kitchen white goods

alright! this is john kohler with! today we have another exciting episode foryou. and what i̢۪m going to do today for you guysis actually show you guys how to make both almond milk, we got some raw almonds in here,as well as fresh coconut milk using some standard kitchen appliances. the reason why i wanted to make this videofor you guys is because i want to let you guys know that, you know, cow milk and otheranimals milks are not necessary, we don̢۪t need to drink them.

but we̢۪ve all been raised on that. i mean, one of the sayings i have heard isthat, you know, cow milk is basically baby calf growth formula. so everything in that milk is designed toturn a little baby cow, have you ever seen a baby cow, they̢۪re so cute, into a thousandpound heifer. and i, i don̢۪t want you guys turning intoheifers, right. so we don̢۪t need this cow milk. but what we do need are we need the nutrientsthat are coming from plant foods such as the nuts and the coconuts, which do contain somehealthy fats in there for us.

now the thing i want to get into right nowis just how to make this stuff fresh. because you might be able to go to the storeand buy like, you know, canned or bottled almond milk or coconut milk. but the problem with that is when people startprocessing your food and not even people, it̢۪s big corporations, let̢۪s just cutto the chase here, they start putting in stabilizers and all kinds of things that you may not wantadded to your food. because they need to have it shelf stable. so they don̢۪t lose their money. these things may not be so good for you, someof the things in there like carrageenan and

you know, potentially artificial colors andflavors and, you know, excess sweeteners and all kinds of processed ingredients. so i want you guys to be able to make yourown fresh broth using whole food ingredients in your home. and that̢۪s what i̢۪m going to simply showyou guys today using the, the vitamix turboblend vs blender. this is the blender that i like. it normally comes with a 64 ounce carafe. i̢۪m using it today with the 32 ounce carafe,which i like a lot.

and then we̢۪re going to use the omega vsj843juicer. no nut milk bag is necessary when doing thetechnique that i̢۪ll share with you guys, you know. and here̢۪s the standard nut milk bag. i mean, the standard way to make nut milksis the first half is basically blending up the nuts and the water and then strainingit through a nut milk bag. it̢۪s kind of like you̢۪re milking the cowbut you̢۪re milking a nut milk bag. get your hands all like wet and stuff. and then you got to like clean this nut milkbag.

i don̢۪t know if you guys look at that butthere̢۪s a lot of fine little holes in there. and even, even cleaning it up really good,i still got some particulates from last time. and i really hate cleaning nut milk bags. if there̢۪s one thing that i̢۪d never wantto do again it̢۪s clean a nut milk bag. and that̢۪s why i was glad the omega vsj843juicer is the best juicer i̢۪ve found to extract nut milks. and, you know, other vertical juicers, i̢۪vedone it in the past in other vertical juicers, but the vsj843 works the best because i findthat on many other vertical juicers, you know, the pulp will kind of just get stuck insidethe machine and actually won̢۪t flow out,

now you̢۪re probably wondering, john cani do this with my juicer? well it depends on the kind of juicer yougot, right. if you got a centrifugal ejection juicer likethe breville juice fountain, the ones that spin at high speed, don̢۪t even waste yourtime trying to use one of those to make nut milk. you̢۪d be better off using a nut milk bag. now if you got something like a masticatingjuicer like the champion juicer, once again, save your money, save your time, get a nutmilk bag, it̢۪s going to do a bit way better. but if you have a slow juicer, whether that̢۪sa vertical single auger juicer like i have

today or whether that̢۪s a horizontal singleauger juicer or whether that̢۪s a dual gear juicer, all those machines will to some extentpress out the nut milk out of the nut mixture that we̢۪ll be creating. and to varying levels of success. so i do have videos that i̢۪ve done in thepast comparing and showing how to make nut milk in a twin gear juicer, how to make nutmilk in a horizontal juicer. i don̢۪t waste my time with those juicersbecause i have the one that will do it the best and that̢۪s what i want. i want the least amount of hassles and i wantto create the easiest nut milk with the easiest

amounts to clean, you know. when i̢۪m done, it takes me 30 seconds toclean out the vitamix. it takes me about i don̢۪t know under 3 minutesto clean out the vsj843, and i̢۪m done. no more sitting around and scrubbing nut milkbags. so first i want to say if you enjoy this videoand enjoy my work, i would encourage you guys to support me by making your purchase of yourvitamix turboblend vs, which is the blender i recommend for making nut milks and if youwant to lead a healthier lifestyle including way more fruits and vegetables in your diet. and also that̢۪s where we sell the omegavsj843 juicer, which is the juicer i use on

a daily basis to not only juice my fruitsand vegetables but also occasionally make nut milk. so it will also make things like nut buttersand frozen fruit sorbets. so you̢۪re going to want to check my othervideos on that. but yeah, you want to make your purchase this allows me to continue to make these educationalvideos for you guys to share with you guys all the different features of the juicersthat not even the manufacturer is showing you. and why do i do this?

