best appliance prices

this is john kohler with i have a very exciting episode for you. what we're going to do today is explain thedifferences between some of these different juicersand explain to you the best first juicer to buyif you are in a market for a juicer. now lately we've been getting many requestsabout the breville brand of juicer, this is thebreville juice fountain elite model, they have the regularjuice fountain and plus and the juice fountain icon.basically they're the same exact thing, this is the ultra high end version.the breville juicer has been made really popular

by a documentary film titled fat, sick andnearly dead and i would encourage you to watch that moviefat, sick and nearly dead if you haven't already. it's a great movie, it tells the story ofa guy from australia who comes over to the us whogoes on basically just drinking juice for a matterof time and loose a bunch of weight and gets a lot these are some of the benefits that i knowcan have and i personally lost some weight after juicing.i was never a huge guy and i also got a lot healthier.things can definitely happen when you start

makingdietary changes and start putting good stuff inlike fresh fruit and vegetable juice and taking bad things out like processed foods, foodsfrom fast food restaurants and they're literally junk foods,people call them junk foods but they still eat them.when you eat junk foods guess what you're going to be?did you figure it out yet? [laughs]but if you eat fresh fruits and vegetables, guess what you're going to be?you're going to be a fruit. no you're going to have abundant health andyou're going to feel great.

you'll be at a proper why do they choose to use the breville juicerin the movie fat, sick and nearly dead? i have no clue the only thing i could guessis that the guy who made the film is from australiaand the breville is an australian brand that probably dominates the market down inaustralia. also here in the u.s breville has actuallyfairly good distribution. it's also fairly popular with with that being said from a juicing expert which i would consider myself.i mean the breville is definitely a nice machine it works well but, these juicers on this tableare lined up according to price so this one

goes from the least expensive to more expensiveto more expensive and the most expensive. so you can see here there's juicers herethat are less expensive than the juice fountain elite.there's also ones that cost more. but the thing to remember with any juiceris each juicer operates a little bit what i'm going to do next is i'm going to explain how some of the juicers onthis table operate and you know just like a car whenyou're buying a car if you have a family you don't wantto get a sports car unless you're going through your midlife crisis.[laughs]

you don't want your kids along.but if you have a big family you need to get a, just like when you buy a car you have certain criteria you'll need.i'm going to try and explain some of those todayso that you'll know. so one of the criteria when shopping for juicersnumber 1 instantly is the price. you can't afford that ferrari so maybe you'llget a corvette because they're still a sports car but they'reless expensive. same thing with juicers, now juicers don'tnearly cost as much as cars so don't worry about it.but the thing to remember is that a juicer

is an's an investment in the most important thing you's not an investment about making money or's an investment in your health because let metell you from somebody who almost lost his life when i was in my 20's.i was in the hospital and the doctors told methat i might not make it out alive, it's not a fun place to be at your 20's or any age.i had to really start making investments in my health.because if you don't have your health i learned at a young age, you don't have anything.whatever a juicer costs it's going to get

you healthierand you're going to use it that's the main thingi'd say just get it. so whatever juicer sounds the best and isgoing to work best and fit your needs because that'sthe other thing, many people ask me john what's thebest juicer? i can't just blatently give them an answer.that would be criminal in my opinion because there's no1 best juicer, there's 1 best juicer for you. one of the things i like to say the best juicerfor you is the one you're going to use. each and every day, so that it can make adifference in your life.

so back to investments, when you make an investmenthopefully you have a longterm investment strategy and a short term investment strategy.i'm not a financial investor so i have no clue about that stuff.but let me tell you i do know about juicers. when you're buying or shopping for a juicerone thing you want to be looking for is that thejuicer has a long warranty.because the warranty is basically the insurance on yourinvestment, so if you buy a juicer that has a short1 year warranty for example this machine the brevilleand all breville's have a short 1 year warranty.

