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do you believe in the power of prayer? keithallison does. all of a sudden, there was a lump there. keith had stage-four lymphoma, and doctorsgave him five years to live. that was 13 years ago. i don't know, but i said, "something justhappened." keith received a miracle, and so can you. i can't believe that a miracle would happento me, but i said, "i think it did." well, welcome to this edition of the 700 club.i know many of you share my mourning at the loss of my good friend, dave wilkerson, founderof teen challenge. apparently, there was a

tragic car crash. i haven't got all the detailsyet as to what happened, but apparently he was hit on a texas highway, in east texas,by a big 18-wheeler. and beyond that, i don't know. terry. seventy-nine years old, the pastor, of course,of times square church in new york. many of you probably enjoyed his newsletters, as idid. he was killed. his wife gwen was badly injured. it was a head on collision yesterdayin east texas. and today, christians remember the powerful legacy of his ministry. heathersells has more. david wilkerson inspired christians aroundthe world with his passion for saving lost souls. in 1958, he felt god calling him tonew york city to minister to gang members

and drug addicts. he tells of his encounterwith notorious gang leader nicky cruz in the bestselling book, the cross and the later became a movie starring pat boone. you could cut me up into a thousand piecesand lay them in the street, and every piece will still love you. it did damage揚ood [damage] in my brain.and in my heart, i began to question. and for two weeks i could not sleep thinking aboutlove. wilkerson went on to found teen challenge,a biblically based recovery program for drug addicts. in 1987, he returned to manhattanto found the nondenominational times square church. in the aftermath of 9/11, wilkerson'sleadership was elevated as he called the city

to repentance. if you're a praying bible believer, you knowinstinctively in your heart that god is trying to speak to this nation and the world throughthis. forgive our sins against you. have mercy on us. wilkerson's heart for revival was a one of his most stirring sermons, he preached about anguish for the unsaved. we've held onto our religious rhetoric andour revival talk, but we've become so passive. all true passion is born out of anguish. alltrue passion for christ comes out of a baptism

of anguish. i think brother dave was really at war withthe status quo. he could not tolerate religiosity, so it's kind of a fun thing that god calledhim to pastor. but his many words that he spoke of warning about zeal for the lord andholiness and anguish and faithfulness, they were a voice that were calling the body ofchrist. i literally think he was speaking for the lord, as we would say, a modern dayprophet. wilkerson's death leaves a rich legacy, buthis ministry and vision will also be dearly missed. in this last devotional blog, he wrotethis, "to those going through the valley and shadow of death, hear this word: weeping willlast through some dark, awful nights, and

in that darkness, you will soon hear the fatherwhisper, 選 am with you. i cannot tell you why right now, but one day it will all makesense. you will see it was all part of my plan. it was no accident. it was no failureon your part. hold fast. let me embrace you in your hour of pain.' beloved, god has neverfailed to act but in goodness and love." heather sells, cbn news. thanks, heather. very interesting. now, and david wilkerson were in new yorkat the same time, were you not? i was there in claussen avenue presbyterianchurch, as i was just getting to the calling of the lord to start this ministry. and hewas just starting teen challenge, but he was

at a place called clifton avenue, and we wereat claussen. we saw him there in those early days. he was the skinny preacher from downin pennsylvania who came up to go after the gangs. and my friend harald bredesen talkedjohn cheryl into getting to know him, and they wrote a book together called the crossand the switchblade. it became a huge bestseller. huge bestseller. and subsequent to that. but dave had a realprophetic gift. i've been with him. i was there in '73. if i'd followed his advice wewouldn't have cbn, because it was kind of like terrible days are coming and don't doanything. so it was prophetic, but it was also a lot of gloom and doom. but we'll misshim. he was a tremendous man. and teen challenge

is a towering institution to help the lost.and it was a story in the life of the church that we'll never forget. well, he was voice loudly crying to the restof us to stay strong. we don't know what happened. i haven't gottenthe news yet. apparently he pulled out. he was into the ongoing lane of traffic and gothit by this gigantic truck. whether he had gone asleep at the wheel, or whether he pulledout to avoid some other wreck on the highway, i don't have all the things about it. i don't know. and his wife is quite seriouslyinjured, so we need to be praying for her. well, we should pray for her.

yes. but i tell you, the great saints of god aregoing down one after the other. john jimenez here and oral roberts and harald bredesenand d. james kennedy and bill bright, and one right after the other, dear friends ofmine. and we'll miss them. so our homage to a dear friend, dave wilkerson. he is homewith jesus right now. and dick white called me last night and he said, "he's with jesus."and that's all we can think. dave wilkerson is with jesus and there is rejoicing in heaven.and the father will say, "well done, good and faithful servant." well, lee webb hasthe rest of our top stories from the cbn newsroom. lee.

