major home appliances

alright! this john kohler at have another exciting episode for you. what we're going to do today is somethingi've never done on the discount juicers channel or ever actually in at discount juicers we get many requests all the time. each and every day, i get floodedwith all kind of emails asking me questions about this juicer that juicer. john what isthe best juicer for wheatgrass? what's the best juicer for juicing oranges? how aboutpomegranates, this that? you know what the best juicer for the highest nutritional ifi'm going on the gerson therapy? i have videos about all these topics but i got an inquirythe other day that i actually don't have a video on a guy wrote me an email and he said john

what's the best juicer for people that areblind? i thought about that for a second, it's like you could juice if you're blind,i'm like yeah wow that's something i never thought of before. so i guess he said thathe's currently using a jack lalanne juicer to juice and he's blind, and he's able todo that. so he wanted to upgrade to a slow he asked me john what's the best slow juicer for juicing if you're blind. i thought aboutthat for second and my brain started spinning and like you know like can we use the greenstar elite? nah man that's like really hard to clean there's too many nooks and cranniesto get in there to clean and it's going to be a little bit that champion that's not a slow juicer

but like a horizontal single auger well that'spretty good on leafy greens and carrots but like on fruits it's going to back up and youwon't be able to see that it's actually backing up to take appropriate measures. i'm thinkingwell okay maybe we got to do a vertical juicer and a lot of vertical juicers they got a littledots and things. you got to put the screen in there properly and if you can't see thedots you know it's going to be significantly more difficult put together.then i thought oh, well how about my favorite juicer? this is my current favorite juicer,this is one both me and my girlfriend use a regularly because i just fine and she findsthat it works better than the other ones we've tested and used. and so i said well hey whatabout the vsj43, there's only like one dot

you're supposed to line up but even if youdon't want to line up the dot you can do without lining up the dot and it's really simple.the other thing about the vsj is you know it produces a you know that it produces lesspulp in the juice compared to other vertical single auger juicers. now it's still goingto make more pulp juicer than a jack lalanne juicer, but less pulp there other verticaljuicers. plus it doesn't tend to get jammed up and backed up like many other verticalauger juicers do. that being said there are some specific thingsyou will need to do in the vsj reducing larger quantities to get the best results. so i'llpost a link down below this video to that video. it's entitled how to use and cleanthe vsj juicer and that's where i go into

you know the specific techniques to maximizeand the juicing process in the vsj and mainly that has to do with my precutting some ofthe produce and then alternate feeding, which i will be doing in this there's several reasons why i like the vsj for juicing if you're not able to see.i guess the next thing i want to do exactly i want to go ahead and get blindfolded andi'm going to go ahead and juice blindfolded. now i do not recommend you guys do this forfun, or if you get drunk or anything like that. but i'm just doing this to show thatme knowing the juicer intimately because i use it every day for the last couple years.i'm able to use it with no sight by touch and feel. most people you know even if theydon't know this one, once they start using

all the time they should also be able to dothis, not that i'm recommending to do this because you should always be able to see what'sgoing on in the juicer and be safe because a juicer is an electrical appliance with amotor and anything like that you will want to have your full senses or as many of yoursenses as you are able. so without further ado let's go ahead andi got my mask here. so we're going to go ahead and put this on and i'm going to do the restof this video blindfolded. alright. so pretty much i can't see, so this video might looka little bit weird, but we're going to go over and disassemble and reassemble the vsj843.this is the vsj843, i like the square model, that's the one we're using. it has the controlson the front, so it's a little bit easier

to manage. i could easily feel it. we're goingto go ahead and take off this whole top housing that comes off and that we could easily disassembledthis. so basically this top goes on, you're justgoing to turn it and then it comes off as you can see. we're going to set that rightthere. then we're going to get the parts inside this bowl here, wiggled it out. i'm usingmy finger on the bottom to push up the auger to get this whole assembly out. as you cansee here we have the wiping blade, the screen any are inside here will take out the augerfirst, put that down. then we're going to go ahead and get in here and push out thescreen and the wiping blade. finally we have of the main bowl the thing on the bowl there's a few moving

