best deals on kitchen appliances

alright, this is john kohler with! today we have another exciting episode for you. and what we’re going to do today foryou guys is actually answer the question that i get so much over email each and every day,‘john which juicer should i buy, man? i got it down to two choices- either the slowstarjuicer by tribest or the omega vsj843.’ so this is actually a difficult question toanswer. and before i go on, i want to explain to you guys that in my opinion, these arethe best two vertical single auger juicers on the entire planet that i am aware of atthis time. because they’re the second generation machines, you know. other machines that maylook like this is the first generation, because they have a hole in the bottom of the screen.and you want to try to avoid getting a vertical

auger juicer with a hole in the bottom ofthe screen because that is a major blockage point. it often jams up, clogs, it will giveyou a lot of headaches. these two models don’t have the hole in the bottom of the screen,and that’s why they’re second generation and outperform, don’t clog up as bad asthe other machines, you know. matter of fact, tribest announced that you could juice likea whole head of celery without cutting it up in their juicer, without it clogging. andi have replicated this, i’ve actually since replicated the same thing in the vsj as well.but that being said, i always encourage you guys to pre-cut your produce for best results.that being said, if you’re juicing small amounts, you know, 32 ounces, don’t worryabout cutting, okay.

so anyway, back to the question in hand, ‘whichof these two guys do you get?’ i mean, i just had a recent video with my girlfriend.this is her favorite juicer, right. this is the one she uses day in and day out to juice.and meanwhile i had a video, you know, touting that the slowstar juicer is the best juicerfor beginners, which i also would agree with. and it’s like anything in life, right. there’salways pros and cons. i’m sure, you know, for your partner, your wife, your husband,there’s things you like about them and there’s things you don’t like about them, right.and i want you guys to focus on the things you like about your partner, and the thingsyou like about the juicer. and get the one that’s going to be appropriate for yourspecific needs. so what i’m going to do

in this episode is basically go over someof the pros and cons of each of the different models so that you guys know. and at the endof this video i’ll make suggestions based on certain criteria on which one you shouldbuy, alright. so here’s the thing- these are both second generation machines. theyboth work phenomenally well. let’s first start out with the warrantydifference. the slowstar juicer has a 10 year warranty. the omega vsj has a 15 year warranty. now let’s talk about the motor power. themotor on the slowstar is more powerful with more torque. so i don’t think i’ve everlike gotten this to jam on me. meanwhile, the vsj, you know, i have a video that i’llpost a link down below juicing carrots and

it jams and clogs up. i was also recentlyjust this past weekend juicing beets in the vsj and it also stopped up on the beets. sothen you have to sit there and hit the reverse switch and fiddle with it and play with it.and there’s no need to do any of that on the slowstar because it just powers rightthrough it, right. so that’s a pro for the slowstar. on the flip side, the omega vsjactually will leave you a pulp, virtually pulp free juice. this juicer makes the leastamount of pulp from any vertical single auger juicer, which in general tends to make a littlemore pulp in the juice, right. especially if you’re coming from the vrt series, omega’sprevious generation of the vertical juicers, this one makes substantially less pulp. nowthe slowstar makes less pulp than some of

the other first generation machines. but itstill does put some pulp in the juice. and, you know, my recommendation is just drinkthe pulp as it comes out because some pulp in with your juice, in my opinion, is a goodthing unless you absolutely hate pulp. i mean, most people get what, orange juice with pulpin it, it’s not a big deal. but if you don’t like the pulp, the slowstar gives you theoption to remove it if you don’t want it. and how they do that is actually they giveyou a nice high quality 100% stainless steel sieve to remove all the pulp out of your juiceif you don’t want it. of course, omega on the other hand doesn't even include a sieve,you know, and in some cases the vsj does make pulp in the juice. so you’re going to haveto go out on your own to buy a sieve to do

