kitchen sink tub

i am sorry, ma'am. sirhas still not returned. he had said he will returnwithin 2 hours. and he is not even answering hiscell. i tried calling him. yes. even i have tried many times. maybe he left his cell in the car. but where are you, ma' the hotel? i will inform sir assoon as he returns. no, no! i am already onmy way to the airport. i have checked out from the hotel.

what! you are returningtoday itself? i thought you were going to stayin kolkata till tomorrow. no. my appointment materialisedtoday only. even shyam was not feeling fine... ...when he had come to drop me. so i thought of checking out. then ma'am, maybe he went home. no. i don't think he is at home. i tried calling at home many times.

you don't worry. i will againtry calling on his cell. shall i send the car foryou at the airport? no, don't worry about that. i willtake a cab from the airport. you just tell shyam that i amreturning. in case you contact him. okay, ma'am. bye.have a nice flight. thanks. bye. 'global indian announces thedeparture of its flight to mumbai.' 'passengers are requested toproceed for security check.' thank you.

where is he? sorry, darling! what happened? so weaker! how insensitive! i wasn't asleep. i just dozed off. your body is so intoxicating. please put the zip. why so soon, sweetheart? we still have to togetherdrink that special drink. forgot your promise?

we can have that drinkeven after dressing up. i have already prepared it. but if we are unclothed... then thedrink can taste more delicious. am i right?- okay. have it your way. i will get thedrink. in 30 seconds flat. and you... just relax. have it. come on. why this cheating? full glass for me. and onlyhalf glass for you.

i don't drink during daytime. i am drinking this too tojust give you company. cheers! fantastic! i am telling you! good! yeah! okay, nikki! get thisinterview done! good! we will hold the pagefor you! okay! done! you look harassed! what happened? it's that woman again!- which woman?

that mysterious womanwhose article we had... ...discussed in today'seditorial meeting! oh! that woman! whathappened to her? she is on the phone. she isbeing very rude and abusive. she wants to talk to you. willyou please take her call? okay. i will handle her.connect me to her. sally, transfer the call'am will talk. yeah. hello! sarika here. what can i do for you?

sarika, i am very upset withyour sub-editor beena. i am regular readerof 'today's woman'. how can she refuse topublish my article? how can she turn it down? look, beena is doingthe right thing. we have discussed both, yourarticle and last letter... the editorial meeting. we can't publish your letter.sorry. - why? it doesn't follow oureditorial policy.

we think it's not finefor our readers. fine, sarika. now what i am going to do... youwill be responsible for that. only you. what do you mean? whatare you going to do? what i am going to do... you willget the inkling in my article. what do you mean? you will find out soon...that what do i mean. listen... please give meyour name and address.

in your article and letter only wis written for name and address. goodbye, sarika! she hung up! just like that! what if she... you want to inform thepolice about her? you think i should? should i? there is no harm. why don'tyou talk to dcp chaudhary? you know him well. i think you are right.i will talk to him.

sally, you have dcp chaudhary's... number, don't you? connect me to him. blood is worship. blood is penance. blood is conduct. blood, blood, blood. let the blood flow. blood is destruction.

blood is creation. even if blood betrayed,it is still trust. let the filthiness of bloodbe cleansed with blood. it is difficult, sarika. itis really very difficult. in such a huge city, tofind out about a woman... ...just on the basis of a phone call. and that too when we don'thave her phone number. and we don't know from whicharea she has called you. it's not necessary that shehas called from mumbai.

it could be an outstation call too. do you understand our problem? i think... logically you are right. but that call... her voice...the way she was talking. i tell you, she is hereonly. in this city. okay. let's assume thatshe is in this city. so? we can't say for sure thatshe has done something... ...or she is going to do something. and no report has been filedof any accident or murder...

...that we could take some action. sarika, listen to me. justtake it easy. relax. and don't worry so much. looks like a hoax call to me. and we frequentlyreceive such calls. there are some weird people. they behave like this forweird sense of humour. it means... we just forget about it? no, no! i am sorry.i don't mean that.

i just want to tell you to be alert. if she calls you again, thenthere is something fishy. in that case, you will haveto handle it tactfully. and you will haveto try to extract... ...maximum information from her. okay. and if she calls... informme immediately. if blood melts... only blood boils. if blood is impure... thenonly blood cleanse it.

only blood stains cleanse blood. come! dcp chaudhary? at this hour? what happened? i am sorry. the matter is suchthat i had to disturb you. he is inspector ranadefrom crime branch. can we... can we come in? a terrible incidenthas occurred, ma'am. we need to talk to you urgently.

