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just joining us here with the man himself this is wolfgang puck, one of the things i know about wolfgang puck he is always in demand by customers to come up with new products

and he has done it.% >>guest: and new dishes at the restaurant and products for all of you everywhere. >>host: wolfgang puck everywhere anyway this is not

blender. this is a super blender i will tell you right now this is one of those granny things that wolfgang puck worked very hard with the company to manufacture it for

him he wanted it to be simple6 c13 a digital, backlit, computerized blender that you want to know exactly how long it takes to cook soup it does it with speed. if you

want to make whipped cream you can make whipped cream, unique salad dressings, your city in the morning to make it to perfection. it has a built-in

thermometer a digital dashboard on the walk around and wolfgang puck will guide me how to do this with you but listen to this for columbus weekend is $279.95,

5 flexible payment only at hsn can it s a $55.99. if he reaches an card, do you know let to market you get an extra flex payments. >>guest: fantastic! this is a to

you use all of the time. many people might say what 24? you needed to make soups, to make lemon curd make holiday sauce, hot chocolate, vinaigrettes,

smithies in the morning people tell you to drink orange juice -- smoothies. it is important for your digestion. >>host: i am over here because wolfgang puck is

going to guide me and you tell me what >>guest: let us start with the soup i have my chicken stock in here and we will make a carat suit. i have onion and a piece of

ginger. here we have raw carrots look at that. we put them, n some salt and honey and that is it. the honey is always put salt in in not too much of your chicken stock

has a lot salt you do not need any cell but here we have a self 31. a little salt, if you like it spicy but spice in it. now we have to do is put od then we turn it on.

look at that. >>host: watch this and will put it on soup. are youy? this is soup. >>guest: push it twice. >>host: i turned it off let me put on

soup. there rego and it starts off, look at knows exactly too get the vegtable spelling. cover it up and it is on an automatic microchip timer so it knows exactly how to

brew and to spend to give you hot soup. have you ever seen anything like >>guest: now i am going to show you the power this machine has, obviously it is

still cold but look at that. from whole carrots i made it into a puree and seconds. you can make a summer soup for cold soup like that adding tomatoes, carrots,

celery, everything. but we are making it haute so with a fraction of the blender we can make hot cooked soup turn on again. >>host: there is the seat button and by

the way you press it twice, see press on and it will automatically start up its start slow and your good to go. that you just let it go at it is on a timer it will take

eight minutes to make hot soup of from raw vegetables. one more that wolfgang puck built into it is a thermometer because so many of you want to make sure that

you know when your soup is warm look, as soon as it is done we will measure it and show there now it will actually start to heat up and you'll know as soon as it

gets to serving temperature at will tell you again use express ordering. renew 1600 for the show. white, red, black, let us continue now wallet is making soup is

the next-? >>guest: now you will use it maybe cook breakfast. everybody is intoead making smoothies. now you can make at home and the same day you to the soup.

or example. >>guest: this is my breakfast every day. marian getz% eating healthy. secret for breakfast. >>guest: kiwi,

pineapple, lemon, ginger, melon. >>guest: to shove it in there. >>guest: pushing in here when you throw it in whole if you want to, and here. >>guest: spinach

this is how do a pile the vegetables in there and you do not taste them when you blend them. >>guest: if you have the sweetness of your fruits and here than you can add

frozen. >>guest: whole serving, a few servings of vegetables put it in your smoothie. >>gue your fruits and vegetables everything in here

close it up. >>host: to buttons here see the top 1 it says smoothie press it twice and push that button there. it makes say smoothie in less than one minute it

does not get locked up or stop. it knows when to slow down it will slow down if it starts to jam it does that on purpose so that the quad blade system does not get jammed up

like a log jam. it comes out perfect every time. >>guest: you can walk away and this will make it by itself it is really very easy to work with. it has a

microchip in it so that you do not have to do anything. loow creamy and smith this delicious fruit/vegetable smoothie is. >>guest: i like to have your milk and

protein i add the vegetables and fruit and drink it is really amazing. >>host: we will the carrot soup. >>guest: a hundred and 15 degrees, the sum of my gosh the

vessel is getting warm. >>guest: look at it here. >>host: i will walk back over while this blends up a storm i will show you something about this

one real quick before we go any further this is my favorite part about the blender many blunders break for this reason, plastic, plastic. these are metal

gears on metal he cannot turn the blender on how unless the carafe is seated in place because there is securities which built-in said that nobody can put their

fingers in here. all automatic you can make soup,ies conti. >>guest: now look at that there. so, you get all of the nutrients everything stays in here because you heated

up to 160 degrees instead of over boiling it. turn it off and take some out. >>host: let me point out something now that is quiet. c. discussion button

flashing red? it is flashing which says it is often do not want to turn it on because wolfgang puck is about to open it. we will pour this into the bowl.

