built in bathroom cabinet

>> this isn't happening. >> wendy: a toddler falls down a well. >> somebody said there was water in it. for all practical purposes, he was dead. >> wendy: watch the miracle that wowed the

medics. >> it's unexplainable. >> wendy: plus, best best-selling story-telling takes us inside her latest heart-warming novel, "a baxter family christmas," on today's "700 club." *

>> pat: well, welcome, ladies and gentlemen. the media keeps up its relentless beating of the president-elect. they're just unbelievable. the big thing now is, well, the other guy has got a majority of the

votes. but the truth is mr. trump did not campaign in california. he did not campaign in new york. he only campaigned in battleground states, which were important in the

general election. consequently, the huge margins that came in didn't really reflect any kind of a contest. nevertheless, it looks like that concept of that was set up for us with an electoral college by our

founders was pretty smart. >> terry: the crazy thing about all of the protests is the man hasn't done anything yet. >> pat: he goes to eat dinner at 21, which is a nice restaurant, i might add -- we had a number of

people who apparently watch "700 club" who are working at 21, who are friendly. >> terry: i hope his skin is tough. >> pat: are you kidding me, he is tough. we had somebody in israel

who had a vision of what god told him about trump. we'll tell you that on this program. he is now having his first face-to-face meeting with a major foreign leader at he is going to talk with the prime minister of

japan, shinzo abe. and it is happening as the trump team is reviewing a wide list of names for his cabinet. >> terry: and on capitol hill, democrats have put together a new team in the senate which includes some

very liberal members. dale hurd has the story. >> reporter: it has only been a little more than a week since donald trump has been elected, and the japanese prime minister has already flown to new york to meet with the

trump vowed during the campaign that allies like japan should pay more for defense. and shinzo abe may be looking for insurances that trump will remain committed to the u.s.-japan security

alliance. meanwhile, the u.s. media, which was wrong about who would win the election, continues to pound the message that the trump transition is in disarray. >> i think there is some confusion going on about a

chain of command coming out of new york. >> reporter: even though previous white house transition teams have taken longer to name cabinet appointmentsment. >appointments. >> the beginning of any

transition like this has turmoil because it is just the nature of the process. i think trump is very decisive. >> reporter: and there are new names to add to the list of possible trump administration cabinet

members. trump will meet today with south carolina governor nikki haley, who is reported to be under consideration for secretary of state. and former texas governor ririck perry is under kgtv

newunderconsideration for energy secretary. and democrats have chose new york senator chuck shumschumer as their new leader. and heros of the far left also got leadership positions.

the new trump administration is already being challenged by several cities and college campuses over illegal immigration and trump's campaign promise to deport illegals. democratic mayors like rom

emmanuel have vowed to defy the federal government and remain sanctuary cities. college students across the country are also demanding their schools be converted into sanctuary campuses.

>> i'm undocumented, and i am not afraid. it is very important for me to have a secure campus. >> reporter: without question, one of trump's top priorities will be to get rid of some of the

laws and regulations from the obama administration. that includes the clean power plan, a measure to fight global warming, and the clean water rule, which puts even small bodies of water like wetlands and ponds under

the control of the federal government. rules regulating fracking for oil. and the dodd-frank regulations of the financial industry which critics say have slowed down the economy.

it is part of a big agenda awaiting president trump and his administration when he takes office in january. dale hurd, cbn news. >> pat: it is interesting. nikki haley is a wonderful

person. i can't see her as secretary of state, but in terms of heading up the h.h.s., she would do a great job. as would bobby jindal. both of them have hindu roots in their background,

and both are dedicated borbornborn-again christians. but what people have to realize is that heading a major government agency that has hundreds of thousands of employees, and billions of dollars of procurement involvement,

this takes somebody who has business experience. you just don't put some nice senator in there and think they're going to know what to do. they don't. because they've never been faced with that kind of

