kitchen sink 30

happy to be together on "happy together"! - hello. / - hello. - hello. / - it's good to see you. we have news about hyeongyeong. she was an intern for four weeks. now she's a full-time mc! (uhm hyeongyeong is now a full-time mc!) - am i really? / - congratulations. - ♪ congratulations ♪ / - thank you so much.

- ♪ and celebrations ♪ / - ♪ and celebrations ♪ congratulations, hyeongyeong. walk around the set. this wasn't in the script. wow, hyeongyeong. - how do you feel? / - you barely made it. instead of just sitting in silence, i will talk more and work harder. (flinch)

why did you look at myungsoo when you said "sitting in silence"? what did you do that? - we expect a lot from hyeongyeong. / - we do. - today... / - what if we teach her everything, and then she betrays us to host another show? - i will stay and work to the bone. / - okay. - i will. / - are you sure? - i won't go anywhere else. / - really?

don't you dare. myungsoo, were you ever stabbed in the back? i may be in the future. i never was in the past. - i see. / - i know people who are after me. hyeongyeong, what about you? i think i'll have a hard time from now on. you deserve a scolding. - someone's here. / - our guests. they interrupted myungsoo.

- they're cold-hearted. / - they rang the bell. - it's a tough world. / - it is. - hi, welcome. / - our humanistic... - hello. / - welcome. - lee sangyun. / - he's so handsome. - kang yewon, song jaehee. / - hello. han boreum. - welcome. / - hyojung. - hello, hyojung. / - hello.

welcome. - welcome. / - gosh. hello, jaehee. ever since we changed the set, he's the first to use the coat-rack. you're right. - i'll pretend / - yes. that this is my house. you should.

we have five guests on today's show. what do they all have in common? let's introduce today's guests. i will go first. you'd think he sips espresso while reading an english newspaper, but he's crazy about girl groups. welcome, lee sangyun. he's crazy about girl groups. she's full of unexpected charms. it's kang yewon. kang yewon, welcome.

she may look innocent, but she makes scathing remarks, and she's responsible for the looper dance. han boreum! - han boreum. / - i see. he's hyunbin to housewives, but he's a chatterbox. song jaehee. ♪ i may be lonely and sad ♪ ♪ but i will not cry ♪ let's welcome hyojung from oh my girl. hyojung.

(oh my girl's leader with bright smile) sangyun, you were last on our show in 2012 when you appeared to promote "seoyeong, my daughter". - yes. / - you avoid variety shows because - you think you're boring. / - i do. (proud) - you think you're boring. / - i do. (flustered) - is it true? / - yes.

(it's true) - he really is boring. / - he is. (a boring guest's visit) are you trying to kill us all? - this is a talk show. / - don't be mean. don't come on the show to be a nuisance. that's why i avoid variety shows. - really? / - i'm a nuisance. - you're boring. / - i may have replaced someone funny,

and then the viewers have to put up with a boring show, and the editors will struggle to make it funnier. that was what you thought for the past four years. - you're here today. / - yes. - so are you funny now? / - did you prepare something? do you think you've gotten funnier? - i'll be brutally honest. / - please. i'm here to promote a film. (i'm here to promote a film)

(this is terrible) you're making me hit... sorry. watch your tongue. you don't hit people. - you don't. / - you meant something else. you'll be a hit one day. (we have a bore on set) watch what you say. we're all professionals here. do your best, at least.

yewon, you're famous for making shocking and abrupt comments. what's your current interest? i'm interested in mental illnesses. (mental illnesses?) (oh dear) - there she goes. / - no. what kind of illness? did you have a hard time becoming friends?

it's hard to get close to a boring person. - talking... / - we aren't close yet. - the film's done. / - you're done filming. we've finished filming, and now we're becoming friends. - we're closer now. / - finally. how did you work together, then? (we have a tough day ahead) (don't you worry) (boring)

(a mental illness) he asked me out. did i? what are you saying? should you be telling us this? (watch out, everyone) jaehee and boreum. - are you on hyeongyeong's side? / - are you really? do you already have a posse? boreum, were you expecting a call from us?

i heard that hyeongyeong mentioned me in the past. - i hoped you'd invite me on. / - did you? yes, and i'm here sooner than i thought. (i'm here sooner than i expected) are you a looper? (the dance move that makes her popular) boreum taught me. she clapped and said i was good. hello.

(from drama "it will be okay") do you even know who i am? where are your manners? you should know better. how could you say that? - jaehee's here, too. / - yes. he was in "moon embracing the sun". - "moon embracing the sun". / - as grown-up siwan. - right? / - yes. i heard that as soon as you took over as siwan,

you got a lot of abuse. - because of siwan? / - it was incredible. - what happened? / - the drama was a huge hit. - it was. / - so the official website got a lot of comments. about 70 percent of the comments were about me, - not soohyun. / - what did they say? that i look so old for my character. - you played the older version. / - "stick with siwan."

(sudden aging) kim soohyun, jung ilwoo and i appeared as friends. - soohyun is nine years younger than me. / - i see. - you were his friend in the drama. / - yes. - they are friends. / - oh dear. - gosh. / - you do look older. - first of all... / - you could be soohyun's dad. their skin looks so different. jaehee's pores are open.

my pinky would fit into his pores. - i was nervous. / - i guess so. my skin absorbed all the moisture. you took over the role from siwan. what did they put you through? - his character was exiled. / - he had tough times. it may have been because of the excessive stress... his wrinkles. - you had some deep wrinkles. / - they stand out.

- i feel terrible now. / - at the time, did you become good friends with soohyun? he was already a star by then. - he was. / - i called him mister. (i called him mister) mr. kim soohyun. - "mr. kim soohyun"? / - yes. moospatch heard something through the grapevine. hyeongyeong, did you summon these two?

- after work on saturday. / - what? - what for? / - "gather round." we had an urgent meeting. my older brother had just gotten promoted. my family was going out to dinner. just when we were celebrating, she told me to show up. i said, "my brother got promoted," "so my family's celebrating."

she said i wasn't desperate enough. what does that have to do with desperation? his family got together over the weekend. - we shoot on thursdays. / - what happened? she said, "the world is a tough place." what did your brother become? - sorry? / - what does he do? - "sorry?" / - what's his title? - he works at a food manufacturer. / - i see.

- he is... / - section chief? no, from section chief to deputy head. i thought that deputy head was an important position. - it is. / - then i realized he'd reached that age. he's that old. boreum, what did you talk about? - about what not to say. / - like what? - in case we start sharing secrets. / - to be safe.

i recently became attracted to someone. he's an actor. he has an unusual surname. - i invited him to dinner. / - quiet, everyone. - but / - what then? he refused. the man that hyeongyeong invited to a meal - through a friend. / - yes. - do you know who it is? / - we're close, so i know.

do you know, jaehee? - i saw that show. / - i see. when she mentioned the surname, i thought she meant me. - so... / - what? - are you serious? / - so i texted her right away. - he called me. / - your surname isn't unusual. - "song" isn't unusual. / - it's not a common surname. - they're holding hands. / - "song" isn't unusual. "song" is common. "pi" is unusual.