pat, close to 200 people have been killedby a wave of tornadoes and severe storms that started wednesday and ran through the night.the deadly twisters took their worst toll in five southern states. at least 128 peoplewere killed in alabama alone. many died when a massive tornado devastated the town of tuscaloosa. we were standing up on the street, and i lookedup and i saw debris in the air. and i told my wife, "we've got to get inside." and momentslater, it was over. president obama has declared a state of emergencyin alabama. more than 140 tornadoes were reported from mississippi to maryland. the red crosshas activated half of its national chapters in response to the unprecedented storm. andalabama's governor, pat, has activated almost

1,500 alabaman national guardsmen. well, where we are, within a couple of hours,there's another bad storm on the way. just a week or so ago, we had the worst spate oftornadoes that i can remember since i've lived here, something like a hundred in north carolinaand virginia. it was unbelievable. and i saw one of the experts on the weather channelsaying that april may set a record for tornadoes as the most active month maybe in history. it seems like, i don't think i'm imaginingthis, every day there is a tornado somewhere when we turn on the news. it's unbelievable. the weather is violent, and people are saying,"well, is it global warming? is it something

else? what's going on?" when you think ofalmost 200 lives lost, it's heartrending, so again, our hearts go out to those who suffer,those who are the families, of those who have lost not only their property, but their lovedones. lee. pat, indiana is set to become the first stateto cut all government funding for planned parenthood. the state legislature voted 66to 32 to strip planned parenthood of three million dollars it receives from the federalgovernment each year. the state senate has already approved that measure. and republicangovernor mitch daniels now has a week to sign the bill or let it become law without hissignature. if it does become law, the state could lose four million dollars in federalfamily planning grants. and as we have reported

on this program before, pat, it's the stateswhere the pro-life effort is having its greatest traction. it's time that they call the tune on plannedparenthood. it is the largest provider of abortion services in america. it has a billiondollar budget, 300 plus million dollars comes from taxpayer money. and there is a suit rightnow in california. the aclj, the american center for law and justice, has survived achallenge to that lawsuit on a summary judgment that they were double and triple billing thefederal government for the so-called abortion services they were providing. they call thishealth counseling. it's a tiny fraction of what they do, and it's time that the tunegets called. and there are people like mike

pence in the congress who are saying, "we'regoing to cut their funding." and there's no reason in the world taxpayer money shouldgo to that organization, none whatsoever. and it's your money. and you have a rightto say what's being done. so our hats are off to the legislature of indiana. it's takinga bold first step. lee. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke sayshe expects a moderate economic recovery to continue this year. bernanke held the firstnews conference for a chairman in the fed's 98 year history. a new report shows the economyis growing at a slower pace than originally forecast, but bernanke says the fed's maingoal now is to keep inflation low. first, we are trying to maintain low and stableinflation, by our definition of price stability.

by maintaining the purchasing value of thedollar, keeping inflation low, that's obviously good for the dollar. the second thing we'retrying to accomplish is to get a stronger recovery and to achieve maximum employment. bernanke says he expects the unemploymentrate will fall at about half a point by the end of the year. republican senator lindsey graham says thedeadlock in israeli-palestinian is not israel's fault. graham is heading a bipartisan delegationto the middle east. in jerusalem, he criticized palestinian plans to seek unilateral recognitionfor an independent state. and he signaled that many in congress will support israeliprime minister benjamin netanyahu when he

addresses congress next month. i think the prime minister very much understandsthat the action in the united nations is off base. israel is not the problem. the palestinianstate needs to come about in a way that will ensure the security of israel. and the road to middle east peace just gotbumpier. the palestinian authority has made a unity deal with the terrorist group julie stahl reports, that's a big problem for israel and the us. the hamas terrorist group ruling the gazastrip and the us backed palestinian authority in the west bank have formed a national unitygovernment. it's not the first time, but both

sides are calling the deal "historic." israeliprime minister benjamin netanyahu says the palestinian authority will have to choosebetween peace with israel and peace with hamas. peace with both is impossible because hamasaspires to destroy the state of israel and says so openly. it fires missiles at our fires anti-tank rockets at our children. netanyahu's spokesman, mark regev, says it'simportant to understand who hamas is. hamas is one of the most extreme islamistterrorist organizations. they say no to peace. they say no to reconciliation. they say yesto terrorism and violence. hamas announced the new caretaker governmentwould not recognize israel or enter negotiations. egypt says the unity deal intends to helppalestinians seeking recognition of an independent

palestinian state at the un in september,something many in the us congress oppose. that's not the way a decision should be arrivedat of two states. and so, i think that we're very united on that reaction. this latest development could cause a dilemmafor the us. a us official told cbn news it's very sensitive, since hamas is a terroristorganization. in 2010, the us gave the palestinian authority nearly 600 million dollars, butit is prevented by law from negotiating with hamas. it's not clear what the obama administrationwill do now that the groups have joined forces. julie stahl, cbn news, jerusalem. pat, back to you.