i do this because i am passionate about thesekitchen appliances that allow you to maximize the amount of fruits and vegetables and otherplant foods in your diet. it̢۪s the plant foods that are given to uson this earth are the most nutritious foods in the entire planet with the least amountof calories, the most amount of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that are the mosthealing and regenerative for us. so that̢۪s what i want you guys to eat. and yeah, if you guys make your purchase atdiscount juicers, this allows me to continue to make videos, you know, sharing with youguys how to grow your food, why you should eat fruits and vegetables as well as demonstratethe machines like i̢۪m doing today.

so thank you guys in advance, for those ofyou guys that will purchase your juicer from me or blender. and thank you guys that have made your purchasein the past from discount juicers. it̢۪s much appreciated. so let̢۪s get into this demonstration makinga nut milk. so as you guys can see we got a little jarhere of almonds today. these almonds are imported from spain. these are organic almonds from spain. you know, if you go to buy raw almonds atyour local health food store, and they̢۪re

from california, they̢۪ve been pasteurized. yes, even if they are organic. they could be, you know, chemically pasteurizedor steam pasteurized. now i definitely don̢۪t recommend the chemicalpasteurization. the steam pasteurization is not so bad. but i prefer not to have pasteurized almonds. the only reason why they do that is becausethey are the almond, you know, farmers and commission are afraid of e coli contaminationbecause of the way in which they process and grow the almonds.

so if you don̢۪t want to get pasteurizedalmonds, i do encourage you guys to get almonds that are imported. these ones are actually organic almonds fromtrader joe̢۪s that are imported from spain. i̢۪m not sure if they̢۪re still sellingthese. i̢۪ve had these for a little bit. or also the other way to get around this isto buy almonds direct from the farmers in california. farmers are allowed to sell the almonds directif they̢۪re a small business to you guys without pasteurization.

if they go through normal grocery store channelsand all this kind of stuff then they must be pasteurized according to law. so yeah, so we don̢۪t want to use these almondsjust out of the jar. you don̢۪t want to just put the almonds inthere and add your water and then blend it up, right. bad idea. you got things like phytates and enzyme inhibitorsthat may cause digestive upset for some people, it causes me in some instances to like actuallybreak out on my skin because of some of the proteins or some of the things in there.

so what you want to do is you want to takethem and you want to soak them. so what i have done here is i̢۪ve taken onecup of almonds, you know, just flattened out one cup, right here. and i̢۪ve soaked them overnight. and i don̢۪t know if you guys could see thatbut look at this water in there. that water is like murkily cloudy and nasty. like if you don̢۪t soak your almonds, you̢۪regoing to be eating this in your almond milk. so you̢۪re going to go ahead and soak thisovernight 8 to 12 hours. i use one cup of almonds and then we̢۪regoing to use between two and four cups of

water. that̢۪s the normal recommendation. if you use two cups, it̢۪s going to be astronger almond milk, maybe like a 2% milk. and if you use like 4 cups of water you̢۪rediluting the fat a little more, then it̢۪s going to be more like a skimmed milk for you. i like to go right in the middle, maybe about3 cups. so yes, since i̢۪ve soaked my almonds, thenext step i need to do, i̢۪ll do off camera. i̢۪m going to go ahead and actually drainthis off and rinse the almonds. then i̢۪ll come back with just the almondsthat have been drained and rinsed because

we want to throw out the soaked water, orbetter yet water your plants with it. i̢۪m back. so now we̢۪ve got the almonds basically drainedand then i rinsed them off through a strainer, and then i put them back in here. so i started off with one cup leveled of almondsfilled with water over the top, soaked it overnight, and then when they̢۪re done itwill probably expand into maybe one and a quarter, one and a half cup because the almondskind of, kind of start to germinate and start to basically expand when they fill with liquid. so the next thing we̢۪re going to do is we̢۪regoing to generally you would add water to

this mixture between two and four cups, likei mentioned earlier. and instead of using water, i like to actuallyuse something that̢۪s going to add flavor and further nutrition to my almond milk. and what that is today, that̢۪s simply coconutwater. so i have some coconut water here. and we̢۪re going to go ahead and fill thisvitamix carafe up probably about 3 cups. so let̢۪s see, let̢۪s go ahead, 3 cups. right, three cups right there. alright, great.

