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>> efrem: and thank you so much for joining us for cbn "newswatch." i'm efrem graham. it is a big week for the trump campaign. the presumptive republican candidate is expected to choose his vice president

friday at an event in new york. and recent polls show he is closing the gap with hillary clinton in several swing states. caitlin burke has more. >> reporter: donald trump is in the final day

of his search for a running mate. >> i'm narrowing it down. i'm at three, potentially four, but in my own mind, i probably am thinking about two. >> reporter: indiana governor mike pence is

expected to be one of the men at the top of his list. trump and his family paying a visit to the governor's mansion on wednesday. >> it was very warm, one family meeting with

another. >> reporter: but trump is not giving anything away. ramping up suspence for his big reveal on friday. >> you'll be calling up mike pence. i don't know if he will be

your governor or vice president. who the hell knows. >> reporter: and on the list is new jersey governor chris christie and newt gingrich. >> i'm not saying it's newt, but if it is newt,

nobody will be beating him in the debates, nobody. >> reporter: and trump hillary clinton, and his choice of a running mate could affect those numbers even more. an nbc journal poll showed clinton ahead of trump 42%

to 49%. a different poll released earlier on wednesday showed trump with a two-point lead. and trump was also up by three points in florida, a significant change from a month ago, that

represented a double-digit surge. many believe the state is a must-win for trump since no republican candidate has ever won the white house without first winning the buckeye state. and an abc washington poll

shows 56% of americans disagree with the f.b.i.'s decision not to bring charges against clinton. >> efrem: eight atheism will be advertised at a popular film. theorange bell media called a 60-foot billboard too

political. the billboard would have featured actress melissa joan hart and a quote from the movie. according to the hollywood reporter, orange barrel media told pur pureflix that even the title of the film

was problematic. >>> pro-life democratses crying foul on its parties newly approved platform stance on abortion. the issue was brought up at a meeting on wednesday in washington, d.c. held by the susan b. anthony

the democratic platform, it calls for the repeal of the hyde amend, legislation that ensures taxpayer dollars are not spent on abortion. hillary clinton supports its repeal. the susan b. anthony list

is challenging pro-life senate democrats to oppose that stance. >> the tax funded abortion on demand now the litmus test for the new democrats? will this insistence on

taxpayer funded of abortion divide them, lose votes for them, and provide a catalyst for realignment along the lines of the reagan democratic movement? i believe it is the latter.

>> efrem: at the leading, the susan b. anthony list praised the republican party and donald trump for his pro-life stance to take correction and adapt on the issue. >>> a bill protecting

companies paying for abortion, the conscience protection act was designed to stop the order from california that required insurance companies to pay for abortions. however, the bill does not

have much of a chance of becoming law under the house administration. paul ryan says it pushes people of faith on the sidelines of society. republicans say the order from the obama administration

discriminates against companies and employees who don't support abortion. >>> lgbt history lessons are creeping closer to california classrooms. california education officials are moving to

pass a ha law on thursday, requiring the schools to teach lgbt history. they would discuss changing gender identity in the 18th and 19th century, and even celebrate prominent gay people.

and the bill prohibits any classroom materials that may reflect adversely on gays. >>> mid-angel, a service that provides people with movies with explicit content are suing studios. they claim these studios

are trying to sabotage their business by forcing the company to get permission to even offer a filtering service. an attorney for fit angel said, "we hope that the filing will help these studios to realize they're

asking the court to shut down a service that will allow millions to filter content for themselves and their children." i want to turn now to venezuala, a nation that should be one of the wealthiest in the world is

today filled with starving the country is a testament to the damage socialism can do. dale hurd has this story. >> reporter: there are lines, and then there are lines in venezuala. its economy is in riewbs.

ruins. the average venezualan shopper now spends 10 hours a week to buy food. >> i am number 900. 900! this is my i.d. card. in venezuala, there is no food.

there is nothing. >> reporter: this is a nation on the virge of total societal collapse. food lines are increasing. more people are murdered in caracas than any city

outside a declared war zone. with stores looted, president nicolas maduro has now put the army in charge of the food supply change. many venezualans are slowly starving.

kelly has lost 30 pounds, making sure her daughter eats before she does. >> right now we eat only two meals a day. if we eat breakfast, we don't have lunch. if we have lunch, there is no dinner.