>>guest: you steaming hot soup. >>host: you can see how hot this is when i tell you is what you can see the steam coming off of it and this is without an element.t

in this blender, that is because of friction that is how fast and powerful it is. member is #214-326 renew for the visit compared to $400 in retail. every one of you who

are into blenders and understand blunders now the only one that is even close to a competitive item in that unit is not digital it does not have presets, it

does not have a thermometer, wolfgang puck braided this is brand new you do not see anywhere. >>guest: now i will show you to preparations where i

used x 1 is holiday sauce and one is lemon curd. lemon curd you use for pastries, i love lemon curd, caramelized them a bit now you can make it like that. here

we will make a holiday sauce obviously we need a jokes or whole eggs. -- egg yolks. olive oil, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and salt that is it. that is now you put it on sauce. uncle bill can you go on the other side and put it on on for us. >>guest: i will put that down here. >>host: that is the

pressure and has a built-in thermometer. here's your sauce button on any preset function tool the machine takes over from there. once the at

emulsified as you can let it go. i have never seen anything machinery can at all the ingredients at once. >>host: this is starting and

stopping, it is just unbelievable. let us do the lemon curd here. now the same thing with lemon curd we have some eggs, normally you have ta water bath. lemon

juice, sugar, and butter. >>guest: we will do this one nonsuit but we will use the thermometer that comes with we need to go 165 degrees so fast

about four minutes.f the recipes in the little booklet here. >>host: you will not be without the recipes and will also be able to order in red, white or black. is

calling from new jersey and less wolfgang puck. 6 c13 >>caller: from chicago marian and wolfgang puck, i have a lot of your products and and of your pie-maker.

>>guest: so good i love it two we make chocolate cupcakes at home, we make pies at home i am glad you like it. >>host: tony what to think of wolfgang puck printed

blender? >>caller: it sounds good but i cannot afford it. >>host: that is why we have done 5 flex payments to [laughter] >>host: thank you so

much and enjoy the pie-maker are. >>caller: they call me chef tony in new jersey and i also love the marian getz cookbook is a great book and everyone should get it for

the pie-maker are. >>guest: thank so much. enjoy that, chocolate, i am going to add some milk. who would think with that we are going to make hot chocolate.

>>host: so you use the suit setting to make hot chocolate to watch this now i will leave everything out of the way so you can see.second button- down is soup, press

star and watch this. from chunks of chocolate, cream. >>guest: put in sweetener whenever you need about six minutes it will piping hot, foamy, creamy and delicious

adding your own milk with your own chocolate. >>host: the interesting thing is a great gift for the family, it does everything, is safe to use we will send

a tee with free shipping item3 326. you receive wolfgang puck set recipe book where he and marian getz came up with brilliant recipe is, pea soup , if you have a

newborn baby in the family there are baby food recipes. delicious salsa, manas, russian dressing, sajen want to orange poppyseed dressing, a french dressing,

bananas foster, daiquiris and mixed drinks and it will never get locked up as a microchip in side and as when to go slow or fast. what >>guest: now we are

going to make cheesecake you do not need a mixer or blender at home because this blender does everything. look at be now, we have eggs, six eggs, one more for

good luck. sugar, you can add any flavor. . >>guest: it is absolutely amazing 10 seconds cheesecake we call it. destiny put in your and cover it

up. >>host: do you see this button right here? ready? 1, 3. (...) >>guest: see how the color changes you'll know it is ready

once the color changes at the bottom. (...) >>guest: that was loud. now look at the heat in here. >>host: wow! >>guest: now in here we have a

hollandaise sauce i did not to be on the store thinking i would overcook the eggs are undercut the eggs. >>guest: because you have the thermometer >>guest: and look at

that you can search that on the side. >>guest: creamier than in the restaurant. >>host: that looks >>guest: and here we have lemon curd. >>host: this is one

of what? >>guest: lemon curd. >>host: the lid really locks on. >>guest: we will put it in a jar here can you see that? look.3 >>host: look how thick this is!

