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alright this is john kohler from growingyourgreens.comtoday we have another exciting episode for yah, and it's now summer and itĂ¢€™s time toĂ¢ really get my butt moving in the garden i kinda sat on my butt all day today insideworking. since it's just like a 109 maybe 110 degreesout today so i like to come on early in the morning or later in the evening to get allmy gardening done. i kinda sat on my butt all day today insideworking. since it's just like a 109 maybe 110 degrees out today so i like to come onearly in the morning or later in the evening to get all my gardening done. anyways today'sproject is to start harvesting some of my beautiful collard leaves and other brassicafamily plants iĂ¢ think i've got some collards,

and maybe some uh broccoli and some brusselsprouts and maybe some cabbage or something i don't knowĂ¢ all different kinds of brassicais left over from my winter garden and these have just continued to grow and i haven'tĂ¢ reallylike pulled them or anything. this one over here if you guys look the flowers on the seedthat'sĂ¢ cool but i have a lot of these guys still have greens on em and i'm going to continuetoĂ¢ let it keep let em grow until they go toĂ¢ flowerĂ¢ until they are no longer productivefor me even though i could be replacing this with more important summer vegetables. luckilyenoughĂ¢ some summer vegetables have come up on their own including all down below i don'tknow if you guys can see that down there here but its malabar spinach that's growing soby the time these guys come out the spinach

will probably be big and i have some beautifulswiss chards in the back that i've been harvesting for juicing. the collard greens these daysare getting a bit strong for juicing so we're going to turn them into kale chips or in thiscase collard chips. now you can make theseĂ¢ chips that i'll be demonstrating for you guys inthis episode with any kind of edible leafyĂ¢ greens from (inaudible) to sorrel to swiss chardĂ¢ tocollard greensĂ¢ to arugula, even lettuce i mean any leafy green thatĂ¢€™s edible. youcan do it with like egyptian spinach,Ă¢ malabar spinach youĂ¢ could do it with theĂ¢ umĂ¢ lambsquarters anything right weĂ¢€™re gonna turn those into some delicious leafy green chipsand then you canĂ¢ be able to eat those so they're coming out of your garden insteadof eating something that's really high fat

and high salts such as potato chips whichi know a lot of you guys are still eating. so i want you guys to eat leafy green chipsout of your garden instead of potato chips soĂ¢ itĂ¢€™sĂ¢ getting dark here pretty soonso we're gonna go head and start to harvest. what i like to do whenĂ¢ i harvest my uh plantsfor chipsĂ¢ is harvest the bottom leaves so some of these guys are damagedĂ¢ you know theygot holes, i had some caterpillars attacking my stuff hereĂ¢ and i wasn't entirely on it100 percent so you know they left some of my plants withĂ¢ umĂ¢ swiss cheese, swiss cheesecollard leaves. but yeah the easiestĂ¢  way iĂ¢€™ve found you can get them off is takethe plant and shake it and when you shake it you know you shake it hard enoughĂ¢  itĂ¢€™skind of like an earthquake in a building and

all the people are going to fall off. whilethe caterpillars are going to fall off their going to fall on the ground and you canĂ¢ see them on the ground and their going to like you know be like moving and then youcan like see them with your x-ray vision and uh snuff em out or do with themĂ¢  what youwill but yeah so i'm harvesting all the bottom leaves which are basically just going to dryup and fall off anyways and i'm going to harvest some of the more damaged leaves which havea lot of holes my uh leafy green chips are not gonna care so let me get out here andstart harvesting a bunch before it gets dark and then we're going to come back at you insideand show you guys how to make these delicious and easy uh leafy green vegetable chips.Ă¢ so now iĂ¢€™m insideĂ¢ and i've got the greens

washed and i took the stems off and then ichopped them up into little pieces so we have a nice large bowl of leafy greens. now thiscould be turned intoĂ¢ a salad but we'reĂ¢ gonna turn this into something even better thana salad we're going to turn it into collard greens chips or leafy green chips so youĂ¢€™llneed a few things to do this task besides the greens that we harvested we're going toneed some other appliances and ingredients today and let me go over those. so to makethe leafy green vegetable chips you should use a dehydrator i haveĂ¢ excalibur exc10elĂ¢ stainlesssteel dehydrator this is private top of the line dehydrator you guys probably donĂ¢€™tneed to buy this one it will set you back a pretty penny. i do need to let you guysknow that i do sell dehydrators for a living

andĂ¢  if you guys are interested in buyinga dehydrator or a blenderĂ¢  or a juicer for that matter please visit my website at discountjuicer.comand support me that allowed me to continue making these gardening videos as well as allthe other educational videos thatĂ¢  i make on youtube for you guy andĂ¢  that's at disocuntjuicers.comand i have a youtube channel associated with that where i have a videosĂ¢ on the this dehydrators also about blenders and also about juicers. now if you donĂ¢€™thave a dehydrator and you donĂ¢€™t want to spend, this one's literally 1000 dollars,to get a dehydrator you can get a less expensive dehydrator,Ă¢  so the one i'd recommendĂ¢  forlike the low budget person that doesnĂ¢€™t want to spend a lot of money but wants tomakeĂ¢  some healthy dehydrated foodsĂ¢  and

