kitchen sink plumbing

hello and welcome some reason my how todo you mean we're going to to channel my name is clogged taylor dishwashing thosethat you didn't know me welcome back those that don't i hope youenjoyed the video and if you do you have thumbs up and become a subscriber thankyou it slide so they had to order in a dishwasher that will fit in here sowe're going to pull this out it is connected and you look close you see the year red linewhich is the waterline it goes to be a dishwasher red indicating hot and seethat plastic tubing which is the train

from the dishwasher going up and this is one of my favorite tools andi'm not doing an advertisement for this particular company but it's a tool thatyou would really good it would do you good to happen to your you to look at it has so many sides so convenient youthink you have the phillips head and then you can use one in for a socket and then you have this one here actually i don't even know what this isfor yeah

and you can use the shaft itself orsocket for one side on the other which are two different size so as you can see that this is a veryversatile screwdriver and here's the smaller in the philippa head and i'm not drivers oncewe pull that a phillips head out of the socket it turns into a driver somethinglike a socket wrench and this screwdriver comes withdifferent sized fileted which is two different sizes smaller large as well asa flathead and of course the numerous pockets

and right there what you're looking atis a confession brands t that made this made just forthis they only have a one water cut off valve which is the hot right here thinkthat you have a cold with that but this hot of course is one hot water to go tothe dishwasher and your hot is always going to be feeling your left if not but since we only have one cut off valvefor the hot we're going to use this brass tea andyou're gonna get some residual waters that were residual water that's why wedo keep a towel or something around too because you're going to get waterresidual water when you're working on

these things and here's the otherdishwasher this is not it but this is the old wedid well it's new too but we pulled it out and what i did is got the top of thebox so that i cannot lay it on the floor and lay the dishwasher on top it to keepit from getting stretched scratched up just giving you a view of the bottomside of the dishwasher and what i like to do and mistake that alot of people do make is they try to work on the dishwasher while it's inposition under the cabinet me like to disconnect what i can so that can pullit out and get easy access to the bottom just do what i need to do the floor isprepping it up to install it back into

the spot it came out of this makes it a lot easier and as you see once i started looseningthe waterline there still air in the line and once that air releases thatwater the rest of it's going to come out that's why it's a good idea to keep thetowels and rags around and this is another thing that do likewhat a lot of the new dishwasher they don't use the dishwasher 90 as much asthey used to what they have now is this brass piecehere it's just a simple is screwing your water holes on the outside when you dothat and that's it and then you connect

the waterline together in and the wire coming out we're gonnaremove that that's what we call a pigtail that will plug-in that plugsinto the wall going to use that pigtailed over on theother dishwasher when we go to connect its i'm going to pull that off this is one of the cover panels and via bottom of thedishwasher where you get access to the bottom of it whenit's in place like i said i'm making my access a lot easier right now but i doneed to pull this off right now just to

get out to wait also so that you guyscan see what what's going on here and this is another new feature that'son a lot of dishwashers that i like manner way these panels come off realeasy and simple just one turn right off this is my star it's called the starwrench and got a sort of sizes you can always pick them up at home depot lowes around i guess but ninetwelve bucks you can also get allen wrenches the sameway this star wrench to remove this screwhere so that we can get access to the

electric power panel now just imagine trying to do all thiswhile the dishwashers in place to land on your side trying to squeeze your handin there to get this little lot of trouble like i said just pulling out andgetting everything and working on the outside and get thetrip a lot easier pigtail we have the two wire nuts we canpull off you got your white wearing your black and you have your green as theground and i just showed you there a minute agothat it's unplug so i'm not working on this thing live

and if you do have one that you can'tthat doesn't unplugged from the wall because they can have them out therethey call that hardwired you would want to go to your breaker box and make sureit's your turn the power to this all believe makes us six hours off again there you go that's the pigtailright there you see the end where plugs into the wall and of course the andgoing to the dishwasher this is the new win the other new window so i like when itake these off the box rather than trying to lift straight up out of thereand especially being working by myself i

just turn the box upside down the slidethe box off of it and the dishwasher well you see it right there upside downbut it came out the box real easy this way and that's the other dishwasher at justuse the box to put it back and keep it safe getting scratched up i want to use it somewhere else this isthe other dishwasher the other new one and of course this is the protectivecoating that they put on them when they pack them to keep from getting instantscratched now we'll pull the restaurant off laterjust

