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alright! this is john kohler with!today we have another exciting episode for you. and in this episode what i’m goingto do for you guys is actually share with you guys how to get the benefits of wine withoutthe alcohol. so you’re going to definitely want to pay attention to this episode if youwant to get some of the benefits of wine without the alcohol. or you’ve heard there’s likelots of benefits to wine and you’re considering drinking it, but you don’t really do alcohol,like i don’t do alcohol, but you want to get the benefits. there’s so many benefitsof wine. it’s actually kind of insane why it’s so good for you. and actually later in this episode we’regoing to get into like how to maximize the

benefits of wine and other foods that youmay be eating. but it’s also common in common mainstream media these days to make somethingthat’s really not so great for you like alcohol, which causes dwi’s and belligerenceand fights. i mean, i’ve seen it all in my fraternity days in college. anyways, thingsthat are not so good for you, mainstream media makes it out to be oh it’s so great becausedrinking some wine could lower your incidences of heart disease for example, you know. itcould lower your incidences of the risks of colon cancer. it can slow your brain decline.i mean there’s so many different benefits of the wine. and so then you drink it. thenyou’re like okay i’m getting the benefits. but then you’re getting buzzed, and youmight like the buzz. i’m not going to like

debate liking the buzz, not liking the guys want to drink, hey drink. i choose not to drink but i want to get the benefitsof wine without the alcohol. so that’s why i’m making this video for you guys to sharewith you guys how to get the benefits, okay. so let me go ahead and back up here. whatis wine made out of? it’s made out of grapes! and it’s made out of a special variety ofgrapes. did you know there are actually cabernet sauvignon varieties of grapes? there are merlotvarieties of grapes. all the different names of the wines, that’s actually a kind ofgrape. so what you really want to do is actually you want to get the grape that produces thewine. and then you want to drink it. you want to drink the juice of the grape because that’swhat wine is. they take the grapes, they juice

them with the juice presses or maybe in italythey actually stomp them with bare feet, i hope they don’t got no toe jams, and theyget all the juice out. and then they ferment it. and, you know, in the fermentation processthe yeasts basically convert the sugar to alcohol, burn off some of that, but then theyalso leave, you know, a good percentage of the other constituents in the grapes. andthere’s a lot of things in the grapes, you know. some of the things in the grapes areobviously water, you know. the water content, structured living water. also things likevitamins and minerals, really great for us. also things like vitamins, you know, vitaminsare super important. and people think like oh yeah vitamins, they’re really important.well there’s something even more important

than vitamins and it’s the anti oxidants,plant phytochemicals and phytonutrients. in wine there happens to be polyphenols. andone of the ones that you may have heard about is resveratrol. and resveratrol, there’sa lot of documented studies on resveratrol and how good it is for you and that’s whywine is so good. it’s not because of the alcohol content. actually there are studiesthat have been published that show that if, i think they’re from like barcelona, thatalcohol may dampen the effects of some of the benefits of wine, of the effects of thewine, so in the resv-reservers- resveratrol, say that five times. so yeah, so we don’twant the alcohol when you could get actually better effects without the alcohol.

so that’s what i’m going to show you guystoday, how you guys could turn your grapes, whether they’re green grapes, red grapes,i got some more green grapes, or purple grapes, into grape juice. and the grape juice hasthe benefits of wine without the alcohol because that’s what wine is! and today what we’regoing to do, we’re going to go ahead and use the omega vsj843 slow juicer. now, youknow, i’m all about maximizing the nutrition i get and maximizing the benefits of the foodsi eat. there’s many different kinds of juicers. there’s also blenders. you can surely takethe grapes and put them in a blender, make a blended smoothie, you know, to blend upand break open the fibrous cell walls of the grapes to get the nutrition in you. you couldalso take a high speed juicer such as the

breville juice fountain juicer or other inexpensivedepartment store juicer that runs at a high speed, you know. sometimes in excess of 10,000rpm or revolutions per minute. it runs at a very fast speed. and what the high speedblender does that, they most often also run in excess of 10,000 rpms, much like the highspeed juicers. they’re running very fast. and when the machine runs very fast what happensis the machine introduces oxygen into the juice, or the blended smoothie in the casewhen you’re using a blender. and the oxygen, what that does, it breaks down the beneficialphytonutrients and phytochemicals, like the anti oxidant rich resveratrol and other nutrientsthat are really important for us. for example, there’s a published study theydid by taking broccoli, putting it in a slow

