kitchen sink standard size

john kohler: alright this is john kohler, tonight we have another exciting episode for you, and we’re coming at youfrom 2014 woodstock food festival. we’re all having a blast here; this is a two-weekevent this year, and they’re going to do it again another two weeks in 2015, and definitelywant to see you here. definitely been a great time. and we have some downtime right hereso i wanted to get with my friends here, some of my good friends here, kristina carrillo-bucaram,fully raw, check her out on youtube, everybody knows, dtm, dan the man mcdonald, regeneratedon youtube, he connects with so many of you out there. and the reason i have him in my video todayis to talk about a very important subject

that can be controversial in some people’sopinion. it’s simply juicing. juicing was my introduction to raw foods, and this ismy first step in the door, and i believe it can be a step for many people, to get themto eat more fruits and vegetables and to me, that’s what the raw food diet is what kristina here, quick comments on juicing real quick. kristina: i love juicing. i think juicingis absolutely important. i think that there are times to juice, and there are times notto juice, but i think it is so, so important. just breaking the surface of what juicingis extracting the fiber from the produce and what you’re left with is basically highlynutritious, very dense, tasty, delicious liquid.

and it’s like a drink, right? so, insteadof drinking pepsis and cokes and processed whatever, you’re drinking nature’s goodness.and i find that juices are a very important way to introduce people to this lifestylebecause they taste good, they’re easy to incorporate even if you’re not fully raw.if you’re vegan they’re easy to drink and to enjoy; they’re easy to share andthey make you feel good. john: dan, what are your thoughts on juicing? dan: i think anybody who knows me knows i’ma big proponent of juicing. i’ve been juicing for a couple of years, even before i foundraw foods. i think that kind of woke me up, and then when i used to drink the juice andgo to the gym, i’d be like “wow.” my

workouts would be twice as good, twice aslong, and recovery time would be twice as fast. and then i was introduced to raw foods,and so i’ve been juicing for maybe every day for 17 years, and so it’s pretty muchfuel for the blood. it’s a great way for people that are experiencingdisease conditions to really see some results fast, because there’s excesses, as you know,excesses of the junk, processed, sad foods, and there’s the deficiencies. and one ofthe ways that you can shore that up and come to harmony very rapidly is through the consumptionof the living water, the living minerals, and the vitamins in the fresh fruit and vegetablejuices. so you displace one meal of junk, and you bring in all that hydration, all thatmineralization, chloryll and neutralize that

acidity in the body. john: definitely agree with that. so withthat, i actually have questions that we’re going to ask each of that and get my opinionson, because some people like juicing and some people hate it, and these questions are probablyquestions you might actually want to ask each of us. so the first question is, “do youfeel that juicing has a place in a raw vegan diet?” kristina: absolutely. that’s a one-wordedanswer. i absolutely do. i mean, i like to drink juices in the morning because it’shydrating and because it’s delicious, and it really gets me going throughout the dayand there are some times where i drink juice

all day and i’ll still feel really greatand i’ll feel light, i’ll feel clean, i’ll feel like i’m not only cleansingmy body but also cleansing my mind and my spirit. john: so what do you say dan? dan: i think that the juicing has a placein the human diet. anybody, anywhere, every time. so i’ll just say, even if “i’llnever go raw vegan,” fine, i don’t care if you never give up your steaks, but youshould have a glass of fresh vegetable juice every day to saturate your body, and i thinkthe juicing is, i can’t anybody hating the juicing, but it’s especially useful in today’sworld with an overload of stress, which burns

up the minerals, and an excess of acid-formingfoods. so it’s like medicine, and i don’t know how anyone would want to go without itin this modern world. you take the fiber out, and that saves youa lot of energy on digestion, just absorbs, which is a major issue, which is absorption.juicing, it’s just therapeutic. you’ve got the juicing, which is therapeutic, yougot the smoothies, which is convenient and economical, but there’s so much need forthe therapy in this day and age that i will continue to promote it in any way. get a juicer,i’ve said there’s no such thing as a bad juicer except the one sitting on the counteror up on the shelf gathering dust, so get it out and use it every day.

john: wow, i mean i would also agree withkristina and dan that i definitely think it’s important in a raw foods diet, and just yeah,like dan said, everybody’s diet to get more fruits and vegetables in you. some peoplemight say, “it doesn’t have a fiber and it’s not natural.” well, look around us;we don’t live in a natural world. there’s computers, there’s airplanes, there’scellphones, there’s all these environmental toxins that are hitting us, so i think juicinggives you that extra boost of nutrition that’s so beneficial. alright, so the next question is actuallyjust that. many people say juicing is not a whole food, so it shouldn’t be do you respond to this?

kristina: a smoothie really isn’t a naturalform of drinking. i mean you’re blending it up in a machine as well but people willstill drink that. i think that juicing is really light on digestion, and if you’refeeling tired, if you feel like you just need something to drink and you need an energyboost, it’s light enough to not weigh you down so you still feel like you have energybut it’s also very cleansing. so like maybe perhaps you want to do a juice fast and iknow we’ve all done juice fasts, for that matter, and i think we’ve all finished themfeeling amazing because our body’s doing so much less work; it’s cleansing on somany different levels, it’s clearing out the junk, and i think juicing can be sucha blessing, right? just on the simplest of

levels, it is such a blessing, because otherwisewe’d have to fast on water, which is fun, but you can’t always live your life andyou can’t always do that. so sometimes drinking juice for a few days can be like pressingreset on a computer. like some days your body just needs a break, but you still need thatgood nutrition to flow through your body; it’s almost like a blood transfusion. john: what do you say dan? dan: well, monkeys juice. they’ll chew onthe fruit and spit out the pulp. elephants will chew on the fruit and spit out the happens all throughout nature, so i think, again like you were saying, look around us.if we were chilling, breathing, laying under

