cupboards and cabinets

i am that i am, adamus of sovereign domain.(he takes a deep breath and opens his eyes) hmmm. hmmm. (audience applause) hmmm. hmm.(pause, as adamus begins examining and admiring everything; laughter as he polishes the logoon his lectern) hm.linda: ohhh! (he’s fiddling with the stage backdrop panels)(he continues to walk around examining everything, not saying anything, now in the back of theroom looking around) adamus: hm. hm. (audience laughter, as hewalks in the men’s room area, flushes a toilet and comes out adjusting his pants)(he opens the door to the women’s room, and shuts it quickly) eh!linda: really?

(he unlocks a door and goes into geoff & linda’s“green room”; more laughter, as he comes out with a bottle of cognac that was presentedearlier; after setting it on the counter he goes outside, walking around in front of thebuilding, observing the sign on the front and then comes back in)adamus: hm. (he goes to the production area and looksat all the equipment) linda: the broadcast has not stopped. adamusis walking around inspecting his new space. (laughter, as adamus waves to the camera,then asks joseph collins to stand and gives him a greeting – audience applause; he nowgoes into the translation booth and waves to everyone; laughter)for those listening, the inspection still

continues by adamus. (more laughter; adamusfinally goes back up front to the stage) adamus: i now proclaim the crimson circleconnection center open for enlightenment. (cheering and applause from the audience)linda: thank god! oh, thank adamus. adamus: so i understand that there was permittingprocesses that you had to go through here, but until we finally sign off on the energydynamics, ahh, it’s not official. but now it dear shaumbra, your home, perhaps the first of many to come. ahh, tonight when i go to the ascended masters club (some chuckles), i’m going to be likea proud papa. i’m going to be talking to some of the great ascended masters of alltimes and i’m going to say, “so how is

your group’s connection center? (laughter)how is their technology? how is the lighting in their stage? how is this beautiful stageset?” ahh, and i’m going to be so proud, because they’re going to have to scramble.they’re going to have to try to get their groups to put together something equally asbeautiful. so, shaumbra, well done. very well done. thank you. (audience applause) welldone. so let’s take a deep breath into this beautifulplace, this place that, as cauldre and linda said, is truly new energy. the way it cameinto being, the way it’s going to operate, the energies that are being embedded righthere. cauldre’s asking me to tell that yesterday when we did the keahak gathering, i did notchoose to open my eyes, for i wanted to save

it for this know, we, the angelic beings, see things a little different. we see energy and patternsand swirling colors and chaos and things like that. but until we see it through the humaneyes, and in this case through cauldre’s eyes, it’s not the same. so i reserved themoment for today to finally open my eyes and see the beauty of this place.i don’t just see windows and walls and equipment. i see potential, potentials for transformationsthat will take place right here. and whether you are here in this studio, whether you areconnecting online, it doesn’t matter. it’s the same. we don’t lose anything, particularlywhen it’s built with such passion, with such commitment by everyone who is involved,everyone who contributed and everyone who

just put their energy into it. oh, and cauldrelikes this nice carpet with the foam padding. but when it is done like this, the energyflows right through all of this equipment, right to everyone who’s watching even if you’re sitting on the other side of the world, you are as connected to thisconnection center as everyone right here. i see potentials for what can take place fromhere. not just me, not just my stage; this is a shaumbra stage. just don’t use my podium.(some chuckles) this is for all who have something to share, something to teach, something tobring to others about the new energy. but before you say, “oh yes, i want to beon that stage, i want to be up there underneath the glaring lights.” before you say that,stop for a moment, because only, only those

things that are of new energy and that areabout enlightenment, that are not about power or control or manipulation, only those thingsthat are new energy and for enlightenment can be presented from’s a dynamic that you built into this, not i. it was your commitment, all of yousaid, “that’s what we want. we’re ready for it.”back in january when i said, “my dear friends, leave. leave this place,” i didn’t thinkyou’d take it this far! (laughter) “leave coal creek canyon; leave the hall and don’tcome back unless you’re a master and you’re really ready for that responsibility and thatease and that grace. don’t come back unless you’re ready.”my dear friends, that was a magic moment.

that was truly a magic moment. it wasn’tjust some words that i said. it was what you wanted. you were saying it – “we’reready. let’s get on with it. let’s stop talking about it and let’s do it. let’sget into this new energy thing. be damned with all the old ways. be damned with thedoubts and the fears and just get on with it.” correct? i thought i heard you saythat. enlightenmentso where we are in the new energy, still surrounded by a world of duality. i talked about it yesterdaywith the keahakers, that it is truly a challenge, also an amazing experience, to now be walkingand talking as a master in this new energy, but still surrounded in a world of duality.something the other masters didn’t do. they

left. they left the physical body. it wasdifficult on their physical body. they hadn’t prepared the physical a matter of fact, there was almost a rejection of the physical body. so in their enlightenment,they left shortly afterwards. but you said, “we’re going to stay.” you’ve cometo realize that enlightenment isn’t a mental thing. no, no, no. you can read all the philosophyin the world, and none of it will give you the experience of enlightenment that you cangive yourself. enlightenment isn’t about knowing cauldre wrote recently, enlightenment is knowing that you’ll know the right thingin the right moment. not carrying around all this knowledge and facts and figures, butjust absolutely implicitly trusting you’re

going to know exactly at the moment you shouldknow. and it’s not coming from anywhere else. it’s coming from you.enlightenment is truly an experience that very few have ever given themselves. i wouldsay the bold and the outrageous. some of you would say the crazy. it’s an could say it’s integration. it’s a total integration of yourself. it is the acceptance.(linda gets up to sit somewhere else) you don’t have to leave now, my dear. but please… linda: are you going to pick at me?adamus: it is the acceptance of self in a loving way. it is the recognition that there’sno need for power, and that’s a difficult one. and again, we’ve talked about thattime and time again in our gatherings. it

starts out as a mental concept or an intellectualconcept. but until you allow yourself to experience it, there’s no need for power, because allof the energy that you’ll ever need is here. my dear friends, at times i’m told thati’m a little hard on some of you. linda: ohh noo!adamus: oh, you’re the one that tells me that! (laughter) but it is because you’vebeen determined, i guess you could say, you’ve been hard on yourselves, wanting this thingcalled enlightenment in this lifetime in this body now. you don’t want to wait want it now. so we’re moving forward on it. we’re moving into it.and perhaps the … a way of summarizing it is saying that you don’t have to work atit. it’s natural. you just have to be in

it. you have to be allowing of it. but itisn’t something you can study. it isn’t something you can stress yourself into. itisn’t something you can discipline yourself into it. you can allow it. you can be at easewith it, and then experience it. one of the biggest challenges, one of thefirst things that i want to address with you is this thing about your biology. your biology.oftentimes, everything about enlightenment tends to be kind of mental – like a lotof thinking, a lot of thoughts – but you get to this point and it’s time we addressthe biology. that’s what i want to do today. we’regoing to go into some experiences with the biology.

