well hello folks welcome to my virgin kitchenit�s barry here i hope you are well today we are testing some more kitchen gadget videosthis is number eleven i think if you�ve missed any of the other videos there�s anamazing playlist you�re going to need some popcorn it�s quite long there�s a linkup here and down below so do check it out a lot of you guys do like that we are goingto test some more today but as usual before commenting please considered that some ofthese maybe useful for people who have disabilities one more one more thing to say, let�s dosome shout outs. louise adams, janie hackenberg, amy fitzgerald, harrison bell, josh kompfull,what a name. i said in pervious videos about a box with my own gadgets that i�m goingto be bringing out now this is very close
to happening but i just need your help nowso let me know what you want in there. check out all the other gadget videos lets me knowthree or four would be the most useful the apple corer windy thing was amazing that willdefinitely be in there but any ones that you have liked so far then let me know and i�llput it in a box with some signed bits and keep you posted, let�s go. are first gadgettoday is more of a fun thing really i went to this shop called newbury comics which isamazing in boston i was out in america for like two days for some sad personal reasonssome of you might be aware of that but i picked this up i also picked up this t-shirt fromthere. i did get a newbury comics t-shirt which was a women�s one so mrs barry ishaving that. any how these are some silly
straw glasses it�s sipsational includesfive pieces of straw tubing so basically i can drink fluid and look like a numpty. alot of you comment that mrs barry and i are relationship goals but right there that�srelationship goals i feel abit sorry for this dude though. i do apparently need to washthese in some soapy water before starting which i generally do with most gadgets solet�s wash it. just to show you this is what we�ve got wow that�s a pretty longtube. welcome to washing up with barry actually a random question i do get asked is do i havea dishwasher mrs barry is begging me for one but i genuinely don�t like it i prefer towash up by hand i find it quite soothing. wow that is some serious stretch on that andthe glasses ok let�s find out how this all
works. right it doesn�t show you how theypiece together so i�m just going to make it up as i go along. crickey that doesn�tsit very nicely instant cold feel like i got the flu or something i�m not doing the restof the video with that on hang on can i bend them a little bit give them some slack. soi feel like yeah so these are the bits that are going to slot over my ears yep so i shouldnow have a pair of glasses so we�ve got the smaller piece and a slightly longer onenow we can chose which stem that it comes from so i feel like this bit is going to beare main strawy bit. it�s actually got me thinking about when i go to mcdonalds withthe kids sometimes i put a straw through my ear to make it look like a cheap or poor man�shands free kit or a britney spears impression.
ok yes that would kind of work i was justthinking i�m going to link that on to there then i�ll just stick the stem in the waterbut no. so we have one bit that goes like that and then this is going to be the strawit will come together then this bit is going to go in the glass let�s get some milk.i love how the queen is looking on at me in the background kind of disappointedly shehelps me focus my camera a load of you always ask me that even though its generally alwaysout of focus. right so i�m going to get that right on my nose there can you see okcool so this is my straw and then this goes in the milk i�m going to suck that. oh mygosh oh my gosh it�s working this is amazing i presume you can get these on line somewherethis was from newbury comics i think they
have an online store so do give them somelove. the really slightly dangerous thing about it is because the nose is actually pinchingthere and your actually drinking you�re forgetting to breath you�re getting so excitedabout the gadget barry that you, i�m giving myself a prep talk barry you�re forgettingto breath. good fun though good fun. not breathing the glasses. i�ve got a volunteer here whodoes normally wear glasses right, i�ll just hold it. suck through the straw then it�sgoing through your eyes look cool keep going its nearly there isn�t that the coolestthing cos the milk is cold you can feel all the cold on your eyes and nose. yeah i wasstruggling it was making me really nasally i couldn�t actually breath oh dear. nextone is called the easy butter the first of
two butter gadgets today it�s french primarilyi believe it says a une mousse de beurre frais pour tout tertiner sans effort which translatesto a fresh butter froth that�s froth amazing to spread effortlessly so basically we canspread buttery froth on bread lets do it. i have just given this a wash i just thoughti�d put it back in the box but there�s no reason for that there�s no need i�vegot the instruction manual which i may it does look like a beer doesn�t it look likea beer. yes very futuristic looking there is a plate thing a prongy thing and that looksvery futuristic indeed like buck rodgers would be happy witht hat there�s a lid which coversthe grater thing but obviously we need that lets get going. asboule, that must be french,we don�t need that. alright so we got a