dehydrationĂ¢  is one of my favorite ways todehydrate for example tomatoes for my garden as well as theĂ¢  chips that we're doing todayand also just the plain leafy greens to make your own green powders i recommend the samsondehydrator so thatĂ¢€™sĂ¢  a little bit over 100 dollars and that's a really good unitwith the digital controls. if you want to take a step up i'd go for theĂ¢ excalibur exc10elĂ¢ 39408thatĂ¢€™sĂ¢  the excaliburĂ¢ with the digital controls i'll put the links in the descriptiondown below and of course if you want to get the one i got i'll putĂ¢  a link down therefor that one as well. this one is a commercial certified so its nsf certified for use inrestaurants and if you want to like package it up your kale chips and you have a farmthis is a machine youĂ¢€™re gonna want to get

since it meets the health code standards.and i want to encourage you guys if you have a farm and are growing for sale, i want toencourage you guys beside just growing the food itself and selling the food you wantto do value added things so you can turn your kale that you sell for a dollar, a coupledollars bunch to like literally making kale chips or making vegetable chips like i'm sharingwith you guys today and now charging 5 dollars for 2 ounces. and to be able to sell themeffectively give out samples because once people try these things they're going to buyem right. so yea it does take little more later but you're gonna incrementally increaseyour revenue. same thing with you know taking your cabbage that you could sell for 50 centsto a dollar a pound turning into sauerkraut

and now that sauerkrauts selling for you know6 - 10 dollars a jar depending on the recipeĂ¢ and where you're selling it at. so yea those arethe dehydrators, so if you donĂ¢€™t have a dehydrator and you donĂ¢€™t want to buy onethatĂ¢€™s alright too you don't really need it. i like the dehydrator because it allowsyou to precisely set the temperature you want to dehydrate the food at so for me personallyi like to dehydrate my food at about 105 to 111 degrees so this preserves the most amountof enzymes and you know uh slowly dries and dehydrates just basically evaporates off thewater, and once you evaporate off the water the food's not gonna spoil as quickly. andstore dehydrated foods in an air tight container i like to use mason jars,Ă¢  i donĂ¢€™t liketo use plastic bags as much but the food will

store for easily a year maybe even longerif you gotĂ¢  those little gel pack things that takes out the oxygen removers, so that'sreal cool. but if you donĂ¢€™t have a dehydrator you can do it at a hotter temperature um ifyou have like an oven like with a gas pilot light you just barely turn the pilot lighton and it will get it you know a little bit warm or if you have an electric oven maybeyou could crank it up 200 degrees of like the lowest, youĂ¢€™d be really baking themat that point instead of dehydrating them but itĂ¢€™s gonna be pretty similar right.the thing you could do is turn the oven on the lowest setting leave the door openĂ¢ youitsĂ¢ gonna waste a lot less electricity than the dehydrator would cause the dehydratorwould have to like make it that hot right

and so these guys areĂ¢  very efficient andreally don't cost that much to run. so yeah the right tool for the right job is what mygrandfather told meĂ¢  so yea get aĂ¢  dehydrator if you really are serious about this and puttingsome of yourĂ¢  fresh foods, you know i like to draw, dehydrate my peppers and tomatoesand greens into green powders and of courseĂ¢  make these leafy green chips. now the otherapplianceĂ¢  you'll need is a blender, that's what we're gonna do to basically make thedressing that we're gonna put on the chips and then we're gonna dehydrate that so theblender is imperative in my kitchen. you know i probably use my juicer the most then i usemy blender then i use the dehydrator.Ă¢  i use the dehydrator when i have an overabundanceof food in my garden that i'm not fermenting.

i'll dehydrate it as secondary choice. butthe blender for this recipe you know you could use any blender you want to blend the liquidstuff up first and then add a few nuts at a time don't just like dump all the nuts inlike iĂ¢€™m gonna do otherwise its gonna leave chunks and thatĂ¢€™s not cool. but yeah i liketo use the vitamix my favorite one is the vitamix 7500 model and if that one is a bittoo expensive for you go from the vitamix turbo blend vs that's what iĂ¢€™m using hereand i have the model with a 48 ounce craft instead of a 64 ounce i find things blenda bit better, but the 7500 model which i also put a link down below has a 64 ounce craftthat short and fat so it works even better than this model. so yeah so those are theappliances you'll need and then the only other

thing you'll need are the ingredients forthe dressing that weĂ¢€™reĂ¢  gonna make and put on the chips. so let meĂ¢ go over the ingredientsfor that.Ă¢  so here we have a 1.5 pound of mostly cherrytomatoes and roma tomatoes from my garden andĂ¢ youĂ¢€™re gonna need a lot of tomatoesand its tomato season so what better way to eat yourĂ¢ tomatoes than to dehydrate thoseon to your veg onto your kale or collard greens in this instance next we're going to use someapple cider vinegar this is raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar just a splash in thereto get that acid tasteĂ¢ so it's gonna be really good. then we've got some bulk taco seasoningi usually like to get the star west botanicals or the frontier blend organic taco seasonit there goes into a lot of recipes i make