a top and reputed businessman... ...has been murdered brutally... his own apartment's bedroom. he had illegitimate sexual relationwith a mysterious woman. when his wife was not athome in the afternoon... ...he had sex with a womanbefore being murdered. we found his naked body soakedin blood on the bed. he was stabbed on hisneck and murdered. but me...

when our officers, as per theroutine, redialed the last number... ...from the bedroom phone... itconnected to your office. from your security guard we didn'tfind out who spoke to whom. because apparently your officewas closed at that time. so? we called the exchange and took... ...out the printout of thecalls made by that phone. the calls that weare talking about... at the same time when you spoke... that mysterious callertoday in the afternoon. oh my god! are you surethat the woman... ...with whom he had sex murdered him? maybe somebody else was there. and murder was committed later. it seems so, ma'am. but we can'tsay anything for sure. we are still investigating the case. in the kitchen sink, wefound two wine glasses...

...soaked in soap water. it had no fingerprints. but we have found lipstickmark on one glass. this means the victim hadliquor with a woman. maybe he had wine with hiswife. can't it be so? no. that is not possible. victim was murdered at around 4:45. and at that time his wifewas at the airport. she had just got downfrom kolkata flight.

and she was collecting her baggagefrom the baggage counter. but how can one still be sure that... ...the woman who had sex with him... ...and had drink with himcommitted that murder? maybe there was another kind of sex? we have looked at that too! we are almost certain that awoman committed the murder... ...using a big dagger. he was stabbed thricewith the dagger.

and all three attackswere not so strong... ...for a man to have done it. but that's not just the problem. the problem is more serious. the killer has left a tell talesign... that has dazed us. what! a swastik was drawn on thevictim's head. red swastik. swastik drawn with his blood. around 6 weeks ago, a man wasmurdered in similar manner.

swastik was drawn onhis forehead too. that man too was a businessman. and he too had sex witha mysterious woman... his wife's absence. what do you want from me? we want three things from you. firstly tomorrow you havecome to the crime branch... ...and again narrate yourconversation with this woman. we want to record it.

secondly we have some suspects'recorded voices. we want you to hear that...and try to identify it. thirdly... if this woman callsyou again in the future... ...then record her call. we will install specialequipments for that. okay, gentlemen. thank you.- thank you. - okay. and yes, sarika. we would like to see the letterto the editor and that article...

...send by that mysterious caller. okay. i will send the photocopytomorrow itself. thanks.- good night! okay. i will take this. okay, ma'am. please come. this way. here, ma'am.- thank you. what is in this bag, mama? it has a train, son. you liketrain a lot, don't you? son, carefully!

mama!- son! what happened, son? you got hurt? what happened, son? hurtbadly? my dear son! what do you people do? takingmoney every month! you can't keep the compound clean! things are scattered here and there. whether children live or die,it doesn't make a difference! let the secretary comein the evening! i will give him a hearing!son, let's go home!

son, hang on. mummy willpay the cab fare. take 100 rupees. i don'thave change. keep it. no, you only have it. hello!- thank you! let's go, son! come on! mummy, that last compartment! hang on, son. look... nowthis too is affixed. now let's start the train! wow! chikoo's train has started!

son, where is your train going?- to delhi! wow! delhi! look, the smoke! wow!- wow! son, mama will get chips and coke. then we both will watchtv together. okay. now it will go to ahemdabad.then hyderabad. then kolkata. then delhi. it's boring! that's more boring! that's more boring!

okay, son. have coke. here. have chips. son, give the remote to mummy mummy will quicklyfind your program. yes, mummy! you only find it! here! have coke! ma'am, you have been awardedwith women of the year... behind your achievement... ...your long strugglehas been honoured.

that's not so. timeteaches everything. yes. time teaches everything. but you can't refute that during... ...such a time a woman breaks down... your husband left you. butyou didn't break down. i am not the only womanin this world. there are so many women who fight... ...with the situation and time. they fight their battlewith fortitude.

yes! yes! ashley, iam doing just that. just give me half an will be done. okay. don't worry! we will notmiss the deadline! okay! yes, ash. now what do you want? yes! sarika! recognised me? yes. yes. don't worry. i won't sayanything to trouble you. nothing special, sarika. it'sjust a friendly call.

wanted to know how you are doing. how are you, sarika? i am fine. thank you. how are you? not bad. how is your child, sarika? fine. she is fine. isn't her name anjali? she isa mentally challenged baby. am i right? but she looksso cute! so lovely! how do you know so much about me? you are a nice woman, sarika.i admire you.

in fact... i consideryou as my friend. and we should know about our friend. don't be nervous, sarika. i saw your old interview on the tv. i found out a lot aboutyou through that. - oh! you don't have to beafraid of me, sarika. no. why will i fear you? you are sitting in the ac.and still you are sweating. no, sarika. i am not lookingat you from anywhere.

my six sense... sorrymy sixth sense... ...has developed a lotdue to hard times. even you will agree that in women... ...six sense... sorry sixthsense is more developed. yes. that is true. do you know, sarika...why i called you? to compliment you. to praise you for your strength. being a single mother, the wayyou have raised your child...

