kitchen sink app

do you want curls like this? do it again youwere still stroking it when she turned around but it was good but do it again do you wantawesome curls just like this watch my tutorial to see how hi everyone it's april with hair101 i'm going to show you how to do a perm today this is going to be a very very longhaired perm she wants more of like a big wave texture so i'm using the tresse zone controlbuffered acid wave this is an acid perm and there's two different kinds of perms there'sacid and then there's alkaline this is my favorite perm so i buy these in the case andthey come the part a they come in two separate things so when you're ready to apply it youpop the lid off of this and you mix these two together and then this is the neutralizerand this is supposed to last for four perms

so you just kinda use the neutralizer downto the next line since her hair is so long i'm going to be using two perms today andthen i'll probably use a half of this bottle so you'll need the perm this is again theacid tresse zone control and then you have to have some of these end wraps and then youneed to have rat tail comb and i don't like using metal combs for perms because they canscratch the head and with putting the chemical on the head you don't want to have any scratchesbecause it will burn them i'm going to be using these perm rods i have these are efalockbrand and they are the pink and the neutral i'm going to use the neutral down by her neckand then the pink and the orange these are just orange regular rods i'm going to alternatethese on the top so that she has a little

bit of variation in her curl um these onesif they break you just have to throw them away what i like about the efalock ones they'rea little bit more expensive but if this breaks on them you can buy replacement elastics andthen you just pop them back on they're really really easy to fix and these will last youa lot longer so it's worth the money if you're going to be doing a lot of perms too investin the efalocks and then you're going to need a plastic bag or a shower cap i'm going tobe using two of these plastic bags so now i'm going to show you how to do a chemicaldrape this is different than just a regular haircutting or coloring drape because youare going to have a lot of the perm chemicals dripping down onto their shoulders so i'mgoing to tie her hair up with a plastic clip

and then so i put a towel down on her shouldersand them i'm going to take this piece of plastic and them i'm going to wrap it around and theni'm going to put the cape over the towel on the plastic so this is going to make surethat her clothes don't get soaking wet and then the cape also helps protect with thattoo but the more protection you have the better you don't want it to get too thick becausewhen we lean her back into the bowl we're going to need to have her neck close againstthe bowl then i just stick another towel over the top and then i stick a clip in there justto keep it so this is a neck strip and technically you were supposed to use a neckstrip or anew cape on every client this is a new cape but i'll just show you how to use a neck stripso this protects the client from touching

the cape that's been around someone else'sneck so you would just wrap that around make sure there's no hair in it there you go andthen you put the towel and the plastic on then you would there we go so there is ourchemical drape okay so once you have that done you're going to part the hair i'm justgoing to show you a basic wrap i'm just going to do the mohawk section in the sides um youcan do several different ones you can do a brick pattern where you do like one in thefront and then two well actually do you want to do a brick instead then you don't havethe same part lines it's more random okay yeah let's do the brick we're going to doa brick laying pattern on her so we're going to part the middle section now when you're doing this make the partingsthe same size as the rod and you don't want

to go too far out because then the hair willfall out you want to have it just a little bit shorter than the rod but then the samewidth as the rod let's measure okay so i'm going to have her hold these perm rods andshe's going to hand them to me and just alternate between the pink and the orange and also theend wraps this is what i like to do i like to keep a towel and i kind of spray the towelto keep it a little bit wet and then i rub my finger on it and that helps me to pickup just one paper because if there's a little bit of moisture you can grab onto those alittle bit better so i'm going to go back up here and i'm going to take the first partingand make sure the hair is wet you want to be able to have clean partings so you aregoing to take these perm wraps and you are

going to sandwich it between the hair likethis i'm going to do it this long way because she has layers in her hair so things willdrop out you just smooth it up to the top and you want to make sure that the ends gopast the top of the hair and you're going to take your first perm rod and this is veryimportant to not and i'm rolling this one forward toward her face you do not want tofish hook those ends they need to go smooth all the way underneath and i'll show you onthe next one what a fish hook is and if you have any little ends you can try to smooththem down if they get too out of control you can take another end wrap lay it over andyou can roll it with a comb back underneath to tuck it in and then continue down you don'twant to have to do that too much because if

you get too thick then it would mess withthe saturation alright so then you don't want to have these these little elastics if theyget too tight they will break the hair while you're perming it so let me show you whattoo tight would be so this is a band that would be considered too tight you see howit pulls her scalp away you want to make sure it's not doing that you want to make surethat it's tight and holds it in place but it's not changing how hard her hair is gettingpulled from her scalp alright so then since we're going to be doing a brick pattern onthe top we're going to split the hair right in the middle so this is a little bit toowide for one hair clip so i'm going to let this little piece by her face drop and thei'll use a small one down there with it okay

