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this is john kohler with,today i have another exciting episode for you and what i’m doing today is actuallyi’m making my daily juice. so my daily juice is going to consist of certain produce items,and today what i’m going to be juicing are some carrots here, apples, got some cucumbers,some celery, and some delicious swiss chard picked fresh out of my garden. and what we’regoing to do today is that we’re going to juice this in the gse 5000. this is by farmy favorite gear juicer on the market today. first we’re going to talk about why thegse 5000 is different than many of the other juicers on the market. you know just likeif you’re a mechanic, a mechanic has a toolbox and he has many different tools, and eachtool kind of does a little bit different job,

well all the juicers on the market do a littlebit different job and are intended for juicing certain produce items better than for example this one’s called the green star elite juicer, so think about it. greens,think greens, think vegetables. so this juicer here is perfect for juicing vegetables, especiallythings like the chard that i’m going to be juicing in a little bit and the celery,and even things like carrots. it does an absolutely amazing job. and this machine is the onlythree stage juicer on the market. let me go ahead and take this guy apart and show youguys what it looks like on the inside. we got the top housing cover here, we got topop off these guys here, and inside the casing of the machine itself here is the juicingscreen, we have the twin gears. now these

twin gears have three specific sections onthem. the first section is the crushing stage where it literally crushes all the produceup. the next stage right here on the gears is called the mixing stage. and this is thestage that most juicers do not have. it allows some of the produce that’s been crushedto get mixed up so that you may get further extraction and further nutrition out of thejuice. the last area in the gears are the squeezing stage and in this area what happensis the produce is literally run out and all the juice comes out into your collection glassbelow. now this machine runs on twin gears. now this is the original twin gear juicer,other juicers on the market that may also use two gears legally cannot use the termtwin gear because that’s a trademarked name

for the green star series of machines, sothey have dual gears. you may think that the twin gear juicers and the dual gear juicerson the market are all the same. well i mean because after all they both use two gears,but that’s where the similarities end. the twin gear juicers, including the green starelite juicer, the green star series of juicers, have patented technology including the patentedcutting teeth, patented pocket recess that’s going to actually chop up the fibers so youdon’t actually have to pre-cut your produce which you may have to do on some of the otherjuicers. in addition, this machine has a far infrared and magnetic technology that willallow you to store your juice up to 72 hours with minimal nutrient degradation, and we’lltalk about that a little bit later in the

video. anyways the next thing i want to dois go ahead and put this guy back together and i’m going to explain to you some ofthe different parts, and then we’re going to get into some juicing and answering someof those questions. so the first thing to do when using the gearsis you’re always going to want to line up the gears, it’s very important to line upthe gears properly. if you just take the gears any haphazard way and stick them together,put them into the machine, they’re not going to be properly aligned and the machine isnot going to work correctly. so it’s very important that on this gear there’s a littletwo dots and on this gear there’s one dot, i don’t know if you guys can see that onthe camera there, we’re going to align them

and make a triangle out of the dots. so idon’t know if you can see that on there, but i made a triangle out of the dots, andnow the gears are ready to go in the machine, then we’re just going to go ahead and putthese in the machine, and sometimes when i push them in you’ve got to kind of rotateit a little bit, it’ll go back and get seated all the way in there. next we’re going toput the juicing screen on, and this is actually a good opportunity for me to explain the differentscreens. so when the juicer comes to you shipped in the box, it’s set up and actually readyto juice, although you may want to take it out and clean all the parts and then put itback together. but it’s set up with the standard fine screen. so this fine screen’sgoing to make a fine quality juice with very

little pulp in it. now if you want it morejuice, you can use the large hole screen or the core screen which comes in the box. sothis is an accessory that some people may want more pulp in their juice, they coulduse the screen with the larger holes, so there’s the difference. in addition in the box youhave some other screens. this is actually called the blank screen or mochi or breadstickscreen right here, it’s closed on both sides. this will allow for a complete grinding ofwhatever you’re putting into the machine, and this one’s actually the open blank,so the open blank doesn’t grind things up quite as much, so you could use this one forthings like sorbets and nut butters, or this one will work also. the thing to rememberis that if you put this one in, there’s

