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alright! this is john kohler with,today we have another exciting episode for you, and happy 2015, happy new years to allyou guys that are out there, and if you guys watching this have not yet purchased a juicer,this is the video that you guys are going to want to watch, because in this episodei’m going to share with you guys the best juicers of 2015. now these are the juicersthat are the best of the best for 2015 at the beginning of the year, and this videomay change because during the year i’m confident some companies will come out with new juicersthat expand on the technology that’s currently available out there. at this point, each oneof these machines have their pros and cons, and in our society we always try to look forwhat’s the best and what’s the worst,

and to me things isn’t like always rightor always wrong, it’s not always good or bad, there’s always shades of grey in themiddle, and that’s kind of like how selecting a juicer is you know? what’s the best car?well it depends what your needs are, if you’ve got a big family then you might want to getthat minivan so you can tote around your whole family, a two-seater sports car would probablybe very impractical unless you’re a single guy that like speed and likes to go fast,then you’re going to want to get that two-seater so that you and your girlfriend or your boyfriendor whomever can enjoy the car and go super-fast. if you’re working out[?] you might needa truck right? and i know you guys may understand this analogy. so juicers are pretty much likewhen you’re going to select a car, it can

be interesting, because every car has itspros and cons, some might have more trunk space than others, some the seats might folddown so you can put long things in there, and some get better fuel economy. and thesame is true with juicers. some cars cost more, some juicers cost more, and on thistable i have the best juicers that i like the most, some of which have been out formany years now, some of which are fairly new to the market, and i’m going to go overeach one and share with you guys the pros and cons of each one so that you guys willbe able to pick out the best juicer for you, because in my opinion the best juicer foryou honestly is the one that you’re going to use each and every day so that you canmake the health changes in your life that

you want to derive right? health changes couldbe something like losing weight. i’ve sold many juicers to people that have successfullylost weight and more importantly kept it off by including more fresh fruits and vegetablesin their diet, and the juicers are simply the best appliances to do that because theyallow you to take five pounds of carrots that i know probably nobody out there watchingthis could eat five pounds of carrots, you know? that’s a lot of carrots. but you couldtake the five pounds of carrots, remove the fiber from five pounds of carrots, and inabout four to five cups of juice depending on the juicer you’re using, get the nutritionout of the five pounds of carrots into you, and that is truly the beneficial uses of thejuicer, it literally concentrates the nutrition

so that our bodies can be fully america we are overfed and undernourished, overfed in terms of calories, people are eatinghigh calorie food such as the junk foods, the processed foods, the fast foods, all thesethings coming in packages, bottles and jars, and animal products, these products are veryhigh in calories, but very low in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and more importantlyto me, the phytochemicals and phytonutrients that are imperative to stay young, to stayhealthy, and to live a nice, vibrant life. so i guess next let’s go over each of themachines on the table, first over on this side, if you think “what’s the cheapestjuicer that’s the best” right? if i had to say one at the $100 price point which isthis one here, this is called the lequip mini

110.5 juicer. this for $100 is by far thebest juicer on the market. now, this is what’s known as a centripetal ejection style machine,and this style machine how it works basically, is that there is a fast spinning blade inhere right? some of these centripetal ejection juicers can run in excess of 10,000 rpms,that’s revolutions per minute, that’s very quick. how this works is you put producein, it gets shredded up by this blade, the juice is flung out this screen out the frontof the machine. so this is the kind of juicer that you will find at your local departmentstore frankly. and many of those guys have short 90 day warranties, and they don’twork too well. this is a tried and proven model that has been out on the market formany years and is going to work the best for