well, what people have got to remember isthat the muslim brotherhood set up hamas. hamas is a terrorist organization. it is acreature of the muslim brotherhood, just like the muslim brotherhood trained and equippedyasser arafat and sent him in to head up fatah. so both of these organizations are reallyradical in their core. so they're coming together. and i don't know exactly what this means,except that israel is going to be facing a united front. but a unilateral declarationof a state is not going to succeed. israel is not going to recognize it, and so theywill still be having clashes, and there will still be war. terry. well, this year's revolution in egypt oustedits dictator, but freedom for one group has

remained very elusive. in terms of the actual number of attacks oncops, they have increased since mubarak stepped down. and that has a lot of cops this a harbinger of the future? hear why some of these coptics are leavingthe country and why others are staying, when we return. got a question for pat? send us yours nowon we'll bring it online with your questions from our live chat room, later ontoday's 700 club. get ready, because the now the more fun youhave, the more fit you can get. introducing the curves circuit with zumba fitness. it'sthe only class that mixes the music and moves

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they were missionaries. they weren't runningaway from anything. the humble beginnings of a christian nation. preacher: almighty god, by your great mercywe have reached this land. tomorrow, on the 700 club. they've been there for 2000 years. they werethe largest religious group in egypt. egyptian coptic's belong to one of the oldest christiancommunities in the world. the apostle mark, is supposed to have established a church inthe city of alexandria in just 10 years after the ascension of jesus christ. but now manyof these coptic christians are considering leaving their homeland of egypt. terry lanehas this shocking story from cairo.

the egyptian revolution brought hope and opportunityto a people long oppressed by an unpopular dictator and his subordinates. egyptian copticsjoined muslims in the tahrir square protests; but so far the freedoms they desired remainelusive, and this minority christian community is under siege. in terms of the actual number of attacks oncopts, they have increased since mubarak stepped down and that has a lot of copts worried,"is this a harbinger of the future?" many christians are now considering leavingthe country. so far, 2011 has been a tragic year for egypt's christians. it began on newyear's day with a horrific suicide bombing at st. mark's church in alexandria. securityguard magdy wahib was at the church entrance

when services concluded shortly after midnight. i suddenly found myself blown inside the church.i didn't lose consciousness, but i felt severe pain in my abdomen, hand, and sides. wahib was taken to a hospital where he underwentsurgery. a piece of shrapnel nearly seven inches long was removed from his abdomen alongwith 30 inches of his intestines. wahib was among nearly 100 christians injured in theattack. twenty-three people were killed. the christians here at st. mark's church in alexandriacertainly know that the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church. they will persevere.their church may even grow as a result of this incident, and they're determined to fightfor a new future here in egypt, one where

their rights are honored and they have religiousfreedom. christians say they are not treated as equals even though they were the majorityin egypt for more than 1,000 years. today, they are only about 13 percent of the population.eighty six percent of egyptians are muslim. christians rarely receive government permissionto build new churches. these members of a church in giza, near cairo, told cbn newsthey obtained a building permit after a lengthy 10-year battle. then last november, securitypolice laid siege to their partially constructed building. at least two christians were killedand dozens were injured in the attack. hit by a rubber bullet, taxi driver naseer fakhrybakheet is now unemployed, because he lost sight in his left eye.

the policemen inside the church were insultingus and beating us as if we were criminals. they shouted, "allahu akbar" as if we christiansare not people. as if we are not human, only like animals without any rights. as if weare not egyptians. and police and militant muslims aren't theonly ones attacking coptics. a new wave of assaults is coming from the egyptian army.this is a home video of a military attack against a monastery near alexandria last january.after local police abandoned their station, the monks at st. bishoy's built a wall atthe monastery entrance to protect themselves from intruders. the army responded by sending100 soldiers with tanks and light artillery to destroy the wall. six people were injured,including a monk whose spleen had to be removed

because of the attack. we were very sad because we didn't know whythe army attacked like this. the army is supposed to protect us not beat and torture us. weare innocent. we pray and try to help the people; that's all we are doing. christians say the incident here at the bishoymonastery is just another example of why they need protection from a new government. theysay there must be changes in their new constitution that include them. but the strongest politicalgroup at this time, the muslim brotherhood, insists that islamic law, sharia law remainthe basis of egyptian law. it opposes democratic changes in the constitution that would grantequal rights and allow christians and muslim

women to become president. human rights advocatemonir bishara spends most of his spare time on facebook sharing democratic ideas withyoung people. he says many egyptians are religious but will not support a theocratic governmentsimilar to the one in iran. he warns voters against being fooled by the muslim brotherhood. muslim brotherhood, they are speaking aboutdemocratic, but inside themselves, if they are going to gain the power, it will be lessdemocratic and is going to be dictatorial again. paul marshall says the united nations andthe u.s. state department are naive and overly optimistic about the muslim brotherhood.

they're saying, "well, the younger generationin the brotherhood may be much more open." i think that's true, but the 23-year-oldsaren't running the brotherhood. and marshall says the hamas experience ingaza is a harbinger for egypt's future under the brotherhood. hamas is the muslim brotherhood of the palestinians.they won an election. and there's been no election since, and they killed off the palestinianauthority opponents. and that's why many coptics may leave. theyfear what may come. still, many like father halmanout to the bishoy monastery say, they'llstay. the church has existed in egypt for 2000 years and will survive no matter whathappens.