a hole in the bottom and you’re going toput it hole side down so that everything you process is basically going to come out thebottom of the unit, and if you put this one on, it’s going to crush everything up andthen send it out the front of the unit, so that’s how these guys differ. next we’regoing to go ahead and put this standard screen on because that’s what we’re juicing today,then we’re going to put the outlet casing on here, once we put that in we’re goingto take these latch arms and just simply snap them into place, very simple very easy. nowon this outlet casing i want to go ahead and unscrew this guy right here it’s a veryimportant part, this is called the outlet adjusting knob. this outlet adjusting knobas you can see has a spring on it, and what

this spring does, it keeps tension insidethe machine to keep all the pulp in there until it gets it fully rung out. then thepulp is going to put pressure on the spring, and actually that’s a lot of pressure it’sgoing put on it, and then allow the dry pulp out. now in some cases such as when juicingwheatgrass by itself, you want to actually take out this adjusting knob altogether. nowwhen juicing something like fruits, you’re going to want to use the fruit adjusting knob.and this is the fruit adjusting knob. and now while these may look the same, becausethey actually really do look the same, the main difference is that this one’s blackto let you know this is the fruit adjusting knob, and it has a much softer spring i can take this and easily push it back,

whereas with this one it’s much more difficultto push it back. so this is for juicing fruits, it has a lot softer texture. if you try tojuice fruits with this outlet adjusting knob, what’s going to happen is the fruits aregoing to just back up on you. another adjustment that you have on the outlet adjusting knobbesides just the spring tension that’s preset, you can actually screw it in a lot or a little,so right now i’m putting it in, and i just turned it one turn and it’s in there, sothat’s not going to put a lot of pressure on the produce. and you may want to do thisat some point if things are backing up on you. right now i’m going to go ahead andcrank this all the way in for about a half dozen turns. now this is in there fully ontight, this is going to allow the most pressure

to keep the produce in the machine to getthe highest yield. now this is definitely really important to do when juicing somethinghard like carrots. it’s going to keep the carrots in there to get fully juiced beforeit comes out. now if you’re juicing only cucumbers, then you actually may even wantto use the fruit adjusting knob because actually cucumbers are a fruit. they’re in the samefamily as melons and honeydew melons and watermelons, because they do contain seeds and that’swhy they’re a fruit. so if you do and are using the standard adjusting knob, you maywant to loosen it significantly to allow for the pulp to come the green star elite in my opinion has a fairly higher learning curve than othermachines and other juicers. some juicers you

can literally take anything and put it inthe machine, it’ll juice it and come out. with this machine you do need to learn sometechniques to get the best results out of it, and that’s what i’m going to sharewith you today when i start juicing in just a second. anyways let’s go ahead and getthis machine fully assembled. this last part we’re going to put on is this cover part.and this is a very important part to put on, because without putting this part on, themachine’s not going to start up. there’s a built-in safety switch that is only activatedif this machine is properly in place. so we’re going to go ahead and put this in, and ifwe got this in and it snapped into place, then it’s going to allow us to turn themachine on just like that. say we don’t

have this in place, say it’s just restingon there, you know that looks pretty much like it’s in place right? should be allright. doesn’t turn on – that’s because it’s not properly seated and it’s notgoing to come on properly. the biggest reason why if you get the green star elite juicerand it doesn’t come on, first you want to check and make sure you got a good outlet,the next thing you want to do is you want to make sure this is snapped into place andsolid. sometimes you might have to rock it around a little bit to get it seated properly,but when it is, the machine will come on. if your juicer is intermittent, sometimeswhen you’re juicing sometimes if this thing is wobbling back and forth, if it wobblesand then it comes off then it’s going to

stop. you need to make sure it’s properlyin place to allow the juicer to come on. now that we got the juicer all assembled,the next thing is we’re going to actually have to start juicing. one of the things ilike about the green star elite juicer is that it comes with many of the accessoriesyou will need to juice literally right out of the box. one of them is this, it’s anice glass collection cup. this is included with the machine, that goes right underneathto catch the juice as it comes out. the other part that is also included which is reallynice is a nice stainless steel strainer. this is actually a nice fine screen strainer, soit’s going to take out extra pulp if you don’t want that pulp in your juice, so youcould just literally put this on the collection

cup underneath and then have it go throughthe strainer as you’re juicing. the thing to remember if you do do this, you may haveto shake this down a little bit, because it may get clogged up. a smarter thing to dois just juice into the bowl itself and then later pour this through the strainer intoanother bowl to have your strained juice. so we’re not going to use this today. thenext thing that the machine does not come with is actually a container to catch allyour pulp. so the juice comes out the bottom, the pulp comes out the front, and you’regoing to need a nice large container. so you could use a big bowl or an old pot, but whati found that works really well is just a standard plastic box from the organic one-pound springmixes, this happens to be an herb mix box.