this. so i’m glad that tribest is includingthis part to do that. okay, the next thing i want to talk aboutis the yield. i have a video, i’ll put a link down below when i juiced in both thesemachines same exact produce items, and after sieving them both out, the vsj made more yield.but the more yield was only 7% more and i would estimate the yield difference to bebetween 0 and maximum 10% difference. so if you’re juicing 10 ounces, you might getone extra ounce, maybe a half ounce in the vsj. but that depends on what specificallyyou’re juicing. so for example, if you say, ‘john i’m going to juice like lot of leafygreens’. then, you know, my personal opinion based on my experience that the vsj is goingto get a little bit higher yield when juicing

like straight leafy greens than the slowstarmachine. but on other things, the slowstar will actually win because there’s no clearwinner every single category, right. so that’s, that’s having to do with the yield. now another factor that’s important forme and why i recommended the slowstar for beginners is because not only will it juice,right, not only will it extract nut milks, both these guys will, but also the slowstarunlike the vsj actually has this attachment, which is known as the mincing or homogenizingattachment and uses the same auger that comes with the machine. you put it inside here andthis allows you to make things like frozen banana sorbet. it allows you to make thingslike baby food for your baby. it allows you

to make things like salsas and nut allows you to grind your coffee beans. if you’re still drinking coffee i say replacethe coffee with fresh juice instead, right. it lets you mince up garlic and so many otheruses you can do with this attachment that is included with the price of the juicer.and let me tell you guys, i’ve been telling omega forever since the vrt line that theyneed to make a homogenizing blank plate attachment something for their machines, and they’restill not doing it. and i know that a lot of people love this feature. you know, ifyou want to make healthy lifestyle changes because you’re eating junk food, processedfood, you’re getting ice-cream that has monodiglycerides and corn syrup and all kindsof additives and you want to start eating

healthier, well this is the attachment thatallows you to take, you know, ripe frozen bananas that you’ve freezed yourself forliterally pennies a pound, and take them out and put them and make a nice creamy bananaice-cream with no cream, it’s a 100% banana or banana sorbet that tastes amazing justlike icecream. and then you could top it with some chopped up nuts that you could also chopup in this attachment. you could also, you know, mix it with frozen berries when you’redoing the bananas and have a banana berry . you could make, you know, cantaloupe sorbet,any kind of fruit virtually will make a sorbet. and if you go to one of those big box storeslike costco or whatever, you could get organic fruits for super cheap. and if you’re nota member of the warehouse clubstores, you

know, go to like a trader joe’s. they gotfrozen fruit for cheap as well. but don’t go to the big whole paycheck place, they’lltake all your money. (laughter) so yeah, so that’s why i like the let’s get into something that’s real sensitive to many people, is the cleaning.and i want to go ahead and show you guys this. let me take this apart here. now the vsj ismore easier to clean. and this is something that’s important to me that may be importantto you. now what does it mean? does it mean it’s half as easy to clean? well, no, imean it’s a bit easier to clean. so i mean both the machines have pretty much similarparts right here. so as you guys can see we have the tops you’re going to have to clean.then we have the basically the main juicing

bowl, and then we have the wiping blades,the screen and the auger. so , you know, if you look at the augers, they’re both fairlysimilar here in the cleaning. they both have a recess on the bottom that you will needto get in and clean. actually i’ve never looked at this before, but the vsj recessis actually not as deep. next we got the automatic wiping blade here.and both are pretty similar. the vsj is actually easier to clean because it doesn’t havethis, these teeth on the bottom which actually drives this. this is driven by the top, whichi really like a lot. and the finally we have the screen. so the screen area is less actuallyon the vsj. so this means cleaning is going to be a little bit easier, but there’s actuallymore chances of the juice to come out of the

screen of the slowstar. plus also you havethese extra ridges and extra plastic on the slowstar that you’ll have to clean. so,you know, although it is very similar, the vsj is easier to clean. i mean, we’re gettinginto the minutiae here. now the other thing that’s important isthat the vsj is also more quiet. so if you want a quieter machine, the vsj is more quiet,mainly because, you know, this one has this gear here and this little gear that spinshere. and that does make a little bit of noise, you know, with the rotating. whereas the vsj,you know, the wiping blade is actually driven by the top of the auger. so if you’re likesuper noise sensitive, you know, you’re going to want to go for the vsj. that beingsaid, these machines are some of the quietest