- "kwak". / - that's it. "kwak". a lot of people wondered if it's kwak siyang. - is it him? / - i have his number. we worked together. - she doesn't like younger men. / - i don't. you prefer older men. - he's older. / - with an unusual surname. myeong kyenam has an unusual surname. "myeong".

that's just an example. jaehee, you don't know who it is? - i don't. / - how can you not know? - i didn't tell him. / - you aren't close, then. - i didn't tell him. / - i really thought it was me. i'm afraid he'll go around telling people. he would say it's him. why did you think she liked you? there must have been a reason.

she teases me or jokes a lot. she seems unfriendly at first, but she's so nice. - is she? / - you see, i have rhinitis, so i use this nasal spray. - one day i used too much. / - i see. we went to a pharmacy to get more and she said, "jaehee, your nose hurt last time. stop using this." i was so moved.

- that's just... / - you thought she liked you. - i don't think that's affection. / - you're just dull. i heard that hyeongyeong is - jaehee's ideal type. / - what? i see. - you liked her. / - that's why. - from the nasal spray? / - after the drama ended, he actually asked me out. (hyeongyeong, let's date)

(did he confess his love?) - he actually asked me out. / - i did not. - did he ask you out? / - he can't remember. he was so drunk. - you win the internet. / - he's right here. - you win the internet. / - should you say that here? he drank a lot at the dinner after filming the last episode. - he was joking. / - as a joke.

- it was a joke. / - i was drunk. she cursed at me. (cursed?) (who, me?) i did not. when did i curse? where are you going with this? - why would you... / - she cursed. how... i don't curse.

- you must only tell the truth. / - okay, then. my goodness, hyeongyeong. there's a lot about her that we don't know. hyeongyeong's hidden charms. it's fun to find out. - she's in b1a4's sister group. / - yes. i found you, oh my girl, hello. i'm hyojung, the cheerful leader of oh my girl. - she's so cute. / - that was cheerful.

- we debuted a year ago. / - i see. i don't think many people know about us. we want to be the "my girl" - in everyone's hearts. / - that's what it means. that's why we're called oh my girl. sangyun's a huge fan of girl groups. - he is. / - he has this "uncle smile". we do have a photo of him. - look at him smiling at son naeun. / - son naeun.

he looks so pleased. - you look so pleased. / - why were you smiling? why was i smiling? was she dancing? i can't see his eyes. - do you know "pick me"? / - i do. (he knows it, too) - who did you vote for? / - you do? who's your favorite?

- i like them all. / - do you? - all of them? / - all 101 girls? how many do you think you can handle? - who are you? / - it's to avoid - bad press. / - i can't disappoint the other 100. what's your favorite girl group? - right now? / - yes? mamamoo. - mamamoo. / - mamamoo.

- mamamoo. / - which one? - who do you like? / - all of them. (mamamoo is the best) - this is the hidden charms special. / - right. lee suna will lead the discussion about preconceptions about you. i'd like you to be honest. - we have preconceptions. / - we do. you studied at seoul national university, so tell us

- how to get into snu. / - yes, please tell. it's hard to get in. don't say, "your textbook is your best friend." it helps if you like studying. - what? / - it's like that. - studying? / - did you enjoy studying? i liked math. - did you like math? / - yes. did you watch tv dramas when you were in

your last year of high school? how did you manage that? i watched dramas every day. - which one? / - monday to thursday evenings. - as a senior? / - yes. everyone needs a break. that was mine. do you remember what dramas you watched? "happy together", which also is the title of this show. "into the sunlight".

"steal my heart". "secret", "truth". did you really watch them all? - you couldn't watch them online. / - that's right. did you go home after school to watch tv? yes, if i rushed home right after study hall, it was a little past 10 p.m. i'd only miss the first few minutes then. after watching for an hour,

i took a shower and went to bed. - right away? / - you didn't study all night? - no. / - you got into the university without studying at night? i usually sleep a lot. - that was an absurd remark. / - well... - i needed to get enough rest. / - so you studied more than enough during the day. are you underestimating us?

but when i was at school... you slept more than i did during the senior year. (you slept more than i did) i heard you read a lot of comic books. i really liked reading comic books. - i still read a lot. / - it doesn't make any sense. - when did you study then? / - it's hard to understand. you're making me feel bad. - what did you like? / - i'm not sure

if it helped towards my studies, but i liked detective stories. - i like them, too. / - mysterious scenarios... there's one called "juvenile detective" - "kim jeonil". / - yes! - i loved that comic book series. / - that's it. i tried to find out who the culprit was before it was revealed. did you usually guess right?

not every time, but i got it right several times. - for real? / - did you guess correctly? - did you guess correctly? / - no. you can find out in a few pages. why bother? - that's the difference. / - you find out eventually. i don't bother guessing beforehand. - that's the difference. / - i check the answers first. - you know the culprit in advance. / - that's right. - you read the last part first / - yes.

to find out the culprit - then read the rest. / - that's it. there are preconceptions regarding yewon. hyewon... - my name is yewon. / - hyewon? i'm sorry. i knew it, but i'm getting older. i was confused for a second. you know what i mean. - did you major in singing? / - yes.

you must be a good singer then. please sing for us first. we'll go from there. i got vocal cord nodules, so i don't sing anymore. you should have told the script writer, then. it's not mentioned at all in the script. you got vocal cord nodules? yes. i yelled too much while filming "haeundae". - i see. / - i had to yell nonstop.

- you were yelling at lee minki. / - that's it. please do something! you can't die, hyungsik! hyungsik! - it wasn't from singing? / - my voice was ruined. - it wasn't. / - it wasn't because of singing? - it was "haeundae". / - after i graduated college... there's a rumor that you didn't do well in school, so - you majored in voice. / - no, i did well in school.

- really? / - yes. you were one of the top students in your class. that was when i was in middle school. there's a school in bundang-gu where you have to pass an exam to enter. i went to seohyun high school. - the students there are all smart, / - i see. so i was always the last. that was an unexpected ending.

i studied hard, but i couldn't do better than my classmates. so, i decided to give up on the grades. i just tried to perform well on mock exams. - i guessed a lot. / - you were lowest in your class. yes. i was at the bottom for the whole three years - really? / - at a renowned high school. weren't you stressed out? i guessed all the answers on purpose. i just gave up.

i had no motivation to even try to do better. but you went to a good university. you did well on performance tests, right? the students who were at the bottom went to kyunghee university and hanyang university. - my goodness. / - students are so smart there. - students are so smart there. / - most of them enter top universities. they must be really smart.

it's the top school in bundang-gu. - academic stress / - everyone must study hard there. was not an issue for you, then. you just gave up. - that's right. / - you gave up on your studies then, but you spent all your time in the library when you were in university. yes. after i got in, i prepared to become an actress, but things didn't go all that well. i was discouraged.

the juniors would ask why i wasn't on television yet. - i see. / - i didn't understand why they'd ask. - i was upset with people asking me. / - i understand. - i wore tracksuits to school. / - i see. i decided to focus on my studies. - that's why. / - when i couldn't focus well, i went to the library to study. so many students wanted to get my notes when i was in university.

