kitchen sink retailers

alright, this is john kohler with i have another exciting episode for you. today, we're actually not going to talkabout some of the equipment, some of the juicers, that provides to you guysso that you guys can get more fresh fruits and vegetables in you. what we're going todo today instead is share my opinions and, you know, what i believe the 10 juicing dosand don'ts. now, there's many different videos on youtube about juicing and, you know, inmy opinion, some of the people and some of the videos just don't get eth facts correctand so i want to basically share my opinions on this subject, how i live my life, basedon the research that i've done on how to do juicing the healthiest way possible, you know,because i got into juicing to build my health

and i know many of you guys are getting intojuicing to, you know, build your health, regain your health, have more energy and to loseweight and yes, it can do all those things, but there are things that you definitely wantto look out for. so, in this video, i'm going to share the top 10 dos and don't about juicingwith you guys so that you guys can be successful the first time. so, let's get started. number1, you do not want to drink the same juice recipe every single day, day in, day's like that movie that you guys may have seen, groundhog day. back i the day, theyhad that move, groundhog day. the dude woke up every day and every day was exactly thesame and guess what? things that are exactly the same get boring over time, man. varietyis the spice of life, but, you know, besides

that, you know, the reason why i say you wantto switch things up is because in each different fruit and vegetables, i mean, i got cantaloupes,orange, collard greens, celery, romaine lettuce, carrots, and apples on the table today, there'sa whole spectrum of different nutrients in each different plant. now, there's phytochemicalsand anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals, which are all the good things and some plants,like, you know, collard greens and other things may have some anti-nutrients as well. maybe(unclear) compounds, maybe oxalates or, you know, maybe some other things that aren'tso healthy for us, and yes, even if grown organically, the foods naturally contain thesebecause they're in there to protect the plant from getting eaten from bugs and animals inthe wild because everything wants to reproduce

including all of us. i mean, that's the numberone goal of life, is to reproduce so that we can carry on the succession. so, by juicingsomething different every day, you're going to minimize, you know, the toxins in spinach,which are like the oxalates and many people say you cant digest oxalates, or they're notso good fro you. well, you know what? in high amounts, like if you juice spinach every singleday, which i do not recommend you guys do. not optimal in my opinion. i would rathereat spinach today or juice it toady and the tomorrow do some romaine lettuce, which actuallyhas low oxalates, if any, and then, you know, do some collard greens the following day,then do bok choi, then do some escarole, then do some wild greens such as sting nettle orlands quarters or chickweed. i mean, there's

so many different greens on the planet andwe want to rotate through them all. even some days i might do my base of the juice mightbe celery. some days i don't have celery, so i'll use cucumbers. some days i might usecarrots, some days i won't. i mean, by rotating your diet, you're doing 2 things. number one,you're actually getting a lot of different nutrients and phytochemicals from differentfoods, which your body may need, and number 2 you're going to reduce the amount of, i want to include as many different foods into my body as possible because, you know,every different food of fruit and vegetables has a whole different set of compounds containedwithin them. you know, many people know that tomatoes contain lipopine, which his greatbut, you know, some leafy greens contain things

like lutein (unclear) which are really goodfor your eyes, and, you know, the betakeratine in the carrots, and, you know, you don't needto research all these different nutrients in each specific food to know them like ido. all you need to know is if you rotate different foods and have a different juiceevery day, you're going to get the benefits of all different kinds of leafy greens insteadof the same half a dozen that you're using each day. number 2, what you don't want todo is you do not want to make your juice and gulp it down. like, man this stuff is so goodfor me, i go tot get tit down 'cause it tastes so nasty and just drink it as fast as youcan. in my opinion, that's optimal. although, drinking a juice as fast as you can is definitelybetter than drinking a soda as fast as you

can, it's not the best things. so, what youwan tot do instead is you want to, you know, savor that juice. like, if you're a wine connoisseur,my dad was a brandy connoisseur back in the day. he'd smell his brandy, sniff his brandy,take his brandy in his mouth, swish it around and then finally swallow it, right? he's notjust gulping it down, especially brandy is really expensive. i mean, think about're spending the time to juice hopefully organic produce, maybe you even grew it yourself,you're taking the time to juice it, so why not savor each and every last drop man, youwan tot basically drink the juice, put it in your mouth, swish it around. you want toliterally chew your juice, and this is what jay corriage, the formally known as the juiceman, taught me, you want to mix your salivary