machines on the market. i mean, i think thatthe vsj is the quietest machine that i’ve tested to date. so yeah, that’s on the cleaningand the noise factor. let me go ahead and get this guy assembledup and we’ll be right back at you sharing a few more pros and cons of each of the machines. another difference between these machinesis the price difference. so the vsj is more expensive than the slowstar juicer. and whatyou’re going to get for that is you know basically a little more yield, up to 10% yield,5 extra years on the warranty. but what you’re going to miss out is the homogenizing attachment.and right now we have the slowstar promotion. so there’s actually a pretty wide gap betweenthe two different models. and for that reason,

you know, you might want to go with the slowstarbecause it just costs less money. and let’s talk about after service, youknow, like warranty service for you guys. because i know if you guys have a warrantyservice and omega has 15 year warranty and tribest has 10 year warranty, how is it toget a hold of the company and how responsive is the company to your needs? and i get feedbackon this all the time, trust me. and recently i’ve got a rash of people emailing me aboutthe service for omega that they can’t get through, they don't get return phone calls,they don’t get their emails answered. and all i could say is that if you buy the juicerfrom discount juicers, you let me know if you ever have problems with either of themanufactures, i will personally make sure

that you are taken care of. and you will notget this when you buy the machine from anywhere else. i have special relationships with thejuicer manufacturers and i can get things done. but that being said, just for an averageperson calling, overall tribest has better customer service and support from the feedbacki’ve received. so the next thing i want to share is actuallypretty easy. and this is basically the size and weight of the machine. some people likesmall compact things and some people like things a bit more big and beefy, right. sothe slowstar as you guys could see is a little bit taller than the vsj. the vsj is more compact.and lets see this is actually quite heavy right there. and this guy is actually quiteheavy as well for a small compact thing. probably

about the, i’d guess the same weight. butthis guy is a little bit bigger. next i want to talk about the color selectionsand preferences. so the slowstar, like henry ford said, you could have any color you wantas long as it’s black. slowstar and tribest believes that if you want the slowstar you’regoing to get, you’re only going to be able to get it in black and this red maroon sparklycolor. and on the vsj actually you have quite a few color options. you have this white color,you have this silver color and then you also have a red color, right. and then in additionto that, this is the square vsj, they also have a round model that actually cuts offthis whole part here. so it has less footprint on the counter top. but it operates a 100%the same. i do have a video, i’ll post a

link down below comparing the round to thesquare version. and that model actually only comes in two other colors. so you’ll havea different, you know, selection of different colors if that’s one of your most importantcriteria. so i think those are all the pros and consand some of the differences between the machines that i’ve been able to point out. i alsowant to, you know, encourage you guys to watch the video where i compare the actual juiceoff between these machines if you haven’t seen that already. and now what i’m goingto do is actually share with you guys my opinions on which one you should purchase based onspecific needs, right. so if you said john i want to just have ahassle free juicing, like i don’t want to

sit there and hit the reverse button all dayand you know, have to deal with carrots backing up. then if you’re that kind of person,then i would say get the slowstar. if you’re one of those persons who saysjohn i want a pulp free juice the first time, i don’t want to deal with the strainer,i don’t want to deal with the sieve sieving it out, that’s for humbug, you know, thenyou’re going to want to go with the vsj. and if you’re one of those people that’slike noise sensitive, john i really can’t stand loud noises, or i got a neighbor nextdoor and he bangs on my wall when i’m juicing because the breville sounds like an airplanetaking off, and you got to get something quiet, well then you’re going to want to go withthe vsj because it’s the quietest of them