challenge. but i think we'll see a good team coming out. but some of these kids -- you know, i was told that they're giving them now milk and cookies in colleges to quiet them down, and having little

toys to play with. these are college students, for heaven's sake. >> terry: so many times we've seen people interviewed on the street -- not just by our reporters, but just by

others -- and they're unknowledgeable about who the people are in positions of authority. i think at that stage of life, you're just looking for a cause. >> pat: a cause, by all means, but this is

absolutely absurd. they don't know what they're doing. the idea is that this country would be wide open into the invasion of anybody who wants to come here. and once they're here, the

working class of this nation have to supply them with food and clothes and shelter and education and all the other perks that go along with citizenship. this is just insane. no country would have to do that, but that's what

these young kids want. and the idea of sanctuary -- can you imagine how it was in the civil rights era, when certain governors stood up against the federal government and said, we're going to maintain our jim

crowe laws and racial disparity, and the federal government moved in to stop that. i think sooner or later, there has to be a reckoning with these guys who act like they're such being heros.

we can have enclaves of immigrants in these little cities across the country. we want as much as we can to have local control of our politics. it's much better. but in terms of immigration, we have to

have a unified policy. it is just that simple. and these guys, de blasio and rom emmanuel in chicago and others -- they're just grandstanding. it is ridiculous. sooner or later, they're

going to have a reckoning. what trump says right now, i want to take people who are criminals, people who break the law, and i want to send them out of this country. why is that so cruel? >>> well, stocks have

climbed sharply since trump was elected, but another investment has also been rising. john jessup has that. >> john: that's right, pat. the dollar hit its highest level in nearly 14 years

on wednesday against a basket of foreign currency currencies. interest rates could rise under this administration, as some analysts expect his policies will help the economy grow. although some believe the

dollar rally will slow down for a while, many traders believe it will get stronger over time. >>> trump's election stunned most of the political world, but some prayer leaders in the church believe they saw it

coming. some compare him to cyrus, who played a key role in israel in old testament times. >> chris: author and speaker lance walno met donald trump several months before the

election. >> i had the strangest sense i was dealing with someone who is different, who was anointed for an assignment. and i didn't know where to go with that. i went home, and all that

i heard the lord say is, donald trump is a wrecking ball to the spirit of political correctness. >> chris: he compared him to the persian king cyrus. he declared that the jews living in babylon could

return and rebuild their temple. >> he decreed for the building of the house of the lord. he literally made it possible for the jews to end captivity. and i'm going, there is

your wrecking ball. >> chris: he says history is filled with secular rulers, pointed by god for unique seasons. >> he anoints them for his does god put people into the crew crucible who are not your favorite candidate,

but in the end is perfectly anointed for the task? >> chris: and he believes the wall to protect america has a biblical parallel. >> the whole emphasis on building the wall is

building, again, in america the capacity for self-government. we have no government over our sexual pr propensities. our relationships between police and minorities. we're radically losing our ability for

self-government, and with that comes the privileges of self-government. so the wall that trump is talking about is a metaphor. we have to rebuild moral self-control and self-restraint.

>> chris: he thinks the dangerous world of today needs a strong leader. and he believes trump can guide america through international storms. and he points out trump has forged a unique relationship with

christians. >> trump, for some strange reason, loves evangelicals. it is peculiar. he has more confidence in what christians can do in america than christians have in what christians

can do. he sees them as the missing piece. >> chris: chris mitchell, cbn news, jerusalem. >> john: thanks, chris. well, the world's earliest stone inscription of the

10 commandments has been sold at an auction in beverly hills for $850,000. it weighs about 115 pounds and it lists nine the 10 commonly known commandments. the tablet probably

adorned the entrance of a roman church. it has been called a national treasure in israel, and the winning bidder does not wish to be identified. i read that the bidding started at a cool quarter

of a million dollars. >> pat: i would think it is priceless and worth a whole lot more than that, quite frankly. i presume it will be kept in israel, in a museum. god moved down and came to sinai and met with the

people, and he said, here is what i want you to do. first of all, don't have any other gods before me. i'm going to look after you and i brought you out of captivity. when you read the 10 commandments, they are

really to preserve the peace that people have, peace in their lives, peace in their possessions, peace in their marriages, and peace in their identity. i mean -- read it, that's what it is about.