if after 1 year and 1 month the machine fails,guess what? you either have to buy a new one or pay to get it, one 1 year short warranty on all the breville's is really're spending a lot of money more and you geta short warranty. the other juicers on the table for exampleboth these guys on each end, this is the lequip 215xland this is the omega vrt 330hd, both these machineshave a 10 year warranty and this one is much lessthan the breville and this ones a little bit more thanthe breville but, 10 times the warranty so

if this machinefails after 9 years because you're going to be healthy and wealthy and strong, fit andin shape out running all your friends the same agebecause you are juicing every day, if it fails give omegaa call and let them know that the juicer faileddue to a manufacturing defect and they will repair or replace it at no costto you. definately a good thing to have a long warranty.once again both of these have a 10 year warranty. even better than a 10 year warranty is thelongest warranty in the juicing industry and that's this guyright here.

this is the omega 8004 nutrition center, andthis guy has a 15 year warranty, i mean you cannotbeat that with a stick. so one consideration when buying a juicerhow long is the warranty? because you're making an investment in yourhealth and you want the longest warranty as possible.but more importantly you also want a juicer that'sgoing to do and perform as good as you need it to next i'm going to talk about how each of these machines work.basically there's 2 styles of machine on the table.these 2 guys are called centrigufual ejection

style that works real simple let me go ahead and take thisguy apart, you have a 3 inch wide feed chute onboth these machines, here's the pusher for the breville and here's the pusher for thelequip 215xl. let's go ahead and take this can see here the feed chutes are nice and large,3 inches in diamater. so what does that mean? that means less cutting for you becauseyou can just cram stuff down in there. in that instance it's a benefit, what happensin these machines, let's go ahead and take this guyapart.

you have a grater, a grating disc on this grating disc is a nice fine grating have you ever grated carrots for a salad using some kind of grating disc like this?this has the large grates and the smaller the graters on a juicer are even smaller than these small this literally micro-shreds up all the produce you're putting in the minute that you put the produce in these grates literally grate up the producein to micro-shreds and when it's micro-shredded juice flings off and so does the pulp or theshreds. so the juice is flung through these wholesin the screen

and comes out the front of the juicer andthe pulp gets kicked out into the back of thejuicer in a hopper. so the benefit of these machines is that theyrun at a really fast rpm, sometimes 10,000 rpms that'scalled revolutions per minute. it also has an rpm depending on how fast theengine is running. but these juicers spin at incredibly fastrpms. another thing you might want to considerbefore buying a juicer is how loud is that generally the faster the rpm the louder it let's go ahead first and turn on this breville.

it's starting up here.can you hear that thing, i've got to yell over it soyou lot can hear me in the video. this can sound like an airplane taking offin your kitchen. now this isn't a good thing if you're goingto wake up early and your family or your roommates are sleeping. whilst you need to make your juice in themorning. let's go ahead and turn this guy off.alright man you almost got to wear your ear muffswhen that's on. so next let's turn on this lequip 215xl you can see here the lequip maybe a little

bit quiterthan the breville juice fountain elite. but stillit's fairly loud. now once again these are called centrifugalejection style juicers. so on the centrifugal ejection style machinesthey tend to juice certain produce better thanothers. now the kind of produce they work best atare the root vegetables such as carrots and beetsalso firm fruits so apples and pears they definitelydo a good job on. also things like celery and cucumbers theydo great on.

