alright this is john kohler with we have another episode for you today. today we're not going to talk about the juicers,today we got the l’equip 110.5 and we got the slowstar juicer. i'm actually not evengoing to share with you guys and talk to you guys too much about juicers today.what i really wanted to bring you guys this episode for is to share with you guys howjuicing saved my life and in my opinion if you start doing it it can help to potentiallysave your life as well. basically let's go back in time. my first introduction to juicerswas actually through my hippie parents. they used to smoke weed, don't tell anybody.but anyway my hippie parents we were members of a co-op, we shopped at the co-op. i couldonly get certain foods, we weren't allowed
to drink sodas and have trix cereals. we gotonly get like granola and other things that didn't have a lot of sugar in it. that waspretty and that's a step in the right direction but we still ate plenty of processed foodsand foods that weren't super good for us. but nonetheless, one of the things they didfor me when i was maybe like, i don't even know how big i was, i might have even beenlike ten. they actually a juicer. my parents had a waring centrifugal non-ejection juicerthat we would, i remember as a kid we would put carrots in and we would make carrot when i was like ten years old i would start drinking carrot juice. we did that for a couplenumber of years and then that kind of fell out of favor and i don't really know whathappened to that old like juicer back in the
day. but anyways, that was my first introductionto juicing. basically, i kind of forgot about it, we neverreally juiced so much. we didn't even use a blender actually. my parents, my parentsreally weren't cooks, they both worked. actually, i had to learn how to cook and all that kindof stuff. so i had to cook for my family. otherwise, we had like a lot of prepared,packaged foods which in my opinion and knowing what i know now and based on my research they'renot definitely the healthiest. anyways, time goes on. i go through high school.i had some health challenges such as allergies, eczema, and eczema. so like i would wheezeand have asthma and i couldn't participate in the normal p.e. class, so i was in a specialp.e. class because i would lose my breath
which wasn't good. i'd have like allergies,i was like allergic to chocolate and eggs and dogs and cats and grass and all kindsof crazy stuff. then later i went to college, got my degreethen actually after i got out of college this is where things went awry. actually, wellbefore i got out of college actually i stopped eating red meat because like they always saidred meat was bad for you, so i stopped eating that. i also during college actually stoppeddrinking because drinking is maybe not the best for your health either even if it's redwine, there's better things for your health than red wine. if you say red wine is healthyand oh they say it's healthy for you. it's healthier than other alcohols but drinkingsome highly pigmented grape juice made with
your juicer, in my opinion based on the studiesi've seen is more beneficial than drinking wine.but anyways, after college what happened to me is i was actually stricken with a diseasecalled spinal meningitis, look it up, do searches on it. this is a pretty major disease andunfortunately many people lose their lives every day from spinal meningitis. i have thekind of spinal meningitis that is no medical cure for, right. so all i remember, i hadflu like symptoms. i remember calling up my parents like i need to go to the hospital,i'm not getting better. they drove up an hour to pick me up. they took me to the hospitaland on the way to the hospital i passed out. then i remember like, i don't remember muchbut i remember like being in a wheelchair
and vomiting as they're rolling me in. theni remember passing out again, or i don't remember passing out but the next thing i rememberi just remember waking up in intensive care with ivs stuck in me, laying in the bed lookingup at the doctor like whoa where am i. i was like oh my god i'm in a hospital because ididn't have any clue what was happening. i said okay mr. doctor, when am i going toget out of here? he told me the news that none of you guys every want to hear. he'slike you might not make it out of here alive. i'm like, thought to my head, in my head fora second, wait a second aren't doctors supposed to make you better then you go home.this is all happen when we were a kid, we could get a cold or a flu and my dad wouldtake us to keiser and san francisco on geary