of course you could use regular filtered waterbut i like to use the coconut water. and then we̢۪re going to go ahead and addour almonds. so once again, you know, normally you wouldput two cups of, of water to one cup almonds. or you could use three or four, dependinghow light or thick you want your milk. we̢۪re going to then put the top on. and then we̢۪re just going to go ahead andblast this up on high. ran that for a little bit. now we turn it off. we blended all the almonds up.

this is a very important step, you know. i know there̢۪s some videos online and somepeople say once you soak your almonds you could take your water and your liquid andyour almonds and pour that through the juicer at the same exact time to make your almondmilk. now i don̢۪t recommend this. and here̢۪s the reason why. because when you pour the water and the almondsinto the juicer, basically the juicer has to crush up the almonds inside the machineand extract all the rich delicious goodness, whether that̢۪s the essential fats, the vitamins,the minerals, the phytonutrients.

and in my opinion they kind of just don̢۪treally mix well and then the, the milk comes out and then you got the almond meal comeout. and when you do it, you know, using the wholealmonds or the whole you know nut, your milk tastes more skimmed milkish. and i really like that milk that fatty richmilky consistency, right. so that̢۪s why when you do it like this,you blend and homogenize all the different nutrients and flavors and, and phytochemicalsand lignins and all these things, in side there. and then you pour it through the machine.

so now the machine could easily separate outthe liquid milk from the fiber. and so you̢۪re going to get a much betterand more complete extraction. so this is very important. and today i̢۪m using almonds, but you coulduse literally any kind of nut or seed actually. so once we take this off, oops, once we takethis off you could see we just have a blended mixture of almonds and water. of course you can drink this but it̢۪s prettydoggone pulpy. and it actually raised up the level there. so next thing, easy thing instead of pouringthis through a nut milk bag and strain it

out. all we got to do is turn this machine on. the omega vsj843 runs at 43 revolutions perminute. we̢۪re going to take it and then just pourthis right in the machine. you want to make sure the machine is set upproperly for juicing. and as you pour this liquid through that containsthe fiber, what̢۪s going to come out here is a nice clear milk with no fiber. and after a little while, you̢۪re going tostart to see on this side some of the pulp coming out.

now one of the best juicers for doing thisis actually a press. so i show, this is a wells press. that will get the pulp like sawdust bone dry,right. but once again, with the press you got a presscloth which is pretty much like a nut milk bag that you will have to clean out. that̢۪s why i like using this machine becausei̢۪ll show you guys in a second the pulp coming out is actually super dry and thismilk is light, nice white and clear without all the particulate. so this machine is doing an excellent jobof, you know, getting all the delicious milk

out without the fiber. you might be thinking, john you̢۪re wastinga lot of stuff, man, there̢۪s nutrients still left in the pulp. well alright, there̢۪s, so there is somefiber and stuff still left in the pulp and maybe some other nutrients. you could use this in baking, you know, youcould use it instead of flour in some recipes. you could use it to make cookies or otherthings. i̢۪ll probably just mix it in with my dogfor and he̢۪ll end up eating it. give him some extra fiber in there.

so yeah, as you guys could see, we pouredall this mixture through, all that all through. and now look at this. we added 3 cups of coconut water plus theone cup of soaked almonds. and on this measuring cup we̢۪re well past3 cups, three and a quarter cups at this point. and the machine̢۪s still working. let̢۪s see let̢۪s go ahead and scoop thisinto the funnel there and this little bit. so once you̢۪ve poured the last bit of thealmond water mixture or almond coconut water mixture in this case, into the juicer, youwant to let the juicer run for little bit more before you turn it off.

because sometimes it takes a bit to, to workproperly. and when the pulp stops coming out of thechute here, then you̢۪re ready to basically stop the machine. so looks like no major amounts of the almondmilk are still coming out of the spout. so let̢۪s go ahead and turn this machineoff. let̢۪s go ahead and plug that spout. and i want to show you guys just for a second,i mean, this is the almond meal. look at that in there. can you guys see that?