the sun and fresh air, there wouldn’t bethat stress, so we wouldn’t need that antioxidants and the chlorophyll. the green juice is likea medicine for the modern world. so in a sense, they’re right, there aren’t juicers innature, but you have teeth, i think you’ve said this before actually, you’re a it’s just a way of taking our modern technology and using it to our benefit, justlike we do with everything else, with the computers and the cameras or if we didn’thave the camera, we couldn’t help you, so we take the juicer and pull the liquid lifeforce out of there and we just saturate and hydrate because it’s the fluids in the bodythat allow the cells to respirate and repair themselves at a much high level. when thefluids get stagnant with acids, everything

slows down and you get sluggish. drink thejuice, flush the fluids and the blood and the limb, and watch yourselves come back tolife. john: i mean i would totally agree, juicingis definitely not a whole food, and i also recommend eating a whole foods diet. realfoods as found in nature. now i think, in this day and age especially after people eatingyears and years and years of the wrong foods, many people from what i’ve seen have compromiseddigestive systems, and they’re not digesting especially if they’re not chewing theirfood into a mush. so i think this is where juicing can become quite beneficial. alsoonce again you want to look at the processing. cooked food is processed, dehydrated foodis processed food, blending food is processing

your food. i always want to encourage youguys to do the least amount of processing and in my opinion, juicing is a good way toenhance the body’s uptake and absorption and yes, while it’s not super natural, showme something that’s living in a natural world these days on a whole foods diet exclusively.juicing just gives me the extra boost i need, and i believe it can also help you like ithas helped many people that i’ve heard from. so the next question is, this is a good one,do you get enough nutrition, calories, protein, etcetera when juicing? kristina: i believe so. i mean there are dayswhere i’ve just, i first do want to say that on any given day, i think that it’sabsolutely necessary to get into the patterns

where eating as many raw fruits and vegetablesbecomes the norm for yourself. you never want to replace eating with juicing, because youcannot live off of juice alone for a very extended period of time. you could go for90 days, but you couldn’t go for two years on just juice. so it is important that youdo eat. but there are days where i’ve gotten more than enough calories, like sometimes3,000 calories’ worth of juice in a day, and i think that you’re actually gettingmore nutrition through juicing than you would be if you were eating the standard americandiet by far, and sometimes you even more raw foods because let’s say a glass of greenjuice, i could maybe juice like five heads of kale, a cucumber, and some lemon. i maynot be eating five heads of kale for dinner

that night, but that would just be one glass,so let’s just say my next glass is another whole batch of vegetables, so you’re actuallygetting in this really nutrient-dense amount of juice in a short, so yeah, the answer isyes. dan: what’s the question? john: the question is do you get enough, nutrients,calories, protein, etc. when juicing dan: i think you get more. the cleaner thatyou are, the more absorption that you’ll have, the less you’ll need to eat. i thinka lot of people they eat and eat and eat but they have so much mucus in their gi tractwith the artificial foods of civilization that they don’t absorb, and you know, it’smacaroni and cheese and pancakes or rice and

you’re packed full but you’re still hungry.but the nutrition that you really need is in the juices and it’s absorbed at a muchhigher rate and it is the vitamins and the minerals, and that’s what shuts off theappestat in the brain, when the glands have the nutrition that they need to function.they feel that intuitively, and so the cleaner you are, the more you’ll absorb from thejuices, and the more energy you’ll actually get from the sunlight and from the air becausethe glands are functioning at a high level. and the other thing, too, is the importanceof keeping the sinuses clean. one of the issues in today’s modern world is the fact thatthe air is so filthy, and so the sinuses get so clogged up, and those glands in that brainthat help you to stay happy go dormant with

that acid ash. one of the things that’sbeneficial about juicing, especially the citrus fruits or grapes or watermelons, but mostlythe citrus fruits have those acids in them that can help dissolve and neutralize theacid waste that gets accumulated all throughout the body. i love juice fasting. there’sa lady, one of dr. morrison’s clients, that juice fasted for over a year and still continuesto benefit. i haven’t heard about her in the last couple of months so i don’t knowwhat she’s up to, but there’s a lot more going on, and i think the vast majority ofhuman beings overeat. and once you get clean and start absorbing more from the juices you’llsee that you can actually have, you know, my average day is a 64 ounces of juice — two32-ounce jars of juice — and a medium salad.

i’m pretty thin, moderate activity level,but i'm working on keeping that energy flow there and working on creating a better mindstate. so instead of all that energy going into my stomach all the time, digesting allthat fiber, i drink the oj or the cucumber juice and that feeds my brain, and then ican do the work that’s at the next level beyond, not so much physical fitness but mentalfitness is the stage i’m in. and i think i’m going to be able to help a lot peopleto start creating more happiness, more happy thoughts by having more mental energy to focuson the things they’re saying and focus on what they’re doing that’s keeping themfrom being happier and healthier and making good choices so that they can live a fulfillinglife. so juicing equals happiness.

john: well i definitely agree that you canget enough nutrition when juicing — if done properly. if you drink like eight ounces ofjuice, you’re definitely not going to meet your caloric needs. i’m going to ask kristinaand dan next how much juice is a serving for them, because i'm sure we all drink fairlyhigh, massive quantities of juice and we’re not just drinking eight ounces of ten ounces,which many of you guys may start with. we’re drinking a lot more, and once again, withthe nutrition, like kristina said, guarantee that you’re definitely going to be morenutrients, biochemical, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and juice than a standard americandiet, though in a standard american diet you will probably get more calories than juice,with few exceptions. like if you’re drinking

all juice and slamming down a fruit juice,which, i actually have another question that i recommend juicing the vegetables, and juicingfruits sometimes, and one again we’re talking about fresh juices, not canned, bottled, processedjuices that you buy at the store. that’s much different from enzyme-rich, nutrient-richjuice that you make in your own home with the juice extractor. oh, so let’s talk aboutwhat’s a standard serving size for you kristina when you’re drinking some juice? kristina: 34 to 64 ounces. john: and how about you dan? dan: same thing. 32 ounces at least for everybody.i mean, there’s some smaller people. when