>> reporter: across the country, kitchen cupboards are empty. and with inflation, it doesn't pay for low-wage employees to show up for work. the government was forced

to issue rolling four-hour blackouts to save power. this is in a nation with the world's largest proven oil reserves. but years of mismanagement under a socialist government have brought a significant chunk of the

energy section for a halt. hugo chavez threw around huge funds. when his successor was forced to throw open the border with colombia so that desperate venezualans could search for food, you would have thought it was

the fall of the iron curtain. javier said, i came here to buy rice, sugar, medicine, and anything else, because we don't have anything to eat. kimberly clark finally had enough of the economic

chaos and closed its factory in caracas. and citibank also closed. president meduro is calling it a u.s. plot against him. most venezualans want him out. a referendum campaign

against him has huge momentum, but meduro still controls most of the leverage of power. dale hurd, cbn news. >> efrem: coming up, as we told you, he is said to be one of donald trump's top picks for vice

we're going to hear from indiana governor mike pence about his faith in christ and how it guides his life. that story is coming up next. >> efrem: indiana being mentioned as a top

potential running mate for donald trump. he has been capturing the attention of conservatives for years as he fought to make his state business-friendly and fighting washington over medicaid and obamacare.

as an evangelical christian, he could also be just what trump needs to win key votes. david brody spoke with mike pence long before his vice presidential talk was heating up. >> david: when you meet

mike pence , he is all-american heartland, from a corn field to congress and now governor. >> i don't ever remembering that even imaging could make it as

governor. indiana is open for tech business. we are grateful for your leadership and your >> david: the numbers show a conservative blue point for success. seven straight years of

job growth, leading the nation in new manufacturing jobs, plus throw in tax cuts and a budget surplus for good measure. >> there is no rocket science to it. we're just putting into

practice those common-sense principles of living within our means, letting people keep more of what they earn. >> david: the republican party is taking notice. some g.o.p. big wigs are

courting pence, and the governor is listening. he is a pro-life christian, a hawk on defense, and economically conservative. he is also keenly aware that the best solutions need to come from outside

the beltway. >> i'm absolutely convinced that the cure for what ails this country is going to come more from our nation's state capitals than it ever will from our nations' state capital.

>> david: and pence has his hands full proving that. one challenge is obamacare. >> i think obamacare needs to be repealed, lock, stock, and barrel. >> david: he says he

won't take federal money to expand medicaid here unless it is done the indiana way. >> if we can have traditional medicaid in indiana for virtually all of our citizens and replace it with the kind

of consumer-driven health care in the indiana plan... >> david: some conservatives criticize pence for even increasing taking the federal money. it says, there is nothing to conservative about the

state's plans to capture federal dollars earmarked for medicaid expansion. the healthy indiana plan is popular for hoosiers because it sets up personal savings accounts. pence touts it as a national model.

>> in a word, indiana has proven in the last six years that consumer-driven health care works. >> david: and the other big issue is education and common core. he picked up praise for having indiana opt out of

the national standard. michelle mockan says pence's attempt to repackage shoddy standards is fooling no one. >> whatever differences someone might have on the standards we produced, these were written by

hoosiers for hoosiers, and the debate is happening here in the state of indiana, where it belongs. >> david: one item not up for debate is his faith. >> just about each and every day, i like to start

out my day with a little bit of time in the book, a little bit of time in prayer. that has become more important to me as i shouldered this life of responsibility. >> david: and he is

mindful of solomon's prayer: "give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that i may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this, you're good people." >> i pray often to

distinguish between right and wrong. >> david: and in indiana, it is governor pence for such a time as this. david brody, cbn news, in indianapolis, indiana. >> efrem: up next, new

hope for china. why the next generation is showing signs of turning to christ. >> efrem: president vladimir putin signed a law outlawing evangelism and cracking down on house churches.

the laws forbid evangelism outside of churches and other religious sites. that means people can't even share their faith in their homes or even on the internet. and they restrict missionary work.