i̢۪m going to go ahead and pull some outwith my hand. we̢۪re going to go ahead and take this inmy hand and i̢۪m going to go ahead and squeeze. and look between my hand, look. and my, can you see me squeezing out any liquid? i mean, i̢۪m squeezing quite hard. all i see is like the pulp patty. you know, i̢۪d venture to say that this iseven more efficient than some people when they press out their nut milks in the nutmilk bag. also it̢۪s significantly easier to clean.

and it̢۪s done a really excellent job extractingthe nut milk, you know, compared to any other device that i have ever seen out there. so if you make large quantities of nut milks,you know, this is the machine you simply got to buy. so finally we̢۪re going to go ahead and pourout this nut milk. let̢۪s go ahead and pour out this nut milk. let me show you guys this consistency. look at that. like very little if any fiber in there.

the vsj has done an amazing job at strainingit all out. wow! over 3 cups. now i̢۪m going to go ahead and try it. mmm! that̢۪s a good, wow! i really love those almonds from spain. they really have that like almond essentialoil. like some people add like, you know, whateveralmond essence to their nut milk to make them

taste like almonds because they̢۪re likecalifornia almonds like suck. this one actually has that really good flavorbuilt in, like that almond extract flavor. it̢۪s quite delicious. there is some fine particulate in there. and so i would encourage you guys if you don̢۪twant that in there to strain the milk further to get that out if that̢۪s not your desiredeffect. now once you have this, which is your basemilk, you know, i would store this in the fridge for no more than 3 to 4 days max. and once you have this base milk, now youcould do anything you want with it.

you could add this to smoothies if this isnot sweet enough for you, which is actually quite delicious for me. you could blend it with some fruit, whichi recommend, you know, to make it sweeter. you could actually blend it with somethinglike some dates or some raisins to add some sweetness. you could put some, add some vanilla beanin there to make it the vanilla flavor. you could add carob powder or carob powderand some vanilla to kind of give it a chocolatey flavor. you could add your own probiotics in thereto culture this into a, you know, a cultured

almond milk. i mean, so many different things. but it̢۪s only available if you guys makeit fresh at home. so this is the almond milk. let me go ahead and put that right there foryou guys. next what we̢۪re going to do is we̢۪re goingto go ahead and re-setup and we̢۪re going to go ahead and show you guys how to makesome coconut milk. so now i̢۪m ready to make the coconut milk. and it̢۪s super simple.

now actually i prefer the coconut milk actuallyeven over the almond milk. number one, coconuts are going to be cheaperto make the coconut milk. one coconut like this costs me about a buck. and the almonds that i used to make that muchalmond milk which was about 4 ounces, and i don̢۪t know if you guys priced organicalmonds lately but it̢۪s sometimes it̢۪s like $15 a pound. so i don̢۪t know, what̢۪s that like, $4or something. and it̢۪s going to cost you a lot more tomake almond milk unless you dilute it down. that̢۪s why i just simply like coconut milk.

in addition, the coconut has the medium chainfatty acids which i like a lot. and also the almond milk, one of the negativethings is, is that they may imbalance your omega 6 to 3 ratio or 3 to 6 ratio, howeveryou want to look at that. and we want to really maximize the amountof omega sixes we have. so the thing i would recommend you if youare going to make almond milk, you know, add a couple tablespoons of flaxseeds in whenyou soak your almonds, so that gets blended up in there. and that will help offset the, all the highomega sixes from the almonds alone. so to do this what we̢۪re going to do iswe̢۪re going to go ahead and open up this

coconut. now i̢۪ve had many people watch my videosin the past and say john, can i use like, you know, coconut flakes to do this, to makethe coconut milk? and i, i do not recommend that. you know, coconut flakes, unless you makethem yourself are a processed food product, i̢۪m highly confident even though they don̢۪tlist it in the label that they do do some kind of bleaching to it, because i break out. i think they̢۪re adding sulphides or somethingin there to keep it nice and bright white. i break out, you know, when i have the coconutflakes.

so i really don̢۪t like to buy them. and you just don̢۪t get the same textureor consistency that you do and it̢۪s not going to work as well. because, you know, you̢۪re losing a lot ofthe water content. i mean, freshest is always best. so anyways, i got a little fillet knife herewith the nice little fine point. now just go through one of the holes on thecoconut. there̢۪s always two eyes and a mouth on thecoconut. looks like a monkey face.