so we're going to pull this up we're goingto do pink actually i'm going to do the whole first row pink so this would be fish hooking it if you tookit in like that and there's still hair and then you fold it over you're going to havethis really bad bend in the perm and you don't want that so you have to make sure that theends they tuck under it really smooth like that so we're going to go right in the middleof this top one. and we're going to take a little bit bigger sections because the orangeone we're going to keep the same width but the orange rod is a little bit bigger thanthe pink rod so we're going to do so i'm wetting it if the hair is a little bit layered orshorter pieces in there just to kind of have

it stick together and then i comb it out niceand smooth stick a end paper on pull it out all the way until it covers those ends andthen i'm going to go back with these ones so the ones by her face i did forward andnow i'm going to do these back and this is a little bit more tricky you have to get thatlittle circle in the end there you go and you want to make sure that these aren't twistedthese bands because that will break hair too and then right here we're going to do anotherone and you're just going to continue this pattern all the way down till you get theback of her head okay so i have these little short perm rods these are awesome i call themchubs i'm sure that's what we called them in hair school anyway so i wrapped the paperit's for any little pieces around the fair

or in the neckline if it's too skinny of asection use the smaller one and you can spiral wrap that one up and then just pin it in placealright so we have finished wrapping her hair okay so you can get this at the beauty supplyit comes in a big box and it's just a big roll of cotton so what you're going to dois you're going to tuck this underneath an ear this will help protect her skin and youare just going to lightly tuck it underneath all the way around the face and the back underneaththis ear and then along the bottom so this is going to sop up some of the extra processingsolution and then after we apply the processing solution we are going to take that cottonoff and replace it with fresh dry cotton because we don't want that saturated cotton to siton the skin because you could get chemical

burns so make sure you change out your cottonafter you saturate so i'm going to go ahead and open up my bottle and then i'm going totwist the top off of this waving lotion part a and add it in to this part b so go likethis and squish it in and the bottle is going to get warm and that's normal yep it's gettinghot so these two chemicals when they're mixed together they make a chemical reaction andit heats it up so then you're going to poke a hole in the top of your lid and i like todo this before i stick it on the bottle because that heat is going to create some pressurein there and if you do it it can squirt out if you put it on there first so i always doit before and then i just lightly shake it with my finger over the hole okay then i'mgoing to stick some gloves on and i usually

give my client a towel this is for any dripsyou can stick it up by their face don't let it get on your face or in your eyes and thenyou're going to start by just saturating back and forth on these rods and you want it toget pretty saturated and you go back and forth until it soaks all the way down and you caneven lift the rods and do underneath there you go and you need to work as fast as youcan yep just go ahead and pat those drips you can even just hold it up there if youwant and she has a lot of thick hair so i'm definitely going to need two perms and onthe back of your perm whatever one you use it should tell you you're processing timemine is 20 minutes you can to a tiny bit more if you have resistant hair if it's gray orreally thick and long you just have to make

sure that the integrity of the hair is stillthere you don't want to do perms if the hair is really really colored or bleached or alreadybreaking off or really fine you have to be really careful with hair that's not supersuper strong just because this does go in and change the structure of the hair it actuallybreaks the bonds and then the neutralizer goes back in and reconstructs those bondsand that's how you get the curl and that's why it's permanent because you are changingyou are changing the hair and how it's made "structured" alright i think we're gettingclose so here is some new cotton so carefully remove the old and it should have quire abit of perm solution on it and we're going to wrap this around the hair all the way aroundthe perimeter tuck it underneath the ears

and up on the forehead and now i have to washmy hands i should have kept my gloves on for that we're going to take a cap a processingcap and cover all of the rods this is going to keep the heat in because they need thatheat to process and she is looking like a hot mamma now okay and then you set a timerfor 20 minutes it has been stinks so bad ha ha okay it has been 20 minutes and we aregoing to take a test curl and make sure that the hair is actually wavy so the way you dothis is you unwrap it a little bit and you kind of push and you want to see this patternlike an s it needs to look like an s and since this is a really big rod it's not going tobe like super super s it'll just be like a soft s and that's how you know that the solutionactually did it's job and then we get to rinse