to give us peace of mind and peace of heart to live in a peaceful society. and that's what god wants. when you say, the one thing you don't do is mess with my name. the name of god is he who causes everything to be.

that is his identity, and that you don't take for vanity. it is a great document. and it is priceless. there is no amount of money you can place on the truth that is in that document.

>> terry: i, too, was surprised that the price was so low. >> pat: i think so, too, terry. and they've got some ugly piece of art, and that brings $20 million or $ $30 million.

they had two paintings that brought $500 million. this is the 10 >> terry: coming up, a look at the o origi origin of isis. >> one of the worst things that happened after we invaded iraq, and

president obama effectively pulled out and left things in chaos. >> terry: see how the terrorist group has grown in strength and influence, and what we must do to stop it. >> pat: well, the iraqi

and coalition forces are moving in on mosul to drive the isis fighters out. chances are trump is right, the leadership is already long since gone and moved into raqqa and syria.

but for three years the islamic terrorists of isis have brought death and destruction to the middle east. they have committed genocide against christians and yazidis, and they've unleashed

terror on the world. well, i asked our team to go back and look at the history of how this group got started. it is very interesting. and, first of all, how do we identify it, and then how do we defeat it?

gary lane brings us this look at the origins of >> reporter: church bells ring in celebration as iraqi christians return home. for nearly two and a half years many of them have lived in as refugees in

kurdistan, since isis over ran their villages when it seized mosul. the fight to liberate mosul from isis control is expected to take months, but it has taken years for the terrorist group to get to this point.

before isis was as strong as it is today, it was a network of islamic extremists, and it was led by this man abu musab al-zaqawi. he was had a palestinian heritage. he was an illiterate petty

criminal. he was sent to jail. after guns and explosives were found in his home. there he became radicalized, and attempted to enlist fellow proposition nerprisonersin a plot to overt
hrow the jordian monarchy.

>> it was about three years before things really got going with al-qaeda. >> reporter: after his release from prison, he set up a training came in afghanistan. by the middle of 2002, the c.i.a. expected him of

establishing a similar camp and a poison lab. in march of 2004 20042003, he survived a strike on the camp. he enlisted help from some of the former iraqi officers and operatives. and then his band of sunni

muslims launched an insurgency against u.s. troops and others. al-zawqari became the symbol of the extremists, and they carried out many more attacks. in january of 2004, the u.s. reportedly

intercepted a letter from him to his leadership, saying the best way to defeat america is to incite a sectarian war. some doubted the authority tiauthenticity of that letter. al-zawqari then became the

leader of al-qaeda iraq. >>> in march 2004, nick burg was beheaded on video. and his executioner was none other than al-zawqari. he was tracked down and killed.

and al-qaeda iraq morphed into the islamic state, and al-baghdadi became its leader, after president obama announced all u.s. troops would be removed from iraq by end of 2011, al-baghdadi and the islamic state of iraq

moved into action. they launched a wave of deadly explosives and car bomb attacks in mosul and baghdad. that happened was that we -- after we invaded iraq and handled the surge and were in pretty good

shape, president obama effectively pulled out very quickly and left things in chaos. >> reporter: in april 2013, baghdadi announced his group would expand, and the islamic state in iraq became isis.