i really love it a lot but weĂ¢€™ve got a coupleof other things form my gardenĂ¢ weĂ¢€™ve got three small onions that i grew as well asaboutĂ¢ a dozen different hot peppers just ripe ones that i picked these are all freshpicked just now. also i have some sauerkraut that i made from the winter i think have avideo of how i made this stuff and i'll put a link actually i don't have a video of thisstuff i have a video of how i do my radishes but yea sauerkraut definitely good stuff andanother way you could incorporate more of the food you grew into what youĂ¢€™re eatingright. next we got about a heaping cup full of one of my favorite nuts in the world theseare macadamia nuts so this will give our dressing a nice creamy consistency without the useof any kind of dairy products that is really

not necessary for us to eat.Ă¢  there is nonutrient in dairy that we can't get from other foods on the planet. next we have about aheaping cup of sundried tomatoes that'll dehydrate probably even in thisĂ¢ excaliburĂ¢ dehydrator.and then finally what we have here is some non-gmo organic wholeĂ¢  soy bean miso, sothis has some level of salt plus itĂ¢€™s another fermented food to add a special flavor tothe dressing we're making known as umami. and uh this will really light up your tastebuds and make your kale chips or collard chips or vegetable chips taste really great. sothatĂ¢€™s pretty much it i guess the next step is letĂ¢€™s just do this, so basically allthese ingredients are going to basically make a salad dressing. so say you've harvestedall of this and you don't want to do dehydrate

it you wanted to eat it fresh or you wantedto serve it people coming over for dinner party at your house. blend all the stuff uppour it in like we're gonna do and just serve it fresh. now even you know collard greensand kalesĂ¢  especially this time of year when its summer and the weather is hotter theyget a lot more strong tasting so this would not be my first choice to feed to guestsĂ¢ because they may not be used to it. iĂ¢€™m used to it and thatĂ¢€™s not a problem forme but i know many peopleĂ¢ are like sensitive to strong flavors and they want weak mildgreens. so in that instance what you'd want to do in the summer time is grow somethinglike uh longevity spinach, malabar spinach or egyptian spinach these are muchĂ¢  moremild greens to serve on a salad for the summer.

and of course if youĂ¢€™re in there all winteror spring grow some lettuce, thatĂ¢€™s really mild.alright so first step is we're gonna go ahead and dump all the tomatoes in the and a half pounds and then we're just gonna go ahead and pulse thisĂ¢  guy up justto get it to blend down cause itĂ¢€™s like takingĂ¢  up a lot of airspace. alright sowe got that all blended up there. next we're gonna add our other ingredients so we're justgonna add some apple cider vinegar you know iĂ¢€™m really bad at measuring things iĂ¢€™msorry for those of you guys that are trying to duplicateĂ¢  my recipe exactly. iĂ¢€™ll letyou guys know that my recipes are never exact. i measure this stuff out for you guys to butnormally man i put this handful that handful

of this and you know whole shake of this anditĂ¢€™s cool, i like this becauseĂ¢  it comes out different every single time right. weneed get outta this like oh itĂ¢€™s gotta be exact right i mean iĂ¢€™m halfĂ¢  german andhalf chinese this is not exact man alright so always i dunno man if you wanna know exactlyi dunno put aĂ¢ table spoonĂ¢ or two of this stuff in there. just dump itĂ¢ anĂ¢ then uhletĂ¢€™s see after that weĂ¢€™re gonna go ahead we've got 3 small onions these are sweet onionsso there no like a hot onions. these are a mixture of peppers, i probably got some peppercheese mostly and some other hot peppers i donĂ¢€™t know what kind they are but they'rebut theyĂ¢€™re going in season. those are two things; next we got the sauerkraut from mygarden, man i love to smell this stuff whoo.Ă¢ 

let's how much of this stuff should we putin i'll put in that much. i dunno maybe you could call that like 3 tablespoons maybe fouri dunno whatever. actually these arenĂ¢€™t tablespoons these are fork fulls fork spoonsfork fulls i dunno whatever alright so we got sauerkraut in there now. next weĂ¢€™regonna go ahead and out in thatĂ¢  taco seasoning here on that i dunno i estimate i dunnoĂ¢ one table spoon maybe one an half depending on how tacoy you like it. now you donĂ¢€™thave to use this exact recipe right you could use any kind of nuts, you could use bell peppersif you donĂ¢€™t got tomatoes, you know iĂ¢€™ve used orange juice instead of tomatoes if idonĂ¢€™t have tomatoes you know i mean those are some kinda good fruits to use like orangejuice, peppers or tomatoes are usually make

a pretty good base.Ă¢ next weĂ¢€™re gonna go ahead and add some nuts, now i wanna stop at this point and talk moreabout the nuts right like in thisĂ¢  recipe i got different flavor sensations going onso its gonna taste good for average people. like even my brother he loves these things.right but i love em even more especially when i grew them myself outta my garden. and manypeople making kale chips or vegetable chips might just use some salt some oil and thegreens which you guys are free to do iĂ¢€™m never gonna tell you guys what you shouldor shouldnĂ¢€™t do. cause those are easy and i would call them kina like lame kale chipscause the really light up your taste buds because we our taste buds are lit up whenwe get highly concentrated sources of fat

and salt. and as much as people think thosethings might be healthy right salt in excess is never healthy we need to get an adequateamount of sodium in our diet not necessarily salt. so i donĂ¢€™t like to us salt in anymajor excess. there is some salt in the miso and i did use some salt Ă¢ in creation of thesauerkraut but itĂ¢€™s not nearlyĂ¢  as muchĂ¢  as dumping salt in there because these areĂ¢ salt in small quantities in each of these ingredient that are gonna add flavor. butbesides just the salt iĂ¢€™m trying to add other flavors besides just a salty flavori trying to add that umami flavor right. iĂ¢€™m adding you know uh some of the ingredientsfrom my garden thatĂ¢€™s grown high-quality you know minerals in the soil not only thesea mineral that i spray on, but also the