you’re dealing with somebody, on my dvds,i discuss, you know, if you’re 120 pounds and you don’t have a huge appetite and you’renot an athlete and you’re just a little lady or a little gentleman going to the computer,32 ounces might be a bit much, so i say 24 at least. because if you don’t drink atleast 24, you’re going to be hungry 30 minutes to an hour later. and it’s not realisticto do that, it’s not good for your digestion, it’s not necessarily good for your teetheither, so i like to drink enough, so it’s at least 32 for the average people, generallyfills them up, energizes them, and will hold them up for two to three hours. for me, i’ll drink, usually i do drink about64 ounces. orange juice is my number one juice;

it’s just liquid sunlight. i also love cucumberjuice, and i can drink 32 to 64 ounces of that. and i’ll make a lot of different greenjuices too, but i recommend just filling up, really getting nice and full on juice andthat will hold you for three or four hours, and then you can have another fruit snackor a salad. john: i mean, i would definitely concur. everybody’sanswering the same questions. i drink also 32 to 64 ounces, but it depends. i don’tjust drink that because i'm drinking that. “oh i gotta drink 32 ounces because dandoes or kristina does” — just no. i like to check in with my body and see where i'mat. generally, for the most part, i only eat when i'm hungry. like if i’m making my nextjuice it’s because i’m hungry and need

my next meal. i’m ready to drink 32 to 64ounces and sometimes i don’t know how much i'm going to want so if i just make a lot.if i have extras i just store it in the fridge instead of like oh you’ve only got 12 extraounces so just drink the rest! but you know you’re already full and alreadysatiated and don’t need to drink anymore is not going to be a benefit to you, evendrinking something that’s really good for you. overeating something. so generally iusually make about 32 to 64 depending on if i’m doing a fruit or vegetable juice, andthen generally i like to fill up this nice beer pitcher, which is about 56 ounces andi find that if i fill that up and i drink it, i’m usually pretty good and that’sgood for me. here’s another good question:

if someone is juicing, do they need to onlyjuice organic produce? kristina: ooh, you know how i feel about organicproduce. i am a promoter of organic produce. i run a co-op in houston called rawfully organic,and i try to always use organic when juicing because you’re extracting everything thatgoes into that liquid; your body is absorbing everything. if there’s pesticides in there,your body’s going to be consuming that as well. so, if you can’t afford all organici say definitely follow the dirty dozen rule if you can. and for those of you who don’tknow what it is, you can google it, but there’s basically it’ll show you the top twelvemost contaminated fruits and vegetables or highly-sprayed, things that you can buy thatwill help you.

greens, definitely always get those organic.anything with a skin, like apples, try and get those organic. not only that, but thereis so much more nutrition in organic fruits and vegetables than conventional. and thatper every organic oranges, it has the same nutrition as seven conventional oranges. soeven if you think it’s expensive, you’re actually getting more for your money and youwon’t have to eat as much and you’ll waste less. dan: again, i’m going to agree, but oneof us is going to disagree on this video eventually. but, i’m all about organic too, but notnecessarily to that question, because what i can do is go to the farmers in the bay areaand sophia’s dad, who runs the co-op, so

i’ll talk to the farmers and say, “hey,are these sprayed?” and they’ll say no, because the thing is, a lot of times they’llhave to pay about $5,000 a year to get organic-certified and then they’d need to sell the price oftheir fruits and vegetables. they sell it all out anyways, so there’s no point forthem to spend $5,000 a year for a certification. so i’ll ask the farmers hey, do you spraythis? “no i don’t spray this, i feed this to my own family.” so it’s not certifiedorganic, but it is organically grown in nutrient-rich soil on a family farm they’ve been doingfor generations — food that they eat. so they’re not going to kill themselves.but in the store, i really won’t. if i can’t check with the farmer, i really won’t buynon-organic lettuce or non-organic celery

for the reasons that christina spoke of, forthe nutrient density is less, and the pesticides are nerve gases left over from world war ii,and so you don’t want that floating around in your bloodstream. so organic when you can,and jus think abundantly. i like to get to the underlying message, which is you’reworth it. your body is worth it; it’s a temple. and if you make that a priority, theuniverse will say, oh, this person’s got high priorities, high ideals, let’s givethem more money. it just works that way. john: once again i’m going to have to agree.i think it’s very important to juice — dan: you’re so agreeable! john: i mean that’s what i do. i eat a 90to 95 percent organic diet and even 95 plus

percent organic, and it’s very importantto me because i want to encourage people to vote with their dollars when you are ableto, because if you keep buying conventional foods, you’re voting for people sprayingpesticides and using fertilizers that run off and that pollute the environment. andthis is just not a good system, and so i understand that there’s many of you out there thatcan’t afford organic, in some places in the country it gets quite expensive. i meanthe bay area is pretty good and kristina has her own co-op, and i drive four hours oncea month to get organic foods so i can have them and juice them besides growing them inmy own garden. so if you can afford, definitely get it, buti would also say this, and you guys would

probably agree though i’m not exactly sure,but it’s definitely better to juice conventional produce than eat processed conventional foods,because conventional produce still has lots of nutrition and even if there are some badthings, it’s going to be a lot better than fast foods and junk foods and coffees andteas and sodas. so don’t get all crazy like “i can’t juice organic so i'm not goingto juice at all.” there still can be benefits, like kristina said. stick with the dirty dozenlist, and if you want to make it cheaper and less expensive i encourage you guys to growyour own food. in my opinion, even the organic farming system is broken as much as i liketo buy a lot of organic produce myself. i’ve realized that you can always do a betterjob by growing your own foods with higher