being in biologyevery one of you in the room, every one of you listening in online has some issues withthe biology, and it’s understandable because this biological vessel has been foreign fora long time. when you came here to earth for the first time in your angelic body, yournonphysical being and suddenly started taking on biology, it was very awkward, very, you spent lifetimes and lifetimes trying to adjust to it, but more than anything, thebiology has been like monkey on your back – a monkey that’s constantly smackingyou in the head, constantly chittering in your ear, constantly crapping on your back– and you put up with it. you put up with it and you just get used to that monkey onyour back, but something intuitively tells

you that it’s a foreign object. it’s notreally supposed to be there. you’ve adapted to your body, but it’sstill kind of a foreign object, not really yours, uncomfortable with it.we’ve talked in the past also about the ancestral biology. you’re carrying yourfamily’s biology and your grandparents and their grandparents and a degree you get it, but there’s still this very conflicting, sometimes combativeand always foreign relationship with the physical body. but if you’re going to go into yourtrue mastery, into enlightenment, that body is going to go with you. that body is goingto be integrated, one of the things that the other masters prior to you did not do. asa matter of fact, they spent many lifetimes

trying to deny the body and trying to evenmanipulate the body, control the body from the mind. it simply does not work. but ifyou’re going to go into true enlightenment, be a true walking master, it’s essentialthat this body is healthy. now, there’s actually two huge issues. thebody, and the other one is abundance; we’ll save that for another day. you tend to wantto ignore your body, but then it screams out at you. you tend to want to just pretend thatbody is going to, like the monkey on your back, just going to follow you into enlightenment.but then it has aches and pains. it gets sick. you worry about it. you go out of, what iwould say, a higher form of consciousness worrying about it. you start fretting. youstart getting back into some very old patterns.

that body can stop a master dead in theirtracks – literally dead in their tracks, but also just stop them – for how can youenjoy life, how can you have enlightenment if that body has aches and pains or diseasesor is falling apart, or if you just don’t love that body?i want you to take a moment to just feel into your physical being.(pause) many of you are at the point in your lifewhere you measure according to mass consciousness, you’re 50, 60, 70 years old, and you say,“well, i’ve got ‘x’ number of years left – 10, 20 30 years left,” and youput up with that. you tolerate that. in spite of all that you’ve learned along the way,in spite of all the enlightenment, this body

is like a boat anchor at times. you say, “i’vegot 20, 30 years left. i wonder if i’m going to get cancer. i wonder if i’m going toget alzheimer’s or parkinson’s or some other disease.and, you see, at that moment you start thinking that way, you separate your i am-ness, yourbody of consciousness* from your physical body. you don’t let that physical body intothe body of consciousness concept. it’s this rather crude foreign vessel that you’rehaving to drag around. * click here for more information from adamusabout the body of consciousness imagine for a moment, feel for a moment thatthat body is rejuvenating, that your body is an efficient network and that the bodyis coming to life and not dying, that that

body is your dearest friend.(pause) for many of you, it’s very hard to imagine.body as the dearest friend? the body? the thing that can betray you? you’ve seen otherpeople die, get sick and die, many of you your own parents. ah. and it raises the issue,“is that in my dna also?” the doctor will even ask you. “what’s your family history?well, you’re screwed, because you got the same basic thing. parents died at 71; youmight go to 72.” so there’s a myriad of overlays and fearsassociated with this, and it’s one of the two – well, three – primary issues rightnow that’s keeping you from getting over that hurdle. i hear some of you saying, “butadamus, so i asked for mastery. i said i wanted

enlightenment, so where is it?” well, it’sthere, but part of the issue is the physical’s not always fun to talk about this. there are other subjects that are a lot moreenlightened – a lot lighter – than talking about the physical. but in working with eachand every one of you, feeling into the energies, what’s going on, i felt it important todaythat we talk about the biology. integrating the biologythis biology, your biology, my dear friends, it’s time to integrate it. it’s time tobring it in. it’s not about fixing it or repairing it. a lot of you have been tryingto do that from up here or somewhere or going to the doctor or taking a lot of differentmedications. let all that be gone. it’s

time to integrate, i say that and some of you say, “you want me to integrate this?! you want me tobring this into the body of consciousness? don’t i need to fix it first? don’t ineed to heal it or make it younger or something?” no, not at all. it’s about absolutely integratingit, breathing it in, right into the body of consciousness. right in there in this beautifulsoup that includes your mind, your spirit, the i am-ness.there’s been a big reluctance to do this in the past, but today – what a beautifulday to do it. what a beautiful day to integrate. now, we’re going to get into a merabh injust a moment, but i want to remind you it’s not thinking your way into it. you’re notgoing to think your way into it. it’s allowing.

you may feel some resistance because you’regoing, “well, this body? me? have i really gotten rid of the ancestral dna? am i reallyready for it?” absolutely. absolutely. there is going to be an expectation that suddenlyafter the merabh you will look in the mirror and you’re 30 years younger. (some chuckles)sart: yeah! adamus: but it’s not about looking. (adamuschuckles) it’s not about … (some in audience are saying “wooo!”) it’s not about lookingyounger, you see, and that’s where a lot of the problems have come in. you say, “oh,i’m going to breathe so i look younger.” (a few chuckles) no. or “i’m going tobreathe so i’m more beautiful or have more energy.” more energy. no, it’s not aboutthat.

those are perhaps results or those are thingsthat occur after you truly allow the integration. shedding weight or having knees or hips orother parts of your body. but we’re not going to focus today on healing somethingspecific, on healing a disease or a deformity or anything else. today is going to simplybe about the integration of your physical being the way it is. the way it is right here’s a little secret. the way it is right now is actually very beautiful. andi know some of you, particularly if you’re very ill or you’re in a lot of pain, yousay, “i don’t think so.” but the potential and the reality actually of this integratedhealthy, energized, physical being is right there. is right there. we’re not going tobe pulling it in from somewhere else. we’re

going to do several exercises, the secondor third exercise we do today will seem like we’re pulling it in, but it’s really not.we’re going to be bringing it forth. that body of yours, the biology, has all thepotential to be graceful, energy efficient. it has all the potential to be your lightbody. and as we go through the merabhs today, that’sexactly what we’re going to be doing. we’re going to be allowing the transformation ofyour physical being as you know it right now. faulted or imbalanced or if it’s beautiful,no matter what, we’re going to be allowing that transformation from your current physicalstate into the light body. don’t ask me how long it takes for the transformation.there are a variety of different factors,

and it doesn’t really matter, because asyou’ve heard in the story of this center itself, time is rather irrelevant. funny thingshappen along the way. it just occurs. we don’t need to plot this out. we don’t need tohave to set a time to it. it just occurs. it’s just there. the best thing you cando is to allow it, to trust it, that it’s can fight it. you can resist it and say, “well, is this really happening during thismerabh? did i really …” (spit!) take a deep breath, relax, because today, indeed,we are going to be integrating the biology into the body of consciousness, transformingthis biology into your light body. so let’s take a deep breath. let’s haveour merabh light setting. i understand we

can do that now. (the lights go down) ah!as if by magic. hah! hmmm. by the way, we’ll do several experiences,and please no thinking. do you understand that? understand when i say no thinking, youdon’t have to focus on “i am doing this merabh. i am bringing in my light body.”that actually is a distraction and it also provides some barriers. it’s about justallowing the integration of your physical body into your body of consciousness. thisboat anchor that you’ve been dragging around, trying to patch up and repair, trying to fixup, we’re going to do it today. so take a good deep breath, and let’s beginsome nice classical music for a change. (music begins; several tracks from the album“gentle spirit” by bernward koch)