all. now if you’re one of those people that actuallywants to get some pulp in your juice, then you’re going to want to go with the slowstarbecause it does put a fair bit of pulp in your juice. but as i said before you couldactually easily strain that out. now if you have big family and you’re goingto be using the juicer a lot, you know, and you want to make dietary changes besides justjuicing, i’m going to say go with the slowstar because it has that homogenizing attachmentthat comes with the machine to allow you greater flexibility than the vsj. now if you’re one of those people that likemake long term investments and like to make

sure you’re money is safe and you’re goingto be good for a long time, right, then you’re going to probably want to go with the vsjbecause that has a 15 year warranty instead of 10 year warranty. that being said, 10 yearsis still quite a long time on the warranty. and i wish all kitchen appliances had a longwarranty. and even like things like cell phones, what if your iphone had a 10 year warranty,for 10 years you’re guaranteed that it’s going to be working. i mean, that’s simplyamazing. so i’m glad that both these machines have nice long warrantees. now if you’re somebody that wants to juicea lot of carrots, then i’m going to tell you guys straight up you’re going to wantto get the slowstar because hassling with

carrots in the vsj is a hassle. and it’snot too fun having to reverse it and what not. and if you’re going to juice somethinglike beets or other hard root vegetables, same thing, go with the slowstar. now you know, one of the reasons why you mightwant to get the vsj is because it actually does better on things like leafy greens. ifyou said john i’m going to juice mostly straight leafy greens without anything else,then i’d say go with the vsj, it’s one of the best juicers in the market for juicingstraight greens. and if you’re going to do a mixture like, you know, mostly greenswith some carrots, then you might want to go with the vsj. but if you’re going todo mostly carrots and beets and some greens,

then go with this guy, right. and, you know, i want to stop here and oneof the reasons why i like both these machines is because they juice a wide variety of thingsfrom leafy greens, hard vegetables, and fruits. they all do it well, and you know, fairlywell given it’s just one style of machine, the vertical single auger. and, you know,i do let to let you guys know that this is my favorite style machine. so if you’re one of those people that arereally focussed on the price, right, and the price is the most important thing to you,then you’re going to want to go with the slowstar because the slowstar costs less moneythan the omega vsj.

now if you’re one of those people that saysjohn i don’t care how much it costs, i don’t care how much yield i’m making, i don’tcare if it jams on carrots, but what i care about is that i have the easiest cleaning.because i know that if i don’t have a juicer that’s easy to clean, i’m simple not goingto use it. in that case then what you’re going to want to do is you’re going to wantto go with the vsj843 because it is easier to clean than the slowstar with less nooksand crannies and less screen area, which is going to be a lot easier to clean in the longrun. now if you’re one of those people that actuallydon’t like using the included plastic catch jars to catch your juice or catch containers,then you’re going to want to go with the

slowstar. i like the slowstar because it istaller, it allows you to put a nice glass underneath the slowstar spout to catch allyour juice so that it’s not going into a plastic container. of course, if you’re somebody that has acolor coordinated kitchen, and that’s not me, and you got to have a certain color ,right,then you’re probably going to have to go with the vsj because they give you more flexibilityon the colors, right. now if you’re one of those people that’ssquare and not round and you want a square juicer and not one that’s rounded or oval,then you’re going to want to go with the vsj because the vsj comes in this nice cutemodel with a handy dandy switch on the front

instead of the on and off switch on the back.and this is the preference i like because i’m facing the machine, i can see the onand off switch, i can easily use it when i need to reverse jamming on the carrots orwhat not, and you know so that’s what i use. so if the most important thing to you is justoverall yield, then i’m going to have to say go with the vsj because in my belief andbased on my current testing, the vsj will get higher yield overall. although in somecases the slowstar will get more yield. but in most cases the vsj is going to be the winnerin the yield testing based on my prior experience. so if what’s important to you is havingthe most flexibility to be able to do other

things besides just juice, then of courseyou want to go with the slowstar because you have that homogenizing attachment, which inmy opinion is pretty huge. now both these machines also come with specializedcleaning brushes that you guys could clean the screens off. and one of the tips i wantto share with you guys is when you’re done juicing, clean up your juicer right afteryou’re done. because if it sits around for a little bit, the stains set in, you know,the pulp dries in the screen, it gets significantly harder to clean, and just don’t do it. andif you can’t clean it immediately, minimally fill up a dish tub with some water and soakthe parts in a dish tub so that you don’t get set in stains. now for me, the vsj takesme about 3 minutes to clean and the slowstar