so those are the benefits they can juice theharder vegetables and firm vegetables really in general the centrifugal ejection style juicers, they're not so good at juicing leafygreens. so that's a hint there, if you want to juicea lot of leafy greens then maybe this is not your for example in many cases i'll ask a person, what do you want to juice?a lot of people may not know this and say i want to juice everything under the sun.then i specifically say well, how much leafy greensdo you want to juice? do you want to juice 51%or more leafy greens or even 40% of more leafy

greens.if they say 40% or more then they're not a candidatefor one of these style juciers then they might bea candidate for one of these style juicers becauseit's going to be more effective and get a higher yield off leafy it's not that the centrifugal ejection juicersdon't juice leafy greens, they do. but they get a lot less yield and you're goingto put a leafy greens in here and get very littlejuice from them, just based on the design of these if you're putting carrots in these machines

it's actually probably going to get a higheryield than these guys because every juicer worksa little bit differently and my job is to educate youguys as to which juicer is going to do the bestjob for you out there depending on what you want to juice.because everybody wants to juice something a little bit different.these 2 guys are called single auger style juicers.these are low rpm 80 rpm so let's go ahead and turn this guy on first.this is the omega vrt330hd, now you know i don't have to yell at you i can just talkreally normal

this one is at a low rpm really's also really quite. let's go ahead and turn that off and turnthis one on. this is the omega 8004 also a single auger80 rpm juicer. once again that's a really quite it doesn't sound like an airplane taking offyou don't need the ear muffs. so that's really nice if you need to juicein the morning and you have family these machines work a little bit differently. probably easier to demonstrate on this guy.we'll take this guy apart here. one of the negatives about this specific machineis it

has a small 1 1/2 inch diameter feed standard size carrots you can put in there withoutcutting them up, leafy greens you could roll upand put them up. but things like apples you've got to cut themin to quarters or sixths to fit them in the how this machine works basically there's this auger.most like an old fashioned meat grinder. so as this auger spins what happens is theproduce goes in the auger, the auger takes a chunk offa little bite off the produce then it feeds it downthis auger in to a smaller and smaller space

untilliterally the produce is squeezed and the juice issqueezed out of it so that's running at a low rpm.on the initial crush theres a screen right here sothat juice will be squeezed out this is stage one.the produce is squeezed further and further outthese holes and more juice is squeezed out hereand the pulp comes out the front and the juice comes out the it's a much different juicing technology thanthe centrifugal ejections.

now the centrifugal style machines have beenout the longest. so that's the technology, it's a lot the technology has advanced and that's when these machines came there are pros and cons to each style machine so whilethis one does run at a slower rpm it doesn't oxidize your juice as much, what doesoxidize your juice as much mean? well you know if you've ever had a car andyou scratch your paint and then it starts to rust.rust is the process of oxidisation. now when you juice your vegetables and breakopen the fibre cell walls in the vegetablesand the juice comes out, that's when all

the nutrition or a lot of the nutrition isin the juice. once you expose the nutrition it doesn't havethe cell wall to protect it, that juice couldliterally oxidize or loose quality and loose by juicing in a slow rpm juicer you're going to maximisethe amount of nutrition you're getting. if you're taking the time to do somethingi think my first grade teacher told me, if you'regoing to take the time to do something then take the time to do it right.[laughs] so overall on this side we have the omegavrt 330hd juicer

and once again this is an auger style machinebut this auger is a vertical auger on this machineit's a horizontal auger. so this auger instead of it going horizontallyit goes up and down. so this is the auger on this machine, a lotbigger and beefier. this machine came out first thenthis is the latest style machine on the market. you put the produce in and it chops off alarge piece and then once again it crushes it into a smallerand smaller space and squeezes out the juice throughthis juicing strain. so another feature of the omega vrt juiceris this

it's called the automatic wiping system.and this wiping system are some silicone blades much like the windshield wipers on your carthat keep your car windows clean when it's raining.well this wiping system keeps the screen clean so that it will show you the highest yieldand also make it easier to clean when it's time to clean it.because this will wipe the screen clean of many of the that's how this guy works and each design is a littlebit different, now this one the main differences betweenthese 2 units are number 1 the feed chute size.this feed chute is about double the size of

the omega 8004.the other difference is how fast they operate because you just saw this one has a largerauger and it takes a larger chunk or bite off ata time. you can compare juicing with this to eatinga big plate of food. so if you have a big plate of food and you'rea large 6 ft guy with a big mouth. or if the big tall guy has a little baby andthe baby has a small mouth but they have the same plateof food who's going to finish the plate of food first?the little baby with the small mouth or the big man with the large mouth and biggerteeth.