we are trusting in god and we are not afraid.jesus told us that people against us use the hand of human beings, but we have the handof god. the one who is covering us will save us. gary lane, cbn news, cairo, egypt. pray for people like this and ladies and gentlemen,open your eyes and pray that the congress will open its eyes and the state departmentwill open its eyes and especially the president will open his eyes. islam is a vicious, viciousexpression of hatred toward minorities. it is just terrible. you go over all around theworld; there is persecution in country after country. there are beatings. there are beheadings.there are stonings. there are all these things

happening, and it's like the press in americajust turns a blind eye. it says, "oh, well, it's a religious; we're not going to criticizesomebody's religion." well, this is a type of government. the thrust is worldwide dominationunder sharia law, the establishment of the caliphate. we say it over and over again;and we just say praise god, somebody must be listening. but in the meantime, pray forgod to defend those copts in egypt, what they suffer. they're godly wonderful people. thefact that they wear black robes and have long beards. don't let that throw you off, becausethey're terrific people; and they need our support. terry. well coming up, a cancer patient forgoes it turns out, he didn't need it.

i said, "lou, i don't know. something justhappened." and i said, "i can't believe that a miracle would happen to me, but i thinkit did." see why this man's cancer went into spontaneousremission, when we come back. do you take fish oil? there's an omega-3 supplementthat's better than regular fish oil. staying healthy, it's not easy. i exerciseregularly and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. i used to take a fish oil supplement too,but then i discovered something better than regular fish oil. arctic wonder omega-3 krilloil: it's from the makers of one-a-day, so i know i can trust it. the omega-3's in arcticwonder, both support heart health and are scientifically proven to be better absorbedthan regular fish oil. you'd have to take

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all throughout this week the staff here atcbn and regent university are gathering together to pray for you our partners. we call it our"week of prayer," and yesterday our featured speaker was senate chaplain barry black. all this week we are gathering together, andwe have prayer partners all over the world who are sending requests in; and we are prayingfor these requests. let's lift them up before the lord. "father, we lift these prayers beforeyou. there's not a single one that you have not heard lord. not a single one, father thatyou cannot attend to at this moment, and we ask, lord god, that you respond to the needsthat are lifted up here before you, father. that you respond and you touch and you heal.come and be their god lord. bring healing

and wholeness to these needs, in jesus' name,amen." isaiah chapter 53, verse 5, says, "but hewas wounded for our transgressions. he was bruised for our iniquities. the chastisementof our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed." we are healed by the stripesof jesus. we are healed by the wounds of jesus. we serve a winner. each of the days that we are out there, issuch an inspiration; and we're pleased to be able to bring some of that right to youand to have you know that your prayer requests . . . . we have received more than 95,000 per requestsnow pat, and they're all being lifted up daily

to the lord, so we thank you for that. thereare only two days left in our week of prayer, but we want you to know there is still plentyof time for you to call in your prayer request. all you have to do is dial our toll-free number,1-800-759-0700. you can also submit them by logging on to we'll be praying for you in just a minute.but first while christians around the world celebrate easter, keith allison and his wifealso celebrate the week after. that's because on the friday after easter in 1999 keith receivedan answer to one of his biggest prayers. dr. keith allison, an ophthalmologist, andhis wife, lou, were looking forward to retirement. but one evening keith noticed a lump on hisneck.

i just, i went like that [places hand on throat],and all of a sudden there was a lump there. and i thought, "it wasn't there when i shavedthis morning." and it was perhaps the size of a golf ball. his doctor immediately ordered biopsies onthe lymph nodes in his neck and in his bone marrow. two medical labs, including the mayoclinic, revealed he had non-hodgkin's lymphoma stage iv in both places. doctors gave himfive years to live. he started calling the 700 club for prayer. you just want to talk to somebody. see andthey're there. they listened and always close with the greatest prayer. what a comfort.

as a doctor, keith knew that older patientsrespond less well to chemotherapy and radiation than younger patients, so he decided to foregotreatment. just five months after the diagnosis, keith and lou were at a hotel in texas andturned on the 700 club. as i remember, pat said, "there's somebody,some man or somebody out there that's struggling or has issues with cancer." in the name of jesus, we come against thiscancer, and we rebuke it and bind it and cast it forth from his body, in the name of jesus. that's what happened. anyhow, the heat justradiates out of your body. and that's what happened. i told my wife later. i said, "lou,i don't know but something just happened."

