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hello everyone we are getting the camera shot all lined up, hello everyone with me you there who i d hello everyone we're getting thecameras at all lined up their whole everyone and welcome to this month ask nice presentation i let me letmichael barnes say hello purchases hello i'm monicaburns on the math innovation think i'm education projectmanager and i am just welcoming you and be happybe minority university research and

education program and that's where are and the knifeseries and we're very excited about having the ask night series for this month a february yes thank you money for hostingand well you're very welcome we're excited to have everyone connected today and today is the first in a series up to sections on earth's energy budget that'sa topic that's taught in middle school high school

on its own environmental science classesso we're really excited to be bringing this content to you and for those of you who are watchingthe google hangout out you should have a little of a quickcomment box under the youtube viewer so you can put questions in there andsend them into us you can also tweet in questions and ifyou use the hash tag ask nice will be coming twitter andpulling out those tweets and will be able to answer your questions that wayas well so we welcome all you those of you whoare watching

online and we also have several sitesconnected with us live i know teachers are still gathering there so i'll justlet you know where we are and you'll see that the teachers and interact with themlater on but we have lake country distance education center and that is over i'm in mecklenburg virginia we also have the institute foradvanced learning and research connected i dana and they are and danville virginia and then are

the most exciting connected party is the presenters who are connectingfrom google are and we have doctor brian so did anddoctor julie lambert's hello to both and you you yeah and they're gonna be sharing i'm sonot brian's research and also a resourcethat they have created together that you'll be able to use with theirstudents to teach earth energy budget and i also see thatwe have the mariners museum in newport news virginia connected

so hello to erica and hello to tay hello down already and i believe we alsohave lynchburg city schools connected i don't see them here right now but i'm gonna give a shout out to themanyway because i believe they're connected and i want to welcome theminto the bracket alright well then i'm gonna stop talkingthere i've given you the directions on how to not submit questions so please go aheadand do that if you have any questions or comments

and i'm gonna turn it over to brian andjulie and let them start with their presentation okay thank you bonnie and thank you everyone for coming into thisi'm brian so officer at university of miami andmissus securely lender on are you and a a we're going to be talking to you todayabout the the earth's energy budget and thegreenhouse and so i'm gonna start sharing butimportantly where we were going to be

sharing this is a billion are going to disappear whilei'm showing our or or what happens became and share here with me second a i make everybody hearing yes we can being a good year i can you well i hadmyself muted so i was good and thank you %uh this guide for meetingas well but so what i am gonna talk about us

this morning is years energy budget and how it relates to the greenhouseeffect in global warming and this is are a a a program that we put together way i'm site investigation there's awebsite for underneath here are where you can go toand go through some be examples and you know he's going to be goingthrough that your few minutes i'm engine bay gonna be going into moredetails about yours energy back yet and in how that works

a in iso exercise you so just the start out i'm gonnadescribed a yours greenhouse effects and how itworks and how that's related two years energyand how changes in the earth's greenhouse effect i are responsible for what you perceive i'm changer what and the first thing to understand is thegreenhouse effect is a very important property

your sats you and we have an example here these two pictures showthe what energy within the earth on the leftwould be an example of the year they had no act here at no mean house onthe right is an example of how your operates as it does with but naturally make a ap and important or ames you i'm staying hereis that your sweet aspect is may at walmart her at always that at and

without this greenhouse effect yorkwould be much colder than and we see this illustrated on the leftwhere the earth receives energy from the sun and any better energy back to space inthe form of longer wavelength in parading and in this configuration without any atmosphere or without anygreenhouse your whenever after call them but seriouslyspare now you can worldly after i am extremelycold

and barry inhospitable but what actuallyhappens is that the earth has gases benefits or in for a radiation and those gases in the atmosphere a trap that radiation and then radiatorback down to the service and this is the worst period i've right and what this provides than our to sources the energy they your service one is the direct energy coming from sonbut the other source of energy beekeeper your service is this back radiationincorrectly

its and because now do your best tosource independently on or where and we have a globally after was 260 i in syria so watery bees gas is this provide thisvery important me know speculators atmosphere are areactually present in very small amounts enough really well you know he i thinkthe most impressive things that your setups and the greenhouse effect the primary