amylase in with the juices because digestionstarts in the mouth, not in the intestines, like we're taught. so, yea. swish your juicearound, you know, savor it and then swallow and one of the things i like to do is actuallysmell it first and then drink it and then swish it around and ten swallow it and takesome time. don't just do it all really fast, you know. savor your juice, take some timeto drink it and enjoy it, because it's something that's going to build up your health and it'sso good for you. number 3. you, in my opinion, do not want to juice a whole ton of sweetfruits. so, you know, fruits have naturally occurring sugars. the fruit sugars, and these,in my opinion, are a good thing when you compare them to processed white sugar. processed whitesugar, it's just basically sugar and with

everything else removed. when you're eating,you know, or juicing, oranges even, you're getting basically the fruit sugar in muchlower amounts, but also water, also things like phytochemicals and phytonutrients andvitamins and minerals in that liquid. so, yes, a fruit juice is far better than thesoda, a coffee, and other processed drinks, but it's not optimal because it has a lotof sugar. that being said, when i want a quick pick-me-up, i absolutely would juice fruits,but in general, you want to eat your fruits whole or blend them up because we want toretain the fiber with our fruits. i'm personally not blood sugar sensitive. for those thatare, you know, this fruit juice is probably a big no-no. another thing i do want to mentionis that carrots, you know, when you juice

them also contain a higher amount of sugar,you know, than some of the other crops and beets can also have a high sugar content,you know. the root crops store sugar. i mean, that's what they do. so, you may not wantto juice a lot of them. that being said, i don't have an issue juicing, you know, carrots,you know, once in a while, and including them in my mixture but not, you know, drinkingcarrot juice every single day 'cause it's healthy. now, in my opinion, once again, wewant to think of good, better, best. now, of course, making any fruit or even carrotjuice is better than something out the store that you'd buy in a package, but it's notmaybe as good as, you know, juicing a lot of vegetables and then just a little fruitor, you know, carrots in there. so, basically

i'm talking about, you know, making 100% fruitjuices. now, i do mix my fruits and usually only apples and lemons and pears with my standardvegetable juices and i do feel that's all right. so, what you do want to do is thatyou want to actually blend your fruits instead of juicing them. this way you retain the fiber,which is going to slow down the absorption of the sugar in the bloodstream or you canactually eat them instead of blending them, which you will also get fiber. so, that'sdefinitely, in my opinion, what you should do. number 4, do and don't is don't put toomany leafy greens in your vegetable juice. leafy greens such as the collard green herecan have a really hard flavor and, you know, can cause vomiting and other things, especiallyif you're not used to it. in addition, as

i mentioned earlier, the leafy greens cancontain high levels of things like oxalates and other anti-nutrients that may not be sobeneficial. now, we shouldn't necessarily be scared of them because, once again, youguys are rotating them, but at the same time, you don't want to overpower your juices withtoo many leafy greens, especially if you're getting started. so, you know, i recommendfor the most part for people that are starting, no more than 25% of your glass is dark leafygreen juice and the final 75%, you know, can be things like celery, carrots, romaine lettuce,zucchini, cucumbers and apples, to dilute the hardcore leafy greens down. number 5,juicing dos and don'ts. this is an important one. don't just purchase any juicer 'causeit got an infomercial on tv or, you know,

it's inexpensive at your local departmentstore. that can be your biggest mistake you get, and, you know, i get customers all thetime that have done that and the juicer that they buy because the company says 'this isthe best one and this is the last one you'll need' and all this kind of marketing mumbojumbo, you know, that juicer may not be the best for you, you know. much like when you'regoing and going to go and buy a pair of shoes, right? you're not just going to buy an pairof shoes, you know, 'cause one pair of shoes won't like meet all your needs. like thatone pair of shoes may not be able to go to the beach and go into the water like some,you know, swimming shoes can or whatever or you can't take those shoes hiking. so, whenyou buy shoes you buy shoes for their particular