you know probably about 4 minutes to clean,so it’s pretty close. but it’s not a lot of time. and i want to encourage you guysto always clean the juicer after you’re done. so in summary i’d like to say that eachperson has their specific needs. and i went over a whole bunch of different criteria earlierin this episode on to which juicer you might want to get. and as you guys could see it’snot a clear winner, like oh it’s always better to get this one or it’s always betterto get that one. you know, i wish there was a machine that took the best of both theseworlds and put them in one machine, right. and then i’ll tell you to get that one insteadof either of these two. i don’t really care,

i just want a machine that works well, getsthe highest yield, easy to clean and all these things. and nobody’s come out with thatone juicer that does it all yet. so i’m still waiting for that. and be sure to subscribe to my videos downbelow to be notified of when i have new and upcoming episodes of new juicers that’scoming out on the market when i test them and share my opinions on them with you guys. but anyways, to sum up the vsj and slowstardebate, you know, get the machine that will do the best for you based on your needs. likeif price and flexibility is the most important, well then get the slowstar. but if you wantyield and easy cleaning, then go with the

vsj. and i know it’s tough to figure itout if you’re watching all my videos and trying to figure out which one to do, youknow, i will let you guys know this- i have twenty juicers in the house, i have a selectionof anything that i want to use, but for the most part i personally choose to use the vsj843simply because i’m lazy, you know, it’s easy to clean, i can save one minute on cleaningtime and i’m going to get a bit more yield without having to pre-filter my juice becauseit comes out fairly pulp free and i actually prefer a pulp free juice than one with thepulp. now does that mean that you should get this one because i got it? not necessarily.i tend to juice a lot of greens. i don’t tend to juice a lot of carrots. you know ijuice a lot of celery which this does great

in, you know i juice a lot of fruits and thisdoes great with cactus fruits and any fruits i throw in there. but you know, on the flipside, the slowstar will do fine too. but that’s just my personal opinion and what i use inmy kitchen and what sits on my counter most of the time. and i hope that tribest in the future willmake improvements to this machine and even make it better. and that’s one of the thingsi want to say is that, you know, in the past omega has had customers have to, you know,purchase a new machine when upgrades come out. and tribest when they did come out withthe pulp flap and, you know, new seals and all this stuff on the machine, they actuallysent out for a limited time the free upgrades.

so i really hope that tribest, you know, makestheir machine better, the least the little spinner wheel makes it less, you know, lessparts to clean, you know, less pulp in the juice. and i know they can do this. and theyprovide free upgrades or nominal cost upgrades. whereas omega generally will just come outwith a whole new juicer instead. so i like how tribest is a little more customer serviceoriented than omega that actually just wants to sell you another juicer. and this is ofcourse my personal opinions. so with that, if you are interested in purchasingone of these two juicers, i would encourage you guys to support me and my work which enablesme to make the videos i do on youtube to educate the people, educate you guys about juicers,about living healthily, about growing your

food and all this kind of stuff, by makingyour purchase as discount juicers. this allows me to continue to do my work. and i want tothank you guys for your support. if you have supported me in the past or you know, foryour future support when you choose to make your purchase. so you could also check thelinks down below to the discount juicers website on each of the machines to learn more aboutthem. also check the links down below in the description for videos, related videos, thati’ve also previously mentioned in this episode. also be sure to check my past episodes. ihave over 400 episodes now comparing all the different juicers on the market so that youguys could choose the best one for you. also if you like this format, hey please give mea thumbs up to let me know. i’ll do more

head to heads and going over the pros andcons of each of the machines, because every juicer has their pros and cons. and of coursei have my personal favorites as do you other people as well. so once again, my name isjohn kohler with . be sure to visit special promotional offers for youtube visitors.

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