but this is a, a lot of your organic greenswill come in here and these organic greens are excellent to juice. i’ll juice literallyone pound a day of greens through the green star or other juicers so that i can stay healthy,because leafy greens are some of the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet. sowe’re going to go ahead and take this lid off here, and we’re going to simply placethis right underneath to catch all our pulp. we’re ready to juice, right? well, not quite,we have one more decision to make as to what pusher we’re going to use with this juicer.unlike many juicers that only come with one pusher, the green star elite gives you anoption of two different pushers to use, depending on what you’re juicing and what you’dprefer to use. so the two pushers that come

included are you have a plastic pusher here,and this plastic pusher has a little lip on it so that it doesn’t allow you to pushthe pusher into the gears, and so you could use this pusher to push produce in. or yougot a nice wooden pusher, you know. this is a personal preference and i personally likethe wooden pusher because it’s just real wood, and keep in mind that this wooden pusherwill basically push into the gears and get hit by the gears because there’s not thelittle lip to stop it, and you know the pusher may get ground down by the gears a littlebut that’s all right, this is a food grade wood, that basically if it does get grounddown the wood pulp will come out with the vegetable pulp, so no big deal. so yeah i’mgoing to be using this guy today. so next

what we’re going to do is we’re goingto go ahead and turn this machine on and start we’re ready to start juicing, and you can see here i have a variety of produce itemsthat i’m going to be juicing today. now the first thing, before juicing in the greenstar elite juicer or any juicer is to ensure you have proper produce selection. what’sthat mean? well that means you just want to get freshest and highest quality produce aspossible. say you go down and buy the produce off the reduced rack that’s all wilty andstuff, you know or the apples are all soft and mealy instead of hard, firm and crunchy,right? those produce items are not going to juice that well, and i recommend you guysdon’t buy them, especially if you’re juicing.

and if you’re cooking maybe you could usethose guys, because the texture doesn’t matter, but when juicing, the juicer requiresa nice hard, firm, fibrous texture to work properly, especially in the case of the leafygreens. you know the more fresh the leafy greens and perky they are, the better they’regoing to juice. the more wilted they are, the more soft they get, they’re not goingto tend to juice as well. same thing with the apples. you want nice hard, firm apples.if they’re soft and mealy, then they’re going to mush up and make more of an applesauceand not juice that well either. same thing with the carrots or even the cucumbers you want to select the highest quality produce possible. now my tips for selectinghigh quality produce, it’s very simple.

number one you want to grow it yourself ifyou can. it’s really simple to start your own garden, you could have a four foot byfour foot garden and grow a lot of fresh produce that you could juice including leafy greens,they’re one of the easiest things to grow yourself. and besides growing your own gardeni would encourage you guys to go to the farmers’ markets near you, depending on where you livethey may have a lot of farmer’s markets. some areas they have almost a farmer’s marketa day. and at the farmer’s market the farmers literally picked the produce the day beforeor a few days before, or sometimes the morning of the farmer’s market so that you’regoing to get the freshest quality produce, and the freshest quality produce is not onlygoing to juice better, but it’s also going

to have more nutrition for you. up to 50 percentof certain nutrients can be lost after 24 hours of harvest, and most produce in thestandard food chain going to your grocery store or the health food store has been harvestedmaybe a week before you’re getting it. and in the case of apples, sometimes apples arestored for almost a year in an oxygen-derived environment before they get to you, and that’swhy sometimes the produce doesn’t juice that well. so very important, get the freshestquality produce as you possibly can. the next thing to remember when juicing inthe green star elite is the ordering of the produce you’re juicing. now unlike otherjuicers, there’s no cutting required, so i’m glad i don’t have to sit here andchop up everything meticulously to make it