biology merabhtake a good deep breath. here we are in the new crimson circle connectioncenter. how appropriate, because isn’t this your new body in a way? symbolically? that’swhy i wanted to use today for doing this experience in the physical.take a good deep breath and feel into your physical body.a physical body – flesh and bones and organs and blood, cells and dna, stuff that actuallyyou don’t even need to know about to go through this transformation. actually, i wouldsay it’s almost easier to go through this if you don’t know a lot about the scienceand the physics, because you tend to get a little caught in the mind.feel into this body of yours. well, it’s

about as much yours as that name that yougo by. it’s not, really. it was given to you by someone else.ever since you came to this earth and became embodied, took on the physical, you knew somewherewithin you that there would come a day when this body would transform. when this bodywould no longer just be physical biology. you knew that one day would come true embodiment.not just walking around in physical, but true embodiment and integration.and that day is here. that day of integration is here right now. and, again, the beautifulthing is there’s nothing you need to do other than to let it happen.the whole idea of a physical body is so that you can experience the elements of duality,of time and space, density; so that you can

experience what it feels like to walk on theground and breathe the air. the body allows you to see a sunset. as isaid when i began today, i kept my eyes closed – or cauldre’s eyes closed – until today,because through the human eyes and through this sense of vision, through this beautifulphysical part of you – your eyes – you can be in the world. you can see the have all the different human senses that allow you to have a sensual experience inthe physical body. oh, what some angels wouldn’t give to have this – the ability to touch,the ability to have a fine meal, smell the fragrance of the flowers.the body allows you to have a sensual experience on this planet. but the body also has beena source of consternation, threat, fear, disappointment.

the body eventually wears out, causes thisthing you know as death. it’s interesting because people fear death, because they thinkit’s more than just the death of the biology. they think it’s the death of the’s really just the body letting go. the body has given you aches and pains. youknow what it’s like when you’re sick, you have a cold or the flu. it’s hard toeven think about enlightenment or to put a smile on your face. and as you get a bit olderyou start seeing the wrinkles, the gray hair, you try desperately to patch them up by buyingall sorts of creams. i think next time we gather here in the center, all of you shouldbring by all the creams and ointments and medications that are in your medicine cabinetsand cupboards and closets and garages and

rented storage units and bring them and justdump them off. how much money have you spent on that? how many of them have really worked?they may work to a small degree, but ultimately you look in the mirror and you’re disappointed – disappointed with aging, the hear me talk about your ancestral biology, and you curse those mothers who gave you thatbody – and fathers. you say, “why did i end up in that damn ancestral line?” well,you started it a long time ago. (laughter and adamus chuckles) and you’re about toend it. so the body allows you a sensual allows you pleasures. it allows you to be in this reality. it’s also a source ofa lot of issues. it’s been one of the three

main things that have made this move intomastery rather difficult. some of you have some real issues right now. the rest of youhave the potential for some real issues. why is it that spiritual people, those whoreally are on the spiritual path, why is it that statistically they probably have morehealth issues than others? why is it that those who are what you would call health fanaticstend to have more issues? not just that they’re obsessed with it, but actually they’re moresensitive to it. as you come into consciousness, you start to realize that this body thingis a tough thing. it’s got to change. this body thing is really holding you back.oh, the other masters have gone through the same thing – “if it wasn’t for thisdamn body, i could be enlightened.” this

body that has a tendency to get a little addictedto things, a little too pleasure-oriented, or this body that tends to fall apart. sothere’s this real interesting dynamic with the try to fix it; try to repair it. you try to go to every type of therapist and doctor,alternative practitioners. it’ll put some bandages on it, but ultimately a lot of thecore energy is still there. a lot of the core imbalance is still what i would like to do right now, without any hocus pocus or many more words, is saylet’s just go into the new physical, the new biology. let’s integrate that body thatyou have right now. let’s integrate it into the body of do you do that? by taking a good deep

breath and allowing.(pause) taking another good deep breath and relaxinginto your new body. (pause)the body is actually essence. it’s essence. in other words, what science will see is tissueand organs, bones. but at the core, the body is the essence. it’s part of the i am, partof the body of consciousness. it’s a way for the i am to be in deep doesn’t have to be bones and tissue. it doesn’t have to be hair and eyeballs,tongues, toes. that’s just the way it kind of ended up. but it’s really essence, beautifulessence. part of the i am certainly doesn’t haveto track along an old ancestral pattern. it

doesn’t have to conform even to the wayother humans look. the body is the essence that allows you to experience your creationfrom within your creation. and right now as i’m speaking, or reallydistracting, the music is playing, it’s happening right now, because you’ve createdthis, is that old biology – not old like in your age – but the old patterns of biologyare literally transforming, right now. the amazing thing is that you don’t haveto push it. i’m not pushing it. i’m not doing this. you’re finally taking a deep breath, stopped fighting the body, stopped running from thebody and said, “this is mine – my essence, my way of expressing myself.”as we sit here on this opening day in this

beautiful new center, it’s happening. it’shappening. it’s really releasing a lot of old patterns, transforming from a very oldbiological structure into what you might call your light body.your light body wasn’t resident somewhere else in another dimension. it was always rightthere. it was always right there. the light body doesn’t come from heaven or some angelicstorage bin. the light body was the essence – the essence of embodiment, the essenceof the senses, the ability to be within other dimensions and elements, in this case, yourearthly dimension. it was always there, that essence. it’s what you would call the flameor the passion of the body. forget about the size or weight or age. justfeel for a moment into that essence – the

passion, the sensual passion of being in body.that’s the light body, my dear friends. that is the light body.take a deep breath and, without any effort whatsoever, allow this transformation, thisalchemy out of very, very old patterns. (pause)i love this because this is so easy for me today in a way, because this is somethingthat you’ve desired. you’ve thought about it, you’ve worried about it, you’ve stressed– such a desire to have that light body. just like you’ve created the energy forthis connection center, you’re now creating that potential, bringing it in for the lightbody. forget about the details. forget about howmuch younger you’re going to look. forget

about how that cancer is released from yoursystem. forget about that family history of heart attacks. forget about your diets. forgetabout all that. that was all a bunch of makyo. i’m even going to ask you right now in thismerabh to forget about your anayatron. tobias and i have talked about the anayatron, yourbody’s light network, but guess what? that’s going away. that was the old placeholder foryour true light body. it was there. it was real. but it was justa placeholder until you were ready to accept the essence, the light body. it’s goingto be transforming as well. you don’t need it you integrate the physical into the entire body of consciousness, there is no reasonor no need for some network, some system that

communicates back and forth within your entirebody from cell to cell. there’s no need for it, because every cell is always in communication,always has the entire essence of the light body within we sit in this profound and sacred space, allowing the integration of your body intothe i am, i’m also going to ask you to start letting go of those diets and regimens thatyou’ve been on. if there’s anything that i would recommend for the light body – somebreathing, a little light exercise like walking, a little bit of water. stay hydrated. it’sthat simple. i can already hear the questions – by theway, i will be taking questions later – “can i eat chocolate chip cookies all day long?”i would, if i were you. (laughter) and i can

hear the other questions, and again i willtake questions later, “but adamus, i’m allergic to certain foods.” not anymore.not anymore. then i hear you saying, “adamus, i’vebeen working my whole life on this biology thing. can it be this easy? is this just something,a little feel-good that we’re doing today?” it’s up to you. i don’t care. you canactually have that complete transformation right now or you can continue on with whatyou’ve been doing. it’s up to you. so let’s take a good deep breath right now.the other question that’s bound to come up – “can it be this easy?” well, you’remasters. why not? why not? there’s going to be a tendency later todayto walk out of here and say, “oh, i didn’t