this hair out for five whole minutes not fourminutes five you have to time this and do the entire thing make sure you get all ofthe rods and you just hold it's best if you have a sink for this guys this would be reallyhard at home i know it's possible but at least have one of the kitchen sink ones that comeoff but you're going to hold this right against the rods and it's going to blast that waterthrough to wash out the perm solution so we're going to lean her back and i usually lay atowel on the floor underneath and then i always make sure that my chemical cape is over theend of this chair so if water does come through and hit her it will just roll off and it won'tgo underneath behind her and get her shirt wet so that's what i'm doing i'm putting atowel down there the cape over the end of

the chair and i'm going to lean her back andi have to pump this chair up a little bit to get her neck tight against the bowl okayalright so she's kind of pinned back here now and you want to reach as far back andget their neck so all the rods are in there i'm going to get this cotton out of here sotake the cotton off and throw it in the garbage okay timer for five minutes ready set verywarm water not going to burn anyone just really warm it bounces off the rods a little bitso you kind of have to make a cup around your hand and just kind of guard it from the faceis that too hot holly jane? it's a little warm is that better? yes and then underneathi lift it and push it against all the rods and this is why you have to do the whole fiveminutes because it's going to take that long

to really get all of the rods that good anywayi'm done rinsing her hair i'm going to take salon towels and just blot the excess waterout of each rod and i'm going to hold it with both hands gently squeeze it and as soon asi get enough of it out to where i feel like she's not going to drip all over then we cansit her up okay go ahead and sit up see there's a little bit of water on the floor but i don'tthink are you soaking wet underneath there. nope okay good i'm going to go ahead and changethis outside towel because it is soaking wet the reason why do this is because hair islike a sponge if the sponge is full it can't absorb anything else so we need to get someof the water out so that the neutralizer can go back in and recreate those bonds in thehair if you were to poor the neutralizer on

sopping wet hair it wouldn't really get inthere enough and the hair wouldn't ever curl again and it would be limp so make sure youget this really good and it doesn't say that you have to do this on the instructions onthe perm but i always do i always blot the rods and then i always stick them underneatha hood drier for 10-15 minutes just to get some more of the moisture out and the chemicalis off of the hair now so it's safe to do that you can put them under the drier untilthe hair is dry if you wanted to and it just gives you more room for the neutralizer toreally saturate the hair and that's what's really going to hold this perm in is how youdo the neutralizer because right now the bonds in the hair the difulsfied i don't even knowit starts with a d and there's bonds it's

been a long time since i was in hair schoolso maybe that's the quiz what are the bonds that are changing when you are doing a permleave a comment for the answer oh wow i have got to dust this this is bad so i'm just goingto stick her underneath this drier for 5-10 minutes maybe until the hair starts to burnoff no just until the hair is a little bit more dry alright we're going to neutralizeher hair you just take this bottle and like saturate every single little perm rod so youwant to just use a lot of this stuff that's why they do this hand dandy big bottle okaylean back yeah tilt this way you don't have to do this in the sink you could have themsitting up just how you applied the perm solution but i like to be fast and messy and saturateit all in there is it burning you? ow holly

jane starts crying and runs away crying okaythis is my favorite part we get to take all the rods out the neutralizing solution isstill in there you just take them all out see this pretty curl look at it yay and ijust let them drop into the bowl i got all of her hair out of the rods i'm going to givethe rods a quick rinse and put them on a towel to dry and i get the papers off of them thisway okay so now my rods are ready to throw on a towel so here's her beautiful curls ifyou want to get in this bowl see all of her pretty curls i'm just working a little bitmore of the neutralizer through it and i'm just kind of crunching it up and um makingsure that it's everywhere now we get to rinse them out for five minutes so set a timer forfive minutes and start to rinse with warm

water go and i always start at the top aroundthe face we are done we are done with her perm it is the fun part we get to style thisbaby okay so you are not going to want to brush through this unless you use a wide toothpic and you can just kind of lightly go through it it shouldn't be ratted or anything andthen here sit up all the way we are going to put some curling product in it see theselike big pretty curls so we are going to stick this curly sexy hair curl mousse in her hairit's like a spray mousse and i'm going to do a little bit of this shaping lotion andthen we're going to dry it with our diffusers and then she will be all done and we'll showyou the after your hair was pretty healthy i wasn't worried about it alright everyonethanks for watching i hope that you liked

our perm this is the end result do a littlespin here big loose curls and we had a lot of fun it took us a really long time like3 or 4 hours and we're done now thanks for watching and please make sure you subscribeto my channel and you will get videos weekly emailed to you straight from youtube landi'm losing my mind and we will see you next time bye

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