a greenhouse gases are water vapor andcarbon dioxide with other are fusions methane does and remarkable thing is that thesecomprise only about one percent here says so in theory you can take it a the an atmosphere identical to theone we have any move only one out of every 100market their here and a temperature the earthwill on it you the router now these gases are

president actually they've been presentas long as the earth's atmosphere and their orders be greenhouse effect isa is a naturally occurring well warming on the other hand resultsfrom human activities that increase the concentration of greenhousegases primarily carbon dioxide and this results from the burning fossilwhen we burn oluloro or gas that releases carbondioxide as a byproduct neck and that enhances the firstnational and it's bad enhancement that he needsto

increases in temperature your or now how does this relate to the years energybudget in the balance between years energy in this example we sorta cartoon that we had previously and you theimporter think i stand is it the earth a it if you look at a large enough who if you average over the entiresurface of the earth

and look i'm a long enough time scaleaverage over several years you might have energy coming in aboutthe atmosphere is in balance with the amount of energy being made it back its we say in this rate but that the earth is anyclue united energy absorption the sun is eager to get my energy right now unity incredibly now the burning of fossil fuels increases the concentration ofgreenhouse gases so it's a bit weird you

instantly double the concentration ofcarbon dioxide in the atmosphere we changed to configuration where now wehave more energy coming in from the sun and less energy being mad at this pagebecause they increase in carbon dioxide as absorb more than infrared radiationin mead use be motivated you being met space and in this situationthe earth is no longer in bales we have more energy i mean it then wemake that the space and when that happens when we have moreenergy coming in and going out be mad energy within the climate systemincreases that measured by an increase in temperature

so as long as there's more energy comingin in then is being made at this pace the temperature here will increase asthe temperature here increases he missed more radiationactually we for that processes blackbody radiation wat step in baltimore some pics warm upthe it more energy a specially the area inbits a are warms up to a point where theamount of energy mated is again in balance beam unabated youcan begin to from the sun and in that situationyou're is

back in balance but we're at a warmertemperatures in the process so 0 taking computermodels to to borrow yours climbing and forecast somuch acquire all changes really about bringing out how much does the earth atwarm in order to restore that balance abbreviation yet and a what are the interesting things is if we just increase carbon dioxide and let nothingelse changed you're the only has to warm

up by about one degree co or one give mesenator so if we go to the next slide here if we a what this slideshows is a bunch of different climate models where we have doubled the amount ofcarbon dioxide in the atmosphere and then let those climate models warmanso they restore balance that not yet scared so he x-axis year shows the years that theintegration so carbon dioxide is

increasing with the first hundred years and then the y-axis shows a changingglobal mean temperature and the different colors representdifferent climate models that have developed by research labs all world and what we see here is that when wedouble the amount of co2 these climate models predict increase intemperature anywhere about two-degree use a going to usematches or 5 reviews

but we know from simple physics that ifwe double the amount of carbon dioxide there it will only take about one degreeincrease in temperature in order to restore that balance not yet so what are the key questionshere is why do these models we take so much morewarming what it would only a one degree increase in temperature torestore bail yet and the reason for that is when we double co2 in warm the planet there's other changes that occur inresponse that warm it

x it atmosphere i misses myself doesn'tmean fixed a but there's other feedbackprocesses they change the flow energy within by missus and wanna this simple less than most intuitivebeast feedback processes is called the snow ice lb 20 be and what happens there is as the servicewarms say from an increase in carbon dioxidethat warmer service results in a melting us though and ice so there's less snow and ice covering upby a written response that warming

that reduction in the amount of snow andice cover needs to increase in the amount a sunlight isbeing absorbed by the planet and the increasing demand some weight isbeing absorbed nbc further warming so you get feedbackprocess here that's represented in this little wire diagramborrow where warming up the service from someexternal cause like an increase in co2 means to for their application of thatwarming from this positive feedback us and that's something that's going onwithin the climate system we have satellite measurements that show forexample a reduction