get it. everybody else got it, but i didn’tget it.” well, first of all, you’re not that special. (some chuckles)sart: well dang. adamus: sorry, sart. (laughter)first of all, you’re not that special and yeah, you got it. you got it. it’s righthere. just let it be now. oh, you can play the game of doubting. you can play the gameof, “well, nothing happened,” or you can just get let’s do it again. let’s take a good deep breath.we had a wonderful experience in our ahmyo retreat when we talked about abundance. ohhh,it was like slamming up against the wall the first time. the second time it would be likesetting oneself on fire. but the third time,

we got let’s do it again. let’s take a good deep breath. and do what? well, do nothingis actually what we’re doing. allowing. i guess we’re doing allowing. biology merabh – take twolet’s take a good deep breath. let’s go through the are consciousness. your consciousness brings in energy. your consciousness wantedto have a really sensual experience and it said, “bring in the energy of this thingcalled the body.” so you created it. you’ve been living within it for about a thousandlifetimes or more. you’ve been living within biology that ultimatelywas kind of mixed in with everybody else’s

biology, especially your own bloodline. soultimately, it wasn’t really yours. but suddenly you awakened. “whoa! i wantmy body. i want my energy, bringing my body in. goodbye family. goodbye mass consciousness.goodbye old templates for physical. i’m moving into my light body starting today.”so you take a good deep breath … and then you just allow it. it’s that simple.imagine being a master and the body just flows with your passion. imagine being that masterand not feeling tired and achy, that master that your body just rejuvenates easily, quickly.yeah, even if you drop a brick on your toe and break it, it’s okay. don’t try thisright away. wait a day or two. (some chuckles) you drop a brick on your toe and you breakyour toe. “that’s okay, because i am a

light body. i’m not a physical body. i’mmy own essence. i’m my own body of consciousness. i don’t have to wait for that poor toe toheal two or three months.” no. it does it right away.take a good deep breath, my dear friends, into your body. your body of consciousness.(pause) there’s still a lot of chatter going on.“but, but, but adamus, you don’t understand.” normally, i’d say shut up, but i won’tsay that today because this is a sensitive issue. ehh, i’m going to say it. shut up!(laughter) a lot of chatter going on. “but adamus, you don’t understand my issue.”i do. “adamus, you don’t understand how hard this is.” really? “adamus, if thisdoesn’t work, i’m going to be devastated.”

no, you’re already devastated. this is goingto work. (more chuckles) so let’s do it again. let’s take … johnwould you stop the music for just a moment. we’ll come back.let’s take a good deep breath, okay? i’ll go back to the’re in this body right? and i assume you don’t want to leave the body. anybodywants to leave the body? (a few people say “no”) okay. so i assume you want to stayin the body, but you want that body to be yours. you want it to be energized. you wantit to be healthy, responsive. what you really want is that body to be really sensual – feeling,sensing things. as much as your consciousness got kind ofdulled over the ages, your body’s gotten

really dulled. the hearing is going out andit can hardly smell anymore – no, not that you smell, but your sense of smell, anymore– and the eyesight. all this! oh, it’s so depressing. it’s really depressing.edith: i know. adamus: yeah. absolutely. do you want to bethe poster child here? edith: no thanks.adamus: really? for a healthy rejuvenated body?edith: oh yes! adamus: it’s the edith body! (adamus chuckles)and by the way, i’m not talking about your figure or you in comparison with others. i’mtalking about you with your body, you in relationship to your body. it’s been very your body is just a way of feeling and

expressing, and it doesn’t have to doesn’t have to wear out. it doesn’t have to have disease. it doesn’t. i wantto leave all that behind, for all of you. some of you are falling asleep here online.(laughter as he goes to look directly into the camera)you, you feel asleep here. you’re so worried about your body. wake up in there. we needa little more lighting back here. (the lights are turned up) wake up. i’ll go to a differentcamera, over here. you. we’ll go do asia over here. good. (some chuckles) wake up!wake up. we’re going to rejuvenate that … that … (adamus blows a kiss) to youtoo … to that body. okay, lights can come down again. so let’sgo at it again, and we’re just going to

keep going at it until i feel we’ve brokenthrough it. okay. you’re getting too mental. you’re wonderingwhat the hell’s going on here. so am i. (adamus chuckles; music begins) biology merabh – take threeokay. take a good deep breath. thank you for the music.the body is just an extension of the spirit. it’s a way to experience on this planet.the body doesn’t need to get sick. it doesn’t need to hurt. it doesn’t need to get lowon energy. today, we are integrating the physical intothe entire body of consciousness, into the i am. as you do, as you just allow it, stopthinking about it; as you allow it, a transformation

takes place. an alchemical process takes placethat releases you from ancestral biology. it releases you from mass consciousness conceptsabout aging. it releases you from a very old energy structure.and in that release, in that alchemy, it allows the essence body, some of you call it thelight body, but it’s the essence body. so you take a deep breath … and you justallow it. (pause)an amazing little thing happens. the transformation just starts taking place. no matter your ageor your current health, no matter how spiritually wise or stupid you are. it doesn’t matter.oh, by the way, spiritually stupid is much better than being spiritually wise. it doesn’tmatter.

so you take a deep breath … and you just let it happen.(pause) i’m sorry. i have to stop the music again.we’re still getting resistance, a lot of resistance. more resistance than in the abundancething we did in italy. so, not sure what’s going on here – notjust here, but out there (online) too – and not quite sure if it’s, oh, lack of trustin yourself that this is really going to happen or hmmm – why didn’t i think of this sooner– you’re really invested in that body. you’re really invested in it. as much asyou’ve been saying that you want it to be healthier, you want it to be your light body,i’m sensing a pretty deep investment in that body.kind of a weird love-hate relationship, almost

afraid to let it go, you want to hang on toparts of it but let go of other parts. so why is this? why is this?maybe fear of what might happen next. possibly. maybe actually in a strange way, not to playpsychologist here, but in a strange way actually you love this experience in the body. youreally love it. and actually to think about not having that anymore is a little bit sadalso. so you’re kind of caught in between. likehaving low energy and your senses aren’t working and you’re getting old, but alsothis other dynamic of “i actually really like having this body. i really like thiswhole physical thing. and it sounds kind of boring just to be an angel in a light body.”so what do we do? well, i’ll go back to

the beginning and we’ll play a little musicagain. we’ll go at this again. (music starts again)please understand we’re just integrating, bringing the physical into the body of consciousness.we’re not getting rid of the body, my friends. we’re just integrating it or sucking itright up into the bowels of your consciousness. (laughter; adamus chuckles) i had to do somethingto break this dense energy in here, but that was a good visual. (more laughter) you canquote me on that and you can do tee-shirts also.sucked right up into the bowels of your consciousness. let’s do that. let’s get that music going.a little – do you have something a little perkier perhaps? (to john; some chuckles)ehhh, a little happier?