use. for example, if you're going hiking youmight get hiking boots. if you're a runner you might get minimalist shoes that are reallylight that have a good traction to use on the track. if you're going to the beach, youmight want some beach thongs. if you're going to a wedding and you're a lady, you mightwant some nice elegant high heels or something like that. so, the juicers are exactly thesame way. you don't want to just haphazardly buy a juicer because somebody says it's thebest. no, you want to figure out your specific needs, what you intend to juice the most,and buy the juicer that's best going to meet your needs. so, you know, i'm not really goingto go over that much in this video. i have over 200 videos on youtube going over my opinionson the different styles of juicers and which

ones are better or worse for certain, what you do want to do is you want to do your research and figure out your specificneeds, what you will be juicing, and more importantly besides what you will be juicing,other criteria that are important to you when selecting a juicer. some of the importantcriteria to you might be 'john, how much does it cost? does it have a long warranty? howefficient is it on juicing certain produce items? how easy it to clean? how easy is itto use?' each juicer has their pros and cons and it'd be like criminal for me to say, 'buythis juicer in all cases. it's always the best,' 'cause it's not. i mean, i'll be straightup honest with you and in some cases if you already own a juicer and you're thinking aboutbuying another one, you may not even want

to buy a juicer. maybe you want to check myvideo on should i buy a new juicer? i mean, if the juicer that you have now is meetingyour needs and you're happy with it and, you know, new company comes out with a brand newjuicer that's revolutionary, should you buy it? no, if you're totally happy, keep thejuicer. now, if you're pissed at the juicer that you're using and you don't like thenyou may want to consider and upgrade and the i would encourage you guys to watch some ofmy videos to find out the juicer that's going to best meet your needs the first time withoutall this mumbo jumbo marketing stuff. tip number 6, don't haphazardly just start throwingstuff through the juicer 'cause you seen the dude on the infomercial, the dude on the documentaryjust throw stuff in the juicer haphazardly

and juice it. now, while you can do that andit may get good results, in my opinion, it's much more important to, you know, be, what you do want to do is you want to pay attention to what you're juicing. numberone, you want to select the produce at the store in your garden or at the farmers want to get the freshest produce possible. if you get old, wilty produce, or especiallymealy apples that are soft, you know, they're just not going to juice well in any juicer,you know. a good juicer's not going to make up for poor quality, old produce, we wantto be getting the produce as fresh as possible and even if you go into, you know, some ofthe good health food supermarkets these days that charge a lot of money for the produce,you know, the produce may be old and wilty.

i mean, i just picked these guys out of mygarden just minutes before this video and they're nice and erect and beautiful colored,nice and large. i encourage you guys to plant your own gardens, especially if you're goingto get into juicing and be serious about it. leafy greens can be quite expensive. 6 leavesat some upper class health food stores, you know, that are organic may cost $3 for 6, but if you plant some of these like this is the greens perennial tree collard plant,you plant it once, it grows like a tree and it gives you leaves 365 days a year to pickand juice so that you will no longer ever have to buy leafy greens again and you'llbe framing yourself up to save some money and actually be able to grow a higher qualityfood and also when you wan to, you know, juice

them, you just go out to the yard, pick them,come in an d juice them and you're going to get the maximum nutrition out of them. now,aside form just picking the produce properly it's important to prepare your produce, of course you probably want to wash your produce and then depending on your juicer,you may want to precut the produce into smaller pieces. so, with tings like the leafy greenslike the collard greens, the lettuce here and the celery, on certain juicers you doneed to precut them, such as the vertical single (unclear) juicers, i do recommend youprecut them. now, on the other style juicers you may not want to precut them. now, thismay be a factor you want to take into consideration hen selecting a juicer is how much preparationdo i need to do after i, you know, buy the

produce, wash the produce and put it in. doi need to cut it up into small pieces or could i just jam them through there, you know, atany time? so, besides preparing the produce properly, you need to feed the produce. whati find best in actually virtually every juicer out there, it's always better to rotate theproduce you're feeding in the juicer. say you're juicing apples, celery and carrotsand some romaine leaves, you wouldn't just want to put all the carrots and then all theapples, you know. what'll happen in that case is the carrot pulp is generally pretty dry,it'll actually get flung out of a centripetal ejection juicer, but then when you put theapples in it has much more wet pulp and that may get stuck at the top of the juicer. so,you want to juice a piece of apple, then a