rock dust mineral in the soil so that's gonnagive my food better flavor without having to add the salt.Ă¢ so that's the salt component now for the fat component like people think of all those nutsare healthy all these different oils coconut oil thatĂ¢€™s healthy like. i'm gonna let youguys now that you know in my personal opinion you know oils are just another processed food.and i want you guys to get processed food out of your diet. if it comes in a plasticbottle or jar if it needs ingredient labels so you know what it is, what is that oil inthere you wouldnĂ¢€™t know if there was a label on their um i want you guys to get it outof your diet because once man starts processing things in factories and all these things itĂ¢€™sreally like subverting nature, and itĂ¢€™s

trying to do itĂ¢€™s like using chemical Ă¢ fertilizersĂ¢ in your garden and when youĂ¢€™re trying to grow organic and try to use compost and thenatural method. the natural method is for us to eat whole foods, not you know extractedprocessed foods. and a lot of those, all of those unfortunately aren't even though theysay 100 percent olive oil are not because they're doctoring it up with other crappyoil so youĂ¢€™re really not getting what youĂ¢€™re paying for. and so one table spoon of oliveoil is like 120 calories for that same amount of calories i think you could eat like 45olives like whole olives so instead of eating olive oil i would eat whole olives becausenot only do you get the oil in the olives you get the fiber you get more vito-chemical,vito-nutrients, vitamins and minerals that

are not in the 100 percent extracted fats.and the processed foods including oils in my opinion is one of the reasons why peopleare overweight in this day and age. because you might make a salad you pour an oil andvinegar dressing on there and people donĂ¢€™t realize that they've got more calories fromthe oil and vinegar dressing than they do in the salad greens. yes and even if itĂ¢€™sthis large cause the leafy greens are only about 100 calories per pound. right so youcould eat a pounds of greens or one table spoon of oil on that and normally people putmore than a table spoon of oil on their salad now you got more caloriesĂ¢  coming from theoil than the salad greens. so in the nuts you know they're much lesser concentrationof calories although they're still more than

lettuce. and besides just having the fat theyalso have the vito nutrients, vito-chemicals, steinols and sterols and um vitamins and mineralsyou know that nature would provide. and one day i will have my own macadamia nut treeto have my own nuts.Ă¢  now for this recipe we're using, macadamianuts because it makes a nice creamy consistency really neutral flavor but of course use anynuts you guys can get your hands on right. if you guys have a walnut tree use walnutsus if you got a pecans tree use pecans if you got pistachio tree us pistachios right,theyĂ¢€™ll all work. i just like the macadamia nuts and i also try to encourage you guysto rotate the nuts you eat. don't always eat macadamia nuts we want to get some of thenutrition that's in pine nuts for instance.

but this is what iĂ¢€™m using today and i wantto encourage you guys to use whole food sources of fat. so we got one cup the macadamia nutsmaybe we're gonna blend this up to getĂ¢  it down a little bit. alright we almost got afull blender craft right.Ă¢  then we got one cup of the tomatoes that i dehydrated myself.we're gonna pour that in there and then finally the last ingredient we have today is miso.Ă¢ so for those of you guys that don't know what miso is and those of you guys that are asianout there probably know what is but a lot of you guys don't know t know what miso is.basically itĂ¢€™s like cabbage is to sauerkraut what whole cooked soy beans are to miso. theybasically cooked the soy beans they inoculate it and then they let it ferment you know dependingon the kind like this is a cayoto red, this

is a low sodium kind, they also have a white,yellow and different kinds of miso. and man this stuff is amazing, it tastes like nothingelse but if you've never tasted it before it tastes as close to like soy sauce right.but yeah it has a nice a little bit salty flavor once again this is the low salt flavorthat i like to get. and also it has the benefits of probiotics and the beneficial microbesin there and it adds some tastes sensations aside from just adding sodium you know. whichis an important nutrient but we don't want to get too much and too many people unfortunatelyjust rely on salt for flavor. which they should be relying on high quality food like the stuffiĂ¢€™m growing in my garden. that like and the tomatoes, the onions, the peppers andof course the greens and the sauerkraut of

course. i want to encourage you guys to useas many ingredients as you guys can source outta your garden and even if this you canĂ¢€™tmake this exact recipe if youĂ¢€™ve got leeks instead of onions use the leeks in this recipeof if youĂ¢€™ve got garlic instead of onions use some garlic in there right i just happento have onions in my garden so that's what iĂ¢€™m using this time. but like nothing isevery like (inaudible) or set in stone right i want you guys to experiment and have funin the kitchen, worse case youĂ¢€™re gonna make a batch and itĂ¢€™s not gonna taste goodbut if you stick with what i do and maybe change one or two things up a little bit andjust a little bit its gonna turn out fine. and itĂ¢€™s gonna be new taste sensations rightand itĂ¢€™s just fun playing in the kitchen.Ă¢ 