...and in the society... in thismale dominated society... ...the position that you haveachieved... its worth praising. it deserves praise. thank you. how shall i address you? you can call me your friend. friends have a name too. maybe i don't remember my name. you can call me by any name. what name should i give you?

anamika... or just friend? you can call me both. friendtoo... and anamika too. fine. friend... and anamika.anamika friend. just saying is not enough. when you have called me yourfriend, consider me as one. then... don't you want to know... unjust life hasbeen with your friend? i have faced so many storms. i have endured so much.

still... i don't knowhow i am still alive. had there been some otherwoman in my place... ...she would have dieda long time ago. look... i am willing to hearwhatever you want to say. why don't we meet and talk? i want to know everythingabout you. everything. give me your address.i will come there. or else you come to my office.we will talk leisurely. like friends.

no! where to meet and when,i will decide that! not you! yes! i do want to meet you. fine! let me guess! live in khar area. sarika, what do you thinkof me? i am a child? that you can use methe way you want. listen to me carefully, sarika. don't even think ofbeing smart with me. don't ever... ever try toplay games with me! okay! sarika, you know whatkind of a woman i am!

don't you? yes or no?tell me, sarika! yes. don't try to be smartwith me, sarika. the information that i don'twant to give you... can't make me spill that. got it? yes. - there was an assignmentfor you, for today. it is not possible today,today is my fast... ...and i have just finishedmy veneration.

it is a very nice offer. i said no, on the day ofveneration and fast... ...i don't accept any offers. okay, what's your programmefor tomorrow? yes, we can think about tomorrow. okay, then we will keepit for tomorrow. where do i have come, at what time? give me the address. zeenat.

i am... i am so sorry. please, come in. please. take a seat. be comfortable. oh, yes! drinks. will do. hardly-hardly or... softly-softly? i don't take hard drinks.

then, what in soft drinks? by the way, mid-way will do too. i can have wine, white-wine.- ok. i will return in a minute.- yeah, sure. comeon, comeon, come, come,come, come, come. he took my heart making excuses. her eyes were speaking,and spreading it's magic. i was lost in the magic,i became out of control and you became my destiny,

you are my aim. with ten reasons he stole my heart. he stole my heart. he took my heart. so rohan sir is sitting here. what are you doing here? make another circle here i will go away, firstyou correct this. what is this, it's a ball.

if you will tell me,then mama will... look there, what karan is doing. mama will take you there, okay. now you have a biscuit and sit down. good girl. look, look here catchthe pencil like this... ...and make a circle like this. hi, chaudhary sir you here. ms. sarika, wonderful.

i should have thoughtyou could be here. how is that? i have your tape of theconversation with that girl. and then i saw your interview. you are incredible. really.- thank you. but you... why are you here? i have some relation with him,i will tell you some other time. oh i see.

did you find out anythingabout that girl? no. her voice, does not match withany of the recordings... ...of the other women that we have. seems like she doesn't havea police record till now. but we are searching. we are still searching. all over the country inall the headquarters... ...wherever we have voice mails,we are searching there.

yes rohan, tell me are you finished. okay chaudhary sir, i willtake your leave. - okay. bye.- say bye to aunt. bye.- love you. - bye. - love you. oh god, flying kiss. bye.- love you. good that tannu didn't come today. she was busy herselfso she sent you. the truth is that, there isa lot of joy in your company.

the feeling is somethingvery different. whoever spends some timewith you... is finished. even i have met a lotof men in my life... but to tell the truth... are the best. i want to change my drink. i feel like drinking beer. even i can drink beer. i would love to ioin you.

that's nice there isbeer in our suite. i will get it. you wait, i will get it for and me. thank you, i willgo to the washroom. i will be back in a minute.- okay. no sarika, i cannot seeyou from you anywhere. just my six sense... sorry sixthsense, has developed a lot... ...because of a lot of cruelty. and you will agree to,that we women...

...have a very developed six sense...sorry sixth sense. yes, that's right. i cannot see you from you anywhere. just my six sense... sorry sixthsense, has developed a lot. hi sarika, how are you? this is your friend speaking,anamika. how are you? good. sarika, i have a news for you.

breaking news, breakingnews, breaking news. another murder in thehotel in the city. the murderer killed another one. breaking news, another murder inthe hotel of the city. brother. breaking news, another murderin the hotel of the city. swastik killing. bloody red swastik. shall i tell you somethingms. sarika. i really wish, i reallywish that this woman...