nutrition and better-tasting foods, especiallywhen juicing greens, because greens are one of the most expensive things to buy becauseyou use a lot of them when you’re juicing. they’re super-simple, super-easy and oneof the easiest things to grow and you guys can definitely do that. i teach how to grow.if you’re interested, you can check me out at on my youtube channel,most subscribed and watched gardening youtube online. alright, so next question, and oh,this is good for you kristina: can you use a blender to juice, and is it the same thing? kristina: i’ve tried it. it’s not thesame thing. it is possible if you have a strainer or an almond strainer bag. then again, itdepends on what you’re juicing. like if

i do watermelon, i can blend watermelon upin my blender and strain it and i’ll have watermelon juice. but if i want to make likea carrot, romaine, celery juice, that’s going to get messy. it’s going to be verypulpy, and it’s very difficult to squeeze out of something like an almond bag. you justwon’t yield the same amount of juice. you’re going to end up having more waste, more compost.a good question that people ask me is, “can i buy a cheap juicer, or should i invest ina really expensive one?” and my reply is, usually i say wait and saveup for one that you know is good because typically they last longer and they will give you morebang for your buck. they will yield more juice from your compost. i know some of these cheapjuicers. you’ll have a whole bucket of compost

or the pulp that’s left over. and you cantouch it; it feels moist and soft. sometimes you can squeeze it, and juice comes out ofit. but if you have a really, really, really good juicer, the pulp will be so dry, no juiceis left. and in the long run, you’re going to end up saving more money on fruits andvegetables than you would if you had a cheap juicer because you’re going to end up buyingmore produce over and over again with a cheap juicer and if that thing breaks down, you’regoing to need to buy another juicer anyways. so invest in a good juicer if you can. it’llsave you money on produce and eventually, on another juicer. john: so what do you think dan?

dan: i would say just use the blender. becausei know with the nut milk bag and all that, with the watermelon juice and whatever, it’sjust a lot of work and it’s really going to turn you off. and it might be better tojust eat the whole foods for now and save up and get a juicer until you can get on thejuicing therapy. it’s never been very efficient for me to do it that way; i would rather justhave the smoothie or eat the whole foods, because simplicity is what this is about,you know? get your meal out of the way and get on to living. and if you’re taking likean hour to squeeze carrots and cucumbers through that bag, i just never found a good way tomake it work so i would recommend just save up and manifest yourself a really good juicer.

like the omega is a really good one for $269.even the breville centripetal is easier for most people in the beginning. you’re notgoing to do well with the herbs on that, but when people start out all you really needis the carrot, apple, ginger. just get the processed started. start waking things upand get your brain turned on and start displacing those meals with juice and get yourself activated,and then as it becomes a daily juicing habit you’ll want to invest in something’ll have the motivation to do that. it’s not my favorite thing. john: yeah, i would say that, i believe ablender is a really poor appliance choice to make juice because it keeps the fiber andthen you have to strain it out, and it’s

definitely not the same thing. what many peopledon’t realize about the blenders is that they spin, especially the high speed blenders,they spin really fast, and they tend to oxidize whatever you put in there a lot more thana slower juicer. just a couple days ago at the woodstock food festival, i gave a demoon blending and juicing and the differences, and what i did was i took watermelon, putit in the vitamix, blended it on up into a watermelon juice with the fiber, poured itout, sampled it to people, everybody got to try it, were like , “okay, mm, this is good.” and the next thing i did was i took a highspeed juicer, like the breville, that runs at 11,000 rpms, i put the watermelon throughthere, and they got to try that. they were

like, “mm, that’s good.” and then iput the watermelon through the slow rpm omega vert juicer, that runs at 80 rpms, put thewatermelon through there, took out the fiber, and got it rich and nice and was evident the nutrition in there just by looking at it. they tasted that and theywere like, “wow, this is really great.” and then i asked everybody, “hold up yourhands if you liked the blended watermelon juice.” nobody. “hold up your hands ifyou liked the high speed watermelon juice.” nobody. “hold up your hands if you likethe low speed watermelon juice.” everybody. so what does this tell you? it just tastesbetter and it’s worthwhile to save up to get the proper tool for the right job. i meanthis is something my grandfather told me,

when i was just a little young on. alrightkristina, so what are you thoughts on juice fasting? kristina: i’ve done a 42 day long juicefeast before, and i call it a feast because i'm not starving myself; i’m actually feastingon juices. and i think that it, when at the appropriate time and place, and when yourbody needs it, and you’ll know when that is, and you have to be ready for it i thinkit can be a really great thing. and you don’t necessarily have to go for 40 days, sometimesit can be a 3-day reset cleanse. something as simple as that, but i think they can begreat. i absolutely, i want to promote more eating fruits and vegetables, always, butthere can be a time and place for juice feasting.

i do recommend it if you are perhaps desperatelyill and you need to have some very quick healing, or maybe perhaps if it’s a spiritual oremotional cleanse where you have to be very light. or maybe your body is traumatized bysomething and you just need to cleanse. there’s so many reasons, but i find that juice feastingcan help with so many things across the board. john: dan? dan: i’m a big fan of juice feasting becausei work more in the arts of healing. i’m definitely a fruits and vegetable promoter;i know where you’re coming from, for sure, but when i’m dealing with people that arein every kind of disease, condition you could imagine, taking the load off the digestionand hydrating and mineralizing and flushing

the body and letting all the organs of digestionrest and really giving the nervous system a break too, because you gotta think, thestomach 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. that’s a lot of nerve energy, and when youdrink the juice, it’s a lot less energy to absorb. i know, orange juice takes awhileto digest, but when you’re going 24/7/365, that’s a lot of nerve energy that can beutilized. and when it’s not around the stomach, it will go up around the heart, or it willgo to the organs that are suffering, and that nerve energy can be used for a better purposeof healing and so in the sense of healing, the therapeutics of juicing is unsurpassed.the miracle of juicing for the people in this world that have stiffness, pain, diabetes,fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, obesity, headaches,