street then we'd get seen by the pediatrician.actually my dad would take us to five floor, five floor was a cafeteria and we'd alwaysget some cool treats. so i wonder sometimes if were kids we kind of made up that we weresick just so that we could go to five floor and get some treats.but anyways we'd always go to the hospital and it seemed like the doctors would makeus better. little do i know now that the doctors don't actually necessarily make you better,our bodies can heal yourself and the doctors may do things like in the case of a brokenair that will assist in your body's healing. but also based on my opinion and my observationsthey also made do many things including certain kinds of drugs that may not necessarily solvethe problem or cure the problem, but basically
just mask the any case, they didn't have any treatment for me when i was in the hospital with thespinal meningitis and i could only say it was, my life was in hands of something thanmyself, whether you want to call that higher powers, whether than you want to call thatcall, whether you want to call that nature or whatever you guys want to call it. my lifewas into somebody else's hands. that's not a fun place to be when you don'thave certainly that you're going to be around to life your life. here i was, i had justgraduated college. i had my whole life ahead of me, right. i had big plans on like makingall this money and stuff because i had a business/marketing degree. all this was potentially at the while i was in the hospital i got to think
about a lot of things. first thing i thoughtabout was okay john, even if you had a lot of money, like a million dollars in the bankwhich i had nowhere near any kind of money. could you write a check, mr. doctor one milliondollars? hopefully some of you guys out there are millionaires right now.but even if you guys are millionaires and you had a lot of money you could write thecheck to the doctor for a million dollars he can't guarantee you're going to get outof there. he's going to give you guys the best care he could offer. millionaires, billionaires,trillionaires lose their lives, famous people lose their lives all the time. they have allkinds of monetary resources but that doesn't help them when you're in a critical i really thought about wow man, what's
money good for. it's really not worth thepaper that may be printed on from what i hear from some people. but anyways, i'm like wowand we're supposed to be taught to go after money in our society and you're like wow maybemoney isn't that valuable. here me sitting in the hospital, in the emergency room, thedoctor's telling that i might not make it alive because even if i had money it wouldn'tdo me squat in that situation. i'm like, then i thought well if money's notthat important, what's important? i thought about it. well, my health. i was going tolose my health and that means consequently i was going to lose my life. at that pointin time my health and my life was important thing to me. i would have give up all my moneyto have my life, to experience the joy and
happiness of life. so then, so that's onething i learned when i was in the hospital. the other thing, i can't say that when i wasin the hospital i prayed a lot that i would make it out because you have to faith in lifein something and if you don't have faith in something you'll fall for anything i prayed a lot that i would make it out of the hospital and i also thought like okayjohn well if you're not supposed to make money you're life's not going to be dedicated tomaking money and i'm not going to say money's not important because we need it in our societyas it is currently set up for the most part. what is important? then i remembered my catechismteachings from catholic school which is about like help thy fellow man. i'm like okay john,if you're not supposed to go after money maybe
you could just help other people and i prayedlike if i get out of here i'm going to not just try to make a living and make money whichis, we need that, but also i'm going to try to give back and give the people and teachthem what i'll hopefully i'll be learning that saved my life, right.this was very important to me and this is why i have a total of over 1900 videos onyoutube these days to teach people all the free information that i've learned over theyears of leading a healthy diet. what i've learned over that last twenty-one years atthis point now. because i want to give back and i'm doing my part to put the informationout there whether people want to believe it or not that's up to them, i don't really care.but i know i'm putting the information that