...makes a swastika on one thepeople writing the headlines. that would reallymake me very happy. you have... become really emotional.- i am sorry. sir, i feel confident that nowit won't take much time... find this woman. how can you say that? sir, she has started to comeout in the open a bit... ...i mean in the hotels etcetera. it will become very easyfor us to corner her.

yeah, but even then ranade... ...she is always twosteps ahead of us... that we can't catch her. and after that either she callsfrom the victims cell phone... ...or from his landline. she doesn't use her own phone. even this time, she hasn'tused the hotels phone... ...she used the victims cell phone. bloody clever woman.

but sir, the important thingis that's she does call... if she has some personalcompetition with ms. sarika. this arrogance of her, thiswill get her caught. ms. sarika, can you do something. look, this time her recordingproves that... ...she is very angrywith your magazine. as if she... she wants to show you... powe_ul she is, whatshe is capable of doing. i was thinking that too.

i thinking... i willhave to do something. i was thinking of preparinga special article. and i will include the importantparts of her letter... a reference. maybe that will calm her down a bit. that's a good idea. i think that's a very good idea. i think this way you canestablish a relation... ...with her of a sympathiser.

we might be able toreach her ranade. i also agree with this sir. i think it is a very good idea. i think lets get down to work. absolutely.- thank you. madam please move you car,you are blocking my way. i am sorry, i am really sorry... ...i didn't see that youwere reversing you car. i just had to make acall from that pco.

but anyway, never mind.i will just move my car. okay, okay. that's alright.- one moment. but anyway, never mind,i just move my car. oh my god, that was the same women. you fool, move.- okay, okay. her eyes sir, i wouldn't havebeen able to recognise her. but her deep dark blue eyes; theywere too striking to miss. did you see that womango to that room... ...where the murder was committed.

how can i say that sir, i onlywent till the 7th floor... ...whereas that woman gotoff at the 6th floor. but today, when i saw herdressed differently... ...i couldn't recognise her. can you do one thingfor us mr. dhar? tell me. we have some voice recordings... ...and photos etcetera of some women. can you try to recognisethem, please?

sure sir. sir. - take sir to pawar inthe identification library... ...and tell sawant to be readyto go with me. - okay sir. okay, thank you mr. dhar.- thank you sir. and please mr. dhar, we don't have a resembling photoof this women in our banks. so can you come again tomorrow? so that you can help the sketchartist to draw her face. of course.- okay mr. dhar.

hello. - yes? - we wantto meet your madam. we have come from theelection campaign. we just want to giver hera pamphlet and talk to her. just wait here, i will call her. why did you tell them,that i am at home? i made a mistake.- you are... all right. how do they look? very nice, they seemto be nice people. make them sit inside,give them water.

i am coming.- okay. come ms. shehnaz, take a seat. how do you know my name? we don't just know your real name... ...but your business name too. tannu, its right isn't it. we understand, people often change their namesfor their business. especially for the business,in which you are involved.

i didn't understand what you mean. you will understand it,you will understand it... shehnaz karim alias ranialias tannu alias nina. to entertain the clientsin your business... are not known byyour name shehnaz... ...but the by the names of tannu,rani and nina, isn't it. what are you al talking about? shehnaz, this mask ofa respected woman... ...that you are tryingto wear, take it off...

...and show your real self. because we know yourreality very well. what do you know? and who are you? you don't seem tobe election people. who are you? we are police. okay, you are the policethen what have i done? don't try to act smart.

sawant, tell her what chargeswe are pressing against her. you are involved in a veryserious matter shehnaz. in a murder.- murder. what are you saying inspector sir? you very well know whati am saying shehnaz. not only did you know mr.bose for a long time... ...but the day he was murdered... talked to him on the phonein the morning, twice. first he called you fromhis mobile phone.

and then you, called him backfrom your mobile phone. and as far as i think you didn'task him about the weather... ...or discuss about the problemsof water and pollution. yes, yes but... i didn'tknow that man... ...and that was the first andlast call that he had made. that day. and i don't even know thathe has been murdered. look shehnaz, you are a partof the prostitution racket... ...we know that.

we even know that mr.sudhansu bose... ...who was a resident of 373shakesperes serene, kokata -3. was a senior executivein air cool appliances. you have entertained him 6times in the last 8 months. we have the records ofyour every meeting. not only can we arrest you forprostitution under the immoral act... ...but we can arrest you under thesuspicion of mr. bose's murder. then you are finished. now will you tell us the truth...