you know it. liver disease, kidney disease. just letting everything while still, becausei know the world ain’t gonna stop spinning and your boss doesn't really care that muchabout your liver. maybe he cares a little bit, but you still have to show up to workand get your paycheck to get the gas and the car to get the kids to soccer practice. so,juicing is a way, the sugars feed your brain and you’re shopping and you’re preparingfood so you don’t get so much, like a water fast where the whole thing stops and you haveto deal with so much new stuff. with the juicing, it allows you to fast and to give yourselfa break without going without food and going without stimulation for your, it’s basicallythe most lightest, most simple chemical stimulation

for the body. i’m a huge, huge, huge fanof juicing, every day. john: alright so yeah, my opinions on thejuice fasting, or more preferably called juice easting, is i believe it can be beneficialif used appropriately. i’ve also seen people do a juice fast, because oh yeah, juice isso good for you so i’m going to do this, and i’ve been good for a week because idid a juice fast. then they go out for a mcdonald’s and junk foods and crap, and that’s notmy opinion of a healthy juice fast. ping-ponging back and forth: “oh i’m doing really good”and “oh i’ve been really bad, i’ve been naughty and now i need a juice fast again!”that’s not healthy. it would just be much more prudent in my opinion to include somejuice on a regular basis in your diet. instead

of breakfast, for example, and this will ensurethat you’re getting fruits and vegetables in you and yeah, you’re eating some thingsthat aren’t so good for you, instead of ping-ponging back and forth. of course ifyou’re going to use juice fasting or juice feasting as kristina talked about, as likea reset, which is an excellent way to get a reset, basically you got to reboot thatcomputer sometimes when it gets crudded up and slow. i think that can be an excellentuse of a juice fast or juice feast, if you get out of your old habits and incorporatenew ones, like including new fruits and vegetables in your diet after the feast. alright, sokristina, the next question is what’s the best way to start adding fresh juices intoa person’s diet?

kristina: i would say the easiest meal ofthe day is breakfast, because you’re already up, you’re making juice and clearing out,and you’re bringing something with you for the morning. if you want to make it the nightbefore, i mean i know juice oxidizes, but it’s a much better choice than stoppinginto a fast food store and picking up and egg mcmuffin. so, i think that the easiesttime is either breakfast or lunch, for sure. dan: definitely start the day with the juicefor sure. lemon ginger blast, or some orange juice straight away. john: yeah, i mean i agree once again. whenwe wake up after we’ve been sleeping, it’s called break-fast because we’re breakingour fast of not eating for the last eight

hours, if you’re sleeping eight hours, andi like to wake up and drink water fast and maybe wait a couple of hours until i startfeeling hungry and feed that hunger with some fresh fruits or juice or a smoothie or whateveri’m eating that day. so i think yeah, definitely juicing in the morning. and when i startedjuicing, i simply replaced my breakfast, which most people’s breakfast aren’t super-healthyand it’s a really good meal to replace, with fresh juices and then in the afternoon,i’d basically have an afternoon juice as well and then my normal lunch and my normaldinner right when i got into this. for kristina, do you juice both fruits and vegetables, anddo you favor one over the other? kristina: i juice both fruits and vegetables,and if i’m making it for other people, i

tend to lean toward fruit or sweeter juicesbecause it really turns on that person, especially if they’re new to juicing; it tastes sweeter,better. but if i’m drinking for myself, sometimes straight green juice with lemonand ginger is straight up awesome. john: and what do you say dan? dan: well, i don’t necessarily favor oneover the other. in the modern world, if the fruit that we had access to was grown on bettersoil, ripened to the end, locally accessed, more wild and had more of the minerals necessarythat are the building blocks to all the hormones and neurotransmitters and whatnot to keepus healthy and happy and alive, but the fruit these days isn’t the most high quality sothen we go over and look over to the plant

kingdom that tends to concentrate those mineralsa little more. fruit is much more cleansing, obviously, and the herbs are much more groundingand more mineral-dense; there are places in the world where the fruit is really, reallymineral-dense because there are more minerals in the soil, they can be absorbed into thefruit. so i like to keep a good balance of fruits and leafy greens. i used to juice alot more vegetables but as i progressed, i eat less of the root vegetables. i find themto be very, they’re much more elemental, more earthy matter, and the more clean youget, the more energy you want to have, the lighter the food, so i am leaning more towardsfruit juices now, but i don’t necessarily recommend that for everyone. i believe thatthere should be a nice balance of fruits and

vegetables in juicing and in the diet, andthen when your instinctive intuition takes over and tells you to, what i’ll do is generallydrink more fruit juices — and i consider the cucumber a fruit as well, and that cucumberbrings the balance to the orange juice for me — and then i’ll tend to eat my herbsas a party time. for me, a salad is a celebration of life and a real way to love myself. soi like to chew on the greens and i feel that’s beneficial for my teeth, and so i juice morefruits and then i eat the herbs right now. john: cool, cool. i would say i juice bothfruits and vegetables. i’ll juice whatever i’ve got, and whatever’s ripe. but ingeneral i like to favor, for me personally, the vegetables. per capita, kale consumptionin the u.s. i think is like a quarter pound

per person, not per day, but per year, whichis really sad. i might juice easily more than that in one juice that has five bunches ofkale and whatnot. so really i try to focus on the leafy greens because if especiallyyou’re not chewing things up really well like dan is, into a mush, you’re not goingto get optimal digestive absorption and according to people like dr. joel fuhrman, kale, collardgreens, watercress, things like this are some of the highest, most nutrient-dense foodson the planet, which most of the americans are not getting into them. most people don’t have a problem with fruitsbecause they taste so good, so i don’t think juicing fruits is necessarily necessary inmost cases, but definitely juicing some of