while john is trying to find something, takea deep breath. relax, relax, relax. all this stuff going on here, yeah, and freezing youat the same time. (the room is quite cool) it’s like a meat locker. (laughter) perhapswe could do a little something on the heat in here, dear technicians? (audience enthusiasticallyagrees) we’ll have frozen bodies before we have enlightened bodies! (laughter) biology merabh – take fourokay, let’s take a really good deep breath, all right. a really good deep breath. (newmusic begins) we’ll bring in a little warmth, maybe alittle more exciting music. and we got some laughter going here. okay, we’re going togo at it again, and this time it’s just

letting the physical integrate – total integrationinto the body of consciousness. what does that mean? i don’t know, but letit happen. let it happen, okay? we’re bringing the physical to a whole newlevel. so you take a good deep breath. is that thebest we have john? is that … it sounds like a funeral parlor. they’re freezing. they’returning blue. they’re … (laughter) i’m trying to talk about bodies and i see bluetoes. oh, that’s your nail polish. we’re going to have to do some exercisehere in a moment. (adamus chuckles) okay. a good deep breath.(pause, as adamus is critiquing the music) a little happier. would you turn that up abit, john? (music gets louder) is that the

music you’d want to spend the rest of yourlife listening to? (audience says “no”) turn the music off! (laughter)okay, here we go. no music, sans music. we’re going to do this raw. we’re going to begritty about this. we’re going to do some bowel sucking right here. (laughter)the funny thing is that, as i say this and we joke about it, i see some of you in thechair in the chair … (laughter as he makes a funny face and movement) i see it. theseare brand new chairs! (more laughter) you’re not supposed to bring that up.let’s take a good deep breath and let’s turn down the houselights a little bit.okay. now, now we’ve broken through the energy. good. i think we can do it.take a good deep breath. transitioning from

the old biology, really clunky old system,into the essence body, the light body. it’s much more efficient with energy, rejuvenatesitself, a body that releases imbalances and toxins easily, quickly. a body that can havethings like the elements or the potentials of cancer, but doesn’t activate them, doesn’ttrigger them, knows exactly when to release them. a body that is sensual and sensitive,but not so sensitive that suddenly you can’t handle a few particles of dust in your noseor a little bit of gluten in your belly. a body that is adaptable and flexible. a bodythat is at ease in this world. a body that is at ease in your body of consciousness.a body that is truly representative of your consciousness, your i am-ness, your

take a deep breath and bring it in. let itmeet that old body that you’ve been walking around in.and now let that alchemy, that beautiful transformation occur – the old body now integrating intothe new body, and the new body integrating into the i am consciousness.and just sit with it for a moment. let yourself be comfortable with it.(pause) let yourself be at ease in body.there’s no physics you need to figure out. there’s no focus you need to have. it’sjust about allowing that, and then it is. (pause)when you go home tonight, mark your calendars. this was the day. this was the day that themaster took their own biology. this was the

day that the transformation started.and please don’t start saying we did a healing today. we did not. we did not. it was an allowingof the light body, the essence body, into the body of consciousness. the integrationof biology into spirit, that’s what we did today.the end result may be healing. it may be a more youthful appearance. but we did not setout to do a healing. we set out to do an integration, and here it is right now.take a good deep breath and relax now into your light body.(pause) take another good deep breath and let yourselfrelax into your essence body. (pause)take another good deep breath and let that

light body, that essence body be activated,be active right here, right now. not in your mind, not even in your old physical body,but just right here, right now. you could say that we integrated and thenactivated the light body right here today. take a good deep breath and relax into it.allow it. (pause)and so this time it worked. good. deep breath. deep breath. … if we could get the lights up a little bit. mathematics and an experimentnow, we’re going to do something a little strange. (some laughter) it’s like, “masterof the obvious.” everything we do is strange!

now, we’re going to do something a littleinteresting, strange-interesting, and it may seem to be, oh, not exactly in line with alot of … we can turn these back ones up also, because i want to see everyone. (lightsgo up) thank you. it may seem to be a little out of line withsome of the things that i’ve talked about before in terms of sovereignty, but actuallyi hope you can see and understand that it is very sovereign what we’re going to donext. if you look at mathematics, simple mathematics… i really should have my board, but i don’t need it right now. next time though, my writingboard. one plus one typically equals two in mathematics. however, in human energy dynamics,one plus one equals 2.0001. what does that

mean?you put two people together, they combine their energies together, you get a littletiny, tiny, tiny bit more output than one person by themselves, unless they’re energyfeeding off of each other and then you get a negative effect. but generally, if two peoplehave an idea to do something and they combine their consciousness and their energy and theirpassion, you get a little bit more outcome from the case of masters, in the case of shaumbra, one plus one can easily equal five, maybesix, seven. in other words, when a true master who doesn’t give a damn about anything else– and that’s kind of what being a master is about, you don’t get all caught up instuff – but when two masters or more combine

their passion, their consciousness, theirdesire together, you can get one plus one equals’s, in a way, what happened here. you all combined your energy, whether it was financial,whether it was your actual working, whether it was just your energy, and suddenly you’vegot this great new home. so now, we just went through an exercise ofintegrating the body into the light body, into the body of consciousness, but i wantto do an experiment here, and this is truly just an experiment. what we did before wasnot. that was child’s play. but i want to do an experiment in this room,and we’re going to bring in everybody in online as well. and we’re going to havea little bit of our own kumbaya moment. (a

few chuckles) but there’s some interestingenergy dynamics in here. i ask the question – and we’re going tofind the answer pretty soon – what would happen if we took 70-some masters in the roomhere plus thousands and thousands of shaumbra masters listening in online, what would happenif we all connected our energies as masters, not as needy being, but as masters, wholebeings; what would happen if we combined that all together? what effect would that haveon your integration and your integration and yours?and i would like to find out right now, with the assumption that theoretically when weall connect, let’s say holds hands, and connect, and connect with everybody online,so somebody’s going to have to be holding

the camera, and somebody’s going to haveto hold the cameraman’s hand. (a few people say “awww”) how sweet. and everybody inthe back of the room, every technician, and can you bust out that (translation booth)window for a moment and just … (some chuckles) yeah, put your hand up against the window.that’s good enough. okay, when i say go. what would happen in a shaumbra consciousness,a shaumbra potential for the very fast and graceful integration of the light body intothe physical? i don’t know the answer, but i think we can find, i’ll go through the basics. you just did your own allowing of your light’s going to happen now. it’s the integration into the body of consciousness. so the bodyisn’t just some thing you’re dragging

along. so it’s all integrated – consciousness,energy, mind, gnost, body – all together. what happens now if you stand up (audiencestands) and with some nice music – whatever you choose john; get that music going, becauseyou’re going to be holding hands back there also – what would hap- … all of you comeback. eh, eh. no coffee, no peeing right now and no peeing while you’re drinking coffee.(a few giggles) come back in. everybody has to be part of let’s have some music … and … (music begins) set the cameras however you want to set them and then everybody participate.set the cameras. okay. music’s playing, let’s take a good deep are a master. you’re connected to another master. we’re connected with masters viewingin online from all around the world and connecting

with masters who will come a month, a year,ten years from now to this moment that we share’re a sovereign being who has crossed over that line, that biological line, allowingyour light body into your body of consciousness. bringing the light body into this physicalreality called earth to experience life in a new, healthy, balanced and energized way.and as you, dear sovereign master, connect with the other masters holding hands, sharingpassion, sharing desire, what happens? what happens with that old equation ‘one plusone’? how far can this go when this many masters, conscious masters, share the moment?how far can the energy expand beyond just the one?this can only be done when you allow yourself

