuice fresher longer. of course if you don't like the fibre in the juice because it's ataste preference thing, the slowstar also includes a stainless steel sieve that youcan strain out all this extra fibre. now that we're done juicing the carrot we'regoing to turn this on. i've got a nice glass of water here. we're going to pour that throughthe slowstar and as you guys can see it's

a filling up with the water there. you don'twant to fill past about this point here. basically that's helping cleaning it out. we're goingto open this guy slowly and let some of the water out. what that's doing is pre cleaningthe machine so you can do this after you're done juicing which makes clean-up a lot easier.it's going to get some of the debris out and push that bit of extra pulp through and cleanthe screen a little bit. now we're going to let the rest out. let itrun a little bit more. it's really getting in there and cleaning it. you can see howorange the water is. let all that water come out. this is effectively a simple cleaningon the machine. if you were done juicing, you would now actually take this machine apartand it would be a little bit easier to clean

now that you've ran all the water through. we're actually not done juicing, so what i'mgoing to do is take this aside and swap out with a new cup and get some of the extra waterout here. now i'm going to swap out a new cup. now, because we're all ready and cleanwe're going to juice our pomegranate arils. somebody recently asked me "john, can a slowstardo the pomegranate arils?" we're going to take handfuls through there and dump themin. once again, this machine is self-feeding.you don't want to dump them in all at once. i'm dumping in just a little bit at a time.as you guys can see, this is juicing amazing. we're getting some nice rich 100% pomegranatejuice. if you'd bought that pomegranate juice

in the store, in a bottle. that stuff is highin antioxidants and pomegranate juice is wonderful [laughs]. actually that's the name, pome-wonderful. the problem with that stuff is that it's actuallyheat processed. when you heat process any food you lower the amount of proteins. itdenatures the proteins but more importantly for me you're losing some percentages of theveto-chemicals and veto-nutrients. you're losing 100% of the enzymes and these factorsin the food in my opinion that are so healing for us. what many americans are missing theirdiets today because they just don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. i think i deseeded about four or five pomegranatesto get this amount of arils. i don't know

if i would sit there and eat four or fivepomegranates because that would take a lot of time. but i could surely put these pomegranatearils through the machine as you guys can see. it extracts the rich, deep coloured juice.if you notice the juice is not just that dark, magenta colour like the pome-wonderful youget at the store. that's because i'm also getting the benefit of the seeds. if you lookat the pulp coming out which i'll show you guys in a minute. i'm going to put the rest of these arils inthere. if we look at this pulp; this pulp is bone dry. that's one of the reasons whyi like the slowstar juicer. i'm not going to tell you the pulp is going to be bone dryin everything you juice. if we dig over to

the carrot pulp, it's a little bit wetterbut it's still fairly dry. but juicing the pomegranate arils; this stuff is bone dry.i can squeeze it and there's literally no moisture that comes out this. the reason forthe colour of the juice being more pinkish instead of maroon is because the slowstarjuicer is so powerful it's actually grinding up and pressing out the nutrition in the seed. you may have heard that grape seeds are reallygood for you and they actually sell grape seed extract in the supplements section. ijust think you guys should eat some grape seeds and chew them up really well once ina while because they have what's called pycnogenol which is a very powerful antioxidant whichis anti-aging.

they've done a lot of different studies onit that show it can be helpful in many different diseases and conditions including things likeinflammation. it's my opinion that the pomegranate seeds also have a lot of different nutrientsand when you extract them like this you get the nutrients into the juice. another thingis you wouldn't want to normally eat one pound of carrots like i just had on a table butyou would easily be able to drink eight cups of juice. that's really the benefit of thejuicer; it allows you to supersize...not your coke and fries and hamburgers...it allowsyou to supersize your fruits and vegetables which are the most important foods on theplanet for us to eat. now i'm much more excited to drink this deliciouspomegranate juice and i'm going to tell you

how it is. mmm, wow. it's rich, it's fullbodied, it reminds me of drinking a vitamin d whole milk because it's almost kind of fattyin a way. because, once again in the seeds there's fats and the juicer is liberatingsome of those fats into the juice so you get that. this juicer would also makes thingslike nuts milks. i like to make coconut milks and almond milks with this machine as well. the other benefit of juicing the pomegranatearils like this, unlike just sticking it on a juice press and pressing out the dark colouredjuice, is when you do juice the seeds you are getting some fat content. when you couplethat fat content in with the antioxidant content of the arils themselves, you actually gethigher uptakes of the antioxidants because

the fats slow down your digestive system.so wow, this stuff is amazing. you got to get this juicer just to make this pome-wonderfuldrink. now i'm back and man that pome juice was sowonderful. that's completely insane i just drink all that. it's so good, it was reallyrich and thick. so good, i can't believe more people don't make pome juice like that. theyjust press out the arils and make the magenta, thin juice. what i want to show you guys nextis another way the slowstar juicer can benefit you and your families so that you guys caneat healthier. one of the things i don't want you guys to eat is ice creams and they haveso many different mono diglycerides and corn syrup and artificial flavours and preservativesthat are not good for you guys. one of the