- then... / - that's the most stressful thing, when people ask why you aren't on television. of course you'd like to be on tv. - exactly. / - i honestly tell people now. - what do you say? / - when i bump into - middle-aged women in elevators, / - yes? i guess they're really worried about me. "you need to be on tv to make your mom happy." - of course i know that already. / - you're right.

- it discourages me even more. / - i see. i was really upset and depressed after hearing them at first, but i've changed. i say that i'd like to be on tv, but only a certain number of people can be cast even though there are far more people who want to be actors. they won't ask again. - "all right, all right." / - it works.

- he explains it all. / - sure i'd like to be on tv. - i explain the reason well enough. / - i see. - they won't ask again. / - they avoid me next time. really. if i get on the elevator, they'll go elsewhere. - it's because you talk too much. / - right. it's my first time having met him today. i just thought about this. - what is it? / - i'm curious. my first impression of him was totally different.

- what did you think at first? / - the way he answered reminds me of kim jongmin. - that's true. / - i'm sorry if i offended you. - he's really sharp. / - he's really sharp. - in entertainment / - it's just how he answered. jongmin is one of the first to be cast. people like him are really smart, aren't they? - what i mean is... / - he sounds just like jongmin. (are you saying that you are smart?)

we also need a character like you who's a bit foolish, but there aren't many people like that. there are jeong junha, kim jongmin... - there are a few. / - he really reminds me of jongmin. if you had the chance, would you like to work on a variety show? i would really like to try it. boreum, what do you think? would he do well in variety shows?

he's not funny at all. - we need someone like him. / - hyeongyeong. jaehee thinks he's funny. what do you think? seriously, he's not funny at all. that was harsh. it's not his fault. i'm being boring on purpose. i may seem boring, but i'll be funny sometimes. if i'm funny all the time, - people will get used to it. / - okay. i try to be funny once in a while to impress people.

yewon, when you were studying hard in the library, were there guys who came by to leave a drink by where you sat? no. i wonder why. people think that i have had many boyfriends. do people find it hard to approach you? - yes. / - that's what i thought. - you seem cold and difficult. / - right.

i'm really not so difficult. - what i mean is... / - "i'm really not so difficult." i think guys would find it difficult to approach you even if they had a crush on you. - i'm not difficult. / - you seem quite picky. you look like a cold person. - she does. / - that's really not true. jaehee looks stylish like hyunbin. but look at him. he's ridiculous.

he is as fragile as jongmin. - exactly. / - ridiculous? she called him a ridiculous man. - i'm not acting weird on purpose. / - i understand. i was really confused for about five minutes. - why? / - you did not understand him. no. i was really surprised. likewise, people think that i'll be difficult. - you aren't difficult. / - really, i'm not difficult.

i like brave men. if men courageously approach me, i never reject them. so you don't care even if they're ugly? what? yes, i do care. - you're not making sense. / - you're not making sense. you want a good-looking, brave man. - that's it. / - what if saeho asked you out? (sighing) she sighed.

(she revealed her true mind by accident) - yewon. / - oh, dear. - that was too mean. / - what if jaehee asked you out? - jaehee. / - he's handsome. - i'd go out with him, / - i see. but i'm worried that both of us are a bit strange. - they're both strange. / - what do you mean? - what about hyunmoo? / - if we both lose our minds, - lose my mind? / - everyone will look down on us.

i don't think we're going to work out. at least one of us needs to be in our right mind. did you say that to express your interest in sangyun? do you like a man like sangyun? - sangyun... / - sangyun is a charming guy. there's no woman who would reject sangyun. no woman will reject sangyun. what was that? why did you do that?

- he's pleased. / - i was looking at this camera here. i should ask hyeongyeong. you have a really high standard for men. when it comes to appearance, she's rarely satisfied. - she called sung sikyung mediocre. / - that's right. - he still talks about it. / - he does. what do you think about him? you're mediocre. my goodness. i can't believe it.

sikyung is considered mediocre. - sikyung... / - he's okay. - goodness. / - he's right in front of you. she wasn't satisfied with zico. - she called him a baby. / - she said he's like a baby. it's because he's younger. what do you think about sangyun? - i'm curious. / - how's sangyun? (sangyun is every woman's ideal man)

(what does hyeongyeong think about sangyun?) he's exactly the ideal man - that i have dreamed of. / - is he? - she likes handsome guys. / - he is older than me. - i like his looks, too. / - she needs to wake up. you haven't seen the real world yet. - i just said it. / - you haven't been rejected enough. you'll be rejected again. - you need to reject her. / - it looks like

you want to ask him out for dinner. you'll get a reality check when he rejects you. then she'll dance alone in the corner. that's how she relieves her stress. sangyun, you also had preconceptions about yewon. you mentioned it earlier, right? my first impression of her was a bit strong. - exactly. / - so i misunderstood her. she has a lot of experience with films. i thought

- she'd be difficult. / - movie stars are easy. there's nothing special about movie stars. - that's right. / - we look just as normal as others. we don't dress up like celebrities. i was really surprised to see the celebrities because they looked so glamorous. we are nothing like them. - movie actors never dress up. / - right.

they wear ugly tracksuits. that's why i'm saying that movie stars aren't special. they just look like neighbors. in conclusion, i'm very easy to approach. (i'm easy to approach) she's easy to approach. i thought she was going to say something different. i thought otherwise. i thought movie stars would dress up in fancy clothes.

i guess it's not true. - jaeseok always wears tracksuits. / - i do. - i do, too. / - really? i love wearing tracksuits the most. you know dongdaemun market? it's divided into wholesale and retail. - there's a cheaper market. / - i know where that is. - i go there. / - i go there, too. i buy t-shirts from there.

sangyun seems like he would dress up properly. - like he is now. / - right. - he's like a harvard student. / - he has that vibe. he looks like an ivy league student. but he always wears saggy undershirts. it's embarrassing because they're revealing. - a white undershirt? / - like this. i thought he just liked those clothes. he dressed like that for every movie shoot.

- she called it an undershirt. / - he always wore them. - it's not that. / - an undershirt. - it's a tank top. / - a sleeveless top? - right, sleeveless top. / - a sleeveless top. it's a white shirt. even among men, sometimes it's embarrassing when other men wear really revealing tank tops. but i was wearing something over it.

- you couldn't see. / - you did cover your body. so it wouldn't be too revealing. i always walked past him. - why? / - i thought he was a staff member. - was it that bad? / - well, my vision is bad. i hear you're famous for not dressing up. even your father worries. it's odd for a father to worry about his son's fashion. - he must dress poorly. / - i'm bad at dressing up.