this style machine. now, one of the drawbacksof this machine is it actually has a smaller feed chute, if you want the lequip model witha larger feed chute, it’s about $20 more, $119 dollars. this is the lequip 215 xl witha wide feed chute. these have extraordinarily long warranties for their style, longer thanany other juicer for a centripetal ejection, which i like. i want you guys to look at ajuicer as an investment, and it’s an investment in the most important thing you got, and mostpeople do not realize this until they’re maybe going to lose their life like i did.i was in the hospital, almost lost my life, and the doctor said “you might not makeit out alive,” and i thought about “holy shit, what’s the most important thing tome, all the money that i didn’t have in

the bank?” because even if i did have themoney in the bank i couldn’t sign the check “mr. doctor 1 million dollars, do not cashunless john walks out of here.” that would have done me no good, money is not important.but your health is your greatest wealth. without your health, you can’t enjoy your grandkids,you can’t enjoy your kids, you can’t enjoy bedroom activities, you can’t enjoy thepleasure of eating delicious foods, you can’t enjoy watching movies if that’s what youlike to do, you can’t enjoy sports cars, you can’t enjoy gardening, you can’t enjoyanything you want to do without your health, right? if you were immobilized, if you arenot healthy you can’t fully enjoy and appreciate even others. so that’s really the powerof the juicing, and the juicer is an investment

in your health, and it should also have along warranty to protect your investment right? if you go out and buy a juicer, some juicerscost $400 and they have a one year warranty which is ridiculous! if you’re spendingthat much money on a juicer it should have a nice long warranty. so i’m glad to saythe lequip has the longest warranty for a centripetal ejection machine, that being saidthis style machine, centripetal ejection style machines, whether it’s the lequip, whetherit’s a wal-mart, whether it’s a whatever one you’re buying, they focus on juicingcertain kinds of produce such as hard vegetables, things like carrots, celery, cucumbers, canbe juiced actually fairly well in this machine make a pretty good yield. things like leafygreen vegetables which are the most important

things to juice actually perform quite poorin these machines, they kick out leaves almost whole and unjuiced. so it would be far betterto maybe chew them up to blend them up instead of putting them through the juicer when you’regoing to lose a lot of yield. in addition because these machines run at a high speed,they tend to inject more oxygen into the juice. i’m happy to say that actually they do notheat up your juice like some of my cohorts on youtube may still be preaching. they sayhigh speed machines heat up your juice. that’s false, i’ve proven this false, i wrote anarticle about this, i’ll do another video about it one of these days, but they do notheat your juice, but they do oxygenate your juice, which in my opinion is probably worsethan heating your juice actually, because

if a juicer does heat your juice it’s heatingit up that much it’s not like putting it on a stove or anything. but it really bombardsa lot of oxygen into the juice, which really breaks down most importantly the phytochemicalsand phytonutrients. these are the things like lycopenes and things like some of the differentproperties in the cruciferous vegetables that have been shown to help fight cancer and whatnot.and these are the things that i’m really, that’s the reason why i’m really juicingto get these phytochemicals into me. so in general, unless i have no other option likei’m traveling and i’m at a friend’s house, i just do not use any kind of highspeed juicers in my day to day life. so an advantage of the high speed machines is thatthey are quick. so if you’re like “john,

i’m dedicated to juicing but i don’t wantto invest a lot of time, i’m going to juice carrots and some celery, some apples to makeit taste good because i know like you say, juicing some vegetables is better than juicingno vegetables,” then yes, you are the kind of person that might be good for this. ifyou want to take it to the next step and you want to get more beneficial results, theni would say go with one of the machines on this side of the table. these machines areknown as the slow juicers, they run at a low rpm. all of these guys actually run under150 rpms or revolutions per minute. and these are the style machines that i personally each of these, they look different, they have their pros and cons, so let’s go overeach one of them.