obviously the man with the bigger teeth isgoing to finish first. in that respect juicing in the omega vrt oftentimes goes quicker than this machine here.that being said these 2 guys are the quickest to juicebut they're also the loudest. so some of the criteria that we already coveredare, the price of the machine, how long is thewarranty of the machine, the noise factor or how loud is the machine,we've touched on the yield on certain produce items forexample these don't handle leafy greens while thesehandle leafy greens a lot better.

we've also touched on the speed of juicingand we didn't yet talk about the speed of clean up. thatalso can be a consideration when selecting your firstjuicer. now of all these juicers on the table i'dhave to say this machine here the omega 8004 is the quickestto clean up it takes me less than 2 minutes toclean more specifically about a minute and a half, thismachine takes me about 3 minutes and about the samewith these guys about 3 minutes or so. so these guysare about a tie

this guy is a little bit quicker to cleanup. but also you've got to consider when juicingit's the total time to juice so it's the juicing time,plus the cleaning time equals the total juicing that being said because this one bites off smaller chunksbut it's cleaning time is less you might still takea longer time to juice in this than one of theseother machines. so next i want to talk about the nutritionalquality of the i mentioned earlier these machines run

at a slow 80 rpm,revolution per minutes and these machines here run at10,000 rpm. so that's a lot quicker so just because themachine at a quicker rpm does that mean the juice is no good?absolutely not. we got to get out of thinking in blackand in white, we've got to think of shades of grey.the black and white with this is simply if youbuy a juice in the store that's been on the storeshelf and sitting there for months if not yearsuntil you buy it, that has been heat processed

and you loose 100% of the enzymes and a lotof nutrition goes way down and even if usinga high speed juicer, it's better than not juicingat all or it's better than not drinking the premadebottled juices that have been heat processed so thatthey can be shelf another factor you might want to consider whenbuying a juicer is does the juicer have alternative uses or does it do more functions than justjuice? so for example the breville and the lequiphere

they only juice, they don't serve any otherfunction in the kitchen, they'll juice your fruitsand vegetables and that's pretty much the omega vrt will juice your fruits and vegetablesbut in addition to juicing it will also allow youto make nut milks and soy milks for that if you want to maybe reduce the amount ofdairy in your diet because you heard dairy canbe clogging or giving you mucus or that it's high in fator whatever reason, this machine will allow

you tomake things like almond milk, hemp seed milk whichis absolutely delicious and even coconut milk which is actually my favourite.on this machine the omega 8004 this is actually called the 8004 nutrition centre because notonly is it a juicer, but it allows you also tomake major lifestyle changes so besides just juicingif you want to improve and better your diet iwould recommend to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds and that's whatthis machine allows you to do. it will allow you to make your own peanut butters and nutbutters

at home. you could feed the nuts through themachine it will basically homogenize or grind themall up and turn it into nut butter. i have videosdemonstrating this on this guys big brother which is the omega 8006 which is identicalto the 8004 except only the color is different. the 8006 is in a chrome color basically.this one is in a white color. in addition to making the nut butters thisone will also allow you to make baby foods so say you're an expecting mother congratulationsor you have kids or young kids or are going tohave kids one day, this will allow you to makefresh baby foods at home so you could take

wholecarrots, homogenize it into baby food that's all mushed up because the kids don'thave teeth to chew it up so mush it all up for them.maybe you're elderly and don't have teeth. this will allow you to basically mush everythingup into a mush and so that you can get a betterdigestion. so definitely another feature that you mightwant to consider that might be valuable to you.probably the greatest feature of all with the omega 8004is simply this, this machine will allow you