has helped me out the most and may help anyways, i got out of a near not-living experience only because of higher powers whichi am quite grateful for. upon leaving the hospital i asked the doctor well mr. doctorwhy did i get spinal meningitis in the first place? i was playing broomball with my fraternitybrothers and nobody else got sick except me. how come i got sick and nobody else got sick?then he said john what you have is you have complement immune deficiency and what thismeans is you have a chronically depressed and week immune system. i said well why isthat? he said it's because you got bad genes. i thought about that for a second and i'mlike alright well that makes sense because things like allergies and asthma and eczemaare all autoimmune type conditions when you're
body's immune system is having some challenges.nowadays there's even other things, other diseases coming up that are now being alsocalled autoimmune-type conditions. so at that point i knew that i had some kindof weak immune system and that i needed to make my immune system stronger so that i wouldn'tbe back and put in the hospital again. that was probably the only thing when i was leavingthe hospital that was the most important to basically at that point i kind of went about my business, i didn't like change mydiet or do anything major i just tried to eat carefully and eat healthfully. i ate likechicken and fish and tried to read my ingredient labels and not have a lot of stuff with processedfoods in it. but actually at that time i was
not eating lots of fruits and vegetables,which are the healthiest foods on the planet. i was just kind of doing the mainstream thinglike maybe most of you guys are now. you guys think you're eating healthy. butafter twenty, over twenty years of research now i know better and i definitely was noteating healthy by any means. i might have been eating healthier than eating mcdonald'sfor sure, but i wasn't eating as healthy as i possibly could. let's get into that andmore about how i learned about that next. so now i want to get into how i learned orre-learned about juicing for the second time in my life because my parents had introducedme to it as a kid. actually in the time i was living in alabama and i had a lot of freetime on my hands because i was actually living
on my credit card. that wasn't too good. buti had a lot of free time so i'd watch a lot of tv. i was up late at night and the guysi was living with, they had a pool table, so i played pool, so i got really good atpool and watched a lot of tv. what a life, right? late tv came on and there was an infomercial.infomercial: narrator: the following is a paid presentationfor the juice man's power of juicing. juice man: just two/three years ago what i'dbeen saying for fifty years has come true. now the medical profession and researchersall over the world are saying the same thing that i've said for fifty years. in this glassof juice we have the yet unidentified elements of life and growth. the yet unidentified substancesof life and growth. the yet unidentified chemicals
of life and growth.narrator: meet jay kordich, known to millions as the juiceman. now you can get a copy ofjay's bestselling book the juice man's power of juicing. now let's join jay from his homein beautiful san diego california as he teaches us the secrets to losing weight, staying youngand fighting disease with fresh juices. welcome to the juiceman's power of juicing with thejuiceman himself, jay kordich. end of infomercial.john: it was the juiceman. jay kordich, formally known as the juiceman, now known as the juicedaddy.he had an infomercial on the tv and he talked about juicing, kind of like me making youtubevideos now amazingly. but he was more dialed in, and really cool. basically in the videohe has the juiceman ii juicer, which is actually
very similar to the l’equip 110.5 that ismade today. this is obviously not quite a knock-off butit's about equivalent of the juiceman. he was showing in there how you could put thingsin and how you could make different kinds of juices and how you could lose weight, havemore energy, and it could build your immune system. when i heard the words this can buildyour immune system that's all i needed to hear and i got on the phone and ordered thejuicer. unfortunately, unlike discount juicers wherewe ship from multiple warehouse around the country so you get juicers and in many casesin three days, most places, some places are more. but on average if you live near thecoast you're going to get your juicer in maybe
two days. but this was back in the times ofthe nineties, mid-nineties and they didn't have two day shipping and all this stuff.they said after i went with the machine they said okay it'll be there in three weeks. likethree weeks? i need to start turning my health today, the juiceman really had motivated me,influenced me and got me wanted to start juicing. so i'm like okay, well i ordered that thingonline then i went down to my local wal-mart store and as luck would have it, they hada juicer similar to the one i say on the tv and it was on clearance. it was my lucky day,it was like 29.97 or something. so i bought it, brought it home and i wasjuicing just like the juiceman was and all of a sudden the motor started smoking, i putparsley in there and the blades would stop