to be whole and sovereign, when you are theone. not a half, not three-quarters, but the one. when you are the one, you stand herehaving just allowed your light body in, when you are the one and you share with the otherone and the other one’s, what happens to the potential, the transformation and theintegration? let’s take a deep breath and just allowit to expand without limits. allow it to expand in a new energy way thatdefies all the old physics, defies all the old protocols. how far can the one go whenthey are side by side with another one? (pause)we come to this point of embodied mastery to say, “i am the body. this is my body,my light body. through this i will experience

my life in a new way, in a healthy way. thebody has in many ways kept me prisoner up to now. but now the body is my way to freedom,my way to freely experience this sensual reality called earth. i am the body. i am the bodyof consciousness. i am that i am.” take a good deep breath as the one, you, connectwith the other one’s. (pause)how much light can come in? how much integration can be done in this moment? (there is a rumbleof thunder; some chuckles) oh, you’re good shaumbra. oh, you’re good. (a bigger rollof thunder; much cheering and applause from audience and adamus) thank you. thank you.please be seated. stop holding hands back there (to the tech crew), it looks funny.(more chuckles)

so good. excellent. see, it really is thateasy. questions & answersso i do want to take a few minutes to answer some questions. linda will take the microphone.let’s not get too mental about it, but i know some of you have a burning desire toask a few questions about biology. yes. and this will be – raise your hand please. yes.shaumbra 1 (woman): hi, adamus. there’s a new age thing going around, like if youask why you got sick, they will tell you because you did something inappropriate, or i hateto use the word wrong. adamus: yes. yes.shaumbra 1: but, you know, it’s your fault. and so if we’re truly integrated, does thatmean we’ll never get sick again?

adamus: oh, no, no. you’ll get sick.shaumbra 1: okay, we’ll get sick, but … okay. adamus: but you’ll realize it’ll be adifferent kind of sick. first of all, it won’t be so painful. secondly, you’ll know ina moment exactly … your body’s not going to be over there apart from you anymore. it’snot going to be this strange thing you’re dragging around. you’ll know in a moment,“oh, it’s time to get sick,” which basically means going off on your own or taking a fewdays off. but it’s not going to be the vomiting, puking, sweating, achy, type of thing’ll just be, “oh, i feel kind of the … i’m kind of shifting down the energy,ratcheting down. i’m kind of doing my annual cleansing or semi-annual cleansing.” naturalcleansing. not the type that most of you have

been doing. please stop doing … please and… all right. i’m going to … i’m going to … i’m having a little argument withcauldre. this is not medical advice. this is wisdom.(laughter) neither cauldre nor i are doctors. we’re smarter than that. (some applause)linda: ohhh! adamus: so yes, definitely not medical advice,thank god. so many of you are obsessed weird about yourbodies. so you’re always polluting it with things, and you call it alternative natural.and that’s not natural, the things you do to your body. even if it’s from … you’retaking seaweed extract and sticking it in weird places. (some laughter) that is justweird. this is just the epitome of weird.

that’s scary weird. really weird.the healing, the transformation, whatever, the rebalancing is so natural it’s almostfunny. so you are going to get sick once in a while, but it’s not going to be the oldtype of sick. you’re going to be down for a little bit. you’re going to want to justsit around and listen to some nice quiet music. you’re going to want to enjoy a nice glassof tea and not see anybody for a day or two. and that’s it. that’s it. and that’sthe new sick. (a few chuckles) shaumbra 1: okay.adamus: seriously. and, you know, if you take a razor and run it across your hand, willyou bleed? absolutely, for just a little bit. cauldre’s saying, “do not try this athome,” but … all right, you have a little

accident and you bleed. but you’ll noticethat first of all it heals faster, because you’re integrated now. it’s not this weirdbiology. it heals faster and there’s not going to be some great big scar.shaumbra 1: what if you’re in pain and you just want to get out of the pain?adamus: pain is a way of, you could say, your inner self telling you there’s somethingout of balance. so if you’re a master and if you’ve integrated your light body, painessentially is going to go away. now, it may happen overnight; it may take a little whilelonger. but the whole concept of pain also is a type of metaphor with your discomfortwith your physical being, not loving the body, not integrating the body. so pain essentiallygoes away.

now, there may be – and i will put thisfootnote in there – there may be a little discomfort as you’re going through thistransition from your old physical body into your light body, because it’s kind of awkwardand disruptive for a little bit. but it won’t continue for very long.shaumbra 1: thank you. adamus: yes. questions. yes.shaumbra 2 (woman): i have a problem. i’m losing my vision in my right eye. do i approachit by going to a doctor and having surgery or do i wait? and i know that’s giving medicaladvice. adamus: yes, sure. i don’t mind giving … (somechuckles) shaumbra 2: but that’s what i need.adamus: well, let’s look at this through

the eyes – through the eyes – of commonsense. you can go to the doctor anytime. but once you go, it’s kind of sending your bodya message. so what do you do? well, would you just givethis a chance for a little bit? would you just allow the vision to come back … no,it won’t come back that way. it’s going to … the vision will re-identify itselfor reconnect itself in a very different way. so would you just give this a chance for threemonths? shaumbra 2: okay.adamus: good. shaumbra 2: i will.adamus: good. it’s totally up to you. and i know that’s going to be an issue, andi know your social media sites are going to

light up with all the questions and …linda; just facebook adamus: … with all the questions about this.could you just, all of you, just give it a little bit of a chance? and i know you’regoing to worry about it, i know you’re going to wonder. i know you’re going to wonderif this is the right thing to do. and if you feel the need to go to the doctor and havesurgery, that’s fine. surgery isn’t going to prevent the integration from happening,but it will delay it. shaumbra 2: okay, thank you.adamus: and i know linda’s …she’s acting so graceful and poised.linda: i’m doing my best. adamus: she’s soooo going to have a talkwith cauldre or i afterwards.

linda: (twirling around) this skirt’s helping.this skirt is helping. (adamus chuckles) i’m just going like this. (she twirls some more)adamus: so questions. questions about the biology.linda: questions? there we go. adamus: yes.shaumbra 3 (woman): hi adamus. i have epilepsy. so if i don’t take medication within 48hours, i could go into a convulsion. adamus: yeah.shaumbra 3: so i don’t know if i have three months for something like that. what wouldyou recommend? adamus: well, first of all, you don’t haveepilepsy. (linda comes up and stares into adamus’ face; audience is saying “uh-oh!”)shaumbra 3: (chuckling) okay.

adamus: first of all, you actually … (tolinda) bye-bye. bye-bye. (some chuckles) you’ve bought into it. the epilepsy is away to … it’s kind of a nice distraction from some other things. so one way or theother it kind of doesn’t matter. you can continue taking the medication, because you’vebeen doing that for a while. but pretty soon you’re just going to realize, “well, maybewhat if i just wait a little bit, wait a little bit longer in between taking …” and suddenlyyou’re going to realize that it was a very old affliction, actually very, very old. youactually don’t need it anymore. you don’t need it for lesson. you don’t need it to,you know, whatever, whatever. and you just let it go. you’ll just know when to letit go.