by december 2014, isis had fielded more than 30,000 jihadists and occupied territory in one-third of iraq and one quarter of in january of 2014, president obama compared isis to a j.v. team. some are critical about

how the facts about isis were authored to fit a political narrative. >> this administration starts with a narrative, as they call it, a story, and they try to fiddle around with the facts to make them fit the

narrative. and as a result of that, i think it is fair to say that isis has grown in importance. >> reporter: so how can the united states defeat isis? former c.i.a. analyst fred

flight says the u.s. and russian air campaign along will not do it. >> we know from history you can't win wars from the air. even if we wiped out isis on the ground, it is the ideology that has to be

fought. >> reporter: and the money supply has to be checked off. >> it is able generate money from oil, to generate money from illegal trade, and it probably has supporters

from gulf states. gulf states that support this radical jihadists, the same people who have been supporting al-qaeda over the years. >> reporter: when i met shake hasan in damascus, i asked, what would it take

to defeat isis and end the civil war in syria. >> all regions must come together and see where this financing is coming from and stop it. many muslim leaders have connections, and their wealth is related to the

fighting. they are financing it. >> reporter: recent leaks of hillary clinton's e-mails by wikileaks showed the former secretary of state knew who was funding the islamic state.

with her campaign chairman john podesta, clinton says we need to use our diplomatic assets to bring pressure on the governments of qatar and sawed raid raidsaudi arabia, who are providing logical support. and the war against isis

will not end with the liberation of mosul. >> it has become a powerful organization, a lethal organization, and one that is going to take a fair amount of fighting to destroy in its home court, so to speak, in

syria and iraq. and then it also has to be defeated in all of our cities and states and neighborhoods in the u.s. and elsewhere. we cannot just ignore it. it is going to get worse. >> reporter: gary lane,

cbn news. >> pat: well, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen. i wanted to get that before you to understand where it came from, where it started, and how it has metastasized like a

cancer. the death toll from isis is just appalling, the beheadings and the rapes and all of the rest of the things, taking yazidi women as sex slaves. they're butchers. it is amazing, one

penniless bedouin, in sense, who made part of his living as being a pimp, suddenly has a revelation. and out of that revelation comes this new caliphate. and now baghdadi has announced himself as the

kalif. and they want a crescent that goes all the way from iran to the mediterranean as their territory. it is going to take some work to do it, but the thing that is so amazing is that the united states

has taken from its training manual from the f.b.i. -- this is the actual fact -- they have taken a thousand pages out that dealt with muslim extremism. the f.b.i. agents cannot be taught about it, nor

can they mention the fact. when you look at the problems that are facing the world, we have been muzzled. our defenses have been muzzled in this nation. we cannot say anything unkind about islam.

well, islam is where isis comes from. it springs out of islamic thought. and so what mr. woolsey said, we've also got to take care of the ideology behind isis. or we can't win it.

terry? >> terry: up next, a first responder arrives on the scene, where a toddler has fallen head-first into an abandon well. >> there was nothing on the monitor. it was not showing any

heart activity. >> terry: stay tuned to see how this tragedy turns into a miracle. >> terry: it only takes a moment, just a blink of the eyes, for your entire world to turn upside down, and that's exactly what

happened to the jackson family, after their toddler disappeared, only to be found facedown at the bottom of a well. >> it's everything you have ever thought of at your worst moment in your life.

you're just praying this is dream and this is not happening. >> reporter: on may 31st, 2008, ruth and kelly jackson's 2-year-old son, eric, wandered away from play area. he fell head-first into an

abandoned well. >> i said, there wasn't water in it, was there? and they said, could you just meet us at the yard. and i realized, somebody said there was water in it. >> we arrived on the

scene. i do not how long without oxygen, but from our indicators, he was cyanotic, he was blue. there was nothing on the monitor. there was showing no heart activity.

he was not breathing on his own. >> reporter: first responders immediately started c.p.r., and eric was rushed to the nearest hospital. >> they said they needed me to go back and see him.

if i wanted to see him, it probably should be right now. and i thought, what do you mean? and i thought, i'm not going back without bruce. >> we went over and held his hand.