juicer, putting it in a high speed juicerand putting it in a blender that runs at 10,000 rpms. and after they analyzed the broccoli,whether it’s the juice or the blended mixture, for polyphenols, they found that the broccolithat went through the slow juicer had higher levels of polyphenols than the blender orthe high speed juicer. now furthermore, they took the results ofthe broccoli going through the different types of juicers or the blender, and actually putit in a petri dish with live active cancer cells like i think 6 different kinds. andoverall, there was a greater cancer reduction from the juice made in the slow juicer comparedto the high speed juicer or high speed blender. why am i telling you this? i’m telling youthis because, you know, if you want to get

the most benefits from the grapes, you wantto do it at a slow speed. and think about it. how is wine traditionally made? they don’tuse high speed blenders or, you know, juicers to extract the, the grape juice. they stompon it. that’s like really low speed. or they use some kind of, you know, slow running,you know, screw press or basically hydraulic press or pneumatic press to press out thejuice from the grapes. so it does it at very low speed. so it preserves, you know, a lotof those polyphenols and anti oxidants and plant phytochemicals. so i want you guys toget the maximum benefit if you guys are really serious about getting the benefits of thegrapes. okay so that’s number one- use a slow favorite one for juicing grapes and other

fruits at this time is the omega vsj843. ihave a really good juice video, that i’ll link down below if i remember, on juicingfruits in the vsj and why it is superior to other machines. it basically doesn’t reallyclog up like other machines and also makes a really fine strained juice, puts very littlepulp in the juice. and it does amazing from grapes to pineapple to oranges to tangerines,some of my favorite cactus fruit, cantaloupe, watermelon, honey dew melon, i mean, it doesit all. i’ve even juiced jackfruit, not that i recommend that. some fruits like mangoesor bananas aren’t really meant to be juiced because they’re too soft of a texture. butnonetheless, if you want to juice a fruit, the vsj is going to be one of the best optionsaside from getting one of those hydraulic

presses. it’s actually how they press, youknow, apple juice for making apple cider or, you know, processing the wine. so one, yeah, use a slow juicer. number two,make sure you get seeded grapes. this is super important and super critical, you know. besidesjust the, the coloring of the grape, and the deeper the color of the grape the more antioxidants and anti oxidant compounds there are in the grape itself. so i mean, like thesedark purple grapes have higher levels of anti oxidants than these light, light green grapes.and this is in general, you know, but not always across the board with all fruits andvegetables. so always try to select the darkest deepest richest color fruits and vegetablesto put in your body. i eat purple carrots,

you know, instead of the orange carrots forhigher levels of anti oxidants. it’s these anti oxidants that help keep us young,’s like if you scratch your car, you live by the ocean, it’s going to rust and it’sgoing to rust really fast. if you scratch your car and you live in las vegas, nevadawhere it’s arid and dry, barely rains, it’s basically never going to rust and it’s notgoing to oxidize. your cells are oxidizing each and every day. and you can prevent someof this oxidation by eating high anti oxidant rich foods like fruits and vegetables, includingthe grapes. or you could speed up the oxidative damage by eating foods that cause it to happenfaster, such as processed foods and animal foods.

so yeah, so anyways, in the seeds there areadditional anti-oxidants, one of which is known as pycnogenol and that’s another verypowerful anti oxidant. and depending on the juicer you’re using, some juicers will actuallycrush up the grape seed and extract the nutri-, some of the nutrition out of that grape seedand put it into the juice coming out of the machine. so crushing style machines, if youhave a good first step that’s actually grinding. this will do it . if you’re just pressingwhole grapes, you know, without grinding it first, that may not totally work. high speedjuicers tend to kick out the whole seed whole, so that’s not really going to do it, youknow. that’s why i like the single auger style machine. the vsj is optimized to grindingup, you know, soft seeds like grapes, to get

the nutrition out and put it in your that you could get all the benefits. and of course you always want to juice thedarkest color grapes. and i would encourage you guys, you know, as much as i’m juicingjust standard table grapes meant for eating today, i would encourage you guys to seekout and find wine grape varieties. i mean, some of the best grapes i’ve ever tastedare wine grapes. because think about it, the reason why wine grapes taste so good and they’reso delicate and intricate in flavor is because that juice becomes the wine and that’s whythe wine tastes different and tastes amazing. like i wonder if they ever try to make wineout of just table grapes, man. it would just taste like crap. and we’re, but we’refed table grapes all day long and you could