running. i was like what's going on this isnot working like on the one on the juiceman on the tv. so i'm like, yeah it must be i took it back to wal-mart and as luck would have it they had one left, i got thatother one, brought it home. juicing the same stuff and the same thing happened. so i kindof figured alright well that's why i'm paying a lot more money for the juiceman juicer becauseit's a professional model and it's going to deal with juicing hard vegetables and leafygreens and all this stuff without clogging up or without putting a lot of pulp in thejuice and without making a poor yield. meanwhile i juiced in that juicer until thejuiceman came. i would basically juice because i was kind of out of college and living onmy credit card, i would juice five pounds
of carrots twice a day. i would juice in themorning instead of eating breakfast and then i would juice in the mid-afternoon after lunchas my mid, between lunch and dinner snack, juice more carrots and just drink tons ofcarrot of juice because carrots, they're probably like the cheapest vegetable and they're alsothe most nutritious root vegetable that you could possible juice. that's what i was doingplus i'd eat my standard lunch and standard dinner.i did this for a number of six months. i gradually saw small healthy improvements by startingto juice and more importantly than just adding in the fruits and vegetables, what was i removingout of my diet? well i might have been removing like pancakes and processed and packaged foods.maybe i was removing eggs and other things
that i may have been eating and in my opinionthis is a move in the right direction, where you're eating more planted based fruits andvegetables which are the most powerful foods on the entire after that point i kept it up because i was just like on faith that jay kordich saidthis going to help my immune system, i need to build my immune system so i don't end upback in the hospital and then i just kept it up. then later, a couple of years lateri found a book called cleanse and purify thyself. it talked about like going on a colon cleanseto clean out your colon and making a significant dietary changes and how people have clearedup their skin conditions. in the book i think they talked specifically about psoriasis inthe book, psoriasis, and i had eczema which
is kind of similar.i'm like man i need to go on this cleanse because also if you go on the cleanse it saidit'll boost your immune system, make your immune system stronger. so i'm like okay,i need to do this. so then i went on the cleanse and the first time in my life my skin clearedup after doing a combination of juicing and this cleanse which was totally amazing becauseeven the doctors couldn't give me any kind of pharmaceuticals that was going to helpme. then in the book after you cleanse it saysyou shouldn't go on this cleanse if you're not going to change your diet and eat healthierand eat differently than you did before you went on the cleanse because then you're goingto start eating toxins and your body may get
basically slugged and your symptoms may at that point i needed to make other dietary changes in my diet and then basically whati started doing is including copious amounts of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables in mydiet in the way that's going to preserve the most nutrition in the foods, right. basicallyat that point, that's how i've been living ever the years go on and as i eat more fruits and vegetables by forms of both juicing, blendingand also just eating fruits and vegetables whole, i've noticed an increase in a lot ofthings. number one, my mental clarity. i'm like pretty dog-gone sharp.i was at a trade show earlier today and a company would explain their product to mefor a few minutes and then i would go and
make a video about the product. like two minuteslater i'd basically repeat everything that they told me in a fun, entertaining way thatpeople learn from. actually many people were quite impressed with my skills. i don't believeif i was eating a standard american diet that i would have this mental acuity or knack todo the work that i'm doing now. in addition i also rarely get sick. if i stayedat home and just stayed in my local area and didn't travel on airplanes and you sometimesnot get enough sleep and get off my regular diet and juicing program, i probably wouldnever ever get sick. but because i do travel quite frequently on the airplanes and theni travel with my juicers all the time, my diet gets off a little bit, i don't get enoughsleep and i may get sick once, maybe twice