in ice sea ice cover over the arcticocean so here's a an image in sea ice cover duringseptember 2004 i in here's the sea ice cover just a fewyears later and you can see that there is a dramaticdecrease in ca service to you period but actually we have data this go goes back several decades and you cansee there's been this long-term reduction in arctic sea ice coverage and that hasled to an increase in yuma sun way ticket stubs

may increase the amount of sunlight thenamplifies at be better process and that's the excuse me no meant to be illustrated here in this diagram where if we take this energy balance again that warming from doubling of co2 aswarm the surface but before it can restore equilibriumdue to the surface warming it's actuallymelting ice cover which now allows more incoming radiation from the sun increasein radiation then

means boo the climate system as the warmup that much more in order to restorebalance yes and summer my screen its going they're here area but there are not just snow and ice beback but there's many different feedback processes within the climate system actually the largest in most importantall these feedback processes something on water vapor be back that'ssomething we're very familiar here in miami

we're very warm climate and we have avery humid climate and that's something also beexperiencing everyday lives it warmer the air is the more watervapor is contained within the air water vapor is actually the most a nominee greenhouse gas and so anincrease in water vapor leads to an increase in your screen outthe back it leads to a further reduction for a further increasein surface that and this positive relationship betweenwater vapor temperature in the arse greenhouse effect is something that's

berry evident when we look at satellite observations used for meetings and so that's illustrated on this righthere where the map on the left shows thedistribution be ocean surface temperature or the warm colors are a warmertemperatures it and purples and blues coldertemperatures the map on the upper right shows thedistribution no atmosphere water vapor and again red

in or injure was at high concentrationspurples and blues are low concentrations and a map on thelower right shows measurements of your screen ousted andso you can see very clearly that places that are the warmest at thehighest concentrations water vapor the highest concentration water vaporassociated with you largest mean house effect and vice versa so you see even in the regionaldistribution of these quantities that there's a very positive a is back or between

and so when we begin to take warming that results from co2 inaddition to the warning that results from these other feedback processes likewater vapor or snow and ice in the third one of talkabout in a second i is clouds you get to see where most to the warming that were project teams worker over the nextcentury from increasing in co2 doesn't actually come from the co2itself but it comes from these other be backprocess from water vapor

snow and ice be back are clad be so it's an interesting situation herewhere most of the change we expect to see over the next centuryis a result 90 the actual emissions co2itself but under feedback processes they gettriggered once we begin to increase ceo again these be back processes areunnatural our viewers i miss and so when we look at these feedbackprocesses we have a very good understanding of howmuch acquire all warm just you to co2

alone how a strong water vapor feedback is andhow strong snow and ice be back years so these are very consistent and verywell understood the real question mark in trying topredict how much your warm in the future is due to clouds an clouds provide again a power back i'm a climate system but thestrength that be back aires dramatically and he's very poorly constrained

from first principles and to understand why the i havefeedback is so uncertain a there's a couple reasons in there illustrated here in this wiredtyre the first is if we're to change are increase surface temperature by onedegree let's say from co2 back in induced changes incloud cover but we don't really have any strong first principles forunderstanding chaired by uncover increase or decrease in response tojames

that part itself is poorly understood in addition clouds have two differentimpacts on new year's energy one is the day we flex some way so ifyou have an increasing no cover week but more sunlight back thespace which we need to decrease in temperaturecooling at the surface we have increase shading on the otherhand clouds also absorber inferred energy so meet theever-increasing cover that would enhance the earth'sgreenhouse effect and that would further war mister its so not only is the changein cloud cover in certain

but it also has two opposing a fax italso as a cooling effect in a warming effect and we don't have a good handle on the which one will dominate becausethese effects differ dramatically depending upon the the type of crowd in and where it'slocated in what and update occurs so as a result much of this red in much of the uncertainty

in future projections 0 climate change are a direct result of uncertainty andhow clouds will change in response to a war mixer us and those this is a very active very research we have a lot of differentsatellites that are dedicated to measuring different aspects clouds within the private systemdifferent properties and what are the things we've done isreally to sort narrow it down we know which er

which crowds are the most difficult mostproblematic and most inconsistent across the models and it turns out it's not the homeless the thunderstorms or any sort really cool fascinating house but it'sreally one of the most worrying and niece interest in cloud ixi think to the to the casual observer and he's a ratextensive strata orem cloud decks that or up because thecalifornia and not because the the western cider cuts