- i think that's why he worries. / - okay. i really like wearing tracksuits. i'm stylish when it comes to tracksuits. - are you? / - because - i like wearing stylish tracksuits. / - okay. there are tracksuits for indoors, outdoors, - everyday wear and workouts. / - are they different? they're all different. but they all fall under the tracksuit category

even though they're different to me. your father tells you to apply lotion? - oh, that? / - you don't apply lotion? don't moms usually say that? after i became an actor, my father took more of an interest. awhile back, i was on an sbs variety show because someone i knew was on it.

i was on with two of my friends who are older than me, but i had more wrinkles than them. i explained to him it's because i use my facial muscles a lot. my father told me i looked the oldest even though i'm the youngest, so i should take care of myself. you seem like you'd care a lot, but i guess you don't.

- i hear you don't clean either. / - that's a surprise. - i'm kind of lazy. well, very lazy. / - really? how often do you clean? i don't until it's unbearable. - how bad is that? / - until you can't stand it. when you can't step around the mess? i guess so. when walking around barefoot, - my feet get dirty. / - with dust.

- your feet turn black? / - when i look, there's dust all over the floor. when i wake up, my throat feels sore. - i see dust all over. / - really? i heard there's mold in your kitchen sink. oh, my goodness. (mold in the kitchen sink?) (it's worse than just being dirty) no wonder. a few days ago

there was a white dust all over him. that was... did you go to a haunted house? - a haunted house? / - let me explain. - there was that much dust? / - it's not that. it was my first time wearing those clothes, but i laundered them incorrectly. - oh, that's why. / - i had white fuzz all over. did you really have mold?

i see mold from time to time. - in the kitchen sink? / - yes. - that's incredible. / - not inside the fridge? - i'm sure you know. / - i never get mold in the sink. men who live alone don't have a lot of dishes to do. - that's true. / - i end up doing them all at once. right. - when i go out a lot, / - yes? - it takes a while to accumulate. / - yes.

once, it accumulated for four weeks. - a month? / - yes. there were no dishes left to use. when i went to do the dishes, - it was... / - stinky? there were dishes piled up. when i lifted them up, - it was a shock, right? / - the color was weird. it smelled bad so i opened the window.

the inside of the cup was whitish and greenish. (whitish and greenish? what?) that's mold! just say it's mold! everyone knows what it is. that's why it's whitish and greenish. white mold might be good for you. it's not good for you. - wow. / - you're so different.

- that's unexpected. / - you're not what you seem. is that a good thing? - it's very relatable. / - it is. most mothers come over and clean up if it's that messy. - i don't want that. / - why not? one of the reasons i moved out was because i thought i was immature when i lived with my parents.

you rely on them. i wanted to take responsibility, even if that meant sleeping in a messy place. that will motivate me to want to clean. - you want to do it yourself? / - i think it's right. hyeongyeong, you said you liked sangyun, right? he's your ideal type, but he's messy. - what do you think now? / - saeho's clean. pick one. i can clean up for him.

(only sangyun) do you wear tracksuits - when you're on a date? / - on a date? - well, / - when you're meeting girls. i'd like it if i could. - a comfortable person. / - not always, but i'd like if we wore tracksuits and went to the park together. - tracksuits would look good on him. / - right.

that's why he wears them. in college, i only wore tracksuits. people thought i was a student athlete. we're talking about expectations and preconceptions. what do you three think? jaehee is the worst. right now, he's smiling at me sweetly. - sangyun's fallen for him. / - he looks at him...

he's looking at him like he'd look at a girl group. - isn't he charming? / - i think we'll be seeing him - on a lot on variety shows. / - really? - just like hyeongyeong. / - yes. i heard you got into trouble with a director for copying "unpretty rapstar". ever since i was young, i believed i was a rapper. i had to rap in any situation.

when i wrote something, it was a rap. when i acted, i rapped. i was a big fan of "unpretty rapstar". - and? / - jeon jiyoon was on the show. i saw her rapping like this. - it was a big hit, right? / - it was a bit hit. she ended up succeeding. - she won with that rap. / - right. without anyone knowing,

i wanted to do a collaboration with my drama "it will be okay" and "unpretty rapstar". he combined a drama and a variety show. - no one knew. / - right. my line in the script said, "i'll do that from now on." i'll do that from now on. (he wanted to say it like this) as soon as i read that line, i wanted to rap.

- yes. / - plus, i felt like the drama was taking a turn for the worse. - i wanted to make it better. / - okay. i changed the line. - you ad-libbed? / - i ad-libbed. without discussing it with the director first. - i thought he would refuse. / - right. i only told choi yunyeong. she told me not to. "you'll get in trouble," she said.

- i told her i had to do it. / - he's awesome. with the belief that i'd save the drama, i did it. you changed the line. cue! he's very caring and he protects me. i'll do it. i'll do it. i'll do it. - he really did it like this. / - really? - he really did it. / - i thought everyone would applaud. - the assistant director told me / - i see.

that the director wanted to see me. he asked me what was wrong. he begged me not to, and i got into trouble for it. you didn't do this, right? - i did that, too. / - he did this. (of course he did it) he's really thoughtless. i hear you can't say no to people. - i have a goal in life. / - yes.

i want to be a good influence on everyone and listen to people. - that's my goal in life. / - i see. i'm indecisive, so i have trouble saying no. i end up meeting a lot of people. you couldn't refuse and ended up agreeing to meet seven different people in one day? it was actually more than that. - at one location? / - it was more than that,

but i felt like i couldn't fit them all in. - so? / - since i couldn't refuse, i decided to save time. so i picked a cafe and set up a schedule - letting them know what time. / - to come and go. i sat in the same spot. when time ran out, i apologized and sent them away. then another person came. it was around seven to ten people.

- your throat hurt, right? / - yes, i talked so much. i listen, but i also love to talk. - i talked a lot, too. / - do you get asked for favors? what did you talk about with those seven people? what hurts me is that - everyone has their own pain. / - right. - they talk to me about it. / - i think you seem to have the most pain. others have pain,

but yours seems to be the worst. you look like you're having a tough time. did your ex-girlfriend leave you for talking too much? just hearing it is painful. i must have talked too much. my girlfriend started calling me less and less. she kept avoiding me and in the end, she said i talk too much. then she hung up and wouldn't answer.

that must've been painful. who did you talk to? i just helped someone else out. i'll realize that that person has a harder time than me and then i console them. one time... you really do talk a lot. (they'll be here all night at this rate) - he talks a lot. / - it's impossible to break free. i was trying to move on.

i talk a lot, too. - we shouldn't meet. / - it's really important. - he said it's important. / - let's hear it. the reason i meet people is because texting is hard for me. it's so hard for me to wait for a response. - it's hard to wait. / - i see. we were in the middle of an argument but she didn't want to talk and insisted on texting.

so i came up with an idea. i said, "i will call you." "you don't have to talk." "instead just sit down" "and tap once for yes." - "and twice for no." / - i'm exhausted. "tap three times if you don't know." just leave her alone. why did you ask her to do that? i had to talk to her.

he was frustrated. there's something jaehee isn't telling us. - what is it? / - she couldn't talk for a reason. that's right. - she sings. / - right. - is it okay to reveal that? / - not really. is everyone who sings a singer? - yes. / - what else would they be? singers sing and dancers dance.

nobody's helping him. not a single person is helping him. she was a singer and texted me that her doctor told her not to use her voice for a few hours. so after coming up with the tapping idea, we talked for an hour like that. - for an hour? / - it worked. try it out with yewon.

have a phone conversation with her. this is shocking. don't use your voice. - don't speak. / - you know, yewon has problems with her vocal cords. hello? hello? goodness. why are you mad? are you upset because i didn't call yesterday?