that�s the twister that was a relativelybad film wasn�t it i don�t know what it is but films that people say are bad i genuinelyenjoy like water world i liked that, batman v�s superman i thought that was alrighti dunno, the pousier, right we�re in french hang on, why is it that every language saysthe language like there�s german, french italian here but it always says easy butterby cookit i don�t really get that that�s something that�s always intrigued me sopeople from other countires lets me know how that works do you guys just know english aswell cos it will be laaalaaalaaaa easy by cookit butter cutter it�s like wow you guysget two languages that�s pretty cool speaking of which et�s find the english. we thankyou for having choosen easy butter cutter
by cookit this product will enable you totaste the joy of easily spread out fresh butter of simple use it is stored in the refrigeratorand always reminds available for all the family children included. oh that�s great so ican get all of my around the table and we can have an adventure grating butter togetherwhat a great day out. incidentally still in the fridge is the butter cutter from the videothat we did i just can�t seem to get the butter out we are just going to leave it thereforever i think. insert the pusher b into the slides of the twister a and make it slidedown oh it�s got little ridges on it like a thread alright so that just alines thereand we just slide it all the way down kind of like a lift buubuubuubuub. place your pieceof butter whatever the size including butter
in mounds mound i�m getting a vision nowof like a hill of butter. ok so basically we place are butter in the middle of thisoh it does say a two fifty gram block would fit but that isn�t so we are going to giveit a little bit of a trim i really want this to work. incidentally the other butter theother butter gadget we are using would be perfect for this step but i�m going to saveit. a little snip off it there nice sharp knife boom like a butter credit card now clearingmy surface down so butter goes in here ok like so push it in yeap oh yes look at thatright in place that�s feeling good i�m getting to learn whe there�s a gadget witha bit of cost behind it or whether it�s just cheap plastic but his feels pretty welldesigned. cover with the cyclinder c oh that�s
what it is i thought it was just a crazy forjust design purposes but there are mini threads in here which i guess yes they are going tolink up the threads with the outer bit of the liftey thing so we push this in coverwith the cylinder c and while pressing on the strip parts of the base the bases goodenglish of the twister on both sides to click oh there we oh yes there we go we are lockedin. thurn the white bases, they do mean base i think clockwise to obtain the desire butterfoam what an amazing sentence. take the butter foam with the blade of a knife and spread.so there we go lets see if we can get this to so i�m left handed so its abit i�mjust going to go like that we are going to twist it is the butter moving i don�t knowis anything can you see. oh my god i�m doing
it the wrong end alright don�t worry firsttime. grater is this end i was trying to push it towards there but any how is the buttermoving its like some sort of have we got something it�s getting closer i�m going to helpit i�m going to hold it at an angle. it�s working oh my gosh look it�s like a littlebuttery afro being formed right before are eyes look at that i mean look at that it�sbutter foam just basically butter but ultimately it is working really really well i just rememberedthat is a whole block of butter int here kinda of like an adult version of playdough i guesslets see if it spreads. alright i got a piece of bread this is actually going to be my breakfastrandom fact for you. ok so that�s a lot of butter but hey i�m just going to takeit off oh it did say to scrape didn�t it
on the instructions take it off like so lookat that so we�ve got this really super butter foam nice and fine so it should make it easyto spread what look at that no its just congelled into one big lump of butter again look athat no like ok now maybe it�s a little bit but it�s just gone to the same point ofroom temperature anyway i don�t get it lets try it again and that is a dan lot of bigbutter job on there a lot of butter is what i�m trying to say. look at that i mean looklook hang on look at that too much butter my archeries are going to love that why iwas so excited about this and maybe i�m doing something wrong but it just says toscrape the foam off take the butter foam with the blade of a knife and spread and as wesaw lets just do that one more time like this