work in the green star elite juicer, you’regoing to see this in a second. it’s literally going to suck the leafy greens out of my handsinto the juicer to make some of the delicious juice. but what is important is that you followa proper procedure when juicing. you’re going to want to do what i call rotate yourproduce. so you’re going to put a leaf of swiss chard in, then maybe a celery and thena carrot, then a cucumber, and then an apple piece. and then after you go through the wholegamut, then you’re going to start over, another leaf of chard, another sprig of celery,another carrot, another apple and another piece of cucumber, and do that until you’reall done with all the ingredients that you’re juicing. don’t just take all your chard,put all the chard in, and then “okay i’m

out of chard now, now i’m going to do allthe celery. now i’m out of the celery, i’m going to do all cucumbers.” and then nowthat you’re out of the cucumber now you’re going to put in all the carrots and all theapples. well you know that’s not going to work as well as basically giving the juicerdifferent textures. each of these produce items have a different texture, and some produceitems juice better or will flow through the machine better than others. so for example,the carrot is definitely one of the things that really helps get the fiber pushed throughthe machine, and gets the machine to work the best. so without further ado, let’sgo ahead and turn the machine on, start juicing. one of the things i like about this machineis that actually it’s very quiet.

now as you can hear, you can hear a gear noiselike gears are hitting or kind of going together, now this is totally normal. another thingyou may hear when juicing in the green star elite juicer is some squeaking sounds, andthat’s also completely normal so don’t be alarmed. next let’s go ahead and takea piece of this amazing swiss chard here, some red swiss chard out of my garden, watchthis. sucks out of my hand, sucks it right in the machine, and juices it right up, that’sreally cool. now i like the green star elite juicer because it literally does do when putting in a carrot you literally have to take the pusher, and you’re goingto push this down with nice gentle force into the twin gears. now if you do have arthritisor maybe a weak wrist or forearms or arms,

or older, then this may not be the juicerfor you. what i can recommend is that you always want to have leverage on the juicer,so if you do have challenges with strength, what you want to do is maybe stand on a nicesturdy stool and stand up taller so that you can reach down lower. you can even put thison a lower table that you could actually look into it and get better leverage as well. soas you can see here, this pulp is coming out and it’s actually quite nice and dry. thenext thing we’re going to do is some celery. now some juicers, with celery you need topre-cut the celery, because with these long fibrous strands here, let me see if i cango ahead and pull one off for you guys, look at that long, fibrous strand. these long,fibrous strands will literally wrap around

some augers of some juicers and clog it up.this strand here will also clog up the ejection port of some juicers and clog it up, but notso with the green star elite juicer, it has pocket recess teeth which basically chop upall these fibers so you can literally take this piece of celery, push it right in thereand the celery pushes in nice and easy, and it’s going to cut up all those fibers foryou automatically. next we’re going to go ahead and take the cucumber, now on the greenstar elite juicer, it does have a one and a half inch square feed chute. now this cucumber’sa nice large cucumber so we can’t fit it in there, so we’re just have to going tosimply slice it in maybe quarters so that we can fit it in there. no dicing up is necessaryonce we got it in there, drop it in there,

once again, push that in. let me see if ican do that with one finger. one finger! so it doesn’t take that much effort, but ihave strong fingers, to push things into the machine. now once again the carrots are thehardest thing to push into the machine. next we’re going to go ahead and take our appleand very simply just slice the apple up into some pieces so that we can fit it into themachine no problem. now you may be wondering “john, can i juice the apple seeds?” wellyou know i choose to juice the apple seeds, there are things like cyanide in the appleseeds, and if you’re juicing only apples and a lot of them, i might not recommend it,but i think in small quantities for me, it’s alright. so you should make your own decisionsif you think it’s alright for you or if

you want to remove them.what i want to talk about next is you know when juicing straight wheat grass in the greenstar elite juicer. now the manufacturer says that you can juice wheatgrass in the greenstar elite juicer, and if you want to solely and only juice wheat grass with your juicer,then i would not recommend the green star elite juicer for you, what you want to getis the solo star ii juicer, also made by tribest, that’s a single auger style juicer, andthe single auger style juicers are much better for only juicing wheat grass. that being said,if you want to juice wheat grass, leafy greens, carrots, celery, cucumbers, and all kindsof stuff, that’s where the green star elite really shines. but if you do want to juiceonly wheatgrass, for best results there’s