(yes) i'll call you often from now on. you're always like that. just tap once or say yes. is it because i talk too much? (do you really not know the answer?) i'm a person who talks a lot. that's why she was hoarse. you shouldn't have gone out with me.

(yes, i regret it) - my goodness. / - he must be desperate. you want to break up? (yes, please) (shaking) i told you to tap three times if you're not sure. why are you only saying yes or no? she's laughing. - this is funny. / - you get along well with yewon.

don't say that. (shocked) she got really annoyed. watching him made me wonder if i'm like that. this is a shock right now. - i talk so much. / - yes. i think i'll regret it. - don't worry. / - no.

you should talk more. - more? / - you'll get edited out. actually, i can talk way more than this. i'm holding back right now. (that's enough) jaehee said you have a strong image, boreum. - he said that's what he thinks. / - yes. do you think people see you that way?

i've played innocent roles in dramas. - it's the opposite. / - yes. in reality, that's not the case. - it's not? / - no. - you're not innocent? / - how do you act in real life? - are you tough? / - i'm not feminine. - do you play hard to get? / - i don't think so. i don't. do you say how you feel first?

i tend to confess my feelings like hyeongyeong. did any guys ever turn you down? - yes. / - really? - then you just give up? / - that's amazing. then i say, "okay, let's just be friends." - that's so cool. / - hyeongyeong can't do that. when we first did a drama together, i thought she was so pretty during the script reading. but i don't just go for appearances.

he was fooled. she's really tough. i heard you've gotten mad at her. - yes. / - he pouts a lot. - really? / - he does? - yes. / - why were you mad? one day, we were just hanging around. he was wondering why he didn't have a girlfriend. i told him it's because he's old

and he dresses badly. i was just kidding, but he really got mad. he has really high standards. - i see. / - that's why he doesn't have a girlfriend. he knows that. - why wouldn't he? / - there's no one around me. then why are you always with these two? why is that? - you don't have friends? / - as i get older,

- all my friends are married. / - i see. - they have kids. / - he looks so lonely. there's a reason why boreum has that image. she was training to be a girl group member. i heard it was a hip-hop group. the company i was in at that time was actually a hip-hop label. the owner was mc sniper.

other rappers were baechigi and outsider. - outsider? / - wow, that's the real deal. mc sniper taught me how to rap. - can we hear? / - it was a long time ago. - that's okay. / - just show us a little. i'm going to change my posture. - be yourself. / - just be comfortable and relax. - look at her. / - wow. i have to sit like this.

hey, little kid. listen to me. (don't worry about what other people think) (you only have one life to live) (her voice is full of charisma) (she gives off a powerful aura) (she doesn't just act tough) (i'm the strongest one around) (say it! han boreum!) - you still have it. / - you do.

you've still got it. - you're good. / - it's no wonder. are you part of bae yongjoon's management company now? yes. - really? / - i heard he saw you dance and wanted to have dinner with you. they were planning to make an idol group. - at keyeast? / - yes. - it wasn't yongjoon who suggested it. / - i see.

he was a staff member at the company. yongjoon isn't going to be an idol singer, right? - no. / - that's a novel idea. it is. he would be called yon-sama. (i'm a new idol singer, yon-sama!) - after seeing me dance, / - yes. he thought i'd do well. - they offered support. / - wow.

that's good. so i trained again. but why didn't you debut in a girl group? my dream was always to be an actress, and i kept getting older. - it got pushed back. / - it got delayed. and i always wanted to act. so i gave that up. you told your management you wanted to act. - yes. / - did you get acting training?

what kind of training did you do? i practiced being cute and having a fresh look. show us. say a greeting. here we go. - who are you? / - she's from happy together. introduce yourself. hello, happy, happy, happy! (happy, happy, happy)

she's good. that's great. she's something else. my goodness. actually, you taught hyeongyeong how to dance. do you remember hyeongyeong's looper dance? why don't you show us how it's done? sure. (how is the looper dance is supposed to be done?) (amazing wave)

right! that's right! - right! this is it! / - this is it. - that's it! / - that's right. - goodness! / - wow. (she's targeting the men's hearts) (i'm the looper dance queen) boreum! this is it! be a regular.

make her a regular. is that the same dance? it's powerful. - wow. / - she's amazing. you should dance together. the two of you should dance. was that the same dance? title it "the master and disciple". (the master and disciple)

(what?) her pelvis is not moving. - she is so stiff. / - gosh. before and after. - before and after. / - her pelvis is not moving. (flexible versus stiff) it's the before and after. (is this a dance studio marketing video?) (powerful finale)

(timid looper) - good job! / - i did well, right? she said i did well. - it was like a before and after. / - seriously. how do you feel after seeing it? i think i'm doing the body roll right. - really? / - but you saw it. i was shocked after seeing it. she said i did great.

don't you feel bad for your student? i thought she wouldn't be able to move at all, but she was pretty good. (she had no expectations to begin with) she did better than i expected, so i told her it was great and to do it just like that. - why don't you / - yes. show us your dance moves, hyojung? - yes. / - do it right.

let's make him smile again. (hyojung is usually full of smiles) - twice. / - twice? (she transforms into an amazing dancer) - look at that dance. / - wow! she is amazing. - she's great. / - she's a good dancer. wow. - wow. / - she's good.

(hopping) that was great. boreum, can you dance to "like ooh-ahh"? - please. / - do you know the dance? - i'll do it with hyeongyeong. / - all right. - you can do it, right? / - "like ooh-ahh". i'm already worried about hyeongyeong. - i'll be good. / - let's see. i'm not sure about that. she is a bit stiff.

is she doing it poorly on purpose? no, she's doing her best. (my goodness) let's see them dance to "like ooh-ahh". (it's the second dance boreum taught hyeongyeong) - she's much better now. / - come on. (a good dancer) (a bad dancer) (squirming)

(come here) (she's as bad as we thought) she's so stiff. she's hilarious. she did learn the moves, though. boreum is really good. - she is. / - boreum is the best. (the student falls short of the teacher) i think boreum

- and hyojung should dance. / - i agree. can you do that? first of all, hyeongyeong, you've been eliminated. - you failed the audition. / - we have two girls left. - this is the final match. / - let's begin the match. (he must be loving it) (hyojung and boreum's dance) let's go. - my goodness. / - wow.