best things about the slowstar, as i mentionedbefore you could use the mixing attachment or homogenizing attachment to process yourown foods. grind coffee beans into coffee if you want to. process your own nuts intonut butters. more importantly the best thing to do withthis attachment is to process frozen fruits into sorbet. we have a couple of frozen bananashere and whole bunch of frozen strawberries. i froze these strawberries and bananas myselffrom fresh ones so when you get the bananas you can go to the store and get the ones thatare in the bag. they're usually like half price because they're over ripe. the onesthat have spots on them; those are the ones you want to buy because they're really sweetbecause all the sugar starts to come out when

they get really ripe. you buy those, you take them home, you peelthem, you put them in a ziplock bag or a glass container in your freezer. they'll get frozenhard and make sure you peel them first. you cannot peel them once they are frozen. thenyou're going to have these guys. wow, you hear that man? my heads hollow [laughs]. thenyou've got frozen fruit. it wouldn't be too fun to eat this frozen fruit, unless maybeit was dipped in chocolate but i wouldn't necessarily recommend that because chocolateis not really a health food [laughs]. what you can do is you can put in the machine.the machine will literally grind it up because it's so powerful. it'll make it like thatfrozen yogurt consistency that we're used

to when we were a kid and go to mcdonalds.at least i went to mcdonalds when i was a kid and got frozen yogurt out of the machineand whatnot and frozen soft serves. you can make your own frozen soft serve out of 100%fruit which is 100% healthier than ice cream or anything else that you're buying at thestore. without further ado i'm going to show youguys because this is just one of the the coolest thing. especially if you've got kids, youwant to get them involved and let them pick out the frozen fruits. whether you're goingto freeze it yourself or go to a big-box store like costco or sam's club and they have frozenfruits in big four pound packages for super cheap. in all different kinds; papayas, pineapples,mangos, bananas, strawberries, raspberries,

blueberries, youngberries, i don't know whatever[laughs]. let's make this stuff. what i like to do is rotate so i'll put acouple of frozen strawberries in there. as you guys can see it's crushing up the strawberryso i'll take a piece of banana and then i'll put a strawberry, a piece of banana. we'lltake a strawberry, a piece of banana, a strawberry. keep rotating this. i really like to put morebanana than strawberry because the banana will really give it that creamy richness withoutadding any kind of fat to it. the strawberries and other fruits may not make it as creamyand delicious. as you guys can see it's still processingall the bananas in the sorbet and we've got it all coming out right here. that's a lotof delicious sorbet. you could top this with

this some nuts and i think it would actuallybe good if i saved some of that pomegranate juice and topped it over this. i think that'dbe really, really delicious. i'll turn that off. we've turned this frozen fruit into adelicious sorbet. we're going to try that for you guys. it's nicer now, instead of beinghard it's really soft. mmmm, melts in your mouth, besides being a bit cold [laughs].wow, these strawberries are amazing. it's amazing how good fruits and vegetables cantaste when processed with the slowstar juicer. basically, in a nutshell, the slowstar juiceris my favourite pick as an all-purpose machine for people that don't know what they wantto use. they want to use fruits, they want to use vegetables, they want to use leafygreens. the slowstar is a good all-around

performer at juicing but also processing frozenfruits and nuts but even processing eggplant into raw eggplant chicken in the dehydrator.i've processed my cabbage, run it through here to make sauerkrauts. the uses are endlesswith this mincing attachment. one of the things we like to do is make salsas in here. sometimesinstead of eating a salad i'll just process it through the slowstar with the mincing attachmentto mash it all up to make, literally, a ground up salad for those of you guys who don't wantto chew as much. that's why i really like the slowstar. plusas i mentioned earlier, from november 1st all the way through december 31st, we'll beoffering the slowstar at $50 off it's normal price so be sure to order between now andthen. if you're thinking about getting this

for a friend or relative as a gift, you guysshould definitely get one now because the prices are going to go up come next year wheneverybody wants to lose weight for the first; the new year's resolution thing. hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode. ifyou did, please give me a thumbs up and i'll make more videos in the future with the slowstarand all the other juices that i love to use in my lifestyle each and every day. also besure to check my past episodes. i have 400 episodes comparing all different kinds ofjuices so that you guys can select the right juicer for you. the one thing i know is there is a right juicerfor you and you just need to determine what

that is and that's way i make these videosso that you guys can figure it out. i am a juicing expert [laughs], in my opinion i spendevery day with these machines. day in day out. i go to factories and see how they'remade and trade shows and i keep up with all the latest stuff. last thing i'd like to mention today beforei go is that if you've enjoyed this video please support me in my work by making yourpurchase at discountjuicers.com so that i can continue this work to make these educationalvideos on youtube. i have over 1900 videos on youtube now educating people on varietyof topics. your support helps make that possible so thank you for those of you guys that havesupported me in the past and thank you for

those of you guys that will support me inthe future by making a purchase at discountjuicers.com. once again, my name is john kohler with discountjuicers.com.be sure to visit discountjuicers.com/youtube for special promotional offers for our youtubeusers. alright, this is john kohler of discountjuicers.com.today we have another exciting episode for you and what we're going to do today is agood old fashioned juice between two omega products. we got the...

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