a few tips that i want to give you now, beforei continue to juice. the first tip is you’re going to take some flax oil, before you startjuicing the wheat grass you’re going to take this and drop in a few drops of the flaxoil into the gears. this will coat the gears with some oil and reduce the amount of spacein there and offer you less foaming. another thing you can do to minimize the amount offoam and for the best results when juicing wheat grass is when you get the wheat grass,number one i only encourage you guys to grow your own wheat grass, or buy wheat grass thatis still growing in the tray, don’t buy pre-cut wheat grass, you don’t know howlong it’s been cut, and the nutrition may be going down, also it’s going to be harderto juice and may not yield as much as fresh

wheat grass. so get your own fresh wheat grassor grow it yourself and cut it, and then dunk it in some cold water and then juice it, that’salso going to help reduce the foaming. another thing that’s very critical when juicingwheat grass is you’re going to want to remove the outlet adjusting knob. you don’t wantthe knob in here when juicing only wheat grass. now if you’re juicing wheat grass with otherthings, then you’re going to just do it how i’m doing it now, you’re going todo it in rotations. say instead of the chard we had wheat grass. you’re going to juicea little bit of wheat grass, a carrot, a piece of apple, a cucumber, a celery. then startover – a little bit of wheat grass, a carrot, apple, celery, cucumber. and just continueto rotate the different items that you’re

juicing. let’s juice some more celery, andi want to show you guys the fibrous stalks, or the fibrous strings and how the juicerhandles it very simply and easily. once again, very simple and easy to juice the celery.let’s go ahead and put some more apple in there. one of the things i like about thegreen star elite juicer, it makes one of the driest pulps. i mean this pulp i can’t evensqueeze, and there’s no juice left on my hands. you know, other juicers don’t getthe pulp this dry. and let me see here if i can pull out any pieces of celery. so youcan see, earlier this is what literally went into the juicer, a big piece of celery stalkwith the strings, and now here’s a small piece of string that got cut up, so you cansee it cut up the celery, oops here’s another

piece. it cut up the celery into little smallpieces. i mean this is about an inch long and it was super-large. so this is how themachine is designed to basically cut, slice and chew the produce for you so that you don’thave to, and no pre-cutting is necessary. so this is working amazingly great, actuallygetting a high yield, i’m already a quarter of the way done with my juice, let’s goahead and feed some more cucumbers in there. alright let’s show you another piece ofswiss chard and there’s a pink swiss chard variety and i love this so much, no hands,look mom! right in there, sucks it right up, juices it right what i want talk about is juicing leafy greens. when juicing leafy greens in any juicer,there will be some foam created. now why is

that foam happening? well in my opinion it’sfrom two reasons – number one, leafy greens contain saponin, and saponin is basicallythe thing that makes soap bubble when you’re making it. when you go down to your healthfood store and you go down to the natural laundry detergent aisle, you may be able tofind what’s called soap nuts. these soap nuts are literally nuts that you put in yourwashing machine instead of detergent, and they literally clean your clothes by the leafy greens, including wheat grass contain some levels of saponin that will cause somefoaming when juicing them. so when juicing them alone, you can see you’re only juicingthe leafy greens, and the saponin’s really coming out saponin juice the foam. in addition,the foaming in my opinion happens because

there’s some air space in between the gears,so you need to number one, juice your leafy greens with other things that’s going totake up the space when juicing them, and also reduce the saponin. so for example if you’rewanting to juice kale, juice a piece of kale, then juice a carrot. or juice some kale andjuice some celery right after it, and rotate the produce when you’re juicing it. thiswill reduce the amount of foam. now the foam is not a big deal if you strain the juicewith the strainer that’s included that’ll easily sieve off all the foam. you can alsouse a spoon and stir up your juice to mix the foam in, it’s definitely not going tohurt you. i love this the coolest thing is drop a leafy green in there, sucks it rightin. try that with any other juicer man, it’s