and he didn't seem recognizable. he wasn't the little boy we saw that morning. and they were still doing everything they could. >> reporter: but after 90 minutes of c.p.r., and without any additional

medical intervention, eric's condition changed suddenly. >> they came running outside and said, his heart is beating again. >> miraculous is the word. unbelievable. in my 25 years, i've never

seen that before. >> reporter: eric was life-flighted to vanderbilt children's >> they told us that his kidneys had shut down, that his lungs were damaged, that his liver was shutting down.

his internal organs were failing. they didn't know the extent of the brain damage. and they said, if he makes it through the night, we'll talk tomorrow. >> my prayers were -- i

wasn't sure if he was going to be okay, but i knew i just needed god's strength, whether he made it or he didn't. >> reporter: as news of eric's accident spread, people all over the world were praying for him.

>> our church, during that time, was just amazing. overwhelming. i couldn't believe it. >> at thi this point, there had to have been thousands of people praying for us. you just felt the love and the concern.

>> reporter: eric was on life support and in a coma. after one week, due to his lack of progress, doctors scheduled a meeting with bruce and kelly. >> he was breathing machines and all of the

necessary equipment to keep him alive. they were gathering all of the specialists and we were supposed to meet that afternoon. >> reporter: but the jacksons never had that conference with the

doctors. >> before the meeting, one the nurses ran in and said, he's away. and as exciting as it was when he was born, that was even better. >> it was just an amazing experience.

and when you talk to a medical professional, and that's what they do, and they see so many other things, and they're, like, this is amazing. >> reporter: in the months to follow, eric had to undergo extensive

physical therapy to learn how to walk and talk. >> you could see the delays in certain areas, but that gap was getting more and more narrow. >> reporter: today, eric has no residual effects from the accident.

>> he is funny and he is smart and sweet. i think he is a good friend. i'm his mom, so i think he is just great. >> if you saw him, you would never know that anything had ever

happened. every day he does the things you would expect a normal boy to do. >> reporter: the jacksons say they pray eric's experience will bring hope to other families.

>> he didn't fail me. i couldn't have made it without him. >> i think just trusting and believing that he has got a plan. he's good. and he's going to be there with you.

>> terry: he is a good, good father. and he is going to be there with you, too. i know many of you have needs and you would love to be prayed for today. and we're going to do just that.

but we want to build your faith even more by sharing some reports we have received. >> pat: her is one that came in from kentucky. this lady, april, was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy, which caused

bleeding and pressure behind her eyes and affected her vision. she thought she was losing her eyes. on september 20th, april was watching "the 700 club." terry gave this word of

knowledge: "someone, you have bleeding behind your eye. and you are so frei frightful that you're losing your vision, and god is healing that for you right now." april said, that's me, i receive the world.

and guess what? >> terry: her vision is healed. >> pat: completely >> terry: that's awesome. >>> this is joyce, who lives in texas, she had pain in her shoulder for

four years. she was diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff, but she didn't want to have surgery. last september, she was watching this program and, pat, you said, you have a torn shoulder, and god

history jushasjust set you free. put your hand on your shoulder and you are healed in the name from jesus. she said she felt the warmth and she has not had any pain since then. >> pat: there is no

limit to god's power. he deals with nations. he deals with armies. he deals with navys. he deals with air forces. but he also deals with people. the lowest person in society's rungs still is a

child of god and can call upon the name of the king of kings and lord of lords. so you don't have to have a college degree. you don't have to have a graduate degree. lot of money.

you don't have to have anything except faith in we're going to pray. and terry and i will join hands right now and we're going to pray for you. father, i reach out to those in this audience. we thank you for the

testimonies of faith, the testimonies of healing, the wonderful miracles that we're seeing. in the name of jesus. somebody has bladder cancer, and the lord is just -- you'll feel like fire in your intestines,

and you're healed. >> terry: there is someone else, your house has been broken into, and a lot of your goods have been taken. and you are so filled with fear. right now fear be gone in

jesus' name. reach up your hands and just receive the trust and the joy of the lord. god has just healed that in your heart, and that fear is gone. >> pat: there is somebody who has a ticking

in your face. now, just put your hand on that part of your face that is having that problem. in the name of jesus, touch. >> terry: and there is someone else with shingles

all around your mid section. it is so hard for you just to put clothing on. god is healing that condition for you and you won't even have scarring. >> pat: and we pray for our president-elect and

his team. give them wisdom. give them unusual wisdom from on high, that they might pick the leadership of their team that we need to govern this land. thank you, lord, for your blessing in jesus' name.