a year. i know there's a lot of people thatget sick quite often. another thing that's happened to me is thati rarely ever get stomachaches. that's kind of crazy. like i used to get stomachachesall the time from eating who knows what. that was just a part of life like okay you eatsometimes and then you get a stomachache. that's not fun. like i really hate stomachachesnow and i don't even know how much i missed them until i just didn't have them anymoreand i just totally did not miss them. because the juicing was my first step, andthat's a very critical point of this talk today, is juicing was my first step into makingother dietary changes and juicing means a very easy way to ease yourself into makingpositive life-style changes including also,
besides just eating properly you guys needto get enough sleep, you guys need to get enough exercise, you guys need to have enoughlike stress free living or peaceful living, whether you want to do meditation, yoga orother things besides just a diet, right. super critical, super important. get enough sun,right sun's very important nutrients. don't get too much, i don't know if that's bad butyou want to get enough sun. all these things are quite important. butjuicing was my first step into making other dietary changes. so as i mentioned i startedjuicing and excluding certain meals and just replaced them with juice. this was way healthierthan eating processed foods is fresh juice. so as the years go on, it's been twenty-oneyears now, i've maintained my weight for the
last twenty-one years which is totally insane.people that i went to high school with, they've kind of blown up a bit. even my brother who'stwo years younger he was labeled as clinically obese late last year from his doctor. he weights,he's about my height and he weighs about forty pounds more than me because he just eats thestandard diet. if you eat the proper foods, the foods thatwe were designed for, plant based foods is high in fruits and vegetables you're goingto be able to maintain your weight. i mean when we start putting in all these processedfoods and foods our body does not recognize they may just start storing it up becauseyou're not getting the nutrition your body requires to function addition since the time that i've got into
all this i've learned a lot of stuff and icontinually research and learn new things. some of the latest findings that i have islike in the foods, the fruits and vegetables there's special plant phytochemicals and phytonutrientsthat are preventative against disease. there's study that show certain juicers havehigher levels of certain phytonutrients when you juice the produce in the juicer for examplebroccoli, you juice the broccoli in a slow juicer, you put that juice in a petri dishwith live active cancer cells, it has a higher kill rate than maybe doing something likea high speed juicer or even a blender. so that's why i recommend and use a slow juicermyself because as much as we're losing the fiber in a juicer, we're gaining the phytonutrients.i eat of fiber in my diet, most people may
not be getting enough fiber, but between gettingmore fiber by blending or by getting more phytonutrients that are going to be anti-cancer,for juicing i would much rather get the anticancer properties. it seems like every few monthsi hear of another friend or relative that comes down with cancer. actually just todaymy mom was telling me my uncle, one of my uncles has stomach cancer now. this kind ofreally makes me sad. in my opinion, based on the research i'veseen a lot of cancers are preventable and it's based on external factors. one externalfactor beside the environment you live and all this kind of stuff is the food you putinto your body. food makes a huge difference and the fruits and vegetables you can processand juice and even if you're going to blend
or eat them whole, those are the best foods.i would encourage everybody watching this to move away from processed foods, move awayfrom animal foods and move into adding more fruits and vegetables in your diet.juicing, to me, is the most effective way to do it because it breaks open the hard fibercell walls of the vegetables so you get higher levels of nutrition that's absorbed faster,that is easier to digest because it takes less energy for your body to process it. ifyou think about we are nothing more or less than juice extractors. we put foods in ourand then out one side comes the liquids and the liquids aren't orange like when i drinkcarrot juice it's orange. when it comes out it's clear because my bodies pulled out thenutrients out of there that it needs to function.