barely find wine grapes to buy in the store,which i think is incredibly sad. but yeah, when i make grape juice out of wine grapes,it’s just simply amazing. get the darkest color and get the seeded ones. and if youguys want a real treat, look for cotton candy grapes and then juice those. i mean, it is,it’s going to taste like it sounds, cotton candy grapes tastes like cotton candy. they’rereally like floral and sweet at the same time. and when you juice it, it’s going to blowyour mind. so yeah, those are my three tips so get the most benefits. slow juicer, seededgrapes, and darkest pigmented grapes. so i guess without further ado, let’s goahead and juice these grapes, show you guys how easy it is and how quiet it is in theomega vsj843 juicer. so to honor wine today

we’re going to go ahead and juice into awine glass there. put that right under the spout, turn this baby on, and we’re justgoing to go ahead and take these grapes and just drop them in one at a time. and the reasonwhy i like this machine is because as fast as you could drop these grapes in there, isas fast as the machine starts to juice it up. and as you guys could see, you know, we’regetting the, the juice coming right out of the front of the machine. so i do not recommend actually juicing thestems. and also inspect your grapes as you’re juicing. sometimes there’s spider webs andbugs and creatures in there. but i do not recommend juicing the stems because the stemsmay get stuck and caught in the machine and

clog it up. now this machine runs at a lowand slow 43 revolutions per minute. it’s one of the slowest juicers on the entire planet.andthat’s why i like it because the slower a juicer runs, the least amount of oxidativedamage it’s going to do to the juice. oh wow! look at that! and i just juiced likethe whole bunch of grapes, and my glass is already full of the green grape juice. we’regoing to go ahead and close that guy off, here maybe we’ll get a little bit more inthere. look at that! i mean, that took no time to get a nice glass of grape juice. sowe’re just going to go ahead and pour that into little glass. look at that, look at thatnice clean consistency. there’s like no fiber or anything in this green grape juice.

alright! we’re going to go ahead and putthat down. and then next we’re going to go ahead and juice the red grapes. so, youknow, the red grapes, once again, you know, they are higher anti oxidant than the standardgreen grapes. once again, we just drop these guys in there. so, you know, drinking grapejuice has been shown to have many health benefits. and likewise i would believe that drinkinggrape juice would have similar health benefits, such as promoting longevity, reducing yourheart attack risk, right. slow your brain decline. this is very important, right, allthese things. cuts your risk of colon cancer, cuts your risk of cataracts, lowers your riskof stroke, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, lowers heart disease. it could reduce yourheart attack risks, and promote longevity.

now grapes are not the only food that canconfer some of these benefits on you. they are many documented researched studies onmany different plant foods that could help you do this. grapes are just a plant foodwith rich pigments and anti oxidants, and special plant phytonutrients and phytochemicals.and every different plant food has these benefits. but what we need to do really is unlock thefibrous cell walls to be able to get these benefits. and that’s i like the juicer.because as you guys could see, instantly, you know, we got another glass of the redgrape juice here. we’re going to go ahead and pour that. look at that nice consistencythere. very simple, very easy in the omega vsj843.

next we’re going to go ahead and juice theblack grapes. so as i was saying, you know, every different fruit and vegetable has differentlevels of phytonutrients and phytochemicals in it. and the juicer literally breaks openthe fibrous cell walls to let all those phytochemicals, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals out,so that our bodies could easily digest them. because what people don’t know is that ourbodies can only digest foods that are in a liquid state. there’s little villi insideour intestines that basically for a lack of a better word, suck out or draw the nutritionout of the food or the liquids in your stomach. and they can’t extract things in if like you’re taking, you’re eating lettuce or kale, and you take two chews andyou swallow, your body is not going to be

effective at getting the nutrition out ofthat unless it’s well broken down, like if you chew your food into a mush, like ilike to do. but the juicer makes this whole process easier because if you think aboutit, we are nothing more or less than juice extractors. we eat food like we could eatthese grapes like the cleopatra times, but i need somebody fanning me while i’m eatingmy grapes. we eat the food and we chew into a mush, which is like the machine running.we swallow it and then out one side of us comes clear liquid because our body absorbsall the nutrition in there, and out the other end of us comes the fiber. and that’s happeninghere on the front of the machine the liquid’s coming out and on the side of the machineall the fiber is coming out, so that you don’t