parts on here one of which is this guy it'sthe spout cap. so i only recommend you guys use this spout cap once you're done juicingso you don't get what you're doing is using is that you don't get drips on your counteror some people encourage and some companies recommend/encourage of using this closed tomix your juices in the juicer. i do not recommend that based on my experience your yield willgo down because if your pulp is soaking in the juice running around in there, the pulpsgoing to come out a bit more more wet so i like to just leave it open.the other moving part on here that you will have to deal with is this flap on the there's a low pulp flat here, we could unplug it and as you guys can see it's a littleflap. this flap's job is to go in this little

hole there and it basically puts back pressureso that the pulp cannot immediately inject out of the machine after it's been groundup so you get a higher yield. so even me now looking at it, i could feel this and i couldfeel the little hole it goes into. like right here. i could just kind of like wiggle itin there and then it just goes in the hole. then you're going to want to make sure youpress it in firmly all the way. then i could take my fingernail ridge and feel that it'sall the way flush up in there. we should be good go.the next thing is to reassemble the machine. so we're going to go ahead and take this,we're going to take a spout, which is right here and that faces the front so on this machine,the square design, you can feel the ridge

here and that's the front. on the round machinesit'll be a bit more difficult so that's why i recommend the square one. you're going togo ahead and put it down there and then basically you don't get it right it's not going to now if we rotate it it fully seats. you hear that a little we're going to take the other parts. let's see, first we're going to take the wipingblade assembly. then we're going to take the screen. we're going to put the scree rightthrough there. i like to hold it like this and as i push back the screen it's going tokind of lock into place if you guys see the side shot on that you could see it go allthe way back in. so the screen is lower and the other wiping blade simply is a littlehigher. then unlike others juicer his would

not have any dots to line up. you simply justtake this into the bowl, you drop it in there and you just spin it around until it dropsdown maybe a quarter inch and then it's all seated in there, so it's next we'll take the auger. now the auger has wing tips on here. this is the wing tipon this side, on this side, and if you feel very carefully on the screen and that wipingblade assembly there's a little indentations. there's a cut out, one on this side and there'sone on this side. so they're right here. so we're going to take the auger on the wingtips and try to go right down in the middle. and we're going to spin that around a littlebit and we're going to try to put it right down where they go and then the auger sinksdown in there. so that's no problem.

let's see here. okay so we got the last part.this is the top of the juicer, but i think we're backwards right here. this has a littlehole. the little hole here lines up with the top of the motor shaft here. so we got thatflipped over. now always you're going to want to have the pushing feed shoot nearest youand in this kind of goes basically almost like that. so it's diagonal towards you andyou then you're going to turn it little bit until it drops down. it drops down and yougoing to want to turn it to lock it. it'll lock into place.if you take your finger, there's an indentation on the top of the motor body here with a littlearrow and then you move your finger over onto the top of the juicer housing, there's alsoa little indentation for the arrows. you could

feel that those two line up.if you did assemble it correctly, it should turn on as it's turning on now. the only thingyou want to make sure next before juice is you want to make sure your containers in the larger container is for catching the pulp, that goes under the pulp spout, so wecan easily feel where the pulp spout is which is right here. we're going to make sure thatthis catch container, this stuff that comes out goes right into catching container.more important than the catch container because getting pulp all over your counter is nota big deal but you don't want to get juice running down your counter or your chin. sowe got the juice catch container. we're going to take the juice catch container, we gotthe spout here coming out, so we're going

to make sure that this is open and that whenthe juice comes the spout it's going to go right in the container we're going to makesure it's centered up. i think that's pretty much close.then now we just need to juice our vegetables. so here we have the vegetables pre-prepared.some of things, such as the yellow carrots we're juicing today, all i did was i cut offthe tops and the bottoms and of course i washed them. some things like the cucumber all youreally needed to do is cut them in half-length wise. something like the kale over here, we'vea red kale. i would recommend pre-cutting this into pieces, i'm not doing that todaybecause i'm only juicing three pieces, so that's not really a big deal but if you'rejuicing a whole head of kale you should cut