alright so once we got all these items inthere we're just gonna go ahead and blast this blender on high that why i like the vitamixit has sharp blades. it really (inaudible) and it cuts up those big pieces of nuts andturns it into a cream sauce. so like tomatoes youĂ¢€™re gonna get creamed. alright so runit long enough until you hear the motor working really hard its kina burning because thisis a really thick mixture and itsĂ¢  challenging for even the vitamix to blend up and to makeit a bit thinner if you donĂ¢€™t want it this thick i like it really thick cause itĂ¢€™sgoing to be more flavorful in the end product, you could reduce the amount of nuts and orreduce the amount of dried tomatoes that i use so use like half a cup and half a cupinstead of one cup and one cup. and if you

have a non-powerful blender blend up all theingredients liquid first, and then the last two the nuts and the sundried tomatoes youknow have your blender running take of the little spout lid and like drop in like onenut at a time until it blows it up and fractionates it and then put in another one like one ata time. if you put all of them in at once its gonna leave like big chunks in an underpowered blender. alright so we have that ready and look at that itĂ¢€™s really nice and thicknice cream sauce itĂ¢€™s like kind of a thick yogurt consistency. iĂ¢€™m gonna go ahead andscoop out the stuff at the top here, yeah really nice consistency, thatĂ¢€™s why thevitamix like rules man like reallyĂ¢  no other blender gets in this fine in consistency.i've tested the blendtec and other things

and they just don't really work as well asthe vitamix here.Ă¢  alright so next what we're gonna do is we'regonna go ahead and take our bowl of kale and we're gonna go ahead and take our dressing.and this is a perfect dressing for a salad dressing look at this, nice thick consistencythis would be like a salad dressing that you make for dinner at night right. i have a bowlof greens and my salad dressing made of ingredients mostly from my garden and if you donĂ¢€™t wantto eat it fresh you donĂ¢€™t have to you can dehydrate it. and if you make too much saladyou can't eat it all mix it all up and dehydrate the rest and then eat it later. i like totake these dehydrated collard chips when i travel for instance right. and hereĂ¢€™s anothercool thing right if you get tired of eating

salad you can make whatĂ¢€™s called a um dehydratedsalad so instead of making chips where you dehydrate it fully like 12 - 18 hours in yourdehydrator you could dehydrate this for 5 hours and it dehydrates just enough to likeget these leaves to like reduce down a little bit. it basically takes out some of the watercontent of this dressing and it concentrates the flavors and itĂ¢€™s even more yeah so many different things you can do. i'm sharing this recipe with you guys becauseĂ¢ i mean this is how i eat like i only prepare my foods in certain ways like i donĂ¢€™t frymy food for exampleĂ¢  you know that's highly toxic and it create pre-radicals and reallydamages the food. so i like to process the food that i eat with little to no heat likeiĂ¢€™m doing today. so letĂ¢€™s see we're just

gonna go ahead and scoop of the rest of thismixture and then we're going to go ahead and mix this guy up.alright so i got all the delicious dressing goodness out of my blender craft next tipis we got a pair of stainless tongs i got these on clearance after barbeque season.a pack of two, this is a like the home depot, these are never used for barbeque in my housethese are used for tossing, i mean tossing my salad. alright so letĂ¢€™s tossĂ¢ ofĂ¢ mysalad here and all weĂ¢€™re gonna do is weĂ¢€™re trying to get the dressing mixed in in everyleaf coated and letĂ¢€™s keep it in the bowl please. alright so i've tossed my salad, itĂ¢€™sall mixed pretty good, the next step is to get it all set up in the dehydrator. so wegot this stainless steel dehydrator and itĂ¢€™s

really nice it comes at you with stainlesssteel trays cause i know a lot of you guys are paranoid about putting your food on plasticthat being said stainless steel trays as iĂ¢€™ve learned have their pros and cons . theyĂ¢€™re'cool cause theyĂ¢€™re stainless steel theyĂ¢€™re indestructible they're gonna last a lifetimethey're highly resistant to rust but the negative thingĂ¢  is that if i were to put these kalechips on the stainless tell tray look it hit it, these guys are a witch to clean. and insteadof the w in witch change that to a b. i'm not going to say that today. but anyway they'rea pain in the you know what to clean, once you get the dressing of the kale chips onthere. even if you're just dehydrating cut up slices of tomatoes on here right the tomatoesstick to the stainless steel grid now maybe

if you sprayed it with some kind of oil orsomething like that it wouldn't stick, but i don't like to coatĂ¢  oil on this stuff causeeven cleaning that stuff off is gonna be a pain in the butt so you know you using theplastic trays that come with many dehydrators they have plastic mesh tray that kina justcomes offĂ¢  thoseĂ¢  are really cool because those ah release a lot easier on the kalechips. now that being said because iĂ¢€™ve had to clean these one too many times whichis about two times i don't dehydrate on those directly anymore what i use instead are theseguys and then what i have in the bottom of my dehydrator i have these precut alreadyand i just kina leave em in here ready for me. and what i got here is i got a parchmentpaper, so this is parchment paper with silicone

on there and these are non-stick so am onsundried tomatoes, they release like 98 percent so itĂ¢€™s very efficient at releasing andon the kale chips they release quite well and the cool thing about the parchment paper,Ă¢ it comes in about 15 inches width which is the same size as the tray, so you just haveto cut em on two sides to make it the right size for your tray and i get a couple usesout of them so i might be able to use them like 3, 4 times before they get kina too flakyand basically what happens to these guys is i put em through my paper shredder, i shredem up and then they go in my composter right. so they're getting 100 percent utilizationonsite. we're gonna go ahead and stick our tray right there right on top of the vitamixthat makes a nice little stand uh there, i