the vegetables and the leafy greens like thecucumbers and celery. one of my favorite juices is cucumber, celery, and a bunch of leafygreens, and i don’t even bother doing it with apples to make it sweeter these daysbecause i just love my green juices. alright, good question for kristina: do you recommendstoring juice, and if so, what is maximum time they should be stored? kristina: i try to always drink my juicesas straight as i make, like right then and there, because juices do oxidize, which meansevery minute, every hour that you leave it out, it’s going to be diminishing not onlyin taste, but in nutrient value. and so you have to do a toss up. that’s why i alwayssay juice and drink right on the spot whenever

you can. however, let’s say you have a meetingin the morning and you want to be ready to roll out the door. it’s okay to make thejuice the night before and drink it in the morning on your way to work. it is a muchbetter option than making a pancake and eating it on your way to work. it’s just so energizing.i tell people don’t beat yourself up as much about that, as you can. we live in animperfect world and the fact that you’re trying means a lot, so give yourself creditfor that. that’d be my answer. dan: i do store juices because what i’lldo personally is i’ll go to hot springs, up in howard or whatever, and i’ll takemy little cooler, and i’ll recommend everyone get a little igloo or a little cooler, anda lot of times i’ll buy the oj from whole

foods, i’ll make it with their cool machineand i’ll put that on ice. a lot of time i’ll make the cucumber or lemon ginger blastat home and i’ll put those in the mason jars and i’ll put them in the cooler andi might be gone that day, but they’ll last the next day. so i recommend, even to people,if it’s going to save your life, a juice that’s 72 hours old, which is the absolutemaximum for me, which is three days, a juice that’s 72 hours old, that’s freshly pressedat home in your juicer, is way better than odwalla or it’s still got the living water,it’s still got some bioactivity. obviously juicing and drinking right away is the best,but if you preserve it with a little water or lime juice, that citric acid will helpto preserve it and keep it from oxidizing

and then in your little cooler with your littleice box, i’ll drink a lemon ginger blast that’s three days old. it’s better thananything else. i just don’t do anything pasteurized or cooked, because there’s nopoint to that in my opinion at all. john: i actually don’t recommend storingjuices unless absolutely necessary, like kristina. most of the juices, 99 percent of the onesi make, i drink right then and there. if i'm traveling and i can’t drink juice becausewhatever reason, i bring my juicer into the hotel room so if i had to go to work, i dohave my juicer so i can juice on my break to drink as fresh as possible. that’s somethingthat’s very important to me, to have the most vital food as possible and on the sametoken, i’ll go out to my backyard and pick

the foods from my garden a two minutes beforeit goes in the juicer, two minutes before it goes into me. and then i don’t even cleanthe juicer. i drink the juice and then clean the juicerto drink it as soon as possible. now i know many of you guys may not be able to do this,and i would also agree with kristina and dan that it’s much better by far to store yourjuices and drink it later than to drink a coffee, tea, coke, odwalla, pasteurized andbottled juices, because you always want to do the best you can. i always recommend good,better, best. i always try to do the best for me personally and i’ve set up my lifeso that i can do that. i know many of you guys do have a job and do all this kind ofstuff, so if i was going to store my juice,

i personally don’t like to store my juicesover 24 hours. many of the juicer companies with the slow juicers say specifically thatyou could store your juices for up to three days and there are some techniques that youcan use to ensure that you’re going to have the highest quality of juice. one of the ways that dan mention is to putit in a mason jar with some lemon juice and fill it to the brim, overflowing, so thatthere’s no air space in there. another really quick and simple way to do this is you cango down to a target or a walmart, they have these wine savers that suck the air out ofa wine bottle to keep the flavor of the wine. well i use these basically glass, spring waterbottles and i’ll put the plugs in there

and i’ll suck out all the air with my juiceso that it keeps the juice longer. and yes, its flavor can change over time as well asthe nutrition go down, and i don’t want to mess around with that myself. so let’ssee, kristina, what is your favorite produce to juice? kristina: really that question’s impossible.i can’t answer that! i mean, okay, i love juicing grapes with kale. i love juicing greenswith lemon and ginger. i love juicing watermelon. i love juicing apples, lemons and kale. imean gosh, no. i can’t answer that question. dan: for me, it comes and goes, but rightnow, i’ve been literally, half my calories have been from orange juice the last year.i just drink orange juice every day. some

days i’ll drink two 64-ounce things of orangejuice and i have a salad. so oranges and then cucumbers, those are my two right now, butthen again i’ve gone through the phase of everything. i’ll go, and i feel it coming,i’m going to go through a lemon ginger blast phase where i take the apple, and the cucumber,and the celery and the lemon and the kale and the arugula and the dandelion and thelemon and the ginger, and that’s just the ultimate right there; the lemon ginger blastis the ultimate. it’s just oranges and cucumbers for now,but it’s all so good. especially the fruits. i appreciate what you’re saying about thegreens and that type of thing. it’s such a great video here to educate people for sure,it’s just my personal thing, i’ve been

doing this a long time. i don’t need toeat that much because i’ve been absorbing everything so well, my stress levels are low,and i don’t pound the pavement like i used to so i don’t need a lot of alkalinity,i’m just getting into that really zen place, so juice, just juice. john: cool, so my favorite produce of juiceat this time right now, and it always changes depending on the season and whatnot, what’savailable, but cactus fruits, cactus pear, also called tunas. it’s heavenly, oh mygod. if you’ve ever bought a tuna or a cactus fruit, like you cut it open, yeah you caneat those guys, but it’s full of seeds and the seeds are a pain to deal with. you canswallow the seeds, you can chew them up, but

it’s just not fun. but when i put it throughthe slow vertigo juicer, it makes a delicious juice. i like to use two green cactus fruits to onered, and to me it tastes like fruit punch when i was a kid. it just sends me into outerspace. and it’s so good because it removes all the seeds and it gives me the fresh goodnessthat you guys might not even be including cactus fruits in. cactus fruits are very nutritiousfruit. they have so many cool properties in there; they’re slightly mucilaginous, there’sso many phytochemical and phytonutrients and they have a lot of different research on that.instead of bottled and packaged and pasteurized cactus fruit juice a lot of companies aretrying to sell you, just make it fresh. so