and so if you look at a satellite mapuser these marines status stratus clouds thatare very boring they don't generate a lot of rain they have no thunder lightning this peco it may be a dress a little bits they'renot very vertically extensive they're just kindaa about the most boring kinda ragbrai buthe's our real challenge for projecting futureclimate change and that

i have finished my presentation and so i will and share the screen and the right answer any questions thatpeople may have measures to ensure your success yeah i'm seeing you again instead on thepower might yes in that was great so it might take asecond for the site on you as the mariners museum has apretty good crowd of people there and i know a couple teachers were cominginto the other states as well so on is there are there questions atthis time

okay and i had some questions that wewere talking about kinda interspersing through so i wasgonna ask them now to see how we can use those to summarizewhat brian has cover so someone from one to the site on give your in your own words your ownkind of definition one is the greenhouse the greenhouse effect is over yet mister webb's so words infrared energy radiates it back to thespace and that buys a second source of energyor mister

right so i was looking for why theteachers to summarize that in their own words so we could oh what in good order this game had itwas gonna so much cancer doctor brian third but do so let someone a good features on aboutthis i would like to know this from the teachers as well where are you teaching the greenhouseeffect in your curriculum and and i'm asking them for specificreason i taught sixth grade science for

many years and the greenhouse effect was time for awhile as hard i'll all the problems you know the ozone holein those kinda things so it became very confusing to the students on the fact that the greenhouse effectis very natural process and in fact we couldn't live comfortably here on earthwithout it so i'm some feedback from the teachers is thegreenhouse effect ot as part be atmosphere prior the layers of theatmosphere in things that are naturally occurring in the atmosphere

or is it taught at another section yourcurriculum where is the greenhouse effect included psalms basic scrapers over the atmosphere greet us for but also just space that area i'll the change although it isthen we have as well as age group soldiers from the eighty great aged overcash with corey ch7 it is great trumpet so in just 63issue 2

83 issue was teachers and students your cover you there up you know 83 also does other forms of energy heat transfer things like that is for feature so it is colombian know this isdone on its own its owner iraqi and seventh grade about the oxygencycle in the nineteen cycles okay breakup me has in so it's everyrape you that's a very good wouldn't i know i wanna hearing in brian'spresentation was some discussion up the

different gases in the atmosphere aswell so that's a good way to tie that alltogether and i'm brian joo lee i'm not sure if thatwas really clear what happens here in the state of virginia is students learnabout for example greenhouse effect specifically in sixth grade but the end-of-coursetest as we call it your state it's called ans o l past on that is not given until 83 so in eighth grade students have toremember all the content

that they learn in 6th and 7th and thenin a pre so it's a bit challenging in and havegood reason why we need to teach it with thorough understanding because they haveto really be able to process a recall it years later now so i think that was agood recap i'm house on 7th grade in 8th gradeinclude that as well additionally new or whose shoes change science for all what happened to you andthey may go yeah touch engines following year sothey were science one smashed

so show is next so try to keep all this up without losing the israeli structural or who very good point yeah and then client was loudly in for an hour on whyeven years before that nah nah nah nah 3 where i whatever comes to grammar look out but not really instruction andmight you feel that's an accurate assessment the thing i'm when there and they talkabout different types

clouds but i don't know if that's whatrate which will really get used to it being asked yep okay well any other questions banner comments forbrian regarding i may be the cloud researched since we are gone on to clouds their its okay i'm one thing i'd like to if we havetime i don't know that i want to go back to a great now that i think this isactually a good time to segue into

julie's content but i think it would be interesting ifwe have some time at the end to discuss those models a little bit further and the different displays that werethere so on will hold onto that thought but at this time julie do you wanna gointo presenting the website that you have up and whileyou're doing that i have a question coming in so i willread that and get that to you but will let julie and i think that %ah thecontent the julie has i mention would be great