>>guest: without the stand for having to babysit because it has a preset function. i love that doubted if you are busy in the morning your smoothie on the day

your coffee, if you're making soup to the rest of your dinner ready. destiny to make it with passion fruit, orange, what ever you like. >>host: tis like

filling for lemon cream pie. this is the thing it is on 5 flex payments it is affordable obviously to under $79.95 even though is that columbus weekend special price is

reduced on 5 flex payments to make it really affordable $55.99. if you do not have hsn card and apply for one you get it home on an extra flex payments. collor

said 1-800-695- and if they approve the dead $10 off of your purchase and then it will only cost $46.65 per flex pay. i here's the thing you never have to buy another

blunder. no log jams when you put ice in to make a daiquiri, we want to make ice cream, smoothies, chopped nuts, a peanut butter, hot soup, hot, you do

not to take out a pot.anticly nipa little dishwashing detergent and filled halfway turn it on and is cleans, what is next? >>guest: on little

sorbet. resin mango? >>guest: mango, papaya whenever you want you can add the fruits that you like. i use a little bit of mango juice or orange juice

salsa. about the same height. -- orange juice also. >>host: i am going to polls this? >>guest: yes pulse it until it gets creamy. >>guest: look at the

color that is what you want in the kitchen that is a professional machine. >>host: frozen fruit from solid frozen fruit i have never seen anything like

this because usually most machines tend to block up. i think you'll love for making smoothies, juice>>guest: and gg all of the pulp instead of dying that way.

>>guest: look at that. it can be or thick as you what you have perfect >>host:vthat is thee restaurant does it. let me make a recommendation if you have not already

ordered 1 and are thinking about you are welcome to try out you receive our 30-day unconditional money back guarantee. it is the first of its class a has a built-in

thermometer on the pressure so if you're doing soup or an e-mail you can check the temperature just press the little button right here on the top and you can

see it's a 72 degrees which is like the average room temperature. let us see your making cp want to get a 230 degrees or hundred 50 degrees press that little

button will eliminate and letting you know where the temperature is built-in when you press the pusher into the top of the blender index is

everything around as microchips, for settings in the four settings are? >>guest: soup, sauce, smoothie, eyes, those are all preset functions and do you know bill my

biggest secret for white and of this blender as i am always on a diet and when i use the blender i can foods that he knew full longer. i know if you're like me

and want to stifle your honesty with from that fits, this blender will help you do that. >>guest: we are green goddess dressing here. >>guest: look at all

of the arabs. >>guest: have all of the hearse, spinach, tarragon, 2 eggs, and then some garlic, we have some green onions in here, will add a bit of salt and now

you decide yourself how much will you want. you can keep it lean or you make it very and creamy. if you are on aver whale because the oil has more

calories. >>host: make sure you put the pressure in there and do not want to get splattered. this thing is powerful. watch this, press the button, watch

this, green goddess stressing in seconds, this thing is amazing guys and gals if you're just joining us this is the wolfgang puck bistro >>guest: thank you

very much bill. >>host: i have got to taste this. estimate is so good and interesting is fresh like this yuli more solid and greens and love it. >>guest: or if you

have vegetable sticks like tomatoes, radishes, and use that as a dipping sauce. >>guest: delicious! >>host: perfectly sweet, and the thing is is nice and you't

buying bottled dressing or you do not know what13 inside of it and that is what i like. >>guest: that could your caesar salad or any kind of an asian dressing with curry

powder in it you really decide what you want that i love about is because now you are in control of what you are going to eat, your 1/2 somebody with all of

these different ingredients in your diet, you have it here with vegetables, herbs and spices. >>host: your note to it is a polycarbonate vessel

it will not break it is virtually indestructible, when you go to put the vessel on top of the blender you have metal on metal. if you look at the blender i will talk

to faux word there are metal gears here is also a security switch. you cannot turn it on a matter what but 9 press-on lash youthe container on top. it is also a digital

front-notice the blinking red button it does not turn until you press it twice. what adults? press that. one to set it for sauces, soups, vegetables, chopped is

a piece of cake. what is with the strawberries are making a >>guest: i could make a daiquiri, i could make a strawberry milkshake, i can

make strawberry ice cream. >>host: yummie! >>guest: cami to the hot chocolate? this and this is the hot chocolate 67 minutes. >>guest: your

ingredients mill, dairy what ever you need. >>guest: soy milk. and bars of >>host: can use cocoa powder? to some of course to keep a low in

calories. just drop a candy bar in there to be naughty. why not? it melts and is so delicious. need this stuff, or casserole. everything in there and as it.