there can be no preaching, teaching or activity aimed at bringing people into a religious group. >>> new signs china's next generation is turning to christianity. many millennials are looking for answers to

life's big questions, and they're doing it in church. and christian leaders are hopeful the younger generation could bring their nation closer to god. >> reporter: china is

getting younger and younger. today large cities, like shanghai, are filled with millennials. 24 million people live in shanghai, and three-fourths are between the ages of 20 and 33.

younger chinese are moving to shanghai for several relationships. >> through translator: i moved to shanghai a few years ago. my friends kept telling me i could find better jobs here.

i want to earn more money for my family. >> reporter: and besides looking for jobs, millennials have also joined the christian community. to cope with societal precious, young people are

increasingly turning to support groups and spirituality. weren't study found that 62% of china's believers are between the ages of 16 and 29. >> one day my friends invited me to church.

as i listened to the music, all of a sudden i felt so peaceful. i felt something special. >> reporter: christian leaders in shanghai realize young people are attending churches because they long for places where

they can take a break and express themselves openly. >> through translator: living in the big city is not easy for them. many of the young people share with me that they face burdens all of the time.

some of them just cry to me and ask me to help them. >> reporter: church leaders use biblical truths to help millennials cope with life. they share their own experiences and tell

them about god's grace. for the single people, i understand their concerns. i have read the story of ruth and explained the plining to them. i wanted to make sure they understood that i had the

same struggle before. but god is faithful. >> reporter: with the leaders' help, some young chinese attend church services faithfully. they learn to pray for themselves and their family, and they no longer

feel empty inside. now i am a christian. i'm not afraid of anything. jesus is always with me. i'm not alone when i face difficulties. >> reporter: today, with the huge millennial

population, shanghai still remains as one of the important cities in china. local christian leaders are looking for opportunities to bring the younger generation to mainly they believe the younger generation may be

the only solution to bring the city closer to god. we want to use all of the resources to build the bridge between young people and our savior. they could do some amazing work for jesus. >> reporter: mung fe li

for cbn news, shanghai, china. >> efrem: this year's republican national convention is being held in cleveland, ohio. the r.n.c. picked the city over a host of other places, including dallas

and las vegas. amber strong travelled there to see just what is so special about cleveland. >> reporter: amber c. strong here in cleveland in front of beautiful lake erie, nace ahead of this year's

national convention. bringing you one, two, three reasons why cleveland rocks. here at "the brody file", we like to think outside the box, and talk about things other than the rock anrockand roll hall of fame, but

before we start, we wanted to ask the r.n.c., why cleveland? >> when i moved to cleveland a few months ago, i didn't know what to expect. and i must say i have been blown awh away by the people,

the food, the restaurants, the architecture. i think this will be an incredible moment for the city. >> reporter: but like any good journalist, we had to find out for ourselves.

so we went digging and brought you three things you probably didn't know. number one, cleveland has some strong political roots. it was once the home of james a. garfield. he was born ithey began work on this

memorial, which includes this statue of garfield. it pays homage to bizantine architecture. garfield was one of eight u.s. presidents hailing from ohio. the number two reason cleveland rocks is the

and what better place to indulge than the historical westside market. the origin of the city's open air market dates back to 1840 and it is still going strong today. with more than 100

venders, visitors can indulge on mediterranean cuisine. >>> number three, cleveland rocks the house from the christmas story. the movie dedicated to im bearsing pajamas was actually filmed right here

in cleveland. there is even a museum dedicated to the movie right across the street. as a hoosier, i'm amazed that a movie was actually shot in canada. so there you have it, one, two, three reasons why

if you want to keep up with all of the latest events happening right here at the republican national convention, keep up with cbn news on instagram, facebook, and twitter for the latest news and stuff like this

happening all next week. i'm amber c. strong for "the brody file" and cbn news. >> efrem: it is time for your thursday thankful, before we say good-bye, i hope you will join me in this prayer of gratitude.

god, i thank you that by one blood you made all men and help us to fully realize our connection in each other to you. this is the time for us all to recognize that connection, and in seeing that connection, we must

feel and have compassion for the pain and needs of others. and not only feel it, but do something to help ease the burden. that is going to do it for this edition of cbn "newswatch".

thanks for watching.

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