that up into pieces.then, let's see what else have we got in here. oh, we've got these guys here, we've got somecelery. once again, this should be optimally cut up into pieces, but i did not cut it uptoday, and i'll show you a technique for feeding them so they juice easier without cutting.then let's see, and then i got right here, i think this, yeah this is soft, these arepears cut up into smaller pieces. and then somewhere down in here, i have, if i can findit, i think these guys that are hard, they're beets. so we're juicing beets, pears, celery,cucumber, and some carrots and some kale. alright, so our next step is let's get we're going to go ahead and turn this juicer on. and we're going to put one thing in atime. so generally i like to start off with

the softest thing first, so we're going togo ahead and try to grab one of these pieces of pear and it's going to just drop rightin. another reason why i recommend the vsj 843 for people that are not able to see isbecause you literally drop the produce and it takes it in and it just kicks it out. youdon't have to sit there using a pusher. may as well drop a carrot in there, look atthat. it's taking the carrot and it's sucking it in. you can hear it grind up each's kicking out the pulp over on this side which we're going to feel for and we're goingto make sure our bins lined up. and hopefully very carefully check out our bin and checkout to make sure some of the juice is dripping out, which i do feel with my finger now all we want to do is we want to rotate

the produce we're putting in the machine hereand next we're going to put a leafy green in with a hard stem end down. but we're notgoing to just shove it in there right? we're going to stick it in and let the machine takea little bite off and then pull it up, right? stick it in and pull it up. stick it in, andpull it up. this way the machine only gets little bites of the stem and the stem is thepart that's most likely to clock the machine. once you get a lot of the stem juiced andpulled up, you can see i got a lot of the stem chewed up there, next you can then takeit and put it in and maybe take a carrot and i like to use the carrot to just get it pushedin there. i don't use it to jam down in there, because if you're using a pusher on a vsjor in my opinion, any other vertical juicer

you're probably feeding in things too fast.this is one of the reasons why you might get backups and clogs. so especially if you'renot able to see what you're doing you want to take your time doing it. so i fed in justone bite of the carrot instead of the whole thing to have itself feed. everything soundslike it's going alright, you always want to check your pulp over on this end and makesure it's ever so slowly ejecting out. next let's go ahead and drop in a piece ofpear. let's see if i can find the hole. next we're going ahead and take a cucumber andwe're just going to go ahead and put that in there. you guys can either see or hearthat it's actually self-feeding in there. so that's really nice. next we're going togo ahead and take some celery. the celery,

special case, i do recommend pre-cutting itinto small pieces if you're able, if you're not you're going to want to do it like're going to want to go ahead and, once again, stick it in. let it take a chunk offand pull it out. stick it in, let it take a chunk off, pull it out. you're going towant to only let the chunks that you're sticking in, maybe like an eighth of an inch or a quarterinch at the max. you don't want to try and jam it in there and have it take off a biggerpiece. you just want it to pull off a small piece each time. this is one way you couldget away from pre-cutting your produce in the vertical, let's see if we can find my bowl here. we're going to go ahead and drop in anotherpiece of pear. then also, since we haven't

done it yet, oh no, this is another pieceof pear. i'm trying to find a piece of beet. oh here's a piece of beet i think. drop thatguy in there. you should be able to hear it accept the beet and juicing on up. if you'renot, maybe you got something stuck up in the feed we're going to go ahead and find a carrot here. we're just going to go ahead and pushthat down a little bit to feed it in. next, let's go ahead and take another piece of kale,and once again we got the stem end down, stick it in, pull it up. stick it in, pull it up.i'm going to go ahead and juice the rest of this stuff, because i think i gave you thegeneral overview, without being able to see it and we'll come back at you when i'm done.(music as john continues juicing)

one of the things i want to let you guys knowis you always want to rotate your produce. don't just pull all the carrots in, all thecelery, and then all the cucumbers. i'm trying to rotate the textures, so always follow somethingby the carrot or the celery which tends to help push the pulp to come out this side easier,especially if you're using lots of cucumbers and apples. it's good to rotate in somethinghard like celery or the cutes. let me go ahead and get back to juicing, this is going prettywell and i think i'm almost done i think i got a couple carrots left and some celery.(music as john continues juicing) well our juice is kind of getting near thetop, we don't want to overflow our juice container. i think we have about, what two more carrots.and if you drop the carrots in what's going

to happen is what just happened. you can hearthe machine buzzing, and when that happens it got overloaded. so you're going to turnit off momentarily, hit the reverse switch for a second and then go ahead and hit theforward. that's because i just dropped a carrot in instead of doing my technique, insteadof inserting and pulling out. inserting and pulling out a little bit at a time.once you get down to a thinner diameter of the carrot that you can easily feel then youcan drop it in more than likely. the problem is when you have a really thick diameter thatgenerally gets clogged up. alright, i think we still got room in our catch container there,and it looks like this is the last carrot. i don't think we have anything left in there,in the bowl, so that's definitely good.