have to, you know, worry about digesting itor chewing your food well. i still do recommend, you know, chewing your juice to get the maximumbenefits and to mix it with your salivary amylase to help get the digestion going. but yeah, besides just the grapes, you know,there’s plenty of other plant foods that contains beneficial phytonutrients. for example,japanese knotweed, which is a weed in many parts of the country in the us and overseas.but that also contains resveratrol. and besides just resveratrol, there are many other differentphytochemicals and phytonutrients such as isothiocyantes in the brassica family of plants.for those of you guys that don’t know what brassica family of plants are, those are thethings like broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower.

these have been shown to be anti cancer, youknow, phytochemicals. the same thing in garlic and onion family of plants, that have flavonoids,which is also anti cancer. and every different plant food has a whole spectrum of phytonutrientsand phytochemicals. but the juicer is what unlocks it. and that’s why i like juicingso much. it really saves me a lot of time. i mean, i couldn’t just sit here and eatlike bunches of grapes. but if you juice this whole pile of grapes here, it will make adelicious juice, like i’m making here. and then you’ll be able to easily drink thejuice. let’s go ahead and pour this last one outhere to show you guys what it looks like. nice consistency. alright! which one of thesejuices do you want to drink? do you want to

drink the green, the purple or the red? imean, to me the one that looks the prettiest is the purple. so we’re going to go aheadand drink that one first. mmmm. i don’t drink but you know what? that reminds me ofdrinking wine but it doesn’t have that like bitter, i don’t know whatever you call thatbitter bite. it’s like mildly sweet, not overly sweet, and delicious. now some of youguys might be thinking john, grape juice, man, that has a lot of sugar! well you knowwhat? if you said that to me and you’re still drinking like coca cola or other sodas,you know, those have way more sugar than my grape juice that i’m drinking today. soput your money where your mouth is, right. the next thing i’d like to say is that ialways want to encourage you guys to do good,

better, best, right. yes, of course we candrink, we can eat the grapes if you chewed them every mouthful into a mush. that’sbe great. some people just don’t like to do that, they don’t have the time. and sometimesfrankly when you buy grapes at the store like i did, these happen to be organic grapes,and you eat them, they, they’re not that sweet, they’re kind of flavorless and actuallythey don’t taste too good. and i think that’s a whole another problem in itself. so i don’tlike to eat grapes a lot of times. but when you juice them, it really concentrates outthe flavor, removes all this fiber. and, you know, talking about the fiber, i’m goingto show you guys this. look at that. that’s all the pulp that came out. we could grabthis pulp , we could put it in my hand right

here, look at that. it reduced all the, allthose grapes into this. and i’m going to squeeze this as hard as i can. alright! we’resqueezing a few drops of juice. you guys see that? but man, this is, this juicer was veryefficient. not as efficient as like a hydraulic press but it’s probably the most efficientjuicer that’s going to juice grapes really easily. now i do recommend, you know, if youhad seeded grapes, it’d even work better because the hard seeds have some extra fiberto help push the soft grape pulp through the machine. alright, my mouth is watering. i got to finishthese grapes juices. so alright, now we’re going to go ahead and sample the red grapejuice here. mmmm. the red grape juice actually

is sweeter than the purple one. and finallywe’re going to go ahead and try that green grape juice. yeah. this one’s my least favoriteof them all. so what have we learned today? we’ve learnedthat fruits and vegetable have phytochemicals and phytonutrients, every different kind offruit and vegetable has different kinds. and they have many beneficial properties to youguys. so we want to maximize, whether that’s grapes, apples, you know, oranges, cactus,pears, kale, carrots, celery, cucumbers, butternut squash, we want to maximize the plant foodsand get them into us because not just focusing on grapes because, and wine because they’reso good, every plant food is so good and you want to maximize the amount you could getinto you.