up next here, the best juicer for 2015 isthe omega nc 800. this is known as a horizontal single auger machine simply because it hasa single auger, or a single gear that spins around in the machine. and how this machineworks is much like your old-fashioned meat grinder. you put produce in there, it basicallygets crushed and squeezed and the juice is wrung out of it, comes through the screenhere for stage one, then stage two, and drops out the bottom of this machine. the pulp isejected out the front of the machine. now because this machine runs at a low 80 rpmsit’s much quieter than the high speed machine, and you will also need to push the producein the machine as you would on that machine. now the beauty of this machine is that thehardest part to clean on any juicer is the

juicing screen. the juicing screen on a centripetalmachine, actually there’s a lot of surface area, so you’ve got to take a brush andscrub out each and every little hole or else you will block the holes in the screen whichmeans over time your yield will go down and your juicer will perform at its best. i’mglad to say that on the omega nc 800, it has a smaller screen area, so actually this onetakes me less time to clean than that one. and of course cleaning may be another importantfactor for you. in addition, this machine has the longest warranty in the juicing industry,it’s a total of 15 years. so you get a juicer once, you buy a good one, it’s going tohave a long warranty to support you and to support your healthy lifestyle that i knowyou’re going to get on in 2015. now once

again, this guy basically juice hard vegetablesfairly well, also does fairly well with nice firm fruits. this guy a little bit different,this guy will juice the leafy greens pretty much better than any juicer on the table whenjuicing straight leafy greens without anything else. this also does things like the sproutsand the microgreens better than any other juicer. now as to the vegetables, hard vegetableslike carrots, actually the centripetal ejection juicer will get a higher yield than this machine,although this machine in my opinion will make a higher nutrients in the juice. in additionthis machine does well when making combination vegetable juices with fruits. so if you wantto juice some carrots, some apples, some ginger, some leafy greens, you put it through here,it’s going to work very well. another thing

i like about the omega nc 800 is that it’spretty much very forgiving. and what i mean by that is that there’s a very low learningcurve. basically you stick stuff in there, you rotate what you’re putting in there,and it juices it on up with minimal problems, with minimal clogging, minimal jamming, andit just works. the exception is if you’re trying to juice straight fruits, like if you’retrying to juice pineapple in this machine straight up with nothing added like with nocarrots, it’s going to hiccup at you and it’s going to back up. i do have videostrying to show using a horizontal auger when juicing straight fruits doesn’t quite work.but when you mix them with the vegetables, completely different animal, and it worksamazingly. in addition this machine will also

allow you to make things like salsa, nut butters,sorbets, and even nut pã¢tã©s. and so that’s why i like the omega nc, my favorite style juicer on the whole table is this next guy right here, and thisis known as a vertical single auger style machine. my favorite top pick for 2015 atthis time is the slow star juicer, and this is a vertical single auger juicer that’skind of like the updated version, maybe like a second generation over the first generationthat’s been out for many years now, and many companies still are coming out with firstgeneration machines. this is the second generation machine, and let me go ahead and explain howthis works and why it’s second generation, and why this is my favorite for 2015. okayso, unlike this is the horizontal auger, the

auger is running horizontally it’s niceand long, this is a vertical auger. so in this machine, as you guys can see the augeris right here and instead of running horizontally it runs vertically or up and down. now someof the revolutionary features in this auger is that it’s a dual blade so it has a bladeon this side, a blade on this side, which helps to cut up the produce a little bit better.i still however do recommend pre-cutting things like leafy greens and celery into minimumquarter inch pieces to feed into the machine. in addition this has a different pulp paththan most vertical auger style machines. basically the pulp path in the first generation basicallywould grind up the produce, the juice would come out the screen there, then the pulp wouldhave to go through a little small tiny hole

in the juicing screen. in this juicing screenthere’s basically no holes to deal with, because the pulp path on this is that he pulpgoes down the auger, goes up underneath the auger, and then it gets shot out the bottomof the screen and not through a hole. so this will reduce and will help reduce some of thebackup and jamming that people have experienced in the first generation single auger machines.of course with any vertical single auger machine, i do recommend you guys watch my videos onhow to properly use it so on the video entitled “how to properly use your slow star juicer,”which i would recommend before or after purchase if you haven’t seen it where i go over mytips on how to get the most out of your vertical juicer. now i like the vertical juicers personallybecause with my busy lifestyle, it’s just