dunno if you guys can see that maybe i'llmove it over for you guysĂ¢  sure. and then all we're gonna do is we're gonna go aheadlike we're scooping out a salad, uh for scooping it out to put it in our bowl we're just gonnago ahead and take like not too much at a time, we're gonna take a few things and we're justgonna put it on the tray and we don't wanna like pile it up really high we wanna try tohave like a single layer thin at most like two layers thin. i mean if you can't get itright maybe three but you donĂ¢€™t wanna like jam it in there you wanna leave plenty airspace so that when youĂ¢€™re dehydrating it the air can go everywhere and get it dehydratedperfect. so yeah i'm just gonna go ahead and fill this try up and we'll come back at yawhen we're all done.

alright so i think i got it all the wholetray finished all lined up we're gonna go ahead and sow you guys what it looks likean this is what it looks like on the tray then we're just gonna go ahead and slide thisin the dehydrator sometimes gets too tall or iĂ¢€™ll skip a tray or take a tray out andthen i'll put this in so we don't like mess up the top of my tray or hit or maybe i'lljust put it like this sometimes itĂ¢€™s a little bit too tall. so once we do that we got thenext tray and we got the precut parchment paper and we're just gonna go ahead and loadthis tray up too. alright so we got this tray loaded up lets go ahead and you put this inthe dehydrator. so this is why buying a large dehydrator is quite critical if you are intopreserving your own foods as much as like

its tent rays for this one although when theyshipped it to me they only shipped me 9 trays and i'm still trying to get the extra trayfrom em, scumbagsĂ¢  a lot of kale spread out to cover a lot of surface area because youknow when you're doing like tomatoes youĂ¢€™re only supposed to cut into like i dunno quarterinch pieces and like put one piece next to each other so it really takes a lot of spaceto lay everything out properly to dehydrate it and same thing we had a lot of leafy greenand the surface area of the leafy greens were huge so we want to like try to like layerthis down like you know like single file of one of i mean iĂ¢€™ll prolly get like sometimesmaybe 3 up or four up cause all these pieces are sticking together and that alright butwe just donĂ¢€™t want it too high and we donĂ¢€™t

want to like smash ten pieces on top of eachother we want to leave nice uh leave it nice and flat you can leave air space so the aircan get in there and dehydrate cause thatĂ¢€™s how it really how this is working.Ă¢ now i want to stop for a second and talk to you more about the power of the leafy you guys may be aware my youtube channel is actually called growing your greens andas much as i teach you guys about gardening and growing all kinds of foods in your gardenfrom fruits and vegetables and herbs and even medicinal herbs you know greens is what ilike are the most important food on the planet ant this is documented and confirmed by nutritionalscience these days right theyĂ¢€™re discovering everyday it seems new beneficial compoundsin the leafy greens and everybody tells us

the government you know everybody tells usto eat more fruits and vegetables and especially the leafy greens, i believe america has anextreme leafy green deficiency and that's why my youtube channel is called growing yourgreens to really highlight the benefit and importance of growingĂ¢  the leafy greens soi'm really glad that i could make this video to share with you guys is just one of theways i use my leafy green of course another way is through fermentation like i have here,i also juice them which i have videos on juicing leafy greens and i also blend them up andof course i make salads with them and also ad em to soups. actually i donĂ¢€™t think ihave a good soup recipe on this channel oh yeah i did i have on with my girlfriend. butyeah if youĂ¢€™re interested in other recipes

and demos that i make on this channel be sureto uh go to my uh and then i have a whole playlist with alldifferent recipes videos that i've made over the years on how i use the food. you knowthey're so many different beneficial vito nutrient and vito chemicals vitamins and mineralsin these leafy greens. for example the leafy greens weĂ¢€™re using today these are anti-cancerman, my uncleĂ¢  was just diagnosed with colon cancer and maybe that could have been preventedpotentially if he was eating a lot of anti-cancer leafy greens and other anti-cancer foods suchas the onions that i added today and the garlic is also another anti-cancer food and alsoeating you know copious amounts of fiber is gonna keep things kina going through ya inyour colon and your know the fiber acts as

a broom to keep your colon clean. well yeahthe greens are essential and america has leafy green deficiencyĂ¢  in my opinion and itĂ¢€™smy goal every day to eat 2 pounds of leafy greens you know whether thatĂ¢€™s in dehydratedchips, vegetables chips, leafy greens vegetable chips like i'm doing today whether that meansi'm juicingĂ¢  a pound of greens like the other day whether that means i'm eating a poundof greens for my dinner today i had 10 ounces of greens blended up into the blender intoa blended salad actually i donĂ¢€™t think i have good videos on this channel of a blendedsalads. um you know that's my goal and i want you guys to get as much leafy greens in asyou guys can and more importantly grow those all times of year in your garden.i know summer time you know guys you guys