the best way to do that i have found in allthese years i’ve been into a healthy lifestyle is by juicing. and more importantly, juicingat a slow speed to maximize the phytonutrients and phytochemicals. when you do this, you’llget things like many of my customers have told me, you’ll lose weight, you’ll havemore mental clarity, you’ll feel better, you’ll have more energy. these are hugein this day and age because you’re literally putting nature’s foods, god’s foods, whateveryou want to say, into you. and it’s really easy to start getting juices into you becausethey taste so great, specially if you’re not into and hate your fruits and vegetables.and i have a really good video on how to eat more vegetables if you hate them with someof my special tips on how to juice them so

that they taste good for you and your kids. so yeah, i mean, anyways, so i want to talkreal quick about the, you know, the sugar in the grape juice real fast, going back tothat real quick because i didn’t get to finish my thought. my thought is simply this,you know, as much as there is some sugar in here, the grape juice that i made basically,aside from the fiber here, has a lot of other nutrients. so there’s number one, livingstructured water. this is huge, this is very important. i don’t recommend you guys drinkyour tap water. many places they put chloramine, chlorine, fluoride which is not good. that’swhy most people drink bottled water. but even better than bottled water is structured water.the grape juice here, the water has been filtered

by the grape plant through all the littlecellular structures of the grape vine. and then it filters it and then it stores it init’s little grape fruit. yeah, not grapefruit but grape, which is a fruit or actually aberry. and along, when the plant puts the water inthere, in a structured format, it also adds things like vitamins and minerals, right.but more importantly the things like the phytochemicals and phytonutrients. these are the most importantthings that you guys can be eating, that are not in soda. they just have the sugar withvery little minerals, very little vitamins if any, right. and, and actually a non-structuredwater, right. that’s one of the worst things to put in. one of the best things is grapejuice, right. but eat your grapes! if you

, you know, don’t want to drink juice, butyou know, what? i’m going to drink my grape juice and enjoy it because it’s one of thehealthiest things that i do. mmmm. this stuff’s so delicious. now here’s a tip. if you want like sparklinggrape juice, take a little bit of like sparking spring water and add like a little bit ofspring water to this, just enough to get a little bit bubbly. it’s gong to taste great.that’s great for parties and all this kind of stuff. and in this way you could get morehealth benefits from the grape juice that you’re drinking. the final thing i’d like to say is you aregoing to take the time to make fresh grape

juice like i have today, i want you guys toget the maximum benefits from it. so you right after you make it, you want to start drinkingit and get it into you. you don’t want to like sit there and store it for like a coupleweeks, because actually it’s going to go bad. it’s actually going to start fermentinginto alcohol more than likely over time. so yeah, drink it right after you make it. andif you do need to store it, fill it up in a, you know, sealed thermos or glass jar tothe brim so it’s almost overflowing, so you have no head space or no air space. capit off. put it in your fridge, keep it really cold until you’re going to drink it. andi like to store my juices no more than 24 hours. although, you know, many people storetheir juices for up to 72 hours. but i always

drink my juices, you know, for the most part,unless there’s extenuating circumstances within 24 hours. but most of the time, 99%of the time i drink the juice right after i make it. like i’m going to be enjoyingall this grape juice right now. mmmm. so delicious. you guys got to get one of these juicers tomake your own fresh grape juice. so you guys could get the benefits of grapes and all theother delicious phytonutrients and phytochemical rich fruits and vegetables out there. if you guys enjoyed this episode, i wouldencourage you to support me and my work which allows me to continue to make these educationalvideos for you guys, by purchasing your juicer at this allows me tomake these videos that you guys are watching

today. if you guys have supported me in thepast, i want to thank you for you guys’ support. and if you guys are going to supportme in the future, thank you in advance. it is much appreciated. i make many videos onyoutube to educate the public about health because i almost lost my life when i was youngerand that’s why i’m so passionate about this subject, because we’re not taught thisin grade school, on really the power and the benefits of the fruits and vegetables. andto really minimize or get rid of entirely things like processed foods and animal foodsin your diet, and maximize the fruits and vegetables in your diet and the juicer isthe number one appliance that could do just that for you guys.

the other thing i’d say if you guys likedthis episode, hey please give me a thumbs up. it will encourage me to make more episodeslike this. also be sure to share this with a wine drinker you know that keeps tellingyou oh i drink wine for the benefits. well have them watch this video. they’ll knowthey could get even more benefits without the alcoholic side effect or maybe a desiredeffect depending on who you ask. so yeah, and then also be sure to check my past episodes.i have over 450 episodes now sharing with you guys all aspects on juicers, on selectingthe right juicer for you, comparing juicers and all this kind of stuff. and be sure toclick that subscribe button before you leave to be notified of my new and upcoming episodesi have coming out about every 5 to 7 days.

so once again, my name is john kohler be sure to visit for special promotional offers for youtubevisitors.

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