now we're going to go ahead and let this run.this is very important to listen to the machine and feel the pulp coming out, very carefully.also, maybe feel to see if any juice is still dripping out. you don't want to take the machineapart until it's done juicing which sometimes can be maybe thirty seconds after you're done.i can still feel juice dripping out and i can still, let's see here, we can clear thispulp back and we can see if something's still coming out or not. it's coming out ever soslowly. we're going to go ahead and let that run maybe other fifteen seconds or so.make sure everything all comes out. let's see, okay, i think pretty much things stoppedcoming out. the juice on the front side. i don't feel anything dripping. we're goingto go ahead and turn this off and put the

spout cap last thing i want to do is explain cleaning, if you're not able to see. basically you'vegot to disassemble the machine, pretty much the opposite way of assembling. oh look iforgot a piece of kale leaf there. but basically all you're going to do is you're going totake the top piece, grab onto the main chute here, turn it to the right, that comes should be able to, there's a special cleaning brush that is included with the machine. youcan get in there and clean all this. i usually just run it under the running water, it'seasier to do it, under the sink and it blasts away the juice particles. you can put thataside and we're going to put it in the bowl you're going to want to take the auger,

which you can just get your fingers underneaththe auger and then pull up. then as you guys can see, this auger should be fairly cleanof produce. i can feel a little bit on there, but this is another reason why i'm recommendingthis juicer to people that aren't able to see because it's pretty easy to can brush this down, run it under hot water that should pretty much dislodge mostof the pulp off there. i'm not really feeling much on here. the challenge is you're goingto have to flip it up into the underside and then you can take your finger and as you guyscan see the finger comes out and then there's a bunch of pulp in there. so we're going togo ahead and put that in there. once again, just rising this out in the sink you shouldbe golden.

next we're going to go ahead and pull outthe screen and wiping blade assembly. i pop up the screen there. now the screen is themost challenging part to clean on any juicer and especially if you're not able to see.normally if you were able to see, you'd be able to see that there's all these holes inthe juicer and you want to dislodge the pulp from all the holes. luckily they do give youguys a special cleaning brush, it looks like an oversized toothbrush. you're going to waterrinse this, underneath the sink and scrub this meticulously, at least two minutes goingall the way around the screen on both sides, the outside bottom, the outside top and thenthe inside, brushing it this direction or any direction you can get in there to dislodgeall the pulp.

this is probably the major issue i see withnot being able to see and having to clean your juicing screen so that you can't getthe visual feedback that there's pulp in there, unless you're really sensitive on the feeling,i don't know how you'd feel the pulp in those little small holes. so that's the most challenge,but this is going to happen on any juicer. even if you're using a jack lalanne, there'seven more screen area on a jack lalanne or a high speed centrifugal ejection juicer thanon the omega vsj to clean out. then maybe have a friend who comes over andvisits once and awhile double check your work to make sure all the holes are clean. if someof the holes start to get blocked you're going to notice a minimized yield happening andmaybe even more pulp in the juice. so you're

going to want to check that. i'm going togo ahead and put that in the bowl here for cleaning, for you're going to want to go ahead and clean the wiping blade. this should have alittle pulp around it and residues. but once again, this easily wipes off with the cleaningbrush under the running water of the sink. i like to use the spray nozzle in the sinkthat's doing the high pressure thing instead of just the stream, if your guys' sink hasthat. then finally we have the main juicing bowl.some juice may drip out on you a little bit. let's see if there's any in there. no, it'spretty clean. when you do that you will want to take your finger on the juice, or the pulpport and just do a wipe in there and you get

this pulp out, let's see if we can get thatin the pulp bin, i think i have a pretty good sense of where things are. then over on thejuice spout, of course, juice is going to drip out when you open that so do that overthe sink. the only other thing, the challenge on hereis once you're done juicing you're going to want to pull this little leaver here to getout this pulp flap. so this pulp flap should always stay pushed in when you're juicing.the only time you're going to want to take it out is actually for cleaning. so what ilike to do is i like to blast the hot water on and blast it down this spout here, whichwill force the pulp to come out this direction here, and i'll put the hot water down in here,that'll force it to come out this way.