amen. and amen. >> terry: well, coming up, she is the queen of christian fiction with 25 million books in print. karen kingsbury joins us live to talk about her latest holiday novel.

>> efrem: and welcome back to "the 700 club." "duck dynasty" fans will say good-bye to the robertson family. they announced on last night's premier episode of the 11th season, they and the network have

agreed to end the reality series. i had a chance to sit down with duck commander c.e.o. willie robertson in new york city earlier this week, and we'll have a full report very soon. the five-year-old show

will air new episodes through the spring, with the final episode coming in march or april. >>> but as one series ends, a new network begins. actress roam down do roma downey and her husband, mark bernett,

are set to launch a new faith tv network. the 24-hour network will feature wholesome family and faith-based films, as well as television series. the couple known for producing two bible-based mini series and "the son

of god," says there is a large demand for family-friendly entertainment. it will feature dramas like "highway to heaven," and films like "rocky." you can always get the latest news by going to

our website at cbnnews.com. pat and terry are back with more of "the 700 it is coming up right after this. >> terry: well, you don't have to look far to know the holiday season is

and for those who love cooking and baking, we've got a great deal for you. just visit facebook.com facebook.com /"the 700 club" and submit your favorite recipe. you need to hurry on over to facebook and post your recipe.

you could be our winner. can't wait to see what you have to share, so do that today. >>> speaking of holidays, best-selling authority karen kingsbury has released a new novel with a holiday theme.

it centers around her best loved characters, the baxters, whom she modeled after her real family. >> reporter: with over 25 million books in print and millions of fans around the world, karen kingsbury lives up to the

title. some of her heart-warming stories have even been adapted to the big screen. her latest book, "a backs baxter family christmas," focuses on some of her favorite characters as they witnessed a christmas

miracle. >> terry: karen is with us now. you have written 23 books about the back baxter family. what is their appeal? >> i think it is a family everybody wants to have. >> terry: you say your

work is life-changing fiction. what do you mean by that, karen? >> i got that word from readers. they would say, the books might really make you cry, but the letters would make

me cry. and they said, now that i read your book, i'm ready to love my husband better, or make amends with the sister i've been estranged from. it is god using the power of story to heal

relationships. jesus can tell you straight -- >> terry: i was going to say, it has been from the very first. >> if he wanted to touch your heart, he would tell a story.

>> terry: exactly. you started out as a sportscaster. how did you go from that to author? >> that was a funny thing, but i think in a sense it is all the same in the way that you tell the story.

when i was doing the sports, i did the feature stories. it might have been a 100-year-old woman running the marathon. she didn't finish it, but she was dedicated to doing sports has a lot of

heart-felt stories. but my hope and prayer would be that i could write fiction and they would be stories that would change people. >> terry: and obviously that is happening with the response you're getting.

and you're also a supporter of adoption. tell us about your family. >> in 2001 we adopted three little boys from haiti. they were best friends. they weren't biologically related until now.

it has been a while. you set out to bless them, but ultimately they have blessed us beyond words. >> terry: god is always in the process of molding and refining all of us. >> that's true. >> terry: in 2002, we

adopted three girls from ukraine, and they were biologically related, but it is life-changing. >> and now our kids are all into writing or acting. and they're like, mom, when the baxter family is

on tv next year -- and roma downey and mark burnett, when they start their network, that is going to be one of their programs. >> terry: so the baxters could continue in the lives of your children.