also if we're eating a carrot or a salad thefiber comes out the back end and we don't necessarily need the fiber although our intestines,it helps because it's roughage and it may feed and does feed our beneficial bacteriain our guts. but we're basically a juicer and when you juice you're really taking abig load off your digestive system and i see a lot of people based on their testimonialsand feedback that a lot of people have digestive challenges and when they start to juice everything,like things are lifted for them. like the cloud is lifted as some people have told mebefore. i make these videos to compare the juicersso you guys could pick the right juicer and so you guys could start juicing. if the reasonwhy my life was saved because i saw the jay
kordich on the infomercial back in the 1990'sthat's why i got into selling juicers at discounted prices so people can afford them. that's whyi continue to this day to make videos comparing different juicers so you guys could purchasethe right one the first time, right. i want to just go ahead and put a few words in tomy mentor and the person i look up to jay kordich. i'll put a link down below to a videoi did with jay many years ago. recently i hear that jay has actually hadan accident and he was hospitalized and he could use your help. so i'll put a link downbelow to his gofund me campaign so you can learn what happened to jay. he's now, i thinklike 92 years young and he's having some challenges with his wife and the company that he madethe juiceman juicer with, kind of like screwed
him out of money and they took his name sohe can't even be called the juiceman. now they call themselves the juicedaddy and allkinds of crazy stuff. but i really wish jay the best because he saved my, he's personallyresponsible in part for saving my life and saving many a people's lives that he personallygot into juicing. i like to say that i'm actually carrying thetorch to educate future generations about juicing and why it is so beneficial. it'sbecause of the fruits of the vegetables silly. we really want to get these plant based foodsinto us in the highest quantities and as much as you guys can. that's why i also grow mygarden to have the highest quality food to juice in the juicer that's slow that's goingto make the highest quality juice so that
i could have the highest level of health,energy, mental clarity and highest immune system and be able to maintain my weight becausei'm really feeding my body what it needs. i think the final thing that i'd like to leaveyou guys with today is that we all have a level of health, what do you want your levelof health to be. i want my level of health to be like off the screen as high as have this high level or health i need to do certain practices that will insure thati have a high level of health. if you do unhealthy things like eat processesfoods, packaged foods, fast foods, your health level's not going to be high, let's not foolyourselves. you guys know what junk food is, you guys know that sometimes you just wantit and you eat it. that's cool, i'm not going
to say you guys shouldn't do that. if youguys do whatever you guys want, i just share what i do and the juicing is the number onething that kind of got me out of eating processed foods, junk foods and fast foods and startedeating more fruits and vegetables. so like even if you guys are on a fast food/junkfood diet, whatever do what you guys want but i recommend you guys this, if you guysget a juicer juice for breakfast. make a nice green juice with a little fruit, not too muchfruit for breakfast. one of my favorite recipes is a cucumber celery based recipe with somegreens and i switch up the greens always and maybe some apples, maybe a little bit of ginger,maybe some turmeric. juice that and drink as much juice as you want for breakfast.i tend to drink between 32 ounces to 50 ounces,
55 ounces. then i'm good for a couple of hoursuntil i get hungry around lunch then i might eat my lunch, right. just by doing that, theneat your normal lunch and your normal dinner. maybe for dinner add an extra side salad,maybe with lunch eat a couple piece of fruit. in this way you're going to get more fruitsand vegetables in you. especially when you're waking up, after youwake up in the morning why do we call it breakfast? because it's two words, it's break fast. you'rebreaking your fast of sleeping. the juice, aside from the water which is probably theeasiest thing to take after you've been fasting, the juice is the second best thing in my it's going to ease you off your fasting so your body could wake up slowly and alsoget the nutrition it needs and have the energy
you need to run and sustain yeah, that's just what i recommend. i recommend you guys always work to have a higher levelof health. in my opinion juicing is one of the best ways to do that. so if you guys enjoyedthis episode please be sure to support me and my work that allows me to continue tomake these educational videos for you guys by making your purchase at do appreciate that a lot. also be sure to click that subscribe buttonright down below to be notified of my new and upcoming episodes. be sure to share thisvideo with others who you think it may benefit and be sure to check my past episodes. i haveover 450 episodes comparing different juicers, talking about blenders and all the differentappliances that will allow you to get more
fresh fruits and vegetables in you and help.also be sure to like this video and check that link down below to learn what's happeningto jay kordich, my mentor, my father of juicing, what's happening to him and how you guys canhelp him it. so once again this is john kohler with sure sure to visit for special promotional offers for youtubevisitors. let's help the juiceman!hi, i'm jonathon landsman host of i'm here today with linda kordich who is thewife of jay kordich. for those who are familiar with jay he was, he's affectionately knownas the father of juicing and many years ago was known as the juiceman. linda.