and i said, "i know me." and i said, "i can'tbelieve that a miracle would happen to me." but i said, "i think it did." keith returned to the doctor for tests, andthere was no sign of cancer. the doctor told him he was in spontaneous remission. that's fine. i mean, that worked for him,and i know what worked for me. and to this day i have no doubts. i just have great wondermentas to why a sinner like me would be so blessed. it's been thirteen years since keith was diagnosedwith non-hodgkin's lymphoma. today he and lou are enjoying retirement and travelingaround the country. when asked how he feels now, keith says:

fantastic! i start every day with an attitudeof gratitude. attitude of gratitude. folks, today is a dayof praising the lord. this can be the day for you. i just want you to get your expectationup and not say, well, maybe, maybe, down, down, down, then. i'm talking about now. nowis the day of salvation. now we've got some reports, terry, we've had some answers toprayer. this is amazing. this is dale who lives insharon hills, pennsylvania. gail was diagnosed with copd which has caused difficulty in breathing.yesterday pat, he heard you give a word of knowledge about somebody with lesions on thelungs. dale put his hand on his chest. he claimedthat word of knowledge. instantly he felt

something go through his lungs. he said heis breathing normally. instantly something went through his lungs?god is here. god is here. he hears your prayers. we're surrounded, what did you say, 95,000?. . . . more than 95,000. now here is somebody named "dee" in illinois.yesterday dee was watching the 700 club, she heard terry give a word of knowledge aboutsinuses. it must've been the day before yesterday. she claimed the word, and she didn't needher allergy medicine all day yesterday. i presume that's a healing. we've got some otherrequests, and then we're going to pray for you. here is somebody that's got lung cancerand brain cancer. this is serious, but why

not? family's salvation and reconciliation.they're asking for prayer of a huge cyst on the side of a head. ask for prayer. what else? here's somebody saying, "i need healing fromskin cancer." someone else needs healing from drug-resistant bladder infection. healingfrom glaucoma. these are just a few of the thousands that have come in. terry and i are going to join hands. we'regoing to believe god. symbolically these prayer requests beside us here are symbolic of 95,000that have come in. we're going to join in, and we're going to believe god. "father, thankyou. thank you. thank you for the healings that are taking place. in the name of jesuschrist of nazareth, may the anointing of the

holy spirit come into your life. may you knowhealing." right now a lung infection, i believe it's that stuff, cystosis, its parrot feverthat has gotten into your lungs. in the name of jesus, just breathe and it's going to behealed. terry. someone else, you have a tremendous problemwith your lower spine. it's like where it sits on the girdle of your hips, and it'sjust so painful and excruciating. you can hardly move well. god is touching and healingthat for you right now. you're just going to feel that warmth go through that area ofyour body as it's all set in right position there is an abdomen. it's like a lot of bruises.i don't know if you've had some kind of medical procedure or somebody beat you up. i don'tknow what it is. just put your hand on your

abdomen in the name of jesus and all thatsoreness is going to go away. you're being healed by the power of god. "and lord, thereare people in this audience who need money. there are people who need their children torespect their authority. there are people, oh god, who are praying about their have all power; and we pray now in the name of jesus. my brothers and sisters rightnow, be made whole. terry you've got something else. there is someone else, you have a crushedtibia. i don't know how that happened, but it's not healed well. god is healing thatand that bone is knitting back together stronger than it was before. you're going to beginto feel that, it just feels at the tingling

inside your leg. something in your arch has fallen. it's beencrushed. right now those bones are going to knit together. your arch is going to be formedas it should be, and all the problems are going to go away. right now, in the name ofjesus, just touch your foot, in jesus' name, amen. and somebody with glaucoma, you're just goingto begin to see some light come into those places where darkness has been as god healsyour eye condition for you. just receive it. where ever you are, raise your hands and thankthe lord. just raise your hands and say "thank you, jesus." praise him, from that it's yours.

i was reading today where the bible says godmade great promises to abraham, and the bible says, abraham, "amened" god. he, "amened"god and god counted to him for righteousness. god is looking for you to believe him. sosay thank you lord, i take it, i "amen" god. terry. well, if you feel that god isn't answeringyour prayers, stay tuned. best-selling author john bevere says it might be because you'vebeen ensnared by the bait of satan. he'll explain what that means later on today'sshow. coming up later, our chat room is open, andwe want to hear from you. we'll bring it online with your questions so don't go away.

hi, i'm terry meeuwsen. at cbn we're hereto pray for you all year long, but each spring the entire staff of cbn sets aside a specialweek of prayer to pray for your needs. we care about you and the things that are happeningin your life. no matter how big or small your requests, we want to pray for you. pleasecall us or mail your prayer requests today. it's our privilege to pray for you. remember when you didn't have to spend a lotto give mom something special on mother's day? with proflowers that's still true. sendmom a gift she'll love, a dozen roses for just $19.99. that's 50 percent in savings.order now and mom also gets our elegant glass vase, plus your personalized card, free. hurry,supplies are limited. or double the roses,

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welcome to washington for this cbn newsbreak.nevada congressmen dean heller will fill the senate seat left open by the resignation ofrepublican john ensign. ensign decided to step down after an ethics investigation. nevadagov. brian sandoval appointed heller to the post, describing him as a fiscal conservative.he said heller will fight to keep taxes low and balance the federal budget. the republicansays he is deeply humbled by the appointment. donald trump is taking credit for presidentobama's decision to release his birth certificate. for weeks trump has been in the headlinesraising doubt over the president's birthplace. on wednesday the president finally releasedhis birth certificate showing that he was born in hawaii.