>> that's right. >> terry: when people think of the holidays, i think family is a theme that runs through that for most of us, either that we have or want. tell us about what we can expect here?

>> a baxter family christmas is the first time we have been with the baxters at christmas. so this is a special chance for the readers to see that. and it is a great beginning.

if you've never been with the baxter family, go ahead and pick it up and it is a great starting point. the baxters are a few months removed from a really, really bad tragedy that has happened to their

family, and now they're ready to laugh again and celebrate again. and john ba baxter wants to invite a stranger for christmas dinner. and the strange is this woman who has the heart of john's daughter.

and not everyone agrees, and there is some conflict there, but especially at christmastime it is so important that we make amends and we say, i love you, i'm sorry, let's start again. >> terry: it is the

perfect opportunity to do what do you think of -- i know you've got the baxter family christmas. i'm sure you're already at work on the next piece. what goes into just the creation and the pulling together and the emphasis

of all of that? >> for me, it's always got to have an outline first. i start with an idea, something that is going to move me or touch my heart. the next one is called love story, and it will be out in june.

it is the story of john and elizabeth baxter, the couple that started it all. we've never gotten to see their love story. and i outline and make sure i've got every chapter accounted for, in

terms of who's point of view it is. if i love the outline, i know i'm ready to write. with six kids, i don't have a lot of time to mess around. i have to get my outline right and then get the

book written. >> terry: how long does it take you from the time you start writing to the time it is in book form? >> well, that's supposed to be a year. generally, you should be writing and have it in in

about a year. i'm all right writing the one that will be out in november of next year. the process overlaps. you have the writing and the editing phases and the marketing. and i just got off tour

for "a baxter family christmas." >> terry: and with this new television opportunity, i suppose that will happen even more. >> it will. we're excited.

we're going to go all the way back to the beginning, the book "redemption," where the baxters began. and we have about 10 years of material. and roma feels like this is going to be what the waltons was or the gilmore

girls, which catches the hearts of america. >> terry: and so does "a baxter family christmas." be sure to pick up a copy. what a great christmas gift for someone. if you would like to hear more from karen kingsbury,

go to facebook.com /"700 club." how wonderful to have you >> thank you. >> terry: we look forward to more books and more television. >> yes. >> terry: still to come,

"my husband is friends with his old girlfriends and meets them for coffee. i'm not comfortable with this. what can i do?" i'm sure pat's got an answer for that and we'll be hearing it.

that's coming up. >> pat: hey, you're watching "the 700 club." we've got a bunch of questions that you've sent in of intriguing things. but before we get to that, i want to introduce you to the job family.

they lived in fear because of where they lived. today they can rest easily at night, thanks to what you did. >> terry: every time there was a storm, enzi ran straight into her father's arms.

>> i was afraid of the thunder. and i was really scared that the old shack we lived in was going to fall down on us any second. >> terry: mr. job always comforted his daughter, but both he and his

elderly mother knew their home was dangerous because of the structure and the mice. >> the shack was almost 40 years old, and it was built of dirt. so there were lots of holes in the walls.

when it rained, the water came straight through. >> if the shack collapsed, we would all be buried by i got sick really easily because of that house. >> one time my mother was unconscious. her face was yellow.

she could hardly breathe and she couldn't talk. >> i was so afraid that my grandmother was going to die there and i would never see her again. >> terry: grandma job recovered, but after that close call, mr. job tried

to fix things. >> i hated to see my daughter and my mother suffering. so i heated up some tar to patch the cracks. but soon the walls started leaking again. i knew i needed to rebuild

my house. >> terry: mr. job only makes $100 a month, so he couldn't rebuild. but he and his mother are christians, so they prayed for help. >> we said, lord, you know our situation, our needs.

