i greet you in the love and the light of theinfinite creator. the mystery of rh-negative blood. what does the absence of rhesus monkey factormean? no solid scientific explanation exists asto how or why rh- blood came about. it is presumed to be the result of a randommutation. have you ever felt you were weird or different? it may be due to your dna � 85% of humanshave the monkey gene (rh+) and 15% do not (rh-) and maybe have an alien gene instead. rh- people are characterized by higher iqs,sensitive vision, lower body temperatures,
sensitivity to heat and sunlight, psychicpower, ability to stop watches and electrical appliances and having extra vertebrae. of the human blood types, o is the most common. it is a universal blood type. blood types are further broken down into twogroups, negative and positive. this is called the rh factor. the rh factor is the rhesus (rhesus as inmonkey) blood factor. if your blood tests positive for this, youhave the factor in your blood. if you test negative, you do not have thefactor in your blood.
the rh factor is a protein found in the humanblood that is directly linked to the rhesus monkey. when blood type is inherited from your parents,it is known that this factor element of the blood is the most consistent human or animalcharacteristic passed on to the off spring. there are very few aberrations. it rarely changes. most people, about 85%, have rh-positive blood. that could support the idea that humans evolvedor were derived from primates. 15 % of humans have rh-negative blood.
if blood type is one of least mutable humancharacteristic, where did the rh negative come from? this question has puzzled scientists for years. there is some evidence that suggests the rh-negativeblood group may have appeared about 35,000 years ago. and the appearance was regional and seemedto, originally, be connected with certain groups/tribes of people. northern spain and southern france is whereyou can find some of the highest concentration of the rh-negative factor in the basque people.
another original group were the eastern/orientaljews. in general, about 40 � 45% of europeanshave the rh-negative group. only about 3% of african descendent and about1% of asian or native american descendent has the rh-negative group. due to the larger european numbers, it isa safe bet that was where it was introduced into the human genetic code. could this also be where the caucasian wasintroduced? is the introduction of caucasian related tothe rh-blood factor. if the rh-negative factor is a �normal�presentation of blood, then why is there a
problem when a mother of the rh-negative bloodgroup gives birth to an rh-positive blood group baby. this hemolytic disease, actually an allergicreaction, can cause death when the two different blood groups are mingled during pregnancy. when the antigenic substances attack the negativeblood group it can destroy the blood cells. so why does the human body produce antigensto this blood type? is the blood group alien? the only other time this occurs in natureis, as an example, when donkeys and horses are crossed to produce mules.
this is not �natural� because left alonein the wild, these animals would never cross breed. only with intervention would this happen. was there a cross breeding of two human likebeings, similar but genetically different? people with rh-negative blood group have certaincharacteristics that seem to be common among the majority. here is a brief list of the most common. � extra vertebra. � higher than average iq.
� more sensitive vision and other senses. � lower body temperature. � higher blood pressure. � increased occurrence of psychic/intuitiveabilities. � predominantly blue, green, or hazel eyes. � red or reddish hair. � has increased sensitivity to heat andsunlight. � cannot be cloned. � alien abduction and other unexplainedphenomenon.
so what does this mean? what can be concluded? the appearance of rh-negative blood did notfollow the usual evolutionary path. in fact, evolution would seem to be ruledout as a possible cause of the anomaly. it has been proven that blood is the leastlikely to mutate. there are no other blood mutations. the introduction of the rh-negative bloodtype was not a naturally occurring part of human evolution. this would lend credence that the rh-negativefactor was introduced from an outside source.
could the source be from human like beingsfrom another planet? or maybe we are just as alien as they are,in that, we are a product of their manipulation and interference. could they have come here and manipulatedlife forms already present on earth to create modern man? many ancient texts, including, the bible,do support this theory. many stories in the ancient texts, especiallypre-christian texts, do tell about a race that from the heavens to the earth came. and they created man in their image.
man saw them as gods, living long lives andperforming miracles. flying about in the sky ships and shootingfire and creating ear-shattering booms. the humans watched as these gods built massiveand glorious houses and created beautiful cities for themselves. from man�s primitive point of view, theywere gods. but that was early man�s point of view. who were the gods? the ancient stories tell us a lot about thesegods. they obviously had advanced technology capableof space travel and air travel.
they knew about aviation, metallurgy, theuniverse, the cosmic progression, medicine and evidently genetics. they knew about atomic energy and weaponsand used them. evidence of this can be found on earth. they knew about agriculture and how to createmore nutritious grains and other food staples. all of the basic grains that humans rely onfor food have been determined to have all appeared at the same time spanning roughlya 10,000 year period. a very short time, geologically speaking. and no new grain has since been developed.