- they dance so well. / - this is it. - they're competing. / - boreum, you're doing well. - wow. / - in three, two, one, go! (cute) - wow. / - they're good. this is amazing. my goodness. - go, boreum! / - you're doing well, boreum. (that's my teacher) (they finished with a cute move)

- that's awesome. / - that was good. (it looks awful when these men do it) - that was cute. / - i knew hyojung could dance, but boreum can dance, too. boreum, you could be an idol singer. - you could definitely do it. / - you're very good. hyeongyeong used to make us go crazy when she danced to "pick me" when boreum and hyojung weren't here. - "pick me" was awesome. / - she danced in the center.

she was voted off today. - yes. / - she got the fewest votes. yewon, can't you dance to these songs? (frozen) i can't dance. are you worse than hyeongyeong? - yes. / - hyeongyeong is bad. doesn't she make you feel confident? please teach me. i really can't dance.

- please teach her. / - just give me a fast song. - i learned a body roll, though. / - oh, really? - she'll do fine. / - let's go. boreum is up again. let's start with a body roll. (determined) (confused) how can she do that? - how can she do it? / - i'm so sorry.

- stop boasting. / - aren't you just boasting? you should do easy moves. you were just boasting. teach her the moves step by step. - she's here to learn. / - i'll give it a try. teach her. move your head, shoulders and chest like this. she worked as an instructor before. move your head, shoulders, chest and pelvis. - how does she do that? / - it's hard.

let's do this. - dance with me. / - dance with her, please. (yewon tries to do a body roll) you can just feel the music. (first, they do a frontal body roll) (and they come back up) - she's doing it sideways. / - to the left. (that wasn't bad, that was good!) that didn't work.

(cracking) - wait. / - is your neck okay? - she couldn't do it. / - how's your neck? i'm right-handed. is your neck okay? you did this side well. you can't take it out on me. she said, "wait!" i can do the right side well. i just can't do the left.

boreum, please have a seat. - you can do this alone. / - yes. face forward. your class is over. - it's time to dance. / - this is funny. yewon is so funny. in three, two, one. (she's the best at the frontal body roll) that was good. (and she passionately comes back up)

now, do the left side body roll. - she can do the right side. / - to the right. - what is this? / - to the right. (now, to the left) (dizzy) - that was good. are you okay? / - yes. - is your neck okay? / - yes. - why are you clenching? / - pardon? (why are you clenching your fists?)

she was tensed up. i thought she was trying to make a statement. i thought you were going to hurt your neck. (she's the queen of stiff body rolls) - that was great. / - i watched sangyun as you danced. - he didn't smile like before. / - really? my goodness. - why didn't you? / - he smiled awkwardly. i'm a bad dancer.

hyojung, what do people think about girl groups? i mean, you always smile and stay happy on screen. i've been hearing that i'm the type that parents like - as their daughter-in-laws. / - that's great. - really? / - i've heard that often. - that means they'll love you. / - yes. yes, people said i look like someone any parents would say "yes, you can marry her." - i've heard that. / - right.

i heard you've done many part-time jobs. yes, i worked at a day-care center, i've given out flyers in the street, and i worked at a barbecue and a jokbal restaurant. you started working when you were in middle school. was that to make a living? well, i wouldn't say that, but my father passed away when i was young. - i didn't want my mom to suffer. / - what a good kid.

- was it to make pocket money? / - yes. i actually wanted to work as a ginseng digger. (a ginseng digger?) - a ginseng digger? / - yes. - in the mountains? / - yes. - the actual digger? / - yes, up until middle school i went to the mountains - really? / - to dig up wild vegetables. i'm sure there is diversity among

- many girl groups, / - that's amazing. but you're the first who wanted to become a ginseng digger. really? did you really want to be a ginseng digger? yes, because i used to dig mugwort in fields and drink solomon's seal tea in the mountains with my grandma. we used to eat wild vegetables

from the mountains all the time. my grandmother used to find very fancy mushrooms, like lingzhi mushrooms. she used to dig up those little wild ginsengs. so, i wanted to find a huge wild ginseng - to earn money for my family. / - she's a great kid. - it didn't work. / - when you did part-time jobs, i heard some people misunderstood you because you smiled a lot.

yes. some asked, "do i have something on my face?" - you smiled a lot. / - some asked why i was smiling. i'd answer, "i always smile like this." (she was born with her smile) other members call her "stuffed smiley" since she's always smiling. yes, that's what they call me. hyojung, i heard your sister called you to say that your facial expression is too cheesy.

it's because i wink often when i'm on stage. i was once watching someone else's show, and i saw the camera coming towards me. - and? / - so, naturally, i did this. (she shared her excitement) i felt really excited when i saw the camera. that's why i did this. (she showed her excitement)

- she makes that sound. / - my older sister saw that, and she said that it didn't look too good. i always tell myself to stop, but i can't help it. i love doing these things, but i can never do them. can you do that, hyunmoo? (you're too much) - you're good. / - isn't hyunmoo good? he could be a member of our group. - hyunmoo is good. / - me?

- it's not easy to do this. / - but i'll be 40 soon. it doesn't matter. you're good. (he is rather awful) hyunmoo once said that he doesn't understand why people hate him so much. gosh. people will hate me again. i shouldn't have done that. hyeongyeong, have you ever heard something like this? no, people say i look like i'm about to cry.

(a sad face) - she does have that face. / - even when i smile. - you do have a nervous smile. / - yes. that's why the members of oh my girl ask hyojung to teach them how to smile. it's not easy - to smile naturally. / - right. hyeongyeong is often told that she has a nervous smile. - hyeongyeong. / - can you teach her how to smile? - let's all learn from her. / - yes.

first, think of your cheekbones as oranges, and imagine that you're squeezing those oranges. like this. (an explosion of cuteness) my gosh. (like this?) - she's making an effort. / - yes. can you do this, boreum? (how does boreum smile?)

(smiling) - she can do it. / - right. - your smile felt very natural. / - it was good. - really? / - in three, two, one. can you do it, hyeongyeong? stop crying. don't cry. - my goodness. / - stop crying. she's really awkward. she's like a robot. i think hyeongyeong may be the alphago.

(hyeongyeong resigns) jaehee, is there something you hear often? me? i actually have been hit. - were you hit? / - what? - how did that happen? / - why? i stayed silent to look cool like sangyun, and people think i looked very arrogant. - i see. / - some gangsters thought

i was looking at them. - they suddenly came and hit me. / - did they? - that's what happened. / - when did that happen? that happened when i was in high school. - really? / - yewon, what is it? i was beaten when i was in middle and high school. - they took me somewhere. / - why? what was the reason? you have a lot in common.

i'm not too happy about that. anyway, that happened. - you do have a cold look. / - yes, you do. - people misunderstand. / - i can't greet strangers. i passed a girl in the hall without noticing her, and i guess she was one of my seniors. i didn't know her, but she still told me to follow her. about 30 of them came to beat me up. they took me to their house.