...or shall i call the half a dozenpolice officials in the van... ...outside, to arrest you. and yes, we have a ladypolice with us too. don't worry at all. your arrest will beabsolutely legal. ask, what you want to ask. hello.- hi sarika, did you recognise me? you, on my mobile. how did you get my number?

from your office, theyare very nice people. you were not there, so i askedfor your cell number. they gave it, whydidn't you like it? no, no there is nothing like that. tell me, how are you? i am well, i am very well. in fact i am very happy. oh, is it? how come, what happened?

i just saw your magazineissue in the mall... ...i even read the articlethat you wrote. i liked it a lot. what? you even read it in the mall. yes, of course you are my friend... ...and if i won't read myfriends article first... ...then who else will. i quickly paid my shopping bill,and while drinking a coffee...

...a read the article. now you are talking. now you have realised the struggleof a single mother... ...their pain. your writing is really powerful,thank you very much. i am so happy, that youliked the article. you are a mother, that'swhy you could write... ...such a good article, sucha touching article. sometimes i thought, ami writing all this.

you are a mother too, you havetaken care of your son alone. in a way, you are the writerof this article too. how is your son? my son... yes, my son is fine. my son is fine. i don't know why, he isnot always with me. he should always be withhis mother, isn't it? sometimes he just wandersoff somewhere. then... then he comes back again.

i am so strange, isn't it? he will have to go to his school. i will have to stay awayfrom him that long. i can understand. look anamika, if you wantto talk something more... ...with me, then you can. i can meet you too. if you are in a shopping mall closeby, then i can come right now. in which shopping mall are you?

oh sarika you are the limit. you want to see me. please listen to me... good bye sarika. sarika. - chaudhary sir, you. what's the matter?are you fine, ms. sarika? you are scared as ifyou have seen a ghost. i am sorry, just like that... that woman had called on my mobile.

what are you saying, show me. this number is of this area. what?- yes. yeah, yeah everything is fine. it is engaged. you come with me please, come. yes tell me yadav. from this shopping mall. when? are you sure?

yes, yes, yes there is a west sideshowroom on the other side. oh god. then... you investigate. you investigate it, and i amgoing to the headquarters. and listen, did you contact ranade? the battery is down, okay, okay bye. i don't believe this? the number from which thatwoman called you from...

...that is from this shopping mall. and the biggest thing, where you were standing andtalking to her... ...that wasabout 12-15 metres away from her. i mean, everything can beseen clearly from there... ...she might have seen you too. my god. i will have to go, why don'tyou come with me too. it will be helpful if you goover the whole conversation...

...once again at the headquarters. okay.- come. hello! hello! lift, please. hello, please, please. sorry sir, can you droptill an auto or a taxi. there is nothing around here. okay, come. thank you, thank you so much.

give me, i will keep it behind. sorry, i had to trouble you. my car broke down. i couldn't find a transport around... i had to walk,with the hope that... ...if i would find a transport... ...then i can bring a mechanicshow him my car. sorry, i don't knowanything about cars... ...i know only how to drive.

otherwise i would have helped you never mind, i have locked the car. if i don't find a mechanic now... ...then i will bring someonein the morning and show him. where do you want to go? right here. thanks a lot, that'sso kind of you... had to come outof the way for me. thank you so much mr...- ranade, sunil ranade.

nice to meet you, i am smita. hi! - would you like to comeup for a cup of tea or coffee? no. no. thanks a is very late. some other day. okay, thank you so much. ms. smita.- yes. your bags.- oh, you are completely drenched... god! how silly of me? now you will haveto drink a coffee. no, no please don't bother.

how is that possible, youare drenched because of me! you cannot go like this, please. well, okay. never heard that before. i will leave i tooka lot of your time. never mind, i am at home. your clothes. never mind about that, wheneveryou feel convenient... can bring them back.

but, won't you need them. no, not really. never mind. if possible, i will return ittomorrow evening, after... thank you, i will keepyour clothes ready. good night.- good night. sarika! hang on! wait there! sarika, when you weretalking on the phone... were here, weren't you?

yes.- stand here! mark this place!- yes, sir! morning, sir!- morning! sir!- good morning! what happened? anythingmaterialised? sir, we are trying. somethingwill happen sooner or later. good morning, sarika.- morning. so we disturbed you tooearly in the morning. not a problem. ina way it's my duty.

but what to do? i don't remember. about that day's activities. i think ranade's re-enactmentidea flopped because of me. god! i mean this is... this is like... near and yet so far! i mean i think thatwoman is nearby only. still we can't recognise her! it means as soon as we reachto her, she escapes. now look, you said that shehnazhad spoken to her.