as an eighth-grade review preparing forthat s.o.l past so let me read this question enjoying afew okay so this says climate change isapart my sixth-grade science curriculum as a progression intheir exploration up the atmosphere which we participate and there's a couple things there i can'treally read oh they're listing some missions that they participate in and so they're designing some labs toexplore as well with great so that's not so much aquestion which but that's a really good

comment there are a lot of good labsthat you can use they're participating in the on a tracknasa airborne missions so there's a lot that you can getinvolved and will be going to run at the moment a little later i we can tell you some of thoseresources as well all right said julie are you ready to gowith be i'm cfi thanked why yeah okay and let me mention module isbringing that up that the links are available in the odddescription

that is on the youtube page so the linksto be i resources the tool is going to besharing are in the add description that you'llfind their and some you should have hard copy printout that we send out if you're at one of the side the connected with us i'm you sent ahard copy print out at the lesson that joel is gonna share as well right on communion turn it over to youjulie okay okay i don't know if you've had a chanceyet to look at our

live at five investigations website but i'm you know who this or you know foryou love it and then arm then i'm gonna show you theinvestigation that we developed on on energy and if you got girl on first owner show you on pop this is i'm very hopeful thoughthe sources and we on is updated that the last fewdays so i'm we have thermal on resources here that we

on but we think are really arm valuableand helpful is android current new report and likelya parking skeptics about climate change i and global warming you letters lee you bomb hat with several videos here that you could use in yourclassroom and their son all feature films that um the above link to that website and then on and then also on them

for you are needed a box that i have my living room that we've used to on write the script alonso their groupdown into the textbox height both i'm other find them books and one interdisciplinary by books so there's an there's a goodreference list for ya and then the top bomb me here takes you to all the material that we'redeveloping

food supplement the online website though i'm we have bombed the nextgeneration science standards are border punch one thing finance theinnards i n by mitt and energy literacy sensible and then we have from a toughmonth that we then getting too high schoolstudents and two ryan on university miami undergraduatestudents on their back your content knowledge and theirperception about climate change the bike to youthose

on you can contact us and their lane here and then yeah arm each module have other hand out and we have power point ago with thewebsite because teachers thought that would be helpfulwe also have guided reading note-taking om documents says students and read through the website but beguided were reading questions on then felon notesand now we have two different types own we have

and 1 left on witcher inquiry they and they could be your men all forexample and weather and climate we have arm one here called extremely and thestudent role on bolan i'm a guy and they i'm looking at how probable warmer thannormal feelings are an and then they on in like or 1980 and then by after nineteeneighty and after nineteen eighty were given asecond i am not one is actually waited

for scott moore on red stars on it so they learn about probability and the chance packingwarmer than more all season and i'm and then we have we have ahandle on my friends and then we have investigations on that you're done using the websiteand those on we have the and weather and climatemodel we also have one where they learned to they on datafrom weather underground and wouldn't think so arm spreadsheetand then grab it

and they look at heat waves i'm and then the energy i'm one will talk about now but we have me okay to so now i'm energy on module is the one that ryan's of willie addressing today but on we we don't tell my students that humansare causing climate change untill we really true

the figure that out when they get to thepotholes module then then look at co2 when they wildly its meaning fossil fuels and i'm so and week both after first we feel weneed to understand major appliance then the differencebetween weather and climate and then they need to have a really goodunderstanding a energy and how that drives climate and then they feel temperature they look atthat temperature trend over arm over the last

800,000 years in here we have on and a graphing school that om students in iraq were marine and made they can actually manipulatethis are here and so you can see at the churchgrounds and there we we still i'm are working onme impact model all and what we can do andand the impact my job work 9-2 teach the students how to use google orfor i'm but but today gonna show you

this on this investigation on oursynergy budget so here and you can see if you read through this whole module itgives background on on a lotta brandon going to this lent detail today that this would beappropriate for honor science here okay so investigation is here and will say so you've just learned that

balance between energy from a fun andoutline and on earth ultimately johnson finer and but slot it's more complicated thanthat we have to balance good budget atdifferent at the earth's surface and then withinthe atmosphere and then overall so this investigation me then through balancingenergy budget so the first students are my first right now this arm this

overall blackburn and then they would re through on the incoming the differentsections well first we know that we have righthe's on 240 units 240 watts per square meter but 10 the book by it you can you canstart with a hundred units and then from solar radiation and so actually 30 make it into the earth's atmosphere and that bea quote want to use any

