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here we are in step number 2 of this singlebraids dye in this that i will be showing you in detail how to do your single braidextensions first we will begin by preparing our hair for our braids you will be part thehair on your head and prepare that hair as well then i will show you in detail how todo your own single braids when preparing your extensions for your single braids you wantto make sure that you concentrate on one bundle at a time my box braids will be pretty longso i will actually use this entire length of the hair if you would like your box braidsto be your shoulder or a little bit below your shoulders you will be cutting this packagein half but since i want this long i will leave the length as is and i will remove therubber band from the bottom and the top so now you're going to hold your extensions

directly in the middle make sure the bottomis that even as possible in this technique is what i call the tapering technique whatyou want to do is make sure that the ends of your hair is not straight across or bluntlycut the reason why is because when you rate your hair is the ends are perfectly matchedsometimes the braid can unravel so that some and i little bit better it helps to keep yourbraids in tact at the ends so what you want to do is hold the hair with one hand and takeyour fingers of another and gently pull on hair that are at the bottom on one side ofyour extensions you just want to pull on it a little bit to break up the straightnessacross from the bottom of your hair you want to look as if the extensions are graduallyjust getting a little bit thinner at the bottom

just shake it out a little bit and tease ita little bit more you want to do this to all of your bundle of extensions as you are braidingyour box braids so once you finish using all of this hair for your braids then when yougrab your next package are going to do the same technique next i'll show you how to preparethe hair in your hands for your box braid extensions once you have tapered the endsof your extensions i will now show you how to prepare your hands on your hair for yourbraids so what you want to do is take your bundle of hair an we are going to pinch offabout a medium-size amount of hair for our braid so this is about how much hair you wantto pinch now you want to make sure that both sides are even as you get ready to prepareyour hands for your extensions from this point

what you want to do is divide this hair into2 pieces you want to pinch off the hair so that in one hand you're holding a 3rd of whatyou originally started with and in the other hand you are holding two thirds of what youoriginally started with so i am going to pinch off this 3rd amount from this hair that ihave here and pull them apart so now right hand i have one 3rd in in my left hand i have two thirds from this pointyou want to take your 3rd piece of hair and wrap it around his two thirds amount of hairhere so this is my 3rd piece that i have your hand is this piece is my two thirds piece but asyou can see now i have 3 equal legs that will serve as the parts of my braid so now thatyou have your 3 pieces here you want to take the 3 main fingers of your right hand andposition it on the one 3rd piece of hair here

you want to get as close to this meeting pointhere as possible now that your hand is position there are going to take a left hand and answer your indexfinger through the opening and wrap the rest of your fingers around the hair to once againyou just insert your index finger and the rest of your fingers will close around thehair now from this point what you want to do is take your right hand twirl it underneaththe hair and tuck your index finger through the opening here in your left hand so rightnow with all of my fingers position i'm going to turn my right hand under keeping everythingtight i am going to insert my index finger through this opening here and then he hairin between my index finger and my thumb will be close together so now my hair is readyfor my braid and i still have my 3 pieces

of hair for the braid and my left hand isfree to help me braid once again i will show you the entire process of how to hold yourhands for your hair extensions so right now i will be putting all the hair back togethermake sure both ends are equal and you want to attach a 3rd off from your portion of hairyou have your so my right hand is one 3rd and in my left hand is two thirds want to pinch a 3rd andwrap it around the 2 3rd of hair you have now you 3rd piece here serves as a leg of your braid and so does the other 2 sectionsas well so to position your hands the 3 main fingers of your right hand will be positionedon your 3rd piece of hair your left hand you are going to take your index finger insertit through the opening here and wrap the rest of your fingers around the hair now that everythingis held tightly you are going to rotate your

right hand underneath holding everything tightyou can insert your index finger through that opening there and you are going to insertthe hair in between your index finger in your thumb together now your right hand is readyfor your braids and you still have your 3 pieces of hair here and your left hand isfree to assist you with your braids before you actually begin braiding a single braidsyou want to make sure that you've already parted out a section of hair on your headfor your braids so the type of comb that i'm going to be using to part my hair as 3 differentsized teeth on it that serve for different purposes the teeth hair on the left side ofthis comb are the tightest teeth that are closest together and it serves as your typicalcomb the teeth hair on the right side are

wider in its helpful for detangling your hairand also adding more body and bounce to an already straight or curly style the teethat the bottom of my comb are wide and they are great for detangling your hair and theyalso serve as a typical pick for any style you choose so right now i'm going to be usingall of these teeth to help me part my hair for my single braids so i am going to be startingright here in the right side of my head and i'm going to part out a box shape here closeto my ear so this is the typical size of hair that youwant your box braid to be you want to get as close to a square as possible and if youcan't that's fine but you want your parts to be neat and the size of my part is probablyabout an inch and a half inch on all the sides