please provide for us. somehow help me to build a new house. please give us a miracle. >> terry: then cbn heard about the jobs, and we helped them build a brand new brick house. >> my problem was solved

through the help of god's children. it is such a relief. every time i see our new house, i am so happy. my mother would not get wet or sick. and there would be no problems in the rain or

even the snow. >> i like my new house very much. and now i feel very safe. >> god heard our cries. thank you, cbn. thank you, god. it's all grace. >> pat: just imagine

living in that shack with the wind blowing in it. it gets cold over there. i mean cold. i remember when i was stationed in japan, and they had those little, you know, flimsy houses and it was freezing cold.

they had little charcoal things in the center of the room and it was terribly cold. they didn't have wonderful heating, like we do. you think of the suffering they have. it doesn't take much to

give somebody happiness and give them a chance at and so we're able to do that around the world, to help people in your name. in your name, we help them. what does it take to help us help them?

65 cents a day. $20 is a month, that's all it takes to be a "700 club" member. you can do a lot more if you want to. but it doesn't take much. for those who do, i want to send you this.

i really, really, really think this is something important. i'm not like karen kingsbury, who writes stuff -- i didn't write this, but it is the gospel of john. it is the new,

international version. and it will bless you. so we'll give you this when you join "the 700 >> terry: pat, larry lives in missouri, and he has already received his copy. he says, "by listening to

the gospel of john, i received a deeper, more intimate understanding as to who jesus is. very inspirational. thank you. i will follow him." wow, that's a testimony. >> pat: it used to be we

got letters from women, which is great, but so many men are responding to this particular thing. the gospel of john is touching these guys. for that, i am very grateful. anyhow, join "the 700

>> terry: let's "bring it on." this first question comes from ann, "my husband and i are on our second marriages and have not been married long. my husband is friends with his old girlfriends and

meets them for coffee. i've tried to tell him i'm not comfortable with this. my first cheated on me. he says i'm insecure and it is my problem. i prayed to god to indeces seed, but he hasn't. is this behavior of his

okay? am i just insecure? i don't want to push him away. what should i do?" >> pat: you didn't tell me you're married for the second time -- >> terry: she was

cheated on, she said. >> pat: yeah, but you don't know. this is a spiritual bond. he is having a spiritual connection. is it adultery? well, he's not having physical sex with these

ladies, but he is out there and he is drawing close to them and he is sharing intimate moments that he should be sharing no, it is not all right. it is not like a working relationship where men and women work together.

this is a different deal. they have coffee and they're chatting together and sharing their intimate secrets. you have an absolute right, as a wife, to say no. that's not appropriate.

i will not stand up for if he won't go along with it, you have an absolute right, and my opinion, to say this marriage isn't working, and i'm out of but do everything you can to hold it together. again, it is your second

marriage. i don't know what happened to marriage number one. >> terry: chris says, "i gave myself to the lord 19 years ago. i left church when i was 23. i have three children out

of wedlock, suffered domestic violence, and was left with three special-needs children to raise. i moved to philadelphia and met a young man who said he was a christian. turns out he wasn't.

but i had already fallen in love with him. we have been on and off for two years, and the last time he came back, we slept together and i am six weeks pregnant. i want to go to church, but i'm afraid i'll start

the cycle all over again. how can i fix this?" >> pat: jesus met a samaritan woman by the well, and he said, go call your husband. and she said, i don't have a husband. and he said, you're right.

you've had five husbands. the man you're living with is not your husband. but he unfolded to her some of the deepest truths that are revealed in the bible. she was from a despised race, living in sin, but

jesus had compassion on her. he has compassion on you. but, listen, the lifestyle you're living, you've just got to stop. how do you do it? you've got to come to him and say, i ask for your

forgiveness. i have sinned against you and i ask for your forgiveness and he'll do you can't just keep on doing this. i think as a woman, you feel you're not worthy, you're not a treasure, and

you throw yourself away at these guys. and you can't do it anymore. you have to realize you're special in god's eyes. we leave wer with this: "as far as the east is from the west, so far has he

removed our tran transgressions from all of us." for terry and for all of us, this is pat robertson, and we'll see you tomorrow. bye-bye.

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