240 watts per square meter that brianspartan about in his presentation so others on 19 units arm arms or by arm and the atmospheric wow and 51 units make it to her sir and knows are the shorter on solar radiates dollar i mean this orderwavering i'm so and then the outgoing radiation is no longer and bradradiation

and then are he said you how probablynot works there but so what students what do they will balance this budget at yourcircles and then they will balance it at in within the atmosphere and then go balancer overall in but they have to read rude rather the on prophecy that are happening andenable billion their on no villain where their

table see if the balances and then theywill billiton on their on why i am all here so so we out to show you how it i use are and in and then won't go through the wholething that like i'm so here you agree through and youwon't see bad on so-and-so open other 50 1 units solar radiation absorbed by our service23 he's

a battery water okay so here un lead on her your and seven are used where processes a conduction andconvection and these are prophecies neckline energy loss for your cell its okay and then on and then and then if you continuereading now i'm would anybody like to say what is lost in space how much anarchy

on the unit cell of the state's rate so those teachers that have thatprinted out that's why with clapping i know some love you have the print outthere so you who left those printouts and lookat that out and do it if you could scroll up alittle bit i think the people there watching well will be able to com see that as well min i'm yeah and look in there and not to lookfor some the other numbers that we need

to fill in the rest on that diagram and remember those %uh view onlineyou're well you're very welcome to submit your comments that last 1i readwas from michael will consent so another othershave you are watching go ahead and send in your comments or send a tweet withthe hashtag ask night and out we'll get those comments orquestions whichever added to that the sport okay way so you can start a quiz that'swhat the next input that we need to identify

okay so though you on rather above you that 6 unit are you headed back to space leaving on 111 units arm on your bike welcome ring out for that and then you can go here to checkyour answers okay we have to add it up it back in andit for you so maybe somebody can do that is anywith someone and 1 other sites can you

give us some input here about for the profitably that kaufman me learn anybody that wanted to thank their tell us what that first one is actually 51 it's a it's a little small for me toread i what 51 what the next statement therethat they're looking for the absorption have them bread radiation

from the atmosphere okay so does anyoneyou welker in the paragraph or from having adocument a front view what's the absorption what's the numberwe need to put in there for absorption i see some papers clippinger down there on who the edges read thatstatement one more time julie if you could give some you if they don't have a great problemat least they can look on the screen i hope so i'm so this would be a mama ever aradiation

that remitted back from the atmosphereearth for so it's a gain at the arthur whatever it ninety i will check knowing you we added up in what if we knew that it was going to bowso you just said overlooked but 147 with it so don't evenknow that though it will show you that you have you know have the correct youanswer

or the absorption of infrared radiationfrom the atmosphere even though we knew it was gonna thenthat we've been a ballot for weed is what theright answer in the bottom so it will ho guide you so you tell you get the correct on unit for each arm type a profit though then on live continues where the within the atmosphere and then for the total on rebel atmosphere

and the om beyond the surface but i'm gonna show you arm a ii a power point that we created that we thought would help attack matter this is me i'm the radiation balance their service andsaid the students will be filling that's and then this actually shows you what ok a quitter missed witness their am the numbers thatjust one owner

though this arms would show you how that you have 140 seven units gain over here and then you have 147 you that's lost on on the side ibm's i mean yeah okay and then the same forthe and the atmosphere centers ones bill and andthen there's be the answers but they should get that160 units are gaining and 160 units are lost and this

is where it gets a little morecomplicated yeah i'm breen that the greenhouse gases andclouds here i we have are lately he leads bycondensation a water vapor we have on sensible he released by convection an and upset were and then for bed and sum it up when you get seventy units an moss and and you know six new units

being in that and back and cinespace an 64 units enid from atmosphere back in spacesuitsseventy going out and then have nineteen minutesor by home atmosphere 51 units or e or service and that i mean that's asimple balance on and maybe i'll i'd be curious and teachers think that will be enough for a lowergrade level