around so from this point i want to use mywater bottle to mist my hair with a little bit of water and then you are going to applyyour favorite hair gel to the ends of your hair now here we are and we are going to beginby braiding our single braid extensions but before you again i want to let you know thatthe color of these extensions that i will be using for example will not be the stylethat i will be using for my braids my hair is an extremely dark color is close to soi will be using the dark black or dark brown extensions to braid my hair for example sothat you can see the technique and the entire process i will be using an extremely lightcolor of extensions to do the box braids in

the color of this hair is blonde so rightnow really quickly i will show you once again how to position your hands for your box braidsyou want to pinch off a 3rd wrap it around the two thirds position you 3 fingers of yourright hand on that 3rd piece and insert your index finger of the left and wrap your handsrotate your right hand underneath insert your index finger to the opening that hair in betweenyour thumb and your index finger your right hand is ready we are going to begin braidingsome gonna go right up here to the part on my head here and in my left ear is going torest over my head to assist me as i start braiding my box braid so right now to gatherall of the hair that in this part with my left hand just like that then i'm going toopen up my index finger in my to pinch all

of the hair in that space so once again at the hair around my fingersand i am opening up my index finger in my thumb to pinch all of the hair that i haveleft hand here so now from this point i'm going to bring this top piece of hair hereto the side with my free hand and i am going to twist my right hand to the right to createa little opening in between my index finger and my thumb so in between where my fingershad created this opening i'm going to take my index finger of my left hand and hook iton to that bottom piece of hair to connect that to my left hand here now i am going totake my right hand again and position it on the hair and a piece of extensions here theycould sure to get everything as tightly as possible now my left hand has 2 separate strandsof hair so i am going to rotate my left hand

to the left and in the opening in betweenthe 2 strands are want to hook the index finger of my right hand and connect the strand backto my right now my left hand is free and i have this piece of hair that hangs over topamount is going to hold this hair with my left hand it over to the side and rotate downmy right hand to the right and from that the opening here at the bottom can insert my indexfinger of my left hand and hook the bottom now my right hand is free, hold my right handon a piece of hair there rotate my left hand again in between the opening of those 2 strandshook the bottom piece at you have to do that just a couple of times to make sure that yourbraid is secured on your head now once you have braided down far enoughyou should be able to let go without your

braid unraveling from this point now goingto release my left hand i was over my head does so is more comfortable for me to braidhere and then i am going to pick up the pieces again and continue to braid until i reachedthe bottom now as you are nearing the bottom you just going to continue to braid all theway down to you can go any further once you have finished braiding all the waydown to the bottom when you're going to do from this point is take your scissors yougonna trim off those pieces of hair that sticks out of the braid or out of the bottom of thebraid here and i will be taking a scissors and then i'm just going to trim off this pieceis extremely long here so i am going to be trimming off any pieces of hair that sticksout of the braid or out of the hair so now

that i have shown you how to do a single braidextension remember that the color of the hair was only for demonstration purposes i willnot be using blonde hair extensions to braid my hair but if you would like to use a differentcolor feel free so now i will show you what the black hair how i will be braiding my singlebraid extensions the same technique applies now i'm actually using the colored hair thati will be using for my entire head so now i am going to go right into my head with myextension and i will be opening up my time in my thumb and my index finger to grab allof my hair here so now from this point i am going to take the hair that is up top and i am going tomove that to the side rotate my right hand to the right create an opening insert my indexfinger of my left hand to hook that bottom

piece of hair now in my left hand i have to pieces of hairhere and in my right hand i have one so my right hand will remain and my left hand willrotate to the left and in the opening there i will hook my index finger to hook that bottompiece of hair so now my left hand is free with one piece and my right hand has two strandsof hair now my right hand is rotated to the right and in this opening here i will hookthe index of my left finger to add to that hand again you are going to do this processjust for a little bit until you have braided down far enough so once you release your handsthe braid should not unravel now i am going to take my left hand move it around more comfortablyso that i can finish braiding my braid so you would just continue braiding to thevery bottom until you reach the ends of the

hair sometimes one of the legs of the braid seemsto run short we can simply do is just go ahead and pinch off a little bit of hair from oneof the sides and add it to another leg of your braid so now once you have braided downyour braid as far as you can go you will be taking scissors to trim off any hair that'sleft at the bottom so now that i have braided as far down as i could i will be trimmingthis piece off here take my scissors then you just going to go ahead trim then you aregoing to work your way by trimming off any hair that sticks out of the braid in thisstep i have shown you how to prepare your weave for your braids it hen showed you howto position the hair on your hands for your braids also how to section your hair and theni show you in detail step-by-step how to do

your single braid extensions so continue thesame process over your entire head until all of your braids have been completed in thenext step, step number 3 i will be giving you my best to tricks and advice for doingyour single braids

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