totake say ripe bananas that you buy in the storethose little bags you get them for half off or pennys on the dollar compared to what theunripe ones are, you bring them home you peel them put them in a glass pyrex dishwith the top on it or put them in a zip lock bag and freeze them. you've got to peel themfirst though don't forget. then you take those out on a hot day just bananas thathave been peeled, put them through the machine what's called the blank plate the same platethat you'd put in to make the nut butters and the baby foods and out the front ofthis machine will come basically a banana sorbet.100% banana sorbet so if you want to

kick the ice cream habit because once againice cream can be high in fat and maybe give you mucusand maybe have lots of sugars, additives and articialcolors, flavours, preservatives. you could eat100% bananas and you know what eating 100% bananasthat's definately good stuff. so not only do the bananas taste good foryou it's also getting you on the track to eatinghealthier. what i like to do is subsistitute things thatare good from the things that are bad, for exampleif you're

drinking a morning coffee, make a morningfresh vegetable juice or a fresh fruit know what, you're going in the right direction. for desert at night instead of having a bowlof ice cream hey, have a bowl of frozen bananas and besidesthe frozen bananas you could but frozen bananas in thereand then some frozen strawberries. i've even done frozen mango and frozen pineapple.that is just so delicious. so while some of these machines have multi-functionpurposes and will do more than just juice, let's getback to talking about juicing because that's whatthis video is all about.

helping you select the first juicer for i said each one of these machines work and run alittle bit differently and next we're going to talk about how much pulp is created inthe juice, some people like orange juice with no pulp and some people like it withpulp. each one of these machines produce differentamounts of pulp depending on what you're juicing.for example in general these 2 machines here thebreville and the lequip 215xl make the least amount of pulp because they have the finestscreen, or the screen that has the smallest hole that lets the least amount of pulp in.

probably after that is the omega 8004.this has the smaller screen hole size plus on the container that the juice gets collectedin to, they have an additional strainer that you can strain the juice and some additionalpulp out. so that makes the next pulp free juice andif you like pulp in your juice and for more pulpin your juice that's what the omega vrt 330hd can do. that will give you a little bitmore pulp in your juice. now is pulp in your juice bad? absolutely not, it's justextra fibre for you and there have been some studiesthat i've read that show that extra fibre juicewill actually help keep the juice fresher

longerbecause it's some of the properties in the fibrethat protects the cells of the juice. while it's still intact and even after it'sbeen juiced they say that the fiber in the juice can helpit last longer. so now you might be thinking john, that'sreally great but now i'm even more confused, whatjuicer do i get? well, basically you want to makea list of the produce items you want to juice, youwant to juice 30% apples, 30% carrots, 30% celeryand

10% leafy greens. if that's what you wantto juice then i'd probably recommend one of these machinesprovided you don't want to have to do or be able todo the multi-functions so the multi-functions thatmaybe this machine could offer you and you don't wantto do the nut milks that this machine will offer you.because basically these guys once again do hardvegetables and hard firm fruits. now don't even try to juice bananas unlessthey're frozen bananas through this machine because bananasaren't going to juice and even things like

peaches and plums and strawberries, i recommendblending instead of juicing and i have a video that basically describes the differences betweenblending and juicing and if you want to learn more about that, check that video on the other hand if you want to juice a lotof leafy greens and you say hey john i want to juice 60% leafy greens in my diet becauseyou're one of those people that have done some research and you shop at a wholef oodsand you know that whole foods is using this scoringsystem called the andi, a n d i score which standsfor aggrgate nutrient density index, now thisa n d i

scoring system was put together by doctorjoel furhman to basically score the nutritional densityor how much nutrients is in a specific produceor actually any food for example, a coca-cola has a nutrient density of 1 on his grading scale.kale greens or collard greens have a 1000 on the list and 1000 is the highest it goesup to. so when you're consuming some of these a nd i score foods that are 1000, in the high 900s you'regetting some of the most nutrient dense foods on theplanet