with that kristina, we’ll get into whatis your favorite juice recipe? kristina: again, here we go. i would haveto say my soul shine juice, which is apple, lemon, cucumber, kale, romaine, celery, spinach,but it’s like a sweet green juice. i love that one. dan: i’m gonna give two today. two of myfavorites. there’s the mean green, and that is cucumber, celery, cilantro, kale, dill,and lemon. that’s a low-sugar, low-glycemic, the dill is actually one of the top herbsto dissolve mucus in the body. and all those other ones are minerals, and then you’vegot the benefits of the cilantro and the beautifying properties of the cucumber. that’s an amazingjuice drink. it’s like a soup, but it’s

just like [sound]. but then you got the lemonginger blast, which is pretty much the ultimate. it’s got the sweetness of the apple, thecucumber, the celery, arugula, dandelion, lemon, ginger, fresh turmeric, and then ifyou’ve got it in you, you drop in a habanero or two, and that really just activates everythingand that makes it an amazing, all-round body tonic, freshener, energizing, purifier, detoxifier,regenerator. john: i need some of that right now! alright,so my favorite juice recipe, i don’t have any recipes like kristina or dan shared, butmy favorite juice recipe is to juice what i have in my garden fresh and ripe and readyto eat at that time. i try to seek out, not any particular recipe and go to the storeand buy these different ingredients, but i

just go in my garden and see now i have cucumbersnow, i have celery now, i have greens now, and that can just be a simple and easy juicefor me. three simple ingredients. but my favorite is the freshest, high-qualityingredients i can get that i grew myself because i know there’s simply nothing better. andi want to encourage you guys out there to juice what you’ve got. you don’t alwayshave to make one of these recipes that kristina and dan shared with you; you can juice whateveryou’ve got, whatever’s on sale at the grocery store that’s organic. there’san influx, they put it on sale. celery’s on sale this week; buy a ton of celery andmake a celery-based juice. experiment and have fun in your kitchen because every differentproduce item, whether it’s arugula, kale,

collard greens, dandelion greens, juice inromaine lettuce hearts, they all have different levels of nutrition and i always want to encourageyou guys to rotate what you’re juicing to get a wide spectrum to flood your body withall these nutrients that we’re talking about. so kristina, many types of juicers are notcreated equal. what’s your number one favorite juicer at this time? kristina: two, they’re basically the would be the omega vrt 350, which is a slow juicer. and another would be the kuvingsjuicer, which would be the exact same base except for the spout is much larger so youcan stick in a whole cucumber, a whole apple. you wouldn’t necessarily need to cut everythingup. but it’s still a slow juicer and both

yield the same delicious, nutritious results. john: yeah so that’s the kuvings whole slowjuicer that she’s talking about. that’s the name of that, because kuvings makes awhole bunch of different ones. so dan, what do you say? dan: just depends. i own most of them. i doneed to get another one of those kuvings though, because if i’m hearing good things fromthe both of you i’m definitely gonna have to look into that. but at home i have thegreenstar on the counter, and that’s a really nice one to have for so many different typesof juices. and then of course the breville, the juice fountain elite, just carrot appleginger here for my daughter or my ex-wife

or something or sophia wants something realquick or people are over at the house. for me, personally, the one that i use the mostis the omega 8006. there’s a new one now right, the one with the bigger mouth? john: yeah, the nc800. dan: if you’re watching this, omega, sendme one of those. but the omega, i’ve used it, my friend had one. i find it to be, forthe price, for the ease of use, for the ease of cleaning, for the extraction levels, forthe usability, the durability, i mean i just juiced enough for 20 people. it took me aboutan hour, but i used just the omega and it kept going and going, so i take the omegawith me because i travel a lot, throw it in

the back of my truck. you know the greenstar’sa bit heavier, and then i bring the omega and i bring the juice fountain plus with me,a little smaller, [juicing sound] carrot, apple, ginger. so the omega’s kind of mything right now, even though, hopefully not too many people see this because i got a lotof people i’m still working with right now and figuring out who i might represent, soi love them all. i love my greenstar and omega. john: it’s hard for me to say my favoritenumber one juicer. but i can say my number one juicer for each specific produce type.i won’t go through all of them right now, but i will say for my favorite cactus fruitjuice, my favorite juicer by far is the kuvings whole slow juicer. and in general i favorthe vertical juicers that kristina talked

about. they’re a lot easier to use and they’remore versatile in general than the 8006 or horizontal style machines. my other favoriteright now is actually the omega vsj 843, so it’s actually the new model of the vrt 350so i find that it actually makes less pulp, it’s a little bit easier to clean, and it’smore efficient in my tests at this time. so let’s see here. kristina, any final thoughtson this whole topic of juicing and encouraging people to eat more fruits and vegetables throughjuicing? kristina: i know it’s scary to try it becauseyou’re like, “oh my god i’ve got this machine, i don’t know what to do. is itgoing to taste good?” honestly, start simple and just try it. the worst that you can dois make a bad-tasting juice of which if you

drink it will still be nutritious for you,and maybe next time you’ll be like maybe add more apple or add more carrot, but thesecond that you find one to two good recipes that you like, or two to three combinations,i promise you’re going to end up using those and drinking those over and over again untilyou love them so much. and then you’ll start branching out more, but you have to just startsomewhere. don’t be afraid, just even start with just carrots or just oranges, and thenstart combining from there. but i promise you will feel the benefits, you will loveit, just try it. dan: yeah man, what i’ve seen from juicing’sprobably, working in the healing arts and specifically promoting juicing all these years,there was a story that changed my life forever.