the eyes have a little brow. so i like to use this little knife. i could get in there and, and poke out theone hole. then we̢۪re just going to go ahead and, youknow, drain that into our blender carafe. looks like we̢۪re about drained. and it looks like we̢۪ve got about 8 ouncesof the coconut water total. so what i̢۪m going to do is we̢۪re goingahead and add additional coconut water. and once again, we̢۪re going to go aheadand take me up on this one actually i̢۪d like to do up to about little bit over 3 cups.

and then we̢۪re going to go ahead and nextstep is actually crack this coconut open. so cracking a coconut, it̢۪s not that hard. if you̢۪re not skilled with the knife, youcould put it in, you know, triple plastic bag and then smash it against the concreteground outside. i like to use a standard meat cleaver. and i̢۪m not using the front blade, i̢۪musing the back of the blade, the blunt end. and i just basically tap this coconut aroundthe equator. tap it and turn it. and the shock wave will go on the coconut.

and as you guys could see it was easy to cutit in half. now i want to inspect the coconut, smell it,you know, looks alright, smells alright. sometimes a bad coconut, if you got a badone, it̢۪s very important to pick good ones, is to you know make sure when you shake it,it̢۪s full of water. if it̢۪s not shaking and you don̢۪t hearwater inside there, that means it̢۪s probably a bad coconut. also go to a store that sells lots of coconuts. so like mexican markets i usually find sellsa lot of coconuts. or asian markets, you know.

generally supermarkets don̢۪t sell coconuts. and a lot of the produce guys don̢۪t knowwhat to look for when there̢۪s a bad coconut. and they just see the coconut, oh it̢۪s alright,because they can̢۪t tell it went bad on the inside. and yeah, so, and return it if you don̢۪tget a good one. anyways, now we got a special tool to carveoff the meat. we̢۪re going to go ahead, let me just putthis tool in between the, the shell and the meat. and we̢۪re just going to go ahead and simplypop it out.

so there we go. we got the meat off now. if you do get some of the, the shell on here,it̢۪s called the testa, it̢۪s like brown, you don̢۪t need to sit there with a knifeand cut it off. it̢۪s alright, it̢۪s like the skin outsidethe almonds, right. you don̢۪t have to like take off the skinsof all the almonds actually. there̢۪s extra nutrients in here in my opinion. so we̢۪re just going to go ahead and crackthe coconut meat up into different pieces. and put it into our blender carafe.

now i just got to get the meat out the otherhalf. got that last bit of meat out the coconut. i mean, it̢۪s easier to soak almonds, butman, i really prefer the flavor of the coconut milk over the almond milk. so once again, you know, what we really wantto do is once we add the coconut water and the coconut meat, we really want to be upat about the 32 ounce mark or a little bit above that. that̢۪s kind of like my standard referencerange. then once again we̢۪re going to go aheadand put this lid on the vitamix.

and we̢۪re going to crank it on high. so once you̢۪ve blended it up pretty well,it̢۪s all, you know, homogenized and blended up in there, no big large coconut chunks,once again you̢۪re going to go ahead and take this mixture off. and, you know, you could totally drink thismixture. and this is why the people say john, you shoulduse a blender not a juicer because you̢۪re going to keep all the fiber. well i don̢۪t know about you but drinkingthis mixture with the thick fibrous chunks in there is not too fun for me.

i want to, you know, extract all the fiber,feed that to my compost bin, all my beneficial bacteria in my compost bin, and i want todrink the delicious coconut milk. now much like the same thing with the vegetablesspecially when juicing, right, people like to blend up their vegetables. and i would, you know, say it̢۪s definitelybetter to blend vegetables than to not eat it at all. but in my opinion it̢۪s better to juice thembecause there̢۪s documented research studies that show you get higher levels of phytonutrientswhen you juice the vegetables, in this case, broccoli, at a lower rpm than running somethingat a very high rpm.

specially the most valuable phytonutrientsand phytochemicals can be damaged at high rpm when oxygen is constantly being introducedinto the mixture. at a low rpm such as 43 rpm, there is muchless oxygen infiltration which is causing less oxidative damage to the nutrition that̢۪sbeing created in the juice. and so in tests that they̢۪ve done with broccolijuice made in a slow juicer so much of this, and broccoli that was processed through ablender at high speed, they put it in petri dishes with six different kinds of activecancer cells. and the one with the juicer had the leastamount of cancer replication. so the cancer did not grow as fast.