get into growing all the tomatoes and cucumbersand peppers and eggplants and okras and all the cool summer crop but there are deliciousleafy greens you guys can grow and i want you guys to grow those, grow leafy greensand get em into you each and every day of the year. this time of year i my garden eventhough itĂ¢€™s been in the 100 degrees weather lately i got stiny needles in my garden, igot lamb quarters in my garden, i got (inaudible) in my garden i got swiss chard in my gardeni got all these uh collard greens i got tree collards i got dinosaur kale i think i saidswiss chard i go my malabar spinach coming up i just planted egyptian spinach even inthe 100 degree weather it just starting to come out and pop out the ground so iĂ¢€™llbe having that really soon. i got other leafy

greens also such as the uh what is it thewalkate its um potmalo coming up um i geniar pokambands the oshitaba you know and hopefullypretty soon iĂ¢€™ll also be having katook and kinaway spinach right. lots of different leafygreens but you just gotta find the right ones that are gonna work in your particular climate.another one that does quite well for any people is the new zealand spinach and they're excellentyou know hot weather summer leafy greens if you canĂ¢€™t grow some of those cooler leafygreens.Ă¢  alright well i got this tray loaded up letsgo ahead and load up the dehydrator and i think i got one or two more trays we're gonnago ahead and do this off camera then weĂ¢€™re gonna come back at you when iĂ¢€™m done showyou guys and program the dehydrator. so it

looks like i got four full trays and aboutuh a half of the last tray so we're just gonna go ahead and use my spatula here and spashuloff the rest all of the rest of this delicious dressing unto this last tray so tis gonnabe extra think. and then letĂ¢€™s see weĂ¢€™re just gonna go ahead and uh set the dehydratorup. now i was thinking about it and i want to also let you guys know that you know thereason why vegetables are so important to me is not only the nutrition it containedwithin them but because they have those powerful plant compounds that are anti disease so anticaner and basically if you like made arugula chips right the same time you're making thearugula chips or beet green chips those guys are gonna clean out your arteries. and there'sdocumented science studies on this topic and

big leafy green deficiency in society. sogrowing leafy greens all time of year. all finished we're just going to go ahead shovethis in the dehydrator and we're gonna go ahead and get dehydrated. alright so we'rejust going to go ahead and push that tray in there and uh close these two doors thesedoors a nice glass doors, prolly could clean em. and then we're going to go ahead and setthis dehydrator up so this dehydrator has a cool feature itĂ¢€™s one and two times twotemperature. normally a dehydrator you can set for you know one temperature like theold school one have like a tv you know volume knob which are kinda lame. i definitely likethe computer control one because they're much more precise so thatĂ¢€™s what i recommendto you guys if you guys are looking to buy

one and uh what weĂ¢€™re going to do if itonly had one temperature that i could set itĂ¢  at i would set it at depending if itĂ¢€™sin a digital model maybe like 111 on the exclaber digital models on the exclabe analog modelsi would set it to like 105 am because there is a fluctuation of maybe like 10 degreesor maybe 6 or 7 degrees on this model. so i donĂ¢€™t want the temperate to exceed 118degrees which is what many people say enzymes start to degrade at so i want to keep themost amount of enzymes in my food when uh because this has two time two temperatureand the thing is this we could run the dehydrator for the first maybe like two hours and like130 degrees of 140 degrees and then after the first hour or 2 drop the temperature downto 111 degrees like iĂ¢€™d like. you're probably

thinking "john, that's too hot man youĂ¢€™re'gonna kill all the enzymes" well here's the thing when youĂ¢€™re dehydrating the firsthour or two especially one on a nice liquid dressing that like mostly tomatoes like apound and half tomatoes or if your just dehydrating tomatoes because there's so much water contentin there the dehydrator at 140 degrees is gonna basically evaporate off first the wateroff there and that's gonna have a cooling effect on the food so the food won't actuallyget to that temperature right. then after the first 2 maybe 3 hours then we drop thetemperature down and then let it dehydrate the rest of the way at 11 degrees in thisparticular unit. so what this does it effectively shaves hours off your dehydration time becausewe can do it in the beginning for a much warmer

temperature to evaporate off the larger percentageof water content first then drop our temperature down.Ă¢ so letĂ¢€™s go ahead and set this up so letĂ¢€™s see here temperature number one we're gonna go ahead and set hereto uh 133, and we're gonna go ahead and set that up for a total of 3 hours today. alrightthen we're gonna go ahead and temperature tw0 weĂ¢€™re gonna go ahead and set temperaturetwo to 111 and we're just gonna crank the hours up all the way to um crank it up tolike 32 hours although maybe iĂ¢€™ll crank it up to maybe 30 hours it make it an evennumber. now we probably donĂ¢€™t need to dehydrate this for a full 30 hours you know it justdepends on where you live you know and how

thick your dressing is you know if you livein an arid climate a humid climate you know if its colder outside its hotter outside youkeep your house really coldĂ¢  you keep your house warm that's gonna change the time butin general its takes me personally depending on whenĂ¢  i wanna eat it if i'm gonna eatit fresh it doesnĂ¢€™t have to be fully dry but if i'm gonna store it i want it all theway driedĂ¢  the lower the moisture content the better its gonna store without molding.i you pullout things too early and try to store it and itĂ¢€™s still too wet, its gonnamold on ya then all your hard work is gonna down the toilet so that's not too fun. soweĂ¢€™re gonna go ahead and start of at 30 hours click the tart button the fan startsup and its tarts to heat, letĂ¢€™s go ahead

