antique kitchen sinks

four we replace our shower closure we're going to replace shower valve this is the old wood to skyview pretty good look at it before we starthughes the use your mouth which is appalling positive single handle this is required by law states positive there yes design selected anyone that uses

input victims getting fucked with the altar sharma health it was easyfor hl darcy citizen to just say turned the hot water or dare actually get but it's called celso now these balls are designing soon it people could not hurt themselves don't designed that the positive scummynow or the single handle faucets right youcannot find two or three handle pepe or showervalves

and also the the about a deposit well is that when someone goes to flushtoilet it with belts up the pressure to whereyou would like it to put hot water or two but cold war so that will be a thing of the pasteventually here we going to remove the protective cover plate which keeps protected the dollars tactic whatever the white round piece dtc

also got a ticket of the tricky put it back on tumor is actually used to let you out with your drywall buddy is removed on the feed right here youwill see the word up this is where the shower is going andwere pulled p so that we could pull the quite retailso that when we do go to some eclipse helps field rubber pieces of plastics distance said the up

coach itself what we're doing here isjust sick screwdriver too so we can to prior the collector john there they actually domake a tool for this to remove the cartridge utility channel lock pliers just the cartridgeout there you see the cartridge in a few real close at the tip you could see one says is aged won'tsee for cold this is

the inside looks like see there's nothing in there all thework is done through the year cartridge that weare pulled out up in their izzie arrow on their show youwhich is the top part which is the bottom part city don't put in back which so lookreal close for the part this is todd in or either

and right here where measure the hate the shower head itself on the standard height should be6-foot-6 this case this week is shorter sleep she's free shouted to bring it upto today step and 6-foot-6 is just about right here school we do reassemble the new sharm-el we will allow for the year

next year riser for the year shower head itself andpeople inches well before we get started i usually like to just kinda lisamaterial out and diskettes pre pieces that up people despite the pieces then re- theirdeck use a clean the valve itself fleet feet's flaccid yep

cider this is the year ok a role fluxthat i like to use over five and usually the year to beat the best summer jobs or what you clean the exits flux of the year outside the cities pipe has bf looks everywhere the year flux that's on awheel hall flux disc this so is clean white down you nice eat solder joint wehave our

a free calls what i like to use as the fiberglass cloth ceo easy texas slid right over there i usually like to use a little trickwith the year tell players xe the copper tubing so this leila push it up to the whole but the eighty those sick ice for our it will pull out his easy soul week you're working on avertical

saudi don't worry have to worry aboutthe year by paul c of this is the typeof silly to which theyteach you with the pain boast our plumbers using its get a gauge and of course i usually like to hear meabout a six-foot up holes it que se to go high up on latter likely take downlow and of course

striker they do make tortures that do head the audit manic igniter we just don't have one here into lead-free solder usually before i saw her like paulstringer bell put curve intimate select the year backside feeding if the outsider would help him to actuallyreach around edges could here second floor where it'scatnip

propped up two words really touched thewood iq test starts sobbing each year connects notice when i do go to sutter that the year fire will be ab the andnot toward would and of course peace this point highs ok with year to this said

okie now before we could put the do sharm-elthe we will have to repay the old showervalves right now just cutting the pipe this me to pieces but i will used torch to /url pulled the imports up higher there just reheated and put it up

these or many colors they'll cut up from 3/8 to you 18 spike it's real handy for take little spots just turned every time you make a fewterrent you take the little wheel inside cramps downa little bored sterne agee you continue this process to the like this clip clear through and what we doing here is ticking the measurements the thestandard height 480 our mail

is 48 it is of the floor to the cedar up the year shower valve itself pinhole to the point to you we city the found itself so the seidl belt we could cool the third place of pipettes reused

and what we're going to do now is canhave a heat the ends of the earth pick up again school the your excess boxes of spoon this is a good look sports teams looks rushed it's it's a matter of their and now look to taker the cloth cleaning

what city in the ends up the a pipe that we it is clear that with the fire the flux and gray here we just size it up withthe new the health separate wouldn't get our catchment to kiddo i'll actually sent to you we don't go by atthe center %uh the previous out there was a few

and again just says so i cant market to where i will be cutting the pipe to fit right yep police this bottle here this week capped offbecause once again its to appear this is just shower each rate here week going to start

predicts about the copper fittings ofyears while the copper nineties you noticedthat hi wiped off the texas flux those around the year it to the peaknear this will help for e nice eat joint and here we're to xcp the feeding so that to we do said place it will to wiggle while all the place keep is still sothat we can because i solder joint

now we're going to replace cartridge to the shower but its support that we lined up brightrate notes out-of-focus it really can't see it but sears h seo here which will go to the top thevalve itself and the ages courses for hot the sea is the cold so that we filled the position up the yearcartridge in again to support that the a tu desi is at the these

top part the a shower charbel and now we hear the car decal in dis pushed will further with the screwdrivers pushit all the way back in please now that we do have it police we willtake a it's like the portion nichols' very top that holds the quite routine to ahorseshoe-shaped

you to see right there with pushed your coach back a littlefurther to give us a little more room to get the year european there for that guide the in a little bit with yearscrewdriver here okay retail therapy it position the year

cartridge will come out

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