basically cut and go, literally you cut upsome of the produce to fit into the feed chute here, you drop it in, it’s literally selfand auto-feeding so you don’t have to sit there and tamper every produce item in likeyou would on the nc 800, and it juices it on up. now it juices leafy greens probablyabout second best compared to this machine when doing them straight. i do recommend alwaysjuicing them with some harder vegetables like carrots or celery or something like also juices fruits by themselves probably better than any machine on this table maybeexcept for the high speed machine, which tends to oxygenate the juice. it does really wellon the fruits, i mean basically if you’re just like “john, what juicer do i get, andi don’t know what i’m going to do because

i’m going to juice a little bit of everything,”this is the juicer you want to get because this pretty much juices it all, juices mostthings fairly well without having too many deficiencies. in addition, this is one ofthe rare vertical single auger juicers that also comes with a mincing attachment or homogenizingattachment which will allow you to make things like nut butters and salsas and frozen fruitsorbets so that you can make healthy dietary changes. you know not many vertical juicersare coming with that. in addition they also have a nice stainless steel strainer to takeout some of the extra pulp if you don’t want it. in general the slower machines likethe nc 800 and the slow star will put more pulp in the juice than this guy over here,so if you’re coming from a place where you

had a centripetal ejection and are used tolow pulp, then you may not like the slow juicers because they do put more pulp in the more pulp in the juice, there’s nothing wrong with it, it may be a beneficial thingthere are some people that say and some of the studies i’ve seen say there’s actuallynutrients attached to the pulp that when you juice and you remove all the fiber, you’renot getting some of those nutrients that are still bound in the pulp. i still believe there’splenty of nutrients that are not in the pulp that we will be digesting and getting betterabsorption from, because we have liberated the nutrients from the pulp because our bodyhas no mechanical means of liberating nutrients from the pulp, you know we don’t have teethin our stomach, and in addition most people

simply just do not chew their food well the slow star juicer has this attachment, it also has a nice 10 year warranty, has thesecond generation design so it’s going to work fairly well, it juices most things actuallyfairly well, it’s quick and easy to use, and fairly quick and easy to clean. it takesme under probably about three minutes to clean this machine. so i like that a lot, the tribestcompany has also made some adjustments and improvements to the machine like improvingthe seal so it prevents some of the leakage problems that they’ve previously had. inaddition they put on this little juice flap here that prevents drips on your counter andwill also allow you to do mixing inside your juicer. so yeah that’s the slow star juicerby tribest.

now the last juicer i got, this is probablythe high end juicer. the price varies on this machine from $100 all the way up to $550,and this is called the green star elite, and this works a little bit different, let mego ahead and show you guys this. this is what’s known as a twin gear juicer. these two slowjuicers basically have plastic augers, but if we open up the green star elite juicerhere, as you guys can see we have some nice stainless steel gears, for those of you guysthat work on transmissions these are kind of like two gears inside a transmission, andthey literally spin inside the machine, and as they’re spinning they literally crushup the produce that you put in, and then basically it mixes the produce together to extract morenutrition out of it, and then the last stage

as the pulp works down the gear is it pressesout all the nutrition. in addition there’s pocket recessed teeth that will cut up thingslike celery strings and other strings and fibers in the leafy greens so that they don’tclog up the juicer. clogging can be a significant issue in the slow star, but will never, ever,ever be an issue in the green star elite because of the way it’s designed. once again, everyjuicer has their pros and cons, and this video is meant as a general overview of all thedifferent styles, so be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel if you’re not alreadyand be sure to check my specific videos comparing different juicers against each other so thatyou guys can see exactly how they perform before you get it. so this machine, if youwant a machine that’s going to make the