and make sure our heating element is workingalright i feel the heat. the heat is on. so iĂ¢€™m just gonna go ahead and let this run,we'll come back at you tomorrow and let you guys know the progress and i'll pull em outwhen they're done and show you guys what we got. alright now i'm back and itĂ¢€™s beeni dunno about 18 hours letĂ¢€™s see i out the timer to what 30 hours even and it looks likeon here we have uh 12 hours and 45 minutes left so that means itĂ¢€™s been running 17hours 45 minutes something like that andĂ¢  i think itĂ¢€™s done actually and i know itĂ¢€™sprobably done because probably after about 12 hours i opened up the dehydrator triedsome of the chips most of em were dry but some of the ones the ones that i laid it onpretty thick were not yet dry and i went ahead

and ate two of the trays so that was likemaybe like 30 - 40, 35Ă¢  percent of the kale chips that i made or the collard chips theyĂ¢€™regone, they're in my stomach that was my lunch today and they were delicious.anyways i think we're gonna go ahead and hit stop here on the unit and we're just gonnago ahead and open this up and weĂ¢€™re gonna show you guys what happened to our leafy greenchips overnight. ok letĂ¢€™s take this guy out so this is what happened to our leafygreen chips, if you can see that they're basically dehydrated in to little pieces and if we takeit hmm itĂ¢€™s quite good. reminds me of uh if you ever had pasta that had likeĂ¢  mexicanseasoning on it that's kind of what it remind me of. you can barely even taste the greens,these greens now mind you cause itĂ¢€™s the

summer time especially the brassica familyplants in the desert (inaudible ) 100 degrees kina tasteĂ¢  a bit strong but the dehydrationprocess killed that bite so itĂ¢€™s actually quite delicious. but yeah the thing with thekale chip or the collard chips in the store, two ounces of this will run you guys like5.99, 4.99on sale but if you guys are growing your own stuff you could literally make unlimitedkale and collard chips and if this is too much work for you, you donĂ¢€™t want to cutthe dressing on thatĂ¢€™s alright wash it cut it up put in the dehydrator on these sheetsor even you donĂ¢€™t need the sheets if youĂ¢€™re just dehydrating the leaves alone. when theycome out just take it put it in your blender power the blender on high and that will turninto your green powder and then you could

have your own source of green powder you knowfor the summer or for the winter or for when you travel. so once this is done how we'regonna store this you could store this in some kind of like ziploc bag, that would make areally good air seal i like to store my stuff in glass, anyway so we're just gonna go aheadand take these guys and just drop it right itĂ¢€™s important to make sure that these are completely dry you wanna be able to breakem you wanna be able to basically crunch and not be moist in the middle that the determinationfactor. you know if i did all in single layer or single file line, they would be dry likethis one is here. but because some of em were stacked up 3 up they're not completely theymay not be completely dry. once you have them

dehydrated in this state you could store themin the jar, make sure the jar is completely sealed. easily store this stuff 6 months buti bet you this stuff will not even last 60 days in your house. once you start eatingthis it like opening a bag of potato chips, if i was to open a bag of potato chips whichi don't i probably eat one chip then eat the whole bag and if i opened up this containerof kale chips or collard chips id open up the container and eat them all. so yea thisis just yet another way you guys can get more food that you grewĂ¢  in your garden in theseones i have my greens i have my onions i have my peppers i have my tomatoes i have my sauerkrautsome more cabbages probably napa cabbage or bok choy that i grew in the winter in here.itĂ¢€™s an excellent way to get some of the

food you grow in here. and that's what i simplywant i donĂ¢€™t want you guys to have a garden ad have it to be one of those ornamental gardensand have it look really nice right. i wanted it to be a functional garden that you guyseat out of each and every day of your life. and even if itĂ¢€™s not like a lot i want youguys to eat even if itĂ¢€™s just like a sprig of mint in your smoothie that morning, i wantyou guys to eat that one thing out of your garden each and every day and over time increasethe amount of things youĂ¢€™re eating out of your garden and decrease the amount of thingsyouĂ¢€™re having to buy. this is only going to get better for you as well as the healthof the planet cause itĂ¢€™s a lot more, you know green, to be growing your greens insteadof buying em. so if you guys enjoyed this

episode please give me a thumbs up to letme know that will encourage me to make more videos on how i prepare my foods. maybe theupcoming ones will be on blended salad thatĂ¢€™s a fun one of actually one of my favoritesblended soups or just ah fresh soupsĂ¢  maybe even uh green smoothies those are just aneasy way i like to use a lot of my greens and produce. i mean of course i eat a lotof this stuff fresh to make some amazing salads maybe that will be another video, but thumbsup if you want more of those videos, also check my playlist that i'll put a link downin the description of this video to other videos iĂ¢€™ve made on how i prepare the foodthat i grow at home. also be sure to check out past episodes i have over 1100 episodesnow share with guys all aspects of how you

can guys can grow your own food at home andĂ¢ be successful at it. and be sure to click that subscribe button right down below tobe notified of my new upcoming episodes i have coming out every 3 -4 days and whileyou're at it be sure to share this video with somebody that you know that grows a lot ofgreens but they donĂ¢€™t use em. this is an excellent way to do it and they taste delicious,hmm. so once again this is john kohler with growing your we'll see you nexttime and until then remember keep on growing.

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