- that is absurd. / - they were bullies. - was it in high school? / - they were school bullies. i was beaten by 30 kids, and my mom saw it. my mom drove by and thought, "where is she going with them?" i was beaten up pretty badly that day. but they didn't hit my face. people usually slap someone's face, right? as i was being slapped,

i thought it could help me lose my chubby face. i tried to be optimistic. i thought to myself, "i'm losing my chubby face." - that's what i did. / - as you were beaten? i never told on them, either. - wow. / - i didn't know that i could. my friends pitied me. - my goodness. / - i can imagine. - that's awful. / - when you were beaten,

- did you just stay still? / - i wasn't beaten by 30. it was only about five people. - why did they beat you? / - it was his looks. they said i had an arrogant face. i was just looking at them. i said, "i wasn't glaring at you." - you said that? / - yes. i tried to tell them even as i was beaten. i said, "wait a second."

he told them to wait. "this is how i look." but they beat me even more. they said, "he talks too much." you were unknown for a long time, and i heard that you even had to go without food. when i saw rain on tv saying that he went without food, i thought he was exaggerating. then i found myself going without food.

i finally got a role in a drama. i made my debut with a morning drama on kbs. i did that drama for six months, and i received about 4,000 dollars. i had to make a living and pay my rent, so my debt kept on piling up. at that time, my manager bought me two boxes of instant noodles and ham. i was living with two other actors at that time,

and we always had instant noodles and ham. of course, we were thankful for that, but we wanted some rice. - right. / - one day, my friends came knowing that i wasn't doing well, and bought me food. - and as i was eating, i had this thought. / - right. "it's good to eat food right now," "but i wish i had rice at home."

- that would be better. / - i kept thinking about it. i didn't know if i should ask. after we ate, i worked up the courage and said, "could you buy me some rice?" my friends acted like it was nothing and said, "that's nothing." they knew i'd feel bad. they bought me 15 kilograms of rice. i felt really great as i walked home with it. my roommates saw the rice and they were so happy.

that night, we had instant noodles with rice. it was really good. when was this? it was about five years ago. - that's not long ago. / - exactly. this happened before "moon embracing the sun". - was it right before? / - yes. you could've asked your parents for help, couldn't you? to be honest,

my parents did support me very much. one day, i sat down and thought about my problems. i realized i wasn't independent or desperate enough. - so, / - you turned down their help. i called my mother and cried as i asked her to shut me out for a little bit. i said, "i'm depending on you too much." "even if i ask again, please do not help me." i think it was much better for me

to cut off my parents' support. - did you cry as you said that? / - yes. - what did she say? / - she cried, too. isn't it heart-breaking to know that you can't even buy your parents a meal? this is quite embarrassing, because it was my choice. i mean, i had a lot of problems. i'm not sure if it was my lack of desperation or talent but i wasn't making my own living.

i envied my friends when they were simply buying their parents a meal. the most heart-breaking thing was that i couldn't buy my parents a meal at the age of 29. i was ashamed of myself. i felt very incompetent. are things looking better now? i'm thankful for what i have now. at first, i was thankful that i could buy my own food.

later, i could pick and choose what i wanted to eat. i can eat whatever i want. i used to have jajangmyeon before. but once in a while, i can eat sweet and sour pork too. i began to be thankful as i earned money on my own. as we have mentioned, jaehee looks a bit like hyunbin. - i heard that. / - you do look like him. - they look alike. / - i didn't know who was who. you do look like him.

that picture looks very much like hyunbin. - do you agree? / - i'm very thankful. actually, i've heard i look like shim shin. - shim shin? / - you have his looks, too. - he loves him. / - can you impersonate him? really? which song does he love? - he loves "one and only you". / - "one and only you". - ♪ you're the only one ♪ / - can you sing for us?

he'll sing "one and only you". - that's amazing. / - he looks great. he's very tall, too. come on. (i am shim shin) (he's very serious) (but it's embarrassing) the music sounds so old. that's old.

(he tries to make the show fun) (he prepared everything just in case you'll be bored) ♪ please do not leave me ♪ ♪ as i miss you ♪ - is he really singing? / - yes. ♪ i am lonely on my own ♪ (he can sing) ♪ looking at your face ♪ he's a good singer.

(he has his sunglasses on) ♪ enjoy a lovely chat ♪ he is like shim shin. look at him. ♪ not know what it is but ♪ it's coming. it's about time. ♪ love is always fascinating ♪ - this is it. / - yes!

let's go! ♪ hey, you ♪ (he dances perfectly, too) ♪ why don't you love me ♪ wow, he's good. (go away, boredom) ♪ in this beautiful world ♪ (you're the only one) - wow. / - wow.

he can sing. he's good. - you sing well. / - you have his voice, too. yes, he's just like shim shin. i see why you wanted to be on "king of mask singer". i heard you sent them a demo tape. - did you? / - yes, i... you wanted to be - you're ambitious. / - on many variety shows.

- you're ambitious. / - i wanted to do it, so i kept on telling my agency that i wanted to be on "king of mask singer". i heard you tried that for six months. after six months, i met the staff and they wanted me on the show. they said, "you aren't a singer," "so send us a demo tape." i agreed to do that, and i went to record a song.

that was my first time hearing my voice in a recording, and i was a bad singer. - you didn't send it? / - i told them i was very sorry. you should've sung this song. - which song did you sing? / - was i good? what was the song? it was "you raise me up". - did you sing that song? / - yes. it's one of my favorite songs,

and you can sing it anywhere. i thought it was a hymn. he sings it very often. - oh, my. / - it's not a hymn. - i love this song. / - me too. - i know what it's like. / - yes. can you sing it for us? (he wanted to sing this song on the show) (he starts to sing softly)

(yewon, who majored in singing, listens carefully) ♪ and my heart burdened be ♪ ♪ you raise me up ♪ (he suddenly stands up) (what is he doing?) ♪ on mountains ♪ (he's touched by his own song) (perhaps he wants to do a musical instead more) ♪ on stormy seas, i am strong ♪

(we should stop him) - he needs to stop. / - yes. shouldn't you stop him? i can see why his girlfriend thought he was too much. i can see why she was hoarse. i liked shim shin's song better. (i have to do something) (he mixed the song with shim shin's dance) (he made it funny at the last minute)

what did you think about his singing, yewon? - teach him a bit. / - you aren't breathing right. you are too cold. - he isn't breathing right? / - no. he didn't learn to sing. how can he breathe right? my neck is strained, so i want to know how you can breathe from the abdomen. can you show us?

when i sing, the sound must come out as i move my abdomen. if you sing with your neck, you'll lose your voice. - let's see. / - you should try it. - this is a lesson. / - face forward. your abdomen needs to move. - try breathing. / - my goodness. yes, just breathe. - why are you nervous? / - touch here.

- it's okay. / - gosh. all sides of my abdomen inflate, - including the back. / - yes. you have to exhale very slowly. (he tries singing again) ♪ you... you raise me ♪ - is it working? / - ♪ you raise me up ♪ i think - it's much better. / - sangyun.

- you should try, too. / - yes. - you're a good singer, right? / - i can't sing. well, i don't exactly sing, but i breathe like this for historical acting. yes, you're doing it. (shouting) - like this. / - can you sing? in three, two, one, go. what are you doing?

(sangyun is singing the national anthem) ♪ until it runs dry ♪ - really? / - wow. - well... / - aren't you biased? - no. / - what's the difference? what's the difference? jaeseok, you try. you can do that. - no. / - his voice came out right. wow, he has abs.