but in the meantime, if you’ve been doingthings for a long time, if you have patterns of doing it, you can continue and then youjust realize you don’t need to do that anymore. that epilepsy was from the old body. it’snot part of the new light body. shaumbra 3: okay, and my original question,what about smoking cigarettes? adamus: what about? you have one?shaumbra 3: or marijuana? adamus: if you like to share, that’s great.(laughter) i’ll tell you this. in the light body, allthese things, all these old rules don’t apply in the light body. the only thing thatapplies was, “do i feel like doing that? is it something i’d like to do?” but inthe light body it doesn’t matter. it …

linda: is that god talking to you? (some chucklesand linda’s giggling) adamus: that’s … that’s – that is… that is literally cleansing, washing away that old physical body. yeah.the light doesn’t … things like, you know, “is this good? is this bad?” it doesn’tcare. to the light body it’s just an experience. and you’re thinking in terms of can somethingdamage the light body? no, it cannot. it cannot. you think in terms of the old dualistic physicalbody that certain things are going to put it out of balance.there is as much control and power and games and manipulation in things that are supposedlyhealthy and environmental and natural and holistic. it’s filled, ladened with as muchpower and control and manipulation as conspiracy

plots and dark governments and all the restof that. it’s just another form of power and control. let go of all that stuff andwhat everybody’s told you about what to eat and drink and smoke and dance. be freein body, mind and spirit. yeah. thank you. shaumbra 3: yeah! (audience applause)adamus: thank you. shaumbra 3: thank you.linda: (looking for another questioner) you’ve numbed them. (someone says “we’re afraid”)yeah, they’re afraid‼ (laughter) adamus: no, the discussion is good, becausethere are many, many questions. some of you, jane, aren’t raising your hands. (some laughter)you have sooo many … dying to ask. yes. shaumbra 4 (woman): adamus, i was wonderingif you could speak to our pets as shaumbra

pets?adamus: yes. shaumbra 4: i’ve had that feeling. i seethem transitioning. i see them lighting up. i see them mirroring. so i know i breathelife into them. i know they’re not souled beings.adamus: right. shaumbra 4: and so i was wondering if youcould speak to that. adamus: well, yes. actually, as you come intoyour light body, your pets are going to live longer, and the reason why is they absorb,in a very loving way, compassionate way, they absorb a lot of your toxins, your junk. they’rethere in such love that they’ll take that from you. but then for a lot of them it shortenstheir life. they’ll live longer. a dog should

easily live to be 60, 70 years old. easily.why dogs leave at, what, nine, ten, twelve years old? because they’re taking on yourstuff. shaumbra 4: and so i, you know, i’ve stoppedtaking supplements and i see changes and everything. so, so much more physical comfort and flexibilityin me. adamus: yes, and ownership. ownership also.shaumbra 4: and i feel like with my pets i have a gift to know, you know, what foodswill balance them or what body workers or things, when they are, when their energy,when they’re taking on my things. adamus: yes.shaumbra 4: and so that i try to feel into not the healing game, but helping them balance…

adamus: and that’s a good term for it – ‘thehealing game’ – and i can understand why humans would want that, but after a whileit is a game. how much more can we heal ourselves? and ultimately it’s not a matter of’s a matter of integration of the physical into the body of consciousness.let me put it another way. you can keep healing that old body or you can just get into yourlight body. good. and i’m still not answering your question about pets.shaumbra 4: well, and so one of the things with pets also, i feel like pets mirror massconsciousness. and so i can feel how my pets take on …linda: what’s the question? shaumbra 4: so i’m curious with my pets,i feel like i have the choice to just let

go as well and trust, and it feels like whati do with them … adamus: as you bring in your light body, theirresponsibility for helping you balance your physical is much less. they’re going tobe happier pets. shaumbra 4: okay.adamus: yeah. shaumbra 4: thank you.adamus: yeah. good. hello. jane: hi. i do have many questions, and i’mnot even sure what to ask, except for i’ve gone through so much the last three to fouryears, and i feel better now than i have in forever. and i think part of that is a lotof the integration work i’ve done, and part of that is eating healthier, and i have takensome whole food supplements that i think have

really made a difference. and so …adamus: do you know why they made a difference? jane: because i believed it.adamus: absolutely, very wise. jane: yes.adamus: because you believe it. because somebody told you that these are good, and you thenenergize those supplements. you could have been eating hershey’s kisses – i’m takingthis from cauldre, not sure what those are – but you could have been eating jelly beans,and if a respected practitioner who is recommended to you by someone had said that these aregood, you would have energized them the same way. and this isn’t just me. this is theplacebo effect. it’s the belief. jane: i do believe that.adamus: you believe that there’s something

wrong with you. you believe that somethingcan help it out to a degree, and so you’re in – i love your words – you’re in thehealing game. it’s a great game to play for a while. it’s expensive though. my wayis much cheaper. fifty dollars and you’ll be healed. (laughter) no, would you like that?fifty dollars you’ll be healed. jane: sure!adamus: i’m going to give you fifty dollars. (lots of laughter, as adamus takes money outcauldre’s pocket and linda jumps up on the stage and tries to take it from him) it’sactually sixty. you owe me ten. jane: okay.adamus: you owe me ten. (laughter and applause) but there’s one condition. you cannot takethat money and go to a healer or go to your

whole foods market to buy some more crap.use it to have a really good dinner, anything you want to eat.jane: i did last night, and i feel like crap today.adamus: well sure, because you believe it was bad for you.jane: no! adamus: yeah!jane: no! adamus: yeah!jane: i enjoyed it. we had so much fun last night.adamus: yeah! jane: and we ate a lot …adamus: but there’s still something in you. how personal do you want me to get?jane: go for it.

adamus: really?linda: oooh! adamus: give me my ten bucks back first.linda: oooh! (laughter) adamus: because …jane: no, no! adamus: … i may never get it back afterthis! jane: no you’re not.adamus: there’s a game in it, and not just for you, but all of you. you play the healinggame, the physical game, “something’s wrong with me” game, until you finally say,“let’s just enjoy life.” but in spite of that, in spite of many long discussions,you keep insisting that there’s something wrong with you. so there will be. you keepinsisting that there’s something you don’t

know yet or … see you’re about to do itto me, and i’m not going to … jane: no. i don’t feel that way anymore.i have for a very long time, but not anymore. i feel like i’ve integrated so much andi have so much wisdom to share about this journey.adamus: you do. you absolutely do, but you still believe there’s just a little bitleft. jane: in my foot.adamus: and i’m going to ask you to let that go today, just that little bit that you’restill holding on to. before when i stopped the music and stopped the group and i said,“what’s going on? there’s still some resistance. it’s still …” well, thereis that investment in the physical. there

is that – “well it is kind of nice ina way to have that old physical to hang on to it.” so there’s still a little bitof you and everyone here that’s still holding on a little’re going to walk out of here, most of you, and say, “well, i learned a littletoday” or “i experienced a little. you know, it was nice; it was good.” but you’restill going to walk out of here saying, “but gosh, my arm or my back still hurts” or“i still feel kind of pukey today” because it’s still a game.but i want you to come back to what we did and say, “it’s the light body. it’sall about the light body.” yeah. jane: thank you.linda: adamus, i have a question. why are

there more questions on this side of the roomthan this side? adamus: there’s more people on this side.(laughter) was that a chicken and the egg? linda: brilliant!adamus: a chicken and the egg? linda: brilliant!adamus: good. two more questions. adamus: hello edith.edith: if this won’t benefit everyone, you don’t need to answer.linda: go ahead. stand up. people will be disappointed.adamus: edith, could i tell you? no, you can stay seated. i’ll stay seated. edith, youare so popular all over the world. it’s the edith factor everywhere. yes. so go ahead.edith: thank you, dear man. you didn’t kiss