cos to be honest it is really fun to lookat we get it down like that we scrap are foam off like that and then that is a lot of butterthen we spread it and then it comes together like one big clump gutted. now we all havethat same dream you�re a wizard a magical wizard but you don�t use spells you usewafers you�re a wafer wizard that�s the best i got this tool is called the wafer wizardice cream sandwich maker from a company in london i just got it on amazon all the linksare down below to where i did get this if i wasn�t sent it. water wizard water wizardthat�s a movie right there wafer wizard dot com. so here we go basically we can getsome ice cream wafers like this these are just a standard pack of wafers here in theu.k and i hope they have been made to fit
that size in fact lets just find out otherwisethis is just pointless. going to give it a quick wash a minute i do actually wash allthe gadgets before i try them it�s just i don�t show it cos some of you are likeoh you didn�t wash that one but i do i just don�t want to turn this into a washing video.it does kind of remind me of this toy garage thing i used to have we a was kid, you�dput a toy car in that and it would go up and down anyhow you might recognise these wafersactually these are the ones i used for the giant hounto video that i did billions ofthese came together to make that but it should just hopefully fit in there yes like so sowe now get are ice cream of choice which is obviously ken and jennys look i know it�scalled ben and jerry�s alright but i�m
just hoping they might reach out and do abrand deal with me one day. or maybe just help me get a new freezer compartment door.oh yes i really need a new freezer compartment door cos this ice cream freezer wasn�t actuallyshut properly but we are just going to dump down some ice cream and we are just goingto let it settle and fall into place and what you will notice is there is a little lip therewhich i should be able to lift the wafer out. right my ice cream isn�t perfectly set infact its pretty much thawed out but we know that story now we�ve been down that route.the other wafer goes on top like so press it down do they call that an eskom i can�tremember let me just hopefully oh my gosh that is amazing instant icecream sandwichif the ice cream was firmer it probably be
even better than that but that�s help itreally well considering it�s basically like water right now. but you could make a batchof these ahead of time for a party shove them back in the freezer and just eat all of themlike just for yourself. do you guys wana see the most advanced butter knife in the worldthere you go this is it you�ve seen it mission accomplished. this is called the spread thatwith an exclamation mark trade mark two sequeal yeah spreads butter fast loving that lookit�s got a donald trump style hair cut going on right there or almost like a moustachelook at that. again something to do with butter we�ve had a bit of a instance with thattoday spaghetti affect to spread butter. don�t tease me again oh yeah look there are ridgeson the knife as you�ll see in a minute we
should get a nice thing. do we heat it orsomething spread that butter knife is unique cos its made from heat conducting technologythat transfers your body heat to easily scrape and spread cold butter. we�ve been herebefore on the last video with the heated ice cream scoop we talked about this folks rightit worked kind of wasn�t that impressed though lets give it a chance. by using noelectricity it requires no heating up spread that two is ready to use the moment you pickit up. not really cos you can�t spread butter with this. alright it kind of feels like openinga tooth brush reminiscing not that i get that excited when i do that oh nice bit of caromcard woash i guess it� got some safety and security notices. titanium coated copper alloysilicone. that�s a bit of a it�s weighty
it i weighty it feels like it should be froma barbers shop to do your side burns or something. use the curated edge of spread that to shredfine cruels of butter not foam off of the stick for spreading rather than slicing itoff in pats i thought that said pants then that would have been much more funnier obviouslyin the u.k as what we call pants is your underwear not your jeans. distribute evenly across thesurface of the toast using short skimming motions add gentle pressure until the butteris soft enough to spread smoothly. so apparently we are going to get into a motion like weare dancing like salsa right we are going to push off skimmed curated curls of butterbut then we have to do that motion again ok across are bread lets go. now i have justwashed that well in warm water so it has already
got a little bit of heat behind it fyi. gettingthis plate out i only bring this out for special occasions i hope you�re feeling special.bread again lets get some butter we really are going for a hot clich� of hot knifethrough butter here people just make money out of that like the whole inflatable dartboardthing you can actually buy inflatable dart boards think i�m going to ask for one forchristmas. woah that has actually got warmer since i last washed it there�s heat in hereso we are going to spread now we are going to spread. it�s my first time doing thisi�m a little nervous skimming motions ok ok so yes yes it is it is kind of lookingthat there�s hair or something on it again the motion am i doing that right see i�mnot feeling it ok. so we are getting the butter