she said to entertainthat man... mr. bose... ...whom she later murdered. still we can't reach to her.i mean... isn't this strange? sir, shehnaz told us thatshe can contact... ...zeenat only when zeenat wants. she herself calls her andthat too from her cell. she has prepaid sim cards. and she frequentlychanges her number. in this call girl business,don't they meet each other?

doesn't shehnaz know wherezeenat, anamika... ...or whatever she callsherself lives? i don't understand this. we have made all the enquiries. shehnaz told us that because theyare in the same business... ...they just know each other. they are not friends. strange! sir, shehnaz also toldus that she met...

...zeenat for the firsttime in a dispensary. when they both were waiting fortheir turn to meet the doctor. zeenat was dressed up normally. and shehnaz was richly dressed up. seeing zeenat's financialcondition... ...shehnaz gave her the offer ofentertaining the customers... ...and thus earning abundant money. zeenat needed money.and she got trapped. did you find out aboutzeenat from the doctor?

her details, her address etc? no, sir. sir, our teamfound out that... ...zeenat has changed herdoctor and her residence. oh! are we back to square one? no, sir. we have found outsomething else about her. that doctor said that hehad referred zeenat... ...whose real name is rohinimathur to a physiatrist. because she suffered fromnervous breakdown. nervous breakdown?

and that physiatrist? sir, her name is shanta rekki.and she is not in town. she has gone abroad. westill have to meet her. you... you have to get this womanto me as soon as possible! got it, ranade! believe me, sir! i am at it! hi! you! sorry, i came at this hour. but the work didn't getover till 8:oo-8:30.

your clothes.- come in. it's too late. i don'twant to trouble you. come in! i too haveto return your shirt! okay! 4 cubes?- yeah! fine! thank you! you... won't have more? i can't take more than half a glass. lovely penthouse!

must be very expensive! maybe! i don't know! meaning? it doesn't belong to belongs to my friend. since the past one yearshe has been staying... ...with her husband in london. so i have to come to live hereat times... as a caretaker. and you... your house?

i have one. a small and cute house. it's quite far away from here.i will take you there someday. well. your... son? yes. my son. what's his age? 5 years... 6 years.- 6 years. where is he? sleeping? he is not here. he is not with me. he is not with you? meaning?

he is in his school... his hostel.- where? sanavar. your...- he is no more. he is dead. your son... since whenis he in sanavar? around 34 years. don't you miss him? smita. look... i am very sorry.i have hurt you, smita.

smita! i didn't mean to hurt you,smita. honest! it just happened. your drink?- its over. i will leave now. please stay. have one more drink. no. i don't have more than 2 pegs. please stay for a while. i am fine. no. it's quite late. you must rest now. i willsee you some other time.

okay. your clothes. here they are. thank you. i will leave now.- okay. goodnight!- see you! the craving of ages. the desire of lips. this is my, this is my. complete saga. no cloud has showered. this lake has alwaysremained dried.

the desire of love smoulders. today the body is smouldering. your magical breaths are hot. the icy lonelinesshas started melting. this moment in your embracemakes me crazy. kiss me. my body is smouldering. - complete saga.- this is my, this is my. complete saga.- this is my, this is my. complete saga. - this is my,this is my. - complete saga.

good morning! what's the time? not too late. only 8:45. hey! i have seen thisshirt somewhere. is it that i had worn it yesterday? possible. now if you will leaveyour shirt carelessly... ...on the stairs... then somebodyhas to take care of it. shall i tell you something? you are looking very sexy in thisshirt. - is that right? how sexy?

tea.- wait! go right in! i have kepta new toothbrush! wow! what a tea!- have biscuit! wow! strawberry! how do you know that strawberryis my favourite biscuit? what do you think? i have sixsense... i am sorry sixth sense. i found out through that. does your sixth sense worksmore in food matters? not just in food other mattes too... six sense... sorry sixthsense is highly developed! i think you really believein sixth sense. of course i do. anybody will admit that in women... and because of this six sense...sorry sixth sense... ...we know about many importantthings beforehand. nothing! i was thinking about yoursix sense... sorry sixth sense! o god! phone call! ithad to ring now only! the extension of thisroom doesn't work.

i will have to go down. till then you think about thissix sense... sorry sixth sense. i will go and attend the phone call. six sense. sorry. sixth sense. 'no, sarika. i am not lookingat you from anywhere.' 'my six sense... sorrymy sixth sense... ...has developed a lotdue to hard times# 'even you will agree that in women... ...six sense... sorry sixthsense is more developed.’