not going to suck the leafy greens right outof your hand like the green star elite does. anyways i’m juicing a whole bunch of leafygreens and we’re going to once again follow that by some carrots, and my collection cupis actually already full. now i want to talk about that for a second on juicing and makingyour juice. now remember, with any juicer, there always is going to be a pulp created.the juicer literally is designed to separate the juice from the fiber, and it’s the juiceof the fiber that feeds you. actually jay kordich formerly known as the juice man toldme that. but nonetheless you can see here with this machine, we barely juiced anything,we juiced like three quarters of a cucumber, we juiced a handful of celery, whole bunchof carrots and not even all my leafy greens

yet, and we literally have a whole container,it’s probably about four cups of juice. this machine’s super-efficient. now that’sone of the things you have to remember, you’re buying hopefully organic produce and i encourageyou guys to buy and juice organic whenever possible and if it’s in your budget. butthe produce is expensive no matter if it’s organic or not. and the juicer that’s goingto get the produce the driest is a juicer that basically means you’re going to besaving money in the long run. some juicers, if you juice this and you could wring outthe juice and you get juice coming out in your hands, you’re literally throwing moneyaway because there’s juice that you’re not getting. with the green star elite juicerit’s one of the most efficient juicers on

the market that’s going to get a maximumyield for you. i mean i can look in this pulp and i’ll show you guys this pulp here, let’sgo ahead and turn this guy off and show you guys, i mean this pulp you can’t even seeany traces of the chard leaves, it’s the orange of the carrot with all little specksof produce that’s all been chopped up and juiced really efficiently. next let’s goahead and try this juice we just made, here it is. mmm, delicioso. now the reason whythis juice tastes so delicious in my opinion are for a few reasons. number one, when you’rejuicing in the green star elite, you’re using a low rpm juicer, runs at a slow rpmthat’s going to maximize nutrition in the juice. in addition, the green star elite juiceris using far infrared and magnetic technology

to extract more nutrients out of the juice,plus it’s the basis of their fresh juice stabilizing technology that’s going to allowyou to store your juice for two to three days or up to 72 hours with minimal nutrient i have seen the test data that the tribest company that manufactures the green star juicershave put out, and it is true. that being said, i always encourage you guys to drink yourjuice right after it’s made whenever possible. so if you want to drink juice three timesa day, i would encourage you guys to make juice three times a day with your yes you will have to clean the machine after every use because you don’t want tolet the pulp sit around in the machine for hours at a time, it’ll get caked on, cloggedup, and your machine will not work quite as

good. that being said, say you’ve got togo to a job and you know “hey john, i gotta go to my job, if i don’t make the juicein the morning and save it, then i’m not going to drink the juice.” well yes, thenby all means get this machine that’s going to allow you to save the juice and keep itthe freshest the longest, and use this machine and take your juice to work, maybe even makejuice today for the next two days and take it to work. you also want to check a videothat i have on youtube about how to store your juice the best way possible. so storingyour juice the best way possible like i show in that video, and the green star elite inmy opinion is the best way to be storing any of your juices.the last thing i want to talk about before

i go is the warranty. the green star elitejuicer has a 12 year warranty and that’s the longest warranty on any gear juicer inthe entire industry. now the green star elite juicer formerly had a five year warranty,but this machine is so durable and the manufacturer wanted to show that it’s taking the leadershipstance in the gear juicer technology by offering the longest warranty, so i’m glad that they’rerecently doing that. if you do see a website that says the green star elite juicer hasa five year warranty, that’s because this has recently changed and now it’s a full12 year warranty. keep in mind that the original green star gs 1000, gs 2000 and gs 3000, andthe green star gold machine still have the same 5 year warranty. and what are the differencesbetween the standard green star and green

star elite models? it’s very simple, thebody of the housing has changed, also the warranty is over double as long, and in additionthe green star elite juicer has the new three stage juicing with the crushing, the mixingand the squeezing, whereas the original juicer only has the crushing and the squeezing. wesell a lot of these guys and by far in my opinion this is the cadillac of all the juicers.the only downside to this machine is that it does take a little bit longer to cleanthan some of the machines, there are a few parts, but let me tell you you’re rewardedin the taste, the quality, and the yield of the juice you’re going to make in the greenstar elite juicer. hopefully you guys enjoyed this question andanswer session with the green star elite juicer,

i’ve got to get back to making the restof my juice for today. once again my name is john kohler with, besure to visit for special promotional offers for our youtubevisitors.

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