this lady couldn’t walk or get out of bed,so she had her caretaker start making her juice. three weeks later, she’s out dancingby drinking juice every day. it brought something to life that was asleep into his person thatjust couldn’t, it wasn’t awake. when she started drinking juice every day she was outliving again and it brought life to her body. i think it’s the fastest, tastiest way tosaturate your body, give it what it needs to make up for the deficiencies and knockout a meal or two so that you’re not having the excess. most people eat too much of the wrong foodthat is devoid of the nutrients that the body truly needs to be activated and fully alive,so drinking the juice every day is something

that, it’s just something that i do. i startevery day, six days a week if i’m traveling or using the airport and if i have to havea banana, that’s just what it is, but for the most part it’s a juicer or a juice bararound. i don’t want to start my day on a heavy, i want to get the engine flowinghere and get everything lubricated up and so, if you are having any problems with obesity,diabetes, any host of anything, start hydrating yourself and just start with, i always starteveryone with carrot, apple, ginger. you can leave the ginger if you need to but the kids,the grannies, i’ve seen people, this one lady, here’s another story it’s amazing.this one lady, we were making juice, me and my buddy, carrot, apple, ginger, here’sthis old lady, 80 years old and for 20 years

she’s been walking around one block. andso we made some juice for her and then we gave her a nice 16-ounce glass of juice. and then she comes back maybe an hour laterand she comes in and goes, “wow, i just walked around two blocks and i'm not evenbreathing hard.” so this 80 year old woman, who’s been eating white bread and tuna fishand cereal and everything — all the foods that i don’t recommend — and then walkingaround one block and that being her maximum, she maxes out at one block. well, one glassof juice, and she doubles her energy. so that’s what i’m talking about. doubling your energyon the very first day that you start this thing out and then doing it every single day,creating a shift, and then you just drink

the juice and it activates your desire toconsume more fresh fruits and vegetables. you don’t have to start okay, i’m goingto start 100 percent and cut everything else out and stress yourself. you say, you know,i’m just going to drink the juice and it will do its work within you slowly but surely.don’t be afraid. the other thing i recommend, that’s why i do the dvds because all thejuices i’ve done over the last 17 years are all dtm-certified. they taste good. peoplewill send me these things: “dan i made this great thing: asparagus, grapes, lemon, orange,lettuce, chinese broccoli, jerusalem artichoke hearts.” and i’m like ugh. i wouldn’twant to drink that, so you want to avoid that. you want to start real simple, find one thatreally works well, because otherwise you’ll

be drinking things that taste like lawn. you’llhave one cucumber and six bunches of kale, you’ll be like [gagging noise] trying todrink back swamp water, so get educated, get on youtube, get some nice, crisp, fresh easilydrinkable so you don’t turn yourself off and then you’ll get into the daily juicinghabit. something that tastes good. make sure it’s something that tastes good first, thenyou can start the more medicinal stuff with watercress and things like that. john: i mean, i definitely would agree. ithink my final thoughts would be that juicing ins a catalyst to get you to feel better,get you healthier, and get you to want and desire more fruits and vegetables in my opinion.i mean i’ve seen so many people get juicers

and literally turn their lives around; they’llemail me weeks later john, thanks to you i’ve lost 20 pounds because i got the juicer andi’m doing the juicing and all that kind of stuff, i’m eating healthier, too. andyou start feeling good and you get your foot in the door. the biggest thing is to start, i know manyof you guys have never juiced before, don’t know much about juicers, i have a full youtubechannel dedicated to teaching about juicing and teaching you guys the different juicersout there so you can pick the best one at or’ll put a link down below so you guys can check that one out. and the other thing iwant to mention is it’s very important to

make good, delicious tasting juices. thisis critically important because if you make things that taste like grass that’s beenrecently cut or some other stuff using everything but the kitchen sink, everything that’sleft over in your fridge to make a juice, i mean i’ve drank many juices made withexpensive organic juice and i’ve had to plug my nose and just drink it out becauseit’s like $5 worth of produce in here and i don’t want to waste it! i don’t want that to happen to you guys,so some of my quick recommendations for you guys is try to make juices with less thanfive ingredients. less is more i’d like to say. when you start adding too many things,it can get really unbalanced really fast and

start tasting really gross. start out by juicingjust a few of those at a time. you might not be able to handle five bunches of kale, likekristina can, so start out with two cucumbers and one leaf of kale. everybody should beable to do that, right? and then maybe add two leaves, i can add twoleaves, that doesn’t taste too bad. and then get up to six leaves and whoa that startstasting kind of weird, so back down to five leaves, and do that for a week. and then keepthat up for a week and then next week maybe do six leaves. and then you can slowly buildup as time goes on so you can get more of the fresh fruits and especially the leafygreens. so the final thing i’d like to ask each of my friends here is how can somebodylearn more about juicing? kristina i know

you have a ton of videos online and juicerecipes and also healthy eating tips to encourage and promote eating more fruits and vegetables. kristina: the easiest place to find me ison my website and if you go there, you can connect to my youtube channel or myfacebook or my instagram. every single week i post one to two videos, whether that beinformational or recipe, and i always post pictures of what i’m eating to give peoplean idea of what they can do to make raw foods or juices in their homes as well. dan: is my website,where you can access, i think that i have about five or six dvds on juicing alone. andso you can check that out,

and then i’ve got the youtube channel, andthat is, or just google life regenerator and i will definitely comeup, and come and say hi, and thank you very much john and kristina. this has been so guys are the real deal here, so i am in good company, and i actually learned a lottoday and how we can continue to help people. so thanks for having me on john and thankseveryone for connecting. john: thanks for viewing out there, hope thisreally helps you guys out. we’re going to get back to fun here at woodstock food festival2014 and maybe i’ll try to get a lemon ginger blast up in the kitchen. i’m so thirstyfor juice after this talk with you guys and hopefully you are too. you’re gonna geta juicer and start juicing today to change

your life for the better. today this is againjohn kohler with we’ll see you next time and until then, keep eating yourfresh fruits and vegetables, they’re always the best.

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