because the more nutrients you can flood yourbody with in my opinion the healthier you're going tobe. if you want to juice lot's of leafy greensthen you might want to go with one of these what if you're saying john i want to juice leafygreens so which one of these should i really get?well that's where i can definitely differ, if you want to juice like a lot of leafy greensbut a lot of also everything else then you mightwant to go with this one because the feeding goesa little bit quicker and it's a lot easier

if youwant to juice leafy greens and fruits and carrotsand everything else then this might be your baby.on the other hand if you want to juice mostly leafygreens with some other things you know maybe leafygreens with celery because this machine doesn't tendto do celery too well, you might want to go with theomega 8004 nutrition centre because this machine does the leafy greens a little bit more effectively.this machine can have a problem with ejecting all thepulp out of the machine when juicing a lot

of leafy greensand celery. next let's go ahead and talk about yield becauseyield is important to some people, certain machinesonce again will extract more nutrients and moreyield from some produce items than others.for example if you want to juice 100% carrots to be honest with you i'd probably chooseone of these machines right here because they'reactually going to get a high yield on's going to oxidize your carrot juice a little bitbut you know what? that's still good and it's

going to be fast, a little bit loud but it'sgoing to work just fine. when i first started juicing i had a machinesuch as one of these machines i had the original juice man 2 juicer, and i juiced hundredsif not thousands of pounds of carrots through mymachine. it worked really if i was to choose a machine, what machine wouldi choose? well i would choose actually one of these2 machines, these are the 2 machines that actuallysit on my counter top and i pick which one i'm going to juice with based on what i'mjuicing.

so for example if i'm juicing a lot of carrotsand some greens and some apples, i pick the omegavrt because it looks cool and also takes up a lot of counterspace which can be another consideration for you.because this one takes up a lot more counter spaceif you live in a small apartment in manhatten, you don't have a lot of counter space, youmight want to get this machine. this machine hasthe smallest foot print, you know what the foot print is- is how much counter space it takes up on your takes up

quite a small amount, this one probably takesup the second most counter space, followed by the brevilleand then followed by the omega. once again it's a horizontalauger style machine. but i prefer these 2 machinesnumber one because it preserves the most nutrient quality, number 2 because it runs at a lowrpm so it's not too loud on my ears and number3 it juices what i want to juice most.let me tell you i have been juicing for over 25 years now.after all these years of learning that the number 1thing you really want to juice is the leafy

greens.some juice is better than no juice but leafy greenand dark leafy green juice is probably some ofthe most nutritious and healing juices on the planet.that's why i prefer the omega vrt 330hd which isalso the same as the vrt 350hd except the vrt 350hdis in the silver and black color. or the omega 8004 which is identical to theomega 8006. now if you don't have the budget for thisthen i'd definitely go with the lequip 215xl, it'sdefinitely less

than half the price of the breville juicefountain elite and also comes with a 10 year i hope you've learned more about these stylejuicers today and which juicer is going to best meetyour needs, now if you still need help selecting your juicer please be sure to check my othervideos on youtube, explaining and actually me demonstrating,putting different produce items through different machines and doing what i call a juice offwhere i pick 2 juicers head to head so that you cansee and hear me explain all the differences youcan

see the results that each machine gets. theycan be invaluable. once again you know if you doneed further help please visit the website discountjuicers.comand contact me directly to ask me specific questionsthat you may have and be sure to leave me some specifics so don't just say hey johni want the best juicer, what is it? say hey john i wantto juice 30% leafy greens, 10% carrots, 30% papaya,10% this and let me know specifically what you want todo because once again every juicer is a little bit differentand my job

is to make sure that you get the juicer that'sgoing to be right for you. more importantly a juicer that you're goingto use every day so that you can get the healthbenefits like i have, once again this is john kohler with be sure tovisit for special promotionaloffers for our you tube visitors.

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