today i am very proud of myself, because i'veaccomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish. i am really honored,frankly, to have played such a big role in hopefully, hopefully getting rid of this issue. in a press conference obama said the country'sproblems would not be solved if we continue to be distracted by quote, "sideshows andcarnival barkers." well, you can always get the latest from cbnnews by going to our website at pat and terry will be back with more of the700 club right after this. in the next 60 seconds, we want you to qualifyto be the next 50,000-dollar home makeover winner. pick up the phone and get ready tostart dialing when the number appears on your

screen. call the number on your screen now,and we'll mail you a key. if your key opens the lock in your local directbuy club, you'llbe the next 50,000-dollar home makeover winner. operators are standing by. so call right now.directbuy club has already awarded over a million dollars, and someone is going to winthe 50,000-dollar home makeover. why not you? if the phone number is blinking, the phonelines are open. call now to receive your key and an invitation to your local directbuyclub where members can save thousands or more paying low, direct-from-the-source priceson big ticket items like kitchen cabinets, home furnishings, flooring, bathroom fixturesand so much more. call now and get your key to winning a 50,000-dollar home makeover.someone is going to win the 50,000-dollar

home makeover. why not you? have you ever been slighted? well don't worry,you're not alone. everyone's gotten burned at least once in their lives. these offensesare inevitable, and as one author says, they're also holding us back. john bevere is a best-selling author and founderof messenger international. for years he has been helping people overcome obstacles toget in the way of effective prayer. this is the thing that we've got to learn,you don't pray what feels good. you have to pray what is truth. in the bait of satan john identifies one ofthese dangers and how we can experience personal

victories in our lives. john bevere is the author of the bait of satanand also the founder of messenger international. john, we welcome you back to the 700's always wonderful to see you. thanks terry, it's so good to be here withyou, along with my wife, lisa. yes, she's a great friend. i love her. well, i like to say i'm lisa bevere's husband. that's a good thing. i'm so in love with that girl. she's precious.

oh, she is. we want to talk about the bait of satan today.what does that mean? most people would look at that title and say, "huh?" well, the bait is "being offended." jesussaid in luke 17 verse 1 that it's impossible that offenses will not come. in other words,if we breathe air we're going to have the opportunity to be offended. but what we dowith the offense will determine our future. either we'll become stronger, or we will becomebitter. but will never be the same. the actual greek word that is used there for "offense"in luke 17 is an ancient greek word, skandalon, that was originally used to describe the baitstick of a trap that hunters would use to

get small animals and birds in. a hunter wouldplace the bait on the skandalon, the animal would take it, and the trap would either closeand capture or kill the animal. thereby, an offense is the bait of satan to pull us believersinto his captivity. now paul, confirms this in 2nd timothy chapter 2 when he said, "thosewho are in opposition with one another, offended with one another, are taken captive of satanto do satan's will." now the scary thing, terry, is you can still go to church, stilleven minister, sing, but you're taken captive of satan to do satan's will. so instead ofreleasing rivers of living water, you're releasing waters tainted with bitterness. they're actuallypoisoning now. a man who had a vision of the armies that were going to march against thechurch in the last days, says in the vision

as the armies got closer he noticed that thedemons were not riding on the backs of horses. they were riding on the backs of christians.christians who were offended were being captive of satan to fulfill his purposes. so it'sa very serious offense, and i've literally seen multitudes and multitudes impounded toit. you know all of us, i guess, have known atleast one body of believers where there's been what's called a "church split." and yet,god says that unity is the thing that commands a blessing from him. who doesn't want that?so, what can we do to protect ourselves so that we're not open to being offended easily? i think the thing that we have to do is wehave to have in our heart the very firm knowledge

that we are created in the image and likenessof god. but we're very different in our giftings, the way we process things, and the way weoperate. so, there's going to be differences, and that's the thing that god expects us towork out, because love covers the multitude of sins. and in order to not be offended,the bible says this, "great peace of them who love your word and nothing can offendthem." you know offenses can wound people. what happened with me, terry, was i'll neverforget i injured my knee. i was climbing a wall, and i literally heard a snap in my knee. oh, ouch. a physical therapist was working on me andhe said do you want to know why you injured

your knee? i said, yes. he said, because you'reout of shape. you don't exercise. now this was like, 15 years ago, and i remember i gotso angry at him. but i thought, "he's right." people that are not in shape a more susceptibleto injury. well paul made a statement in acts 24:16. he said, "herein do i exercise to alwayshave a conscience free from offense with god and with men." so paul said i've got to exercise.well, i went from one place to another. another physical therapist in indonesia was workingon my knee; and he said, "do you want to know how to get your knee healed, mr. bevere?"i said, "absolutely." he said, "exercise." and so i said, "lord, how do i exercise?"because that's what the lord spoke to me. you know when a guy blows out his knee, he'sgot to do physical therapy which is focused