piece of leafy greens, a piece of celery andthen juice some carrot behind it all and that'll help flush and keep the juicer clean. youknow, every juicer here basically requires hard fibrous material to work optimally and,you know, each juicers just a little bit different in that respect, but in general, you know,you do need some hard fiber to help push the produce to get through that juicer and that'swhy i recommend, you know, produce rotation when feeding in to the machine. i do havea really good video that explains how to do that on the omega vert, as well as the horizontalomega series online and you can look those up if you're interested. it's called bestpractices, omega vert, where i specifically go through the process of feeding things inthrough a vertical single auger juicer. so,

tip number 7, this is an important one atthat. you do not want to put everything but the kitchen in your juices when you make them.i mean, i've done that before, you guys might've done that before if, you now, you got allthis produce going bad in the fridge and you're just like, 'i got to just juice it, otherwisei'm going to lose it.' well, i'm going to encourage you guys to compost your fruit scraps,your food scraps and your juice pulp when you're done or if you have bad produce goingout but don't just put everything in the juicer 'cause you'll make, you know, if you put aton of ingredients in there, you know, just like forrest gump said, you never know whatyou're going to get and let me tell you guys, i've made some super nasty juices but it'slike, 'ah, man, i bought that organic produce

at whole foods. it was like $5 and i boughtthis and that. man, it cost me $10 in produce to make this juice, i'm not letting it goto waste,' and i taste it and it's like, 'ah, man, i'm not drinking this. it's nasty,' buti'm like, 'man, i got to drink it 'cause it cost me so much money,' so i hold my noseand just chug it down as fast as i can. well, that's better than not drinking it, but, onceagain, we do not want to chug our juices as fast as we can to get it in you and the bettersolution is to not make out juices with everything but the kitchen sink. so, what you do wantto do instead is you wan tot keep your juice recipe simple. keep it down to like 5, maybe6 ingredients at the most so that things are a lot simpler. when they're simpler, in myopinion, they're going to digest better. also,

they're going to taste good. i do have a reallyexcellent video entitles 'free juice recipes for life' of how you can free yourself ofbuying juicing recipe books by literally creating your own juice and recipes, once you guysknow the recipe. many of you ladies out there may know how to bake cookies. i have no ideahow to bake cookies anymore, but you have a standard recipe. you always add the flower,you always add the eggs, you always add the sugar, and then you might add chocolate chipsfor the chocolate chip cookies, you might add peanut butter if you want peanut buttercookies. juicing is the same way. once you kind of get the hang of it, you might be ableto get your own juicing recipes on the fly based on what's on sale in your grocery store,what you ripe, available in your garden or

whatever, so that you can get out of drinkingjuice recipes, and this way you will also be able to change up your juices all the timeand get that rotation in there. so, number 4 is don't make more juice than you can drinkin one sitting with and asterisk. what you do want to do instead is only make enoughjuice that you're going to drink at that time. you know, once you start busting open thesefibrous cell walls that contains literally the water and liquid nutrition inside thepants, then what happens is it's exposed to air. once exposed to air it oxidizes and thenthat's why there's, you know, beneficial properties like phytochemical and phytonutrients in theplants to protect them from oxidation. when we juice them, we get them in the glass, wethen drink them, then those antioxidants can

go work for us. now, when you juice and youopen up all these cell walls, make this bio available for us, it's also being able tooxidize and you're going to lose that nutrition. so, what i like to do optimally is make juiceand just drink it, as i need it right then and there. if i want juice later in the afternoon,i'll get the juicer out and juice again. so, for that reason, you might want to get a juicethat's easy to clean so that it's just really no problem to juice later. that being said,the asterisk part is, you know, i'd much rather have you guys juice a large batch of juicein the morning, you know, keep it cold in a thermos or, you know, a bottle that's airtightwith the air sucked out or whatever, and i have a good video on how to store your juicesif you do need to store you juices so that

you can take it work because drinking thejuice that made in the morning, taking it to work and drinking it instead of stuff outthe can machine or coffee, in my opinion's, far better, and once again, think good, better,best. it's best to bring your juicer to work or have a spare juicer at work and make yourjuices in the break room when you've got some time, but, you know, if you cant do that,then bring the juice by all means, 'cause it' defiantly going to be a lot healthierthan the alternatives than what you may drink instead. that being said, it's optimal todrink the juice fresh as it's being made. you know, jay carnage, once again, formerlyknown as the juice man, told me a story. he worked with dr. garnett chaney at stamfordand basically by using fresh cabbage juice,