like that then we just skim yes yes i don�tknow why i�m bopping like that but i feel like i am i�m going to put some music overthis right now. yeah i kind of wana like you again but the butter gadgets you are lettingme down again today guys it�s alright it�s even got boston and amy a little bit exciteddown there very excited you know that�s your mum right. but i think the heat goingthrough there has actually made the butter melt so that does make it more spreadableso unlike with the grater i�m not left with a whole chunk of better on my bread. you doget this nice ripply effect left on your butter kind of like an old school retro wall papernot butter on you walls that�s pretty weird. are last kitchen gadget today is going tosurprise you cos it�s an xbox basically
you didn�t realise it but you can gratebutter with no you can�t. this is actally something pretty cool though it�s calleda stirio i was having flash backs f when i got my first xbox though. this is a stiroa self-stirring gadget you might remember i had one quite recently which was kind oflike a self stirring prongy thing worked alright danced around now this thing takes it up anotch it�s good quality i�ve already taking it out of the box to charge it up giving ita little bit of a wash. let me show you its an automated pot stirrer and there is a blurryfamily on there you know just we wanted to stare at are stiro all day cos it�s so nice.so you got your controller you got your games i wish it was an xbox right now, some otherthings and this thing and this thing and this
thing but apart from all this it is quiteself-explanatory. ok so earlier i hope it�s got enough charge otherwise i�m going tohave to cut this video and add it on there later. but this unit thing here it actuallygot charged here in the wall so i was charging this up and the light was coming on at thetop ok so we have charged this up hopefully significantly cos we�re going to make someporridge. so that thing was actually in here and it locks in like so and it�s these bitsthat clamp on your sauce pan they are adjustable and they�ll if you�ve got a big pan likethat old school like a big caldron thing that i would use for giant food or tini thingslike that. so lets see if it fits on are standard pan. so we�ve got are standard pan thereand as you can see we�ve got a bit of a
leaver there to clamp on so we�ll get closeto where we think it�s going to go clamp one on bring this one in clamp it like thatthat is securely in place. now i need to read the rest of the instructions. i don�t quiteget what these are for they don�t make very good ear rings either i love how the listof items is like user manual your holding it nope i have got it wrong i have got thosethings its only one of these and it�s just the diagram showed these on its side so itlooked like that which kind of looks like a pregnancy test. ok so we have two differentdiameter pans ones we are going to go for the smaller one this goes in there like soinsert the axle and stirrer blade into the casserole you ca do this either before orafter adding the food. you wouldn�t want
to do it with the food in there would you.attached the bridge which is this thing on ensuring that the axle comes through the centrehole use your thumb and remaining fingers to squeeze open the clamp and both sides yeah.so that goes through here arh yes that weighted that right down now actually well a fair amountyes ok clamped in looking good. apparently we are now ready to stir, to start stiringpress the on button i did not like those noises like nails down a blackboard. let me justshow you again horrible noise. that�s it so lets make some porridge cos buttery breadwill not do for my breakfast today i want some porridge which is self-stirred. i�mjust going to mentally get in the zone for this one. well that was scary. the porridgeoats go in i made a bit of a mess got the
bridge back on now adding in some milk nowporridge is a really good one to try because not only am i going to have it for my breakfastbut does also need to be stirred continuously so we just put it on a low heat for aboutfive to seven minutes and stir away. i�m going to help loosen it up a little bit allthe oats are stuck right in there again i really do want this to work. it�s got tobe said i wasn�t that confident at first i was like hooking it in like i just showedyou but i need to get it going again but it is now its simmering starting to work. rightturn that off off the heat move it to one side you could see it was scrapping the bowlclean i�m going to have some porridge. look none of it has stuck to the bottom of thepan it�s really kept it moving the more
it became a liquid the easier it was to stir.i love abit of sugar on my porridge hence my figure amazing the three little bears andgoldilocks would be dead chuffed with that one. there we are then folks another kitchengadget video in the bag don�t forget to check out the playlist now if you�re notalready inside it for loads more kitchen gadget videos subscribe for regular videos everysunday there�s a funday video and two recipes each week follow us on social media for loadsof behind the scences bits and bobs twitter facebook instagram all that stuff and snapchat and of course subscribe to are spin off channel the barry�s for behind the scenesbits yes.