give you some kind of idea and we're going to remove this paneljust like we did the other one this one just happens to have couple spoons hold it to use the pieces that we use on thethat were used on the other dishwasher i'm just going to put them on this one they did have a another set ofdishwasher connected connectors on the countertop but we're not going to use itit's a little different in this one and we're going to keep those in the packagecould probably be used later on another

dishwasher these pieces here fine i likeworking with them and they're easy to work with are you get the lot of plumbers they usea lot of pipe dope and pipes feeling this particular uh water supply line youdon't need that this is a more you see the red rubber right there it's justgoing to squeeze up on the surface of the threads and just seal itself and don't have to type to open up oranything like that these this supply line is kind of new to me is pretty neat it's red i guess it's indicating the redindicates hot because that's what you

want going into dishwasher is hot waterme i think it must be something new thatthey came out with that and of course when tightening anythingto any type of plastic you do want to take caution and again we have that same type ofscrew you need to use our of star ranch ok simple connection black wire white wire three and thegreen is always going to be the ground if you find want to if you'd like tofind out more about ground wire i would

recommend checking out one of theelectrician's on youtube so they can see the importance of ground wire and the wire cap goes on just like youwould twist on a bottle cap just twist until it can turn any more what you puton there you can see the threads on the inside and putting bottom cover plate back on and once we do this part we're ready totake the dishwasher and put it in the slot

we missed you dishwasher open area here when i showyou right here these are the legs because you may have to make someadjustments once you have in place are whatever and these are how that legsadjusted i'm just going to show you just gonna loosen up right now with thechannellock pliers and that's it we can write they're just not going to screwback in right now and we're going to make some adjustments but and those ofthe tabs that screw to the bottom of your counter that holds the dishwasherin place and they always put a package of partwhich information via this wash itself

and the only thing we're going to useout of this is this right here is our self tapping screws what i mean myself tapping is that thescrews will screw into the wood by itself without having to drill a holefirst ftf later it went around the dishwasherkinda help isolate the found noise and this is the drain tube and they're sitting india we see how itsnaps in that's just for packaging you gonna pull those out ofthose snaps and you can see we have a small gap here

what i've done is put in place and get ameasurement so that i know how much i need to let the legs up right now we'vegot about what 78 okay rather than go 78 we're going on bring your legs up probably about around58 because we want to give ourselves a little bit of play at the top when we doput it back in so we have something to work with ok right about 58 what we're gonna do iswe're going to make the other 358 and that should hold us nice level andstraight since floor is level and we don't have to make any of the otheradjustments and we're going to plug it

in first before we start pushing thedishwasher in place to be be four lines in for the backside and the train a lotof times you'd like to have cabinets that just have a small hole bottom whereyou would run the waterline and the baseline through carol has a littledistance wall now we're starting to put the dishwasherin place and we slowly push it back slowly open the cabinet door and we'regoing to pull the water lines out further and the waistline out for thislittle we don't get kinked jam behind the dishwasher so that we don't causeany damage to the tubing's now you see the small get we have justabout what we want

and now we can still slide it back inplace and the bottom plate right there we're gonna drop down to cover that gapat the bottom and from time to time you will get whenyou push the dishwasher in some tap the tab me hang out just a little bit whatwe're going to do is cut the access that hangs out with a pair of tin snips okay the dish boxes it was right where wewill need it so we're going to go ahead and cut these tabs so that we can go onput in place for its final destination by the way you do you see the well yousee you sweating the air in the house went on but that's okay

now the two self-tapping screws that came in the bagthis is what we're going to use it to mount down the dishwasher but firstwe're going to continue connecting the waterline and the train line again youdon't need any pipe dope or any seal it with this particular waterline now if you ever had a problem to wearyour dishwasher when he may have now you have had a problem where water justwasn't leaving out of the completely draining out of the dishwasher mostcases when i go to read to repair you

would find that the drain line is notgoing to notice here it goes up then back down into the dream that's the wayit should be up under your sink because now the thing i run into iscustomers will have their drain line land out on the floor of the kitchensink land on the surface and when they do discharged water because it doesn'thave that loop the water just goes right back into the dishwasher because it'snot pushed up and over the loop and now we're going to drop the skirtdown we can eliminate this gap the dishwasher turning on

now protective coating again my name isclogged taylor thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed it if you're not asubscriber come on thank you if you liked the video give mea thumbs up thank you have a great day

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