so it had more inhibition effects than theblended because in my opinion, based on the research study that̢۪s been published, it̢۪sdue to the oxidative damage. so that̢۪s why i like the juicing. and also it̢۪s very important, speciallywith the vegetables, you know, we want to break open those hard fibrous cell walls toextract the nutrients out. and that̢۪s why you guys are doing the sameexact thing with the almonds or the coconut. because you want to extract the nutrients,specially that one called fat. now fat is just one of the many differentmacro nutrients. but i want you guys to focus your diets onthe micro nutrients, the vitamins and the

minerals, the phytochemicals, all these kindof things are much more important than just the fats, the proteins and the carbs. alright. so let̢۪s go ahead and pour this coconutmixture through the juicer. once again, i did not clean it after doingthe almond milk because we̢۪re just doing another milk. and the mixture we just pour it down the chutethere. this mixture is a lot thicker than the almondmilk mixture was. but as you guys could see, we̢۪re instantlygetting that creamy, light milk out.

and as you guys could see we got a, a littlebit of the extra almond pulp coming out but now we got the clear white coconut pulp comingout. and let me tell you man, you guys just gotto get one of these juicers to make this recipe, coconut milk, one of my favorite things ever. i̢۪ve turned my nose up to all those bottledcoconut packaged junk. and don̢۪t, when you make this kind of coconutmilk it̢۪s not like that condensed coconut milk in a can, right. this is like a totally different thing. it̢۪s like much more creamy, frothy, rich.

and once again, you know, this is the recipei like to use, about, you know, four cups total. but feel free to add more liquid or less liquidbased on what you̢۪re doing. if you want to make a coconut cream, right,use just the coconut water that came in the coconut without adding extra coconut water. and this will allow you to make a really thickcream. but make sure once again you̢۪ve blendedfirst. now the problem that you̢۪re going to havewith many slow vertical juicers aside from the vsj is when you pour this mixture in likei did today, it̢۪s basically going to back

up in the chute and it̢۪s actually not goingto eject the pulp and it̢۪s not going to eject the, the milk out for you guys. now the reason why it̢۪s doing that is becausethe juicer̢۪s designed to juice not extract coconut milk. so i found that this machine extracts thecoconut milk the best. so in that case what you want to do if it̢۪sgetting backed up, then you want to add something. maybe add a piece of carrot to juice at thesame time you̢۪re making the milk. so then you̢۪re going to have carrot juiceinfused milk, you know. i̢۪ve also just done this technique in thevsj with something like cactus fruit or you

know, celery or cucumbers or carrots or beets. and that̢۪s, that makes an excellent soupbase. so now i̢۪m making turning your soup into,turning you milk into even something else which is amazing. plus if your juicer is not working because,you know, on the vsj, you know, that̢۪s going to help it work better. so i mean, look, we̢۪re already done, stopped,pulp̢۪s stopped flowing, the milk̢۪s stopped flowing. looks like on this one we made 28 ounces total.

and looks like we made a lot more pulp thanon the almonds. but we had a lot more, you know, coconut inthere. so once again, you know, i want to show youguys this pulp. that̢۪s the pulp there. here̢۪s it in my hand. i̢۪m squeezing this as hard as i can. i can̢۪t even get it to get a drop out. now, you know, when i juice vegetables inthe vsj, you know, depending on the vegetable that i̢۪m juicing, you know, there will bea drop or two but doing it in this method

gets it completely dry. and once again, i don̢۪t recommend you guyspouring the coconut water and put chunks of coconut meat. that̢۪s not the same as doing this the wayi did it with the blender. that̢۪s going to put extra wear and tearon your screen and it may break your screen. plus it̢۪s not going to get the level ofextraction or the level of delicious goodness that i showed you guys today. now i got to try me some coconut milk. and we̢۪re going to go ahead and pour thisout so you guys can see the consistency on

that. look at this. that̢۪s a nice milk consistency. we̢۪ve got that froth on the top, which issome of the fat starting to separate a little bit. so you want to shake it up. go ahead and pour this out. nice coconut milk. you know, i do recommend you guys drink differentnut milks, whether that̢۪s almond milk or

once again, the coconut milk will store inthe fridge 3 to 5 days is what how long i like to store it maximum. this stuff̢۪s not going to last more thana day hanging out in my house. it̢۪s a treat for me to make the nut milks. i prefer to, you know, have maybe a handfulof nuts or seeds or a coconut a day. i don̢۪t generally like to, you know, makenut milks because i find that if you continue to make nut milks, you̢۪re going to maybe,you know, raise the amount of fats that you̢۪re eating in your diet. so i like to use it for a special treat onoccasion instead of just the main stay in

my diet like many americans make cow̢۪s milka main stay in their diet. i would encourage you guys to make fresh vegetablejuices a main stay in your diet. and use this for treats. but that̢۪s just my opinion on it. let̢۪s go ahead and try this coconut milkhere. mmmm! now i̢۪m tasting some particulate in there. you don̢۪t like the particulate you̢۪rejust going to want to go ahead and run this through a little strainer to get all thatstuff out.