sunil!- yes, ma'am! sorry, darling! so sorry!sorry! it took so long! would you mind if i have a quickshower before making breakfast? fine. anything is fine. sure you don't mind?- not at all! catch! pick up the phone! come on! come on! come on! sunil! would you like to joinme in the shower? would you?

yes! yes! connect me to mr.chaudhary! please! quickly! sunil! yes, sir! i am absolutely sure,sir! sir, she is the same woman! sir, i found out fromthe recording... ...of her conversation with sarika! sir, many of her wordsmatches with that. and sir, she even has bluecolour contact lens! yes! yes! okay, sir! i will informhim! okay, sir!

sir, quickly arrange forthe force! bye, sir! sawant, it's me! listento me carefully. get me to the commando of theflying squad immediately! yeah! sarika! i had called you!i have news for you. okay, kamat! quickly! i think she ran away! smita! you are taking a shower here? sir! sir! sir! sir!

what is going on? whatthe hell is going on? will somebody tell mewhat we are doing? sir... we are trying our best!- what? do you all know? what alli had to face today? what all things i had to front of chief minister... ...and home ministerabout my profession. now look, gentlemen.i must tell you. if we didn't nab this woman soon... ...then we all are finished.

we will be transferredto such places... ...compared to whichhell will be better. our best detectives are spreadall over the city, sir. and i am sure somethingwill materialise soon. sunil ranade too was oneof your best detectives. the same mark was found onhis forehead. red swastik. isn't it, chaudhary? i am very sorry about that, sir. gentlemen, i have been givenonly 10 days by the cm!

and i can give you all only 7 days. and i want this woman within7 days! either dead or alive! do you all understand? this is my city. and nobodymesses up things here. not even this woman. is that clear? yes, sir!- sir! that's all, officers! your city is a strange city. here relationshipsare based on deceit.

dawn and dusk. gold mesmerizes people. colourful dreams too change. coloueful dreams too change. still love storiesare found in books. in books. i think you didn't bring your car. no, i came by cab.- come. i will drop you. red swastik on another policeofficer's forehead.

what a woman! how is sister-in-law?- better than before. found out anything about rohinifrom physiatrist shanta rekki? as expected. she refusedto give any information. norms of confidentiality! hell! norms of confidentiality! if you... permit, i cando something. if the door is closed, then itmight not be wrong to gain... ...entrance through thebackdoor or the window.

i don't understand. our magazine is more intoinvestigative journalism. many times we have to use shadyways to know the truth. we have to do differentkind of spying. if you give the permission, ican try to extract information. you... will you be able to do it? i have the perfect weapon for it. let's shoot. yes, ma'am.

hi! i am nikita burman. i have an appointmentwith dr. shanta rekki. please take your seat.i will inform her. thank you!- please! - thank you! ma'am, ms. nikita burman ishere to see you. okay, ma'am. good! impeccable references! you can begin the work anytime.even from today. from today?

fine. i will start from today.but only after lunch. fine. after lunch. but frankly i think if you can workin the evening, it will be better. before i leave for london, it hasto be updated on the computer. the entire programmingis to be prepared. if you will do it aftersurgery timings... will be convenient for you. there won't be any disturbance.what do you say? fine. it suits me even better.- good!

here. oath of confidentiality.sign on it. fine. sir, i have given madamthe morning dose... ...she is sleeping. before leaving, would youhave to like a cup of tea? i was going to make one. okay, you sit i will make it. then he will come, andgive you a kiss... ...then give you a nice dress, thenyou will go in the sky, there.

then mama will say thiefhas come, okay. sleep my darling. hello.- hello sarika. sarika, won't you say hello? are you switching on the recorder? do it, no matter do it. but say something. anyway, don't talk to me. but i will always consideryou my friend...

...i will keep tellingyou all my secrets. other than you, i cannot sharethis with anyone else. in fact and in short, you are lucky. before i do anything, youbecome the witness... my plans. don't you thing, thatyour existence... ...has become very importantthese days. what do you call them,the fore-tellers... ...the one that can takea peek in the future.

future-tellers. you have become like them. you can say in advance,what is going to happen. then here again this timebecome the fore-teller. something is going to happen. i am going to do something again. i have found my next prey. look... listen to me anamika...- and listen sarika.

now whether you like it or not... will have topublish my story... ...and my article in your magazine. okay, but...- good bye sarika. because i was very scared.- who were you scared of? what shall i say madam,i am very poor man. i have children.- here, keep it. no, what will i do with thisi have already taken enough. no matter, keep it.