- haven't you seen abs before? / - wow. - he exercises a lot. / - you have very strong abs! - let's not focus on that. / - right. he should sing. - wow, that's awesome. / - really? - stop touching his abs. / - what are you doing? stop being surprised and teach him how to sing. - okay. i was really surprised. / - i see. what do i do now?

(wow) what's wrong with her? teach him how to sing. you have the strongest abs here. - no, that's not true. / - this is so cool. - let me see. / - i don't have abs! (let me touch the nation's most popular mc's abs) - what are you doing? / - please stand in line. - my goodness. / - gosh. (the singing lesson had to end)

sangyun mentioned in his interview that he wants to get rid of his reputation of being a nice and well-brought-up man. can you do something to show off your charm? - i am not good at it, / - okay. but my friend recently made chick sounds. really? something like this is good. - this is good. / - let's see. sometimes i can't do it right, but i'll give it a try.

(whistling) (glancing) aren't you just whistling? (what on earth is he doing?) (he keeps glancing) (suddenly, a group of chicks appeared) it sounds a bit like a chick. (i worked hard to learn it, but others can just do it) can you make a chicken sound instead?

i can't. he worked up the courage to do it. - but that was... / - he could've done something else. i heard he likes taking selfies. - really? do you take selfies? / - me? i heard you saw sangyun taking selfies. he hardly ever takes selfies, but one day, he was taking selfies. he looked so cute. when i post selfies on my fan website, people tell me

to take a better selfie. do they say that? i don't know why. i think the selfie looks good. isn't there a certain angle or pose that makes the selfie look good? - boreum takes amazing selfies. / - she does? - she knows the angle. / - what do you have to do? what do you have to do? take the photo slightly above your head.

above the head like this? the camera should be as far away as possible. - she's good. / - in three, two, one. she looks natural. she knows what to do. how about you, hyojung? when i take selfies, i take them from underneath. - when i take photos, / - she's an expert. i tend to twist my body a lot.

- isn't that difficult? / - in three, two, one. - you have to move the pelvis. / - she has many poses. let's have hyeongyeong do it this time. - i have to bend my waist. / - okay. here is hyeongyeong. in three, two, one. is this like physical therapy? i am really sorry, but she reminded me of my mother. she looks like a mother who's new to sns.

let's have yewon do it this time. - what? / - it's yewon's turn. (here is another mother) let's do it one more time. in three, two, one. - what is that? / - in three, two... (she sticks out her bottom) (myungsoo is shocked) you stuck it out too much. (she's not good at taking selfies)

- goodness. / - wow. i think they should take selfies in a team of two. - right. / - hyojung and boreum. - let's start with the best. / - hyojung and boreum. - in three, two, one. / - they look pretty. - look at their faces. / - wow, they look great. - hyeongyeong. / - yewon is next. it's the worst team. it's hyeongyeong and yewon.

start. (sticking the bottom out is a must in taking selfies) why do you keep sticking out your bottom? - why would you... / - come on. - in three, two, one. / - you can't capture it. - you can't capture it anyway. / - what are you doing? - we took good photos. / - you can't see their legs. (two mothers) - it's our turn. / - are we going to take selfies?

- of course we are. / - let's make them unique. - look at his ankle. / - your foot... this makes me look like my leg is stretched. - wait, it looks like my leg. / - yes. - wow, it does look like your leg. / - right. - you look very flexible. / - i know. (a new type of selfie is created) it looks like my leg. i heard jaehee joined the marine corps to avoid

- being harassed by his friends. / - actually, i was a kendo player when i was in high school but i injured my back during training. so, i had to do the alternative service. at that time, all of my friends joined the marines. i thought i'd feel left out in the alternative service when all of my friends were in the marine corps. so, when the doctor said that i was better, - i went for another check-up. / - that's impressive.

i was determined to join the marine corps. i got the approval to carry out the military service. i heard you were an honor guard in the marine corps. - really? / - honor guards are really cool. i heard they can spin any kind of stick. - really? / - i can spin anything. - start with something easy. / - there's so much here. - how about a broom? / - start with this first. this is too easy.

(the first item is a shoehorn) (he makes it look like a fan) - it's too easy. / - you passed! now a broom. (the second item is a broom) - i can close my eyes. / - wow. i did it with my eyes closed. (he's cute) (he can spin a pillow)

- he's doing it with one hand. / - this is quite easy. (he can also spin a baseball bat) - while cleaning / - yes. i spin it like this. this is very easy. (he must have done it often) (throwing) (he can do it without a gun) (he finishes with a disciplined pose)

- isn't it too heavy? / - be careful. - can you spin it? / - gosh. - can you do it? / - yes. - it's okay if you can't. / - don't push yourself. (can he really do it?) (nothing is impossible for the marine corps!) (sergeant song jaehee is still good) he is good. wow, you can spin anything.

i had no idea. - you had no idea? / - i didn't know he could do that. can you spin anything, sangyun? (thinking) - it's okay. / - i asked sangyun about this. does anyone have a unique personal talent? - i have one. / - what is it? - i can turn my hand. / - what is it? - you turn your hand? / - can i do it on here?

- you turn your hand? / - this is scary. - i will do it here. / - okay. - goodness. / - one turn. (turning) (she really) (turned her hand!) (sangyun gets surprised) (even the silly guys are surprised) (do you know where my arm went?)

- wait a minute. / - goodness. - how did you do it? / - did you really do it? - is your wrist okay? / - yes. i was so shocked. okay. (he got scared) he made a chick sound. (what he prepared wasn't good enough) what he did was nothing

compared to this one. you must turn your ankle at least. or turn your neck. - i'll show you something. / - really? yes! you can't end it with making a chick sound. i am saying this now, but the chick sound was bad. you didn't do a good job. she turned her wrist completely.

i can roll my eyes - in one complete circle. / - really? he's the first one to try after gyeonggyu. - it's okay. / - go. - go. / - wait a minute. (is this) (all he wanted to show?) - anyone can do that. / - can't anyone do it? i can do it.

can everyone do it? you can do it as long as you have eyes. i think hyeongyeong is even doing a better job of it. (she is amazing!) (rolling) - she's good. / - sangyun was clapping like this. - jaehee can also do it well. / - he got flustered. - he moves his eyes very quickly. / - he's very quick. (it turns out sangyun isn't the best)

he's very fast. today's show is the hidden charms special. did anyone reveal their hidden charms to you, boreum? it wasn't a hidden charm, but i wanted to stop jaehee from talking too much. - you did? / - instead of showing hidden charms, he made viewers want to stop him. - i see. / - you wanted to stop him?

how about you, sangyun? i would say jaehee surprised me. jaehee? i thought he was modest and shy, but he's very cheerful. how do you think you are doing today? i sensed how things were in the beginning, and i thought i could also be on other variety shows. now i think

people have had enough of me already. (after just one episode) - did you read my mind? / - yes. that's exactly what i wanted to say. he must have read my mind! - you are similar to kim youngchul. / - yes. he thinks he's funny but people get sick of him easily. thank you for watching "happy together" today. we will be back with more next week.

- thank you. / - thank you. (by oh my girl)

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