%uh he is but it's really more complexthan the switches lively had that on energy balance at thesurface and in the atmosphere know he had itsummed up and thus third well or cable then to so i guess i will take in questions now then wehave the whole thing a whole diagram where hopefully are thestudents well have build an end and if you add up all the positive numbers and all thatnegative numbers

you they ballots here that incoming andoutgoing energy and i believe if we have time some anything try it and see what numberyour yet but it should be yups why i'm sixty change 160 have only somebody like to do that was all home yeah im as and on just as you're adding

in tabulating i have a question as welljust from a show of hands how many have you have a diagramssimilar to that in a text book that you use use look at mine i guess that willdepend on what you're teaching i but the diagram that julie was justshowing in similar to my the diagrams that arein many i at six great text books earth sciencetextbooks and that's what sometimes makes itdifficult to understand and explain because it you're not well versed

on what all the inputs and outputs areand how they flow make very difficult to explain thatdiagram to students so i think having to im put those intothe box is really helps you to clarify that understandingas well so any questions or comments from any of the sites on the asked me if i information that julieshare and again if you're online why we'reasking that if you're online submit questions and we'll get there isposted as well okay on i want to add that i know i

a lot of states are are includingcomputer lab time and taking students the computer labthings like that so this would be a great activity to do in the computer lab because students areimporting their own data into those and this particular activity the lastpart the julie show there's a six-page pbs if you're out love the connectedsites you probably have that in front of you but for those you are viewing the ring out on that isa document that you can actually print out so if you want instance to work withthat paper pencil

you can do it that way as well thatwanted to clarify that and julie did you talk about i'm how the resources are shown i'm just wasn't sure if you went throughthat with the resources that you referred to to find all the informationthat you included online ash i n i showed it on thewebsite you want me to go back it's ok as longas you mentioned it yeah i just wasn't sure if i hadn'theard you talk about that so inefficient be getting yet

ok and so in addition to being able toread all the information that julie has included in the website you can go tothe actual sources it cut her meditate on the debt data as the you cango to the sources and see where she got the information onthat she was using she and brian excuse me because you didthis together as a project correct yes that parliament your okay already well we're gonna switch gearsnow then comment if you guys all hang on just a second case there's any questionsbut we're gonna switch gears now and go to the nasa moment because onearth energy budget

is something that we here at mass arestudying as well and i'm out and nasa certainly does alot of exploration but we also do a great deal of studyingour home planet and we do that through satellite and one other satellites thetheory satellite is used to collect energy in ourinformation about earth energy budget so we're going to switchto meryl a call in program is now who is the nasa i epd specialist here atlangley there's meryl a and she's gonna share some of the information that wecollect if the series satellite so thank you so much and thank you forjoining us today again

again muddy lead this is your nasamoment and like body was saying we love space especially by me and iwould love to talk about other credits but also remember that nasa its favoritepet as planet earth every think that welearn from planet earth we can write a apply to other planets so we're gonnashow you a website and a half the data from thetheories instrument that is indifferencesatellites okay so we have satellites and we haveinstruments with then the satellites and that's when i'll be instrumentthat's really giving us some really good

feedback up what's happening with the hurtsenergy budget so let's go into the website okay and then i'll you can use different ways to get to it againthe link is on the i google hangout the event description in the ovendescription: but you can also just search method are energy budget and you'll be able to findit

k i'm i'm i'm a big google search gal over here like to do that but thisis the website and it has the latest numbers that we'veobtained with the theory instrument okay so there's the pdf here you can click to download in and then and the back side there's alsoactivity from some explanation on what's happening how do we get thesemembers okay so this is a really cool activity and one of the things that you can do aswell like bunny with thing is that

you might have something like this inyour classroom he said okay you might have somethinglike a the up tables and in your a text book so it'sinteresting to figure out the numbers are the numbersthe same in the textbook at there are in the csiwebsite are those numbers the same as in thiswebsite and doesn't really matter we're gonnatouch him that are the next month session

okay though i'll turn it back to bonnie and thank you for joining us for thatmatter at the moment up alright and thank you to meryl a that information is on is very helpfulyou can as she said you can print that poster so if you need a poster atthis to put up in your classroom the pdf is available online and you canprint that and you can print the front and the back separately i know a lot of times i when we getgreat posters from nasa the back up the poster has by billinformation so you almost want to post