now that you are saying,i will keep it. do you recognise this madam? this is rohini madam. in swapna shakti.- swapna... - in my building she lives in flat number 4. really, what kind of a woman is she? i mean what do you knowabout this woman? madam, this rohini madamis a bit crazy. she is a very strange woman.

she behaves strangely. she talks strangely. what does she do? she lives alone, she doesn'thave a friend... and no one even comes in her house. she talks about her son,she loves him a lot. whereas madam, no one hasseen her son till now. really, what does shetalk about her son? madam, why shall i hide it from you.

some days ago, she camehome in a taxi. son carefully. son! what happened son,did you fall down? did you get hurt badly? what do the society people do? they take money for free! they don't even keepthe compound clean. things are lying scatteredaround here and there!

but it doesn't make adifference to anyone. let the secretary comein the evening... ...i will teach him a lesson! come on son, come let us go home. just a minute son, mama willpay the taxi and come. here, take this 100 rupees.- i don't have change, you keep it. no, you keep it. thank you.- hello. - thank you. come on son, come on.

this rohini madam, not just a bit... ...she is completely madand very suspecting. many times she calls thesecurity in her flat... ...and says that her childis playing downstairs... ...and it is getting verylate, bring him up. she keeps bringing... whatdo you call that... ...noodles, chocolate andmany other things. madam, whereas shedoesn't have a son. strange isn't it?

what can i say madam. many a times, she disappearsfrom her house... one knows where she goes. and then suddenly she returns again. madam, these days too she is outof her house for many days. thank you, you have helped me a lot. thank you, bye. her 4-5 year old son diedin a dreadful accident. that's why somewhere deepinside her heart...

...there is a feelingof losing everything. and that's why she lives in anillusion. in a imaginary world. she feels that her son is with her. oh, that's why she alwaysused to talk about her son. right. ms. sarika i had told you,whenever in her articles... ...or even when she talks whenevershe talks about her child... ...her feelings sound so unreal. yes, i have read about such cases.

in doctor reiki's clinic,i have read in her file... ...that she has faced many moredreadful tragedies in her life. she loved someone, they wereabout to get married too. come on, you are my would be wife... ...they had gone on a picnic,and while returning... ...some people attacked them. look, what he is doing to the girl. come on, come on. what nonsense, whatis this misbehaviour.

what are you all doing? what are you doing? leave him, leave him. abhi! abhi! abhi! abhi! abhi! abhi! leave me! leave me! later, his would-behusband left him too. his husband knew, that sheis pregnant with his child.

he said, that after a gang rape... ...his family will never accept her. and whose child is this,who is the father... ...questions will beraised on that too. and their relationwill never prosper. and this will never turn outto be a beautiful relation. the dreadful incidentsthat this woman... ...has faced in her life. it must have been difficultfor her to control herself.

the biggest tragedy ofthis woman's life is... ...her son's death. that her consciousmind cannot accept. and that's why, she starts livingthat imaginary life... which her son is with her. atleast there is someone whomshe can call her own. yes, that's what shesaid on the phone. good that your daughter is with you. there is someone that's yours.

she always lives inher imaginary world. she thinks that herimagination is real. it seems real. there are some people, that'sshe can see ruining her life. she takes revenge from them. and while killing them,she doesn't feel... she thinks that sheis doing justice. yes shyam say. yes shyam, no tell me, tell me.

yes. okay. where? as a nurse. surely. you are there, right. okay.okay, i will see. and listen. you remain there. ladies, we have a break through. all stations, confirm apip.

alfa to romeo, apip sir. over. - good. over and out. apip, meaning. all persons in place. i see. it's a bin, i repeat b i n. it's a bin, over and out. attention all personals,it's a bin. i repeat it's a bin. gohead, best of luck.

over and out. yes bin, b i n. bird in the nest. roger zebra, headquarter to nuclear. it is a b i n, i repeat. it is a b i n. roger. our personals are readyin plain clothes. if everything goes fine,then 15 minutes.

in 15 minutes our secretoperation will be over. and the bird will be caught. bird?- not just a bird, deadly bird. hi dear. your drink. you wanted me to makeit, so here it is. exactly the way you want to. wow, half a drink for youand a full glass for me. that will not do.

i cannot drink much duringthe day, that's why. half a drink for you anda full glass for me. cheers.- cheers. hello rohini. inspector sawant, mid-westpolice station. and she is assistant policeinspector ashu kumar... your service. freeze! rohini!

good bye inspector sawant. sir, sir, sir, sir, sir, sirshe committed suicide. 'now whether you like it or not... will have to publishmy article.' the torn shreds tell the pages. life wanders around here. in the manors and the monuments. it wanders around lonelyin the paths. joyfully wanders around.

your city, is a strange city.

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