black round kitchen sink

okay first divall let me get right tothe point i know you read the title is is plumber art doctor year with her with their well it doesn't mean that d plumber fielder either doctor are than a doctor would like to be a planbut in actuality the two do cannot go hand in hand we're in the business i'll treatment give health care as scammers i'll

one is see then if you have plumbing that had been improperly installed repaired it can be neary damaging to your hell for example year your drainage system was installedin properly arm if it doesn't have a van are nopee traps and i don't know of a mean if you know debt when you do have a p-trap it holdsa small amount of water

and that water holds back the sewergases from coming up into your home if you were to constantly read this against that would come up yourhome this would a it would tend to make you sick our qb respiratory problems and also at four is waterline connection if you have water lines that are improperly installed and crossconnection

it could cause contamination and calledbad counter to getting to your good water system also make you sick but there are many manythings in plumbing there can be very damaging hell are now this video here this is a contract that i head back to tell 2005 and this is just small clips love fromworking i was doing arm this was finish and so i built a house apartment invenice illinois in

this this job became discount personal to me on hand up actually happened to below full of this job and as we go on the video out explained why but in the meantime i'll do you willlook 'em what was going on this is like one ofthe first units last audit on i don't have a whole lot let i have quite a bit at footage onthis

burner probably not a lot of things that summer the do-it-yourselfer to look forbut as you can see you see via water damage in this unithere and this is like a ninety park unit i had the contract to replaced all the water lines andfixtures and some with the units were occupied again this is for soon and i came here canister i line it out are

they really wanted to get this job onthe road and i was one of the first contractors in let me show you what some other stuff ihad to work with look at their to with metal plumbing thats the sametype waterline that they used in older mobile and this apartment the plastic plate pc college pe very fred allen easy split call sleeping breaks

that's where they were have holly'schanged out n every once in a while like here you seewe run a tool copper has been for the most part the entire apartment complex hand that pe gri plastic piping that your the use in older mobile homes whichthey've outlaw since then what i'm doing here's just kinda the lining out hung going to run i knew

planning system so i'm disc getting inhere as you can see here actually start itcoming cutting some other walls out and here's one now this this have tohappen have copper like that every now and then i wouldmonitor unit that had a little bit a copper in it but for the most part they all hand it pe great play and would have done they'reusing the drywall walker right here and i'll be knockingwhole me knocking slot into

the would select in one minute copperpipes and what i'm doing is will run the copperpipes and same time i want disconnect the year water service to the unit until i runall the copper pipes and dynamic mic tie-ins later one dropped from the lines that made and i'm gonna change all that rightthere to tc out all at oh man as gotta go now you see where ihave not the would

well the from the copper pipes and for those youout there that know about building structures number those walls bearing wall there's nothing to worryabout their again here some used it had captured this not captainaaron at pulled out the year curb there was in there with the one piecetermine just pulled it out in here's why the new water lines thatiranian she the difference the cut off valve going to the hot waterheater ball valve that occurred after

the water heater and then there's one right there to leftthat fee cold water to the whole unit in mostcases this is what this is how their apartments are and they'resupposed to have their all individual could after their unit so if you have an emergency or any jobneed to be done you don't the pickup apartment complexdown jeff in that unit and as you can see howi can

ran the copper pipe and found little opening reckon run it and rainy here i came from the backside to get the cap i p and you can see righthere from a new copper piping how to run a crown and it gets lapsing she continues going over which is the kitchen on theother side and again at

the same clip sorry about that allthat's being changed now now the other contractors were supposed tomean build cabinets worker 2000 first one there adisq anna moved from a mile away in made ways toget my pipe near now he'll play it right thereagain this is worked these this plumbing pe grape i is with me the big issue in theseapartment units

because they were constantly breakingleaking all over the place displacement complex just actually still mold so molded something and which will take real serious this is whyi the title is plumber or doctors are because there's a lotta health issueswith their planning and and this job nice guy i didn't take mouldings serious is that

now does that work before but this was so much evidence so manyunits that did dead it actually started league she hugest back subject the great pipeline across gonna change itout with the copper burner and this is backside the kitchen and i'll be not in and out copper backhere and thinking here anything here changing it now okay withthe mold