exercise. i said, "lord how do i exercise?"because i was so wounded by this person. and the lord said, "matthew 5:44," where jesussays "pray for those who abuse you." now it's an interesting all through the gospels jesusdoesn't say pray for your mother. he doesn't say pray for your dad. now, are we supposedto pray for our mother and dad? absolutely. but isn't it interesting that the person hetells you to pray for are those who have mistreated or abused you. so i began to pray for thisperson who had deeply, deeply, wounded me, and it was very, very difficult. oh, i'm sure. because i didn't want to see him blessed,and so i was praying in this monotone voice,

lord bless him. lord, if you can, bless him.because god told me to pray for him right? so you have to. so i'm praying like this for weeks, and i'mon a fast; and god speaks to me, god says, "read psalm 35." i went to psalm 35, and davidsaid, "fierce witnesses have risen up. they've rewarded me evil for good." and i said, "that'sme." i did this guy good, and he rewarded me really evil for it, right? and so i'm thinkingdavid's going to say break their teeth, bust their jaw, you know like he does in the psalms.but in the next words he says, "but as for me when they were sick, when they were hurt,i prayed for them with fasting like i would my mother or my brother." and the holy spiritspoke to me and he said, "you pray for that

man exactly what you want me to do in yourlife or your family." that changed everything. i remember getting up from the table, terry,and i started praying, "father i pray that he would be as close to you as a man can beclose to you. i pray that he would know you as intimately as a man can know you, thatyou would bless his ministry, that he would continue to reach more." that took everythingin me to pray that way. why? because my soul didn't want to see that. how did it change you? what happened was i started getting excited,and more excited and more excited. i was getting healed. so just like the guy and the physicaltherapy machine, my heart was getting healed.

and what actually happened was i ended upcoming out of the situation very, very close to this man and very in love with this man.i thought, you know, i said to my wife, i said, "when i first met the man, he coulddo no wrong in my eyes and i loved him for it." then i saw his faults. his faults weredirected at me. i didn't love him anymore. now i still see his faults, but i love himwith the intensity as i first met him. that's got to be the love of god, because the loveof god covers the multitude of sin. and it sets us free to let god love us completely. it does. this is just the tip of the iceberg, you needto read the book. it's called the bait of

satan. we want the blessing of the lord; itcomes with unity. this book is available in stores nationwide. and for more with johnyou can check out our exclusive behind-the-scenes interview with him. that's on our website.just go to and click on the "in the green room" link. thank you for being withus. great to see you again. always so good to be with you and pat. godbless you, terry. god bless you. pat. tremendous truth john's got there. while stillahead, it's time to bring it online. your questions from our live chat room are comingup next, so don't go away. my name is roger stump, and i'm a cancer survivor.the surgeon said it's inoperable. "it's already

in your liver." my wife, brenda, sat thereand cried; and i'm thinking, "i can't die right now. i'm only 52 years old." i was sodistraught. i've heard cancer treatment centers of america have experience with pancreaticcancers. it was like night and day. the hospital just breeds an environment of hope. you geta ct scan, and the next morning the results were read to you. we'd go up there; i justknew it was going to be a good result. you could just see the joy on dr. granik's face. call now and we'll show you how the most compassionatepeople anywhere put you at the center of everything we do. together, we'll explore real treatmentoptions you may not even know exist. cancer treatment centers of america. it issuch a different place, because they give

you hope. i would strongly urge you to callthem and get a second opinion. please call today.tomorrow . . . . reenactment priest: almighty god, by yourgreat mercy we have reached this land. a few years ago people in southern india fledtheir village to escape communist rebels. but when they found a new place to live, theyran into something just as deadly: contaminated drinking water. koshy works hard as a woodcutter to providefor his wife and three children. but one thing he can't give them is fresh drinking water. we get our water from a hole in the smells very bad and is filled with insects.

but it's our only source of water, so we haveto use it for cooking and drinking. five years ago, everyone in koshy's villagefled from their homeland of chhattisgarh to escape attacks by maoists, a radical communistgroup. koshy and the others settled deep in the forest of southern india. i came here for my children's safety. butthis unclean water makes us feel like our lives are in danger. my children are alwayssick. but this is the only place we can stay. the local pastor kept trying to find waysto get clean drinking water for their village. then he found out about operation blessing'sliving waters team. he asked for their help, and they immediately took action. the teamdrilled all day and night. by sunrise koshy's

village had fresh, clean water for the firsttime. on the day they dedicated the new well, the villagers celebrated with singing anddancing. i don't have enough words to thank you. iam so happy that my children will be healthy, because they have good water to drink. yougave my village, my family, and me a new life. i will never forget you. thank you so much. i will never forget you, and i will neverforget the time that i was in that village in india not too far away where our main headquarterswas in india. they were drinking out of this filthy holein the ground. it had green scum on the water. this is where they had to bathe, they hadto cook, they had to everything.