they healed people with ulcers from what hehad said and he said if they fed the cabbage juice to the people, and they were using acentripetal ejection juicer at the time, right after it was made, then they would get thebeneficial results. if they let that cabbage juice sit out for any extended period of time,they would not get the same results with it. so, you know, literally the nutrients areevaporating. that being said, you always want to do the best you can. so, my goal is tonever save my juice longer than 24 hours if absolutely necessary and i may save my juicesonly a few times a year, actually, 'cause i like to make it fresh. freshest is bestestis what i like to say. so, tip number 9 is simply this. do not leave your juicer dirtyon the counter when you're done juicing for

any length of time. you know, what you dowant to do instead is clean your juicer right after you're done using it. if you let yourjuicer sit out for any length of time, the carotenoid's, the colors and whatnot in thefresh vegetables that you're juicing are going to stain your juicer plus when pulp, you know,dries in the screen it's harder to remove and get out. so, if you clean your juicerwhen it's still wet and some of these machines like the vertical single auger style juicers,they advertise them as self-cleaning by pouring some water through it when you're done juicing,which'll help get it clean but it's by no means self-cleaning. you know, that can helpyou clean out the machine, but if you clean it while it's still wet, it's going to bea lot easier to get clean and save you a lot

of time than if you put it off and let ithang out for a couple hours and the pulp gets dried in the screen and then the colors, youknow, start staining the different parts. so, by all means, clean it as soon as youcan. if you absolutely can't clean it right after you're don't juicing, you wan tot minimallyfill up a dish tub or fill up your sink with water and soak the parts. that will then makeit easier to clean when you do have some time. tip number 10, you know, and this is the finaltip i'm going to share with you guys, what you don't want to do is juice produce afterit's prime. i mean, if you got lettuce that's wilty, going bad, you know, don't just pitit through that juicer 'cause it's probably not going to work properly. what you do wantto in stead is get the freshest produce possible.

so, you know, i do recommend growing yourown garden so you can pick it fresh, juice it fresh, you know. fresh produce is goingto juice far better than store-bought produce that's, you know, been shipped from californiato new york for 7 days on a refrigerated truck and then i some warehouse for a couple daysand then finally put on the shelf and then you get to buy it. you know, one of the thingsi've learned by having my own garden is if i pick greens out of my garden, you know,because when you pick them they're soft and tender, they have a high moisture contentand things taste better out of your garden. they're going to juice better 'cause of thehigher moisture content. as things are in refrigerators and shipped, they tend to losemoisture, and they get what i call plant rigamortis,

and, you know, they just don't juice as, it's very imperative, you know, fi you're getting juicers that make the highest qualityjuice such as some of the low speed juicers on the table here today, you also want tojuice the highest quality produce and freshest produce. so, for me, that means i grow myown garden so that it can have this produce available. if you're unable to grow your owngarden outside, you can grow, you know, microgreens and sunflower greens and other, you know,things like wheatgrass inside your house, which i always recommend you guys start growingyour own food. if you cant do that, then go to a farmers market and ask the farmers whenthis was harvested. hopefully it'll be harvested that morning and you're going to be, you know,juicing the freshest stuff instead of the

old and wilty stuff that's not going to juicewell, nor is it going to be the greatest level of nutrition, you know. so, that pretty muchsums up my top 10 juicing dos and don'ts. i hope this was valuable to you and i wantto encourage you guys to, you know, no matter what, you want to keep including more freshfruits and fresh vegetables in your diet. you know, the standard american barely eats10% of their diet of fruits and vegetables, you know. 60% is the processed foods, 25%is the animal products, and then 10% is pretty much made up of white potatoes. so, we wantto get these rich anti-oxidants, foods with the phytochemicals and phytonutrients, youknow the foods that are colors, especially the leafy greens, the vegetables, and alsothe fruits in your diet and i think juicing

is an excellent way to do just that. withthese tips, you're going to know more than the average person about juicing and so thatyou can be successful at it. if you do need to purchase a juicer, please be sure to be sure to subscribe to the youtube channel here and be sure tocheck my other videos where i compare juicers side by side so that you can determine thebest juicer that's going to best meet your specific needs. so, hopefully you guys enjoyedthis episode. once again, my name is john kohler with be sure tovisit for special promotional offers for our youtube visitors.

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