the back instead the front of the posterso you don't have to worry about that with that because you can print thattheir so any questions about that resourcebefore we move on from matt okay on there are many interactive's onthat website as well so i'm the poster isn't the only thingthey're and i we're going to continue again thisdiscussion next month we'll talk a little more about that so if this is something that you teachto go in and explore that because we'll be touching on a littlebit next month when we come back to

earth's energy budget again so let me give you a little preview ofthat as we wrap up today's session next month will come back to earthenergy budget we will talk specifically about clouds and how their part up hurtsenergy budget how is that and brian got into that agood bit in his presentation as well so we'll be talking about that and we'llbe talking about how you can take your students outside to do some cloutobservations that are actually ground truth inc up our satellite

anna the instruments on the satelliteother collecting data for example if the satellite is goingoverhead in the instrument is reading the cloud cover the satellite instrument cannot tell thedifference between smoke and cloud cover but your students goingoutside can easily tell the difference between smoking cloud cover so what will happen if you sign up forthe program it's called school student student cloud observations online its abbreviated ass apostrophes the 00now

and on when you sign up for that programyou receive a satellite overpass scheduled so you know when the satellite is overhead and you takeyour students outside at that time so that they are recording informationfrom the ground looking up at the clouds to confirm or refute what the satellite is receiving overhead that data thatyour students collected sent into nasa and its compared to what was collectedby the instruments on the satellite so your students are really doing oncitizen science and they're really doing nafta

up research and they're able to purchasethe net programs so we'll have their christie lee is with us next monthgiving us more information about that and then we will also be showing yousome information about my nasa data and as i said going back to this outresearch that showed you today to look at the information that's in there so any other questions before we wrap uptoday we're just about out of time anything out okay then i have one question how manyhave you are teachers how many have you i do any kind of citizen science projectwith your students

anybody good okay how bout any data collection other than data and now says you knowlike using day doin have have any kind of data collection that you do with your students welcome i weak labor all enable all sleep mmm he a few years ago i word

elementary schools we did in the er adrought over its audience and the other countyon trails with the school program up kak but they still do anybody's anymore very good now i have isn't do it back this is feel your anniversary sothey're doing a lot a really neat things because that program has been inexistence for seventeen years now the next month their christie lee s howwho in the education public outreach managerfor that program will be the presenter

will be telling me more about that so yes i hope you'll be with us nextmonth as well that's exciting that you've been doing that ok if someone for mecklenburg i think bad all science i in elementary school or inpublic school would do some data collection along the way but citizen science is nota data collection that i'm familiar when okay well i'mglad to hear you say that you feel that

there's data collection along the waysomewhere that's really good and citizen science we're just gonnatake it a step further where you're involved in a larger project so it adds some on some application to the datacollection and allows the students to really seewhere they can be a part on the scientific community that'sexciting information for us thank you yeah good i think it'll be really goodsouth and on by the way if some love you are high school teachers

the school project is largely done atthe elementary level but the global project which those if you have with us were i think beginning in the seriesknow we covered back in the beginning on the global project has a protocol forcloud cover as well so will be able to explain how you canuse this regardless of grade level that you teach now already marie thank you are there any other questionsor comments thank you very much for the session today

this information is great and this is agood way to get it out into the schools min yeah thank you i'm glad to hear thatand you know our goal here in these f nicesessions is twofold it's to help strengthen your contentknowledge and then to give your resources to teach and i couldn't be happier that brian andjulie were able to be here with us today because that together with the perfectcombination brian was able to really strengthen our content knowledge andthen tool is doing a little bit that is well with the website beyond

reading information that's availablethere but also providing resources to plug into your curriculum and right intoyour lessons so thank you very much so yes we hope tosee you all next time and bring a friend brian your luau theshot you could move every little bit too so we can say goodbye to you the pics icould yahoo this time getting in some ways themontana but thank you very much for being with usboat and thank you all for being with us %ah everyone come back again next timebring a friend and we'll get into our citizens by it alright

thank you everyone

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