but other than that, i got to say it̢۪s totallydelicious. i much more prefer the coconut milk over thealmond milk. you guys see we̢۪re getting some of the separationin there. so you just cap this off and shake it up. it will recombine. but yeah, store it no more than 3 to 5 days. and once you have it to this level, you know,then you could add it to smoothies, you know. you could use the juicer to juice vegetablesat the same time or fruits to make other kind of concoctions, you know.

fruit and coconut milk concoctions. you could use it to make coconut milk infusedwith turmeric and ginger and carrot juice or carrots for a soup base. i̢۪ve done it with bell peppers and tomatoes. i mean, the possibilities are endless whenyou guys have the right appliances to do the best job at home. and this is what i encourage for you guys. you know, instead of like playing with stupidnut milk bags, getting your hands all dirty and then trying to clean that thing, pickup these appliances, both the vitamix turboblend

vs and the omega vsj843. not only will be able to make nut milks, youwill also be able to enable your family to get healthier by eating and including morevegetables and fruits in your diet. specially the leafy green vegetables. because this makes leafy greens much moreeasy to eat. like i couldn̢۪t just sit there and eat allthe coconut meat out of this. some of you guys like to do that. i don̢۪t like to do that. i would much rather drink the coconut milkto get the nutrients from the coconut meat.

and i̢۪m not, this is not coconut oil, youknow. coconut oil is a 100% fat. we do have some fat content in here. i̢۪m sure some of that went, came out withthe pulp. but that̢۪s a pretty, you know, low fat pulpthere at that point it tastes horrible. i tasted the almond meal off camera. i, i had to spit it out. it̢۪s like ugh this doesn̢۪t taste good,so dry. but i want you guys to get your fats fromwhole food sources, you know, such as making

your own almond milk and extracting your owncoconut milk with the machines. and these what, that̢۪s what the machinedoes with the vegetables. it could take one pound of leafy green vegetables,you juice them, you make one cup of juice. hey that̢۪s a, that̢۪s a cool thing. you could actually juice your coconut milk. and then add some, you know, vegetables andthings in it and have a coconut milk vegetable juice. and then you̢۪re going to get, guess what? you̢۪re going to get higher uptakes of thephytonutrients in the vegetables because when

you̢۪re adding some fat into that, you know,it hangs out in our digestive system longer so your body could access more of the nutritionin there. so yeah, i love these machines for makingthe nut milks. and now you guys learned the best way to doit possible. and if i learn any new ways to do it, i̢۪llcome out with newer videos. but at this point i don̢۪t know how thiscombination could be beat for making any kind of nut milks out there. if you guys enjoyed this episode, hey pleasegive me a thumbs up. also be sure to support me and my work bymaking your purchase at

thank you for supporting me. also be sure to check my past episodes. i have over 450 episodes on this youtube channeldemonstrating all the different kinds of juicers, a lot of different things you could do withit including the vsj. i have many different videos on the vitamixas well. and some of the things you can do with thevitamix, as well as dehydrators. because i̢۪m all about selling you the appliancesthat allow you to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet so that you guys couldbe healthy. and be sure to click that subscribe buttonright down below, so you don̢۪t miss out

on any of my new and upcoming episodes i havecoming out about every 5 to 7 days. you never know what i̢۪ll be showing youguys and what you̢۪ll be learning in the episode. because i always try to pack these episodeswith a wealth of knowledge. everything that i have learned over the last21 years of eating this healthy diet that i̢۪m on. finally be sure to share this video with somebodythat̢۪s still using a nut milk bag, so they could see how much easier their job couldbe and how much more fun and how much of a better end result they could get, and howthey could also add more phytonutrients and

phytochemicals in their diet as well withspecially the juicer. so once again, my name is john kohler be sure to visit special promotional offers for youtube visitors.

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