our ancient texts tell us they began to takehumans for their spouses. the bible says, and the gods looked upon womanand found her pleasant to behold and took her as their wives. they had children, many children. but not all humans were a result of interbreeding. the first human was a result of scientificresearch combining primates with the gods� genes. the first humans were not a product of interbreeding. but small portions of humans are a resultof this interbreeding and their blood type
can support this. in the first part of this article, i describedto you what happens when two species who similar but genetically different interbreed. they produce hybrids. the example i gave was about horses, donkeys,and mules. mules are the hybrid, the product of a unionbetween a horse and a donkey. however, mules are born sterile because thereis no genetic relationship between the horse and the donkey. when humans were first created, they werea product of two genetically similar but not
related species. the combination of the dna of the primatesand the gods was produced �artificially� in a lab. if the gods have the technology to createa new species, they would have no problem overcoming the problem of the hybrids beingsterile. a little genetic manipulation and it wouldno longer be an issue. three proto types of humans were created. each one successively more advanced. two types by design and the last by chance.
neanderthal man is suspected of being an earlyhumanoid created by the gods but cro-magnon was definitely a product of their intervention. the next type is whom we call pre-human andthen we have modern man. modern man was a result of interbreeding betweenthe gods and pre-humans. this interbreeding for the most part createdno problems in the resulting offspring, except for a line that inherited, from their godlyparents, the rh-negative blood type. this is supported by the fact that these humansdid not inherit the protein found in the blood that is directly linked to the rhesus monkey. they did not inherit it because one of theirparents did not have the monkey protein.
this protein is present only because combiningprimate dna with dna from the gods created the original human proto-type that carriedthe monkey protein. so in conclusion, i suggest that man is acreation of a highly technological race of human like beings that from the heavens tothe earth came. i suggest that these advanced beings are stillamong us today and are still very active in the affairs of man. to what end, i can only suggest. global blood suppliers managed to infect orkill 90% of hemophiliacs in world by providing them with tainted blood.
if hemophiliac is the �royal disease�,woe to generations of boys, who could not be king. worldwide, over 120,000 men, women and boys�atrue �genetic holocaust��are now infected with hiv worldwide�due to tainted bloodtransfusions at least 25,000 have died. in some areas, the rh-negative blood factoris referred to as �blood royale� or �royal blood�. for centuries, european royalty have beeninflicted with hemophilia or �bleeders disease�. apparently, queen victoria was a �carrier�of hemophilia and gave it to all of her children who then intermarried and infected the bloodlinesof very throne in europe during the 1800s
and 1900s. as a direct result, hemophilia became knownas the �royal disease�. to keep this in perspective, only about 5%of all �royalty� have rh-factor negative blood�which means �less than the generalpopulation. that would indicate that the vast majorityof �rulers� and �monarchs� are not rhesus-factor negative. is this by chance? or by genetic engineeringcalled �arranged marriages�? for all practical purposes the cultural groupwith the highest rates of rh-negative blood are the �berbers� of morocco.
in an earlier meme, i indicated that the highestconcentration of rh-factor negative was from iraq. it seems that the berbers may actually haveoriginated thousands of years ago, from the border of syria and iraq. if european royalty are no disposed to intermarriagewith rh-negs, it may be because they are avoiding the �arab� bloodline? let�s not get ahead of ourselves. it appears that the basque rh-neg factorscome from ancient berber sea farers as early as 8,000 bc!
perhaps, many of the �cave paintings�may be attributed to �strangers� of great artistic ability that migrated into the area. is �hyper-creativity� a �symptom�of rh-negative blood? artists? entertainers? who knows�but if european royalty refuseto marry into the rh negative blood line it means one thing�rh-neg people are a �competingroyal line�. how do you get rid of it once and for all? although the british would love for you tothink that victoria was the world�s first
carrier�don�t be confused. it was he hapsburg�s disease. was victoria a hapsburg? the unofficial motto of the hapsburg familywas �bella gerunt alii, tu, felix austria, nubes!� (�where others must fight wars,you, fortunate austria, marry!). it�s curious that �marriage� can bea �dynastic� undertaking but it can also be a perverse form of �bio-warfare� or�genetic warfare�. in fact, the disease was much more ancient. the �father of surgery� was el zarhawior albucasis, 1013-1106.
albucasis described a family where only malesdied from blood loss after the most trivial of injury. his full name was abul qasim khalaf ibn al-abbasal-zahravi. he was born and brought up in zahra (zorro?), the royal suburb of cordova (arabic qurtuba), the capital of muslim spain. as we know from the history, zahra competedin grandeur and magnificence with baghdad. al-zahravi served in the capacity of the courtphysician to king al-hakam-ii of spain. after a long and distinguished medical careerhe died in 1013 c.e. as an inventor of many surgical instruments,al-zahravi is famous for developing instruments
for internal examination of the ear, internalinspection of the urethra and for applying or removing foreign bodies from the throat. he introduced such new procedures as cauterizationof wounds, crushing stones inside the bladder, the vivisection and dissection. he applied cauterization procedure to as manyas 50 different operations. in addition, al-zahravi discussed the preparationof medicines and the application of such techniques as sublimation and decantation. he prescribed the use of diuretics, sudorifics,purgatives, the absorption of pure wine and hot baths.