me today yet. but anyway.adamus: it’s not the end of the day. (some chuckles) i was going to do it in private,my dear! edith: all right. if this is not appropriate,you don’t need to bother with it, but my dear son is diabetic and he’s had it sincehe’s 12 and he’s 47. and we have a lot of makyo drama at our house, which i wishit could go away. adamus: right.edith: and i just wondered if you had any wonderful brilliant suggestions to kind ofhelp our household to be … adamus: nope!edith: okay. adamus: no. no, because i’m not talkingabout your household. i’m talking about

edith today, and i’m talking about eachone of you individually. i don’t really … i’m not talking about your children.edith: no. adamus: i’m not talking about even yourdogs. i’m not talking about your parents or anybody else. what i’m talking abouttoday is for you. edith: right.adamus: and only for you. edith: well, it does kind of hurt my heart,so … (she chuckles a little) adamus: oh absolutely. absolutely. understandably.and if we – to summarize it – there’s just an issue that he has about acceptinglove into his life – we’re still talking (to linda, who was taking the microphone fromedith) – accepting love into his life. but

i want you, edith – and i’m going to lookyou straight in the eye – i want you to work on edith. i want you to allow for edith.not for your son. you understand that? edith: yes, i understand.adamus: okay. and i want you to allow for you. i want you to be the master. stop worryingabout the others. how old is your son? edith: forty-seven.adamus: your 40 years too late on this whole program. (a few chuckles) you should havelet go a long time ago. does that make sense? edith: i should have let go or he should letgo of what? adamus: how old is he?edith: forty-seven. well, he stays at home, because he’d be dead if he didn’t. becauseif he goes into insulin shock and if there’s

no one there to get him out of it or callfor help. that’s why he’s still in my home.adamus: that’s an interesting, interesting game, isn’t it? yeah. i want you to takecare of you. edith: well, i do. i do. mostly. (adamus sortof rolls his head, she giggles) adamus: makyo.edith: i thought i did. (they chuckle) adamus: edith, take care of you.edith: okay. adamus: watch then what happens with him.edith: okay. adamus: does that make sense?edith: yes. i send him … adamus: eh, no. just yes or no.edith: okay. thank you.

adamus: no, yes or no. not “okay.” okayis bullshit. yes or no. does that make sense? take care of edith.edith: yes. adamus: can you do that?edith: yes, i can. adamus: ehhh, you’re kind of …edith: well, i – there’s … adamus: come on, edith. can you take careof edith? edith … edith: i can.adamus: … can you take … edith: i think i need to do it better. there’sanother person too that i think they liked to …adamus: edith. edith. turn her microphone off.linda: ohhhh!

edith: okay.linda: ohhh! adamus: edith, it’s simple. it’s eitheryes or no. there’s nothing else. edith: yes … (inaudible)adamus: no, you keep – you keep talk- … it’s yes or no. edith, you’re still don’t even have a microphone. edith, yes or no?edith: yes. adamus: thank you! stop right there. good.thank you. okay. take care of edith. watch then what happens with your son.there’s … don’t answer me, but there’s a dynamic going on, because edith isn’ttaking care of herself. there’s a weird dynamic, energy dynamic going on. you saidit yourself, a lot of makyo in the house.

it’s right there (pointing to edith), thathouse. love yourself, edith. you’ll suddenly find out what a difference that makes in yourson. he’s been taking on a lot of your stuff. he’s kind of like, well, not like a dog,but kind of like taking on your stuff. so, no more. take care of edith.edith: okay … you don’t have to think about it.edith: i was just wondering what stuff he’s taking on from me or … (inaudible)linda: i thought it was yes or no. adamus: yeah. just taking on a lot of edithnot loving herself. whoa! whew! okay. one more. last question. hello.mary beth: hi. so are you saying if we know something is going to help us don’t do it,because i want to talk about menopause for

a moment. (she giggles)adamus: sure. mary beth: i know if i take some balancinghormones, i feel better. my life is better. thoughts? suggestions?adamus: never had … never had that issue! (lots of laughter)mary beth: i’m just saying. the women out there know, right? is it not hard to makeit through without something? maybe it’s just me. (a few women say “no”)adamus: the body has everything … mary beth: there’s a lot.adamus: … all the potential energy or dynamics in it right now to provide whatever vitamins,enzymes, other things that are needed – everything within it. yes, you can take these thingsbecause you believe, somebody told you along

the way that it’s going to help you, andit was recommended. a friend told you or you were up late one night at two o’clock inthe morning and there was a menopause commercial on. (she’s gigging) “cause that’s whatwomen with menopause do, they watch television at two in the you believed it and you think it’s going to help you. so you take it, and it kind ofdoes. mary beth: right.adamus: but what happens if you take that same passion and say, “hell, my body knowshow to take care of it.” on top of that, the light body doesn’t even know this thingcalled menopause. menopause has something to do – oh, we’ll do a whole thing onit some time – but it has to do with the

sexual isis energy and then transforming into,you could say, more of a grande dame energy. it doesn’t need to be so sexual anymore,but it just becomes the motherly energy. and the body goes through a few changes, andit’s gotten really, really rough in recent generations or era because the woman has noidea whether she should be sexy or not sexy or a man or a woman or anything anymore. somenopause has gotten to be more of a problem, and then they take all this crap, you takeall this stuff because you’re not sure whether you should be sexy or motherly or smart ormale or anything anymore. mary beth: i’ll be both. (she giggles)adamus: it is so confusing. linda: when was the last time you were a female?!mary beth: (giggling) that’s right!

linda: for god’s sake!adamus: well, actually about a week ago … linda: ohhh! (lots of laughter)adamus: now that you ask, do you have to be so personal and rude about it? (more chuckles)and i’m dressed better than a lot of you. (more laughter) ooooh. ooooh! (audience says“ooooh” also) mary beth: so were you sexy or motherly?adamus: so. so, yes, but … so that’s what i say. you’re going to walk out … a lotof you are going to walk out of here and say, “yeah, but i’m going to still keep takingthe so and so.” i don’t care. i gave you all the basics for being in your light body.i said it’s as easy as taking a deep breath and allowing the transformation. but you’regoing to walk out the door and run down to

this pharmacy down the street and say, “wellyeah, i’m almost out of my …” whatever. you can do that if you want, but the restof you who say, “you know, i’m going to get off of this old energy biology, i’mgoing to step into my light body and i’m going to be graceful and at ease, and i’mgoing to save a lot of money by doing so,” that … you still owe me ten (to jane). soi’m going to do it gracefully. and then you’ll experience that. it will’s a natural evolution. everything else is rather unnatural. and humans have beenconditioned that they have to take stuff. once in a while, i’ll sit with some of you,particularly in north america, and i’ll watch with you as you’re watching you realize how much of the content is

about crap to put in your system? it’s should be illegal, because – i won’t get into that – but ultimately, the masterrealizes that their body is free from all that old stuff, all the old biological patterns.they can be the light body, and it happens naturally. it happens easily.let me put it this way. for all of you, all of you listening in online, all of you here,as a master every step you take physically, every step you take is a step into your lightbody. just think of it that way. instead of getting mental about it, go take a walk, everystep into your light body. a master walking like a master, walking in their light body.then you get a little worried and you say, “yeah, but what if?” and then you takea deep breath and you say …

adamus and audience: all is well in all ofcreation. adamus: i want my ten bucks back. (laughter)thank you, dear shaumbra. thank you.

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