>>guest: 80 smoothing creamy and a little bit of sweetener. >>guest: now sorbet or ice cream. >>guest: this was solely on blender once we

treat the wanted to be healthy set your fruits and dairy year need and make ice-cream and seconds faster than economic and a carton from your freezer but it also

does assessment because it is extra powerful. >>host: can i tell you something? i am not playing this is the best hot chocolate i've ever had.

>>guest: can you turn it on your your job is not over yet. pulse, that is it. >>guest: leave it on. >>guest: we will wait until we see it

come down. >>guest: is done. >>guest: that is not thick. >>host: it looks good to me. >>guest: it tastes even better. >>host: this is the

best hot chocolate. this beautiful ice cream. >>host:sh ice cream in seconds look at this ice- cream unbelievable. >>guest: and booties the strawberry to

know what is in there. >>host: you to make blueberry,anana, cindy is calling from louisiana she has a testimonial on cookware wacom to hsn.

>>caller: hi chef. i am going to order this because i have just thought another blunder for3 probably $50 and it does not crash size. >>guest: this one does.

>>host: this will crash highs. >>caller: i am going to buy this as i have a wolfgang puck pitch and i have your panini press, i have your3 your cookie press, i

have your immersion blender, i have your convection toaster oven, there are so many wonderful products that you do, i just recently purchased your pie-maker air

and i am going to tell you my mother is crazy about a dish that i do out of that which i am sure your sons with love. >>guest: what is it? >>caller: i make a

dish in the pie- maker error which is a cinnamon raisin french toast and i stuffed it with hazelnut mask upon cheese pizzamascapoo a vanilla soufflã‰inm telling you your

products are so easy to use, they never fail to perform. i can pull out your panini press with that girl play on their put tooe steaa large potato into wedges, but some

asparagus on their feed my 81 year-old mother and myself and i have done in 20 minutes and i have used one piece. >>host: thank you very much for calling.

>>guest: you're so sweet for calling. >>host: be well and thank you very much for your calls listen to minutes left if you want the black, red or blender from

wolfgang puck. unlike any blender you have ever seen if you come along and show you again when you receive. first of all it starts out at the top you receive a

polycarbonate carafe, virtually indestructible. metal gears with quad-core blade system do you see that? actually there are six places to include the blades

inside at the top. for blades into in the center to keep things from being launched. metal gears to metal gears and metal gears on the bottom. metal to metal you do not

have to worry about stripping it.the power switch will not pull-on unless she seat the graph on to the motor. 1400w is 187 horsepower no more blockage when you

put ice in shipping and handling 5 flex payments first time ever built-in pressure. that means if you're making soup or what something nice and

cold but this inciting you can see right there where the temperature is you see its is 72 degrees. 21 degrees celsius there is upside-down.21 degrees to consider

for celsius fahrenheit pit i would recommend it if you have a kitchen with red appliances go for red. we have black and white, going back to wolfgang

puck he has packed so much for it in >>guest: here for the whole family making a great smoothly it does not matter if it is fresh or frozen i have great stuff in

here and some frozen raspberries.i usewhey powder riches protein. because add protein to it it fills me up it takes longer to digest than-sugar.cover ita

little bit of a (...) here we go, watch this. >>guest: shove this down push into the greats do not be afraid of it. >>host: that has a whole frozen section

in! >>guest: turn it on hold it. >>host: i am holding it. >>guest: has power. >>guest: do not worry uncle bill is nervous. a little

splash of protein inside and outside. >>host: it is raining strawberries! cottages saddle whole hot chocolate. >>guest: bill is eating at all the

time he is 95 years old sheets dre and metallic it looks. said tuesday to. >>host: we have to go a break will clean up here when we come back we have

a cookie press kit you have never seen before is going to

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