it's a big hole. ugly, green, fetid mass,just think of it, yuck! we opened a well. oh what a blower! clean water comes out andall those women could bring their pots and fill them up with water. many of those people, until those wells aredug, have never had clean water in their lives. it's astonishing. well, they have disease. this is clean water,no bugs, no germs, no parasites, no amoebas. my goodness, what you can do. it used to cost$1000. i think now is probably up to about $1800 for a well, but in addition to the well,in a place like that we build a church. so we say "living waters." you want to participate?pick up the phone and call in. we got a lot

of people that just do wells. yes, who love to do wells. and we work withwindow's mite, and they . . . . they give a lot of money. . . . . have partner with us around the's a wonderful group of just women, everyday women who said they want to make a difference,and they came together. so questions. we've got some questions for you. let's go for it. this is rick, who says, "my wife and i areseparated due to her infidelity. if she asks

to reconcile, am i going against my christianbeliefs if i say no?" listen, the bible says to always be willingto forgive. you know, if jesus christ forgave you, how can you not forgive somebody else?are you going against your christian beliefs if your wife says, "will you please forgiveme? will you take me home? i sinned, i'm sorry." now, if she's just playing with you, that'ssomething else. but assuming that she means it, the lord says if your brother offendsyou, he said 7 times? he said, "no, 7 times 70." in other words, there's no end to it.i keep coming to god, and i say, "will you please forgive me?" i don't want him to sayno. you don't want god to say no to you, either. am i going against my christian beliefs? yes,you are. what else?

this is theresa who says, "i ran across somewebsites that said my second marriage was not valid in god's eyes, because i didn'thave a biblically valid reason for divorce. am i living in sin? teresa, i don't know you. i would really ratheryou go to a godly pastor to give you an answer for that. i don't know what went on in yourmarriage, i really don't. there's what's called the pauline privilege. the pauline privilegebasically is if the unbelieving spouse is pleased to depart, let him depart. well, there'ssuch a thing as constructive desertion were somebody just makes it hell on earth. youcan't live with them, and they have no choice. but i don't know all the things involved.

or, if she was a believer at that time andknew what she was doing. she doesn't really say. and all those things, i just don't know. soi can't answer your question. but adultery is the reason, and the pauline privilege,if the unbelieving spouse wants to depart. i said "constructive desertion," but pleaseget counsel from somebody, a pastor and talk to them about that, because i sure don't wantto condemn you; because i think god loves you. alright? this is cole who asks, "i'm 12 years there an age when you can start believing in the lord and let jesus into your heartas your lord and savior?

two, three, four . . . . twelve. it used to be, you had what they called the"age of accountability," when you knew the difference between right and wrong. that's where confirmation came in right fora lot of churches? well that's the idea, but it was 12 whereyou were supposed to know the difference. but little children, three or four, you know.i've got a granddaughter. she's the sweetest little thing, and she has a little brother,and she led the little brother to the lord. i think she was five and he was two or threeor something. does he open his heart to the

lord? yes, okay what else? this is laura who asks, "what does the biblesay about being cremated? is it all right or not?" in the bible, it was an affront and an insultto have your bones burned. it was something that was considered despicable. you burnedthe bones of the king who was evil. you burned the bones of your enemies, that kind of thing.whereas the honored people were buried; and they had tombs, like abraham and isaac. theyhave tombs. i just don't think christians ought to be cremating. i really don't. i knowit's cheaper. i think most people do it because it's becomeso incredibly expensive to go through the

whole process of burial, and embalming andbuying the casket. yeah, but i mean, this is your mother. thisis your father. this is your husband, your wife. you honor them. why do you have to burnthem up and throw their ashes out? might be a little extreme perspective on it. my first cousin, it's true, i prayed withher and then she died, she died. and so i went to her funeral, and her daughter gaveme a ride to the cemetery. she had beside us a little box. i thought okay, we're goingto the cemetery. it was raining, and there was a nice tent set up and everything, peoplethere, umbrellas. i was supposed to say a few words. and i kept looking like, "where'sthe casket?" before long, the little box that

was in the car next to us was taken and putdown a shaft, it's true. slipped into the ground, and that was it. well, we're all going to dust, right? well, yes and no. she just got there a little faster than some. whatever! anyhow, honor the dead, honor that all the time we've got? that's the time we've got; you need to saygoodbye. i need to say goodbye, and i've insulted everybody. thank you for your questions.

you know i love this program. i can make everybodyin the audience mad at me. please forgive me. tomorrow we'll mark the anniversary ofone of the most defining moments in american history. we leave you today with these wordsfrom ephesians 2:8 . . . . . . . . "for by grace you have been savedthrough faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of god." that's all the timewe've got. remember our telephones are available 24 hours a day. please call. we'd love to hear from you, andwe will see you tomorrow, april 29th the first official prayer meeting that launched thisnew nation. come on and cross over to the all new crosscountry radio from cross country:

where country meets the cross. "there are three wooden crosses . . . ." you'll hear real christian country from greatcountry artists like craig morgan. "it's what i love about sunday . . . ." great christian country classics. "he touched me . . . ."'s cross country. it's where you'llfind some of the best home-made recipes. plus, enjoy down-home stories that will touch yourheart. the all-new cross country radio where country meets the cross. cross country, it'sonly on

underwing transcriptsthe 700 club daily broadcast thursday, april 28, 2011 19

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