in addition, i'll use the back of the cleaningbrush tool which looks like a plastic screwdriver to get in there to dislodge all the pulp,that's probably going to be the pulp blockage that you're going to have to clean if you'renot able to see, maybe you ought to get your finger in there, like i feel there's pulpin there now with my little pinky finger but depending on how big or small your pinky isyou may or may not be able to get it in there. the once again cleaning all this out you canpretty much feel if it's clean or not when you’re doing it under the sink. that's prettymuch it. that's how it is to clean the juicer, oops, and do it without being able to the last thing i want to do, let's see if i can do this, this is going to be evenmore challenging. i don't know. oops, i got

to do it from over here. okay, we got ourglass. and now we got our juice. that we just made, and now, hopefully i'm doing this right.we're going to pour it in a glass and i'm going to enjoy. you too can juice even if you can't see with the omega vsj843. this is the juiceri recommend for people that are not able to see because it is so easy to use as you guyssaw me do. now i have been using this for over a year now, every day, with being ableto see. so me being able to do it without seeing, is not that difficult. but i knowonce you get it and you start playing with it, and you start doing it, you'll be ableto get more fresh fruits and vegetables in you. fresh fruits and vegetables have themost powerful phytonutrients and phytochemicals.

these are the things that prevent diseaseaccording to the scientific literature and what most americans that's why i encourage you guys to drink and eat more fruits and vegetables and thejuicer is the number one way to maximize your consumption of the most powerful foods onthe entire planet. every different fruit and vegetable has their own plethora of phytonutrientsand phytochemicals that are good for different juice it all and don't every get stuck into juicing, this green juice recipe everymorning. always juice a variety of whatever produce that you can grow fresh in your gardenor you can get fresh at a local farmer's market. if you can't do that, then buy at your localhealth foods store, and buy organic produce

whenever you can. but even if you don't getorganic produce, even if you just get conventional produce, that's better, juicing conventionalproduce is better than not juicing at all and in conventional produce is still way betterin my opinion than eating processed, packaged, canned, organic foods. because you cannotput a price on the nutrition contained in fruits and vegetables. even the governmenttells us this. if you guys enjoyed this video today, heyplease support me and my work by making your purchase at because simply,like other companies are not going to go to the lengths that i go to, so that everybodyin the world can juice. cause that's all i want. juicing has helped me save my life,this is why i'm still here today and i know

it can make a difference in your life, whetheryou want to lose weight, or whether you want to get healthier, whether you want to havemore energy, whether you're trying to fight off some kind of disease/condition in yourbody. juicing's the first thing that i would do and now you can do it even if you can'tsee. so yes, support me and my work by making yourpurchase at your purchase allows me to continue to make videos likethis to educate people about juicing. so i thank you guys that have supported me in thepast and i thank you guys that are going to support me in the future.also be sure to check my past episodes, i have over 450 episodes now comparing the differentjuicers to one another so that you guys can

choose the right juicer for you. and everybodyhas a certain criteria and if you can't see then this is probably the machine i'd recommend.but if you have other criteria like you want to juice greens really well, well hey, i havea video that show that as well. also be sure to click the subscribe buttondown below because you never know what kind of video i'm going to make, neither do be notified of my new and upcoming episodes that i have coming out about every five toseven days. also be sure to like this video if you like this format. i will continue todo more videos in the future on a wide range of topics. this, the like on here will encourageme to do just that. once again i thank you guys for watching thisvideo, thanks for staying to the end. hope

you guys enjoyed it and once again my nameis john kohler with be sure to visit special promotional offers for youtube visitors.recently on discount juicers: alright this is john kohler at,you caught me, i'm just making my fresh carrot juice in the kuvings whole slow juicer todayand the reason for this episode is a very important one. it's because i want to explainto you guys that there is more in the fresh made juice than just the fiber.

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