al-zahravi was the first to give detaileddescription hemophilia and was the first to use silk thread for stitching wounds. so, you begin to wonder if the good doctorwas treating an �arab� family in moorish spain for the disease. then you begin to wonder just where a supposedblue blood like victoria got her �arab royalty disease�??? was it a disease of spanish royalty? in other words, was marriage to victoria�sdaughters a way to kill or weaken future �non-hapsburg� kings�since mostly males only contract thedisease from their mothers?
still, hemophilia was in royalty long beforevictoria. victoria�s daughters passed the diseaseinto the spanish, german and russian royal lines and threatened the thrones of all ofeuropes major powers. it would appear that victoria is actuallya direct descendant of ferdinand of castille, who retook he city of castille in 1236, wherethe surgeon abulcasis had counseled king hakam ii about a family who�s sons died easily. what�s the connection between hemophilia,rh-negative, aids and royal blood? as you can see the vast majority of rh- peoplecome from the basque people of france and spain, and then europe has the second highestpercentage.
we can surmise that the rh- blood type originatesout of europe and has spread over to other countries that contain european ancestry heritage. the rh- recessive alleles (+/-) make up approximately60% of the basque people and 40% of the europeans, so that means that a higher percentage ofrh+ people in europe are carrying the genetics of the rh- factor in their dna. �no one has tried to explain where the rhnegative people came from. most, familiar with blood factors, admit thatthese people must at least be a mutation if not descendants of a different ancestor. if we are a mutation, what caused the mutation?
why does it continue with the exact characteristics? why does it so violently reject the rh factor,if it was in their own ancestry? who was this ancestor? difficulties in determining ethnology arelargely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristicand not affected by the environment. the basque people of spain and france havethe highest percentage of rh negative blood. about 30% have (rr) rh negative and about60% carry one (r) negative gene. the average among most people is only 15%-rhnegative, while some groups have very little. the oriental jews of israel, also have a highpercent rh negative, although most other oriental
people have only about 1% rh negative. the samaritans and the black cochin jew alsohave a high percentage of rh negative blood, although again the rh negative blood is rareamong most black people. the basque people are also known for havingthe oldest language in europe, and the origins of the basque language are unknown. the languages in neighboring countries ineurope show no resemblance to the basque language, so this has become a real mystery to the linguist. the celtic people of ireland and great britainalso have high incidences of the rh- factor and it has recently been proven that thereis a genetic link between the basque and the
celts. this research proves that the celtic peoplecame from the basque regions of france and spain and a group must have migrated overto the islands of great britain. with this research i can surmise that my familygot this distinct blood type from our french and irish ancestry roots. genes link celts to basques. the welsh and irish celts have been foundto be the genetic blood-brothers of basques, scientists have revealed. the gene patterns of the three races passeddown through the male line are all �strikingly
similar�, researchers concluded. �statistically indistinguishable�. he and his colleagues looked at y-chromosomes,passed from father to son, of celtic and norwegian populations. they found them to be quite different. �but we also noticed that there�s somethingquite striking about the celtic populations, and that is that there�s not a lot of geneticvariation on the y-chromosome,� he said. to try to work out where the celtic populationoriginally came from, the team from ucl, the university of oxford and the university ofcalifornia at davis also looked at basques.
�on the y-chromosome the celtic populationsturn out to be statistically indistinguishable from the basques,� professor goldstein said. why are people calling rh negatives �bluebloods�? well, again a peculiar thing happens betweenan rh- mother and a second rh+ baby. as you may remember an rh- mother builds upantibodies against the rh+ baby, and this means that the babies blood will start toagglutinate. before the rhogam shot, babies were born blueand they needed to have blood transfusions to survive. blue blood is an expression from the spanishphrase �sangre azul,� indicating noble
birth or descent. this is said to derive from the fact thatthe native spanish had fairer skin, which displays veins more prominently, than peopleof arab origin. after the moorish occupation of spain, intermarriageoccurred. the result seems to have been that the aristocracy,particularly certain families in castille, who would not mix with the moors, showed ratherbluer blood vessels (in, for example, the back of the hand) than the ordinary folk. so the phrase blue blood came to refer tothe blood which flowed in the veins of the oldest and most aristocratic families.
the phrase was taken over into english inthe 1830s. by the time anthony trollope used it in theduke�s children in 1880, it had become common.