highest nutrition bar none, the green starelite is the machine i would recommend to you based on the testing that i’ve seen,based on tasting the quality of the juice, based on some of the technology like the farinfrared and magnetic technology in these gears. i believe this machine produces thehighest quality juice on the whole entire planet, bar none, especially when you’rejuicing things like the hard vegetables and the leafy greens together. in addition, itwill make a very high yield, a higher yield than any other juicer on this table on thehard vegetables and leafy greens when juiced together. now all the slow juicers on thistable will juice things like the wheat grass i do recommend always juicing wheat grasswith some hard vegetables, it’s always going

to make it work better, if you want to juicea lot of wheat grass i would recommend the nc 800. these machines will juice wheat grassalone, but they’re not as efficient and not going to do it as well as the nc 800.if you’re trying to juice straight fruits in the green star elite, you’ve got anotherthing coming, it’s not going to work very well, the slow star would be a much betterjuicer to juice straight fruits, and that being said if you want to juice hard vegetableslike some carrots, some apples, some lemons, some leafy greens, some ginger, some turmericin your green star elite, with all those different items, it’s going to work amazingly, basicallythe softer textures need something harder to help push it through the machine so thatthe juicer can extract all the juice out.

now the green star elite has a 12 year warranty,which is the second longest warranty in the juicing industry. tribest that’s been inbusiness now for over 25 years stands behind both these products here, so i’m confidentto say that they’ll be around for many years to come. the next thing i would like to sayabout the green star elite is that it also is a multi-function machine, so it will alsoallow you to make things like the nut butters, the frozen fruit sorbets, the nut pã¢tã©s,and other things by allowing you to crush up produce and allowing it to come out. probablyone of the big negatives of the green star elite, and probably the reason why i don’tuse it is because each of us have needs in life, we all have needs, and we have differentneeds on some level, so i have a need for

being able to be done quickly and efficientlyin the kitchen, which basically trumps my need for the highest quality produce and gettingevery last drop out of the fruit and vegetable or leafy green that i’m juicing, right?so that’s why i use the vertical machine, because i’m willing to give up some yieldbecause it’s so much faster and so much easier. if you’re one of those kind of people“john, i don’t care about how long it takes to clean, i want the highest qualityjuice and the most yield,” then you’re going to want to go with the green star. itis a little bit of a more challenging appliance to clean because there are several nooks andcrannies and so many different parts, but you’re by far going to get the highest qualityjuice and the most yield bar none when juicing

a mixed fruit and vegetable juice over i mean, that’s pretty much it, in this video we went from a range of $100 on up to$550, these machines are somewhere in the middle. you guys learned a little bit abouteach of the different styles, centripetal ejection, horizontal single auger machines,vertical single auger machines, and the twin gear machines. these are my top picks for2015, and i look forward to juicer manufacturers always improving what they’re coming outwith, and i’m sure i’m going to be testing them when they do come out so that you guyscan learn what is truly the best juicer. and i don’t want you guys to wait to buy a juicerif you’re waiting for the latest and greatest, because guess what? you’re always goingto be waiting and you’re not going to get

the benefits from juicing each and every of the good things is many of the high-end juicers have good resale values, and you canactually buy one now, start using it, getting the results, feeling better, and if somethinglater comes out better, i’ll let you guys know that you might want to upgrade. if youhave one of the first generation vertical single auger juicers, i don’t necessarilyrecommend getting the slow star because it’s the second generation. it’s not significantlybetter for spending a lot more money, you could always sell your old juicer, give itto a friend or family to help them improve their health, but i want you guys to get juicingtoday so that you can be living the life you want tomorrow. i hope you guys enjoyed thisepisode, give me a thumbs up if you did and

be sure to subscribe to me if you’re notalready. be sure to check my past episodes and when you’re ready to purchase a juicer,be sure to visit me at, once again my name is john kohler with, be sure to visit for special promotional offers for our youtubevisitors.

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