are i noticed in this i would work in this unit workingon these units from she had missed their prone mundy to friday because saturday andsunday we had to shut it down because the tenants in so many sheila marie here bill tenets andeveryone coming on and too much traffic in acorset one occupied unit but win friday came are the mall with got taken effect on me

ananda i didn't realize are what wasgoing on i just knew then when it came round friday's studyget cano week headache just wouldn't reallyfeeling good and one unit at went to that'll fit on this video but it was really reallymoldy and water seen that had did go hey later and i started researching online find in out more and more about mold and more more i found out about mall thatwhen i knew

have problems reading that mold and i hadn't dredge deeply a did end up the user id a quite a bit work done toall this these pipes had been replaced on but the talk to your general contractor explain from old if they were to removethe mold would be happy to return and story unit finished work and they agree

to removed mall but they didn't get any professional mall mediation teams in there in a hat peoplethat they knew bleach in water and that word tree leave say me in the head not leavea net alone and the people that lived in these unitsreally feel bad for him because this will low-income apartment here alarm didn't have anywhere to go throughthey had the cannot deal with it we did get a attorney involved wouldhave happened since then

i don't know i am really getting anymoney and that at all i just just a girl of down now and no i'm talking quite a bit onthis video i'm really just getting a little personal about it and imight be may not be current things that you likeme to cover like you see the place right here in all that stuff be pulled out arm pleasefeel free to down leave leave me a message down to bob i'll getback to you you have any questions about

any new stuff is going on in here please let me know more than happy in you questions now this is the unit that i was talkingabout then i really started getting hold of the mall big get so bear that when actually when i did pull off thejob leave and had returned one some reason or another that just being

in any in those units i don't careoccupied on occupy has targeted sick is just and get thatbad just is just moldy that bad and like i said i felt for the peoplethat live there everyone was scared cue say anything because they didn't lose their housingon but i think there's a few that didspeaker and attorney labeled help them out if you get achance go online checkout the missile partner finish eleanor

right across the mississippi river fromthe think missouri seducing little early sheenalevel down there and look at it and the heart breeding that's me finallyactually striking where respirator which was against someone help to 30 that still count on me missed it wasn'tenough it would that mold you get mold black mold you get mold spore

that even if the clean up as much as they could if theydidn't change doubt the ventilation system headed to me so actually i don't think they add-on know there's tornados involved but they were more concerned about finishingthe job in making their money and when only i don't think they had anyconcerns for the people in that a complex

and and no you looking at this video youwondering wait a minute the purity showed all the units look are almost just like all force you which is see it is not that not the samevideos just the unit okay this is unit 503 e and before that i think wehear threesome this is a the this is a ada units alsoone had a wheelchair they could just right up up on the kitchen sink in

take care what they need to take care washed hot dishes whatever again differ unit and see y'all the connection pretty much thesame pe plastic way again this is the ada unit and what idid he really is and moving the cabinets myself legacy and they didn't have a contractand we wanted to give his job rollin get it done quick as we could

shows i just moved out wayne eventually should they came in put new ken again even notching with the all play going to replace it she could feelhorrible this is when 3 jan apartment 310 need to tell you be more about the how bad this plumbingis

me see for yourself up this action this union is actuallypretty good compared from the other one i'm i'm not speakinga plumbing part but i mean is arias the water damages pretty minimal you handle the these looters showers that have beentaken out sheila mold damage in this one here yearthis is when we started getting the attorneyinvolved

ahead and come look at these units and speak with so many people you can seethe mall build up around the windowssomething human hours we looking at checking out and used courses taken no and and description below all are i willput a i'll show you a real problem as mom allergies yeah thank geraldine help

argued right head here you here the impact believe it or not and ilanded wouldn't eval but oh no you ni would million which is badbad 11 ok in i just want to get recorded on open back small here

but as you can see myself and the the attorney you know they were asking questions the to find a tenant getting information we were just the getting as muchinformation as we can get to and so we can help get something donewith this mold help these people well would use good you lip

any them about year here the mood here told allied here on the way anyway down here are as time went on i i went back around tosee how things looking and this what they weredoing you just put new group on a new just putting a band-aidon a

big problem if you're interested a look down and the description area and there will be av leak to the court action in madison illinois that took place on this mold

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